
Qbrthey, i'm a newbie with ubuntu studio? where can I find an "ubuntu studio for dummies pdf" or something like that?00:37
=== DarkEra2 is now known as DarkEra
Spinachstandart russian locale is bad - This is my opinion12:15
Spinachvery bad12:15
nixninehey guys, got a serious probl.  all my disk/partions have become read only!!!  How do I fix that?13:35
cubNot by logging off IRC, that's for sure. ;)13:48
vectormanhello dudes, please, can somebody tell me what is the main difference between ubuntu and ubuntustudio?14:47
cubthe list could be long, but IMHO the main differences are that Ubuntu Studio use a low-latency kernel by default and several of audio, graphic, video, etc applications are installed14:50
cubalso if you do a default installation of Ubuntu, it use Unity as desktop environment. While the default Ubuntu Studio installation use Xfce.14:51
cubbut the look and feel you can change afterwards on both, so ...14:52
holsteinubuntustudio *is* ubuntu.. with the above customizations made and provided for you as an iso14:54
vectormanthank you15:05
vectormanmaybe xfce consumes less system resources than unity15:06
holsteinvectorman: xfce wont make your computer any faster.. the hardware is what the hardware is.. but it should consume less resources15:10
vectormanthank you15:11
Davis123hello everyone16:37
Davis123im having an issue with the lowlatencey kernel and my broadcom wireless card16:38
holsteinDavis123: should have the same suppot.. i would use/test the normal kernel and test to confirm16:39
holsteinDavis123: there is no reason why you cant "dual boot" kernels, if necessary16:39
Davis123i used xubuntu 12.1 before upgrading to ubuntu studio 13.0416:40
Davis123everything seemed to be fine16:40
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) is the current stable release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.10 - Support in #ubuntu16:41
holsteinDavis123: you can wait here for another volunteer.. i suggest installing the generic kernel and see if the broadcam hardware works better16:41
holsteinif you have not done so, then you are asuming this is an issue with the specific kernel.. i propose (as a broadcom/linux user) that it is more likely a kernel regressions that would be upstream, and in both the kernels16:42
holsteinDavis123: have you tried with a generic kernel?16:43
Davis123i sorted it out with a generic kernel then i upgraded to 13.0416:43
Davis123now it isnt working16:43
holsteinDavis123: you should have to reinstall the module16:44
holstein!broadcom | Davis12316:44
ubottuDavis123: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:44
Davis123i have installed the broadcom driver but now the modprobe.conf file has a prob16:44
holsteinDavis123: the upgrade would have broken that16:44
holsteincould have*16:44
holsteinDavis123: i would refer to the wiki page, and try the appropriate package16:44
holsteinrun "lspci -vv" in a terminal and read about the wifi hardware16:44
Davis123i just installed the broadcom proprietary driver16:47
Davis123my modprobe wl is failing which means i have a misconfiguration of modprobe ?16:48
antivaporHi, any of you ever tried adding startup applications? I was about to create a autostart folder in my .config but wanted to ask if there was a better way than this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/178567/how-to-add-a-program-as-startup-application-from-terminal17:40
fkm_Vanak itt magyarok?17:40
holsteinantivapor: you can use the GUI in xfce17:42
holsteinhttp://xubuntugeek.blogspot.com/2011/12/add-application-to-xfcexubuntu-session.html antivapor17:42
holstein!hu | fkm_17:44
ubottufkm_: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál17:44
przemekim sick22:52
zequenceor: getbetter --help22:52

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