
Darkwingahoneybun: yes?01:19
ahoneybun /back02:25
ahoneybunhello peopl02:25
jessievHanda: Good? news! Nepomuk won't start again.02:27
ahoneybunDarkwing: you there?02:39
shadeslayerRiddell: ping06:04
soeegood morning06:35
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Riddellshadeslayer: hi08:30
shadeslayerRiddell: re your does-not-power-on-N7 , whats the dmesg output when you connect it to the PC?08:50
Riddellshadeslayer: um I don't know, doesn't your N7 do the same thing?08:51
shadeslayerRiddell: huh? I think yours possibly went into APX mode08:53
shadeslayerwhich is this special mode to use with nvflash, and only occurs when the bootloader gets corrupted08:54
shadeslayerand you can even see it in dmesg08:54
Peace-Riddell: :) i was jokin around with google talk and => logout => usb didn't work anymore hahhaha08:55
Riddellshadeslayer: interesting, I'll dig it out in a bit and try08:59
RiddellPeace-: mm I doubt google talk would affect usb08:59
Peace-Riddell: i guess it's a driver problem 08:59
Peace-but the system logged out when i use flash \ chromium09:00
yofelshadeslayer: do you know how to properly install ubuntu as an OS on the n7? I tried the n7 installer for raring, but what I got are ubuntu on a 6G partition with only one cpu core09:02
yofel(which is I guess ubuntu nested in android?)09:02
shadeslayerhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/ ?09:02
Riddellyofel: there's the nexus images on cdimage09:04
Riddelland then there's the ubuntu touch stuff09:04
yofelguess I'll try flashing manually09:04
Riddellthe nexus images on cdimage are more interesting to me but probably not maintained by canonical much now09:04
yofelRiddell: that's what the installer uses too, but what I got wasn't what I expected09:04
shadeslayeryofel: just be careful, Tegra devices are fiddly, you can easily put your device into APX mode if the flashing goes bad and then you have to get your device replaced since AFAICT there's no working nvflash for the N7 yet09:07
yofelwell, so far it's not broken09:08
jussiyofel: if you havent already, might want to drop into #ubuntu-touch 09:08
yofelwas there a while ago, left as I was in too many channels ^^09:09
yofelguess I'll come back09:09
jussiits not a massively active channel, but I had help there this morning09:10
shadeslayerthe ubuntu touch stuff is not really useful to us, it uses SurfaceFlinger09:11
shadeslayerand not X09:11
jussimeh, Im just playing with it on the nexus 409:12
* yofel re-joins #ubuntu-arm too09:12
yofelI wonder when someone will bother to fix qmeu09:12
jussiI wish someone would make the pin stuff work... 09:13
yofelfor that matter: does someone have arm hardware lying around that one could build packages for saucy on?09:13
jussiguess I have to put the sim card in a different phone and disable it...09:13
Riddellyofel: probably (with some setup),what do you need?09:14
jussiyofel: Ive a imx53 starter board I might be able to put into use09:14
yofeljussi: does that board have a recent kernel and libc?09:14
jussiRiddell: did you figure something out about the lenovo s10t3 Ive got here?09:14
yofelRiddell: well, something that I could use to test-build ksudoku and digikam on (latter maybe not...)09:14
jussiyofel: no Idea, havent looked at it for ages. Has 12.04 iirc. 09:15
jussiI think its with a workmate at the moment, so I need to find it...09:15
yofelI hoped to use the n7, which worked back in quantal. But the raring install is junk09:15
Riddellyofel: I could try and get a pandaboard set up but it would take some time09:16
yofelRiddell: they've been broken for weeks already, so no hurry...09:16
Riddelljussi: hmm no, anyone want to use jussi's machine to test multitouch on?09:17
jussiIts available for anyone to do Kubuntu dev on, if you can get it to you. :) (and you agree to actually do stuff with it)09:18
jussiI will be going around europe a bit in a few weeks, paris, brussels, munich, stuttgart, milan so if you are in or near one of those places...09:19
* Riddell imagines jussi like james bond chasing the baddies from picturesque-city to picturesque-city09:19
yofellol, please leave my beatiful stuttgart in one piece :P09:20
jussiRiddell: I hope I dont end up in some yucky little russion village...09:20
yofelI've got no time to do something with it though09:20
shadeslayeryofel: btw what was the flag to pass to get pbuilder to not build arch-all targets?09:21
shadeslayerhuh weird09:29
shadeslayermake[2]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/project-neon/lib/libkdecore.so.5.10.1', needed by `lib/libamarokshared.so.1.0.0'.  Stop.09:29
shadeslayerbut I have /opt/project-neon/lib/libkdecore.so.5.11.009:29
* shadeslayer cleans out build dir09:29
yofelsounds like a broken cmake config file or so09:29
yofelor broken cache, yeah09:29
yofeldoes someone else get Distribution: Other when filing bugs on bugs.kde.org by default?09:30
* yofel does an attempt to make that work...09:31
shadeslayeraha, I can reproduce the build failiure, and I was right09:33
shadeslayeryofel: dh_install should automatically put any binaries in debian/tmp into a package if there's just one package right?09:53
yofeldh_install will put them into debian/<packagename>, there's no debian/tmp in single binary builds09:54
shadeslayerwhere's this documented? :P09:55
yofelshadeslayer: dh_auto_install manpage09:56
shadeslayercool :)09:56
shadeslayeryofel: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~blue-shell/blue-shell/kfilebox-ubuntu/view/head:/debian/rules < is what I'm dealing with :P10:19
shadeslayerstupid thing doesnt' have a install targer10:19
yofelshadeslayer: uh... why is that completely replacing dh_install in the file o.O?10:49
shadeslayerdon't ask me, I didn't make that :P10:50
shadeslayerinfact, I'm fixing it10:51
shadeslayerbut the source doesn't have a install target, so I have to override dh_auto_install10:51
shadeslayeryofel: hmm, any ideas why install -d ~/foo ~/bar doesn't work? (where foo and bar are directories _11:24
yofelnope, I haven't used install much11:24
shadeslayermeh, I'll just cp the files11:27
BluesKajHiyas all11:29
DarkwingMorning BluesKaj11:35
BluesKaj'Morning Darkwing11:40
seeleanyone have about 30 minutes for an interview about your kde notifications? it will earn a $5 donation to the kde e.v. for your participation.11:45
Darkwingseele: about kde notifications?11:46
seeleDarkwing: yes, i am doing a usability study, so i'm asking people who use KDE about their notifications11:47
seelethis is a follow-up to a study I did a few months ago11:47
seelefor every interview I am donating $5 to the KDE e.v.11:47
Darkwingsure. :) PM?11:47
seelewhat time zone are you in?11:47
DarkwingEastern US11:48
DarkwingUTC -411:48
seeleOK. i might be around tonight, I'll ping you later today11:48
seele(I'm in Eastern too)11:48
DarkwingI may not be...11:48
DarkwingI have my kids for the summer.11:48
seeleok no problem11:48
shadeslayeryofel: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~blue-shell/blue-shell/kfilebox-ubuntu/view/head:/debian/rules11:51
shadeslayerstill doesn't install translations11:52
shadeslayerneed to figure out how to manipulate install into installing dirs11:52
Riddellnobody want to help seele? rgreening you're a helpful sort12:06
seeleRiddell: I'm interviewing michael__ from #kubuntu now.. but looking for one more person12:06
* seele eyes rgreening12:06
jussiseele: ask idleone when he is about (elsewhere, not here) later this afternoon.12:12
seelejussi: will do, thanks12:13
jussiHe is US timezoned, so probably need to wait until he wakes up12:13
Riddellooh we're famous (in Italy at least) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6K8rmHlVyTFellfbGF3QjF3bEE/edit?usp=sharing12:15
BluesKajit's 8:14 AM in Canada (where idleone lives) , should be up by now , but probly on his way to work12:15
BluesKajeastern Canada that is12:16
RiddellI'm quite proud of my italian there12:17
seelethat picture makes you look like quite the inspiring speaker12:18
seeleall action-man like12:18
Riddellit's the forward lean from the fourth nerve palsy giving me that extra gravitas12:19
* BluesKaj shakes out the cobwebs ...what ?12:20
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markeywhat's the -dbg package for QtScript4 ?15:28
Riddellmarkey: libqt4-dbg15:29
markeyah, thanks15:29
markeyno, I already have that installed15:30
yofelmarkey: what's the exact filename?15:31
yofelall I find is a perl module by that name15:31
yofelin that case it would be perlqt-dbg15:31
markey#14 0x00007fe99e905aab in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQtScript.so.415:31
yofelhm, that's libqt4-dbg though...15:32
markeywhich I have15:32
markeythere is a libqtscript5-dbg package15:33
markeybut none for Qt415:33
* yofel wonders since when debugging symbols are named /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/a8/d7f5daf5c7e38853a2f5ab81f0abbf3d4558b3.debug o.O15:33
Riddellyofel: sometime in raring I think15:37
yofelfun, I can't install libqt4-qtscript-dbgsym without getting most of kde removed15:39
debfxyofel: build-id for debugging symbols are used since debhelper compat level 915:40
yofeldebfx: what's the improvement?15:40
Mamarokisn't there a separate package for QtScript? It is not part of the regular libqt stuff15:41
yofelmarkey: try libqt4-script-dbg15:41
markeyyofel: cool, thanks15:42
* yofel notes that looking at outdated packaging doesn't help...15:42
markeythat was a bit confusing :)15:42
debfxyofel: idk, it's certainly useful when you have a debug package that contains symbols for a multiarch library and an executable15:44
yofelah, for me it's http://xkcd.com/1172/ - because I was used to being able to find debug packages by feeding the library name into apt-file...15:46
yofelI guess I need an alternative for that...15:46
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:50
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debfxyofel: readelf -n prints the build id16:22
* yofel hugs debfx16:25
BluesKaj interesting when the reportbug gui crashes ..now that's gotta be a KDE glitch 16:36
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ahoneybunseele: I'm up for the interview, I'll be on tonight from 9 or so to 11:30 UTC -418:15
seeleahoneybun: ok, i will check with you later. i might be out tonight18:16
ahoneybunseele: np we'll get it sometime ;)18:20
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ahoneybunBluesKaj: hey19:21
BluesKajhi ahoneybun19:22
ahoneybunBluesKaj: how are you?19:28
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, have you taken a look at the Chromium how-to?19:39
BluesKajahoneybun, i'm fine thanks , and you ?19:39
ahoneybunBluesKaj: fine19:43
ahoneybunlordievader: I did not see anything19:43
lordievaderahoneybun: Hmm, ok, hold on a sec.19:43
lordievaderahoneybun: http://paste.kde.org/752444/19:44
ahoneybunIt look nice19:45
lordievaderThanks :)19:45
ahoneybunlordievader: were you waiting on my approval to put it in?19:48
lordievaderahoneybun: No, logging in to the wiki seems to fail for me each time I try.19:48
ahoneybunmy windows are moving really slow19:49
ahoneybunits weird19:49
ahoneybunlordievader: also the <b></b> do not work in the wiki19:50
ahoneybunMoinMoin uses something else19:50
lordievaderWasn't sure what the wiki uses, I've never edited it.19:50
ahoneybunYea just saying :)19:51
ahoneybunlordievader: I'm working on putting it in, also I'm going to reword it for the opera as well19:55
lordievaderAh I get an error when trying to log in: Proxy error... The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server."20:00
lordievaderOh hey, I'm logged in, that's odd.20:01
yofelonce you're logged into the ubuntu wiki, don't log out. logging in is a PITA20:02
lordievaderyofel: I noticed...20:02
lordievaderahoneybun: Shall I add my bit?20:03
ahoneybunlordievader: go ahead if you can20:07
lordievaderahoneybun: I'll see if I can  ;)20:09
lordievaderDone :D20:11
ahoneybunI also moved it around and copied it to the Opera section20:17
lordievaderahoneybun: Perhaps the firefox how-to should get some numbered steps too, for sake of consistency.20:23
ahoneybunlordievader: good idea, want to work on that?20:29
ahoneybundoes not matter to me20:29
lordievaderSure, I'll get right on it :)20:30
lordievaderAnd done.20:34
ahoneybunhas anyone installed Linux on the chromebook20:46
BluesKajI have guy asking about systemd is 13.10 ...is this the case ?21:07
BluesKajin 13.1021:07
yofelpartly as far as I know, we'll be using systemd-udevd instead of udevd, we'll get logind, but core init system will stay upstart. That's what I remember at least21:11
yofelI'm not really sure about udev21:11
* Peace- used windwos 8 till now21:12
ahoneybunyofel: why are we still using upstart>21:13
mikhasbecause it would be quite some effort perhaps to change the boot system, without clear benefits?21:13
ahoneybunmikhas: I mean what are the benefits of upstart vs anything else21:15
yofelahoneybun: I haven't followed the discussion completely. It's what mikhas said + politics I believe21:15
ahoneybunbbl /away21:17
jessievHanda: You around?21:23
ovidiu-florinhello world :D21:26
ovidiu-florinI asked this in #qt and in #kde-devel and got no answer.21:26
ovidiu-florinI want to ask you guys for an opinion. I have a project for school that measures the speed of different operations using different databases (MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, etc.) and displays them. What widget should I use to display the results in? Here is my current design: http://postimg.org/image/k78j0bpg5/ . The digital output is for single DB test. The Results frame is for all the buttons in the "Run all" frame.  The results will contain the 21:26
ovidiu-florinDB name and the time it took to perform the operation(s). What would you propose that I use? I was thinking at 5 list views.21:26
soeehm i think when browser loading flash content, kded4 eats all free memory21:32
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jessieovidiu-florin: I would use some sort of table. Not sure what QT provides widget wise, but I'm sure there's a table of some sort.22:07
jessieovidiu-florin: Something like this: https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/sql-tablemodel.html22:07
ahoneybun_hey valorie22:47
ahoneybun_howdy all22:50
ahoneybun_how is everything23:05
valoriewent with my son and hubby to see ironman3 last evening23:06
valoriereally fun film23:06
ahoneybun_valorie: lordievader and palasso made a few changes/tweaks/fixes to the pages23:06
valorieI noticed that23:07
valorieawesome to see more people helping out23:07
valorieshadeslayer: really what?23:07
ahoneybun_I kinda want to see that and hangover 323:07
shadeslayerI thought Iron man was crap :P23:07
valorieI haven't seen the first two23:07
valorieI hear the last one was rather bad23:07
valorieson said this was the best of them23:07
shadeslayerah, I had a choice between Iron Man and Star Trek23:08
valorieand did you like ST?23:08
shadeslayerwent for Star Trek, turned out it borrows heavily from Wrath of Khan23:08
valorieI stopped seeing those movies awhile back, when they got BAD23:08
shadeslayerbut if you haven't seen wrath of khan, you'll like it23:09
valorieI've seen not only the wrath of khan, but the ep it was based on23:09
valoriethat field has been plowed23:10
shadeslayerthen you'll be able to predict what happens :P23:10
shadeslayervalorie: they even copied the iconic "khaaaaaaaaaannnn"23:11
valoriewell, plot isn't *that* important, unless it's so ridiculous you can't buy into it even in the theater23:13
valorieOblivion was a fun watch, if ridic.23:13
* shadeslayer thinks the plot is the most important thing23:13
valorieand that pre-aliens thing last year-- really fun watch23:13
ahoneybun_valorie: I also love that people are jumping in to help as well, I would your thoughts on the Basic page23:13
valorietotally hosed plot23:13
valoriecan't recall the title, but I saw it on a huge screen, and it looked so cool23:14
shadeslayeranyway, time to watch the doctor23:14
shadeslayervalorie: imax23:14
valorieI'll look at the basics page in sec, ahoneybun_23:14
valorieright, imax, but i can't recall the name of the film23:15
valoriemarkey went on rant after rant about the plot23:15
shadeslayer<3 imax23:15
valorieyes, for that type of film it's excellent23:16
ahoneybun_valorie: np thanks23:16
shadeslayerwait, no new doctor who? /o\23:16
shadeslayerno Game of Thrones, no Doctor Who23:17
shadeslayerwhat has this world come to23:17
ScottKStarted accepting 4.10.3 for raring-proposed.23:22
ahoneybun_ScottK: once it is released do we purge the kubuntu-ppa or just update with muon like normal?23:23
ScottKahoneybun_: Update like normal.23:24
shadeslayerdrat drat drat23:24
shadeslayerScottK: did you accept kde4libs?23:25
ScottKshadeslayer: I did.23:25
shadeslayerdid you check if it had the CVE patch attached?23:25
ScottKI did and it does.23:25
shadeslayeroh phew23:25
valorieshadeslayer: the season is over, isn't it?23:26
* valorie is watching really really old eps instead23:26
shadeslayervalorie: apparently23:26
shadeslayer-> sad23:26
valorielike: the first doctor23:27
valorieI have to get them on dvd, but the extras are cool23:27
valoriebbc america had some mashups as well: the best of the companions, the best monsters, etc.23:28
valoriefun look back23:28
ahoneybun_ScottK: ok cool23:29
ahoneybun__shadeslayer: season 7 just ended23:57

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