
bigjoolsbazzer: can you try the version in the PPA here instead (https://code.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/stable), the maas shipped with 12.04 is broken in quite a few places.00:01
bigjoolsthe one in 12.04 is due to be replaced with the PPA version soon00:01
bazzerbigjools: huh good to know...i tried MaaS out once when 12.04 first shipped...trying to pick it up again00:02
bazzerbigjools: i got fed up earlier and created /var/lib/tftpboot :)00:02
bigjoolsbazzer: cool, let me know how you get on00:02
bigjoolsthe latest maas in raring has a ton more features00:02
bazzerbigjools: it completed whatever it was up to doing on the imports...so it can't be a bad thing :)00:03
bazzerbigjools: i'm adding th repository now...i just thought sticking with 12.04 with it being a LTS would be the way to go for a server...00:04
bigjoolsnormally true, yes :)00:04
bigjoolsthe new version is also in -proposed if you want to enable it00:04
bazzeri (somehow) semi got it working the other day at work...nodes stuck in commissioning...clients would boot and hang complaining of iscsi targets *shrug*00:06
bazzerbigjools: hey that pulled in isc-dhcp-server...not using dnsmasq now?00:15
bigjoolsbind9 & isc now00:15
bazzersweet...i'm old school dhcp and bind...dnsmasq confusing me to no end when i'm quickly trying to do something00:16
bigjoolsyeah, dnsmasq is more a desktop solution00:16
bazzeryeah, i greatly hated dealing with it even if it was extremely well documented...seems too non-server-ish00:17
bigjoolsthe set up of the dhcp and dns config is all done in the maas ui now00:18
bigjoolsit's all organised into a region and multiple clusters00:19
bigjoolseach cluster has its own dhcp00:19
bazzerthought that is how it was supposed to be? then again i tinkered with it for a short time like i said00:20
bazzerwell that sucked...had a lockup00:32
bazzerbigjools: uhh, maas-import-pxe-files pulls in armhf?00:44
bigjoolsbazzer: configure what it pulls in /etc/maas/01:07
bazzerdidn't see the mention in the docs01:08
bazzerseem commented out to me01:14
bazzerummm I just tried to enlist a node...semi success if one considers success that it booted over the network and is sitting at some login screen02:21
bazzeroh wait it shutdown!02:21
bazzerseems i got some FQDN issues :(02:26
bigjoolsif it enlisted it should show up in the UI02:27
bazzeryeah it is02:27
bigjoolsare you ising IPMI?02:27
bazzeras (;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached master02:28
bazzerbigjools: dunno?02:28
bigjoolsdid you install maas-dhcp and maas-dns?02:28
bigjoolsif you don't know you probably aren't :)02:28
bazzerwell dhcp yes before you gave me that ppa and i upgraded02:29
bigjoolsthese are new packages02:29
bazzeryeah maas-dns is missing02:29
bigjoolsyou will also need to visit the cluster config page and set its details up02:29
bazzeralready did that02:30
bigjoolsyou set it to manage dns as well?02:30
bazzeri sure did02:30
bigjoolscool, so just install maas-dns and all should be well02:30
bazzeri must say this now works oh so much better than the headache i had this afternoon02:31
bigjoolswe should probably detect it's missing and warn in that page02:31
bigjoolsyeah, the default version in 12.04 is, ummm, poor02:31
bazzeryes that'd be good to do for sure02:31
bazzeri love that statement02:32
bigjoolsit was demoware02:32
bazzeryeah i understand that...but i love a challenge and whatnot02:34
bazzerokie...trying this one more again02:34
bazzeroh that "semi" working default version i got set up at work...i screwed it up so bad trying to enlist nodes that it would show one and cobbler was telling me there were 1002:35
=== AndroUser2 is now known as redlocal
bazzerok um how do i delete a node i accepted and its in commisioning?02:55
bazzerfound it02:56
bazzerwell now a new problem, juju :)03:24
bazzerno matching node is available03:25
=== ehw_ is now known as ehw
roaksoaxrvba: still around15:25
rvbaroaksoax: yep15:26
roaksoaxrvba: so I'm gonna be separating the ipmi autodtection code away from enlist_userdata and user_data.template. However, we discussed with julian that we would like to "inject" that script15:27
roaksoaxrvba: so any ideas of how I could use/inject that script into the templating?15:27
roaksoaxrvba: the idea of separating the code away is to make it available in a separate package15:27
rvbaroaksoax: well, I see two ways to do this: one solution is to read that script in MAAS and include it in the context used to render the main template.  The other is to use tempita's inheritance mechanism to compose the template using the main template and the script.15:31
roaksoaxrvba: both options would require have it installed in maas region then. Ok, I'll think about what's best and let you know :)15:32
rvbaroaksoax: it probably needs some thinking indeed.15:33
roaksoaxrvba: btw.. the piston fixes... they are not merged in upstream yet15:36
roaksoaxrvba: do you still want me to grab those and apply them?15:36
rvbaroaksoax: IIRC they have been there for a long time and are still not merged upstream… right?15:38
roaksoaxrvba: yeah 1 has been there for months, the other just for days15:41
rvbaroaksoax: if that's the case then I think we should include them as patches to avoid having to wait for upstream to include them.15:41
roaksoaxmy point was that we usually cherry pick patches applied upstream (and these haven't)15:41
roaksoaxbut will take care of them15:41
rvbaok thanks.15:42
roaksoaxrvba: btw.. https://bitbucket.org/jespern/django-piston/pull-request/25/compatibility-fix-for-json-emitter-with/diff15:43
roaksoaxrvba: check the commet by Vladislav15:43
roaksoaxrvba: do you think we should use what he commented instead of django.VERSION15:44
rvbaroaksoax: "Why soooo looong?" ?15:45
rvbaI think the author of that patch is a core Django dev.15:46
roaksoaxrvba: look at the diff, there's a comment in a diff with "try: import json except ImportError from .....15:46
roaksoaxrvba: instead of "import django \n if django.VERSION...."15:46
rvbaroaksoax: I prefer the usage of django.VERSION tbh.15:47
roaksoaxrvba: ok15:47
roaksoaxrvba: uploaded. should be available in the next couple of hours16:20
AskUbuntuInstall nodes error (could not find kernel image) | http://askubuntu.com/q/30115016:50
kmystquick question...i'm trying to enlist nodes that have two nics (eth0 is connected to the network the maas controller is on and eth1 is connected to another network with internet access) but my commissioning is failing i think since it only brings up eth0 so how do i get around that?19:32
smoserkmyst, it *should* be fixed to correctly load only the nic that it booted from.20:04
smoserhey. in 'maas-cli admin nodes list'20:04
smoseris there any way to get the user-name that has a node allocated ?20:04
smoserafaiks no20:04
kmystsmoser: yeah that's what i figured but the nic it boots from has no internet access so the commissioning just sits and sits then spews a ton of apt-get errors since it can't get to the internet20:25
smoserah. because it doesn't bring up the other nic20:28
smoseri'd appreciate it if you opened a bug, as your use case seems quite valid to me.20:29
smoseror at least i'd like to see  a thoughtful response.20:29
smoseryou can probably get thorugh this by adding an entry in /etc/network/interfaces inside the ephemeral image20:29
kmystwhich the end result is the node ultimately shuts down and goes to the ready state but well...ya know :)20:29
kmystgood idea20:30
smosershoot.... that might not work*20:30
smoserprobably wont.20:30
smoseras we have some clever code in the initramfs that dynamically writes /etc/network/interfaces20:31
smoserbased on what BOOTIF was given/20:34
smoseron the initramfs kenrel command line20:34
smoserlet me see thoug20:34
kmysti just got done testing out the same thing on virtualbox20:36
kmystsame results20:36
smoseri think the easiest thing to do will be to make the commissioning user-data bring up eth120:37
smoserkmyst, what version of maas are you using ?20:38
kmystuh let me check20:39
smoseryou're also going to have to manually handle bringing up the nics in install also.20:39
smoseras it is also going to just bring up the nic that it sees on the cmdline20:39
smoser(i think)20:39
smoserplease open a bug20:39
kmystya that's what it's doing for sure20:39
smoseras i honestly think this is a very reasonable setup you have.20:40
kmystmaas version 1.2+bzr13373-df20:40
kmysti'll definitely open a bug if that's the way to go?20:42
smoserwell, we definitely want a bug20:42
smoserto fix it properly20:42
kmystwill do then20:42
kmystfrom the stable ppa20:44
smoserah. thats what i was looking for.20:46
kmystsmoser: only reason i set it up that way was i didn't care if maas ran dhcp/dns but since i already have an authoritative dhcp server on the network segment i isolated maas and the nodes and just provided the nodes with an extra nic to a lan segment that has external access20:47
kmystso after experiencing the problem i fell back to testing the idea out with virtualbox...same results :)20:48
smoserso one way that will probalby work...20:48
smoserin the ephemeral images, you can add an upstrat job that runs on 'starting cloud-init'20:49
smoserthat just does whatever you need to do to 'ifup eth1'20:49
smoser(it will be more than just 'ifup eth1' as there wont be an entry in /etc/network/interfaces for eth1, but you could just append one and then ifup)20:49
smoserthat make sense?20:49
smoserdo that in the ephermal images, and then also make it happen in the installer20:50
smoserso that when it comes up it gets your handywork aplied20:50
kmystso the disk.img in /var/lib/maas/ephemeral/precise/ephemeral/amd64/20121008 right?20:52
AskUbuntuHow to preserve custom configurations across reboots when using juju and maas? | http://askubuntu.com/q/30124120:54
AskUbuntuJuju deploy issue : Connection was refused by other side | http://askubuntu.com/q/30124320:54
kmystsmoser: where's the installer?21:13
AskUbuntusudo maas-import-isos fails | http://askubuntu.com/q/30128023:40

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