
renato_timp, could you take a look on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/118481000:47
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1184810 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[i18n] Plural form does not work as documented" [High,New]00:47
dpmgood morning06:10
coolbhavigood morning dpm :)06:20
dpmhey coolbhavi :)06:36
coolbhavidpm,  does ubuntu phone have speech recognition mechanism?06:39
coolbhavilike in a samsung galaxy?06:40
dpmcoolbhavi, it's in the works, via HUD: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-February/036490.html06:42
coolbhavidpm, ah ok m mentoring in this gsoc on speech recognition for indian languages so asked. Thanks!06:43
Mirvcool, qt creator detects my device also from inside a chroot installation06:44
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nerochiarooSoMoN: done09:12
oSoMoNnerochiaro: thanks09:12
nerochiarooSoMoN: fixed server settings to autojoin09:12
oSoMoNnerochiaro: when you have a moment, can you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/enhanced-qmlproject-file/+merge/165993 ?09:12
nerochiarooSoMoN: approved09:13
oSoMoNnerochiaro: thanks09:17
nerochiarotmoenicke: any news on removing the focus only on the current item that you were trying yesterday ?09:41
tmoenickenerochiaro: i can remove focus with setFocus(false) and it unsets focus and osk stays hidden09:58
tmoenickenerochiaro: cant tap again to enter text, though10:00
nerochiarotmoenicke: are you testing that with your test app ?10:01
tmoenickewith notepad10:01
nerochiarotmoenicke: can you send me the binary ? i might be doing something wrong in notepad but your code might be ok10:02
tmoenickenerochiaro: ok10:02
tmoenickenerochiaro: https://files.one.ubuntu.com/FyjwCHzpTZ-dzzK4Rq5f6Q10:03
tmoenickenerochiaro: there is also a flag FOCUS_DEBUG and a printFocusTree() in qquickitem.cpp10:04
dpmhey SDK folks, do you happen to know how I can another (external) app from within an app in QML? The use case that I'm thinking is an app that wants to send a URL to the browser and get the browser to open in. As there is no API for it, it'd be a matter of calling the browser with the URL as argument10:53
dpmAny ideas how to do this?10:53
dpmOlivier pointed me to http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtqml/qml-qt.html#openUrlExternally-method which would be a nice way to do it if it works with our browser10:55
Kaleodpm: that is the right API but it does not work on touch; bug report11:04
kalikianaKaleo, standup?11:04
Kaleodpm: more general APIs for that are planned11:04
kalikianazsombi, standup11:05
MacSlowWhen trying to compile current ubuntu-ui-toolkit trunk I get "plugin.cpp:20:47: fatal error: QtQuick/private/qquickimagebase_p.h: No such file" during make... what package might be missing?11:07
Kaleodpm: I'm in the process of updating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MissingSDKFeatures and that will be a feature in it11:08
dpmthanks Kaleo11:10
MacSlownever mind... found the package11:10
dpmKaleo, you mention the above is the right API and it's not working. Is this a bug in the UI toolkit or upstream? Happy to report a bug if this helps.11:11
Kaleodpm: you can report it on the toolkit and then it might have to be moved, maybe to qtubuntu11:12
Kaleodpm: depending on the findings11:12
kalikianajppiiroinen, should jenkins work again? I'm still waiting on an approved MR https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/online/+merge/16583811:14
Kaleojppiiroinen: in fact,  there are 3 MRs top approved pending11:15
Kaleosince yesterday11:15
* kalikiana wants some QA on the QA tooling ;-)11:16
dpmok, filed bug 118496911:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1184969 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "There is no way to open a URL with the Browser from within an app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118496911:16
jppiiroinenthere is some generic issues in qa lab11:17
jppiiroinenso it is not just us11:17
kalikianajppiiroinen, any rough ETA? the uncertainty of it is what nibbles on my focus while trying to do other things11:18
jppiiroinenmzanetti ^11:19
jppiiroinenkalikiana: i have no idea11:20
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* mzanetti has no idea either11:20
kalikianathanks anyway11:21
Kaleodpm: thanks11:22
nerochiarooSoMoN: up for a review ? https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/notes-app/notes-app-save-first-note/+merge/16602811:54
nerochiarooSoMoN: note, most of the diff is autopilot tests and refactoring of an existing autopilot test that tested something similar11:54
nerochiarooSoMoN: the actual fix is like 5 lines11:54
oSoMoNnerochiaro: sure, after lunch11:54
nerochiarooSoMoN: np11:54
nerochiarotmoenicke: i can't seem to be able to download the file, it says it doesn't exist11:56
tmoenickenerochiaro: emailing11:56
nerochiarotmoenicke: thanks11:56
nerochiarotmoenicke: and that flag sounds interesting11:56
nerochiarotmoenicke: but it's a compile time flag, right '11:57
Kaleotimp: can you check https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/118481012:06
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1184810 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[i18n] Plural form does not work as documented" [High,New]12:06
Kaleotimp: you already did, but did not confirm it?12:07
timpKaleo: yeah I checked the gettext docs, but didn't run an app with translation that uses it.  I'll test it today.12:19
Kaleotimp: thanks12:20
timprenato_ dpm let's continue here12:33
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dpmtimp, I actually noticed this a few days ago. I'd go for the more intuitive i18n.ngettext("%1 hour", "%1 hours", numHours), which is also similar to what the gettext API for Python does: http://docs.python.org/2/library/gettext.html12:37
dpmrenato_, ^12:37
nerochiarotmoenicke: is there any way i can get back the origial library ? i think even the one you sent me does some strange stuff to the parents (i am testing outside of notepad, just with a tiny test app). i want to verify that normally the problem doesn't happen12:37
tmoenickenerochiaro: lets see ..12:38
nerochiarotmoenicke: just send me the original by email. or i can reflash the images but it's slower i would bet12:38
timpdpm: it would be then i18n.tr("%1 hour", "%1 hours", numHours)12:39
timpyeah that seems good for me. I'll work on that.12:40
dpmtimp, sorry typo, I meant that, yes ^12:40
dpmsounds good12:40
timpzsombi: I added tests to https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/buttonAction/+merge/165563 waiting for jenkins to check it12:41
zsombitimp: is jenkins alive? I guess not...12:41
timpzsombi: oh :( we'll have to wait then12:43
tmoenickenerochiaro: sent12:47
nerochiarotmoenicke: thanks12:47
nerochiarotmoenicke: ok, so there's definitely some issue with your library, because with the original plugin i don't see the problem. the issue with your library is that when focus is removed from the item, it is also removed from other items up the tree. let me pastebin a test program that you can use to check12:52
nerochiarotmoenicke: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5710057/12:54
nerochiarotmoenicke: there's instruction on the top of the pastebin12:54
nerochiarotmoenicke: can you test it and verify what i'm seeing ?12:55
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kalikianazsombi, has been dead since yesterday morning13:00
kalikianait may be time to put on the black suit (or white if you're in asia)13:01
tmoenickenerochiaro: yep13:02
nerochiarotmoenicke: let me send you an updated version of that pastebin, that shows things more easily13:03
nerochiarotmoenicke: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5710083/ << if you use this you will see two labels, one for the QQuickRootItem and the other for the text. you will notice that with your library the QQuickRootItem loses focus13:03
nerochiarotmoenicke: but it shouldn't13:04
tmoenickenerochiaro: seems like the whole scene is a focusscope and being cleared. setFocus() is trying to find the nearest focusscope13:04
nerochiarotmoenicke: yeah, the scene is a scope. but why is it being cleared ?13:06
nerochiarotmoenicke: it doesn't do that in the original library13:06
tmoenickenerochiaro: http://code.woboq.org/qt5/qtdeclarative/src/quick/items/qquickitem.cpp.html#_ZN10QQuickItem8setFocusEbN2Qt11FocusReasonE13:08
tmoenickenerochiaro: the original library does nothing. it has clearFocus as a todo item13:08
nerochiarotmoenicke: i can't find clearFocus in that code13:09
nerochiarotmoenicke: can you come up on mumble for a minute ?13:10
nerochiarotmoenicke: same channel as the standup13:11
tmoenickenerochiaro: that is setFocus(false), in yesterdays version we tried clearFocusInScope()13:11
tmoenickenerochiaro: yep, givme a sec ..13:11
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MacSlowWhen trying to compile current ubuntu-ui-toolkit trunk I'm still missing a header-file... "/usr/include/qt5/QtQml/5.0.2/QtQml/private/qv8_p.h:42:24: fatal error: private/v8.h: No such file or directory"13:47
zsombiMacSlow: the easiest would be to install all the uitk deps :)13:48
zsombiMacSlow: apt-get -y build-dep qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin13:49
MacSlowzsombi, ah.... "libqt5v8-5-private-dev"13:49
mzanettihey guys, are there DatePicker and TimePicker components on your (relatively near) roadmap or would you suggest I write my own one for now?13:52
zsombimzanetti: both planned to v1 time13:54
zsombimzanetti that means after summer13:54
mzanettizsombi: ok. thanks. I'll hack together my own ones for now then.13:54
* mzanetti wants to pick dates in summer :D13:54
dpmmzanetti, if you do that, you might want to sync up with the calendar app devs, as they'd be happy to use them :)13:56
zsombimzanetti: you could also contribute to SDK :)13:56
dpmor that :)13:56
mzanettizsombi: sure, I'd love to...13:56
mzanettidpm: +1, I will13:56
mzanettizsombi: however, I guess without design for it I'm not sure it'll turn out good enough to be included in the sdk13:56
zsombimzanetti: do you know the process? API study, review, etc13:56
mzanettizsombi: at least I'd need some guidance13:57
mzanettizsombi: exactly... thats the things I don't know13:57
dpmmzanetti, cool. For reference: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev but essentially everyone is on the core apps mailing list13:57
mzanettioh... there's a core apps mailing list13:57
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dpmmzanetti, yeah https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps :)14:00
zsombimzanetti: this is how we work on APIs: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1PHa4FFoJTm2OBEbkUSOvV7hMRfi9E8Bx17YzcEWWeu4/edit#heading=h.mxs64xewamsf14:01
zsombimzanetti: and few APIs: https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/#folders/0B2qCWpKr2DsHNFhNQkYzc1Z1Tm814:02
mzanettizsombi: awesome. thanks a lot!14:03
mzanettidpm: thanks you too14:03
mzanettiI'll keep you guys posted on any progress14:04
zsombimzanetti: and beside the API design, you need to be in touch with UI/UX dudes14:04
mzanettizsombi: yep14:04
mzanettiits also stated in the API design guidelines :)14:05
gusch_anyone willing to review this?14:27
gusch_tmoenicke renato_ nerochiaro oSoMoN  - review? ^14:59
oSoMoNgusch_: sorry, no time for it today, I’m already quite behind on my review backlog15:00
nerochiarogusch_: in the middle of a couple other things, sorry15:02
gusch_renato_ tmoenicke ? - it's "only" 2100 lines of diff ;)15:03
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renato_Kaleo, do you know if is possible to get the form factory name from any SDK function?15:30
om26ernerochiaro, please review, when you get the time: https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/camera-app/ap_tests_improvements/+merge/16573316:12
nerochiaroom26er: can you please do two separate MR one for skipping the tests and the other for the rest of the minor style isssues liek pep compliancy16:18
nerochiaroom26er: it makes it very hard to read otherwise16:18
om26ernerochiaro, yes, sure16:19
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Kaleorenato_: no, what's your use case?16:38
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renato_Kaleo, I need to avoid re-layout the app on the desktop due the rotation19:07
odraHow do I install a thing19:13
kapoekahow can i join to the ubuntu developers ?19:26
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Kaleorenato_: I'm not sure what you mean21:15
Kaleorenato_: there is no rotation on the desktop21:15
renato_Kaleo, for example the telephony app now changes the layout if the screen is on landscape21:16
renato_Kaleo, btw the mainwindow does not rotate21:16
renato_Kaleo, what I think is a bug21:16
Kaleorenato_: but what app specifically are you talking about? and what do you want to do?21:17
renato_what I am doing is that if Scree.orientation == Landscaspe uses "X layout"21:17
Kaleorenato_: that's not what you should be doing21:17
Kaleorenato_: you should solely rely on the width/height21:18
renato_Kaleo, this is the only way to do that21:18
renato_I need to re-layout the elements21:18
renato_let me show my mr21:18
Kaleorenato_: if (width > xx) do this21:18
Kaleolet me see21:19
Kaleorenato_: ok, don't do that21:19
Kaleorenato_: you can change the state based on width and height21:19
renato_root widget21:19
Kaleorenato_: yeah21:20
renato_Kaleo, probably the page21:20
Kaleorenato_: so, that would do what you need on desktop?21:20
Kaleorenato_: (I suppose you want the 'landscape' layout on desktop)à21:20
renato_Kaleo, which width I should consider the minimum?21:21
Kaleorenato_: you mean the cut off point?21:21
Kaleorenato_: hmmm typically we use 60gu21:21
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