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pittiGood morning03:17
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dholbachgood morning07:22
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cjwatsonubuntu-mir: please have a look at bug 118492709:50
ubottubug 1184927 in libnet-smtp-ssl-perl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libnet-smtp-ssl-perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118492709:50
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yolandapitti, tested clamd locally and works, do you know why it can be failing?10:12
* pitti runs it in a VM10:17
pittiwhoa, this takes a long tie10:26
pittitime, even10:26
brendandit looks to me like touchpad's used to have a 'Touch mode' attribute in xinput --list, but now they don't? but touchscreens still do10:28
cjwatsondidrocks,doko: could either of you have a look at bug 1184927?10:32
ubottubug 1184927 in libnet-smtp-ssl-perl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libnet-smtp-ssl-perl" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118492710:32
didrockscjwatson: just answered on it, promoting now10:32
cjwatsonah, thanks10:32
didrocksyw :)10:32
* cjwatson gives it a bug sub as well10:33
pittiyolanda: succeeds here too (I already ran it yesterday); perhaps this needs network access?10:34
pittiyolanda: the DC has restricted network access; there is a proxy10:35
yolandapitti, this just tests that the daemon starts, but let me try without internet access anyway10:35
pittiyolanda: the test runs awfully long, perhaps the daemon itself is downloading stuff at first startup?10:36
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pittiyolanda: in that case, perhaps the test can put in a tiny dummy DB10:36
yolandapitti oh, yes, the freshclam10:39
yolandathat's the issue, yes10:39
yolandawithout that, clamd doesn't start10:39
xnoxdoko: when are you planning to have first archive rebuild? after Debian Import Freeze?11:11
dokoxnox, when binutils is updated to the trunk, hopefully next week11:11
xnoxdoko: ok, awesome.11:12
tvossogra_, ping11:13
ogra_tvoss, jau11:13
pitticould anyone sponsor my systemd upload in http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/ (systemd_202-0ubuntu8_source.changes)11:15
pittiI lost my GPG key an hour ago, and it's kinda nontrivial to retrieve it :(11:15
pitticjwatson: ^ FYI, this adds the /sbin/udevadm symlink to the initramfs11:16
cjwatsonta, was hoping for that :)11:16
cjwatsonpitti: done11:20
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asacso i am not sure whats going on :)11:21
asaci am stuck at runlevel N 2 ... with / being ro mounted11:21
asacbut can't find any error in dmesg etc.11:22
asaci can mount / -o remount to get a writeable FS11:22
asacand use irrsi now :)11:22
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asacany ideas?11:23
asacthis is raring11:23
tseliotcjwatson: do you mind if I remove ${misc:Depends} from nvidia-persistenced? It's because of this: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=70948211:24
ubottuDebian bug 709482 in debhelper "dh_installinit: permit file-rc for upstart jobs" [Serious,Open]11:24
cjwatsontseliot: uh, file-rc doesn't exist in Ubuntu, so there's no need to take account of that bug in Ubuntu11:25
cjwatsonSo yes, I mind :)11:25
tseliotcjwatson: oh but we don't have that version of sysv-rc either11:25
cjwatsonSure we do11:26
cjwatson   sysv-rc | 2.88dsf-41ubuntu1 |         saucy | all11:26
tseliotcjwatson: what about Precise? I'm supposed to backport this to Precise11:27
cjwatsontseliot: precise has a different dh_installinit11:27
cjwatsonAnd it doesn't add that dependency - if it did we would be in trouble!11:28
pitticjwatson: cheers11:29
cjwatsontseliot: You know that pretty much every other package in the distro that ships upstart jobs relies on dh_installinit, right?11:29
cjwatsonIf it works for them, it ought to work for you11:30
cjwatsonI don't mind if you need some tweaks, but dh_installinit should be the baseline11:30
tseliotcjwatson: ok, it's the first time I use it and I'll keep it in mind for any other packages that install upstrart jobs11:31
ogra_xnox, if you feel like taking a look, i just uploaded android-tools with an adbd patch11:55
ogra_(surely needs more cleanup)11:56
xnoxogra_: cool.11:56
hrwogra_: looks like it is around time for me to take a look at ubuntu changes ;D11:58
ogra_hrw, yeah, we're at ubuntu4 already :)11:59
hrwogra_: ;)12:00
hrwogra_: and I can do changes only though Debian now ;)12:01
ogra_well, you dont want my latest patch directly in debian i guess12:01
ogra_it largely duplicates core/adb12:01
asacxnox: hey ... any idea how i can find out why my system mounts / in ro?12:02
hrwogra_: it adds new binary package so I would not be able to upload it anyway12:02
asacxnox: i cant find anything interesting in dmesg/syslog12:02
asachave run fsck in recovery ... no errors12:02
ogra_i guess you rather want to build twice in core/adb and have it spit out adb annd adbd in succession12:02
ogra_hrw, oh, now i get it12:03
asacxnox: also nothing about mount in /var/log/upstart ... no clue what is going on :)12:03
xnoxogra_: to be honest your way is cleaner than doing two vpath builds & dealing with clashing objects. Why did you commit the tree instead of doing "cp adb/ adbd/" in debian rules as first step, and "rm -rf adbd/" in clean?12:04
xnox(s/commit/add to the patch/)12:04
hrw+1 to xnox note12:04
xnoxor are the two trees different?12:04
ogra_xnox, because it isnt completely identical12:04
mitya57xnox, doko: hi, what's the status of qt4-x11/gcc fixes?12:05
mitya57do you want a patch from me that disables pch?12:05
xnoxogra_: i thought it was mostly conditionals + some extra files for the other one.12:05
ogra_well, diff the two dirs :)12:05
xnoxmitya57: yes, that is the way forward at the moment.12:05
xnoxogra_: ok, I should.12:05
ogra_most can likely be #IFDEFed12:05
xnoxasac: /var/log/boot.log?12:06
* mitya57 copies some lines from debian12:06
evstgraber, ogra_: I don't suppose either of you know where we stand on the chroot flip on ubuntu mobile, and if there is a bug or ML thread or something that I can use to track progress?12:12
ogra_dunno, ubuntu mobile is dead since a few years :P12:13
ogra_ev, but joking aside, we should have something by end of the week12:13
mitya57xnox: lp:~mitya57/kubuntu-packaging/qt-no-pch (not tested, obviously)12:13
ogra_ev, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-containers-host-client-ubuntu-android12:14
* Laney meeps at mitya57 12:14
LaneyI saw you were looking at getting vte.sh sourced somehow - where does that stand?12:14
xnoxmitya57: thanks, will run a test build on arm here.12:14
evah! That's exactly what I was after. Thanks ogra_12:14
ogra_ev, i should be done with the initrd stuff today and will start working on the lxc bits12:14
mitya57Laney: after your update in Debian it stopped working for me12:15
Laneyyou should just have to source it12:16
Laneythat works for me anyway12:16
mitya57I also asked doko to see if we can create something like /etc/bash.rc.d, but he didn't say anything yet12:16
asacxnox: doesnt complain about anythging there12:16
asaclet me reboot one more time12:16
mitya57Laney: but we aren't going to make all users source it from their ~/.bashrc, right?12:17
Laneybut I don't know what a good solution looks like12:17
mitya57doko: maybe we can follow Fedora (i.e. source /etc/profile.d/* in both login and non-login shells)?12:18
dokoapw, ogasawara : did you have a chance to have a look at the binutils in ubuntu-toolchain-r/test ?12:18
Laneymitya57: A parallel solution will have to be done for zsh too12:20
Laney(since vte.sh supports it)12:22
mitya57Laney: yes, and that sounds like the least hacky solution to me (following Fedora)12:28
LaneyI don't know anything about the arguments for/against that, but I bet people have opinions12:28
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mitya57Laney: "after your update in Debian it stopped working for me" — please ignore, works fine now12:29
xnoxasac: not sure how to get more logs, as well filesystem is readonly and we need to output logs somewhere.... have you tried booting in to live CD and doing fsck / mounting the filesystem to see if everything is ok with it?12:33
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apwdoko, now i did start, but i can nolonger remember how far i got12:38
yolandahi, i'm looking to install clamav-freshclam database files locally, but i'd like to have a set of smaller files to embed them, anyone knows about it? clamav-freshclam files are more than 30mb each12:43
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tvossmmrazik|afk, ping12:59
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mmraziktvoss: pong12:59
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tseliotcjwatson: if the diff looks good to you I'll reupload nvidia-persistenced13:26
cjwatsontseliot: it's fine with the modification I sent by mail13:26
psusicjwatson: the bzr branch of grub2 appears to be buggered... trying to build a clean bzr branch of lp:ubuntu/grub2 gets me a bunch of dpkg-source errors about upstream files changed, a number of which it thinks are binary files even though they are not.13:32
cjwatsonpsusi: wrong branch anyway13:32
cjwatsonapt-cache showsrc grub2 | grep ^Vcs13:33
psusicjwatson: I thought that lp:ubuntu/grub2 was an alias to that ( at the appropriate release )?13:34
cjwatsonIt is not13:35
cjwatsonIf I make it an alias then the automatic importer will start mucking around with it and I don't want it to13:36
zulmterry:  ping13:37
psusiugh... sucks having multiple branches especially when the canonical one is bad13:38
cjwatsonHonestly I'd rather finish getting everything synced up with Debian and then completely ignore any Ubuntu branches13:41
mterryzul, pong, about the MIRs?  I'm going to look at them today13:43
zulmterry:  cool thanks13:43
psusiwhether they are actively used for development or not, you should still be able to branch from them and get the correct and working sources13:44
psusieven if it is just an auto import of the source deb13:45
cjwatsonSorry, not a problem I'm going to spend any time on13:46
cjwatsonI'm sure it can be made to work with some fiddling13:46
cjwatsonBut it's not worth any of my time, because any branches people create based on that won't be mergeable into the branches I care about anyway13:48
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psusicjwatson: lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/raring/grub2/raring also fails to build.. quilt patches won't apply because they are already applied... I am guessing you did a merge from the debiaan branch that already had them applied into the ubuntu branch, which keeps them unapplied?13:59
psusimaybe I'll have better luck with apt-get source...13:59
iBelieveIs there any requirement for the language and toolkit chosen for working on new Ubuntu apps? I worked on Contributor Console a while back (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributorConsole) using Gtk and Python, but I would prefer to use Qt and C++ or Python. Would this be okay?14:03
xnoxiBelieve: yes.14:03
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iBelievexnox, Yes, meaning yes it is okay? I know Ubuntu apps can be written in any language & toolkit, but I wanted to double check on this since it is an Ubuntu-designed app for inclusion in Ubuntu.14:05
xnoxiBelieve: we often have preferred technologies and toolkits, but it's not very constrained. Something GUI targetting desktop can be written in Gtk/Qt in any of languages those support. For touch friendly UI on Ubuntu Touch platforms QML/Qt is the only one supported at the moment.14:08
xnoxiBelieve: all of above toolkits are in "main" and are good dependencies, that will be provided on Ubuntu for a long time.14:09
brendandxnox, thanks for the pyqt5 info :)14:10
iBelievexnox, Okay, thanks for clarifying that for me.14:10
xnoxbrendand: =)))) hehe.14:10
brendandxnox, do you know anything about how to add bindings?14:11
brendandxnox, or someone who does?14:11
xnoxbrendand: i have a branch & ppa somewhere with best efforts. Not sure where mitya57 hosts his at the moment. But yeah, there are not enough bits to have Declarative2.0 nor even attempt running Ubuntu Touch components.14:11
xnoxbrendand: well riverbank uses "sip" to generate bindings from C++ libraries, so if you look into pyqt source package you will notice all the files that are used to create the bindings from the c++ Qt libraries. But I don't have more info/knoweledge in writing those.14:13
brendandxnox, having a look at your best efforts might be informative14:14
brendandxnox, yeah i saw about sip, but no idea how to use it14:14
xnoxbrendand: i'm guessing we'll need bindings for QtQuick + any other qtubuntu-* libraries we wrote.14:14
xnoxbut I'd rather wait for riverbank to wrap QtQuick, it's getting closer.14:15
brendandxnox, yeah, but we somewhat don't have the luxury of time14:15
xnoxbrendand: what's the story with python? I would rather thought that python uses too much memory and battery to run UI apps.14:15
xnoxbrendand: oh. we need python?! I see. when do you want it by? july? october?14:16
tseliotcjwatson: I think I've fixed it for good14:17
brendandxnox, well this isn't quite what you think it is i guess14:17
brendandxnox, we have the whole core of our application written in python14:17
brendandxnox, and we have to implement a ui in the next 3 months14:17
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brendandxnox, so we need to decide the toolkit to use14:18
brendandxnox, ubuntu sdk sounds good, but then there's the question of interfacing with the python core14:19
brendandxnox, we aren't even neccesarily talking about running on the phone14:19
ogra_long trem that will be the same :)14:19
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xnoxbrendand: i see.14:20
ogra_theoretically depending on the platform api should get you what you want14:20
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xnoxbrendand: it's a hard choice. And python-qt5 is not here yet. But using pyqt4 (without deprecated / removed in qt5 functionality) should be ok. You will not have QtDeclarative 2 (aka quick) today, but there is declarative 1 packaged with pyqt4.14:21
xnoxbrendand: I am expecting that saucy will ship pyqt5 in one way or another. And there is a chance it will have declarative (aka QtQuick)14:22
brendandxnox, i was of the understanding that the ubuntu sdk will not work with Qt414:22
xnoxbrendand: it doesn't. ubuntu-sdk = Qt5 + custom touch widgets for mobile/touch platforms + webkit (... and JS frameworks) + other libraries (e.g. android hw sensors)14:23
xnoxit's a meta-package =)14:23
xnoxbrendand: at the moment python is not part of it, at all.14:24
brendandxnox, ok, so if we narrow down to just the widgets - can we use that with Qt4?14:24
brendandxnox, that's really all we want14:25
xnoxbrendand: but if you are after python, using pyqt4 with expectation to migrate to pyqt5 once it's availabe. is the best bet.14:25
brendandxnox, we mainly want to avoid writing our own widgets14:25
cjwatsonpsusi: I strongly prefer keeping patches applied, yes.  Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/5710351/ if it helps14:25
xnoxbrendand: well the desktop UI widgets is part of standard Qt and are available in both qt4 & qt5. (the ones to drive with mouse ;-) )14:26
xnoxbrendand: the UbuntuTouch components are for Qt5 with QML and QtQuick only at the moment.14:26
cjwatsonpsusi: You're mistaken that the Ubuntu branch keeps them unapplied - it's just that .pc isn't checked in14:26
cjwatsonSo you can use that dpkg-quilt-setup script to initialise things properly14:26
xnoxbrendand: maybe you should talk to ubuntu-sdk team. they might have better answers for you.14:27
yolandaanyone with experience with clamav?14:32
Laneyyolanda: try ScottK14:32
yolandaScottK , i'm trying to generate a set of small cvd files just for testing, without connecting to net and executing freshclam, but i'm having some issues14:33
qenghoHi all.  I'm talking with an upstream who is introducing a "helpful" step in their build system that bodily copies 'foo-dev' package's files into their source tree, overwriting ones there already, if you indicate that you don't want to use their bundled foo library.  There's no obvious "clean" step after this. I think I should argue with them that this is a bad idea, but I don't know all the rationalle in debian-policy for the clean step of rules.14:34
qenghoWhat problems does it solve?14:34
qenghoWe compare the result of clean to the orig tarball, right?  Why?14:35
xnoxqengho: whilst it's unhelpful, you just have to make sure you use e.g. a bzr branch for packaging and do $ bzr bd to do out of the tree builds. If you do not intend to patch the libraries, then you can extend ./debian/source/options to ignore diff in the mangled directory.14:36
xnoxsee dpkg-source manpage for more info.14:36
qenghoxnox: okay, yes, am using bzr u-d-d and it's 3.0 (quilt) format.14:37
xnoxqengho: the package should build twice in a row, as per debian policy. So clean; binary; clean; binary should work from the same unpacked tree. And there are plently of package that modify their original sources at build time.14:38
xnoxso yeah, just extend ignore diff option, and carry on.14:38
qenghoxnox: yes,  I do not intend to patch any of the files that they'd be copying in to their tree from the rest of the distro..14:38
smbpitti, Do "we" know of any udev related issues in current saucy? (maybe related to previous udevadm mentioned)14:41
pittismb: until a few hours ago we didn't have the /sbin/udevadm compat symlink in the initramfs14:42
* smb sees Xen guest failing to mount/find /dev elements and there are missing lvm symlinks14:42
tvossmmrazik, ping14:42
pittiaka bug 118406614:42
ubottubug 1184066 in casper (Ubuntu) "Cannot boot usb live media: hardcoded paths to udevadm (2013.05.24 daily live)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118406614:42
pittismb: oh, I don't know about that one14:43
smbpitti, Yeah, the guests probably have that issue14:43
smbI mean not getting /dev/null and such14:43
pittiso far I have https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bugs under tight control (and am subscribed)14:43
cjwatson1184066 shouldn't affect xen guests itself, unless they have scripts that call /sbin/udevadm14:43
mmraziktvoss: pong14:43
pittieven that, in the actual system the symlink has always been there14:43
cjwatson... in the initramfs, yes14:43
cjwatsonthe only ones I found in my initramfs were casper and cryptsetup, and I fixed both14:44
cjwatsonhardcoded paths are evil even if they're correct :)14:44
smbIt feels like the mini-isos / pxeboot I use to install miss things in initramfs14:44
cjwatsonIt would help me if you could explain a bit more precisely what you're seeing?14:45
cjwatsone.g. which stage of installation / boot are things failing at, with what error messages, etc.14:45
smbcjwatson, I try pxeboot installs which get a kernel panic when trying to kill init and the last messages before say /dev/null cannot be found (twice) and mounting /dev/pts fails14:46
cjwatsonsmb: exactly which image?14:46
smbcjwatson, A second, I have to check what cobbler-ubuntu-import goes for14:47
cjwatsonpitti: fwiw, udev-udeb is missing the symlink too - that might not hurt14:47
cjwatsonrather, adding it there too might not hurt14:47
pitticjwatson: ack; do you want that uploaded now, or should I just stage it in git?14:48
stgraberwgrant: FYI, I just "fixed" the lxc saucy branch in UDD. The old branch was completely messed up so I moved it to lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/lxc/broken-saucy, took the raring branch, re-imported all the .dsc for saucy and pushed to lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/lxc/saucy then changed the branch for the saucy-release to point to it14:49
smbcjwatson, http://archive.ubuntu.com/dists/$REL/main/installer-$ubuntu_arch/current/images/netboot/mini.iso14:49
smbcjwatson, But let me run the update again to make sure it really is current14:49
cjwatsonshould be easy for me to have a look - one sec14:50
cjwatsonpitti: let me see how pervasive the problems are14:50
stgraberwgrant: I expect the importer to be a bit grumpy about this, however since it hasn't been working for us for over a year anyway, it's not really bothering us that much :)14:50
smbcjwatson, Ok not changed but the correct url is http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso14:53
cjwatsonsmb: something is very unhappy here (testing i386), but I'm not sure it's udev's fault14:54
cjwatsonsmb: (bug 1185053, concurrently, from plars)14:57
smbcjwatson, It could be something else causing /dev elements to be missing. I was just first-guessing udev because on the already installed host running saucy I got this weird thing of not all symlinks (/dev/mapper and /dev/<vgname>) showing up14:57
ubottubug 1185053 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Saucy server images do not boot for 20130528" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118505314:57
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cjwatsonpitti: this installer failure is udev's fault somehow, and it's something different, so certainly don't upload yet :)15:04
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cjwatsonpitti: Shouldn't start-udev be mounting devtmpfs, not tmpfs?  It used to.15:09
smbcjwatson, When looking again on the bare-metal boot (the one with many LVs) I see a segfault of systemd-udevd and several "cannot open /dev/null"s15:10
cjwatsonpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5710472/ - part of diff between broken/working installer images15:10
pitticjwatson: I thought that moved to /lib/init/fstab ages ago15:10
cjwatsonpitti: not in the udeb15:10
cjwatsonsmb: bare-metal boot of what stage?  the installer, or the installed system?15:10
pittioh, for udeb15:10
cjwatsonsmb: these are completely different stacks and I really need clarity of which you're talking about15:11
smbcjwatson, installed system15:11
cjwatsonsmb: ok, that must be some different bug from the one I'm looking at, although it appears to share similar symptoms15:11
smbcjwatson, Yes, sorry for throwing them into the middle15:11
cjwatsonspecifically, "cannot open /dev/null" suggests an empty /dev rather than a devtmpfs15:12
pittiah, found the script; I'll update that to the previous version15:12
ogra_now whats possibly wrong with that sentence :)15:12
cjwatsonwell, it doesn't have to be the *entire* previous version, which e.g. assumes udevd on $PATH and has a hardcoded /sbin/udevadm path15:13
pittiyeah, I mean the /dev and /dev/pts/ mounting15:13
cjwatsonI wonder how the version in Debian manages to work15:14
pittiindeed, that seems ancient (make_extra_nodes..)15:14
cjwatsonwell, that's the version you're using here15:14
cjwatsonbut I don't understand how it works anyway, unless udevd is creating /dev/null manually15:15
cjwatsonthe bug here is basically that you seem to have reverted start-udev to the Debian version, so I'm wondering how the Debian version works :_15:15
cjwatsonit might be more sensible to go back to the previous entirely different version we had in Ubuntu, but just update the udevd and udevadm calls15:16
pittiyes, that's more or less what I'm doing now; I have the old and current script15:16
pittiso, the script more or less looks like the old one now, except for the added "modprobe -q scsi_wait_scan && modprobe -r scsi_wait_scan || true" bits15:19
pittinot sure whether d-i has some fake module with that, but it certainly doesn't exist in the running system15:20
pittiwe didn't have it before, so I'll just drop it15:20
pitticjwatson: after three cleanup commits, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5710512/ is the diff between the old and my current version of the script15:22
cjwatsond-i has no such things as fake modules15:22
cjwatsonpitti: looks ok if you don't need the /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug bit any more15:22
pitticjwatson: it's an alias for /sys/kernel/uevent_helper, and that's a more modern name15:24
pittii. e. if you echo something to /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug, you get the same if you cat /sys/kernel/uevent_helper15:24
pitti(and vice versa)15:25
pitticjwatson: ah, http://lwn.net/Articles/166954/ mentions this as well15:26
pittiwow, that was 200615:26
zulmterry:  thanks for looking, i replied to your pbr question15:28
pitticjwatson, smb: ok, time for another upload then, I guess?15:28
pittiI should be able to again15:28
cjwatsonpitti: yes please :)15:29
smbAt least that sounds like fixing quite some badness. Not sure it also does something with the other oddness but yeah15:29
mterryzul, out of curiosity, why is it called pbr?15:29
zulmterry:  python build reasonableness15:30
mterryzul, :-|15:30
smbpitti, I don't understand it yet. Somehow starting in xen mode systemd-udevd has some issues with device-mapper/lvm, and when I start in non-xen mode (at least on the amd server) it seems to hang trying to send some xen socket event15:31
pittismb: the former certainly sounds related to the missing devtmpfs (you wouldn't have most stuff in /dev/)15:31
cjwatsonBut start-udev isn't called anywhere but the udeb, is it?15:32
cjwatsonSo if it's a similar bug, it seems like it must be in some other place too15:32
zulmterry:  im pretty sure when it hits debian it will come from us anywyays15:32
smbpitti, Though after boot at least /dev is a devtmpfs15:32
pitticjwatson: right15:32
pittiI thought we arrived at start-udev while debugging smb's problem (sorry, no idea how xen works, I assumed it was during installation)15:33
smbpitti, Yeah, sorry the confusion is that I talked about two different issues15:33
tvossdidrocks, ping15:34
smbpitti, One is with the installation of guests which is what you likely solved15:34
tvossslangasek, ping15:35
smbpitti, The other problem is on the already installed host during boot. There seems to be one fallback in initramfs if devtmpfs fails but I cannot say whether that is hit or not as I am not sure where that message would end up in15:35
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slangasektvoss: pong16:07
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pitticjwatson: as for bug 1185053, did that d-i rebuild include the new udev-udeb? i. e. were we still using the old version before?16:12
ubottubug 1185053 in systemd (Ubuntu Saucy) "Saucy server images do not boot for 20130528" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118505316:12
pittiah, that explains it then16:12
pittimy plymouht change from yesterday really sounds unrelated16:12
cjwatsonplymouth cannot possibly have anything to do with it; that was misdiagnosis16:12
cjwatsonplymouth isn't even used at server installer boot time16:13
cjwatsonI was expecting you to close that bug with your systemd upload, TBH :)16:13
pitticjwatson: yeah, I saw it too late16:14
pittibut we need a d-i rebuild for it to really be fixed then16:14
cjwatsonpitti: yes, I'm waiting for systemd to build everywhere16:18
cjwatson(and publish)16:18
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barry@pilot in17:33
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: barry
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ogra_Setting up android-tools-adbd (4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu4) ...18:03
ogra_All runlevel operations denied by policy18:03
ogra_invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/android-tools-adbd not found.18:03
ogra_dpkg: error processing android-tools-adbd (--configure):18:03
ogra_does the new world order require that my package ships a sysvinit script ?18:03
ogra_(with the init_is_upstart stuff ... )18:05
ogra_i was assuming if i only create a .upstart file debhelper takes care of the rest, isnt that the case ?18:05
ogra_Setting up libpam-systemd:armhf (202-0ubuntu8) ...18:10
ogra_All runlevel operations denied by policy18:10
ogra_invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/systemd-logind not found.18:10
ogra_seems to have the same issue18:10
pitticjwatson: seems we can rebuild d-i now; are you on it, or shall I upload a rebuild?18:18
ogra_ah, libpam-systemd makes all other arches fail too18:22
ogra_slangasek, ^^^ is having an debian/*.init script mandatory with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpstartCompatibleInitScripts ?18:24
slangasekogra_: cjwatson and I discussed this bug already; this is actually an unanticipated bug in invoke-rc.d18:25
slangasekso I'm working on fixing that18:25
ogra_(teh wikipage doesnt really say that)18:25
ogra_ah, k18:25
slangasekDebian policy does say that you shouldn't ship upstart jobs without corresponding init scripts; however, that's Debian, not Ubuntu18:26
* ogra_ will give up on image builds for today then18:26
jdstrand@pilot in18:27
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: barry, jdstrand
slangasekI'll have a fixed sysvinit package uploaded sometime today.  Basically, this issue only arises in chroots where initctl can't talk to upstart (so chroots on really old hosts, basically)18:27
barryjdstrand: howdy.  let me know what you're working on so we don't step on each others toes18:28
jdstrandbarry: sure, thanks. I'm starting with some security sponsoring bugs18:28
barryjdstrand: cool18:28
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cjwatsonpitti: doing18:53
cjwatson(interrupted by dinner)18:53
slangasekogra_: fixed sysvinit uploading shortly, fwiw19:35
geserstgraber: is there a way to overwrite/modify upstart user sessions scripts with an own version? I just found out why my gpg card stopped working for ssh logins (the gpg-agent upstart session script is missing the option for it)20:05
stgrabergeser: yep, you can dump your own copy in ~/.init/ or just a .override file if that's simpler20:06
geserstgraber: thanks, almost there. Can initctl set-env also set two variables or do I need two calls for this?20:18
alexbligh1I have a replacement package modules-tools-init-z which Provides: and Conflicts: with modules-tools-init (same package with zlib enabled) in my local repo (together with the rest of Precise). Try as I might I can't get debootstrap to use it. I'm using --include modules-tools-init-z and --exclude modules-tools-init. Any ideas?20:19
stgrabergeser: I believe you need two calls for that20:21
alexbligh1(source at https://github.com/abligh/modules-init-tools-z if anyone is interested)20:21
dobeybdmurray: should i re-add verification-needed back to bug #1173249 as well?20:24
ubottubug 1173249 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Quantal) "update-software-center AttributeError during upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117324920:24
geseralexbligh1: not sure about it but as module-init-tools is priority required it might make you it more difficult to replace it20:25
geserstgraber: yeah, using my gpg card for ssh authentication works again. Thanks20:27
dobeybdmurray: oh, nevermind. i see it hadn't been removed20:29
alexbligh1geser, hmm, perhaps I should set mine to priorty: required. I can also exclude module-init-tools from my repo I guess. I am really hoping debootstrap looks at Provides:20:38
alexbligh1hmm, I suppose I could write my own debootstrap script20:40
geseralexbligh1: Provides only works if there is no versioned dependency on module-init-tools. Is there a reason why you don't just provide a modified version in your repo and keep the package name?20:43
geserCould someone please do a give-back of geoip-database in saucy-proposed. It builds now the the current geoip-bin package in saucy.20:46
alexbligh1geser, hmmm - I suppose I hadn't thought of the ability to filter module-init-tools on pull from the precise-upstream (I'm trying to make it update automatically)20:49
alexbligh1but you are probably right, that is the path of least resistance. I thought I was doing it properly :-/20:49
infinityalexbligh1: There are tons of versioned deps on module-init-tools, you really should just build your own differently-versioned package, rather than changing the name.21:08
infinityalexbligh1: More interestingly, is there an argument for why we might want/neet this in precise proper, rather than just your repo?21:10
alexbligh1infinity, yes, it saves 100MB out of 150MB on initramfs21:12
alexbligh1infinity, talk tomorrow - have company now!21:13
geserbarry (or any other familiar with building for Python 2 and 3): if you have some time: could you check if my patch in bug #1185170 looks sane or if there is a better way to solve this?21:14
ubottubug 1185170 in python-json-patch (Ubuntu) "setup.py stumbles about an umlaut in jsonpointer.py when running under Python 3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118517021:14
barrygeser: possibly, if i can finish this current package in time.21:15
geserbarry: no hurry21:15
jtaylorbarry: could you look at syncing cython? as a source generator its good to have it early to avoid surprises in rebuilds later21:36
jtayloror doko you probably know best if the patch is forwarded21:38
jtaylorplease add dep3 headers ._.21:38
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slangasekbdmurray: I've done some analysis on bug #1069019 and isolated the bug; I don't recall the right way to fix this particular class of python3 unicode problem though21:53
ubottubug 1069019 in python-apt (Ubuntu Saucy) "[software-properties-gtk] can not delete, enable or modify any software source with non-ASCII characters in the comment" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106901921:53
slangasekbarry: ^^ I'm not doing enough bilingual python to remember the recommended approach for making sure the right encoding is used for I/O regardless of locale; can you remind me?21:57
geserslangasek: might it be: open(filename, encoding='utf-8') (or whatever encoding you want)?21:58
slangasekgeser: that's not bilingual - it fails for the python2 case, which still needs to be supported here21:59
geserah, than that's the same case I tried to fix in a FTBFS (which I asked barry to review)22:00
slangasekpossibly io.open()22:00
geserstackoverflow suggests also io.open()22:02
cjwatsonio.open is OK as long as it never gets passed bytes in Python 222:05
cjwatsonslangasek: perhaps the runes in germinate.seeds would be helpful22:06
cjwatson(if you need to tolerate being passed bytes)22:06
cjwatsonoh, that was for writing, not reading22:06
cjwatsonso, yeah, io.open is probably OK.  It was slow in 2.6 but I believe is OK in 2.722:07
slangasekcjwatson: right; we should be able to ensure that anything we're writing is unicode, and the code does guard against writing out a file that it's previously failed to read in22:08
slangasekhmmm, though the code doesn't /currently/ ensure it's not doing bytes in python222:12
barry@pilot out22:16
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jdstrand
barrygeser: okay, i won't get to it today, but i've got the tab open for tomorrow22:17
barryjtaylor: can you open a bug and paste me the #?  i won't get to it today, but possibly tomorrow22:17
barryslangasek: totally different ways to do it if it's python2 or 3 :)22:18
geserbarry: no problem, I've added a 2nd debdiff which uses io.open() instead of my previous attempt (based on the recent discussion here)22:18
slangasekbarry: whimper22:19
barryalthough codecs.open(..., encoding='whatever') is available in both22:19
slangasekbarry: so do you advise against using io.open() ?22:19
slangasekbarry: well, let me push what I have here for your review22:20
barryslangasek: io.open() can work, but it will be slow in py2 and non-existent in py2 < 2.7.  codecs.open() is probably better if it has to work in both22:20
slangasekbarry: it's python-apt; so it doesn't have to be portable to anything except the current version of python222:21
slangasek(I would argue)22:21
barryslangasek: i'd probably still use codecs.open().  io is pure python in py2.7 (iirc) so it can be slow.  it's nicely rewritten in c for py322:22
slangasekbarry: hmm, cjwatson seemed to think io.open() exists in 2.6 but is slow, and is improved in 2.722:22
* barry has to utsl22:23
jtaylorits implemented in C in 2.7 vs python in 2.6 I think22:23
slangasekanyway, let me know if you think this is bletcherous (or just wrong): lp:~vorlon/python-apt/lp.106901922:23
barryjtaylor: yep, you're right22:23
* barry just wants to put a stake through the heart of py2 already!22:23
jtaylorcythongs test suite is to excessive 40 minutes test and counting :(22:24
barryanyway, i'm eod for now.  ping me tomorrow!22:25
slangasekbarry: sent you an mp for review instead :)22:26
geserCould someone please do a give-back of geoip-database in saucy-proposed. It builds now with the current geoip-bin package from saucy.22:26
slangasekgeser: isn't that button available to anyone who can upload it?22:27
slangasek(well, retried)22:29
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geserslangasek: as that package is in main, one has to be a core-dev to have this button22:31
slangasekoh bother :)22:31
geserslangasek: thanks for hitting that button, one FTBFS less now :)22:33
jtaylorbarry: bug 1185191, ran in a clean saucy chroot, so you can skip this one hour build :)22:45
ubottubug 1185191 in cython (Ubuntu) "Sync cython 0.19+git51-g3078752-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118519122:45
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