
=== Darkwing_ is now known as Darkwing
TheLordOfTimewho can make meetingology join places?19:28
TheLordOfTime(the bot)19:28
TheLordOfTimeMyrtti:  just AlanBell?19:33
Myrttiwell I've not seen others commanding it19:33
Myrttibut that might be wrong19:34
* TheLordOfTime shrugs19:34
TheLordOfTimewe'll find out soon enough, Laney was in -bots asking for meetingology to be joined to #ubuntu-desktop, so, since AlanBell isn't in -bots, but is here, thought I'd check to see if anyone else had powers :P19:35
TheLordOfTimeor if he was around :P19:35
AlanBellTheLordOfTime: should be there now20:58
TheLordOfTimeyep confirmed20:58
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  i'll let Laney know, thanks.20:59

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