
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
pittiGood morning03:18
jibelgood morning06:56
pittibonjour jibel07:01
jibelbonjour pitti07:01
asacgema: any way i can see whats going on with mako?10:02
asacthe logs dont show a bootlog etc.10:02
gemaasac: what is going on with what? smoke testing?10:14
asacgema: yeah. wonder if there is a way i can see more details10:14
asacguess i need VPN for that?10:14
gemathis is the console of that job10:15
asacproblems with resolving ports10:15
gemaasac: if the job finished, anything that is inside is also outside10:15
gemahaving a look, gimme a sec10:15
asacso i would see the bootlog of the device there if it would get to that?10:15
asaci think its a network issue10:15
gemaasac: it is10:16
asaci dont think i see the device booting10:16
asaceven though we push to it in adb10:16
asacusing adb10:16
asacthose network issues are on the device? or is that on a server?10:17
gemaon the device10:17
asacok... so we dont have a bootlog?10:18
gemait's when it tries to install ssh that I see the first problem10:18
gemaafter that it's all happening on the device if I am reading the log correctly10:18
asacis phoenix the name of the device?10:18
gemano, phoenix is the server to which all the phones are connnected10:19
gemauhmm, maybe it's on the server10:19
gemaI will talk to paul whenever he's online and we'll look at this together so that I can learn about it10:19
gemaasac: I am going to try today's build on my mako10:21
gemaasac: I will let you know if I see any problem10:22
gemait needs some battery first, it went dry over the weekend10:24
gemait'll take me 20 mins or so10:24
asacyeah. sowhat i really want is to get the boot log of the device in there10:24
asachave problems with machine here10:25
gemaasac: np, my first priority now is to verify if today's image is good10:25
gemawill work with paul on fixing that job later10:25
gemaasac: image from May 26th works fine on mako, network works fine also11:20
DanChapmanwhen running autopilot launch gnome-screenshot it automatically takes a whole screen shot and asks if you want to save. Is this a bug or is this the intended behaviour?..... actually even running 'gnome-screenshot' in terminal does the same.11:48
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Skini151hi is there anyone14:09
DanChapmanhi Skini15114:10
Skini151i have a question14:10
Skini151I found a little bug during testcase on VM and don't know how exactly to report it14:11
DanChapmanwhat testcase are you following?14:11
Skini151ubuntu saucy daily amd64 (install entire disk)14:11
Skini151the bug is:  mouse cursor  disappaered after reboot14:14
DanChapmanhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases/1300/info this testcase?14:14
DanChapmanAt the bottom of that test is the link to file a bug :)14:15
Skini151i still can click but cursor is invisible14:15
Skini151oh ok14:16
DanChapmani think you need to submit a failed result aswell14:17
Skini151"file a bug" link get me to home directory of testing tracker14:23
Skini151nope all ok now14:29
Skini151cursor is Xorg  stuff?14:31
DanChapmanSkini151, im not familiar with packages if you ask in #ubuntu-bugs im sure they can help :D14:34
balloonshello everyone14:47
DanChapmanballoons, hello, how are you?14:48
balloonsDanChapman, good.. I'm almost finished going through the backlog of things :-) Long weekend in the US here, and it was nice to be off the pc for a day :-p14:48
DanChapmanballons, Yeah we had a long weekend here aswell. :D I have been keeping etherpad updated with status of porting autopilot, and have been fleshing out an email to send to the mailing list for everyone to see where its at.14:50
DanChapmanballoons, do you still use the trello board or is that no more?14:52
balloonsDanChapman, hmm.. We should chat about that14:52
knomeballoons, did you already get to my tut-tut message about invalid html? :)14:53
balloonswe had used it last cycle, but I wonder if people would rather use something else14:53
balloonsjust using bugs has worked well for us on the manual test project14:53
balloonsknome, I saw that :-) Leave it to me to produce more bad html.. thanks for noticing!14:53
knomedo you need help with getting it right?14:53
knome(i could do a push with a few testcases formatted correctly if you want)14:53
DanChapmanWhat alternatives are there? I think its needed as LP can be hard to follow where/what everyone is doing14:54
balloonsUmm, we can clean up the existing stuff by script I hope, then update the tidy script and format wiki page to point out not to do it ;-)14:54
balloonsknome, I certainly would not refuse a merge request fixing it.. That would be nice if you can do it14:54
knomei'll look if i get to do that14:55
balloonsDanChapman, alternatives.. hmm, well, that's how we ended up there to begin with14:55
knomenot today, i have already had too much adults' juice :P14:55
balloonsit's been used all cycle, we simply used the pad for the hackfest14:55
balloonsknome, :-p14:55
DanChapmanSo using bugs would it be that you assign it to yourself rather than leave a comment saying 'I'm doing this'14:56
balloonsDanChapman, yes14:56
DanChapmancool I can work with that :D14:57
balloonsIt's worth bringing up with the list and then updating our project to reflect it14:57
DanChapmanballoons when i run autopilot launch gnome-screenshot it instantly takes a screenshot of the whole screen and goes straight to the save dialog window. I wasnt sure if this is a bug or intended behaviour. I get the same running just gnome-screenshot in terminal15:01
balloonsDanChapman, wild.. heh, I seem to remember getting a dialog before15:02
balloonsbut it happens to me too. Check the manual testcase for it; it probably contains the old behavior and needs to be updated too15:02
DanChapmanYeah launching it from dash though brings up a dialog to select grab whole screen or grab window or grab area. Thats what i found weird. Will go check the man-test now15:04
balloonsDanChapman, I tried from the dash and it took a screenshot automatically too15:05
balloonsI'm on saucy tho15:05
DanChapmanah ok, i'll look into it :D15:05
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elfyballoons: when you've got 5 minutes - that'd be cool :)16:13
balloonselfy, shoot16:31
balloonsI'm just diving into the code reviews :-)16:33
elfyballoons: it's a simple one - I did some testcases - BUT should I be doing something like bzr push lp:~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/foo/testcase1 and then bzr push lp:~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/foo/testcase216:34
elfyor what I've been doing bzr push lp:~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/testcase1 bzr push lp:~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/testcase216:34
elfyor does it not matter at all :)16:34
elfyand have I even been doing the whole thing right in the first place :p16:35
balloonselfy, heh.. let's take a look16:38
balloonsso I'm not seeing what your saying above in the branches you linked16:39
elfythey aren't real :p16:39
balloons~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/Mousepad looks good16:39
balloonsbasically submitting a merge proposal for each testcase16:39
elfyright - so I can carry on like that - elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/testcase16:39
balloonsyes, that should be just fine16:39
elfyk - thanks16:40
balloonsbasically people don't want lots of extras in the merge request in general.. but if things should be lumped together do it16:40
balloonsfor instance, we try and avoid things like updating 20 testcases at once, but it has been done. When that happened we did it as one merge request16:40
elfyok - don't understand what you mean by that16:40
elfywell these ones are all completely new16:41
balloonsmost of the time your updating/editing one testcase16:41
balloonsso having only those changes in the merge proposal works nicely16:41
elfyare you saying that now I've done these ones - if things need to be changed I would be notified because I wrote the original?16:42
balloonsno, I think I've confused you16:42
elfyyep :)16:42
balloons:-) Let's just say what your doing is perfect16:42
balloonskeep doing it16:42
elfyok lol16:42
elfygot to say trying to get to grips with bzr was not very easy and as I suspected trying to follow a video didn't work too well for me :)16:44
balloonselfy, looks like your up and running though. Is there anything that would make it easier?16:45
elfynot now :)16:45
balloonsyou still have fresh perspective ;-)16:45
balloonsI mean easier for others to learn it16:45
elfyI will put together a 'wiki' section perhaps16:46
elfymanana :p16:46
balloonsso did this page help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/Launchpad16:46
elfymy crib sheet has 9 lines - from bzr add to propose for merging16:47
elfyonly as far as getting bzr to work - I will expand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/Manual#Contribute_your_new_test.2116:47
balloonselfy, hmm.. so it sounds like the issue wasn't so much setting things up, as on that wiki page, but actually doing the work to commit, push and stage for review16:47
elfyyep - danchapman was great :)16:48
balloonselfy, I would appreciate any additions to the page.. I wrote the original pages, but I already was familiar with bzr and in general, version control16:49
chilicuilyeah, I always forget how to do it too, I just go to http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/fixing-a-bug.html#committing-the-fix16:49
balloonsso adding detail where you got stuck should help others16:49
elfyballoons: there is nothing on that contribute page to tell you you need to add and commit for instance16:49
elfyand without that it was all failing here :)16:49
elfybut it's on my pad to do that for the wiki16:50
balloonsthanks! Yes, little assumptions like that sneak into things16:50
* balloons waves @ chilicuil 16:50
elfyI tried to follow the video and it sort of worked a bit - but with a cat and a kid in the house ... ;)16:50
elfychilicuil: ta - I'll look at that page - if the synatx etc is already writtent then I'll just make sure the qa page makes sense in one place16:51
chilicuiltoday you won't get my bug reporting storm balloons, I left my computer downloading lubuntu, which is the only one I've still not seen =P16:52
balloonschilicuil, :-) amazing work, really16:52
* elfy is working through the xubuntu testcases slowly 16:52
chilicuilelfy: yeah, I'll at the qa wiki too, so we all see the same cheatsheet =)16:53
balloonselfy, since I'm reading it, I'm typing something onto that page to expand it.. Don't let that stop you from editing though :-)16:55
elfyit won't be today anyway - just got in from work - dinner to sort out :)16:59
balloonsthis is handy; I17:01
elfyballoons: possibly - but to be honest if you've never used bzr - it's just a not very pretty picture with words on it :)17:05
balloonselfy, :-)17:07
balloonsI'm linking here also: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/mini-tutorial/17:07
DanChapmanafternoon elfy :D17:07
balloonsthe chat is meant for once you've learned everything17:07
elfyhi DanChapman :)17:08
balloonselfy, can you do one thing quickly before you go?17:08
balloonsSo, I'm looking at your merge for https://code.launchpad.net/~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/Mousepad/+merge/165798.. but you've got xchat in that branch also17:08
balloonsdo you see it?17:08
balloonsI assume since you have an xchat merge proposal that's the version you want reviewed and merged ;-017:09
elfyyea - I saw that yesterday - again - maent nothing to me17:09
balloonsok, so we'll leave the confusion for now.. dinner is soon :-)17:10
elfybut yea - there are 3 of them that I've done17:10
balloonshowever, I will drop xchat from that merge then17:10
elfyhardly - not got into the kitchen yet lol17:10
elfyok - there is one for it17:10
DanChapmanballoons, what are the plans for autopilot tests are they purely just for running on jenkins or is it planned for them to be used elsewhere aswell?17:18
balloonselfy, ok new version of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/Manual is up17:19
balloonsDanChapman, it's intended for them to be run on jenkins everyday17:19
balloonshowever, in the past we did manually run then as part of cadence weeks17:19
DanChapmanok, so with tests like for shotwell, connecting a camera isnt really going to be possible?17:20
balloonsDanChapman, a-hah! But it will be possible thanks to pitti.. and Carla who wrote the test proving it out17:21
balloonspitti, has a cool tool called umockdev that lets use mock real hardware and do things to it17:21
pittiI already tried that with umockdev, and shotwell was happily importing :)17:22
balloonsDanChapman, https://github.com/martinpitt/umockdev17:22
DanChapmanOooooo. that sounds cool :D17:22
balloonsindeed :-) so don't let needing a device stop you from writing a test17:22
balloonselfy, basically this is the section that I updated in light of your comments: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/Manual#Using_Bzr17:23
elfythat looks better - though I get an error with the status one bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/hob/"17:25
elfywhich logically makes sense as there isn't :)17:25
balloonselfy, excellent .. should we mention you need to run bzr commands inside the directory?17:25
balloonsthe directory that contains the repository that is17:25
elfyI'd say so17:26
balloonsk, adding it ;-)17:26
elfymakes senses to me now in the right place - terminal echoes nothing at all - which is as it should be17:27
elfyballoons: if you need a guinea pig to check through new things - I'm your man :p17:29
balloonsok, modified a bit more17:29
balloonselfy, it's really helpful to have, so yes, thank you17:29
elfyballoons: bzr add /path/to/testcase  if you're in the right path already do you need to do that? because I didn't  lol17:31
balloonselfy, the path is relative17:31
elfyballoons: that all looks much better, actually what you need to do17:31
elfyso if you're there already bzr add works17:31
balloonsyes.. you can use absolute or relative path name17:32
balloonsso if your in the directory.. hehe bzr add testcase works17:32
elfyif I'd have had that on saturday then I'd have been ok and so would DanChapman :p17:32
balloonselfy, good.. one more thing for you.17:33
elfybest be quick I could eat a scabby dog ;)17:33
balloonsdo we need to explain version control anymore, or can we leave that to the links on bzr?17:33
balloonsmeaning, can I say, here's how to commit you work without talking about what a commit is?17:34
elfyI've not even looked at that - so I couldn't really comment17:34
elfyunless I have and didn't know that's what I was doing17:34
balloonsok, well if it makes sense to you now and looks good let's leave it. Thanks for your help17:34
balloonsand enjoy dinner!17:35
elfywhere is the information relating to version control?17:35
elfybeacuse I will look at it in a while17:35
balloonsrandom question: do you use supper at all? or perhaps you supper what would be lunch?17:36
elfyas a word?17:36
balloonselfy, well I mean in general the idea of having files versioned and being able to manage them..17:36
balloonsI mean something like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revision_control17:37
balloonselfy, yes as a word17:37
elfysupper is a late evening meal - or in my case the bit's I eat to fill in the gaps :p17:37
balloonslol.. random though popped in17:37
balloonsjust thought I would see if it's use differed across the pond or not17:37
balloonssounds like a little bit. I would use supper and dinner interchangeably and supper wouldn't have any special meaning or context17:38
balloonsback to your merge now :-)17:38
elfyyes - if version control is not specifically mentioned you need to talk about version control - especially because peppered everywhere are 'you don't need to be a coder to help' comments - thosepeople like me will need to know the things that other people who might be used to working with bzr would know17:38
elfyballoons: lunch is lunch, breakfast is breakfast even if I've not eaten till 3pm :) lunch would be after breakfast as would tea/dinner and supper17:40
elfyballoons: " add a close step and check to make sure it doesn't prompt this time" prompt for what? to save settings and the like?18:37
elfyand I'm back so now would be a good time to talk about version control perhaps18:37
balloonsprompt on close.. your previous step unchecked that box18:37
balloonsI found this: http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/a-gentle-introduction-to-version-control/2306418:37
balloonsit was the closest thing to version control for non-technical people.. even the stuff on version control mean to introduce it would be over people's head I'd imagine18:38
elfyI'm with it enough to work with version control - I did a lot of iso9001 work back in the day - which is a quality control system18:39
elfyballoons: aaah - got what you mean about the xchat thing now18:40
balloonselfy, yea, you don't have to learn everything about bzr or version control.. just enough to be able to contribute, so perhaps it's enough18:41
elfyballoons: ok - so I've changed it here - now what do I do as far as bzr is concerned?18:42
elfybzr add and commit and then push it?18:43
elfyand how do I make it work with bzr and version control ?18:44
balloonshello Letozaf18:45
balloonselfy, ok so you made a change to your local repository to fix the issue18:46
Letozafhello balloons18:46
balloonsonce the change is committed, simply use the bzr push command to send it to the remote repository on launchpad so it's all synced up18:46
balloonsif your wondering how to change and committ locally I can help with that too18:46
elfydo the bzr add step or just bzr commit before I push it18:47
balloonsif you didn't make a new file, you don't need to use bzr add18:47
elfyk - so commit and push18:47
balloonsif your confused, bzr status helps out :-)18:47
elfyyep - got a modified and unknown18:47
elfywhich is logical18:47
elfybzrso I'm going to bzr commit xchat - that right?18:48
elfyballoons: even ... ^^18:48
elfyamd then I bzr push bzr push lp:~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/xchat18:49
balloonselfy, let's fix one thing at a time ;-)18:50
balloonsok, so for the xchat content change, you all committed and pushed?18:50
balloonsok, so let's do that18:51
elfycos I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing :)18:51
balloonsso what does bzr status say/18:51
elfymodified - xchat , unknown - thunar18:51
balloonsok, so if you commit at this point the only changes that will be committed are to xchat18:52
balloonsbzr diff will show you the exact changes18:52
balloonsnot as pretty as in launchpad, but they will be there18:53
balloonsa + in front of a line means it was added.. a - means it was removed on the diff print18:53
elfybefore commit? because I've got the nano window open after commit now :)18:53
elfyright, that + and - makes sense and I'd get that18:53
balloonsyou can cancel a commit by just exiting without leaving a message18:53
balloonsif you wish18:53
balloonsbut you don't need to18:54
balloonsand yes bzr diff only shows the pending changes18:54
balloonsonce committed, it will be blank18:54
elfyyep - diff makes sense to me18:54
balloonsok, so once that's done you can push it to lp and your merge proposal will have the new changes :-_)18:55
elfyright - so I can see what I have changed, commiting now - what to put in the nano window - changed after comment or something ? or something specific18:55
balloonsyou can't go wrong on a commit message18:55
balloonsjust say what you did, very briefly18:55
balloonsadd check for 'quit verification' window18:56
elfyk done that - pushing now18:56
elfyk - pushed to revision 11118:57
balloons ok great18:58
balloonsnow if your ready, let's talk about why everything is showing up inside all of your branches18:59
balloonsLetozaf, how's things for you today? have a nice weekend?18:59
balloonsspy anymore salamanders? :-)18:59
elfyballoons: 2 secs and yea that would be good :p18:59
balloonsDanChapman, Letozaf gonna start on the autopilot reviews now19:00
balloonsLetozaf, I'll try yours now since your here :-)19:00
balloonsso I'm looking at gedit: https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/gedit-a1.3/+merge/16593619:01
Letozafballoons, ok fine19:02
elfyballoons: when you're ready19:03
balloonsLetozaf, cool, it runs :-) I did get the MismatchError: None == None error.. I wonder if I need to pull down a newer autopilot version19:05
Letozafballoons, I do not know why but that INS label is not being seen it's like it's not there, I tried "INS" " INS"  "   INS" but nothing :(19:07
balloonsLetozaf, :-( Did you try using the "in" command19:07
balloonsit searches the string.. so "INS" in result19:07
DanChapmanOk balloons :D19:08
Letozafballoons, never used it, I must check how it's used the "in" command I mean19:08
LetozafDanChapman, hey19:09
DanChapmanHey Letozaf :)19:09
balloonsso elfy, and perhaps DanChapman can fill in here to, the issue with your merge proposals is that the branch your proposing for merging contains work other than your intended testcase19:10
balloonswhat I'm trying to say is you appear to be working out of the same directory for all the testcases your adding19:11
balloonsso what's happening is you push a branch up, then do some more work, and push another branch up, et, etc19:11
TheLordOfTimeballoons:  can you answer someone's question in -bugs?  I think it's an ISO test case bug thing... you might be more qualified to answer than bugsquad/bugcontrol19:11
balloonsbut your branch has changed from the target branch, that is trunk, in more than one way19:12
elfyright - so each branch should have only the one thing in it?19:12
TheLordOfTimeballoons:  thanks :)19:12
* TheLordOfTime gives balloons a gold star19:12
elfylike /foo/bar/xchat  and /foo/bar/catfish ?19:13
elfyto be completely frank - it is all as clear as mud19:13
balloonsTheLordOfTime, you can push people to that page also19:14
balloonsit links to bugsquad stuff :-)19:14
balloonselfy, yes only change what you want to show up in each branch19:15
TheLordOfTimeballoons:  see, i didn't know that page :P19:15
* TheLordOfTime handles standard bug triage, not ISO testcase stuff :P19:15
balloonsso for example if your merge proposal wants to include only mousepad changes, branch trunk, change mousepad, submit the branch19:15
balloonsall straightforward and you know how to do that now19:15
balloonsnext, if you want to change catfish, re-branch trunk and make the changes, and submit the branch19:16
DanChapmanelfy what i do is create a folder say called manual-tests, then for each manual test i do i would create a folder for it so xchat - folder. then in that folder pull down the main branch from launchpad. and only change xchat stuff in this folder then push up only xchat changes from that branch/folder. This way when you create you xchat branch on launchpad you will only be merging changes to xchat.19:16
balloonsdo it in a different directory.. starting fresh from branching lp:ubuntu-manual-tests19:16
balloonsmake sense?19:16
elfyDanChapman: aah right - I see19:16
balloonsDanChapman, perfect.. glad your able to explain :-)19:16
DanChapman:) no probs.19:17
elfyso you'd end up with the whole main bracnh for each testcase you want to write?19:17
elfyis that right?19:17
DanChapmanyeah thats correct19:17
elfyand then in 'that' one the only thing different would be that testcase19:17
elfygot that :)19:18
elfyballoons: see - you get some connectors and some wire, then you wire up a whole plane - now I can do that from those instructions because I did it - could you :)19:19
elfythat is what I was fighting on saturday when trying to do this stuff :)19:19
DanChapmanI rewired my car once. Never again!! :D19:19
balloonselfy, :-) probably not a whole plane19:20
elfyballoons DanChapman - thanks that has watered down the mud somewhat - it's just a little bit opaque now :)19:20
balloonsalso note once your branch is merged you can delete that folder.. that branch isn't needed anymore19:20
balloonsdoes that make sense?19:20
elfyso - then as far as changes to testcases goes - do the change, commit and push19:20
balloonsmight need DanChapman's help again :-)19:21
elfyyep - because that work is now in the main thing for everyone19:21
elfyI get that19:21
elfyonce I see one of the things I've done it'll probably go 'ping' light on :)19:22
Letozafballoons, I cannot find docs on that "in" command ...:p19:24
elfyballoons DanChapman - yep completely understand that logic now - just done it for the thunar test - got the branch and the mousepad one is there amongst the paackages19:31
DanChapmanelfy, yeah do the change, commit, push, but keep committing and pushing up to your branch until you think it is ready to be merged. When it gets merged to the trunk only the difference between your branch and trunk gets merged. For example say you changed xchat and mousepad on the same branch and it got merged. If for some reason there was a need to go back to a revision before xchat was added but mousepad is not part of the pr19:36
DanChapmanbecause they were merged together. Does that make sense?19:36
elfyyea - which is what I ended up doing - sending them all instead of the one that I wanted to - if I was in different folders for each - that wouldn't have happened19:37
balloonsk, back19:38
balloonsLetozaf, it's a python thing19:39
Letozafballoons, aaah! was looking in autopilot docs :p19:39
balloonsmyString = "Hello Carla"19:39
balloons"Carla" in myString19:39
elfyDanChapman: so I could bzr add my /manualtests/Thunar/ branch now and it would just get added to my https://code.launchpad.net/~elfy19:40
Letozafballoons, thanks :D19:40
elfythen when I'm ready I push it to the main branch and propose for review19:40
DanChapmanelfy here is my kind of work flow for bzr http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711310/19:46
elfyyep - that is what I'd got from the last 30 minutes or so :)19:47
balloonsautopilot updated, trying gedit test again19:48
DanChapmanthats all you really need to know :D19:48
elfyI've got that now - then when I was done to at least get it first checked - do the add and commit and push then ?19:48
balloonsok, I got the same failure19:51
balloonsLetozaf, /test_gedit.py", line 241, in test_insert_overwrite_mode19:51
balloons    self.assertThat(typeMode, NotEquals(None))19:51
balloonsMismatchError: None == None19:51
balloonsdo you get that error?19:51
Letozafballoons, yes19:51
balloonsLetozaf, lol.. OHH.. ok19:51
Letozafballoons, its the only errror left to fix :p19:51
balloonsahh.. gotcha19:51
balloonssorry :-(19:51
DanChapmanelfy, once pushed it is up on launchpad, so anything from there you do on launchpad page. So propose to merge or link a bug, request review.19:52
balloonsk, I'll work on the other pending ones then for the moment and come back to gedit19:53
jtaylorsomeone familiar with the jenkins instance here?19:53
jtaylorlooks like the xunit testresults are not working as intended19:53
jtaylorsee pyzmq19:53
elfyDanChapman: so I can add, commit, push my branch and it'll just be in my LP page19:54
elfyI'd at least be able to follow the logic of the system I guess19:55
balloonsso DanChapman, Letozaf we need to decide what can be pushed to the production branch from these tests also20:02
balloonsanything that is 1.3 and working and makes sense in jenkins, we should place in there20:02
balloonsright now it only has the firefox test in it20:02
Letozafballoons, well if we fix gedit, we also got gedit :p20:03
balloonsand simple is ok here.. just running the app everyday will make sure it starts and doesn't crash20:03
balloonsthat in itself is a smoketest20:03
Letozafballoons, good, so we must get other tests working :-)20:04
Letozafballoons, typeMode = self.app.select_many('GtkLabel', label=' INS ') instead of typeMode = self.app.select_single('GtkLabel', label=' INS ') works   ??20:05
balloonsLetozaf, heh.. there's more than one?20:05
balloonsthat's odd20:05
Letozafballoons, I suspected so, but I do not know where to look for it, there is sooooo much stuff in vis20:06
balloonsLetozaf, ohh yes indeed20:06
balloonsdid you learn the trick from the hackathon?20:06
Letozafballoons, nope I just had a flash idea20:07
balloonscheck out the _find function in here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694635/20:07
balloonslet me give you a better example of me using it20:08
Letozafballoons, I saw this and also looked at it various times20:08
Letozafballoons, yes and example would be fine20:08
Letozafballoons, :p20:08
balloonsso that's from the work I was doing on totem20:10
balloonsI implemented his walk to look for stuff in the application for me..20:10
balloonsaka, since vis doesn't yet have a search, this made it possible for me to search20:10
Letozafballoons, cool20:10
Letozafballoons, maybe I could try this with gedit20:11
balloonsso you could add this right now to the gedit app and see what's going on20:11
balloonsDanChapman, ok so your fileroller testcase, I've got a couple comments20:13
DanChapmanballoons, ok :d20:13
balloonswhoa.. I like the hack.. ;-)20:14
DanChapmanhehe its the only way i could do it20:14
balloonsI'm curious why you did this:     # Hacky way using terminal to delete test files, can be improved20:14
balloonswhy not use python calls to remove stuff?20:14
balloonsI like the use of making global constants for buttons.. good idea20:15
DanChapmanit was to do with not being able to select an archive format that got it acting strange. I planned to go back and sort it tomorrow.20:16
balloonsok.. I would merge with that small change20:17
balloonsand yes, the gtklocation horridness we need to note that in a bug with the autopilot team20:17
DanChapmanok will sort that in the morning20:17
balloonsthis is a concrete example of it20:17
balloonssome of our biggest issues happen with subwindows20:17
balloonsnamely, an open dialog, etc20:17
DanChapmanYeah they are rather tricky20:18
balloonsDanChapman, ohh one more thing.. each method calls setup and teardown. sadly I don't think you can place this into a generic teardown. But if not, migrate it into the actual tests themselves20:18
balloonsthat is, each test should be selfcontained.. so yes, create and destroy each time20:19
balloonsyou can sub out common steps if needed20:19
DanChapmanI thought so,20:20
balloonsDanChapman, :-) I figured.. This is some nice work. It's nice to have the audience of folks hacking on this increase20:20
balloonsI'm hardly a python or autopilot expert.. we all learn from each other :-)20:20
DanChapmanYeah this is my first run with autopilot, its nice to be learning some new stuff.20:21
balloonsdon't worry, I'll post changes via the merge request btw.. but since your here it's nice to chat :-)20:22
thomimorning everyone20:22
balloonshello thomi!20:22
DanChapmanmorning thomi.20:22
balloonswe're just working on merging some of the 1.3 goodness into the repository :-)20:23
DanChapmanOk cool balloons. I gotta shoot in a minute though, Dinner time.20:24
balloonsno worries.. it's getting close for me to20:24
balloonseverything will end up in the merge requests. Letozaf how's it coming?20:24
Letozafballoons, a bit confused with the output I got :p20:25
Letozafballoons, I'm looking at it now20:25
DanChapmanCool well bye for now. Will sort the niggles out in the morning :)20:25
balloonsDanChapman, wonderful.. pleasant evening to you!20:25
Letozafballoons, does this make sense to you ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711421/20:29
balloonsLetozaf, code?20:31
balloonsmaybe my copy/paste failed you20:31
Letozafballoons, no I tried twice, paste bin puts everything on one line you have to scroll right20:32
balloonsLetozaf, no worries on scrolling :-)20:33
elfyI'm off - I think a bit wiser - till tomorrow at least - cya balloons20:34
balloonsby elfy20:35
balloonsLetozaf, try using his original versions of _find and _walk20:36
balloonsperhaps I messed something up20:36
Letozafballoons, ok20:36
balloonswhat you have looks fine20:36
Letozafballoons, nope, I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711449/   I pasted only the last part20:41
Letozafballoons, piece of code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711451/20:42
balloonsLetozaf, ahh.. that means it didn't find it20:44
balloonsit blows up if it goes to deep20:44
balloonsor otherwise doesn't find it20:44
balloonsso one or the other occurred20:44
balloonsbasically, your outta luck. it didn't help :-(20:44
Letozafballoons, :(20:44
balloonsTry searching for something else.. you'll see what it looks like20:44
balloonssearch for something you know exists20:44
Letozafballoons, ok I will20:45
knomeballoons, did you have some kind of script to get the testcases from the branch to production?20:48
phillwballoons: do you have any time scale for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy ? I've asked Ubuntu Beginners Team to hold at least one session on terminal, but at what point do we make the dates and allow UWN to know them?20:50
Letozafballoons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711482/20:51
balloonslol, unplugged my pc20:54
balloonsknome, yes I do20:54
balloonsi have a script that syncs the tracker to lp20:54
balloonslp to qatracker20:54
knomeballoons, good, because you're going to get a massive commit soon20:54
balloonsphillw, we said in general June.. no fixed dates beyond that20:54
balloonsanyone can claim anything in June20:54
balloonshowever we start testing more halfway through June20:55
balloonsknome, :-)20:56
balloonsLetozaf, yep you see it found it that time :-)20:56
Letozafballoons, yeah, lot of stuff but less than with vis :)20:57
balloonsit's a tool.. hopefully it will help20:57
Letozafballoons, sure20:57
Letozafballoons, going to bed now, I will try tomorrow to solve the last failure in Gedit test20:58
balloonsI was running into issue with it too not finding things (but then again, perhaps they don't exist) with totem20:58
balloonsLetozaf, kk.. g-night20:58
balloonsI wouldn't agonize over it too much more20:58
balloonswe can drop that line if needed and just commit as is20:58
Letozafballoons, ok20:58
balloonsthe rest works :-) I don't want to hold on that simple test20:58
LetozafLetozaf, fine then :) thanks20:59
LetozafLetozaf, 'night20:59
Letozafballoons, 'night20:59
knomeballoons, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/270/builds/45158/testcases/1300/results21:16
knomeballoons, 3. on that; the list there is invalid markup21:16
knomeballoons, http://packages.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/milestones/249/builds/27871/testcases/1537/results21:16
knomeballoons, point 1. on that; the list there is valid markup21:16
knomeballoons, ok to change stuff like that?21:16
knomeballoons, i can send another patch for the css to make it look correct.21:17
knomeor, correct as in, as wanted21:17
balloonsknome, looking21:51
knomebetter be ok, i've changed a bunch of them21:51
knomeit basically just changes an already bad-looking formatting21:51
knometell me how you would like it to appear and i'll send a patch for the css file to fic it21:51
knomefix too21:51
balloonsknome, likely whatever you think is best.. you have a suggestion?21:52
balloonsok so I'm looking a testcase 1300_Install (entire disk)21:52
knomealign it with the dd's, make them non-italics21:53
balloonsso your saying I can't have the ul inside the dt's21:53
knomeand tweak the bottom padding21:53
knomeyes, the html spec says dt's can only have inline elements21:53
knomebut dd can have anything21:53
balloonsahh.. :-) Well, yes you'll notice we don't get what we want if we move them outside of the dt's21:53
knomeat the same time, that makes a lot of sense and not at all21:53
knomeit's just a styling issue though21:54
balloonscan you send me the changed version for 1300?21:54
knomeas i said, i'd probably align them with the dd's (or between dt/dd), and make them non-italized21:54
knomehttp://packages.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/milestones/249/builds/27871/testcases/1537/results has a similar structure at 1.21:54
balloonslet's look at it21:54
balloonsyes, I wanted to mockup ther e:-)21:55
knomebut with the fixed markup21:55
knomelet me edit the css live and send you a screenshot soon21:55
knomeso you'd see what i'm after21:55
balloonsok great21:55
balloonsI'll bbl21:58
knomei have it ready now ;)21:59
knomejust to send the shottie21:59
knomeballoons, http://temp.knome.fi/qa/new-dd-ul-style.png22:00
balloonsknome, ahh the horrid padding is fixed22:01
knomewell yeah.22:01
balloonsalong with style :)22:01
knomei said "fix the padding" ;)22:01
balloonsno complaints from me :-)22:01
knomeso anyway, as you see, it's just a styling issue even if we move those to dd's22:01
knomeand since i've done it for almost all testcases... :)22:01
knomeif there is something else that bothers you, tell me now and i'll add those to the patch i'll send to maintainers later22:02
Noskcajhas anyone heard from howard recently? i still need to talk to him bout some testdrive stuff22:04
knomeNoskcaj, have you tried contacting him in a PM?22:04
Noskcajno, i've not seen him online at all22:04
knomeNoskcaj, i'd guess send email then and wait22:05
Noskcajhave done22:05
Noskcajballoons, i'm still no further towards a testdrive hangout, roaksoax is always busy, kirkland is always away22:06
balloonsNoskcaj, howard is out till june sometime..22:06
Noskcajballoons, ok, thanks for the info22:06
balloonshis blog has the date22:06
Noskcajjust saw that. why does everyone else have stuff to do.22:11
knomewhat a weird thing to moan about.22:12
Noskcajjust remembered, i need to get my Ubuntu PC sponsored22:14
Noskcajcopied from -discuss: I'm going to make an Ubuntu themed PC, with many case mods. is it possible for me to get sponsored by canonical or a community member?22:15
NoskcajThe PC will then be used for testing Ubuntu, seeding the ubuntu torrent downloads and running folding@home (a cancer prevention mass processing program made by stanford university)22:15
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
knomeballoons, https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/ubuntu-manual-tests/valid-html/+merge/16615323:26
knomestgraber, where do you take bug reports, patches or merge requests for the ISO tracker CSS?23:32
stgraberknome: launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website23:33
knomestgraber, i just branched that, but i don't see a CSS file. does that mean i should just file a bug?23:34
stgraberknome: the theme is the default Drupal theme. There are a few css overrides done in modules/qatracker/qatracker.module though23:34
knomeaha, i'll look there23:34
knomegreat, i'll send you a merge proposal soonish23:36
knomestgraber, https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/ubuntu-qa-website/ul-inside-dd-css/+merge/16615723:46
knomeballoons, done! :)23:46

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