
=== Darkwing_ is now known as Darkwing
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
* MarkDude is helping Ubuntu Oregon Team to award a pass they were given. We are using random.org to draw the number. Hoping to have at least one extra Ubuntu person NOT in drawing able to watch it - this afternoon15:00
MarkDudephilipballew, will monitor drawing this afternoon :)15:59
philipballewapparently I am monitoring the drawing.16:00
MarkDudeLooks that way philipballew16:01
MarkDudeWith everyone in the drawing from Oregon- I want to make sure if a leader wins- its on the up and up- and picked live - with impartial trusted people16:02
MarkDudephilipballew= Jesus= Buddha= Big Lebowski16:02
MarkDude<slight overstatement>16:02
philipballewI tried San Fransisco tap water today, and could taste the chemicals.16:07
akkSJ water is apparently very clean, but it's loaded with chlorine.16:08
philipballewakk, yeah, I am not used to this, so as soon as I tried to drink it my throat got really dry, and I think it's from the chlorine or something.16:18
pleia2philipballew: huh, where are you staying?16:18
pleia2(I still filter it, but ours is quite good even right out of the tap)16:19
philipballewpleia2, some guys floor in the mission near Noisebridge.16:20
philipballewnot sure what the deal is, but I pored it out, and went to macdonalds to get water from the soda fountain.16:21
pleia2philipballew: maybe just bad pipes in the house? soda fountain is probably tap water too16:22
philipballewpleia2, your changing my view of the world here!16:22
pleia2ah, maybe mcdonalds does filter their soda fountain water16:22
akkI kind of doubt it.16:23
pleia2akk: I did too, but found http://howlermunkey.hubpages.com/hub/Why-does-Diet-Coke-taste-better-at-Mcdonalds16:23
darthrobot`Title: [Why does fountain Diet Coke taste better at Mcdonalds?]16:23
philipballewIn-N-Out does16:23
MarkDudephilipballew, is there any project or group of folks *unwilling* to let you crash on their floor?16:23
philipballewMarkDude, None that I have found yet16:23
pleia2(and a couple other supporting documents of similar legitimacy :))16:24
* MarkDude is not aware of any. Fedora people at OSCON were happy to let you use some space- you mean that dude with Jesus sandals16:24
pleia2anyway, could also just be that tap water taste varies throughout the city16:24
akkCool, pleia2 (on the filtering). Assuming it's true. :)16:24
* philipballew looks FABULOUS in the Jesus sandals.16:24
akkBut I'm going with pleia2's first diagnosis of pipes. Those make a big difference.16:25
philipballewthe mission is a older part of town right?16:25
philipballewat least from the looks of it, it seems that way.16:25
pleia2not sure about older, but it's more poorly maintained (not as wealthy part of the city)16:25
philipballewah, i see. That makes sense.16:26
philipballewI have a flight early out of sfo tomorrow, so I'm gonna see how much sleep I can get sitting in an airport terminal tonight. Maybe the water there will be good.16:27
pleia2philipballew: we can do a tap water experiment, swing by later and I'll give you some non-filtered water16:27
philipballewpleia2, Sounds like a plan to me!16:27
pleia2(I am quite busy today, but I can take 20 minutes to say hello if you want to pop over :))16:27
pleia2would be nice to see you!16:28
philipballewpleia2, sure! when would a good time be?16:28
philipballewI am free all day16:28
* philipballew loves seeing pleia2 16:28
pleia2philipballew: could do lunch around 1:3016:29
philipballewI can do that. Want me to just pop up into your apartment for lunch or somewhere else?16:29
pleia2here is good, plenty of lunch places around16:30
pleia2just txt me when you arrive and I'll come down16:31
philipballewalright, perfect!16:31
pleia2(feel free to browse as you walk down new montgomery, I eat here every day, you can choose :))16:31
philipballewpleia2, alright, that sounds great. :)16:31
=== jono is now known as Guest93857
akkHmph. The spellchecker on Ringtail has neither pangolin nor ringtail in it.21:05

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