
Kilosmorning not_found and others06:26
not_foundGoeie more Suid Afrika!06:30
Symmetriaoh god, not_found now you sound like some lame SABC tv show from years past06:31
not_foundthat was the idea... and I don't know if it was lame, was awesome to watch TV from 6 in the morning...06:32
not_foundWho here remembers Nuus Tak Lo06:32
Kiloshaas das06:33
Kilosnuus kas06:34
Kilosor am i mixed up now06:34
Symmetrianot_found lol thats what DSTV and CNN are for ;p06:35
Symmetriabesides, the only reason to be awake at 6am is if you havent stopped drinking from the night before *grin*06:35
Kiloshi Vince-0 Symmetria 06:35
Symmetrialo kilos06:37
Symmetria*sigh* you know, even after almost 19 years on IRC, the sick depravity of some people online still sickens me 06:37
SymmetriaI have glined 39 people from efnet for being sick disgusting waste of breath perverts in the last 24 hours :(06:38
Kiloshi trenster 06:38
trensterim using webchat06:39
Kilosso i see06:39
trensterand i dunno how this works06:39
Symmetriaseriously, these people on efnet msg me, and they are like, asl?!06:39
Symmetriaso Im like, 12/f/nebraska!06:39
Kiloswhat you wanna do trenster 06:39
Symmetria;p if they keep talking after that, its an instant network wide ban06:39
trensterso excuse me if i happen to fallontopoffu06:39
Symmetriaand the scary thing is, most of them do :(06:40
trenstermy mirc client wanted to extrort money from me this morning06:41
Symmetriaheh I own an mirc license ;p 06:41
trensternah im not gonna pay these okes im a cheap dude06:42
Symmetriain recent years, Ive actually come to own a fair amount of legitimate software ;p if you'd asked me 10 years ago I'd be like, what, buy software?! are you nuts?! 06:42
trensteri sooner crack it06:42
trensterits just annoyware06:42
Symmetriatrenster you know that its only a soft warning and it never really kicks you out 06:42
KilosMaaz, google free xchat for win706:42
MaazKilos: "XChat for Windows" http://xchat.org/windows/ :: "XChat: Multiplatform Chat Program" http://xchat.org/ :: "X-Chat 2 for Windows" http://www.silverex.org/ :: "Windows - How to get XChat for free! - YouTube" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5YgBkpZMT8 :: "The Top 7 Best Free IRC Clients for Windows 7 - MakeUseOf" http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/top-7-free-irc-06:42
Maazclients-windows-7/ :: "X-Chat - Download" http://x-chat.en.softonic.com/ :: "Free XChat for W…06:42
trensternah symetria today it kicked me out06:43
trensterstrange i know06:43
trensterbut it happened06:43
Symmetriakilos sad thing is, the only time I will use xchat on anything other htan mac is when someone ports the -aqua interface along with it06:43
trensterits never done this before06:43
not_foundSymmetria, I remember a time when I had to wait for 6pm for TV to start >.>06:44
Symmetriaxchat aqua on osx has a pretty interface, xchat on anything else irritates me 06:44
Symmetrianot_found LOL, http://www.peanutbutterandjam.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/sabc.jpg06:44
Kilosxchat rocks06:45
Symmetrianot_found scary thing is, that image was still more productive and more informative than most of the crap they broadcast on sabc currently 06:45
Kilostell him neelsie06:45
Symmetriaat least that image wasnt an ANC mouth piece ;p06:45
not_foundKilos, nuustak had the chameleon and owl in a tree making fun of politicians :p06:46
Symmetriahttp://edition.cnn.com/2013/05/27/travel/north-korea-ski-resort/index.html?hpt=hp_c3 <=== lol, think they give rocket powered ski's?!06:47
not_foundstate media is always the voice of the state...06:47
Symmetrianot_found *laugh* this is true, Im just suprised our current state knows how to write anything that can be read on state tv ;p 06:48
Kiloshi Julius129 06:56
Symmetrialol @ my dog07:21
Symmetriashe keeps chasing the hadidas07:21
Symmetriaand looking very frustrated and grumpy that she never catches them07:21
Symmetria;p dunno wtf she would do if she ever did catch something that size07:21
Kiloshi Xethron 07:22
Xethronheya Kilos :)07:22
openfishHi..a newbie - just browsing to find my feet07:52
Kiloshi opewelcome to ubuntu-za07:57
SymmetriaCNN gotta be having a slow news day07:59
Symmetriathey changed the rules in the american spelling bee contest to say *gasp* contestants now have to know the meaning of the words they can spell08:00
ThatGraemeGuyCNN stopped being about news long ago08:20
ThatGraemeGuymorning peeps08:20
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 08:20
Kiloshi zeref 09:30
zerefhi Kilos 09:30
Kiloshi psyatw 09:30
psyatwhi Kilos09:30
psyatwhi zeref09:31
zerefis they a way to tell what kind of Hp Proliant microServer09:33
zerefmodel is been used from the box09:33
Squirmbox being cardboard box?09:38
SquirmI 'spose not, but maybe there is something like a serial number on the case?09:38
zerefI meant on the case :P09:42
zerefSquirm: there are a couple of numbers. S/N and PID09:44
zerefdo you happen to know which one it is?09:44
Squirmlaid my hands on one once... last year at some point. wasn't mine though10:00
Squirmso I have no idea10:07
Squirmsorry, finished the train of thought in my mind, just never typed it out10:07
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
openfishHi..what is best practise scenario for Ubuntu server & adsl + 5 users. server = proxy, domain,website, small webapp, samba share, backups. 11:49
Kiloshi openfish 12:01
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za12:01
Kilosjust hang here one of the brains will help you as soon a s he gets a break12:02
openfishthanks -12:05
Kilosnp im the greeter bot here12:05
Kiloshiya maiatoday 12:10
Kiloswb nlsthzn 13:05
Kilosno one helped the poor openfish13:05
Kilosi need to learn more about servers13:06
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
* Symmetria is amused13:41
SymmetriaEskom aint so bad13:41
Symmetria2 hours ago, the kenyan power company screwed up13:41
Symmetriaand the entire country has no power13:41
Kiloshi Cantide 15:25
Cantidehello :p15:26
Kiloswhat do you know about electricity15:26
Kilosmeasuring from earth to neutral should give no voltage methinks15:26
Kiloshave i forgotten something15:26
Cantidesounds right15:28
Cantideto measure AC you'd need to measure between neutral and live15:28
Cantideeven live and earth should do nothing15:28
Kilosno man15:29
Kiloslive and earth is full 220\15:29
Kilosbut ian is getting 40v on earth to neutral15:29
Kilosim sure thats a leakage prob somewqhere15:30
Kilosneutral is eskoms supplied earth kinda15:30
Tonberry_mmm should earth and neutral not be close to 0 V ?15:33
Kilosya i think so15:33
Kilosotherwise there is leakage from old underground cables or so15:34
Cantideah, i see >.<15:34
Kilosive forgotten so much. just had to ask before i mislead him15:36
Kilosty Tonberry_ 15:36
* Cantide holds the live and earth wires in order to remember15:37
Kiloshair straightener15:37
Kiloswhat was this okey actually asking please15:39
Kilos<openfish> Hi..what is best practise scenario for Ubuntu server & adsl + 5 users. server = proxy, domain,website, small webapp, samba share, backups. 15:39
Kiloswhats a practise scenario15:39
Kilosfor starters15:39
Cantidetest environment perhaps?15:41
* Cantide guesses15:41
Kilosi didnt know what to answer so told him wait for brains to get a break15:42
Cantidei'm not sure what he's asking either :p15:42
Kilospoor okey15:45
Kiloswe sposed to be the most helpful channel15:46
Kilosmaybe the pro will know15:47
Kilosinetpro, moeg al weer?15:47
=== silver_ is now known as Guest85818
Kiloshi Guest85818 16:25
Guest85818so everybody here uses ubuntu?16:25
Kilosnope some use other linux systems16:26
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za16:26
Guest85818great, thanks16:26
Kiloshave you got probs?16:26
Guest85818so whats the topic like?16:26
Kilosthis is the officail ubuntu -za help channel but the guys help with most linux probs16:27
Kilosi dunno what that meant16:27
KilosCantide, you still gonne be on here when you in korea?16:35
Cantidehope so16:35
Cantidebut i don't know which hours i'll be on16:35
Cantidebecause i'll be 7 hours ahead16:35
Kilosyou better work it out16:35
Cantidei might miss everyone :p16:35
CantideI'm not staying up till 2 am every day :p16:35
Cantideironically i just woke someone in Korea up so we can chat :p16:36
Kilosour 7 am will be your 2pm so no excuse16:36
Kiloswe are here all day not just at night16:37
Cantidei'll probably be at work at that time :p16:37
Kiloswell you get home too you know16:38
Kilosdont sleep immediately16:38
Cantidemy shifts are going to be weird16:38
Cantidebut i'll be off most weekends, so that's fine :)16:38
Kilosdont they have standard school hours or you gonna teach old peeps at night16:38
Cantideso early mornings and evenings16:40
Cantidei.e. before and after work (mostly)16:40
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:34
inetprogood evening18:36
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos nee nie moeg nie, net baie ander uitdagings wat my besig hou18:36
Maazinetpro: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode18:36
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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