
tintiis cherokee package missing on raring?00:00
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Dr_willis!info cherokee00:09
ubottuPackage cherokee does not exist in raring00:09
Dr_willis!find cherokee00:09
ubottuFile cherokee found in dasher-data, freeciv-data, libxmlada4.1-dev, mediawiki, openvas-plugins-dfsg, spip, texlive-fonts-extra, texlive-fonts-extra-doc, texlive-omega00:09
toneseasiest gui disk image software for ubuntu? not dd, clonezilla?00:11
dark_djinni'm trying to deal with getting an ssl cert for ubuntu00:12
dark_djinnwhat is the default lamp ssl method on ubuntu?00:12
xirreHow do you check the current CPU Usage that a process is using by using its PID? It needs to be outputted for use by a third party program. (Like how I would get the PID by doing echo "$!" > '/home/directory/file.txt' after a command is initially ran.) -- I was told earlier to use ps -p <pid> -o %cpu  but i'd like to store this information momentarily so a third party can retrieve it and delete it after it has received it.00:13
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thefunc5tones: i just use eusus disk copy, super easy and uber effective00:15
thefunc5runs off a live cd and clones both linux and windows installations without issue00:15
Gabboztones, redobackup.org is worth looking at too00:15
toneswill look at both thanks00:16
thefunc5never heard of that one, but i do like how itll backup to network shares, that looks REALLY nice00:16
Gabbozthefunc5, how does easeus handle drives with different sizes(upon restore)?00:16
Gabbozthefunc5, redo works quite well.00:16
thefunc5gabboz, it doesnt seem to care lol00:17
echoeGod I just realized that ll is an alias of ls00:17
echoe... learning via experience sucks sometimes.00:17
Gabbozthefunc5, good. ive found free recovery apps can get grouchy with that..good to see it become a thing of the past00:17
killmakeri have a peoblem00:17
Dr_willisechoe,  'alias' command may show more. ;)00:17
thefunc5i havent tried it other than one time, mapped a 300gb disk to a 128gb ssd and it worked just fine, paritioned it fine and to the brim00:17
echoeDr willis I know. :p it does ls -l00:17
thefunc5but note, i have only done that ONCE, havent tried it other than that on etime00:17
killmakerhow do i bypass secure boot00:18
echoeI was spoofing uptime and learned that bit already. Just blah.00:18
thefunc5killmaker secure boot on windows 8?00:18
Dr_willisdisable it in the bios i belive killmaker00:18
comodo_dragoni haev Ubuntu 6.10 installed, but I am having trouble installing LibreOffice.00:18
Dr_williscomodo_dragon,  6.10? that was a typo right?00:18
comodo_dragonversion 6.1000:18
killmakeri did disabled it but ubuntu won't load00:18
thefunc5...by the gods how long has that box been up and running comodo?00:19
Dr_willisthat is over 6 yrs old.. time to upgrade.00:19
comodo_dragon6years or so00:19
Dr_willis!eol or read about using EOL releases00:19
ubottuDr_willis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:19
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:19
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.00:19
Dr_willisits been eol for 5 yrs. ;)00:19
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killmakertried to disable it but ubuntu still won't boot00:20
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killmakerany idea what to do with eufi config00:21
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thefunc5killmaker, when you googled about your computer model and ubuntu install what was the consensus?00:22
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AutoMatriXhi folks,00:30
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* AutoMatriX is back, after a bit less than a year00:30
PyGuyHey guys. Can someone help me get my Sound Blaster ZX working in 12.04.2?00:32
Dako300Anything more specific?00:32
AutoMatriXPyGuy, might be a bit more precise in your question,00:32
LegitsI need help with a broken initramfs.00:33
PyGuyWell, firstly, can someone tell me how to get my 12.04.2 install to kernel 3.5 in the supported way?00:33
strugzPyGuy type dmesg00:33
Dako300You should be able to upgrade it and it will upgrade the kernel00:34
Dr_willisPyGuy,  i think someone mentioned enabling the backports repo earlier00:34
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging00:34
strugzPyGuy apt-get upgrade00:34
PyGuy"0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." and I'm still on 3.2.x00:34
Dr_willisfirst google hit for '12.04 kernel 3.5'00:35
Dako300That may be because you are running a LTS00:35
PyGuyYeah I'm running LTS.00:35
Dako300pretty much, you have no upgrades ubtill 12.04.300:35
Dr_willissudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-quantal00:35
Dr_willissudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-lts-quantal00:35
PyGuyWill I still be able to get support if I do that?00:36
Dr_willisIts in the standard repos.. so yes00:36
Rubbisshso, how do i download ubuntu on my windows 8 with a usb stick?00:36
Dr_willis 12 down vote accepted00:36
Dr_willisNew deployments of 12.04.2 will be installed with an updated kernel and a new X windows stack.00:36
Dr_willisoops.. pasted to much. ;)00:36
Dr_willisRubbissh,  use some of the tools at the pendrivelinux web site perhaps?00:37
strugzRubbissh apt-get install usb-creator-kde00:37
Dako300I need help with my sound, It works perfectly fine but the sound is also coming out of the PC speaker. I checked and I DO NOT have pcspkr as a module (I am running the kernel that came with Ubuntu,3.8)00:37
Dr_willisthe 'pcspkr' module is for the old 'beeper00:38
Dr_willis type speaker as far as i know. its possible the pc has some other sort of built in sound as well thats not using that module00:38
rmobenchainjust ran bad blocks via terminal and received the following message: badblocks: Unknown code ext2 70 adding to in-memory bad block list.  what does this mean?00:38
Dako300The scary thing is, is that in the BIOS I disabled the PC speaker.00:38
Dako300Your hard drive is going bad00:39
Dr_willisthat might be just for the old type beeper-type-speaker.00:39
zykotick9Dako300: i'd try "lsmod | grep snd_" is anything listed that could be the pc speaker related?00:39
Dako300If it helps, I am using a crap computer from 200300:40
rmobenchaindako300: was your hard drive going bad response in regards to my question?00:40
Dako300The closest thing is snd_pcm00:40
PyGuy_Alrighty, so my Sound Blaster ZX is detected, but not outputting any sound00:40
Dako300rmobenchain: yes00:40
rmobenchainDako300: ok.  thanks.  what I've been suspecting as well.00:41
zykotick9Dako300: i don't think snd_pcm is related.  well, good luck (i seem to remember a snd_SMOTHING that was pc speaker related, but don't see it on my system either...)00:41
PyGuy_Anyone have any ideas?00:43
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Dako300The modules listed are, snd_ac97_codec,snd_intel8x0,snd_timer,snd_pcm,snd_seq,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device (I just copied that from the dependencies of snd)00:43
AutoMatriXHi folks, I'm setting up an local ubuntu-mirror . Is there any way to see (follow) whcih files are currently being downloaded ?APT-Mirror does not give much feedback :(00:43
ubuntu__guys, I-m gonna install ubuntu. I didn-t make a swap because I currently have 8gb of ram. also, if anything I will be usin zram. however, what do you think_00:43
Gabbozubuntu__, you can always make a swap file if you want.00:44
ubuntu__yeah, I don-t want to, but I wanna know if it might decrease my performance as I have 8gb of ram00:44
Dako300No, not unless you are playing games00:44
Gabbozubuntu__, if you tune swappiness it wont matter00:44
Gabbozubuntu__, beware if you surpass 8Gb of needed ram you crash..period.00:45
ubuntu__Gabboz, Dako300I have integrated card so, I rarely and barely play. what is that swappiness thing_00:45
zykotick9Dako300: i wouldn't think any of those are the cause?  but obviously the output is coming from somewhere (i just don't know where).  in "alsamixer" does F6 have some other card with a pc speaker you can mute/turn down perhaps?00:45
Dr_willissafest thing to do would be make a 2gb or so swap file.00:45
Gabbozubuntu__, http://askubuntu.com/questions/103915/how-do-i-configure-swappiness00:46
thpeis there a way to make the XF86AudioRaiseVolume key raise the volume in pulseaudio?00:46
ubuntu__btw, I-ve used 13.04 and found the auto/hide behaviour to be buggy, have someelse experience problems making it appear_00:46
Dako300I need help with my sound, It works perfectly fine but the sound is also coming out of the PC speaker. I checked and I DO NOT have pcspkr as a module (I am running the kernel that came with Ubuntu,3.8)00:47
PyGuy_Hey guys. Can someone help me getting my Sound Blaster ZX working? It's detected but no sound is coming out of my headphones.00:47
Dako300PyGuy_, do you have the modules for it?00:47
PyGuy_I'm not sure, Dako30000:48
Dako300PyGuy_, how do you know its "detected"00:48
PyGuy_How might I get them?00:48
PyGuy_Well, in pavucontrol the sound bar pulses along with the sound as I play a youtube video, but nothing comes out of the headphones00:49
Dako300PyGuy_, if you didnt do anything with the kernel, they should be there (and without it, the sould card couldnt be recognized)00:49
Dr_willisunless its just sending output to the wrong jack.00:49
Dr_willisor wrong soundcard00:49
PyGuy_Good point00:50
spoonhi there, does anyone have the commands or download link to get broadcom wifi drivers?00:50
Dr_willis!broadcom | spoon00:50
ubottuspoon: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:50
PyGuy_So what do I do?00:50
Dr_willistry the other jacks?00:50
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Dr_willisive also had sound try to go out my HDMI when i neede it to go out the analog ports00:51
PyGuy_Hmmm there's only one headphone jack on the card00:51
Dr_willismost jacks are configurable.. try the other ones..00:52
Ari-YangDr_willis, you're having problems with sound coming out through the tv via hdmi?00:52
Dako300PyGuy_, Where is the bar thats for the sound exactly.00:52
Dr_willisAri-Yang,  i was - untill i switched to the 3.9 kernel. :)00:52
PyGuy_Dako300: In pavucontrol, on the Output devices tab00:52
Ari-YangDr_willis, ah, was going to ask if you're on radeon, and if you were you might have had to add something to grub00:53
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Dr_willisAri-Yang,  theres some hdmi audio bug in 13.04 with some of the kernels - seems to affect a lot of differnt  chipsets. a fix is supposed to be in the works or out.. but i got sick of waiting and  tried the 3.9 kernel that works ;)00:54
Ari-Yangheh, nice00:54
Dr_willisbut since im using that.. i dont know if the fix has been released00:54
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davidbuhauneed a little help with sharing and mounting an installed fat32 drive00:55
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ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:57
Dr_williswhich factoid is it. ;)00:57
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE00:57
Dako300PyGuy_: Try running lsmod | grep snd_ and does anything like emu10k pop up?00:57
Dako300I also have a SB card00:57
davidbuhauso i have no idea what i have done differently this time.  i have a small server running ubuntu 12.04.  last time i was able to easily tell nautilus to auto mount the drive on startup... for whatever reason i cannot get it to auto mount this time00:58
PyGuy_Dako300: I'm not seeing anything that says emu10k00:58
Dr_willisdavidbuhau,  auto mount at BOOT time.. you make a fstab entry00:58
Dr_willisdavidbuhau,  otherwise nautilus can auto mount it on first access via the 'gvfs' features of nautilus00:58
Dako300PyGuy_: What does pop up?00:58
Dr_willisdavidbuhau,  if you want to make it a windows share. you will want a fstab entry for it00:59
davidbuhaui also was very easily able to share the drive just using the share menu in the properties, allowing others to read/write on the drive by simply saying essentially "yes, change the permissions for me".  neither of these things are working for me this time... so frustrating00:59
Dr_willisdavidbuhau,  the 'ntfs-config' tool can make a entry for it.00:59
PyGuy_Dako300: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5708649/00:59
davidbuhaui don't mind having to remote in to mount the drive on restart i guess, but the permissions thing is really getting under my skin01:00
Dako300PyGuy_:I am stumped01:00
Gabbozdavidbuhau, add that drive to your fstab01:01
PyGuy_Dako300: Ah, ok. Thanks anyway.01:01
davidbuhaucan i use gconf-editor to do that?01:02
PyGuy_Can anyone else help me with getting my Sound Blaster ZX to work in 12.04.2 64-bit?01:02
Gabbozdavidbuhau, no, thats not the tool01:03
dark_djinnok, now needing help with getting mail01:03
davidbuhauokay, i've used that before for auto-mount... it's been ages since i've fiddled around with any of the configurations, i just use ubuntu to get things done mostly01:03
dark_djinnit seems to receive the mail to my vps, but doesn't appear to forward it to the user01:03
Dr_willisdavidbuhau,  to share a vfat via samba - you will need to mount it with the right options.01:03
Gabbozdavidbuhau, if you must go gui way, check out http://pysdm.sourceforge.net/01:04
spoonhow can I find which wireless card/adapter is in my laptop to get the correct drivers? lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 does not return anything.01:04
AutoMatriXtrying it in another way : can someone tell me how to monitor the name of the actually incoming files ?01:04
Dr_willisntfs-config can auto-add a fstab line for the vfat...01:04
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davidbuhauokay psydm looks easy enough to figure out...01:05
davidbuhaui will start with that and do a bit more research before i come back in here and bug you guys! :)01:06
Dr_willisid suggest backing up your /etc/fstab BEFOR using that tool davidbuhau01:06
PyGuy_Hey guys. Can someone help me getting my Sound Blaster ZX working? It's detected but no sound is coming out of my headphones.01:06
davidbuhaugood suggestion01:06
Dr_willislearning the basics of fstab is also a good idea.01:06
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
fl_riderI am looking for some assistance compiling darkice01:14
Dr_willis!info darkice01:15
ubottudarkice (source: darkice): Live audio streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 102 kB, installed size 348 kB01:15
Dr_willisthe apt-get build-deps packagename     can help by pulling in all needed deps to compile the source.01:15
fl_riderby default mp3 support is disabled01:15
Dr_willisthen theres that other tool that compiles source and builds a deb.01:16
fl_riderI have downloaded the source and have all the other dependencies installed01:17
StarOnDI want to install grub2 on a new external HDD. and then install a few different kind of linux distros. any tips?01:17
LegitsStill having an issue with initramfs. I just installed Kubuntu over LUKS on LVM on GPT. initramfs has no idea how to boot things up.01:17
Dr_willisStarOnD,  the other disrtos should install grub to the hdd as part of their install.01:18
earchello, i just installed 13.04 for the first time and i cant install additional drivers01:18
LegitsAdditional drives for what?01:18
earcLegits, my NVIDIA video card01:19
LegitsIt doesn't work to just apt-get install nvidia-current?01:20
earcLegits, GeForce 660Ti01:20
earcLegits, I didnt know about that, let me try. Thanks!01:21
StarOnDdr_willis will I be tied down to the first distro that I install ? what if I want to gt rid of the distro in case  I dont find it easy to use?01:21
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PyGuy_Hey guys. Can someone help me getting my Sound Blaster ZX working? It's detected but no sound is coming out of my headphones.01:23
WeThePeoplepyguy_, what distro and do you dual boot?01:28
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PyGuy_WeThePeople: 12.04.2 64-bit and no I don't dual boot01:28
earcLegits, after i do that, that's it? how do i check if im using the drivers?01:28
WeThePeoplepyguy_, laptop or desktop01:28
betraydStarOn you can pick your next liveCD sitro, to install it will have similar GPARTED tools to overwite01:29
Dr_willisPyGuy_,  an interesting test would be to see if a 13.04 live cd correctly handles the card. You  have disabled any onboard sound cards in the bios?01:29
PyGuy_Dr_willis: I'll try that! But first, how do I disable sound cards in the bios?01:30
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
Dr_willislook in your bios se4ttings..  theres to much varity in them for me to know where01:30
erpousb-creator-gtk is segfaulting each time I try to create a bootable USB drive for Ubuntu 13.04 AMD64. Any suggestions?01:32
Dr_williserpo,  you can use 'dd' to image the iso file straight to the usb. or try some of the other tools at the pendrivelinux site01:33
Dr_willisweird that its segfaulting01:33
spoonhow do i make a rule for something to be the target of a make command?01:33
erpoDr_willis: Are you serious? You can just dd a bootable ISO to a USB mass storage device that doesn't emulate an optical drive in hardware, and the PC will just boot from it?01:34
zykotick9erpo: if you have a linux host, just cat or dd the iso to the USB drive (eg, sdb) - NOT sdb1 which is a partition.  it wipes everything that's on that usb, so be SURE you have the right drive!01:34
erpozykotick9: That's insane. I almost can't believe it, but I'll give it a try.01:34
cjbirki am the plunderer01:34
cjbirkthe great icelandic snow king01:34
cjbirkand i use ubuntu.01:34
Dr_williserpo,  dding the iso stright to usb has been a fetaure of ubuntu for some time now.. its been a feature of a great many other linux disrtos for years01:34
spoonwhy is this returning an error root@QuiSu:/home/alexandre# make file:///home/alexandre/aer/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0003.0628.2010/Makefile01:35
Dr_williserpo,  the trick is the ISO has to be 'made' to support that feature01:35
zykotick9erpo: it only works with "hybrid" ISOs.01:35
spoonit says make: *** No rule to make target `file:///home/alexandre/aer/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0003.0628.2010/Makefile'.  Stop.01:35
Dr_williserpo,  earlier ubuntu isos did not suppport hybrid.01:35
Dr_willisabout 11.10 and earlier I think....01:35
erpoDr_willis: That's less nuts.01:35
Dr_williserpo,  or you can put grub2 on the usb.. and boot ISO files.. ;) thats even a niftier trick01:36
AutoMatriXhello again, can someone tell me ho to monitor the NAMES of the incoming files ? I tried ifstat but that only gives me the speed :(01:36
Dr_willisAutoMatriX,  incomming from what?01:36
spoonanyone help out? i cant get a make command to run01:36
AutoMatriXDr_willis, I'm runing apt-mirror for the moment01:37
betraydspoon did you run ./configure?01:37
AutoMatriXDr_willis, is that enough info for you ?01:38
betraydthey usually ahve a readme01:38
Dr_willisAutoMatriX,  so you want to monitor what apt-mirror is downloading?01:38
Basil1xOK... 13.04 shows error: 'Location Already Mounted' on DVD insertion.  As there is obviously no DVD already inserted, is there any way to make the error stop?  Even with the error, the drive works normally with the DVD.01:38
AutoMatriXDr_willis, absolutely01:38
Dr_willisperhaps apt-mirror has some verbose logging features.. ive never used it.01:38
spoonbetrayd: readme says to go to the directory, which i'm sudo'ed into in terminal and run the command make which is returning an error01:38
erpoAutoMatriX: Why do you want to monitor what apt-mirror is downloading?01:39
spoon./configure returns an error as well betrayd01:39
betraydthe sudo might be throwing it off, just a hunch01:40
AutoMatriXDr_willis, cannot find any in the man-pages01:40
spoondidn't think of that, the readme says to sudo01:40
ntzrmtthihu777hallo. odd issue here. while creating a symlink for ruby (it has stupidly placed .h files, lol) the resultant link is always broken, am I doing something wrong here?01:40
AutoMatriXerpo, it's les annoying when you see what's happening01:40
betraydspoon dont run make without configure running finishing cleanly01:40
erpoAutoMatriX: So, if there were some easy way to monitor the progress of the download, that is all you would be looking for.01:41
spoonbetrayd: so i should get into the directory, non sudo, run configure, then see if that works before make01:41
AutoMatriXerpo, if you can tell me what to install to see which files are iincoming, that would be very nice of you01:41
spoonthere is no configure found in the directory01:42
erpoAutoMatriX: What is the directory apt-mirror is downloading to?01:42
ulkeshspoon, what is it you're trying to build?  (do you have a URL to the download of the package?)01:43
AutoMatriXerpo, good question, I'm going to check that out ...;01:43
spoonulkesh: it's a wifi driver. link here: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=48&PFid=48&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true01:43
AutoMatriXerpo it's going into the spoolerdirectory of /var/www/.... etc01:44
erpoAutoMatriX: Run this command: grep base_path /etc/apt/mirror.list01:44
PyGuyYeah, neither disabling the onboard sound or trying 13.04 solved the issue01:44
ulkeshspoon, which driver and which kernel?01:45
spoonMore specifically looking use the RTL8188CE one01:45
AutoMatriXerpo, /var/spool/apt-mirror01:45
erpoAutoMatriX: Try this command:   watch du -sh /var/spool/apt-mirror01:45
ulkeshspoon, which kernel target?  2.6.24 and later?01:46
spoonulkesh: yes, I think that's right since I'm using a fresh ubuntu install01:46
erpoAutoMatriX: It may take a while to get started, but it will tell you how many GB have been downloaded so far. A complete download is around 50GB.01:46
PyGuyCan someone help me get my Sound Blaster ZX working on Ubuntu 12.04.2 64-bit?01:46
ulkeshspoon, ok, i'll give it a go..you may simply be missing the linux-headers package or something, i'll see what it says on my system01:46
spoonokay, thank you ulkesh01:47
AutoMatriXerpo, since I  mirror both architectures, MAD64 and the 32 bit, I'm around 100 Gigs, without the sources01:47
erpoAutoMatriX: I wouldn't know. Is that command giving you a meaningful progress indicator?01:48
AutoMatriXerpo, 97G     /var/spool/apt-mirror but no filenames :(01:48
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erpoAutoMatriX: Well, that's about as good as I know how to get for a progress indicator.01:49
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
AutoMatriXerpo, thanks but that does not help me ...is ubuntu not keeping a *.logfile of the file I/O ?01:51
ulkeshspoon, yeah that driver is fubar...it won't build for me either even having what i expect are all the prereqs01:51
spoondamn. i guess ill try to find another driver tomorrow.01:52
ulkeshspoon, this is the reason developers should produce a configure script...it would guarantee all the prereqs exist01:52
ulkeshspoon, sorry man :(01:52
spoonit's alright, thanks for working with me01:52
PyGuyCan someone help me get my Sound Blaster ZX working on Ubuntu 12.04.2 64-bit?01:53
ulkeshspoon, np, sorry i wasn't any help, good luck!01:53
BourneAgainShellHey everyone, I'm trying to add some info to the community help wiki for a workaround I found to a driver issue, but I can't seem to load the file (says I don't have permission to) - How can I send the info to the team working on the help pages? The link for the specific page I want to edit is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro6-2/Precise01:53
WeThePeoplepyguy_, did you check the additional drivers gui01:54
WeThePeoplepyguy, ^^^01:54
PyGuyWeThePeople: Yeah I did. There's nothing there. Just blank.01:54
WeThePeoplepyguy, i had the same prob01:55
WeThePeoplepyguy, when i turned my laptop completely off andback on again they work, ut when i reboot they dont01:55
PyGuyUmm, ok. Lemme give that a go.01:56
WeThePeoplepyguy, do you have gnome3 installed or are you using unity?01:56
migadooWhat requires restart01:57
betraydspoon go back to that directory bec, you said you ran ./configure01:57
WeThePeoplemigadoo, sudo shutdown -r now01:57
WeThePeoplethat will restart your machine01:57
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WeThePeoplemigadoo, can yo explain a little better?01:58
WeThePeopletuff question01:59
Gabboz_AFKmigadoo, kernel updates require reboots02:00
donavan01does anyone why my usb drive is showing double the capacity that it should have02:03
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
LegitsAnyone have any idea on my broken initramfs?02:09
WeThePeoplelegits, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Initramfs02:10
PyGuyHey guys. Can someone help me get my Sound Blaster ZX card working in 12.04.2 64-bit?02:10
PyGuyWeThePeople: Turning the computer off and on didn't help :c02:11
WeThePeoplepyguy, are you using unity or gnome02:11
WeThePeoplemight i suggest installing gnome02:11
PyGuyWill a GNOME3 based distro work, such as Cinnamon?02:12
Gabboz_AFKPyGuy, try it live first02:12
WeThePeoplepyguy, have you checked alsa02:14
WeThePeopleand pulseaudio settings02:14
PyGuyWeThePeople: Yeah, I've checked alsamixer and pavucontrol. Pavucontrol detects sound, but nothing comes out of my headphones02:15
LegitsWeThePeople, I'm not sure that helps. I think initramfs is missing a hook (or has them in the wrong order). Is this something I can configure manually? update-initramfs doesn't get me anywhere.02:15
AutoMatriXerpo, I found that cat /var/spool/apt-mirror/var/archive-log.0 | grep dsc is giving me the latest sourcefiles ... that's already something02:16
WeThePeoplelegits, idk02:17
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WeThePeoplepyguy, something might be conflicting between alsa and pulseaudio02:18
Dlt_mark^Hi all, I would like to know how to fix when i use 'tcpdump -i eth0 vlan 6' there is no packet displayed on the screen but when I use My Apple mac it work great?02:18
PyGuyWeThePeople: That would make sense. Should I do something like purge pulseaudio?02:19
spoonbetrayd: yeah, ./configure gives an error though. emailed realtek,hopefully they'll help02:19
WeThePeoplepyguy, http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/01/how-to-remove-pulseaudio-use-alsa-ubuntu-linux/02:21
betraydspoon have you pastebinned the error somewhere02:21
codepython777when one uses useradd to create a new user, what is the default password?02:21
spoonbetrayd: it's just a make error, make: Nothing to be done for `/home/alexandre/r/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/Makefile'.02:22
=== Guest64466 is now known as Forest
jribcodepython777: what makes you think there is one ;)  Hint: you probably want to use "adduser" and not "useradd"02:23
spoonbetrayd: here's the longform pastebin http://pastebin.com/FnkjzkkV02:23
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PyGuyWeThePeople: That didn't help :/02:26
blackrockDash says: "sorry, there is nothing that matches your search"02:27
WeThePeoplepyguy, can you get any sound from the sound card02:27
blackrockIt should find a result /12.0402:27
PyGuyWeThePeople: Can't hear a thing02:28
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
Gabboz_AFKPyGuy, you certain the card works?  have you tried other speakers/earbuds to rule that out?02:28
blackrockBut it shows purchasable music results, though02:29
PyGuyGabboz_AFK: Yeah, the sound card works. I have tried other headphones and speakers02:30
santoshbit2007__hi All02:36
santoshbit2007__any   Mouse Event Experts available  here ??02:36
santoshbit2007__any   Mouse Event Experts available  here ??02:36
Gabboz_AFKsantoshbit2007, just type out your question. it's easier that way for the rest of us02:45
mythУстановить Gentoo, или умерли от употребления несвободного программного обеспечения.02:46
=== MartinS is now known as Guest20353
codepython777when one uses useradd to create a new user, what is the default password?02:50
ObrienDavemyth: try gentoo-ru02:51
ObrienDavemyth: /join #gentoo-ru02:51
Gabboz_AFKcodepython777, if you are on a desktop version it wont matter.. you cant login until a password is set02:51
Gabboz_AFKother than that, ive never tested out any further02:51
codepython777Gabboz_AFK: I'm on a server, and i see a script generating accounts without setting passwords. Seems like a security problem to me. Unless I'm mistaken02:52
jribcodepython777: same answer as before...02:53
jribcodepython777: what do you want to accomplish?02:53
codepython777jrib: Just want to know if its a security vulnerability to create accounts without setting the password using useradd?02:53
jribcodepython777: why would it be?02:54
codepython777Or does it create a secure random password02:54
* AutoMatriX is going to leave soon, thanks for the help, guys ;)02:54
jribcodepython777: try logging in and see02:54
Gabboz_AFKcodepython777, can you make an acct, logout and see if blank gets you in?02:54
codepython777It does not02:54
Gabboz_AFKalso, can you read the source of this script?02:54
codepython777that much i tried02:54
jribcodepython777: so, do you have any more questions?02:55
betraydspoon you still around?02:55
=== Gabboz_AFK is now known as Gabboz
codepython777Gabboz_AFK:  Here is the python script line: "sudo /usr/sbin/useradd %s -m -s /bin/bash -d %s/%s" % (newuser, HOME, newuser)02:55
jribcodepython777: what are you actually trying to accomplish?  What is your end-goal?02:56
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Gabbozjrib, my guess is he encountered this and wants to grasp if its a sec hole.02:57
codepython777Gabboz: Exactly02:57
jribcodepython777: you can't login until you set a password02:58
codepython777thats good enough, thanks.02:58
Gabbozthats what i thought. :)02:58
jribcodepython777: I'd still urge you to share what led you to this question because there might be a better way to do whatever it is you are trying to do02:58
codepython777jrib: On one of our servers, we create users automatically based on who registers on a webserver. I was just wondering if the adduser had a security problem.03:00
jribcodepython777: ok, well if you care for details, check the /etc/shadown line for the user and then read "man shadow" about what a ! means03:01
codepython777jrib: Thanks. How do i set "!" for a given user?03:03
jribcodepython777: when lock an account (passwd -l), that should happen03:03
jribcodepython777: (sort of; see passwd's man page)03:03
SARCIs there a way to get the package name from a metapackage from the command line?  For example, to find out that "mysql-server-5.5" is the package pointed to by "mysql-server"?03:04
codepython777jrib: I tried "passwd -l username" -- but the /etc/shadow line does not change?03:04
jribSARC: you want to look for packages that PROVIDE a certain package?03:04
jribcodepython777: it should add a ! to the front03:04
jribcodepython777: (of the password hash)03:04
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codepython777it did03:05
codepython777didnt notice it with the large hash.03:05
ObrienDaveSARC: or do you want to know the PARENT package name?03:05
SARCjrib: Well here's what I am trying to do.  I have a script that does an unattended install of mysql.  I store the root password, and use apt to install.  Instead of specifying mysql-server5.5 (or whatever the latest version would be at any given time), I use the metapackage name mysql-server.  When I try to purge the root password from the selections database, I cannot use the package name03:08
SARCmysql-server, because the ownership package is mysql-server-5.5. So, I was wondering how I can get mysql-server-5.5 (or whatever the latest version would be at any given time) from the mysql-server metapackage03:08
ObrienDaveSARC: wouldn't mysql-server-5.5 be considered a child or a dependency package if mysql-server is the meta or parent?03:12
KxTwoanyone familiar with pcsx03:18
ShapeShifter499I have made a ram disk using zram and its stored at /dev/zram2, how do I make sure its writable by my user? (i.e. chown MyUser:MyUser)03:18
BAMbandaI have an ubuntu 12.04 server vm with a bridged connection to a windows 7 32 bit host03:19
BAMbandaI cannot ping google.com, but can ping and, what could that mean?03:19
Tylerŵ̢̥̬̮̪̠̖͖͖ͣͬͪ̌̑̃͆̈́̅͋͢͞͡h̛̞͚͍̞͕͈̲͈͕̩̺̗͛̄ͤ̓ͮ͐̚̚͢ͅā̬̣̬͓̖̯͍͈̟͔̝̦̹̺̫̑̇́̾́͘t̵̞̬̰͇̙̺̱͓͙̜̳̝̫͍ͮͨ͆̊̽ͮ̇̆̾̈́̀͜ͅ'̃͂͒̅̍̾̆͌̌̍̔̋ͫ̆ͧ̉̈́͏̧̼̱̱̻̮̲͔̮ș̵͎̜̙̼̫̪̣̣̺̣̺͓̻ͦͮ̇̊̔ͦ͐ͭ͠ͅͅ ͕̣̩̪̼̱̣̘̥̯̃ͫ̄ͨ̇ͤ͠͞ͅĝ̀ͭ̓͂̿͐͌̊ͦ҉͏̢̙͕̩͙͙͈̝͖̖̻̫͎͕̗̕ơ̘̤̱̯̱̯̯̘̞̜͔̟̄̇͋ͬ̂ͩ̉̓͆̃̀͠͞i̋ͯ͒03:20
ObrienDaveBAMbanda, possible DNS problem03:20
BAMbandaObrienDave, where can I check my dns settings and configure it?03:21
ObrienDaveBAMbanda, not sure, sorry03:22
ObrienDaveBAMbanda, not sure but I think DNS is handled by your ISP03:24
BAMbandaObrienDave, I just added the public DNS hosted by google ( and and it seems to be working. I also have the ones by my ISP. Thanks for the help03:25
emolaturI am /not/ natively a Linux guy... but I currently have ubuntu on here... I attempted to install Skype... it opens, and works, but crashes if I make a call... when it tries to report the issue, it says the report belongs to a package that is not installed?!03:25
ObrienDaveBAMbanda, no prob03:25
goddardwhat is the most lightweight x based DE ?  Does Awesome qualify, or is there something even more basic?03:28
tonesemolatur which version of ubuntu?03:28
ObrienDaveShapeShifter499, dont know how to check through terminal. i just right click for properties03:29
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tonesto fix skype03:31
tonesor this03:33
ObrienDavegoddard, don't know about the VERY lightest, I use Xubuntu (XFCE) and there is Lubuntu (LXDE)03:33
KxTwois pcsx still considered the best ps em for ubuntu?03:33
lewowpardKxTwo: do we have something better? i'm using it on windows tho03:34
KxTwowell I am just playing with it now but it seems to be missing some basic features03:35
emolaturI don't think that's it but I'll try it :)03:35
KxTwono turbo for one03:35
KxTwoI also cant play with settings or reset the emulator once i load a game03:35
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KxTwoWe speek english here :)03:42
ShapeShifter499!CN binhua03:43
ShapeShifter499oh he left03:43
ShapeShifter499is that even the right chan code for that?03:43
KxTwo!CN KxTwo03:44
ShapeShifter499Dr_willis, ah03:44
Dr_willisnope :)03:44
StarOnDif I have 4 partitions of type ext4 will I need one swap partition for each?03:44
ObrienDave<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about zn03:44
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:45
ubottuThe Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it03:45
emolaturDid not fix the problem.03:45
ObrienDaveStarOnD, you would only need one for each one you use for an OS. not really necessary anyway03:46
emolaturI'll be back later.03:46
somsipgoddard: I don't think awesome is one of the lightest WMs, but I do find it pretty unobtrusive03:46
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StarOnDI am trying out 2 linux distro's , it seemed to me that since it is a substitute for ram it would be just an empty space of type ext4 and any linux OS would be able to handle that,seems from wha you say that each OS will need 1 swap03:47
somsipStarOnD: awap can be shared03:48
=== Reina is now known as Guest80933
ShapeShifter499ok I'm trying to set permissions of my ram disk I created with zram located at /dev/zram2   I think I made the udev rules file correctly, does the following look ok? ---> KERNEL=="zram2", SUBSYSTEM=="block", OWNER="lance", MODE="0777"03:48
ObrienDaveStarOnD, not really sure, but i would think you would only need one swap partition03:48
dodo3773StarOnD: No swap is swap not ext4. But you can share it between distros. You can use a swap file too if you wanted instead of a partition as well or you can just not use swap at all03:49
StarOnDsomsip/obirendave,is it worth the trouble ? what is need to share swap? any special software ? I am thinking 5 GB of swap for my 4GB RAM in my ultrabook. I will also sometimes use it on older laptops with less ram03:49
terriyuStarOnD: I dual-boot two Linux distros and use a single swap partition03:49
somsipStarOnD: when you partition you just declare swap to be on the same partition to both installers. That's it03:50
lewowpardi cant save game but what can i say its emulator far from perfect03:51
Dr_willisrun the windows version in wine. ;P03:51
ObrienDaveStarOnD, what somsip said ^^03:51
Gallomimiayou don't even need swap with 4gigs of ram. if you declare 5 gigs of swap under ubuntu, you now have 9 gigs of ram03:52
Gallomimiaof course if you have no swap and you use up all your ram, processes that ask for more will get killed. not much fun03:52
ShapeShifter499Dr_willis, happen to know anything about udev?03:52
Dr_willisShapeShifter499,  ive rarely had to touch it.03:52
HasArrivedProblem with windows games in wine is that console scroll lock will not work.03:52
StarOnDso I partition my disk and create 3 partitions, 2 for 2 linux distros plus one swap?03:52
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somsipStarOnD: yes03:53
StarOnDsomsip, I did not completely follow what you said since I am not an expert in installing, are you saying when I install the OS then I point to the SAME swap space for each OS ?03:53
ObrienDaveStarOnD, yes03:54
StarOnDObirenDave: ahh okay. thank you.03:54
somsipStarOnD: installer for 1st distro, create (lets say) sda1, sda2, sda3. sda1 is ext4 for 1st distro. sda2 is ext4 for 2nd distro. sda3 is swap for both. Install and format everything. 2nd distro install, sda2 for distro, sda3 for swap. No need to format. Does that help?03:55
HasArrivedWould indeed mean that suspend to disk will only work for the last running OS03:55
somsipStarOnD: it assume sda1 is / for 1st distro and sda2 is / for 2nd distro of course03:56
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StarOnDone more question : I have a new NTFS drive which I turned into ext4 using gparted, is there a quick way to split it into 4 partitions of type ext4 without resizing it ? I guess with resize I wll have to do it 4 times,no?03:56
somsipStarOnD: delete NTFS, create 4 new ext4. gparted will format as it goes03:57
somsipStarOnD: or delete existing ext4 and create 4 new ones. I misread the question03:57
ObrienDaveStarOnD, resize and create the 4 partitions all at the same time03:57
StarOnDsomsip,how do I create 4 new at the same time ??03:57
somsipStarOnD: one at a time03:57
ShapeShifter499guess there is only one way to know if those udev rules will work, REBOOT03:58
ObrienDaveStarOnD, resize the first one, and the other 3, one at a time03:58
Guest22631my nick is not changin03:58
StarOnDoh no. that's boring. someone needs to add a feature to gparted : )03:58
ObrienDaveinstall partitionmanager03:59
HasArrivedConsole cfdisk or fdisk will do the job03:59
GabbozStarOnD, you want excitement? look into LVM03:59
StarOnDhasarrrived,okay thank you04:00
StarOnDfor now  I will stick to gparted,will research other options like LVM / partitionmanager later04:00
HasArrivedMuch faster than gparted04:00
ObrienDaveStarOnD, you can still do them all at once with gparted.04:01
StarOnDObrienDave,how is that ?04:02
ObrienDavegive me a sec04:02
PyGuyHey guys. Having trouble getting my Sound Blaster ZX card to work in Ubuntu 12.04.2 64-bit04:03
PyGuySound is detected, but I can't hear anything04:03
HasArrivedPyguy what shows alsamixer?04:05
HasArrivedConsole alsamixer04:06
newhello sir,..04:06
PyGuyAlsamixer shows the card normally and it's not muted, but again, I can't hear anything04:06
newcan help me04:06
newcan give instruction for safe my computer??04:06
Gabboznew just type out your problem04:06
newi use ubuntu 10.04,04:06
newhow to configuration for safe?04:07
Gabbozyou should consider a more recent version.. as for safety, i dont think its patched anymore04:07
newnow, my computer connect to internet04:07
newand i don't how to check my safe04:07
newi want know how to setting(simple way) to configuration04:08
Gabbozenable the firewall04:08
HasArrivedConsole: ufw enable04:09
HasArrivedThis starts the firewall04:10
newjust now,i have to do it.04:10
HasArrivedBut you shoud install ubuntu 13.04 which is in the open since few weeks04:10
tonesfrom panel, system-administration-firewall configuration04:10
newyes.this is give massage. (firewall is active and enbled on system startup)04:11
HasArrivedOpen console  and type: ufw enable (enter)04:11
Gabboznew, .. seriously, go to something modern.. 10.04 is too old04:11
newyes, sir,04:11
newubuntu 13.04??04:12
toneshttps://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 this site will scan all ports on your comuputer04:12
ObrienDaveStarOnD, trying to remember how. brb04:12
Gabboznew, or 12.04 if you prefer long-term support04:12
Gabbozmyself, i am on 12.0404:12
newubuntu 13.04??i want its, but i have limited resource. my connection is low speed04:13
newwww.grc.com------....        <--is this safe for me when i click it?04:13
tonesyes it's safe04:14
HasArrivedYou can buy a computer journal with ubuntu live cd at a kiosk.04:14
PyGuyHasArrived: Got any idea on how I can get sound?04:14
ntzrmtthihu777hello. I've been a 'buntu user for about a year, and I'm kinda dissapointed in the direction canonical is taking it. could someone suggest an alternative distro? or is this more of an ubuntu-offtopic discussion?04:14
tonesnew, it just pings your ports to see which are closed or open04:14
StarOnDObrienDave,not a problem take your time : )04:14
HasArrived777 try xubuntu. Its like ubuntu was before they started the fancy stuff.04:15
newok sir, i will try its.04:16
tonesntzrmtthuhu777 10.04 lucid04:16
newbut  i have a question,caused my fundamental in network is minus04:16
fractalinentzrmtthihu777, what are you unhappy with/04:16
newthis is how i connect to internet.  me-->isp provider-->internet04:16
newwhen i try to whatismyipaddress, that is show a ip address number?04:17
HasArrivedXubuntu 13.0404:17
newmy question?,that number who belong? me or my isp provider??04:18
ShapeShifter499Alright udev rules worked, virtualbox can now access that ram disk04:18
tonesit's your designated address from the ip provider04:18
newis that mean i connect throught to internet cyber? ( me --->internet )or (me -->isp provider -->internet)04:20
somsip!ot | new04:20
ubottunew: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:20
tonesme-isp provider-internet04:21
tonesyour ip number will be different if your using the cafes wifi04:22
newso, other people who want to hack me,  must to do: hack my isp provider,then hack me?04:22
somsipnew: you would be better reading about this elsewhere. It is not an issue for Ubuntu support04:23
arasihi all04:23
newno?, he can hack me without hack my isp provider before?04:24
PyGuy Hey guys. Having trouble getting my Sound Blaster ZX card to work in Ubuntu 12.04.2 64-bit. Sound is detected, but I can't hear anything04:24
newok sir, just now i have connected to your link that you give tome,..04:25
newshow:Proceed button04:25
newam i press it?04:26
somsipnew: can you stop now please. What you are asking is nothing to do with support04:26
HasArrivedPyguy you could try the ubuntu 13.04 live cd and if it works then upgrade your system to 13.04. (just a try)04:26
ntzrmtthihu777fractaline: seems canonical is going the way of Mac04:26
PyGuyHasArrived: I have tried that before but got nothing04:27
somsipntzrmtthihu777: it is more of an offtopic discussion04:27
ntzrmtthihu777somsip: yeah, I figured. why I asked :P04:27
fractalinentzrmtthihu777, pm04:27
newsomsip. ok ,i'm sorry about my question04:27
newcaused i am newbie, and you are maybe master than me04:27
somsipnew: if you have a support issue, just ask. But this is not the place to get general advice about security of how interent connections work04:27
Gabbozntzrmtthihu777, FYI, Mint 15 RC was just released and you might want to check out Pinguy04:28
newi'm sorry04:28
tonesnew, click proceed, and it will give you a readout of your ports security04:28
somsiptones: it's cool that you're trying to help, but please take this to pm if you want to do this04:29
newthanks,for somsip , tones, and you all here04:29
ntzrmtthihu777Gabboz: gave pinguy a shot, but creator left too much cruft in it04:30
newok, tones, i have to do it.thx,.04:30
ntzrmtthihu777its nice for average pc users, but once I started customizing it it started falling apart04:30
somsipntzrmtthihu777: given you asked, and you got a reply, it would be polite not to ignore it and please continue this in OT. Thanks04:30
Gabbozntzrmtthihu777, yep.. but i wasnt aware what you were looking for04:31
Gabbozi just recalled.. sabayon is another liked distro ntzrmtthihu77704:31
newi have question, for my ubuntu,04:31
ntzrmtthihu777somsip: np. I'm discussing it with fractaline in /q right now, and Gabboz just asked a question, woulda been rude to ignore it :P04:31
ntzrmtthihu777Gabboz: feel like heading to ot?04:32
Gabbozntzrmtthihu777, pm me if ya want04:32
Gabbozi dont know where ot chan is ;)04:32
somsipntzrmtthihu777: you have many options. One of them is to do your best to keep OT chat in the right channel.04:32
somsip!ot | Gabboz04:32
ubottuGabboz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:32
newwhen i try to install packages, conflict libc6 >=2.15 with libc6-i686.04:32
newwho to replace it?04:33
PyGuy Hey guys. Having trouble getting my Sound Blaster ZX card to work in Ubuntu 12.04.2 64-bit. Sound is detected, but I can't hear anything04:33
newits happent when i try to complete perl installation04:33
newsory not perl, but ruby04:33
newsory not perl, but ruby04:33
=== sta is now known as terpaksa
nassionmy screen goes wonky after login, just installed 13.04, anyway to start in 'safe mode' to fix the graphics?04:35
OerHeksPyGuy, did it ever work, because all i find are bugreports it SB zx does not work.04:36
ntzrmtthihu777well here is a question that is not ot. I should like to wireless my HP officejet 8600, any assist with that?04:36
PyGuyOerHeks: Some people on this IRC have gotten it to work before04:36
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Dr_willisntzrmtthihu777,  that has built in wireless?04:39
Dr_willisPyGuy,  you may want to post/search on askubuntu.com  and post there what all you have done to try to get it going.04:40
PyGuyDr_willis: will do. I'm gonna call it a night.04:40
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
newhow to replace its? libc6-i686 with libc6>=2.15??04:45
Dr_willismessing with libc? that can get scary04:46
ntzrmtthihu777Dr_willis: hmm, I just figured it out, I think.04:46
Dr_willisweird that its even having the issue.04:46
Dr_willis!info lic6-i68604:46
ubottuPackage lic6-i686 does not exist in raring04:46
Dr_willis!info libc6-i68604:46
ubottuPackage libc6-i686 does not exist in raring04:46
newthx sir, i don't check it before04:47
Dr_willisor thats not the package name04:48
nassionmy screen goes wonky after login, just installed 13.04, anyway to start in 'safe mode' to fix the graphics?04:48
newthx dr_willis04:49
Dr_williswonky means what exactly. ;)04:51
nassionlots of lines, compleatly unusable04:51
Dr_willisif its a 3d/compiz issue. you can install a differnt wm,. and try loging in with that04:51
Dr_willissuch as 'lubuntu'  or even just 'openbox'04:52
Dr_willislogin screen is fine. but the users desktop is messed up.04:52
nassionthe graphics work fine up until the user login screen.04:52
arasiHi all...i am using usb to ethernet convertor it's detecting as a usb0 instead of eth0,how i will convert usb0 to eth0,please can anyone can help me to solve this issue...04:52
Gabbozarasi, what does lsusb tell you about the adapter?04:53
ObrienDaveStarOnD, got it. the trick is to make the entire drive an EXTENDED partition, then create 4 LOGICAL partitions. 3 of EXT4 and 1 swap04:54
ObrienDaveStarOnD, cand be done all at once :))04:54
ObrienDavewhere can I paste a screenshot?04:55
GabbozObrienDave, imgur.com or min.us04:56
ObrienDaveStarOnD, screenshot: http://en.zimagez.com/full/4b5a465f3e23f346329a618ec91320d43b0fbfebbff6ec116924c0fb25bf0a9d114a3c65d8077c859816dc8c48cdf84b692330916a486220.php04:56
ObrienDaveGabboz, thanks, already had that URL :))04:57
newsir, i want to ask,.c++=g++ in ubuntu 10.04??04:58
newc++ = g++ in ubuntu??04:59
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ntzrmtthihu777new: more or less. g++ is the gnu c++ compiler, iirc05:01
newok sir,05:01
newto this century, are we need to learn assembly language in ubuntu 10.04??05:03
newor we don't need it05:03
ntzrmtthihu777for the most part no one *needs* to learn asm, but you can ;)05:04
StarOnDobriendave:let me have a look05:04
ObrienDaveStarOnD, no prob05:05
newwhat is the most programming language in ubuntu 10.04?05:05
StarOnDobriendave, I did the same one at a time05:05
StarOnDalmost like yours, did you do this at one go??05:05
arasiGabboz: in lsusb i am getting Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0fe6:810105:05
ObrienDaveStarOnD, yes, you have to declare each one, one at a time. but still apply it all at once05:06
StarOnDhmm okay,I declared + applied05:06
StarOnDone at a time05:06
StarOnDokay I get it! thank you. Obriendave05:07
ObrienDaveStarOnD, now i get to fix my thumb drive LMAO :))05:07
Neozonzim trying to reinstall applications from a previous server via dpkg --get-selections > installed-software05:09
Neozonzbut running into these issues upon installing05:09
NeozonzE: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.05:09
NeozonzE: Internal error, problem resolver broke stuff05:09
dyuis it normal to get quantal packages for a precise box?05:09
WeThePeopledyu, yes for dependencies05:10
dyui'm getting them for my kernel and kernel headers05:11
dyu$ sudo apt-get upgrade05:12
dyuReading package lists... Done05:12
dyuBuilding dependency tree05:12
dyuReading state information... Done05:12
dyuThe following packages have been kept back:05:12
dyu  linux-headers-generic-lts-quantal linux-image-generic-lts-quantal05:12
FloodBot1dyu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:12
dyu0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.05:12
dyusorry about that. first time here05:13
ObrienDavedyu: use update manager. terminal does that to me as well05:13
unknown_hadhello, please tell me how I may create a LVM out of / partation05:13
unknown_hadas I can't unmount / partation05:13
NeozonzAny ideas about my E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. issue?05:14
unknown_hadand when I am trying to create a LVM at the time of installation of OS it's not allowing me to05:14
dyuObrienDavid: is update manager the gui thing? i can't use that.05:14
GrubI really need some help.I had ubuntu and windows 7 dual booting on asus g75 with efi.I tried to update ubuntu and it failed.--I deleted that partition and formated and installed ubuntu.NOW i get error: no such partition. GRUB RESCUE05:18
GrubI tried everything to get rid of  grub.05:18
dyunevermind. i think i have my answer here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Release/Rolling. tl;dr: yes, it's normal05:18
Shubuntuguys does anyone have an issue with facebook chat here?05:19
Shubuntui cannot keep connected05:19
Shubuntuwhen i load facebook it connects for a few secs, then says unable to connect05:19
Pdqmanwhat version are you running?05:19
Shubuntuubuntu 13.0405:19
Shubuntusame on all my browsers, firefox, chromium, konq, ...05:20
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gwinbee13.04 is a thing now, I hadn't noticed.05:20
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Shubuntui tried clearing the cache, changing nameservers etc, didn't work05:21
HasArrivedDyu Would it not be the correct way first sudo apt-get install update and thereafter upgrade?05:21
Shubuntui even changed from adobe flash to gnash05:21
Shubuntustill no change05:21
dyuHasArrived:there was an update before that. i just forgot to place it there05:22
Shubuntuany ideas?05:22
Guest62966hello and thanks for any help for this obviously simple question....  I would like to install hunspell on ubuntu  12.04.  I downloaded the .tar.gz package in my downloads folder (/home/me/Downloads).  I want to compile it.  what commands do I need to give?05:22
bazhang!info hunspell | Guest6296605:23
ubottuGuest62966: hunspell (source: hunspell): spell checker and morphological analyzer (program). In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.2-4ubuntu1 (raring), package size 45 kB, installed size 164 kB05:23
bazhangdont compile , install from repos Guest6296605:24
Guest62966okay. how?05:24
bazhang!software | Guest6296605:24
ubottuGuest62966: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents05:24
gwinbeeGuest62966: press ctrl+t, type sudo apt-get install hunspell05:25
RuahineI have a problem: I just installed Ubuntu. I told it to reformat and install on my old Linux partition (Arch Linux). Installation claimed to be succesful. But now when I boot the computer I get a GRUB error. I believe this is because I had GRUB doing stuff for Arch. Any suggestions for where/what to look for to fix?05:25
Guest62966thanks. much easier then I thought.05:25
bazhanggwinbee, control alt t05:25
ra-fihi i have installed cutecom 0.22.0 in my host when i try to work on it, i just press the opendevice button it shows could not open, what is that issues05:25
gwinbeebazhang: ah, right, derp05:25
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Shubuntuany help is appreciated guys05:27
Shubuntuit's definitely not my dns, i've changed it multiple times05:28
Shubuntuit's not flash05:28
ObrienDaveRuahine, are you using a live/install CD or USB?05:28
bazhang!patience | Shubuntu05:28
ubottuShubuntu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/05:28
Shubuntuubottu: i've searched for hour05:28
ubottuShubuntu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:28
bazhangShubuntu, be patient05:29
RuahineObrienDave: Just installed it05:29
Ruahinefrom USB that is05:29
Ruahine(misread question)05:29
ObrienDaveRuahine, i would suggest doing it again. you might look into boot-repair05:29
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ObrienDaveway too quiet :))05:59
gwinbeefor the past 30 or so minutes, ubuntu has been running perfectly all over the world.06:02
gwinbeewell, the english-speaking world06:03
ObrienDaveoh NOOOOO! don't jinx it! :))06:03
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ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:10
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pushkarajthoratahas anyone upgraded to ubuntu 1306:10
pushkarajthoratafrom 12:1006:11
Tm_Tpushkarajthorata: I bet many06:11
lucky2its my first time coming here06:11
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Tm_Tlucky2: please familiarise yourself with the guidelines, see channel topic for further information06:11
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andre_hi. I recently upgraded to 13.04 and noticed that the gdb shipped with it is awfully slow. is there a specific reason to ship a "" which looks like a random build from cvs instead of using an upstream 7.5 or 7.6 release, both of which seem to work fine?06:12
ObrienDaveyea, knew it wouldn't last. *SIGH*06:12
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ObrienDaveandre_, usually the repos offer older versions for stability reasons06:14
ObrienDaveandre_, you can always install the newer versions, if you like06:15
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andre_ObrienDave: looks like bleeding edge at the time, so there must be some reason to use that instead of a tested upstream release. I wonder what that reason could have been.06:16
somsip!info gdb06:17
ubottugdb (source: gdb): The GNU Debugger. In component main, is optional. Version 7.6~20130417-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 2211 kB, installed size 5865 kB06:17
ObrienDavecould be anything. i haven't a clue06:17
somsipandre_: so...where did you get the 7.5.91 version from?06:17
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andre_somsip: from that package. if you install it, and run gdb --version it says :/data/dev/debugger/gdb-ubuntu-13.04/gdb-7.6~20130417$ gdb --version  ->  GNU gdb (GDB)
ObrienDaveandre_, was that version on the install disk?06:18
andre_ObrienDave: I don't have an install disk, just upgraded06:18
somsipandre_: If that is the case, you may need to raise a bug.06:19
somsipandre_: have you ever installed gdb from a PPA in the past?06:19
andre_somsip: so arguably even the build looks odd as the package version does not really coincides with what version has been patched into the binary06:19
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somsipI see other bug reports concerning other issues that suggest that the current raring version of gdb does return the 7.5.91 version, eg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gitg/+bug/117342806:21
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 1173428 in gitg (Ubuntu) "gitg crashes on start" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:21
andre_somsip: unlikely, but I won't want to rule that out. I usually build from source or some distribution's patched packages for reference builds06:21
somsipandre_: so maybe this is one to raise to the package maintainters06:21
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andre_somsip: my last ubuntu specific builds are 9.04 and 9.10, so it looks like the releases in between were ok06:24
andre_somsip: is there a chance that 13.04 packages would get changed as result of a report?06:24
somsipandre_: it's one to raise with the package maintainers I think06:25
ripthejackerwhat does the port 8888 in ubuntu listen to?06:26
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ripthejackerit is not associated with any PIDs06:26
ra-fihi can you please tell me how to map a ttyS0 with getty on ubuntu host06:27
ObrienDaveripthejacker, http://pastebin.com/B8vpLHR706:31
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ObrienDaveripthejacker, OPPS! just a sec06:32
somsipandre_: I would hope that, if there is an error, it would be corrected.06:32
ObrienDaveripthejacker, now try it. http://pastebin.com/B8vpLHR706:33
ripthejackerObrienDave: i have none of those running06:34
ripthejackerObrienDave: do you know how to check which process opened that port?06:34
ObrienDaveripthejacker, no sorry. someone here might know06:35
ripthejackerthanks for helping06:35
andre_somsip: well, it's working, it's just very slow in some circumstances06:37
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dirkcan someone please help and brand new ubuntu user06:50
ObrienDavedirk: just ask please06:51
dirki just installed ubuntu and i'm using the update manager to get the codecs and stuff to play a movie and it just seems to hang after i click the install updates button06:52
ObrienDavehave you done all the upgrades first?06:53
dirkthe window pops up saying applying changes but under it just says "waiting" the progress bar doesn't change. it isn't downloading anything06:53
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ripthejackershe's the reason terry is injured all the time06:54
ObrienDavehmm, open a terminal, type 'sudo apt-get update'. put your password in when it asks06:55
ObrienDavedirk, no quotes06:55
dirkObrienDave.... do you know if i have to change a setting.... like i said i'm brand new to ubuntu, sick of windows and to poor for a mac... so far i really like how you don't have to install drivers and crap but this is giving a problem06:55
dirki don't know how to open a terminal man... i'm sory can you help me out there06:56
ObrienDavedirk, let's get the updates done first06:56
dirkok no problem... but i don't know how to open a terminal i'm not sure how to do that.... if you don't want to explain the simple process... i can google how to open a terminal06:58
dirkim kinda stupid to this os... i'm sorry06:58
ObrienDavedirk, somewhere in your applications list you should see terminal06:58
ObrienDavedirk, no problem. it takes some time to get used to the new OS06:59
vitimitihi o/06:59
linuHi all .. i am using usb to ethernet converter to connect ethernet via usb lines. if i connect this device i am getting as a usb0  instead of eth0  in my ifconfig configuration.if i assign IP address to usb0 its working fine,but i dont want to use usb0 configuration , i want eth0 configuration,how to change this configuration.usb0 to  eth0. do i need to change usb driver or need to change udev rules.....please any one can suggest me to solve this issue.07:00
dirksorry man give me a min to find it07:01
ObrienDaveok, no prob07:01
ObrienDavelinu, not sure. i think you're stuck using usb007:02
dirk<ObrienDave>.............. when i type it in, it asks for my password... but as i type it in no charecters are showing up and it's giving me E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is an07:04
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ObrienDavedirk, ok. you need to close update center and try again. not showing your password is a security feature07:05
ObrienDavedirk, you can use the up arrow to replay commands07:05
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dirkok let me try again07:06
dirkE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:07
ObrienDavedirk, still? you need to close all update programs to clear this error07:08
davidfetteris there a utility that lets you send things to a paste site from stdin, files, etc.? i'm thinking of something like fedora's fpaste http://linux.die.net/man/1/fpaste07:08
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Myrtti!info pastebinit | davidfetter07:09
ubottudavidfetter: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3-4ubuntu1 (raring), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB07:09
davidfetterMyrtti, thanks :)07:09
JediUnixMaster[new to node] earlier i installed nodejs by sudo apt-get install nodejs … in the nodejs chat I'm told thats old, that i need chris lea repo, so I'm considering uninstalling and adding chris lea PPA from the following link and wonder if that is wise? Thoughts? https://launchpad.net/~chris-lea/+archive/node.js/07:09
ObrienDaveJediUnixMaster, i use that PPA. it's safe07:09
JediUnixMasterthank you ObrienDave07:10
smokeanyone using nvidia drivers on 13.04 and getting screen freezes?07:11
dirki have the ubuntu software center qued for a few proceses but i closed the application... should i open the application and cancel the software i'm trying to get even tho the window is closed07:11
ObrienDavedirk, you can only update your system one way at a time. either terminal, update center, synaptic, etc.07:11
ObrienDavedirk, yes please07:11
ObrienDaveJediUnixMaster, no need to uninstall, the PPA will overwrite the old version07:13
blazemoreCan anybody recommend a simple GUI utility to block access to certain websites?07:14
blazemorePerhaps even at certain times07:14
dirkis there some kinda task manager because i think i have quit all the apps............ i only have mozilla and the terminal open as far as i can tell.... the box on the left of the screen only has the little white arrows on mozilla and terminal07:14
ObrienDaveblazemore, most major browsers have that capability. you need an add-on07:15
blazemoreObrienDave: I remember reading a roundup of different tools in Linux Format about a year ago, but I can't find that issue07:15
blazemoreObrienDave: And they were definitely system-wide. Aimed at child-proofing a system07:15
blazemoredirk: try gnome-system-monitor07:16
ObrienDavedirk, ok, try the terminal command again. if not, well have to go through task manager or you might have to logoff and back on07:16
donnieHow can I launch the sessions and start up app from the terminal07:16
ObrienDaveblazemore, he has update center stuck in update :)07:17
blazemoref**k it, reboot07:17
blazemoreNot worth the hassle :P07:17
blazemoreOnce it's come back out of reboot, if it's still not working I can help you07:18
blazemoretl;dr - "sudo dpkg-configure -a ; sudo apt-get -f install"07:18
ObrienDavehe's really new. i'm trying to be easy on him :)07:18
blazemoreObrienDave: A better way to phrase my question would be - "What good alternatives to NetNanny are there for Linux?"07:19
ObrienDaveyou're looking at it ;))07:19
blazemoreWhat do you mean?07:19
dirkok sorry guys i just got the system monitor up... what am i doing with it? or should i just reboot?07:19
blazemoredirk: Just reboot07:20
ObrienDavedirk, yes. go ahead07:20
ObrienDavewe'll be here07:20
blazemoredirk: It's what I'd do in that situation and I've been using Linux since 200307:20
ObrienDavea logout may not kill the update program07:20
dirki'm kinda afraid to reboot it gave me thousands of lines of errors and killing this and that in the dos mode before itfinially started07:20
ObrienDavewe call it command mode not dos ;D07:21
dirkok cya in a few then..... thanx by the way....07:21
blazemore> mfw Linux Mint already comes with something called "mint-nanny" installed07:21
ObrienDaveblazemore, ohhh, i thought WE were NetNannies ;)07:22
szahratsatanic ubuntu07:22
blazemore"Domain blocker" in the menu - it doesn't get much easier than http://i.imgur.com/KfMr5e3.png07:22
ObrienDavelooks simple enough07:23
blazemoreszahrat: What's your point?07:25
szahratwas feeling high thinking of the ubuntu satanic edition07:26
ObrienDavethere is a flavor called satanic ubuntu LMAO07:26
blazemoreThere is. The story behind that is there was an Ubuntu Christian Edition that came with net filter preconfigured, and some bible study software07:27
blazemoreThen some angsty teenagers decided to make "satanic edition"07:27
foofoobarHi. I just got a really bad system crash. After the crash I rebooted, got a new error message while booting and had to restart. I had to repeat this 3 times until I could boot normal. This is the first crash message:07:27
foofoobarCan someone tell me what the hell this was? I was in the browser when suddenly all crashed and this message appeared07:27
blazemorefoofoobar: My gut instinct is the beginnings of your hard-drive failing, but I base that on nothing07:28
matanyafoofoobar: swap issue07:28
matanyai guess the same as blazemore07:28
blazemorefoofoobar: You're back into the system now?07:28
foofoobarblazemore: it's a SSD07:28
foofoobarblazemore: yes07:29
matanyafoofoobar: do fsck07:29
blazemorefoofoobar: Boot from a liveCD and fsck your drive07:29
foofoobarAfter this I rebooted and got this message: http://imgur.com/qA8DHDy07:29
ObrienDaveouch. that's why i don't trust SSDs07:30
foofoobarafter this I rebooted again and got a message something like BUG: soft lockup - CPU#1 stuck for 22s! [swapper/1:0] and BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s!07:31
foofoobarthen I rebooted again and it worked all ..07:31
ObrienDavehow old is the SSD?07:32
blazemoreyeah foofoobar I'd look at contacting Apple07:32
szahratfoofoobar was it working well before07:33
foofoobarObrienDave: max. 1 year07:33
ObrienDavefoofoobar, sounds to me like it'e dying07:33
matanyayup, sounds so07:34
ObrienDavethat's why i don't trust SSDs07:34
matanyano the best idea to put a swap on SSD, btw07:34
foofoobarszahrat: yeah it was working and out of nothing it crashed07:34
foofoobarmatanya: why?07:34
matanyaSSD's are good at read, bad at write07:35
blazemorematanya: Older SSDs don't handle the kind of demands that swap places on them very well07:35
matanyaswapping is writing, and a lot07:35
foofoobarBut this SSD is not very old..07:35
matanyathe best use of ssd is the boot process07:35
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foofoobarIt's an old macbook (mid 2010) and I replaced the dvd drive with a SSD07:35
szahratfoofoobar how did it crash? was it a reboot or a resume from hibernation?07:35
foofoobarszahrat: I was working in the browser and then chrome tab crashed and a second after this the window manager crashed (black screen) and a second after I got this message I made a photo from07:36
szahratsnyppz you should just ask the question07:36
matanyafoofoobar: contact apple07:36
foofoobarmatanya: the SSD is not from apple, I placed it myself in my macbook07:37
rigo88what if my tevii s471 is not recognised? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5709086/ i have the latest from all (worked last time for 3-4 months with 12.04 + 3.5.4) but now with 13.04 + 3.9 and either with 12.10 + 3.5.0, 3.5.4, 3.6.3 no luck. just the same em07:37
snypzztyring to get USB ASUS 53 dualband working on ubuntu 13.0407:37
matanyafoofoobar: just try fsck it07:37
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snypzzASUS SABERTOOTH A77 motherboard07:37
foofoobarmatanya: can I run it with the system running or do I have to boot from a livecd?07:37
matanyafoofoobar: must reboot07:38
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foofoobarmatanya: can you recommend a livecd?07:38
ObrienDaverigo88, check video for loose cable or card07:38
matanyafoofoobar: the ubuntu install cd is good07:38
ObrienDavefoofoobar, ANY live cd will work07:39
snypzzany asus drivers07:39
matanyasnypzz: what isn't working?07:39
rigo88i think either that there is some dust in the slot or something... its pretty annoying.07:39
snypzzalso have the EDIMAX AC1200 not working on UBUNTU 13.0407:40
ObrienDaverigo88, probably just a bad connection07:40
foofoobarmatanya: ObrienDave and after this I should put the swap on the hdd?07:40
Bgr_bgri m just testing07:40
matanyagood idead foofoobar07:40
rigo88shit i suck with the thing since 2 days now :D07:40
AnkitAgrawalHi.....I messed something in ubuntu 12.10 recovery mode bcoz of which I am getting 'ieee80211 phy0 : ........' instead of the login screen... any solutions?07:41
szahratfoofoobar try creating a separate swap partition07:41
ObrienDavefoofoobar, yes, and modify fstab to load most temp files to ramdisk if you can07:41
Bgr_bgrwhat this is all about07:41
ObrienDaverigo88, keep it clean please07:41
matanyaAnkitAgrawal: can you please be more detailed?07:42
ObrienDaveBgr_bgr, may we help you?07:42
rigo88u should add this line to the fstab:07:43
rigo88tmpfs   /tmp    tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777      0       007:43
AnkitAgrawalmatanya : I am using ubuntu 12.10...Since a few days, my ubuntu does not boot to the login screen after a hard shutdown(eg: heat)....Hence I went into the recovery mode07:45
foofoobarmy fstab looks strange.. UUID=6dd239ec-863c-444b-84ed-fde64f2d91b3 none            swap    sw              0       007:46
matanyaok, and what is the problem with that AnkitAgrawal ?07:46
foofoobarI expected something like /dev/sda5 instead of this UUID thing07:46
matanyayou can change that foofoobar07:46
AnkitAgrawalmatanya: I performed some apt-get update after logging as root from recovery mode and disk check07:46
histofoofoobar: you can use sudo blkid to list all your disks by UUID so you can understand which partition is which07:47
ObrienDavefoofoobar, UUID is unique to every device07:47
ObrienDavewb dirk :)07:47
rigo88foofoobar: thats normal. i think.07:47
matanyaAnkitAgrawal: i still don't see where is the problem07:48
histofoofoobar: We now use uuid because it is more predictable than /dev/sdX#  which can change.07:48
foofoobarmatanya: so to create a new swap: 1) Create partition on my hdd 2) Change fstab swap to the new partition 3) swapoff -a; mkswap /dev/sdbX; swapon -a ?07:48
ObrienDaveDIRK_, you ready to continue?07:48
AnkitAgrawalmatanya : And now when I boot, the original problem of no login screen is still there...but it also keeps outputting something like 'ieee80211 phy0 : ......' along with a timestamp07:48
histo!swap | foofoobar07:48
ubottufoofoobar: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info07:48
foofoobarhisto: yeah I'm currently on that page. Just want to verify that I understood it correct07:49
DIRK_when you first boot up is it normal for the screen to go purple for awhile and then it start saying it can't find the boot file or something... then lines and lines of commands pour down the screen killing this and that07:49
szahratfoofoobar have you created the swap file urself?07:49
matanyayes foofoobar07:49
foofoobarszahrat: the current? No, the installer did it07:49
foofoobarmatanya: can I do this while the system is running or also from livecd?07:49
matanyayou can07:49
matanyathough i'd recommend different drive if you have07:50
matanyanot just a partition07:50
AnkitAgrawalmatanya : ??07:50
ObrienDaveDIRK_, possibly because you got suck in an upgrade situation07:50
foofoobarmatanya: The new swap will be on the hdd07:50
DIRK_ya i'm ready... sudo get-update? i forgot07:50
matanyaAnkitAgrawal: what runlevel are you in?07:50
szahratAnkitAgrawal, whats actually ur question?07:51
matanyaAnkitAgrawal: use the runlevel command07:51
ObrienDaveDIRK_, let's continue. open a terminal. "sudo apt-get update"07:51
AnkitAgrawalI am currently on windows07:51
foofoobarsda (/) = SDD and swap currently; sdb = HDD currently only for files. I will move the swap to the hdd then07:51
ObrienDaveno quotes07:51
AnkitAgrawalmatanya , szahrat : I am currently on windows07:51
matanyaso go on ubuntu AnkitAgrawal07:51
AnkitAgrawalmatanya : ok....but it wont show the login screen...should I then go into recovery mode?07:52
ObrienDaveDIRK_, once that finishes, "sudo apt-get upgrade"07:52
matanyafoofoobar: hint for next time: ssh for /boot /hdd for / and /home07:52
matanyawhat happens if you try the gui and not the recovery AnkitAgrawal ?07:52
foofoobarmatanya: the root file system on the hdd?07:53
matanyayes foofoobar07:53
foofoobarI thought its a good idea placing this on the sdd because it's faster to load stuff from there07:53
matanyaor if you barely change it, it can be on ssd foofoobar07:53
AnkitAgrawalmatanya : the statements similar to this query show up with a timestamp...https://www.google.co.in/search?q=ieee80211+phy0+brcms_ops_bss_info_changed&oq=ieee80211+phy0&aqs=chrome.2.57j0l3.9106j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-807:54
matanyait depends on the type of user you are foofoobar07:54
matanyaok, AnkitAgrawal seems like you have driver issues07:54
Dirksorry man the page keeps saying it must restart and shuts down on me...07:54
ObrienDaveDirk, which page?07:55
foofoobarmatanya: so all the new laptops only have a SSD, they also have their swap/root in their ssd, is this a bad behaviour?07:55
Dirkthis chat site page07:55
ObrienDaveyou on WebChat?07:55
Dirkit seems stable now07:55
AnkitAgrawalmatanya : I guess this problem because of installing and then removing gnome....before that everything was fine07:55
matanyafoofoobar: swap is a bad idea, root is mostly ok07:56
matanyaAnkitAgrawal: i doubt it07:56
szahratDirk get xchat07:56
ObrienDaveDirk, ok, cheer up. we'll get through this one way or another :))07:56
matanyaAnkitAgrawal: if you can get a shell, i can help out07:56
Dirklol... ok sudo get-update ???07:56
foofoobarmatanya: okay. so first I will check with fsck when I have a bootcd available07:56
ObrienDaveDIRK_, let's continue. open a terminal. "sudo apt-get update"07:56
foofoobarthen I will move my swap to my hdd07:57
foofoobarI hope this bug will not come again :/07:57
matanyagood luck foofoobar07:57
ObrienDaveDirk,  you can copy and paste right from these screens07:57
histofoofoobar: you can turn down swappiness to avoid using swap. But I would still have one on an SSD just incase.07:57
AnkitAgrawalmatanya : ok ...i will login to my shell as root in recovery mode and will connect with u on irc in 5 min from a different system. Is that ok with you?07:57
Dirkok it worked i guess07:57
matanyanp AnkitAgrawal07:57
DirkReading package lists... Done07:58
ObrienDaveDirk,  cool, hit up arrow, change update to upgrade07:58
foofoobarhisto: so when using a tmpfs this will slow down my system in times where I need a lot of RAM?07:58
Dirkcontinue Y    obviously07:59
ObrienDaveDirk, is it doing something? yes ;))07:59
histofoofoobar: no mount stuff like browser cache /tmp and some things in /var to tmpfs  also enable noatime,discard options in fstab for filesystems that are on the SSD.  But you want a swap present just incase ram fills so your system doesn't run out of memory.07:59
matanyafoofoobar: what is the amount of RAM on your system?08:00
Dirkif it's going to go thru the entire list that it suggested......... it's gona take awhile. it had like 240 updates it wanted to to do08:00
Dirkbut yes it's downloading stuff08:00
ObrienDaveDirk, ok, just kick back and relax. VERY important to not interrupt it. back in a few08:01
Dirkthanx abunch dude...08:01
ObrienDaveno prob08:01
foofoobarmatanya: 4GB08:01
matanyado you tend to fill it up foofoobar ?08:01
foofoobarI'm currently at 25%, I think I do not fill it up often08:02
foofoobarI'm using i3wm with some command line stuff and chrome, so I dont think I'm filling it up often08:02
histofoofoobar: Do what you want but realize if you run out of memory your system will hang. Also you cannot hibernate without a swap afaik08:02
matanyaso you don't really need the swap08:03
foofoobarhisto: I dont want to deactivate the swap, I just want to move it to a HDD08:03
foofoobarmatanya: As I understood the swap is for the "emergency" when I run out of RAM08:03
histofoofoobar: Yeah then just make a partition on the HDD mkswap on it and swapof and swapon to the new part. Also add it to fstab . You can get the uuid with blkid08:03
histofoofoobar: and also hibernation08:04
histofoofoobar: and cache08:04
histofoofoobar: You can reduce the use of swap by adjusting your swappiness08:04
histofoofoobar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#Why_do_I_need_swap.3F08:05
ObrienDaveDirk, hows it going? how much time left?08:06
draskoHi. My embedded device hangs for a long time on "Starting Userspace bootsplash". How to prevent bootsplash - I do not need it, I am using console only08:09
nubletdo I need Ubuntu restricted extras on 13.0408:10
matanyadrasko: you can set it in your grub conf08:10
ObrienDavenublet, restricted extras allow you to view certain DVD's and some music codecs08:11
matanyanublet: it depends if you have stuff that needs it08:11
nubletI juts want the fonts mainly08:11
matanyait won't hurt you to install it nublet08:11
nubletI try to install and it says "these items must be removed" libavcodec53, libavutil51"08:12
ObrienDavenublet, that is normal08:12
nubletI can cancel or install anyway08:12
nubletok tx08:12
draskomatanya, I do not have grub, I am using ubuntu in an embedded device with U-Boot08:12
chiffahello there. I would need some help with resolving some issues related to installing Linux in dual boot with Win8 on a recent machine (so far no solution found via google and forums)08:13
ObrienDavedrasko, GRUB is the boot loader08:13
histochiffa: what problem are you having?08:13
draskoObrienDave, U-Boot is the bootloader08:13
chiffaI have a live usb with Linux secure 13.04 (md5/sha1 checked, created using LiLi)08:14
matanyachiffa: do you have secure boot enables?08:14
chiffadisabled in bios08:14
chiffawhen I try to boot, after gub prompts me to select install or try linux, screen goes black08:14
chiffanomodeset option does not seem to help08:15
chiffaand I have geforce GT650M08:15
ObrienDavedrasko, sorry. not familiar with U-boot08:15
chiffaIs there anything else to try?08:15
histochiffa: are you using the 64bit version of 13.04?08:15
Dr_willischiffa,  boot to text mode and perhaps just install the nvidia-current package to get drivers for your card? or have you allready installed the drivers?08:15
histochiffa: also what the hell is linux secure?08:15
chiffaok, how do you boot to text mode?08:16
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode08:16
AnkitAgrawalmatanya : there??08:17
matanyayes AnkitAgrawal08:18
AnkitAgrawalmatanya : I  have  logged  in  as root in recovery mode08:18
foofoobarmatanya: one additional question: My SDD currently looks like this: 1. HFS (osx) 2. EXT3 (Ubuntu Root) 3. Swap 4. Boot. I want to increase the size of the ubuntu root now.08:18
foofoobarMy OSX Disk utility lets me resize the first partition, but not adjust the size of the second one08:18
matanyafoofoobar: use gparted in the live cd08:19
histoDr_willis: that factoid is off08:19
foofoobarSomeone here told me to use gparted for this. Is this safe to move the "beginning" of the second partition to increase the size?08:19
matanyagparted is safe only if you know what you are doing08:19
ObrienDavefoofoobar, only if there is room in the front08:19
matanyaAnkitAgrawal: runlevel08:19
elfrannewhen I write export SOME_PATH=/to/a/folder in crontab it produce error : bad minute08:19
Dr_willisfoofoobar,  jot down the UUID also - just in case it changes..08:19
foofoobarObrienDave: the room is not in the front08:20
matanya!cron Elfix08:20
ObrienDavefoofoobar, then NO it is not safe08:20
matanya!cron elfranne08:20
Dr_willisfoobarba1,  if you shrink the ox-s partion thats at thre front of the HD.. then wheres the unallocated space at?08:20
foofoobarone moment, I will make a screenshot of gparted08:20
Dr_willisat the front of the HD. or btween the 1 and 2 partitions?08:21
elfrannematanya, command failed08:21
matanyaelfranne: your cron syntax is in correct08:21
elfrannematanya, so you re not allowed to export variables in crontab ? that sounds unlikey08:22
chiffaok, that didn't work neither08:22
matanyayou may, but you need to use syntax like ***** bash export SOME_PATH=/to/a/folder elfranne08:23
ObrienDaveDirk, hows it going? how much time left?08:23
foofoobarObrienDave, Dr_willis, matanya: http://imgur.com/a6YZTPE this is the SSD. I want to decrease the HFS and increase the ubuntu08:23
[nas]peterI run a dual boot of windows 7 Ultimate and Ubuntu 12.04, does anyone know if this could cause bad IO?08:24
matanyashouldn't [nas]peter08:24
elfrannematanya, but SOME_PATH=/to/a/folder works fine ....08:25
histo[nas]peter: No bad drives cause bad IO08:25
matanyafoofoobar: you can resize /dev/sda3 and move the space to ubuntu08:25
[nas]peterThe drive is about a month old >.>08:25
[nas]peterand it didn't have issues running windows08:25
matanyaelfranne: what are you trying to achieve?08:26
histo[nas]peter: run smartmontools08:26
foofoobarmatanya: and /dev/sda2 ?08:26
matanyait is the ssd foofoobar08:27
ObrienDavefoofoobar, probably you need to make sda2 smaller, slide sda3 over to the left and then make sda4 larger08:27
foofoobarObrienDave: this is possible? :D08:28
ObrienDavefoofoobar, partitions MUST be continuous08:28
elfrannematanya, unless you use export SOME_PATH=/to/a/folder that variable will not be available inside a script i launch from the crontab08:28
matanyaelfranne: why don't you export it in the script itself?08:28
elfrannematanya, because i need it in the crontab08:29
ObrienDavefoofoobar, yes, you don't have a lot of room to work with. look for partitionmanager. it's supposed to handle this situation a bit better. i don't know if Gparted can actually move data08:29
elfrannematanya, and used inside multiple scripts08:29
chiffaok, problem solved: I didn't disable Secure boot, but only fastboot :S08:29
chiffahave a good day everyone08:29
matanyacall the script, and in the first line export the var08:30
Guest83992I have edited /etc/dhcp/dhcpclient.conf and also tried adding & editing /etch/dhcp3/dhcpclient.conf to add prepend domain-name-servers ..., yet /etc/resolv.conf doesn't show the dns servers08:30
foofoobarObrienDave: I have a better idea: If I move the swap to the HDD, I can extend /dev/sda4 with the size of the swap08:30
Guest83992are the dns servers listed somewhere else now ? or is it something I am doing wrong ? help is appreciated...08:30
foofoobarthis would give me additional 4GB08:30
maumdoes anyone know how to download the source from http://mirror.emulab.net/cygwin/08:31
maumThere are a bunch of files.08:31
matanyamaum: wget08:32
ObrienDavefoofoobar, yes, that would work also08:32
foofoobarokay, good08:34
maummatanya: thanks.08:34
[nas]peterSMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED08:34
foofoobarmatanya, ObrienDave: thanks for your help!08:34
dhruvasagarhey, can anyone help regarding prepending dns servers ?08:35
matanyanp foofoobar08:35
foofoobarI will try to move the swap first, and when I'm home I can to the fsck and resize my root partition08:35
dhruvasagarI asked the question a little while ago as Guest...08:35
ObrienDavefoofoobar, not a problem08:35
foofoobarbecause I have no livecd here08:35
matanyadhruvasagar: what do you need?08:36
ObrienDavedhruvasagar, you can try the google public DNS servers. 8,8,8,8 and 8,8,8,4. I THINK :D08:36
[nas]peterit seems my drive isn't malfunctioning08:36
dhruvasagarmatanya: I tried adding prepend domain-name-servers to /etc/dhcp/dhcpclient.conf and restarted networking08:36
ObrienDavesorry, and
dhruvasagarObrienDave: that I know, not my problem...08:36
matanyaany output?08:36
dhruvasagarmatanya: but /etc/resolv.conf doesn't reflect08:36
dhruvasagarmatanya: it still doesn't list the dns servers I added...08:37
matanyawhy not add them directly?08:37
dhruvasagarmatanya: because I want them to be added to any network that I connect to...08:37
Phoenixxlthough on one side I apreciate google giving us servers for free, I can't help but be disgusted at the amount of data gathering on a person that goes on through their dns's08:37
dhruvasagarthis used to work earlier08:37
matanyadhruvasagar: what is in /etc/resolv.conf?08:38
dhruvasagarPhoenixxl: well there are several alternatives08:38
PhoenixxlFor my own sanity , even if they're not always the fastest , I do keep using my ISP's08:38
dhruvasagarmatanya: just 'nameserver'08:38
Phoenixxlthid id just azn observation , has nothing to do with the issiue thats being resolved here08:39
ObrienDavePhoenixxl, unless you're a hermit that can survive on cash, get used to it08:39
matanyaif you add 'nameserver' won't it be solved?08:39
dhruvasagarPhoenixxl: that's the whole point of 'prepending' dns servers. I am not changing them, just prepending extra one's, the ISP dns servers will still be there08:39
histodhruvasagar: add them to /etc/network/interfaces as dns-nameserver whatever.... man resolvconf  shows the "new way"08:39
Phoenixxloh i have them as 3rd and 4th as well :)08:39
Phoenixxli'm just saying08:39
dhruvasagarmatanya: it will be, but /etc/resolve.conf will be regenerated once I reconnect08:40
Phoenixxlthere's worse than google out there as well08:40
dhruvasagarmatanya: just changing /etc/resolve.conf is a temporary solution...I want it permanent :)08:40
matanyai see what you are trying to achieve08:40
Phoenixxlsign of the times n stuff08:40
histodhruvasagar: then add them to /etc/network/interfaces as I suggested08:40
dhruvasagarhisto: ahh that sounds like a solution, thanks checking08:40
[nas]peterCould there be something like SecureBoot that is fucking up?08:40
histo!language | [nas]peter08:41
ubottu[nas]peter: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:41
histo[nas]peter: where do you see the IO errors?08:41
ObrienDavePhoenixxl, something for you to think about... if you buy something on credit, by the time you get the card in your wallet, "big brother" knows EXACTLY what you bought and where you are. LMAO08:41
matanya[nas]peter: hdd has nothing to do with secureboot08:41
maumcan someone download the files in mirror.emulab.net/cygwin ?08:41
PhoenixxlI do knowµ08:41
histomaum: What does that have to do with ubuntu?08:42
PhoenixxlI worked as a programmer & sys admin in a small local bank08:42
ObrienDave*bites tongue*08:42
maumhisto: I tried to download that files on ubuntu by wget but it cannot be downloaded.08:42
histomaum: then try a different mirror08:43
histomaum: also why would you be downloading cygwin files on linux?08:43
Phoenixxlback in the day credit checks were done with dial up , there was a special bbs dedicate dto tit .. you give in a name , and a 8 digit code comes out08:43
Phoenixxlvery creepy08:43
maumhisto: there is a long story .. and there is no other mirror. but I can download the files from web. but there are a bunch of files.08:44
[nas]petermatanya, it might not have anything to do with it, but the IO was good on Windows 708:44
histomaum: what wget command are you trying?08:44
Phoenixxlit is here.. but I try to avoid it where i still can .. i'm under no illusion i can completelkyt avoid it08:44
[nas]peternow I get ~9MB/s08:44
ObrienDavemaum, i can D/L them. what's the problem?08:45
histo[nas]peter: ahh the speed not IO errors08:45
histo[nas]peter: what was the speed in m$?08:45
matanya[nas]peter: it is all other thing08:45
maumhisto: wget mirror.emulab.net/cygwin08:45
ObrienDavemaum, i can D/L them. what's the problem?08:45
[nas]peterhisto, I used a dd command to measure the speed08:46
maumObrienDave:  you can download all of them?08:46
histomaum: that's a html page so yes I can cl cygwin08:46
ObrienDavemaum, i got the setup file and the .ini file08:46
Phoenixxlas for credit.. i'm one of those old timers that , if I want something really expensive , I put some money aside till i have enough .. *gasp*08:46
[nas]peterI also ran that test in a VM on windows08:47
[nas]peterand it got 90MB/s08:47
maumObrienDave: there are many files in release folder so.. I want it all.08:47
bestdndhow can i enlarge my swap file?08:47
Phoenixxlbestdnd it's a partition on linux08:47
ObrienDavethen run the setup, and THEN D/L the rest of the files08:47
Phoenixxlif you have free space on your hd is's easy as pie08:48
histomaum: wget08:48
Phoenixxlif not you'll have to resize n stull .. i wouldn't recommend it unless youve done it before.. on a non critical system08:48
bestdndcan i do it on my secondary HD?08:48
Phoenixxlbestdnd, sure08:48
maumhisto: can you download them by wget?08:48
histo  maum wget  mirror.emulab.net/cygwin/setup.exe08:48
dhruvasagarhisto: thanks, it works :)08:49
Phoenixxlbestdnd, if you have free spacs in the form of non partitioned room08:49
maumhisto: there are other file except for setup.exe08:49
bestdndno, i need to resize my partitions for it08:49
maumhisto: http://mirror.emulab.net/cygwin/release/08:50
Phoenixxlthere are ways ... but they're a bit iffy ..08:50
Phoenixxlyou can DD zeroes to a file ..08:51
histomaum: http doesn't support globbing08:51
Phoenixxlthen mlkswap the file08:51
Phoenixxlthen swapon the file08:51
Phoenixxli meant mkswap not mlk08:51
maumhisto: i don't understand08:51
bestdndis there a manual for it? i don't know all these commands08:51
Phoenixxllet me see08:52
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:52
Phoenixxlbestdnd, http://www.google.com/#safe=off&sclient=psy-ab&q=using+a+file+for+swap+space+linux&oq=using+a+file+for+swap+space+linux&gs_l=hp.3..33i29i30.90081.95085.1.95260.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.ZWU&fp=feb79b512fef99ff&biw=1664&bih=85208:52
histomatanya: try wget -m http://mirror.emulab.net/cygwin08:52
vadmesteHello everybody. I have Ubuntu 12.04 and I cannot find fsck.ext2 though e2fslibs package is installed. Is that normal ?08:52
histomaum: try wget -m http://mirror.emulab.net/cygwin08:53
Phoenixxlit's not a very good solution though .. since evey call goes over your filesystem as well08:53
histomaum: you can add -k if you want to fix the links within the html pages that it dl's during the mirror process but that will get all your files you want. It mirrors the site.08:54
Phoenixxlbestdnd, the next hdd you put in , reserve some swap on it08:54
histobestdnd: you can resize your current swap or make a swapfile the choice is yours08:54
[nas]peterIt seems like my hardware besides the disk can't be the issue: http://pastie.org/797305108:54
maumhisto: Thanks, it works.08:54
[nas]petermy PC has SATA308:55
histomaum: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/09/the-ultimate-wget-download-guide-with-15-awesome-examples/08:56
histo[nas]peter: what's wrong with 170MB/sec?08:57
maumhisto: I see, thanks.08:57
KyouReeus4nfojoin #offsec08:58
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[nas]peterhisto, that's everything except read/write09:02
histo[nas]peter: yes and what kind of IO do you expect to see?09:02
[nas]peterat least 60MB/s09:02
histo[nas]peter: how are you testing?09:03
histo[nas]peter: change you block size09:03
histo[nas]peter: Increase it to like 1M09:04
[nas]peterhisto, would removing SWAP also help?09:04
histo[nas]peter: I have no idea what sort of cache your drive is using. You'd have to look at the label. Typically modern disks are around a 2MB cache size. You are only writing 8k to the cache then it writes to the disk then gets another 8k etc... that is slowing down your IO using bs=8k09:05
histo[nas]peter: swap has nothing to do with your "test"09:05
histo[nas]peter: dd is not an effective test of IO performance unless you specify a bs that is equal to your cache size. I would use another tool if you don't understand.09:06
parapanhello folks; I'm using 12.04 - is there any ad-hoc webserver I can setup in ubuntu ?09:07
histo[nas]peter: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1198691/testing-io-performance-in-linux09:07
matanyaparapan: apache09:07
histoparapan: what do you mean by "ad-hoc"?09:07
parapanbasically i want to share some files which are larger for e-mail - 20-30 Mb09:07
parapanmatanya: this is not quite with one click is it ?09:08
matanyano, it isn't parapan09:08
[nas]peterhisto, and using: System > Administration > Disk utility menu09:08
DJonesparapan: If there's not too many files, have you thought about using Ubuntu One or Dropbox, both of them have a couple of GB's f storage space09:08
parapanhisto: something like filezilla let's say . . . .just click , open a program and share a file .....like a FPT server ....09:08
histoparapan: what are you sharing to? windows boxes or linux boxes?09:09
parapanDJones: didn't knew about them ....just want to share few files once per month . . .09:10
parapanhisto: windows quite sure09:10
histoparapan: ifyou have python installed "python -m SimpleHTTPServer [port]"09:10
ObrienDaveGoogle Drive gives you 5GB free09:10
parapanmatanya: k, you're correct, I was mistaking ....thinking on a webserver only for sharing 2-3 files ...it's not worted ..09:11
ObrienDavesorry people, bed time. good nite all09:11
DJonesparapan: Dropbox should do that quite easily, just create an account, install the the app on each machine (windows and linux clients) log in and it creates a folder on each machine that you can drop files into & they'll be duplicated on each machine when they're logged in09:11
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histoparapan: you should have python by default the command I gave you will start an HTTP server in the current directory so they can pull the files at the specified port.09:12
parapanhisto: cool > but what will be the web address to access ???09:13
parapanDJones: thanks - it sound cool and i'll look into it ..but they want to pick up the files not to install softwares and stuff ...09:13
histoparapan: your IP address:port09:13
histoparapan: unless you do port 80 then they could just go to your IP and see the content. Is this for just local sharing or out over the internets?09:14
matanyaparapan: you need to allow it your router if your09:14
matanya*if you have09:14
parapanhisto: i'll try that > is over internet09:15
parapanmatanya: if i'm using 80 i wont need that correct ?09:15
matanyayou will need forwarding09:15
histoparapan: well you could get a free url name from places like dyndns.org or others and point it at your IP. But if you are gonig to go through all that drama for a simple http server that you are going to put up and take down etc...?09:15
histoparapan: if you want something more permanent... I would definately setup apache and a URL. Control access with .htaccess files etc...09:16
=== AlexanderM_Away is now known as AlexanderM
DJonesparapan: Another to consider with a web server, do you have a fixed ip address? If not you'll probably need to use something like dyndns to give a fixed address for people to connect to which then goes to whatever your ip address is, that would need to be set to update if your ip address changed09:17
parapanDJones: histo: I have the permanent webserver setup with apache only not handy at the moment ....I want an extremely fast way to share a file which can be downloaded most easily via http or ftp ....09:20
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parapanand maybe I can use teamviewer also ...for file transfer ...but this lwill require the install on the other PC ....09:21
cristian_cHow can I switch audio from mono to stereo?09:21
histoparapan: well the temporary way with python is one option. The other option is using scp over ssh09:21
cristian_cany ideas?09:21
histoparapan: or sftp.09:21
histoparapan: basically if you want to share a file in directory /home/parapan/good_stuff  you just cd /home/parapan/good_stuff  then python -m SimpleHTTPServer   and it will start up an http server in that directory so they can pull the file. When done just hit ctrl+c to stop the server09:22
histoparapan: You need to setup port forwarding on your router to whatever port you are going to use like 8000 or 80 pointed at your internal IP address. So then they just go to yourpublic.ip:8000  or whatever and can see your files.09:23
histoparapan: portforward.com09:23
histocristian_c: what type of audio file?09:23
histoparapan: there are many options python -m one should only be used as just a quick dirty http server to share a file then take it down.09:24
SarcasticGoatsDoes anyone know how to make the xrandr command run at startup?09:24
histoSarcasticGoats: create a /etc/xorg.conf09:24
histoSarcasticGoats: actually /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:25
cristian_chisto, all the audio files09:25
histocristian_c: You only have mono audio coming from your system?09:25
cristian_chisto, yes09:25
SarcasticGoatsHisto: When I try xorg -configure it says fatal server error09:25
histocristian_c: are your speakers plugged in all the way?09:25
cristian_cI don't know why09:25
cristian_chisto, i've got an headphone out09:26
histo!xorg.conf | SarcasticGoats09:26
ubottuSarcasticGoats: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.09:26
cristian_chisto, but nothing works09:26
SarcasticGoatscristian_c: Sometimes if your speaker plug isn't fully inserted into the jack then you'll only get mono09:26
parapanhisto: exactly my aim ....for 20 minutes up then, down forever :D; yes, I'll need the port forwarding for sure unless I'll have a static IP; one more q - what will be the default folder for the shared files ???09:26
histocristian_c: check by right clicking on the volume icon and going to sound properties make sure it's set to stereo duplex or whatever.09:26
parapanhisto: you said something to release command python directly on the folder where the shared files are ??/09:27
cristian_cSarcasticGoats, the plug is fully inserted09:27
histoparapan: whatever directory you are in when you execute python -m SimpleHTTPServer will be served09:27
histocristian_c: check sound properties09:27
cristian_chisto, in pavucontrol, duplex analog stereo is selected09:27
histocristian_c: are you headphones broken?09:28
cristian_chisto, no09:29
histocristian_c: check your left and right levels in alsamixer or some other mixer.09:29
parapanhisto: how do you close python ?09:30
histoparapan: ctrl+c09:30
gotwigPlease help me :( My networkusername changed for NetworkManager, and I am not anymore able to login with the new one :(   my new username is something like bg\username , my old username was username09:30
gotwigWhen I check the NetworkManager profile, it says even my username is bg\\username !!09:31
gotwigbut it should use simply bg\username09:31
gotwigit cant use that, why?!09:31
cristian_chisto, I don't see strange things09:31
cristian_chisto, in alsmixer09:31
gotwigI cant search anything for that, nothing on google at all. You cant search for one charachter at google09:31
histocristian_c: Is this a desktop or laptop?09:31
parapanhisto: a little complication : the requested url cannot be retrieved ..error 1000109:32
histoparapan: huh?09:32
cristian_chisto, left and right are at the same level in pavucontrol09:32
gotwigMy simple question is: Why is NetworkManager not able to transmit my username in this form ?! "bg\username" ??09:32
cristian_chisto, laptop09:32
[nas]peterI ran Iometer and that says I have 106MB/s09:32
[nas]peteras average09:32
parapanhisto: cannot be reached from internet09:32
histoparapan: did you setup the port forward?09:32
histo[nas]peter: okay so what's the problem?09:33
histocristian_c: try the built in speakers are those in stereo?09:33
parapanyeap > on port 81 ...let me try another port09:33
[nas]peterhisto, when I run apt-get update, my PC nearly crashes and all programs become darker and are non-responsive09:33
gotwigwhat is the best alternative to NetworkManager ?09:33
matanyagotwig: wicd09:33
cristian_chisto, I've tried headphones and external speakers09:33
histogotwig: second wicd09:33
histo!sound | cristian_c I have no idea but try some of this09:34
ubottucristian_c I have no idea but try some of this: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:34
cristian_chisto, I don't understand if the builtin speakers are working09:34
gotwigdoes wicd support every thing that NetworkManager does?09:34
gotwigwhat about WPA2 Enterprise Wifi access points via username and password?09:34
histocristian_c: Perhaps a wire is loose on the jack09:34
cristian_chisto, I'll try to read these pages09:34
SarcasticGoatshisto: Is there an easy guide for setting up the resolution bit of xorg.conf09:34
parapanhisto: same issue : however ....the python is saying serving HTTP server on on port 81 .......shouldn't be the local IP ???09:35
histogotwig: yes and there is a curses interface and applet it's up to you which you want to use.09:35
SarcasticGoatsHisto: Never mind I've found one I tik09:35
* gotwig is very depressed. Ubuntu is so broken ...09:35
histoparapan: if you are using a port under 1000 you will need to use sudo09:36
histoparapan: actually anything below 1024 I believe.09:37
parapanhisto: course I'm using sudo09:37
histoparapan: try browsing on that machine to http://localhost:portnumber09:37
parapanhisto: you're the man ....the port number was too low :d09:39
parapanwith the sudo it didn't worked09:39
hanwentaois there a way to select a mirror manually during installation?09:39
histoparapan: yeah anything under 1024 requires root permissions.   that's odd that with sudo it wouldn't work. Perhaps sudo -i python -m ... would work09:40
parapanhisto: made the setup on port 8000 and it's working like a rocket :D09:40
[nas]peterhisto, http://pastie.org/797327009:40
histoparapan: Yeah just use port 8000 then on your router forward port 80 to port 8000 of your internal ip09:40
histoparapan: then anyone that has your IP can get those files quickly09:40
squaregoldfishgotwig: Apparently it does, but I've never used it myself.09:40
histo[nas]peter: lol what?09:41
parapanhisto: I guess I should get to root first ....and after that to launch the webserver ...anyway million thanks I have learned something today from the community :D09:41
histogotwig: ubuntu inst browken09:41
[nas]peterI timed the IO09:41
histoparapan: yeah you can use any python module from cli like that with the -m switch09:41
gotwighisto: too many stuff is not working. too many, just saying09:41
parapanhisto: i recently moved from 10.4 to 12.04 do you know the reason for using Libre office now instead ooo ?09:42
histoparapan: OO forked09:42
parapanhisto: first I have to know what python is ;)09:42
histogotwig: Like what?09:42
parapanhisto: "forked" ? meaning09:43
histogotwig: It works for millions of people. Just because you are experiencing problems does not mean it's broken for all.09:43
gotwighisto: you have no idea09:43
histoparapan: the project split into two. Open Office is still there and there is LibreOffice which is a fork of it.09:43
gotwigevery operating system is somehow broken09:44
gotwigand window is the most broken one09:44
[nas]peterhisto, my disk has 23mb cache09:44
histogotwig: well perhaps your definition of broken is different from 99% of the world.09:44
parapanhisto: aaaa ...just like a fork with 3 "fingers"09:44
histoparapan: like a fork in the road09:44
parapanhisto: that's a joke :d09:44
inflextrying to work out if I have a hardware of software fault. Have a HP Touchsmart (all in one) 600-1000 with an nVidia GT230 chipset.  Rescue linux runs fine on it so long as I use frame-buffer mode, but Ubuntu 12.10 and 13.04 both just deliver a black screen after the initial text-console scrolling boot messages :(09:44
histoparapan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libreoffice has information about the fork09:45
parapanhisto: k, thanks man - have a good day and see you around09:45
histo!nomodeset | inflex09:45
ubottuinflex: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:45
gotwighisto: in fact it always is windows fault, when you use windows methods09:46
cristian_chisto, I've looked at he links you posted09:47
cristian_chisto, but I don't know what to do09:47
inflexGot to say, it's rare for me to hit a GFX issue on boot with Linux these days, so that one threw me09:49
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histocristian_c: the troubleshooting one would be a good start. Although from what you are describing I bet you have an issue with hardware e.g. loose wire09:50
cristian_chisto, previously it worked09:50
cjbirki am the plunderer09:50
cjbirkthe great icelandic snow king09:50
cjbirkand i use ubuntu.09:50
histocristian_c: previously we lived in caves09:51
histocristian_c: What has changed since then09:51
cristian_chisto, I don't know, I'll try some tries with live cd09:51
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tomhi all - i've got two displays, is there a way to only have one working at a time, and to switch between the tw10:01
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amiral_hi iwas reading a book and i found this :" As an example of the overhead of making a system call, consider the getppid()10:16
amiral_system call, which simply returns the process ID of the parent of the calling10:16
amiral_process. On one of the author’s x86-32 systems running Linux 2.6.25, 10 million10:16
amiral_calls to getppid() required approximately 2.2 seconds to complete. This amounts10:16
amiral_to around 0.3 microseconds per call. By comparison, on the same system, 10 million10:16
amiral_calls to a C function that simply returns an integer required 0.11 seconds, or10:16
amiral_around one-twentieth of the time required for calls to getppid()."10:16
FloodBot1amiral_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:16
amiral_do really think system call make more overhead than libc function warper10:17
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Phoenixxlamiral_, how many times would you need to get a pid in your program ..10:26
SandmanHehe, Compiz crashed when I started XChat :)10:27
Phoenixxlamiller, stick to the advised way of doing things10:27
Phoenixxlamiller, speeding up programs should be done inside the main loop10:27
Jose_Spanishany girl want to chat with Spanish?10:27
Phoenixxlamiller, not pinching pennies off archaic system calls .10:28
PhoenixxlJose_Spanish, the "girl" that will start the conversation will have a bigger dick than you I bet.10:29
migadooPhoenixxl: stop pm me.10:31
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dsirijusthere should be #ubuntu-dating10:31
rohanHello everyone10:32
Phoenixxlmigadoo, go play with your legos http://i.imgur.com/kzyJCRs.png10:32
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rohanany one tell me about interfaces file.10:34
feitinge1rohan: i can't tell it as good as "man interfaces" can.10:39
Phoenixxlrohan, if you want to mess with it , i would say , make a virtual machine , install linux on that , and have a field day10:40
Phoenixxldon't experiment on your running system10:41
Phoenixxlrohan, the chances you break it are not negligible10:41
Phoenixxlrohan, it's not as dangerous as playing with fstab but still ..10:42
emkaHi, using 10.04 LTS, how should update just the security updates?10:51
cfhowlettemka, as it's not longer supported ... can't10:51
emkais this enough?10:51
emkasudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades10:51
emkasudo unattended-upgrade10:51
thunder1212E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libcapi20-3_1%3a3.25+dfsg1-3wheezy1+6.0trisquel1_i386.deb: './usr/share/doc/libcapi20-3/changelog.Debian.gz' is different from the same file on the system10:51
thunder1212I got this error while installing wine on my system am suing 64bit10:51
cfhowlettemka, it's end of life, i.e. no longer supported10:51
emkaso what should I do then?10:52
cfhowlettemka, upgrade to 12.04 is my recommendation.10:52
cfhowlettemka, is this a server?10:52
emkarunning a couple of web apps10:53
cfhowlettemka, consider your options.  IMHO, running a non-supported public facing server lacking supported/updates is inadvisable10:53
emkait is not mine tho...10:54
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emkabut I've been asked to check for what to do10:54
emkaIs it "safe" to just do do-release-upgrade10:55
emkafeels like that could give us a lot of problems10:55
cfhowlettemka, personally, I'd torrent 12.04, burn or USB the ISO and clean install.10:55
hs_hello , in unity-greeter , is there a specific size for the logo or any size i want ?11:00
silv3r_m00nhi there, I got 2 adsl connections (that are put into 2 routers) can I use both ? (http://askubuntu.com/questions/299018/using-multiple-internet-connections-on-ubuntu) ?11:01
emkacfhowlett: ok…and reinstall/configure everything from scratch again… :) I don't use muppet11:01
cfhowlettemka, wait11:01
cfhowlettemka, if you have your /home in a dedicated partition, you just install the system files and reinstall your apps.  your configurations will then be retained11:02
cfhowlettemka, just don't format the /home and you're good11:02
hs_hello , in unity-greeter , is there a specific size for the logo or any size i want ?11:03
emkayeah but not all apache/ruby stuff I guess11:03
cfhowlettemka, pretty sure there's a way to retain those settings ... ask in #ubuntu-server11:04
fractalinecfhowlett, can one move /home to a separate partition in preparation for clean install?11:06
petervonfrostatvoss ping11:06
gordonjcpfractaline: yes11:06
petervonfrostatvoss, ping11:06
cfhowlettfractaline, you can setup a /home and THEN clean install ...11:07
emkacfhowlett: Thanks! I think I have to do some reading first11:07
cfhowlettemka, best of luck.11:07
handuel'ello there11:10
cfhowlettfractaline, see http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome11:10
cfhowlettguest55555_, greetings11:10
fractalinei am running kubuntu 13.04 (which is really kubuntu-desktop installed on ubuntu) i'd like to do a clean install of 13.04 64bit...  looking for the best way11:10
fractalinecfhowlett, i'll have a look     ty11:11
cfhowlettfractaline, make your /home, torrent 13.04, make a boot usb/cdrom and install11:12
guest55555_During an installation of Ubuntu when creating LVMs - is there a way to specify GiB instead of GB? "df -h" looks so ugly after specifying "10G" during installation (as the LVM only has 9.31GiB).11:12
guest55555_Or any workaround to really have 10GiB?11:12
fractalineyou mean make an empty /home??11:12
hillarywhat command can i use to move from one directory to another ubuntu 12.0411:13
fractalinefine for future use but how about saving settings?11:13
cfhowlettfractaline, no I meant, as in the previous link, make a dedicated /home and move your files there.  Also, back up.  of course.  then install11:13
cfhowletthillary, cd11:13
fractalinei see11:13
cfhowletthillary, eeks.  no.  I think it's cp11:13
Leightonhillary: cd directoryname11:14
hillaryi want to move from pwd to Downloads11:14
cfhowlettLeighton, and to move the files?11:14
hillarycd /Downloads i get  bash cd: /Downloads: No such files or Directory11:16
Leightonhillary: ohhhh, I thought you meant move like change "location". cp will copy files, not move them11:16
jribhillary: ~/Downloads11:16
cfhowletthillary, as kyouReeus4nfo stated: mv11:17
cfhowlettgravity__, greetings11:19
gravity__I am using Backtrack 5, and I am on a LAN network  where we need authentification before getting connected to internet, my problem is that I am able to load download commands in the terminal, the download will not reach to the end. Thus how can I enter my authentification information in the terminal in order to download?11:22
DJones!backtrack | gravity__11:22
ubottugravity__: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)11:22
hillarycfhowlett: not working still. i use to use cd ~/Downloads but now it has refused11:22
cfhowletthillary, within your own account?  not normal ...11:23
hillaryyap within my own account11:23
raincodei'm use ubuntu 10.04. i want to write programmer language. i want to try C. how to basic write code in C without external application. in this topic i want just use gedit and terminal. can help me how to write simple C program ?.example just to write output message in terminal as "hello",help me sir11:24
hillaryi run update and see what might happened11:24
cfhowletthillary, error message?  and what exact command did your urn11:24
hillarycd ~/Downloads11:24
cfhowlettraincode, 10.04 is end of life.  not sure you want to learn programming on an unsupported OS ....11:24
hillarybash: cd: /home/hillary/Downloads: No such file or directory when i run  cd ~/Downloads11:25
cfhowletthillary, so, just for fun, try with sudo ...11:25
raincodecfhowlett, what your mean about "10.04 is end of life"?11:25
ubotturaincode,: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:26
raincodecfhowlett, what you mean about "10.04 is end of life"?11:26
auronandaceraincode: 10.04 is no longer supoorted on the desktop11:26
cfhowlettraincode, 10.04 was supported for 3 years on the desktop ...11:26
raincodeso, what can i do ?,what i must use?11:27
cfhowlettraincode, update to 12.04 is my recommendation ...11:28
fractalinecfhowlett,  what size is recommendable for the /home partition?11:28
cfhowlettfractaline, depends on your own use.  look at what you have currently and take your best guess as to future needs11:28
fractalinefair enough11:28
hillaryeven with sudo it has not work11:29
BluesKajHiyas all11:29
cfhowlettBluesKaj, howdy11:29
BluesKajhey cfhowlett11:29
fractalinehey BluesKaj11:29
jnaourHi, I have a strange problem: I use a project name ElasticSearch and I want to allow more Java Heap Space to it. So I do a "bin/elasticsearch -f -Xmx4g -Xms4g", but it doesn't work. When I launch the exact same command in root mode it works, there is 4g allowed to ElasticSearch JVM. Is there some perms configuration that could limit the memory that I can allow to it in user mode?11:29
BluesKajhey fractaline11:29
raincodecfhowleft, you recomend me to update, that mean i must update from ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 OR i remove ubuntu 10.04 then install new to 12.04??11:30
cfhowlettraincode, no need to remove anything.  torrent 12.04, make a boot usb/cdrom and clean install.  OR you could try direct upgrade assuming your software sources are set to LTS only11:30
auronandaceraincode: up to you (i prefer a fresh install, less can go wrong)11:31
cfhowlettraincode, but I'd definitely go with torrent/clean install rather than software upgrade11:31
handuelraincode: ignoring 10.04 being EOL, this is the same in all versions sudo apt-get install binutils build-essential to install the compiler. Hello world program #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]){printf("Hello\n"); return 0;} to compile gcc nameofcfile.c -o test to run ./test11:31
cfhowletthanduel, true but he's learning coding ... on an unsupported OS.  Just don't seem right, somehow.11:32
handuelcfhowlett: yes, but I'm just answering his question, he should still update, but I'm saying that is what he should do, on any version, even once he updates11:33
cfhowletthanduel, understood.  thanks for clarifying11:33
cfhowletthanduel, and that's a sweet bit of coding you wrote11:33
handuelcfhowlett: sarcasm?11:34
guest55555_Noone that can help with my LVM/GiB/GB question? :-)11:34
cfhowletthanduel, not the least.11:34
KyouReeus4nfoI would just do echo Hello11:34
ubottuhanduel,: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!11:34
handuelThanks :)11:35
handuelguest55555_ if you click something else when installing, can't you just manually set the partition size11:35
guest55555_i *can* specify 10G - but this will by 10 gigabyte and not 10 gibibyte11:36
raincodehanduel, thx for your code in C. i'm usually using python, but i want to learn high to low programming language as C, but assembly i delay its caused i want learn one by one.11:36
raincodecfhowleft thx for your sugestion11:36
cfhowlettraincode, best of luck11:37
raincodemaybe if i have time, i thinking about your solution11:37
handuelraincode: fair enough, quite obviously there are more human readable ways of writing that, (new lines and indentation and such, however all on one line would work.)11:37
raincodefor all , i'm so sorry if my english is not good,so i just to try communication with you all here11:38
cfhowlettraincode, we understood fine11:38
raincodethx, cfhowlett . .11:39
handuelraincode: ur english is great!  I've met less gramatically correct born and bread british teens11:39
ichatquick question11:39
raincodeyour solution is True for our system security and to future,11:40
ichathow can i  get back the behavior of   ctrl + alt +  backspace11:40
DJonesichat: To restart X?11:40
ichatDJones,  yes11:40
DJonesichat: There is an option in one of the system setting to enable that, give me a minute to see if I can find it11:41
handuelsettings->keyboard->shortcuts->system edit logout to be ctrl+alt+backspace11:41
hillarysomething wrong with nu cd command ubuntu 12.0411:41
DJonesichat: See what handuel They got it11:41
DJonesichat: See what handuel just put, they got it11:42
hillaryi try cd ~/Downloads or any directory it says no such file or directory11:42
ichathanduel,  tnx11:42
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cfhowletthillary, try ls to see your options11:44
hillaryls displays what is in pwd11:47
scotty^ichat - a better option is described in the last answer at http://askubuntu.com/questions/10622/how-can-i-enable-ctrlaltbackspace11:48
raincodesir, can give me sugestion , priority language that we must learn in ubuntu?11:48
raincodec or python?11:48
scotty^hillary - You want cd $HOME/Downloads11:49
scotty^ichat - that way you can still really logout via the keyboard and zap the xserver11:50
hillarySorry guys my Downloads directory was wrongly moved by me to Documents directory. Things working ok after moving it to home11:52
cfhowletthillary, live and learn11:53
rahmspinat_of_doHey there, does someone know how to disable desktop effects in Mint via Terminal?11:53
lasers!mint | rahmspinat_of_do11:53
ubotturahmspinat_of_do: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:53
raincodesir, how to diet our system?,its hard for process,.slow not quick process,11:54
handuelrahmspinaat_of_do: look into controlling gconf through the terminal, to find the exact keys go and ask on mint help11:54
hillaryi need to extract a .zip file from downloads folder to /var/www/. what is the command? ubuntu 12.0411:54
raincodewhat wrong with me ?i'm install ubuntu using wubi.exe11:55
ActionParsnipraincode: its not a long term solution, its a try before you buy11:56
raincodemy cdroom is error, how to move our ubuntu manualy without wubi.exe11:56
cfhowlettraincode, see, there's your problem right there ... wubi11:56
handuelraincode: do you own a usb stick11:56
ActionParsniphillary: install unp and then run: cd /var/www; sudo unp ~/Download/filename.zip11:56
NewUbuntu007hello Ubuntu world, as a new Ubuntu user I face an issue in connecting to internet from the newly installed Ubuntu 13.04. Is this the right channel to post this type of question?11:56
handuelNewUbuntu007: yes11:56
ActionParsnipNewUbuntu007: yes this is the right channel11:56
bskhillary: unzip ~/Downloads/my-file.zip -d /var/www11:56
raincodeyes i have but my bios cannot support boot from usb11:56
cfhowlett!details|NewUbuntu007, yes.11:56
ubottuNewUbuntu007, yes.: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:56
cfhowlettraincode, what?  how old is this computer?11:57
handuelhow fr*ggin clever is that bot, how does it realise that information wasn't given :D11:57
raincodenot old, travelmate 402011:57
bskhillary: remember that you must have write permissions on the destination folder11:57
ActionParsnipbsk: or use sudo, easier11:58
ichathanduel,  -   log-off is not the same as restarting the x server  specially not forcefully...  the reason for wanting ctrl+at+backspace was   that i had a game that crashed and set my  unity resolution to  640x480 ... and    i coul not even see the top pannel any more...11:58
handuelichat: use alt+sysrq+k then11:58
jribhanduel: probably safe to assume that's always the case ;)11:58
NewUbuntu007Thanks - handuel, ActionParsnip, cfhowlett and ubottu. The problem is when I connect to internet from my Ubuntu computer, I am not able to connect via the network cable. I used the same physical connection with my Windows machine and it works.11:58
ichatwhat is  sysrq?11:59
ActionParsnipNewUbuntu007: can you ping your routr's internal IP?11:59
bskActionParsnip: whatever..11:59
handuela key on your keyboard, often on the same thing as print-screen, you might have to hold fn or similar to be able to use it.11:59
ActionParsnipichat: or run:  killall -u $USER     same deal :)11:59
NewUbuntu007ActionParnsnip - Yes, its
ActionParsnipNewUbuntu007: if you ping does it ping ok?12:00
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NewUbuntu007ActionParnsnip: sorry, its
NewUbuntu007ActionParsnip: Destination Host Unreachable is the output.12:02
raincodei want to migrate total from xp to unix.for this time my condition: C:\\ <<==xp,.(ntfs)  D:\\<<==ubuntu but with wubi.exe shown:4 virtual disk,  . can we change ubuntu wubi version, to ubuntu totality in D:\\??12:02
NewUbuntu007ActionParsnip: (Curious question) What does it mean when we ping
RedBlade7i set up kubuntu12:02
RedBlade7and then tried to install the amd drivers via the menu12:03
ActionParsnipNewUbuntu007: its a IP outside of your LAN12:03
RedBlade7but now it says "unsupported hardware" and locks up12:03
gordonjcpraincode: You'd need to remove the D: partition, Unix doesn't use MSDOS drives12:03
rahmspinat_of_doNewUbuntu007: its googles dns server which is a very prominent ip that is propably always up12:03
ActionParsnipNewUbuntu007: does it reply?12:03
RedBlade7(there were two of them listed, i must've picked the wrong one)12:03
RedBlade7so now i cant boot12:03
RedBlade7how do i boot into text mode?12:03
RedBlade7recovery console forces read-only12:03
RedBlade7so i cant do anything12:03
RedBlade7also, there's no xorg.conf12:04
ActionParsnipRedBlade7: hold SHIFT at boot and boot to root recovery mode, then run:  mount -o rw,remount /12:04
RedBlade7i'm a slackware person so am good with the command line12:04
NewUbuntu007ActionParsnip: No12:04
ActionParsnipRedBlade7: so it may mount readonly but yuo can remount it writable12:04
ActionParsnipNewUbuntu007: so you can png your router but not outside? correct?12:04
RedBlade7also, where is the xorg.conf on kubuntu?12:04
RedBlade7it's not in /etc/X1112:05
handuelRedBlade7: no xorg by default now, use recovery mode from grub menu to access console, and as actionparsnip has stated, remount fs'es12:05
NewUbuntu007ActionParsnip: I will confirm that in a minute.12:05
RedBlade7ok i'll try and get in to remove the packages12:05
raincodegordonjcp: my condition now, i'm on ubuntu that boot from d:\\wubi.exe, . can from here(from my condition) i change my root,home,usr,an other,..manualy12:05
RedBlade7will it boot properly once the proprietary packages are removed?12:05
RedBlade7go back to the nouveau12:05
minixvmraincode: wubi is no longer supported12:06
NewUbuntu007ActionParsnip: Actually, I dont know the answer to your question.12:06
handuelRedBlade7, should do yes. (BTW good luck, I had the exact same issue a few years ago, massive pain in the proverbial arse, luckily actionparsnip helped me through it :))12:06
NewUbuntu007ActionParsnip: I only did "ifconfig -a" and I got 'inet addr' as
RedBlade7thank you in advance12:07
raincodeC:\\ <- xp(that i want to remove, but not yet to this time,) ,D:\\<--my ubuntu now but boot from booting. and i have one empty drive g:\\<-empty12:07
raincodehow to move my ubuntu from D:\\ to G:\\12:07
raincodewithout "halt"12:08
ichatActionParsnip,  what was that killall command again12:08
raincodethx minixvm12:10
handuelraincode: D:\ and G:\ are windows abstractions, they don't exist in ubuntu, you need to create a new ext4 partition12:10
ActionParsnipichat: killall -u $USER12:11
minixvm!partitioning | raincode12:11
ubotturaincode: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap12:11
raincodehanduel, so with my ubuntu now, i must format G:\ to ext4?12:12
yebyenanyone using raring (and possibly gnome ppa) got a message recently about update-initramfs failing to locate pango modules?  i got it when upgrading to 3.8.0-22 but the problem seems to be with initramfs-tools, since removing the newer kernel I still get the message with previous version12:12
raincodeubottu , thxt for your info, .12:13
ubotturaincode: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:13
yebyenErrors look just the same as http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=70204012:13
ubottuDebian bug 702040 in plymouth "needs update for pango 1.7 from experimental" [Serious,Fixed]12:13
yebyenthe last report on that debian bug12:13
yebyenexcept for the location of the pango modules12:13
handuelraincode: yes12:13
NewUbuntu007ActionParsnip: I have actually set varioius addresses in /etc/network/interfaces manually as instructed by our Network Operator12:13
kisya hi12:14
raincodehanduel, so with my ubuntu now, i must format G:\  to ext4 file system??12:14
handuelraincode: yes you must12:14
kisyais there a kernel package with pf patches applied?12:14
handuelraincode: and then use live installation media to install to the ext4 partition12:14
raincodeif i have to do that(have format G to ext4),; can manually i'm copy my system from D:\ to G:\?12:15
ichatActionParsnip,  - the command   killall -u $user   seams not to work.  so than i tried in a terminal   echo  $user   and i get a blank line   shouldn't  my logged on user be be printed with that command12:15
minixvmraincode: not from windows no12:15
handuelichat echo $USER12:15
raincodefrom ubuntu, isn't it?12:16
handuelraincode: indeed12:16
handuelraincode: use the gparted program12:16
minixvmraincode: just perform a new install, forget copying a wubi install to a new one12:16
NilythHi there12:17
ActionParsnipichat: the word user is in caps, that's why I gave it in caps12:18
ActionParsnipichat: you cannot change case of commands jusyt because you feel like it, things will not work12:18
Nilythis there someone used with codeblocks and libsx?12:19
cfhowlettNilyth, greetings12:19
NilythHi o/12:19
NilythI'm a real newbie on the linux environement :(12:20
raincodefor this time, i don't have ubuntu in cd.just have iso in drive. my burn cd-rw the function is error. so , that i can do?,i'm now in Ubuntu10.04 system.after i format g:\\ can i move my filesystem ubuntu manually using copy paste?,and how to configuration boot file?12:20
handuelraincode: I just thought, I don't know if this will work, so correct me if I'm wrong guys, but you may be able to format G:\ then install ubiquity on your current ubuntu, and use that to install to the partition12:20
ActionParsnipraincode: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?12:20
minixvmNilyth: codeblocks is in the repos12:21
handuelActionParsnip: think he's saying his disk drive actually has a hardware issue...12:21
ActionParsniphanduel: oic12:21
NilythI just need a compiler compatible with libsx :(12:21
ichatActionParsnip,  soryr man  :P12:22
minixvmraincode: you can use a usb if your cd drive doesn't work12:22
ActionParsnipichat: run commands as given, or unless instructed. You'll have fewer issues12:22
handuelraincode: the ubiquity solution that I suggested will not copy/paste your configuration, it will make a new one, so do backup any docs you want to copy across12:22
handuelminivm: his BIOS can't boot from USB :D12:22
foofoobarI underestimated how long gparted needs to shrink my 400gb partition to 300gb.. Its working since 4 hours now :|12:23
ActionParsniphanduel: is there a floppy drive?12:23
raincodeok sir, so for resume this problem,after i'm format g:\\, then install ubiquity. after install it, using ubiquity i use my ubuntu10.04.iso and give destination to g:\\?12:23
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
ActionParsnipraincode: do you have a floppy drive?12:23
ActionParsnip!away > GingerGeek[Away]12:23
ubottuGingerGeek[Away], please see my private message12:23
ichatActionParsnip,  -   do i need to reboot before the shortcut starts to work?12:23
ActionParsnipichat: what shortcut?12:24
raincodei don't have floppy drive12:24
GingerGeek[Away]ActionParsnip - i use it as i need in my otherr 50 channels12:24
handuelraincode: try sudo apt-get install ubiquity, then finding the "install ubuntu" program in the dash, and selecting to install to the so called G: partition, after formatting12:26
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ActionParsnipGingerGeek[Away]: it unecessarily spams the channel. I have been away and come back hundreds of times, nobody cares. Just minimize the client12:27
raincode"backup any docs you want to copy across", in my current condition, if i have install in g:\\ and backup current d:\\ubuntu, can for temporary, i not remove d:\\ubuntu, so after installation we have 3 boot, (xp,current ubuntu in d:\\,and new ubuntu in g:)12:27
handuelraincode: yes, however when you install ubuntu in G:, it will use the ubuntu bootloader (grub), that won't recognise an installation within windows (wubi), so you won't be able to boot it any more12:29
GingerGeek[Away]ActionParsnip thats like saying join / part are useless. when i am away i am basically offline12:30
raincodethx ,.ok sir, now i want to try step by step,.12:32
handuelGingerGeek[Away] and ActionParsnip, consider discussing this in private chat so you don't spam here12:32
ActionParsnipGingerGeek[Away]: then be away, you don't need to change your nick each time. Why do you think the factoid exists....12:33
madghosthelp me please12:33
ubottumadghost,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:33
madghosthow I can run arp command from php in web server apache2 ?12:33
madghostI mean without password12:34
madghostI do it through shell_exec('/usr/sbin/arp') but output is empty (12:35
rahmspinat_of_dolet it call a script. allow the use of it via sudo12:35
minixvmmadghost: incase you don't get an answer here there is also #ubuntu-server12:35
ActionParsnipmadghost: arp on its own here doesn't need a password, or sudo12:35
madghostI measn I need write somewhere some command for ubuntu don't ask password from user www-data12:36
rahmspinat_of_dook? didnt expect that12:36
raincodewhile process download now, i want to ask about xchat what some configuration in xchat for our safe?12:36
madghostActionParsnip: sudo, you are right12:36
raincodeis there setting for our security when we use xchat?12:37
rahmspinat_of_doi have been told that with sudo one can disable password requests for a command12:37
jlkli installed a network speed indicator . i couldn't believe it shows the speed in a graphical form rather than numeric one.............12:38
handuelrahmspinat_of_do, that is true look in /etc/sudoers12:38
ActionParsnipmadghost: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc12:38
madghostI wrote "visudo"12:38
madghostand here I wrote www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/arp12:39
madghostbut it doesn't work ((12:39
madghostI'm sad12:39
jlklso you are mad and sad12:40
madghosthow I can switch user in Linux?12:41
ichathow strange12:41
jlklwhat strange12:42
jribmadghost: graphically?12:42
madghostnot graphicaly (12:42
carpediembabyhi, i just installed ubuntu 13.04 and it doesn't seem to boot. i see a black screen with a cursor and a pointer that is responsive. what could be wrong?12:42
ichati go to   settings   keyboard  shortcuts  there i create    restart x  with command    killall -u   $USER  than i hit the keys  nothing happens...  then i run the same command in terminal and it works12:43
ubottucarpediembaby,: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:44
cfhowlettmadghost, su otheruser12:44
madghosthow I can run some command from other user, not admin12:44
madghostI tried, thank you. I don't know password from user www-data :((((12:44
carpediembabycfhowlett: i have a standard intel chipset...12:45
rahmspinat_of_doeither su <username> or sudo -u <username>12:45
ActionParsnipcarpediembaby: what video chip do you use?12:45
cfhowlettcarpediembaby, nomodeset is quite common and as your descriibed12:45
ActionParsnipichat: if you go into keyboard settings you can re-enable the old ctrl+alt+backspace12:46
carpediembabyActionParsnip: i never checked and now i can't boot in12:46
ActionParsnipcarpediembaby: does the system have a make and model?12:46
ichatActionParsnip,  im running  13.04   its not listed under system12:46
jlkl13.04 is beta version12:46
ActionParsnipjlkl: 13.04 isn't beta now12:46
carpediembabyActionParsnip: thikpad t410s without any dedicated graphic card.12:47
ActionParsnipichat: under keyboard settings it is12:47
ActionParsnipcarpediembaby: and you didn't think to check manufacturers website fo spec?12:47
cfhowlettcarpediembaby, so it's an integrated gpu?  should be workable but you MIGHT try to login without unit ... use the alternate desktop environment12:48
ActionParsnipcarpediembaby: seems to be an Intel GPU, try the nomodeset boot option12:48
carpediembabyActionParsnip: i don't know what exactly you're asking. it has the intel chipset with integrated gpu12:48
ActionParsnipcarpediembaby: use the nomodeset boot option12:49
cfhowlett!nomodeset|carpediembaby, nomodeset happens on intel too.  see the link.  follow the steps.12:49
ubottucarpediembaby, nomodeset happens on intel too.  see the link.  follow the steps.: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:49
carpediembabycfhowlett: yes it is integrated. i dont know how to set the nomodeset option12:49
ActionParsnipcarpediembaby: read the guide ubottu gave12:50
carpediembabyok, following the link12:50
ichatActionParsnip,   under whitch    sub list its supposed to be  because under  ... system  where i gues it belongs i only have 2 options \12:51
foofoobarWhat happens if I cancel a gparted shrinking?12:51
ichatActionParsnip,  i know that it used to be there ...  but i simply cant find it anymore12:52
ActionParsnipichat: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-in-ubuntukubuntu-10-04lucid-lynx.html12:52
ActionParsnipichat: try asking the web if yo ucan't find something, its chock full of how to guides12:53
BluesKajfoofoobar, it should revert to your previous setting , but it will take a while12:53
cfhowlettfoofoobar, it SHOULD roll back any changes ... but I wouldn't advise it.  Let the job finish.12:53
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foofoobarheh ok.. I just noticed that I schedulded the following job: 1) shrink partition from 400 to 300 2) shrink from 300 to 290. I'm still at step 1 (4h over)12:54
foofoobarI'm a bit frightend the second step will also need that long..12:54
carpediembabyActionParsnip: i chose the temporary parameter option. it seems to work. but it looks like it might be in some very basic mode. the resolution is below par and the cursor is still blinking as if it were a terminal at the top left of the screen12:54
pr0nhow do i disable ati radeon 5450 in ubuntu 12.0412:55
cfhowlettfoofoobar, that sounds about right.  patience.12:55
ichatActionParsnip,   thanks for  trying...  i guess ubuntu devs are  removing functionallity each version until  the day  that we could just as well use   laystone and chalk again...12:55
adamkpr0n: What do you mean by disabling that GPU? What is your end goal here?13:00
carpediembabyhow can i make 13.04 to look for proprietary drivers?13:00
aguitelcarpediembaby, what driver?13:01
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carpediembabyaguitel: i was just asking about a problem with display. i fixed it with nomodeset. but it looks awefull13:02
adamkcarpediembaby: If a proprietary driver is available and packaged for/by Ubuntu, it would show up under "Additional drivers"13:02
Dr_willisnormally intel drivers/chipsets shouldent need nomodeset. they should just work.13:02
adamkDisabling KMS is generally not a good idea.13:02
pr0ndue to my ati card my laptop gets heated alot, alot.. and there is over consumption of battery too.. so i want to stop it13:03
Dr_willisIntel drivers wouldent be shown in the  addational-drivers tool.13:03
carpediembabyadamk, Dr_willis : it is an intel chipset13:03
b3rz3rk3rI've just compiled fwbackups to run automated incremental backups in addition to my weekly disk images. Which folders should I be backing up on my OS install drive?13:03
adamkcarpediembaby: Then there are no proprietary drivers.13:03
rupertHi guys, I'm running LVM with some USB disks connected to a USB hub. Sometimes this hub resets which causes ubuntu to see the disks as new (they are given an increasing name, sdb instead of sda etc.) This messes up LVM because whenever I try to access a directory on the LVM I get an input/output error. Is there any way I can make the names persistent? I tried looking at udev but I'm not sure how to identify the disks (I tried by USB bus but that didn't 13:04
Dr_williscarpediembaby,  intel makes a lot of differnet video chipsets. there are ppa's for newer versions, and i rcall intell having some  tool/script out for installing the latest ones.13:04
adamkpr0n: There's no way to disable the discrete GPU in the BIOS?13:04
carpediembabyadamk: so the display will remain at this 1024x768 resolution with horrible graphics performance?13:04
carpediembabyDr_willis: okay, i'll try to search for it13:05
ObrienDaveintel uses the mesa drivers. at least mine does13:05
adamkcarpediembaby: Is it 1024x768 before or after you booted with "nomodeset"13:05
ObrienDaveadamk, if you did that, i dont think you would see anything at all13:06
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carpediembabyadamk: well before, i could only see the cursor. but it seemed to be at a good (actual) resolution. but now, if i go to appearance it says i have 2560x1600 but its clearly not that. my screen is 1368xsomething13:07
carpediembabyand there is no option to change the screen size. and i see jitter when i try to minimize/maximize stuff13:07
adamkcarpediembaby: OK, the first thing I'd do is remove the nomodeset option. Disabling KMS generally causes problems.13:07
adamkMuch like the ones you are describing.13:07
pr0nadamk: nope :(13:08
carpediembabyadamk: then it might not boot in again ... but i'll give it a try13:09
amx109i have this irritating bug where apt ges stuck on '100% reading package lists'. when my laptop first boots i dont have that problem, but after a day or so of uptime, apt-get becomes impossible to use. ive tried solutions for similar probelms but no result. can anyone help?13:10
adamkcarpediembaby: Try to force a specific resolution with KMS by using the video=XRESxYRES option (ie. video=1368x768)13:10
pr0ni have already once burnt my cooling sink of my laptop, got it replaced today. i dont want to burn it down by usage of ubuntu again :(13:11
ObrienDaveamx109, you might look into clearing the apt cache and reloading your sources13:12
b3rz3rk3rI've just compiled fwbackups to run automated incremental backups in addition to my weekly disk images. Which folders should I be backing up on my OS drive?13:13
ObrienDaveb3rz3rk3r, usually just the ones under /home/user_name13:14
adamkpr0n: You could try this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Hybrid_graphics#Fully_Power_Down_Discrete_GPU13:14
amx109ObrienDave: ive done that before and it didnt help. ive ran strace and iotop..apt just seems to run through the package lists very very slowly13:15
b3rz3rk3rObrienDave, that's what I figured, but thought I'd check just to be safe. Thanks :)13:15
ObrienDaveamx109, do these commands look familiar?13:16
ObrienDaveamx109, apt-get clean13:16
ObrienDaveamx109, cd /var/lib/apt13:16
cfhowlettamx109, run apt-get autoremove and apt-get clean13:16
ObrienDavemv lists lists.old13:16
ObrienDavemkdir -p lists/partial13:17
ObrienDaveapt-get clean13:17
ObrienDaveapt-get update13:17
amx109ObrienDave: yup. i wil try again now though13:17
ObrienDavecd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/13:17
ObrienDaveamx109, ok, let us know how it went :)13:19
ObrienDaveamx109, do those from root terminal13:19
amx109ObrienDave: yup, i will. in my previous attempts i just rm'd the contentss of /var/lib/apt/ rather than your method. maybe that might have an affect13:21
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
parapandear fellows do you know if libre office is much more closed to microsoft compatibility - meaning - docx / xlsx / and specially pptx ?13:21
ObrienDavehope so. i picked that up somewhere. worked for me :)13:21
cfhowlettparapan, to a degree but not perfectly.13:21
minixvmparapan: it tries to be as compatible as it can13:22
ObrienDaveparapan, couldn't live without LibreOffice or OpenOffice. never had a format problem with either13:22
amx109ObrienDave: nope :( no worky. 'reading package lists' is sloooooow. currently at 11%13:22
cfhowlettparapan, in my experience, the older formats tend to be much more compatible than the latest MS formats.13:23
ginkgodoes ubuntu minimal installation iso have the same installer with the same options as normal ubuntu isos?13:23
ObrienDaveamx109, ouch. when was last time you ran fsck?13:23
DJonesginkgo: The minimal iso is a text based installer13:24
DJones!minimal | ginkgo13:24
ubottuginkgo: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:24
amx109ObrienDave: yea, never. its a fresh FS from 13.04 beta period13:24
ginkgoDJones: but same options? (like encrypted for example)13:24
amx109ObrienDave: if i reboot, it will returrn to normal13:24
amx109ginkgo: yes, just more technical to configure.13:25
ObrienDaveok, ok, where do you all get the list of ! commands :)13:25
DJonesginkgo: I've never had to use it so I wouldnb't like to say yes or no to that, somebody else should be able to confirm it though13:25
minixvm!brain | ObrienDave13:25
ubottuObrienDave: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:25
ObrienDaveamx109, have you tried distro-upgrade?13:25
ObrienDaveor whatever that one is. *needs more coffee*13:26
ginkgowhat are the possibilities of installing ubuntu without desktop environment, only the minimal image?13:27
minixvmginkgo: whatever you want to use it for13:27
cfhowlettginkgo, also known as a server?  easy13:27
amx109ginkgo: you can do it with the minimal installer too13:27
ObrienDaveginkgo, i would think it's possible. don't know why you would want to do that unless your a terminal junkie ;))13:28
jrib!minimal | ginkgo13:28
ubottuginkgo: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:28
amx109ginkgo: i think it runs tasksel towards the end. you can select the purpose of your install then. ie 'server' or 'ubuntu-desktop' etc13:28
ginkgowell i would prefer graphical installer but don't want to have a desktop environment installed (want to do that manuallay, am happy with my window manager)13:29
jribginkgo: that's not an option as far as I know13:30
ginkgojrib: k thanks, that's what i wanted to know13:30
ginkgopretty lame :(13:30
ObrienDaveginkgo, you can always remove the DE after install13:34
wylde_childhey guys, is there a good tool to backup my complete ubuntu os? (kind like an image) to store it on a harddrive (with lots of other stuff).13:39
minixvm!backup | wylde_child13:39
ubottuwylde_child: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:39
wylde_childso that i can for example upgrade ubuntu to the new version, and if it is totaly messed up, just pop the backup on again?13:39
ginkgoObrienDave: yep ofc i can13:41
wylde_childubottu: i don't think any of the programs do what i need^^13:45
ubottuwylde_child: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:45
wylde_childdamn it13:45
Dr_williswylde_child,  you can do a 'dd' image to a file. and restore .. or  theres clonezilla, or mondo./mindi, or other tools13:45
shmoonso what is the importance of /sys folder?13:45
wylde_childi know, but then there is the problem with the format of the harddrive13:46
Dr_willistheres dozens of tools and ways to do it wylde_child ..13:46
=== angela is now known as Guest83946
cfhowlettremastersys ... If it's still available13:46
wylde_childit is not :(13:46
wylde_childi think that was the tool i needed^^13:46
Dr_willisthat really wasent what you asked however. ;)13:46
cfhowlettwylde_child, according the remastersys site, it's still available.  Also, wikipedia remastersys entry lists alternatives in "see also"13:49
=== Guest37373 is now known as marahin
ObrienDaveremastersys is still available. just have to get it elsewhere13:49
gentlemanfinnhi. I'm trying to compile calligra, but when i run cmake I'm told that Qt was compiled without support for fvisibility=hidden. Here's a log http://paste.kde.org/752192/13:50
Dr_willisbut remastersys is not going to be an 'image' of your system.   or at least not without a bit of work.13:50
Dr_willisnight all13:50
ObrienDavesee ya Dr :))13:51
wylde_childi'm really not sure which one does what i want^^13:52
ObrienDavei'd be careful with remastersys. gave me trouble, i think. trouble went away after i uninstalled it13:53
wylde_childmaybe i still dont get the hang of linux but i just want the exact same setup after restoring, so i dont have to tweak everything again13:55
ObrienDavewylde_child, there are backup programs that would restore the system. duplicity comes to mind. afaik iw would only restore the full system13:57
wylde_childi'm also afraid that it would delete everything on my harddrive (where i want to store my backup)13:58
wylde_childbecause i do stupid things^^13:58
ginkgowylde_child: because you can tweak everything in linux "exact same setup" is a bigger job than you might think13:59
minixvmwylde_child: you are making a backup on the medium you want to restore the backup to?13:59
=== francisco is now known as Guest51059
ObrienDavei doubt duplicity would do that. can't vouch for you ;))13:59
=== thunder_ is now known as Freethunder
wylde_childfor dublicity i need an ftp server? at least ubunut user says that14:00
ObrienDaveno, it's a stand alone program14:00
gordonjcpwylde_child: what?14:00
betraydI need to 'retrieve' the conf of my working grub on dualboot XP/Linux. Would boot-repair be able to recover it?14:01
wylde_childOnce Duplicity is installed and an FTP account is ready to receive the backup files,14:01
fellayaboyhey foes anyone know if its possible to encryot a file or a string of text in a file? i wanna put my password in a file but i dont want to leave it out in the open like that foes anyone have a good suggestiin bi hear of using pgp or somethibg like that14:02
jribfellayaboy: yes it's possible but I suggest you use the keyring instead of rolling your own solution14:02
fellayaboyhmm the keyring? how does thae keyribg work bi know ive been asked to put password in mNy times to a keyrin but necer undersyood it that well14:03
jribfellayaboy: https://live.gnome.org/GnomeKeyring14:03
ObrienDavewylde_child, look at deja-dupe14:03
fellayaboythnk u14:04
ObrienDavewylde_child, look at deja-dup. sorry, must be out and about.14:05
parapancfhowlett: minixvm: ObrienDave: Thank you all .....there are some formattings the business world is using in the word templates and powerpoint .....and so creating problems when one is saving those documents - the templates/slides are affected; encountered the problems with OOO and hoped for improvement with Libre . . .14:05
raubIs there a php_krb5 package?14:05
wylde_childthanks so far :)14:05
cfhowlettparapan, yeah, I run into the same.  for what it's worth, libreoffice has a pdf output option, so maybe ...14:06
=== MartinS is now known as Guest91183
fulcanwhere is linux-backports-modules-karmic  ?14:11
fulcanor the omnibook drivers?14:12
parapancfhowlett: thanks, then we will have to try and see :D14:12
fulcanE: Couldn't find package linux-backports-modules-karmic14:13
minixvmfulcan: karmic has been eol for years now14:13
cfhowlettfulcan, karmic on the desktop has gone end of life14:14
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.14:14
cfhowlettfulcan, consider upgrading ...14:14
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=== Granis` is now known as Granis
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:18
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* mani_ is a m4n114:22
mani_hello world!14:24
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cfhowlettmani_, greetings14:27
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
colin_Hello again, but I don't have a lot of time to talk here. Wait a moment.14:34
ubottuScarface67: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:34
colin_I want to have a brief discussion on integration of Linux based traditional PCs and Android mobile PCs.14:35
colin_How will I be able to access an Android phone's flash storage chip from my Linux box?14:35
colin_I am on this IRC because my Linux is among the varied *buntus.14:36
minixvmcolin_: all i needed to do was connect it via usb14:37
ActionParsnipcolin_: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue   on your desktop system?14:37
colin_Anyway back to accessing the phone's storage chip. Like in transferring photo files to my Linux.14:37
colin_ActionParsnip: what the heck is /etc/issue.14:37
ActionParsnipcolin_: its a file14:38
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
colin_ActionParsnip: Ubuntu 11.1014:38
ActionParsnipcolin_: run the command I gave, what is the output please?14:38
minixvmcolin_: 11.10 is no longer supported14:38
colin_ActionParsnip: pls let me back to my main topic.14:38
ses1984i'd like to be able to customize the profile a new user gets when i add a new user to the system, i guess i would do that by customized /etc/skel14:38
ActionParsnipcolin_: its part of the fix14:39
colin_Do I access the phone's storage chip just like it's a USB flash?14:39
ses1984i was wondering how i would set it up so a new user would automatically have certain samba shares mounted14:39
ses1984but i'm not sure where that information belongs as part of a user profile14:39
colin_Another question: phone tethering.14:39
colin_I rather would do phone tethering via USB. So does tethering does anything else beside the possibly of the phone as a cell modem?14:40
colin_minivxm: sorry ubuntu 11.10 no longer supported.14:41
ActionParsnipcolin_: hence me asking14:41
ActionParsnipcolin_: so it IS part of the main topic, isn't it14:42
minixvm!topic | colin_14:42
ubottucolin_: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:42
mustmodifyHey, how can I prepend line numbers to this page? `curl "http://...." | add_line_numbers | less14:42
ActionParsnipcolin_: when people ask you things, despite what you MAY think, they are part of the fix,.14:42
colin_ActionParsnip: interface between android phones and linux boxes is the main topic for me this moment.14:42
mustmodifyCan't find it on google but surely someone has written that14:42
Picimustmodify: pipe through nl14:42
mustmodifyPici: thanks I'll try athat.14:43
ActionParsnipcolin_: your release is no longer supported14:43
minixvmcolin_: and for us to help you with that you'd need to be running a supported version of ubuntu14:43
ActionParsnipcolin_: that fact trumps any other fact14:44
colin_my phone is a recent model; less than 6 months old.14:44
ActionParsnipcolin_: but your OS is dead14:44
minixvmcolin_: if only your ubuntu install was recent too..14:44
ActionParsnipcolin_: the OS you are using is EOL14:44
colin_ActionParsnip: well I'm sorry that my Ubuntu is EOL. I'll go. Bye.14:45
ActionParsnipI love when people don't think questions are relevant14:48
mmrazikpetervonfrosta: hi. tvoss mentioned you are playing with raspberry pi..14:49
petervonfrostahey, yes, that's right14:50
CapprenticeWhere I can get a easy guide on all the ways to compile a .deb binary for Ubuntu ?14:50
petervonfrostabut i am a newbe and trieing to get bluettoth working14:50
sere_Question: Im working on this labtop that was dropped and everything seem to be functional but for some reason this battery wont hold a charge..i was reading that in windows you can drain and then regenerate the battery power.. is that possible in ubuntu or some other tools to trouble shoot this?14:51
mmrazikpetervonfrosta: with some bluetooth dongle?14:51
mmraziknever tried that :-/14:51
sere_the labtop will not in get power for the cord and the cord is good14:52
ActionParsnipCapprentice: use checkinstall to make a deb from compiled source rather than: sudo make install14:52
delloscant find home/username/.vim14:53
ActionParsnipsere_: I'd ask in ##hardware14:53
icerootCapprentice: have a look at debhelper (man debhelper) and searching on the debian website about debhelper and packaging14:53
ActionParsnipsere_: a system not charging is OS independant14:53
petervonfrostayou want to know the bluetouth chip? or dongle? the dongle is from logilink, it should be compatible...14:53
dellosso where to install pluging14:53
petervonfrostasome tools from installed bluez package do work14:53
CapprenticeDo I need not to follow any of those :http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/how-to-create-deb-package-ubuntu-debian.html14:53
sere_ActionParsnip: i started out in my usb slax and then installed lubuntu .32 as we discussed yesterday :)14:54
mmrazikpetervonfrosta: not sure I'll be able to help you. I'm actually fairly new to Pi as well. I just tried to recently play with it mostly to try some electronics stuff. Never tried any radio (bluetooth nor wifi)14:55
=== nathan_ is now known as zephyr28
_DomY-DomHello, in 13.04, what is the valid path to the 3.8.0-22-generci kernel headers?14:55
_DomY-Domgeneric *14:55
CapprenticeActionParsnip, Ok, it working :D ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall14:56
FloodBot1chips: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:57
betrayd_DomY-Dom usually synaptic will show you 'Details' especially if it's installed14:57
petervonfrostai can use the bluez applications from the terminal. but actually i what to use bluetooth from c-program14:58
sudobashI keep getting this error when trying to install php5-sasl, just recently upgrade php to 5.4.14: The following packages have unmet dependencies:14:58
sudobash php5-sasl : Depends: phpapi-2009062614:58
=== Inoperabled is now known as Inoperable
petervonfrostathank You for try to help!14:59
Picisudobash: how did you upgrade to 5.4.14?14:59
sudobash1 sec and I'll get the command15:00
sudobash 1995  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php515:00
sudobash 1996  sudo apt-get update15:00
sudobash 1997  sudo apt-get upgrade15:00
sudobash 1998  php -v15:00
FloodBot1sudobash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:00
sudobashoh wait it's 5.4.1515:01
sudobashany advice? I've tried skipping deps but not luck15:01
jribsudobash: my advice is not to use that ppa15:04
sudobashI guess there isn't a rebuilt sasl package for 5.4.15?15:05
ginkgois there any advantage 13.04 > 12.04 ? because i don't see one15:05
minixvmginkgo: more recent kernel and packages15:06
ginkgominixvm: packages too?15:06
minixvmginkgo: indeed, every release has newer packages15:06
sudobashwhat php version is in the repository for 13.04?15:07
minixvmginkgo: thats why every release has their own repos (and you should never mix them)15:07
Piciminixvm: 5.4.915:07
ginkgominixvm: well do you mean it takes longer for them to become available in 12.04?15:07
Piciminixvm: sorry, that was for sudobash15:07
jlhg2hello, can apt-get install a list of packages in a txt file?15:08
minixvmginkgo: they don't become available unless absolutely neccesary15:08
ginkgominixvm: wait a minute, a new version of emacs comes out, 13.04 will get it, 12.04 being a lts won't ? is that what you are saying15:09
minixvmginkgo: yes15:09
minixvm!backports | ginkgo15:09
ubottuginkgo: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:09
ohbuntubasic question: how can I find the apps that ubuntu comes with before installing it?15:10
minixvmohbuntu: you mean by default or whats in the repo?15:11
ohbuntuI mean by default...15:11
sudobashPici here was the upgrade process to php 5.4.15: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5710477/15:11
=== ghoti_ is now known as ghoti
Picisudobash: PPAs are unsupported. If you're having issues with that one, either contact the maintainer or stop using it.15:12
jezi22anyone here using byobu? i can't make it run login shells... i tried googling and i cannot understand some of the solutions. i am using ubuntu 12.0415:13
ArkhanaHello everybody! Is there any tool to record a console session to a .txt file?15:13
=== lugra is now known as ludwigG
minixvmginkgo: the repositories are essentially a snapshot of all the packages that were available at the time of the release15:14
minixvmginkgo: newer packages are not added to the repos (although there are a few exceptions to that rule)15:15
genii-aroundArkhana: Ironically, it's called "script"15:15
ghufran_hi, is there any package that would suggest spelling corrections much like the ones in mobile phones?15:16
_DomY-Dombetrayd: I don't have synaptic nor an internet connection on the machine to check15:17
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
rubdosAnyone knows why it takes five minutes on a laptop with 8 gigs ram to boot 13.04? Just upgraded from 12.10 from 12.04 (chain upgraded) http://ubuntuone.com/4wstKgHYdFHLO6CF20vVLR15:18
sudobashok well is there a supported upgrade process for php 5.4.15 in ubuntu 12.0415:18
minixvmsudobash: no, only what is in the repos is supported15:19
DouglasKrubdos, no idea... mine takes < 2 mins to be at the KDE desktop ready to work, allowing for time to login.15:19
rubdosDouglasK, it already booted slowly, but that was only one single minute. This computer is just new (one year old?) and I told the owner it would be faster to use 13.04. It is, once booted... I attached the bootchart in the link above15:20
_DomY-Domgenii-around: any idea?15:20
genii-around_DomY-Dom: I don't use vmware. But you could try adding the /include/ path on the end of the one you already tried15:23
chvxis it good to use a stable version with few developement software? or should i take install the unstable or what you call it then instead?15:28
savidHow do I keep microphone sound from coming back through the speakers?15:28
savidI can hear my own voice through my headset -- I'd rather have the mic input not feed back into the speaker output.15:29
_DomY-Domgenii-around: nope didn't work either :(15:30
horrorxstoryhey everyone15:33
_DomY-Domgenii-around: any other ideas?15:33
horrorxstorywhats the question15:33
horrorxstoryim so bored15:35
_DomY-Domhorrorxstory: installing vmware tools in Xubuntu 13.04 VM (VMWare Fusion) and I'm being asked for the valid path of the 3.8.0-22-generic kernel headers15:35
compdocno zombies to battle?15:35
horrorxstorysadly not]15:35
_DomY-Domhorrorxstory: And I tried /usr/src/linux-kernel-headers-3.8.0-22-generic/ as well as blah/include again15:35
_DomY-Domhorrorxstory: and it didn't work15:35
_DomY-Domhorrorxstory: so I was wondering if genii-around had any other ideas, him being the person who gave me that idea in the first place15:36
ct529libreoffice segfaults every time you try to save a document on my installation of 13.04 at 64 bit15:36
_DomY-Domhorrorxstory: that was the question, any idea?15:36
horrorxstoryso its not saving anything15:36
horrorxstorysounds to me that something went wrong during installation15:37
horrorxstory_can anyone recommend any good linux games15:42
DJones!games | horrorxstory_15:44
ubottuhorrorxstory_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/15:44
DJonesThats probably a good place to start15:44
horrorxstory_no i just wanted some recommendations15:44
Quest is there a good easy firewall that has a web interface for settings and rules?15:45
Myrttihorrorxstory_: try in #ubuntu-offtopic, or install nethack.15:45
DJoneshorrorxstory_: The channel doesn't really do poll's, maybe ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic though15:45
bazhangQuest, gufw , the gui front end for ufw15:46
LegitsCan anyone help with my broken initramfs?15:48
LegitsI just did a new installation on LUKS-encrypted LVM on a GPT table. I can't figure out how to get initramfs to boot everything correctly.15:48
Questbazhang,  thanks15:48
Questbazhang,  gufw is web based?15:49
bazhangQuest, why would you need that15:49
swiftyhi all15:50
Questbazhang,  to use it remotely15:50
sh3llc0d3rhello all15:51
apgCould anybody point me to social channel on freenode?15:51
bazhangapg #defocus15:51
DJones!alis | apg15:51
ubottuapg: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:51
apgok, thanks bazhang Djones15:52
apgjoin #defocus15:53
=== naterd001 is now known as naterd00d
Quest is there a good easy firewall that has a web interface for settings and rules?15:53
=== autra_ is now known as autra
LegitsQuest, I use iptables.15:54
LegitsI know there's a front-end called ufw, but I've never used it.15:54
LegitsThe Arch Linux wiki has a pretty good tutorial on setting it up manually though. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Simple_Stateful_Firewall15:55
benjymau5ufw is good. not sure if it has a web interface though15:55
LegitsI don't think it does. It comes standard with Mint.15:55
starbuckhi, how can i disable bluetooth at sstartup? its always back on after a reboot... i don't ned it15:56
ro9starbuck try rfkill15:56
starbuckro9: there must be a configuration file somewhere or not?15:57
QuestLegits,  i need a webbased firwal15:57
kjsIf I need to setup SW RAID1, do I need the server install ISO ?15:57
starbuckro9: it also should be possible to reactivate it easy in case i need it15:58
LegitsStarbuck, I think you're looking for /etc/init.d/[startup script]. I'm not sure on the specifics, but you might find something on Google.15:58
benjymau5Quest, why do you need web based?15:58
ro9starbuck, I usually use rfkill block/unblock dev15:59
Questbenjamino,  to control remotely15:59
benjymau5i have ubuntu server w ufw. just ssh in and "ufw status"16:01
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
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=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
QuestLegits,  benjamino bazhang http://www.iptables.info/en/iptables-gui.html16:05
starbuckro9: i did a sudo rfkill block bluetooth - will it still be disabled at the next bootup?16:06
gothpawmaybe going with 13.04 wasn't such a good idea.....  a lot of stuff isn't compatible and I keep getting ALOT of internal errors happening. Is there a safe way to "Down Grade to 12.04LTS" ?16:07
mehworkis there a way to delete my ubuntu partition from ubuntu, without having to create any special boot disk?16:10
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
TonnyNerdCan someone tell me which package I have to install to have gnome-control-center show network settings?16:14
TonnyNerdcurrently it only shows Personal (Language Support and Ubuntu One), Hardware (Printers) and System (Software Sources)16:15
TonnyNerdI want, specifically, the proxy settings16:15
betraydgothpaw maybe install from your 12 04 CD?16:15
betraydofc save your critical data first16:16
gothpawbetrayed: I'm looking for a method that does not consist of a complete reinstall...16:16
PyGuyHey guys. Can someone help me get my Sound Blaster ZX card working in 12.04.2 64-bit?16:17
betraydi think that would involve time-travel16:17
gothpawTonnyNerd: do you have networkmanager istalled?16:17
TonnyNerdgothpaw, there's a package called network-manager16:18
gothpawand 'network-manager-applet' as well16:18
ActionParsnipTonnyNerd: isnt that in nm-applet ?16:19
TonnyNerdgothpaw, there's not such package here16:20
gothpawhmmmm, 13.04 internal problems all point too Unity.... maybe if I remove Unity all my "internal" problems will go away...16:20
TonnyNerdActionParsnip, nm-applet is for connection, it doesn't have proxy setting16:20
PyGuyActionParsnip: What was that command you told me to enter yesterday (the alsa one)? I have a supported kernel now16:21
TonnyNerdgothpaw, is this package in a non-standard repository?16:24
MonkeyDustTonnyNerd  no need to remove unity, simply install and use a different DE16:25
MonkeyDustgothpaw  ^^^^^16:25
TonnyNerdMonkeyDust, too late for the advice, I already did it16:25
=== shengyao is now known as shengyao_afk
TonnyNerdwhat I am trying to do now is getting at least this panel (proxy) back on gnome-control-center16:26
mehworkhow do you format a harddrive from ubuntu? I typed 'disks' from unity but it's not finding any program called disks16:28
PyGuyHey guys. Can someone help me get my Sound Blaster ZX card working in 12.04.2 64-bit?16:29
funch_mehwork gparted with guy or just fdisk from terminal16:29
mehworkfunch_: i ran fdisk but when i type 'd' it says 'no partition selected'16:30
MonkeyDustmehwork  what do you want to achieve?16:30
mehworkgparted doesn't show up when isearch in unity either16:30
mehworkMonkeyDust: i want to delete ubuntu and reinstall windows so i can sell this computer. It only has ubuntu on it irght now16:30
MonkeyDustmehwork  boot from a live cd or usb, use gparted to delete ubuntu16:31
genii-aroundOr if you just boot to the windows DVD, it just thinks any other type of OS on there needs to be deleted anyhow.16:32
mehworkMonkeyDust: do i have to boot from a separate thing like that? seems like a waste to have to go download/install all that just to delete my os16:33
PyGuyHey guys. Can someone help me get my Sound Blaster ZX card working in 12.04.2 64-bit? Sound is detected, but I can't hear anything.16:34
MonkeyDustmehwork  use the medium you used to install ubuntu, or delete/format the partition durting windows install16:35
=== siddharth is now known as Guest50265
betrayd!patience > PyGuy16:37
ubottuPyGuy, please see my private message16:37
BluesKajPyGuy, intel audio on that SB card ?16:37
PyGuyBluesKaj: Huh?16:38
ActionParsnipPyGuy: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload16:39
BluesKajPyGuy, open a terminal and type alsamixer , then look for the audio chip in the upper left , then we can determine which driver is needed16:39
ActionParsnipPyGuy: run:  history | grep alsa    you would have seen it :)16:39
PyGuyActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=97a519d0130d5e1196eb7c742c40bc1774240e6616:40
PyGuyBluesKaj: Creative CA013216:40
Umairguys why dahs (-) after wget args? I see it while I tried to download https://toolbelt.heroku.com/16:41
BluesKajPyGuy, you have intel hda module and appears to be loaded , then the next step is to check pavucontrol to make sure you outputs are set correctly16:42
riqdiizLooks like an sdcard 8gb is more harder to format on terminal !16:42
BluesKajany idea why konversation won't open in unity ?...running both unity and kde on 13.04 , but Unity will launch quassel but not konversation16:44
BluesKajdidn't see any errors in /var/log syslog , like it wasn't even called16:45
* BluesKaj isn't a qussel fan16:45
BluesKajoh well , BBL16:46
MonkeyDustBluesKaj  Konversation is for KDE, Unity is Gnome <-- makes sense?16:48
adamkBlueShark: What happens if you run konversation from a terminal?16:50
adamkMonkeyDust: That would have no bearing.  KDE apps should work fine in gnome and vice-versa.16:50
MonkeyDustadamk  yes, and just found: quassel is also a KDE thing16:50
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
foofoobarSo I want to change my swap to a different drive. I just created the partition. Now I will do 1) swapoff -a 2) mkswap /dev/sdb4 3) swapon -a 4) change the swap in the /etc/fstab16:54
foofoobaris this the right order?16:54
genii-aroundfoofoobar: Pretty much16:57
smartguyzrequesting help loading wifi drivers for EDIMAX AC122 on ASUS SABERTOOTH Z7716:58
robertzaccourI don't see MP4 in Kdenlive. What's the closest other format to MP4?16:58
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  i guess .flv, as youtube clips are saved as one of those16:59
foofoobarStrange.. bklid shows me a different UUID for /dev/sdb4 than mkswap did?17:00
smartguyzEDIMAX AC 1200  not working on UBUNTU 13.0417:00
foofoobarblkid says: /dev/sdb4: UUID="77c756ff-aeba-4ea9-995d-a87356d67d18" TYPE="swap" and mkswap tells me: no label, UUID=b64210db-bb71-433e-acb1-7864e123eb3017:00
foofoobarWhat UUID should I use in my fstab now?17:01
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, Too late, already started rendering to H.264. Hope it turns out good.17:01
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, Thanks though :)17:01
BluesKajMonkeyDust, unity should still run kde apps , just like kde runs gnome/unity apps17:01
User404Currently With one of my hard drives I can only see the contents via super user. My regular user cannot. How do I give the regular user permission to read and write to the drive?17:01
robertzaccourUnity runs slower than Gnome Shell/Mate,Xfce/KDE, especially in the HUD.17:02
cobalt238Do I need to do something refresh the sharing options of a directory?17:02
genii-aroundfoofoobar: Might want to run partprobe to make sure it knows about any new UUID and not cached17:02
robertzaccourThe HUD is a slow cluttered buggy mess.17:02
robertzaccourAnd Ubuntu being built on compiz cause it to freeze and crash a lot.17:02
cobalt238I disabled guest access on my directory, but I can still see it on my Windows machine without logging in17:03
robertzaccourIt would do Canonical's rep a lot of good if they recognize Xubuntu/Kubuntu again.17:03
foofoobargenii-around: partprobe with any arguments? its returns nothing17:03
foofoobarblkid still has the same output. should I run mkswap again?17:03
genii-aroundfoofoobar: Yes, just sudo partprobe17:03
foofoobargenii-around: okay. blkid still has the same output17:04
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genii-aroundfoofoobar: Then that should be the correct UUID17:04
foofoobargenii-around: should I run mkswap again?17:04
genii-aroundfoofoobar: Apologies on lag, I'm at work.   ... probably not needed. Does mount show swap active?17:06
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genii-aroundfoofoobar: Anyhow, when you run the swapon command, use the UUID which blkid reported17:08
* genii-around goes to answer the phone17:08
foofoobargenii-around: one moment. I have to edit the fstab before I do the swapon right?17:09
foofoobargenii-around: or should I do a sudo swapon UUID=<id from blkid> ?17:09
foofoobarI will try it17:10
foofoobarNow blkid changed its output17:10
foofoobarI just run it again17:10
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foofoobarso sudo swapon UUID=<blkid from my device> gave no error/output. but the new swap does not appear when running "mount"17:12
KyouReeus4nfoHello, I happily use Xfce but when I used Unity I always wondered why it always showed one more user than number of terminal processes when I executed 'users' command. It does not happen in Xfce. It could be just my system or there is some explanation for it that I am not aware of. Thoughts?17:12
handuel0foofoobar: I don't think it would, swap doesn't get mounted, might be wrong though17:13
foofoobarhanduel0: okay17:13
foofoobarIs there any way to test if the new swap is set up correctly?17:13
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foofoobarI will reboot, brb17:19
mariannehi guys... running 12.04 64 bit and I'm having issues with browsers freezing. I've tried Chrome and firefox and both do it... any ideas on what might be wrong?17:20
foofoobarLooks good :)17:21
raulshi had same problem , then i changed it too 2D instead of 3D17:21
raulshnow the freezing has ceased17:22
raulshbut no idea why it freezes , i guess it has something to do with the recent upgrades17:22
genii-aroundfoofoobar: Apologies, boss came by. If cat /proc/swaps    shows the new one you just made, should be OK17:22
rizalada orang?17:23
foofoobargenii-around: no problem :) thanks for your help, it looks like it works :)17:23
foofoobarI rebooted without any problem17:23
foofoobarAnd hibernation also worked "out of the box"17:23
genii-aroundAh, good17:23
foofoobarOn the ubuntu SwapFAQ there were some steps I should do for hibernation, but it works without this so I will not do this17:24
EdUaRdO_27alguém do Brasil aí?17:24
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genii-around!it | antoniodp17:25
ubottuantoniodp: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:25
hs_hello , grub2 is not starting when i run on the computer , checked the configurations every thing seems fine17:27
imajeffhave you used grub2 before?17:28
vitimitihi o/17:28
bekkshs_: What happens exactly?17:28
hs_bekks , ubuntu starts normally , without leting me select to boot recovery mode or normal boot17:28
imajeffCould it be you have configured it but not installed it in boot sector?17:29
KyouReeus4nfoPress shift till you see the menu17:29
bekkshs_: Then grub works perfectly, since it starts ubuntu. You have to configure grub to show you the menu or pressing shift before grub starts to do the same.17:29
hs_bekks is there a way to show you the menu automaticly ?17:30
bekkshs_: Yes, configure grub to do so, just as I said.17:30
bekks!grub2 | hs_17:30
ubottuhs_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:30
hs_bekks can you advise me about it ? am not the pro17:30
n0ydHey.  I am trying to build gimp dev build from git.  I followed an guide, but I am getting stuck (I am no noob to compiling things from source, even on ubuntu)17:30
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n0ydBasically its telling me I am missing glib, which obviously should already be installed17:31
bazhangn0yd, why not install gimp from repos17:31
bekkshs_: Please read the link you've just been given by ubottu.17:31
hs_bekks ok thanks17:31
hs_ive got alot of questions actually17:32
n0ydbazhang, seriously dude?17:32
n0ydBecause it is the dev build17:32
n0ydI wouldn't come here and ask such a stupid question17:32
bazhangn0yd, why do you need that17:32
adamkn0yd: Make sure you install the development packages of the required dependent libraries.17:32
n0ydbazhang, because I do?  Stop asking silly questions17:32
hs_my other laptop , xorg crashed, so i tried to use live-cd , but it cant repare it because the ubuntu ive installed is inside the windows 7 boot manager. any hint ?17:32
n0ydI am bug hunting17:32
n0ydadamk, I have17:33
Picin0yd: have you installed the build-dependencies for the ubuntu gimp package?17:33
bekkshs_: So you installed ubuntu using wubi on the other laptop, correct?17:33
n0ydAs I said, I am not a noob when it comes to building from scratch17:33
hs_bekks exactly17:33
bekkshs_: Then I am out of clues. I've never used wubi and never will.17:33
n0ydThis channel is useless for anything remotely uncommon to normal usage17:33
adamkn0yd: Alright, if you're not a noobie to compiling things, you should know how to check the config.log file to see what's failing and why.17:34
hs_thanks , one last question, ive changed the unity-greeter logo , but the position is not currect. any hint ?17:34
bekksn0yd: A simple "yes/no" to the last question being asked would ease up your issue :)17:34
Picin0yd: This is the same question I'd ask to anyone trying to compile something that is also in the repositories  from source.17:34
n0ydSigh, Im already ten steps ahead.17:34
nacii4 :)17:34
n0ydPici, um, 2.9 is NOT in repositories17:34
n0ydBut ok17:34
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bekkshs_: No clue, either. Never dealt with the logo since I dnot care about it :)17:35
Picin0yd: Okay, but there are older versions in the repos.  Unless this wants some other version of glib (which is going to be an issue) then while it might install something you don't need, doing build-dep is usually a good start.17:35
hs_bekks ,  because iam trying to use my own interface with my own tools and want to build an live-cd for my own use.17:36
adamkn0yd: So when are you getting the error about missing glib?17:36
bekkshs_: Then I'd do all those stuff in a vm, avoiding breaking the system you are actually working with.17:36
n0ydIsnt the point of Linux and open source in general to have the freedom to do whatever it is you'd like?  And not be stuck to "Well, just use whats already available and neatly packaged".  I understdn thye reasoning for simple anjswers in a channel like this, because most of the time the questions are from new users, and it's easier to just point them to the simplest answer. But I only come in here generally as a last resort when I cannot find the answer fro17:37
n0ydm googling for half hour17:37
imajeffAnyone have idea why 27" monitor plugged in my laptop would not be identified when it did last week? Cannot select high enough resolution now.17:37
hs_bekks, that what most people told me. but didnt felt like doing so.17:37
bekkshs_: Well, then avoid breaking your system ;)17:37
n0ydadamk, btw, i am not building it in the "debian way". ie \building it using their tools to package it so it can be installing via dpkg/apt17:39
hs_bekks , the only way to learn (to me) is to try , sometimes i dont find things on the net nor books.17:39
n0ydIm going to be building pretty much daily anyway, so its not worth my time. Plus I can easily keep older vbersion installed that way (which is good when bug chasing)17:40
bekkshs_: Well, then try in a vm.17:40
adamkn0yd: OK, well I seem to be the only person here actually trying to help you, and you haven't actually answered my question...  So good luck and goodbye.17:40
MonkeyDusths_  that's the way we all learned it: trial and error17:40
n0ydadamk, bsically, ubuntu uses a pretty old glib version17:40
n0ydafaik, the newest glib is at least 2.32 (from my head), gimp from git requires 2.29, and ubunutu has 2.2717:41
MonkeyDusths_  and by making errors, we can now give advice on  how to repair them17:41
adamkn0yd: Really? ii  libglib2.0-0:amd64                             2.36.0-1ubuntu217:42
n0ydadamk, you asked what the error is. I've said, it doesn't like the version of glib installed17:42
n0ydadamk, oops sorry. I typod17:42
n0ydI see 2.3717:42
n0yd2.36 for raring17:42
n0yd2.37 for saucy17:42
n0ydlemme re-read17:42
adamkYou're not making any sense really...  gimp from git requires 2.29? The latest Ubuntu release clearly has something newer.17:43
n0ydlike I said, i was taking that from memory17:43
adamkOi vey.  I'm done.17:43
n0ydadamk, I can compile plenty of other things that require glib17:43
adamkIf you need to upgrade glib, upgrade glib...  I really don't care, can't stop you, and won't try.  But don't be surprised if everything else starts to break.17:43
n0ydbabl and other things. And I compile android 2-3 times a day17:43
n0ydId rather not compile glib17:44
n0ydbecause of possible breakage17:44
hs_thanks guys17:44
n0ydBut, it shouldnt break if I leave thye old version in place that was installed via dpkg17:44
hs_any one here knows how to recover ubuntu from windows 7 boot manager' ?17:44
n0ydAt least I hope so :)17:44
adamkn0yd: You could try installing your own glib to /usr/local/ of course.17:44
n0ydwhich is what I am going to try17:44
n0ydUnless someone else has other recommendations :)17:45
imajeffhs_: Simply install grub again, it overwrites17:45
Umairguys why dash (-) after wget args? I see it while I tried to download https://toolbelt.heroku.com/17:46
bekkshs_: Dont do it. Do not. Dont.17:46
n0ydWhich is why I was here. No offense but I don't come here often, and when I do, it's not here simple things like "Why not just install from repos".  I've been using unix and linux for 13 years, of course I would've thought of that ;)17:46
bekkshs_: That will break your box, since grub isnt able to boot wubi.17:46
imajeffsorry probably not right answer17:46
adamkn0yd: Enough already. Drop it. You've been given the only advice you are likely to get.17:46
OerHeksn0yd, stop the ranting, you started with "I am no noob to compiling things from source"17:46
n0ydadamk, I really do appreciate the help though17:46
bekkshs_: And if you do something wrong, your windows wont boot anymore.17:46
bekksMonkeyDust: Yeah, hs_ is using wubi.17:47
n0ydadamk, Not sure why you are getting mad. I am not saying that towards you.17:47
hs_bekks , i want to repare my ubuntu because live-cd can read the partition of it, but when i go and boot from windows i can see it...17:47
n0ydYou were not the one that decided to push the simple questions and answers on me when I stated from the beginning that I am not a noob17:47
bekkshs_: You cant repair wubi using a livecd. Restore your backup if you messed up your wubi installation.17:47
bekkshs_: Everything else will mess up your entire system.17:48
MonkeyDusths_  wubi is the worst invenstion since coffee without sugar and the whole world cheered when it was removed from the ubuntu iso17:48
bekksn0yd: And you didnt answered one single question pointed to your issue yet. Go figure.17:48
KyouReeus4nfon0yd - I don't mind asking stupid questions, just for my curiosity, did you try to install it in your home directory? And just to let you know I am noob.17:48
n0ydAnd Im not stating I am "not a noob" to look like a arrogant guy that knows all.  It was to help others help me, by giving them an idea of my skill level. So I wouldn't generate questions/answers that are belownwhat I am trying to do17:48
adamkn0yd: It feels like you are trying to provoke a battle with others in here, which is something I do not appreciate.17:48
hs_bekks , i didnot mess with wubi , i messed with ubuntu who installed by wubi17:48
n0ydadamk, not at all sir17:48
n0ydSorry if that was the way you interpreted it17:49
n0ydSeriously, I am here for help.  And helping others17:49
hs_installed some repository's of debian17:49
adamkAlright, then drop it, and everyone will move on.17:49
MonkeyDusths_  wubi is a pseudo-install inside windows, not alongside it17:49
adamkPlease let me know how you make out with glib and gimp.17:49
bekkshs_: And you cant fix it. Neither by reinstalling grub, nor by using a livecd. Restore your entire wubi installation from your backup. Everything else will mess up your entire system. Second time I tell you that.17:49
n0ydKyouReeus4nfo, no problem. I am actually trying to install it in my home dir now.17:49
n0ydWell, trying to glib there at least. And building gimp there17:50
KyouReeus4nfoI would try sudo make and sudo make install once more17:50
n0ydnah, im not there yet17:50
n0ydI cant config the make file yet, so I can't make :)17:50
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StruckerGreetings. I'm trying to install U. 13.04 on Linux Mint Virtual Box. When the O.S. boot, I see an error, saying that my hardware isn't AMD 64, a i686. Can I configure the VM BIOS?17:50
KyouReeus4nfosudo it ALL17:50
bekks!mint | Strucker17:50
ubottuStrucker: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:50
hs_yeah.. when i login in the user profile(used to login), i use alt+crtl+t , and tried to upgrade things17:50
hs_after the reboot ,i can only access with guest account.17:51
n0ydim already using sudo -i :)17:51
bekkshs_: Yeah, then restore your entire wubi installation from your backup.17:51
Gape2Hello, I had ubuntu 12.10 and Windows 8 on uefi dual boot. It worked well until I upgrade to ubuntu 13.04 and now I'm unable to boot into ubuntu (it's gone from uefi boot list)17:51
Struckerbekks: Virtual Box. I want to install Ubuntu 13.0417:51
hs_wubi , recovers lost files ?17:51
bekksStrucker: Ah :)17:51
adamkbekks: Did you not see that Strucker is trying to install Ubuntu in a VM?  The VM happens to be on a Mint host, which is irrelevent.17:52
bekkshs_: No. Backup is your entire responsibility. If you dont have one - drop that wubi installation and install Ubuntu in a vm.17:52
adamkStrucker: Check in your BIOS for Virtualization support.  Not all 64-bit CPUs have virtualization support, which is necessary for running a 64-bit OS in a virtualizer like virtualbox or vmware.17:52
bekksadamk: I didnt get that, thats why I said "Ah :)". Unfortunately I am writing to hs in parallel, so Strucker will have to have a few seconds before getting a further answer from me.17:53
bekksStrucker: Which CPU do you have in your host?17:53
* hs_ made bekks and monkeyDust his master's17:53
ubuntuaddictedi have a command i need run with sudo, i added the command to /etc/rc.local but it doesn't appear to have run with sudo17:54
Womkeswhich windows tool would you recommend for making an bootable usb key for ubuntu server?17:54
Struckeradamk: bekks: My hardware is AMD 64_86. I'm sure about. Looks like VM isn't recognizing it..17:54
Womkeslemme chjeck that17:54
n0ydif you mean you need a abootable copy of ubuntu on a usb key17:54
adamkStrucker: Again, not all 64-bit CPUs support hardware virtualization...17:54
bekksStrucker: Wich CPU is on your host?17:54
n0ydUnetbootin works linux and windows. Does it perfectly17:54
bekksStrucker: Wee need the very exact make and model.17:54
n0ydMight work for mac also :)17:55
Womkesok thanks I will try it now n0yd :)17:55
latovitzhello there, first of all sorry for my newbieness im quite new with linux. im having some trouble using extended display with 2 monitors. they both work seperately but can't quite get them both to work together. i have a 9400gt nvidia card17:55
n0ydcat /proc/cpu17:55
hs_anyone here know by unity-greeter logo position ?17:55
n0ydits /proc/cpuinfo17:55
Struckerbekks: AMD 6620G 3500 RADEON..17:55
n0ydStrucker, ^^^17:55
n0ydthough the info you gave should be enough17:56
bekksStrucker: Thats a graphics card.17:56
bekksStrucker: Whats your CPU?17:56
KyouReeus4nfobefore you make a bootable copy make sure it boots in virtualbox17:56
n0ydStrucker, cat /proc/cpuinfo then copy and pasdtew the output to pastebin.com17:56
adamkStrucker: Seriously, check your BIOS to see if there's an option to enable VT support.  If not, you can only run a 32-bit OS in vmware or virtualbox.17:56
n0ydKyouReeus4nfo, what is the copy of?17:56
KyouReeus4nfocopy * OS17:57
handueln0yd: so have you installed all the build-deps for gimp or not?17:57
n0ydJust curious. Cause obviously booting a distro in a VM doesn't do a lot of good in some sense (like hardware support) because a VM isn't emulating anywhere near the same hardware as your actual machine17:57
n0ydhanduel, sure have17:57
bekksn0yd: a virtual machine virtualizes, it doesnt emulate ;)17:58
Gape2latovitz: Did you try going to nvidia settings and enabling both displays with splitview?17:58
n0ydbekks, I know17:58
hs_anyone here know by unity-greeter logo positioning ?17:58
bekksn0yd: You just mixed it up :o)17:58
n0ydBut the hardware may not be the some17:58
Gape2Hello, I had ubuntu 12.10 and Windows 8 on uefi dual boot. It worked well until I upgrade to ubuntu 13.04 and now I'm unable to boot into ubuntu (it's gone from uefi boot list)17:58
bekksn0yd: And thats not even a requirement for a vm.17:58
handueln0yd: kk, just checking, I'm not trying to patronise, it's just I'm afraid not a noob doesn't tell us much. You get 12 year olds that think their einstein bragging about how amazing at computers they are, who make the most simplest of errors17:58
handuelquite clearly you're not one of them but...17:59
handuelyou could've been17:59
demonicaawoods: hi there17:59
hs_gape2 any error massege ?17:59
latovitzGape2: any idea how can i get to the nvidia settings? i've tried to detect both displays via the "Display" in the system settings17:59
n0ydhanduel, ya Ive installed all thge deps l.isted in the guides/documentation manually, and also used an entire buildscript they have on their git17:59
Struckerbekks: adamk: n0yd: http://pastebin.com/XfgbzpeR17:59
n0ydThe script looks and grabs the deps accordingly17:59
Gape2latovitz: Well search in unity. You need nvidia drivers though. I rarely use ubuntu lately so i forgot where to install them though.18:00
bekksStrucker: you have an AMD A8-3500M18:00
Struckerbekks: I know..18:00
n0ydStrucker, lol which he already said18:00
n0ydAnd someone told him that was only a gpu18:00
bekksStrucker: Then why didnt you tell us?18:00
n0ydhes using a APU :P18:00
Gape2hs_: Well it upgraded without any problems, now I just can't select ubuntu to boot, only option is windows 8. Nothing happens if i use sata boot18:00
n0ydbekks, he DID tell us :P18:00
handueln0yd: but have you actually sudo apt-get build-dep gimp, it's always worth a try on top of doing it manually18:00
adamkStrucker: Last time I'm going to say this: Check the BIOS for virtualization support.18:00
bekksn0yd: No... He told us which GPU he is using.18:00
n0ydbekks, actually he told up both18:01
StruckerI have to check my computer's BIOS?18:01
n0ydAMD 350018:01
bekksStrucker: Yes.18:01
n0ydAMD 6620G 3500 RADEON18:01
n0ydHe doesnt need to go to bios18:01
hs_gapes2 no clue sorry.18:01
n0ydHe pasted the output from cpuinfo in proc18:01
n0ydInto pastebin18:02
bekksn0yd: So you do know that his bios actaully has this option?18:02
n0ydI thought youy were telling him to get the cpu info from his bios18:02
n0ydIf not, sorry. I misunderstood18:02
RaySso I just did something stupid, I increased the file handles in limints.conf and I must have set a value too high as now I can't ssh into the box. anything I can do to get in?18:02
bekksn0yd: then you are free to take over this ticket. Thank you.18:02
latovitzGape2: is unity the small textbox that pops when i click alt? and i think the drivers did download, as i see the nvidia driver through the "additional drivers" option18:02
KyouReeus4nfowhile you are chilling --- mplayer -cache 4098
n0ydbekks, ticket? you guys take this way to seriously18:02
daftykinsn0yd: hah, 'tis called humour!18:03
n0ydAll I was commenting on was while yes, he did first write the GPU info18:03
bekksStrucker: You created the vm as 32bit, not as 64bit, thats what I am suspecting after getting the answer wether virtualization is enabled in you bios.18:03
bekksn0yd: Setting you to ignore, it will avoid pretty much noise in here. Good luck.18:03
n0yddaftykins, around here, support burnout is quite common.  Heck, its quite visibile not just on this channel, but ##linux and tons of others ;)18:03
n0ydbekks, umm ok?18:04
n0ydSorry for trying to help.  I'll make sure to never again18:04
Gape2latovitz: probably, you can also click on the icon in the top left of the screen18:04
Struckerbekks: Ok. Can I change that or Should I reinstall the VM?18:04
bekksStrucker: What does your bios tell?18:04
latovitzGape2: thx alot, will try to figure it out.18:04
KyouReeus4nfoif this channels are supposed to be quiet then it defeats the purpose developing it just saying18:04
StruckerI have to restart my PC to see it.18:05
bekksStrucker: Then do it.18:05
n0ydAnd don't pull that childish "setting you to ignore crap".  If you are gonna put me or anyone else on ignore, just due it.  There is no reason to state your action of ignoring.  It just seeks attention. irc-ettiquette18:05
n0yddo it*18:05
Struckerbekks: I come back later. Thank you..18:05
bazhangn0yd, lets move on18:05
n0ydbazhang, i have18:05
n0ydNot sure what his issue was in the first placwe18:05
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Struckern0yd: Thank you.18:06
handueln0yd: but have you actually sudo apt-get build-dep gimp, it's always worth a try on top of doing it manually18:06
n0ydno problem18:06
adamkStrucker: Did you actally check the BIOS?18:06
n0ydhanduel, heh. I was actually just typijng my reply to you18:06
trismhanduel: the issue is he'll need at least a new babl/gegl and glib if he's on raring18:07
handueln0yd, ah sos, I thought it might have got missed amongst the 5 other guys your talking to18:07
KyouReeus4nfoAnyone interested in developing ShoutCast plugin for Rhythmbox?18:07
Struckeradamk: Nope. I will check and see the VM configuration again.18:07
_DomY-DomHey, when using the "dd" tool on Linux, does the flashdrive you are burning the iso on have to have a partition or just have unallocated space?18:07
handueltrism: ah, he'll have fun breaking stuff then, this is a toughy18:07
n0ydYes, I have.  And the are all covered.  But one issue with using an dpkg/apt tool for something like this, im sure you know, is that development builds (especially from git/svn/bzr/cvs etc) may have different deps then18:08
n0ydAnd different dep versions, obviously18:08
n0ydtrism, the first thing I did was build babl and gegl from scratch18:08
JediUnixMasterMorning - Its been 8 yrs since I've done this stuff….. I did a sudo useradd -d /home/nodejs -m nodejs,  I forgot and forget how to setup for default user directories to be installed.  I've ssh in to the new nodes user and lout doesn't work  lol18:08
n0ydAnd they build fine.  Gimp does not18:08
JediUnixMastererr logout18:09
n0ydFor reference, I've used both of the guides, plus oither documentation from gimp. http://www.gimpusers.com/forums/gimp-developer/15280-compile-gimpv2-9-1-for-debian-wheezy-sid18:09
n0yd(Yes the second guide was first written in 2011, but it was updated like 8 months ago)18:09
trismn0yd: I said at least, I don't know what else is broken at the moment18:09
n0ydNothing is "broken" so to speak :)18:09
n0ydEverything works18:09
Gape2Does Ubuntu default to uefi boot?18:11
n0ydhanduel, i got it working :)18:13
* n0yd is happy18:13
handueln0yd: great, sorry I couldn't help18:13
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n0ydI just had to install glib to my ~/ then build gimp against that18:14
n0ydAnd point it to the built and installed babl and gegl18:14
n0ydCause it couldnt find them on its not, even though they were installed globally as root18:15
n0ydadamk, thanks for the help18:15
KyouReeus4nfoGape2 -- as long as BIOS supports uefi boot, you can change the boot order there and boot from it. I sometimes disable harddrive from boot devices menu just to make sure it is booting from uefi. lol18:15
n0ydYou made me rack my brain enough to doublecheck things, and install glib manually18:15
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Guest77168guys pls help me out with youtube-dl package, it says cant download O.o18:16
n0ydKyouReeus4nfo, I was gonna answer him also, but he left before anyone could answer18:16
Picin0yd: sorry we couldn't be more helpful. This channel isn't really intended for people trying to install things from source.18:16
PiciAt least not normally.18:16
PiciGuest77168: What release of Ubuntu are you using?18:16
Guest77168Pici, ^18:17
imajeffHi all, I just can't see how to get my hi res back on my external monitor. It was detected last week18:17
PiciGuest77168: The package won't download or youtube-dl won't download any videos>?18:17
Guest77168Pici, ERROR: unable to download video18:17
Guest77168 this is what it says18:17
kj6psgimajeff, you have the proper drivers?18:17
imajeffI have everything same as last week when it worked except I've seen some updates18:18
imajeffit's 13.0418:18
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Guest77168Pici, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711004/18:18
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n0ydPici, I know. Sadfly its not really intended for anything more than the typical new user issues most of the time.  It's my biggest gripe with the channel and has been for years.  This channel just isnt very useful for indepth or more complex issues.  And that isn't a rant, I am genuinely just speaking my opinion.  Because I think would it would be awesome if there was another channel just for the more complex issues and the complex-use stuff one might come18:19
n0ydacross in ubuntu. Something like ##linux, but specifically for ubuntu users.18:19
KyouReeus4nfoCan anyone point me to a channel for gateway to gateway IPSEC?18:19
PiciGuest77168: Its possible that youtube-dl isn't working on that release, there have been issues in the past with it being unable to cope with Google API changes.  I personally have been using cclive for a while and haven't had any issues with it.18:19
imajeffNow always shows external monitor is "Unknown", and only two resolutions18:19
n0ydPici, I think that would be awesome.  And it w0oulkd be of great help to Ubuntu users that want to delve deeper into their system and learn the more complex stuff18:20
Picin0yd: noted.  I'll see about adding it to the next IRC Council meeting, can't hurt to have a discussion about it.18:20
Guest77168package name is? Pici18:20
PiciGuest77168: cclive is the package name18:20
n0ydPici, I brought it up before at the boston loco meetings 4-5 years back. So we kinda just made the loco channel an #ubuntu-advanced channel for us18:21
Ntemisanyone here to help me?18:21
Ntemisi am deleting a lot of gb from trash18:22
Gape2Does boot repair work for uefi boot?18:22
Guest77168is there documentation page for cclive? Pici18:22
Ntemisall i have is a white box written file operations and inside there is nothing18:22
Ntemisi cant kill it18:22
foofoobarHi. So I have only 25% of my RAM used and I have set swappiness to 10. However, I have a swap spaced used of 116MB (shows gnome-system-monitor)18:22
foofoobarhow could that be?18:22
Ntemisi cant manually delete trash items18:22
PiciGuest77168: man cclive18:22
gordonjcpfoofoobar: because some stuff gets swapped out anyway18:22
Guest77168haha ok thanks Pici18:22
foofoobargordonjcp: Why? And what for stuff?18:23
gordonjcpfoofoobar: it's not really something you need to care about18:23
handuelNtemis, drop to a command line and kill nautilus: killall -9 nautilus18:23
foofoobargordonjcp: I was just wondering why I hear my HDD working18:23
Guest77168Pici, which all streaming sites it covers?18:23
n0ydActually, thats a great name, #ubuntu-advanced. We already have #ubuntu+1 which I know is for the upcoming release, but it does have some more technical issues (Makes sense, more complex bugs) And channels like #ubuntu-gnome also tend to have people answering complex issues.  So I think something like #ubuntu-advanced would be perfect :)18:23
Ntemisit crashed18:23
foofoobareven if I set the swappiness to such a low value18:23
gordonjcpfoofoobar: you can quite happily live without swap - and if you're using a solid state disk you *should* ;-)18:23
n0ydPici, is there maybe someone/somewhere I can voice such an idea too?18:23
NtemisSorry ubuntu 12.04 epx internal error blah blah18:23
DJThi alll18:23
foofoobargordonjcp: I am using a ssd, but how should I live without swap?18:24
KyouReeus4nfoNormally n00bs know that they are n00bs and most who want to keep learning don't mind it, so segregate channels like ubuntu-novice-users, ubuntu-advanced-users, ubuntu-novice-developers and ubuntu-advanced-developers. I will join them all and so will all n00bs which will be redundant, won't it be?18:24
gordonjcpfoofoobar: just turn it off18:24
handuelNtemis: then to empty trash from terminal rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/files18:24
DJTis srting.h natively installed on ubuntu?18:24
foofoobargordonjcp: and what happens for the things which would be put in the swap?18:24
n0ydKyouReeus4nfo, wow, thats even better18:24
gordonjcpfoofoobar: they will be kept in RAM18:24
cuthbeorhthow much room should i leave on my hdd for an ubuntu install for a developper?18:24
foofoobargordonjcp: and what happens if I run out of RAM?18:24
gordonjcpfoofoobar: bad stuff happens18:25
PiciGuest77168: cclive --suport18:25
n0ydOf course still have this channel, as its the one most new users are going to automatically visit18:25
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foofoobargordonjcp: so I better not deactivate the swap?!18:25
gordonjcpfoofoobar: well if you *are* using an SSD you want to minimise the number of writes, so swapping to SSD is a bad idea18:25
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n0ydLots of people aren't going to automatically try to join a channel labeled as their experience level. But its a great idea, and I think the people that need them will seek them out. And there could something in the wiki article on IRC about it18:26
gordonjcpfoofoobar: at worst you'll just get stuff being killed and restarted18:26
foofoobargordonjcp: / is on SSD, /home and my swap are on HDD18:26
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gordonjcpfoofoobar: oh okay, that's fine then18:26
gordonjcpfoofoobar: just leave it, it's working18:26
foofoobargordonjcp: I had the swap on my SSD18:26
gordonjcpfoofoobar: if it works don't fix it ;-)18:26
foofoobarand had a strange crash tomorrow18:26
jamescarrhow can I get the codename without the Codename: part?18:26
jamescarrfrom lsb -c18:26
foofoobarso I switched the swap to the hdd18:26
n0ydKyouReeus4nfo, Are you gonna join those channels?  Im gonna join+idle, and help out where I can. I really believe that is an excellent idea18:26
foofoobargordonjcp: Whats happening that a swap on a ssd is so bad?18:27
gordonjcpfoofoobar: masses and masses of writes18:27
jamescarrI got it18:27
jamescarrthank you and GOODBYE18:27
gwinbeefoofoobar: you can only write to an SSD so many times18:27
Picin0yd: You can put an entry on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/IRCteamproposal and I'll see that it gets presented during the meeting.18:27
foofoobargordonjcp, gwinbee: so a lot of new notebooks only have an ssd integrated. How do they handle a swap partition?18:28
KannaLooking to replace a laptop with an android tablet for college, nice idea no?18:28
gordonjcpfoofoobar: they generally don't18:28
KannaAndroid tablet -> http://www.walmart.com/ip/Nextbook-7-Tablet-with-Google-Play/2212700218:28
KannaThat's going to be the replacement of the laptop.18:29
gordonjcpfoofoobar: computers have ridiculous amounts of RAM these days18:29
KyouReeus4nfoBTW, while I am thinking about developing ShoutCast plugin, one can bulk-add internet stations in a text or a CSV file. Make sure URL starts with http://. If you google "ShoutCast Administrator"":8000/"-html you should find plenty of URLs to work with. Or just go to internet-radio.com. :-P18:29
handuelI just went and created an ubuntu advanced channel (##ubuntu-advanced), but it sounds like someones already done that :(, n0yd seems to be talkinb about it, you should start the name with a double hash though, as it isn't an official channel18:29
KannaGood for college? What do you folks think?18:29
n0ydPici, awesome, thanks for the link.  Also, I really meant no harm in anything I said earlier. It's just a common complaint from me and other people (I have heard similar complaints about trying to obtain more complex help from this channel)18:29
n0ydhanduel, I already created them18:29
n0ydOn #18:29
gordonjcpfoofoobar: even a fairly inexpensive laptop might have hundreds of megabytes of RAM ;-)18:29
n0ydBecause they would be official if it gets approved18:29
handueln0yd: I thought so, I left the convo when I made it and missed you saying so18:29
handueln0yd: oh well it can't do in harm in just existing18:30
n0ydAnd while yes, at the moment the are technbically unofficial, I'd rather just have one channel, so we dont have to confuse anyone later by switching18:30
n0ydhanduel, ya no harm done18:30
foofoobargordonjcp: so why is my sytem putting things on my swap when I still have 3gigs of RAM free?18:30
n0ydI could even have the # ones forward to ##18:30
JediUnixMasterI did a adducer, then ssh in and the prompt is wrong, I can't source a .bash_aliases file I vi'd, I can't logout ,,,,, what did i not do?18:31
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handueln0yd: that might be a plan, I've not create a ##-novcie one yet, but I may, I'll op you on advanced anyway, just in case it gets used18:32
handueln0yd: oh you have to be joined to gain op18:32
KannaAndroid tablet or Laptop which one is better for college?18:32
gordonjcpfoofoobar: various reasons18:32
n0ydok, I made # for advanced and novice, and am registewring them now18:32
KyouReeus4nfoKanna, use the lab in college18:33
handuelIs there a way of removing irc channels, or do they just hang around18:33
n0ydhanduel, preferably, they should be setup without auto-oping, per the freenode prefered channel guidelines. So if an op needs op, they op themselves via chanserv18:33
n0ydhanduel, if its registered, you can de-reg them I believe18:33
n0ydif not via chanserv, then by asking a staff.18:33
handueln0yd: I'll go and look at the chanserv help18:34
n0ydIf its not registered, it will disappear after everyone leaves18:34
JediUnixMasterIs this the wrong channel to be asking adducer questions?18:34
n0ydJediUnixMaster, not at all18:34
JediUnixMasterok, so I did a adducer, then ssh in and the prompt is wrong, I can't source a .bash_aliases file I vi'd, I can't logout ,,,,, what did i not do?18:34
n0ydif its on ubuntu, then yes18:34
n0ydsounds like you didnt setup the ~/ correctly. Liuke permissions and thingsx18:35
EaglemanIs there something like Clonezilla but then for online usage ( instead of taking the machine offline and run clonezilla ), its comparable with windows backup18:35
handueln0yd: there we go, should be gone now18:36
bekksEagleman: Windows BAckup cant create images like Clonezilla.18:36
n0ydhanduel, oh ok, you are gonna transfer over to the single #?18:36
bekksEagleman: And for image creation, you need to offline the system, for ensuring to have an consistent image.18:36
n0ydIf so, I wont set an forward.18:36
Eaglemanbekks, it can, it created a virtual harddisk which is the same like an image, i can restore it with the windows "livecd"18:36
JediUnixMasternOyd  I did a sudo useradd -d /home/nodejs -m nodejs18:36
handueln0yd: no don't set a forward, I will transfer over, the channel is completely gone18:36
n0ydhanduel, feel free to join #ubuntu-advanced-users and #ubuntu-novice-users18:36
n0ydJediUnixMaster, ya do this18:36
n0ydinstead of useradd, use the adduser script18:37
n0ydIt sets everything up for you18:37
JediUnixMasterah, ok, cool,, thank u very much  :)18:37
n0ydSo just remove the user and redd using the adduser script18:37
n0ydno problem :)18:37
bekksEagleman: Nope, it isnt. It isnt a consistent 1:1 image.18:37
n0ydJediUnixMaster, I just use useradd for moidifying an user, like adding him tyo groups and such18:37
JediUnixMasterhow do i logout with that user,,,,logout doesn't work lol18:38
Eaglemanbekks, hmm not sure then, but last time my machine crashed and i used the backup to restore i had everything running, which is what i want in linux18:38
JediUnixMasternOyd   how do i logout with that user,,,,logout doesn't work lol18:38
luigiI demand wireless usb18:39
luigiPlease implement this18:39
JediUnixMasternevermind, exit worked18:39
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Eaglemanbekks, after my server crashes i want it up as fast as possible, and i dont want to take my server down once a week to run clonezilla, it should be automatic18:41
luigiEagleman: Virtualize that server and use snapshots18:41
Eaglemanluigi, it already is, but when my server exploded snapshots are not usefull at all18:42
Eaglemaneverything will be gone18:42
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luigiEagleman: Backup the snaphosts18:42
bekksEagleman: Then save your backup somewhere else, and not on the same server.18:42
Eaglemanluigi, snapshots dont work that way18:42
luigiEagleman: They do if you're using something like ESXi18:42
Eaglemanbekks, i will, i am using rackspace, but i need a program for my needs18:42
bekksEagleman: Snapshots are for backing them up. Snapshots themselfs are not considered to be valid backups.18:43
luigiEagleman: What's your virtualization solution?18:43
n0ydhanduel, where'd you go? :P18:43
Eaglemanluigi, snapshots only record data that changed since the last snapshot, if i backup a snapshot of about 100MB ( 100mb changed ) i am unable to restore my server out of the 100mb18:43
handueln0yd: sos, had to restart xchat18:43
bekksEagleman: Either on ESX, ESXi, ZFS and other filesystems that support snapshots, they work that way. You have to back them up to have valid backups.18:43
handuelw8, I'll join again18:43
luigiEagleman: That's why you backup the entire base set of snaps and the snap itself18:44
luigiEagleman: Which will, in the end, result in a differential backup scheme where you are only copying over that 100mb after every snap18:44
ps1quiKoola k asei18:44
bekksEagleman: You should consider a different backup strategy :)18:44
luigiEagleman: All of the snapshot chain still resides on another server and you can restore from the whole chain18:44
Eaglemanluigi, not sure how to do that at all on esxi18:47
Eaglemanand i only have one server18:47
luigiEagleman: Are you using like, Vmware vSPhere manager?18:47
Eaglemanluigi, this is for home18:47
JediUnixMasterwhen i ssh into my machine, i want my aliases to work,,,,,,What file should I put them In ???18:48
luigiEagleman: You just enable ssh access and create an rsync job from another machine18:48
ssfdre38do you know where the bzip2 source is located at?18:48
luigiJediUnixMaster: probably ~/.bashrc18:48
Eaglemanluigi, and when data changed inside the vmdk file, which will when it is online18:48
Eaglemanduring the rsync job18:48
luigiJediUnixMaster: You have to copy it over to the server you're ssh'ing to18:48
luigiEagleman: Ignore vmdk18:48
bekksEagleman: There are plenty of backup solutions for ESXi, that work with snapshots.18:48
Anxi80Alright I have a fresh install of 13.04 which used an MD5 checked installer. I have experienced 4 crashes in the last two hours. What is the best way to signal this issue to the appropriate people?18:49
JediUnixMasterok, thank u18:49
bekksEagleman: Even solutions using CBR.18:49
luigiEagleman: Only copy snapshots and persistent drive changes18:49
TeamRocket1233cAnyone having problems with FF Nightly not updating?18:49
luigiEagleman: Or listen to bekks and use a darn 3rd party plugin like everyone else does18:49
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JediUnixMasterluigi  nope, its not reading the .bashrc when i ssh in18:52
JediUnixMasterlet me try .profie18:53
luigiJediUnixMaster: It's not reading the bashrc on the remote machine when you log in to the remote machine?18:53
JediUnixMasterluigi: no sir18:53
luigiJediUnixMaster: Are you using bash?18:54
JediUnixMasterlet me chk18:54
luigiJediUnixMaster: echo $SHELL after you've ssh'd in18:54
JediUnixMasteri which sh  and got /bin/sh18:55
JediUnixMasterAH HAH18:55
luigiJediUnixMaster: which sh will always return /bin/sh18:55
eoohow come my theme doesnt work on many applications18:55
eoobut only on system ones18:55
eoo(ie synaptic18:55
TheMoonManHi all, can anyone tell me how I can gain root permissions so I can edit a file in the usr/ directory.18:55
luigiJediUnixMaster: Unless you have some crazy path and strange binaries18:55
luigiJediUnixMaster: echo $SHELL18:55
luigiTheMoonMan: sudo <command>18:55
JediUnixMasteryep its /bin/bash18:55
luigieoo: Your theme has been applied to the root user, most likely18:55
TheMoonManHow do I open a file using the sudo terminal command?18:56
TheMoonMannever used linux before.18:56
luigiJediUnixMaster: Try adding aliases to ~/.bash_profile18:56
luigiTheMoonMan: Try sudo nano <file>18:56
eooTheMoonMan: use gksudo18:56
JediUnixMasterok luigi let me try that18:56
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luigieoo: He only needs gksudo for graphical applications18:56
eooluigi: a new user won't be good with nano18:57
luigieoo: It's like notepad18:57
luigieoo: But you're right, gedit would be better18:57
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psiklops_Hi. I am building the a custom 3.9.4 Kernel. I was told that Ubuntus 3.9.x Kernel includes Module for RTL2832U.18:57
luigiTheMoonMan: If you want an easier program to edit with, use gedit like 'gksudo gedit <file>'18:57
JediUnixMasterluigi:  YES,, That worked luigi many thx18:58
JediUnixMasterso its the same as a mac18:58
luigiJediUnixMaster: It's very similar18:58
psiklops_Would it be possible to paste the .config for this for me please ?18:58
psiklops_So i may take a look on how it was done18:59
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JediUnixMasterluigi: Would you suggest that I dump the .bashrc script contents into the .bash_profile???18:59
JediUnixMasterit the standard .bashrc that came with the install18:59
luigiJediUnixMaster: Well... Both files are supposed to be used for different things. One is for interactive shells, the other is for login shells. The distinction is a little strange to most users19:00
JediUnixMasterits certainly strange to me19:00
luigiJediUnixMaster: I would source .bashrc from .bash_profile19:00
eooluigi:i moved the themes to ~/.local/share/themes19:00
Anxi80Where is a good place to store hardware driver binaries in 13.04?19:00
JediUnixMastergood idea19:00
eoostill doesnt work19:00
luigiJediUnixMaster: So .bash_profile has only one line that is: [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc19:00
JediUnixMasterluigi: awesome ill do that19:01
eooluigi: what else can i do. My theme works with nemo and synaptic but not with xchat or fireofx19:02
luigieoo: I'm not really sure19:02
luigieoo: Sorry :/19:02
doctor_dennishaha, hi19:04
carnauHi there, since a cuple of days the ubuntu loading screen has low graphics(the one with lilac color). Is there anything I can do to fix it? Thanks19:04
adamgoldingwhat's the difference between "OEM install (for manafacturers)" and the 'normal' install method?19:04
carnauadamgolding, OEM is for Companies to install on many computers at once without having to manually type out the initial info.19:05
elisa87I have a problem regarding the mounted disk image. Can you please take a look at here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711162/ why the file I have copied here can't be shown by ls?19:05
JediUnixMasterluigi: YEP COOL that works nicely, thank you for your time  :D19:05
luigiJediUnixMaster: No problem dude!19:06
luigiAnd what is up with the Floodbots today...19:06
carnauelisa87, why are you putting that 64 and 2 in the sentence?19:07
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elisa87I wanted to run that binary with its run arguments carnau19:07
elisa87anyway it can't even ls the normal binary saying it doesn't exist?~!? carnau19:07
carnauelisa87, if you want to run a binary, then don't use ls at first, because then 64 and 2 are parameters of ls, not of the backprop binary19:08
carnauelisa87, you can do: /mnt/rodinia_benchmarks/backprop 64 219:09
Coreyelisa87: You can ls the binary, or you can execute it. You cannot do both as a part of the same command. :-)19:09
elisa87Corey: it realizes the ls jalal@mona:/research/jalal/gem5/gem5-stable/system/x86/disks$ sudo ls /mnt/rodinia_benchmarks/backprop19:10
elisa87 19:10
Coreyelisa87: Right?19:10
Coreyelisa87: I fail to see the problem so far. :-)19:10
luigielisa87: You cannot run commands as just 'command' unless the path leading up to that command is in your environment variable called PATH19:11
elisa87Corey:  when I am running it in the simulator it says: /tmp/script: line 3: cd: /mnt/rodinia_benchmarks/: No such file or directory19:11
luigielisa87: Look at echo $PATH19:11
TheMoonManluigi how do I save the file after I am done editing it with nano.19:12
luigiTheMoonMan: Ctrl+O19:12
TheMoonManand after that do I want to save it in dos format?19:12
luigiDo you?19:12
TheMoonManit was a .conf file.19:13
TheMoonManbut there is no option just to save.19:13
luigiThen probably not19:13
luigiDon't save in dos format19:13
TheMoonManwould I change the prefix and then put .conf?19:14
luigiTheMoonMan: How would I know unless you gave me more information about what you're saving, and to where?19:14
luigiTheMoonMan: You can save to full paths by Ctrl+O and typing out the full path/filename19:15
luigiTheMoonMan: Then hit enter19:15
TheMoonManI'm editing a ushare.conf file in the usr/etc directory.  I just want to save it.  Don't want to change the file format or anything.19:15
luigiCtrl+O and type /usr/etc/ushare.conf19:16
luigiThen hit enter19:16
bekksTheMoonMan: then you have to use sudo nano to do so.19:16
luigiTheMoonMan: Oh, yeah, did you use sudo?19:16
TheMoonManyes I have done that. Then it is asking me what format I want to save it as.  It has no option for .conf.19:16
luigiTheMoonMan: Save it in unix format19:17
luigiTheMoonMan: What are the options for the format?19:17
luigiTheMoonMan: The exact message would be helpful19:17
TheMoonManahhhh sorry.  my fault.  just had to click enter a second time.19:17
luigiNo problem!19:17
TheMoonManthanks for the help:)19:17
luigiGlad it worked out in the end19:17
elisa87luigi: what do you mean?19:18
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elisa87http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711220/ luigi19:18
luigielisa87: Exactly what I said. If you specify at what point you got confused, I can elaborate more on that specific part19:18
luigielisa87: Nice PATH19:19
elisa87luigi:  I got what you said but didn't get the relation to the problem. Do you why the simulator can't find the binary I have copied to the disk image after it boots the disk successfully?19:19
TheMoonManalso one more question if you don't mind. I want to play audio via a HDMI output.  But when I plug in the HDMI cable and go onto sound outputs via the GUI it has no option for HDMI.  Would I be able to install a driver to allow me to use the hdmi as an output and how would I go about doing it in Ubuntu?19:20
luigielisa87: What exact command are you using to invoke the binary?19:20
elisa87http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711229/ luigi19:20
luigiTheMoonMan: That sounds like a pulseaudio issue, though people here will probably help you. The driver should already be included to do that, it's just a matter of configuring your audio system to play out the HDMI19:21
BluesKajTheMoonMan, make sure you graphics card driver is up to date as well as your soundcard driver19:21
luigielisa87: What error happens at line 11?19:21
elisa87luigi:  here's the error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711235/19:21
BluesKajTheMoonMan, also install pavucontriol in order to give options for audioi to hdmi outputs19:22
luigielisa87: /mnt/rodinia_benchmarks/: No such file or directory is the problem. What user are you running this script as?19:22
TheMoonManIf the drivers were already installed.  Would it just be a matter of right clicking the speaker icon and going onto audio outputs?19:22
luigiTheMoonMan: Sadly, no. There are many things between you and the device the driver creates. You need a tool like pavucontrol like BluesKaj suggested to configure the HDMI out19:23
luigielisa87: It might be that only root may cd into /mnt/rodinia_benchmarks/19:24
TheMoonManOk thanks both of you.  I'll try installing it.19:24
luigiTheMoonMan: With any luck, it'll show up under input devices in that program19:24
elisa87luigi: maybe but what's the solution? should I use sudo chmod 777 backprop for the backprop binary?19:24
binaryflowHello everyone! I am running mysql workbench and have imported a rather large database (# of tables, not amount of data). When I try to view the tables in the workbench it crunches forever and never finishes refreshing the data. Has anyone seen that before?19:24
Chris_Whello.  can anyone help me out here.  Im having an issue between to computers, when I transfer between the two using the CP command the file sizes are different.19:24
luigielisa87: sudo chmod a+rwX /mnt/rodinia_benchmarks/19:25
nmbrohey guys - I want to add users to my ubuntu box from a web interface - but I'm struggling with finding the best way to do so; I can't seem to make "www-data ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/adduser --home /www/customers/[[0-9a-z.-]]+ --shell /sbin/nologin --disabled-password --disabled-login [[0-9a-z.-]]+" in sudoers work :-\19:25
binaryflowLatest ubuntu running on a Latitude E5420 with 8 gb ram.19:25
luigielisa87: Though this means ANYONE can access that folder19:25
binaryflowI've got plenty of resources.19:25
bekksbinaryflow: Yeah. Throw away those graphical tools. :)19:25
binaryflowOh, and I'm running mysql-server locally.19:25
MonkeyDustnmbro  ask in #bash19:25
elisa87luigi: that's ok :P19:25
binaryflowbekks: lol, really? Mysql Workbench can't handle it?19:25
luigibinaryflow: The GUI tools for MySQL are horrible and slow19:25
nmbrothx MonkeyDust19:26
bekksbinaryflow: Those tools arent designed to do it. No one of it. Things like "let me see all tables, cause I like it scrolling" - dont do it :)19:26
binaryflowOk, I might have to brush up on my mysql command line-fu then.19:26
binaryflowIt's been awhile.19:26
luigielisa87: Might want to ls -l that folder and tell me that the permissions string was before you chmod19:26
luigielisa87: Would look something like 'drwxr-xr-x'19:27
luigielisa87: So ls -l /mnt and give me the permission string for rodinia_benchmarks19:28
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
Blaze_Boyon my HP ProBook 4540s, installed windows8 and ubuntu 13.04 (GRUB2), when entering GRUB2 console and execute "usb" it doesn't list the usb flash stick, any ideas why?19:31
elisa87luigi: even with sudo chmod 777 backprop I am receiving this error after the disk image boots by the simulator /tmp/script: line 3: cd: /mnt/rodinia_benchmarks/: No such file or directory19:31
bekkselisa87: Then that directory does not exist.19:33
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
TheMoonManIn the PAV control my HDMI output is appearing but when I set it up to use it as an output for audio none is getting through.  Would that probably be a driver issue?19:34
shmoolUbunhow can i change the icon of an application in the unity dock19:36
aFeijoubuntu 13.04 changed the file browser Connect to Server option, how can I set a different ssh port ?19:36
nysosymhi there19:36
bekksaFeijo: servername:otherport19:37
aFeijobekks, thanks, I'll test it19:37
elisa87luigi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711287/ here's the ls -l /mnt output19:37
balrog-k1nis there a standard place where the network manager / modem manager puts its logs so i could see why a 3G connection is failing?19:38
Blaze_Boywhat is the best channel to ask about GRUB2 ?, tried #grub but it is inactive, anyother related channels ?19:38
elisa87bekks:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711287/19:40
mrsquizzleslinux stinks19:41
shmoolUbunhow can i change the icon of an application in the unity dock19:44
elisa87hey do you know why after the simulator boots the disk image it cannot cd to /mnt/rodinia_benchmarks while it is in here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711287/ the simulator gives me this error: /tmp/script: line 3: cd: /mnt/rodinia_benchmarks/: No such file or directory19:44
leonardo_e ai povo19:45
leonardo_to precisando de uma força aqui19:45
Pici!br | leonardo_19:46
ubottuleonardo_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:46
mirage_@ shmoolUbun : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb5Ue2XKiE8 good luck19:46
w201shmoolUbun: I think one way is creating your own icon and editing the configuration files located somewhere on your system, I'm not sure where you can find them19:46
MonkeyDustshmoolUbun  in the application's .desktop file19:47
hexacodeanyone know if theres a way for inverted selection in bash? for example,  when you go 'rm *' you remove all files since the * wildcard, but i need to do something like  remove all files not ending in .ini    is there something like  'rm * !.ini' ?19:48
KyouReeus4nfoQuick question to whoever knows: How do I request higher version of a software (a vulnerable one) in repositories? It's Wireshark BTW. http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2013-366119:49
jribhexacode: yes, but it's not enabled by default.  See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/glob about extended globs19:49
Coreyhexacode: Nope, I'd use "find" with an exclude...19:49
Coreyjrib: Oh?19:49
jribCorey: yep, pretty neat and relatively recent addition iirc.  On the other hand, zsh has had them for a while ;)19:50
Coreyjrib: Okay, that'll work, yes, but I'd cheat and use find if someone's uncertain about that. :-)19:50
hexacodethanks you guys19:50
PenorsaurusI am trying to install svn2git, but it cannot locate the package.19:51
Penorsaurusanyone know where I can download/compile it myself?19:51
leonardo_guys, a got a problem trying installing ubuntu 12.10 on the side of win7, my grub to select ubuntu doesnt appear, anyone has any suggestion to fix that problem?19:51
MonkeyDustKyouReeus4nfo  if you want the version of a higher release, try the backports ; if you want a version that is in no repo, use a !PPA - but that's not supported here19:51
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
KyouReeus4nfoI will try backports, thanks!19:52
otendbit of an unusual question19:53
otendhow can I make an off-brand Xbox 360 controller be recognized as a standard one, so that I can use the drivers for 360 controllers?19:53
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MonkeyDustotend  how is that ubuntu related?19:54
otendit worked out of the box in 12.10's initial incarnation, but it's currently not working19:54
bazhangotend, how is this an ubuntu support issue19:54
otendI'm asking in the context of Ubuntu how to basically spoof how a device is recognized19:54
otendor some such19:55
otendthe wiki page's advice did not solve my issue, unfortunately19:55
MonkeyDustotend  and how legal is that?19:55
bazhangotend, to do what with the xbox controller in ubuntu?19:56
otendit should be entirely legal19:56
otendbasically, to use it as a standard controller, because what I have now is not recognized as one19:56
otendit's recognized as a device, but no application is able to use it19:56
bazhangfor your ubuntu system?19:56
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
adamxxSo, I could use some help.20:00
adamxxUbuntu 13.10 x64, installing to a WD 150GB Raptor20:00
adamxxInstalling from USB drive.20:01
Corey!ask | adamxx20:01
ubottuadamxx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:01
adamxxLet me start over then.20:01
Coreyadamxx: Nobody's going to read through 50 lines of lastlog for a problem description.20:01
adamxxI get it man.20:01
Jonathan_does any one know the command to change mod a file in the terminal konsole20:02
CoreyJonathan_: change mod?20:02
adamxxInstalling Ubuntu 13.10 x64 to 150GB drive. Running Asus Sabertooth 990x (has UEFI bios). I created the EFI boot partition like I've found on google. Is there something I'm missing?20:02
Jonathan_change mod20:02
CoreyJonathan_: You talking about altering permissions?20:03
adamxxI've been following this, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI, but I'm sure I've done something wrong.20:03
CoreyJonathan_: chmod20:03
CoreyJonathan_: Technically it's "change modes."20:03
zludesomeone can tell me what is the command that he is running to get the real time traffic? http://www.routehub.net/writeable/editor_uploads//images/social-network-ip.JPG20:03
=== NePtUnO|Off is now known as NePtUnO
Coreyzlude: tshark with the proper flags will output a very close display.20:04
bekkszlude: Pretty small picture. What is it showing, actually?20:04
lolekhello all20:05
Coreybekks: Looks like number of connections per host.20:05
CoreyOtherwise netstat -ant |grep ESTABLISHED will work.20:05
Jonathan_what i am trying to do is make a file executable from the terminal20:05
adam_mchmod + x20:05
adam_mthat should make it executable20:06
KyouReeus4nfoObjective: I would like to log into Unity but I have applications currently running in Xfce and I don't want to close them and log out. Is there a way to attain this?20:06
domi382chmod +x "filename here"20:06
lolekguys I've got a problem with bluetooth, after an hours of sound streaming, I'm unable to connect to the gateway, I need to reboot ubuntu to have the possibility to stream it again...20:06
zludebekks, it is the "traffic monitor" showed in The Social Network movie when Mark see facemash.com traffic. So i'm curious if this command exists.20:07
lolekhere is the output from syslog20:07
DirkCrudetrying to get some help: but i'm a brand new user (like hours new) so if you have the pateints to deal with someone whos practically retarded new i could use some help20:07
domi382can somebody help me? i have backtrack 5 and i have installed steam and skype but everytime i restart these 2 programs are gone!20:08
DirkCrudei don't know the proper code to enter into the terminal20:08
bekkszlude: There are various commands. netstat, iftop, tcpdump, etc.20:08
yebyenShould I worry about this:20:08
yebyenE: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/plymouth failed with return 1.20:08
yebyenupdate-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-3.8.0-21-generic with 1.20:08
domi382can somebody help me? i have backtrack 5 and i have installed steam and skype but everytime i restart these 2 programs are gone!20:08
adamxxI'll ask somewhere else.20:09
yebyenlooks like an issue relating to pango, i see I still have an initramfs but I'm afraid to reboot20:09
MonkeyDustDirkCrude  code to do what?20:09
bekks!backtrack | domi38220:09
ubottudomi382: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)20:09
domi382ok thx bye20:09
Pumpkin-zlude: apachetop is does pretty much what that screenshot looks like it is doing. Check out http://www.fr3nd.net/projects/apache-top/20:11
ziggyziggyHi. Could somebody please tell me how to restart a service on Ubuntu i.e. Plex. Many thanks20:12
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
MonkeyDust(three days i'm trying to remove tt-rss :-s )20:13
disputinsudo /etc/init.d/plexmediaserver restart20:16
ziggyziggywow thankyou very much20:17
n0ydPici, you there by chance?20:17
DirkCrude-can anyone help me i had updating problems so i ran apt-get  update the apt-get apgrade... with success but i'm still having problem starting my ubuntu os boot up.it runns a dos command starting problems with finding the boot command and goes thru abunch of commands off killing this and that and i have to exit  and  finially get ubuntu  to finially get the os to start. does anyone have a clue uif this is normal.... and one more 20:21
Jonathan_domi382 thanks alot!!!20:21
DirkCrudeit asks to open a generic version of the ubuntu or a generic recovery page....20:22
DirkCrudeis this normal???  if anyone can steer me in the right direction20:23
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adam_mDirkCrude: that sounds like bios problems man20:23
eject_ckI need to keep backup for directory ~ 200GB and ~ 1000 000 files inside. Want to keep sync copy. Then do some upgrade, then I need revert all the changes back. Question - what's best tool to do revert fast (compare files)? Rsync / CVS / SVN / Git  / other ?20:24
fully_humanHello. I made a dumb mistake and manually deleted some python2.7 files. Now whenever I try to apt-get install python2.7 to correct my mistake I get the error: "python2.7: can't open file '/usr/lib/python2.7/py_compile.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory" Any ideas? Thanks.20:24
adam_mmaybe try looking into changing something in your bios settings. it sounds like its trying to do something else before booting from the disk perhaps.20:24
DirkCrudei ran sudo apt-get update (succesfully) then the upgrade (succesfully) is there another step i should do after those commands i should run20:24
disputinfully_human sudo apt-get install —reinstall python2.7 (assuming that's the package name)20:25
fully_humandisputin: Same error.20:25
DirkCrude<adam_m>.... is that to me?20:25
fully_humandisputin: I tried manually downloading the python2.7 package from sourceforge, too...after installing it I got the same result.20:25
disputincd /var/cache/apt/archives/20:26
adam_myes, what happens when you boot up20:26
DirkCrudedisputin..... is that reply to me me?20:26
disputinsee if the python package is there and reinstall using dpkg -i python2.720:26
zludePumpkin-, I'm trying apachetop but no show nothing.. same with apachetop -f /var/log/apache2/access.log20:26
disputindirkcrude no it's for fully_human20:26
adam_mDirkCrude: what happens when you boot up again20:26
DirkCrudeadam m...........it runs a bunch of commands trying to run pci and usb commands  which inturn says killing this and that until i type the command to exit which finially boots the umbuntu os system20:27
adam_mDirkCrude: id check the bios first to see whats happening.20:29
adam_mmake sure that the hard drive is highest priority. Do you have a graphics card of some sort as well by chance?20:30
DirkCrudeadam m......what exactly am i trying to change in my bios20:31
DirkCrudeadam m.......... if you want i will try to reboot and copy and paste the commands of the files its killing but its a pci and usb command that is being killed20:31
adam_mthe boot order specifically20:31
DirkCrudeis there another command that i need to run after the spt20:31
adam_mjust make sure that it is booting from the hard drive first20:31
adam_mwont know until we try and fix this one thing at a time20:32
adam_mjust see if that helps i guess20:32
DirkCrudesorry another command i need to run after the update and upgrade command20:32
DirkCrudethe boot order is for my hddisk1 then hddisk 2 but i had to install of a pendrive initially usbHDD20:33
adamxxHow to install Ubuntu 13.04 on machine with UEFI bios and no visable option in BIOS to turn on Legacy Boot?20:44
adamxxAsus Sabertooth 990FX board, fully updated bios.20:44
Gape2Hey, after updating from 12.10 to 13.04 ubuntu is gone from list of uefi boot options (I have dual boot with windows 8 but it shouldn't matter). It seems the update manager deleted the files required to boot from the efi partition. Any suggestions?20:44
AlbanianHi allz20:50
anders3408hi, i was just playing with ubuntu web server, and did get my own site running again (hosting it my self) then i did an update to the website, but it does not show up when i go into the site, not on lan address or on the domain name20:52
anders3408nothing changes in www.somewebsitename.com or localhost20:53
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=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
Gape2refreshed without cache?20:56
anders3408tried also on my phone  and laptop, they have not been on the website before20:56
anders3408but did also clear webbrowser cache20:56
anders3408Gape2 im pretty new to working with websites so :)20:57
Gape2anders3408: no idea then, sorry20:57
ravahey all, i need a binary working that doesn't seem to exist with the right plugins enabled in oneiric, but works fine from hardy. can i get away with adding the repo and pinning the packages i need to hardy?20:57
Slartrava: dont add repositories for other versions than what you're running.. you can download the package and install that without messing with your repositories20:59
Slartrava: try packages.ubuntu.com20:59
=== kludge`_ is now known as kludge`
ravaSlart: i'll give it a shot, thanks20:59
Slartrava: you're welcome20:59
auronandacerava: hardy and oneiric are no longer supported, also you should never mix releases21:01
marina_ciao a tutti ragazzi21:01
marina_ho un problemino :-)21:01
Slart!it | marina_21:01
ubottumarina_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:01
constantin_mikedoes anybody have any idea about installing a printer on ubuntu/xubuntu, that is not automatically recognized? it's a panasonic kx-mb781 which is not automatically recognized in xubuntu 12.10 (and i guess the same on ubuntu), on google i've only found dead ends ... but i've read something about gdi drivers (don't know what that is), some generic drivers that make basic functions to work21:02
luigiIs ubuntu ever going to use systemd?21:03
Slartconstantin_mike: if the printer speaks postscript or pdf you might get away with selecting a similar printer or one of the more generic ones21:03
BluesKajluigi, 13.10 will be using it to some degree21:04
luigiBluesKaj: How can you use systemd to a degree?21:04
BluesKajluigi, apparently21:04
luigiI thought it was pretty much all or nothing.21:04
luigiIt's either init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd or not...21:04
constantin_mikeSlart, okay, thank you21:05
constantin_mikewill try21:05
BluesKajluigi, well ,do some research or ask in #ubuntu+121:05
luigiBluesKaj: Didn't know that channel existed21:06
Slartconstantin_mike: from doing a quick google-search it seems your printer might not be supported in linux.. you might have better luck with a updated cups-version but I wouldn't get my hopes up to high =/21:06
=== tipox-[a] is now known as tipox
tones_constantin_Mike, yeah that's what I did last week with an HP printer, generic driver worked21:07
=== tipox is now known as zzbooze
Slartconstantin_mike: this is a thread from 2009, perhaps it might still be useful https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2009-July/190679.html21:07
Gape2Hey, after updating from 12.10 to 13.04 ubuntu is gone from list of uefi boot options (I have dual boot with windows 8 but it shouldn't matter). It seems the update manager deleted the files required to boot from the efi partition. Any suggestions?21:08
Amarok_TRmy PC dont see the USB connections21:08
jmurrib21is skype application downloaded from it web site different than skype wrapper app?21:08
Amarok_TRmy keyboard and mouse is over USB connected21:09
jmurrib21trying to decide which to install for ubuntu 13.0421:09
Amarok_TRin Windows is all OK21:09
Amarok_TRbut on Xubuntu not21:09
djmitcheWhy is "Some index files failed to download" from apt-get update sometimes flagged as an error (E, exit status 101) and sometimes not (W, 0)?  I can't tell what the critical factor is differentiating the two21:12
|s-a|hello any tunisians here ?21:13
BluesKajluigi, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/systemd/+builds21:14
Iceman_Bmy /dev/sda1 suddenly jump to rea-only mode and my system behaves erratically after that. Restoring a backup superblock only helps temporarily, how do I go about fixing this?21:15
luigiBluesKaj: Those are just builds21:15
=== zzbooze is now known as tipox
=== multiply is now known as Multiply
BluesKajluigi, I juat asked in kubuntu-devel here's the reply : partly as far as I know, we'll be using systemd-udevd instead of udevd, we'll get logind, but core init system will stay upstart. That's what I remember at least21:16
luigiBluesKaj: That's just... Weird21:18
luigiBluesKaj: Yikes21:18
* BluesKaj shrugs ...there are aspects og system that are being phased in slowly ..obviously it's not all or nothing21:19
BluesKajsystemd that is21:19
=== wat is now known as Drama
wakeupI have here an ubuntu lucid lynx (I know outdated, but I can change21:22
wakeupit) How do I clone my screen o the HDMI output port?21:22
djbenganHi! My xorg says i dont got a screen, help :(21:23
luigiBluesKaj: Well, I just hope that it some day replaces upstart21:23
Iceman_Bnobody? is my hdd dying? :( or did something really broken made it's way into Server 12.10 ?21:25
djbengan_Got dcd...21:27
djbengan_i hate dcs21:27
djbengan_Hi. My xorg says i dont have a screen installed. It's intresting since i can read the errortext. Any suggestions?21:28
djbengan_Or is this channel sleeping now?21:29
jpmhwhen I look at "connection information" it tells me my primary, secondary and tertiary DNS is,, - how do I see this info at the command line21:30
bekksjpmh: cat /etc/resolv.conf21:31
djbengan_My xorg says i dont have a screen installed. It's intresting since i can read the errortext. Any suggestions? i tried a lot of stuff :(21:32
wakeupdmesg tells me about an attached HDMI screen but xrandr doesn't see21:32
wakeupi :(21:32
DirkCrudeif anyone can help i'd really appreciate it21:32
bekksDirkCrude: Hlp with what?21:33
DirkCrude`<bekks> i ran the update and the upgrade thru the terminal and it was succesfull... is there any other commands i need to run after that?21:34
bekksDirkCrude: "No."21:34
bekksDirkCrude: Which command did you run in particular?21:34
=== jayne| is now known as jayne
jpmhbekks: I know, but that does not give me the correct info, it gives me nameserver / search test.colostate.edu21:35
bekksjpmh: It gives you the information of the first DNS.21:36
jpmhbekks: ty - how do I discover the seconday and tertiary21:36
Iceman_Bcan anyone explain what a superblock does and how up-to-date they are? I understand that the ext4 FS makes backup superblocks every so many blocks?21:37
DirkCrudeone other thing is that when i first try to start the ubuntu os system it is asking me to run a generic page and thousands of lines of commands run down the screen stating that its killing usb and pci commands. finially the only way to access the ubuntu os is to run  the command "exit" which finially starts the os... is that normal? should the page state run ubuntu generic os or the generic thru recovery?21:38
bekksjpmh: Take a look at /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf21:38
DirkCrudesudo apt-get update........ then sudo apt-get upgrade21:39
altinanyone has this problem with docky on gnome3 http://i.imgur.com/7b0i66j.jpg21:39
n0ydaltin, nope21:40
jpmhbekks: yes - I know, that is where I set the pre-pend - but there has to be some way to discover what it is in real time simce when I use the GUI to look at "connection info" it gives me the info21:40
n0ydBy chance did you upgrade gnome3 using the gnome teams ppas?21:40
DirkCrudethe only way i can get the os to actually run is to run the command "exit" and it finially begins the ubuntu os21:40
n0ydaltin, the last question was for you21:41
nizorplease where can i get software for advanced mathematics like differentiation and integration21:42
nizorplease help21:42
n0yddid you check the software center?21:42
altinn0yd: don't remember doing that!21:43
=== AvengerMoJo_ is now known as AvengerMoJo
DirkCrudebekks........... the only real problem i have is that when i run the generic ubuntu os the fact that is runs tons of commands stating that it's killing the usb and pci commands untill i enter the exit command which will finailly start the ubuntu os21:44
trismnizor: maxima is one choice in the repos21:44
djbengan_Can i change my videodriver using tty?21:44
n0ydaltin, so did you or didnt you?21:45
n0ydBecause I had basically the same issue when I used the gnome3 ppas.  But when it was stock it was fine21:45
altinn0yd: I installed gnome3 as usually with apt-get21:45
altinbut I was firt using kde21:45
n0yddid you install it via gnome-desktop?21:46
DirkCrudei am completely fed up with windows. installing drivers and all that annoying shit which half the time wont work... i really enjoy ubuntu so far except this small problem of intially starting ubuntu... i'm not sure if it's normal or not21:46
n0ydThe issue looks like your graphics drivers or something21:46
n0ydYou arent getting compositing apparently21:46
altinn0yd: I have bumblebee installed21:47
n0ydthats somethijng do with nvidia optimus right?21:47
bekksDirkCrude: Sounds like your Ubuntu isnt even booting correctly. What do you mean with "it is killing pci and usb commands"?21:47
n0ydaltin, you could try removing bumblebee and use the default driver sertup and see ig it works21:48
n0ydive noticed weird issues with the gnome3 compositing21:49
altinI'd rather have an extended battery life with bumblebee than use docky :P21:49
Iceman_Bhow do I check on what device my homedir is residing?21:49
n0ydaltin, well, im guessing anything that uses compositing wont work21:49
n0ydaltin, there are other ways to get docks21:50
n0ydaltin, check out my gnome3 setup, http://oi44.tinypic.com/eqch12.jpg and http://oi40.tinypic.com/fk1kz7.jpg and http://oi40.tinypic.com/dpaemh.jpg21:50
n0ydIMHO, gnomke3 stock is quite horrid, but its excellent once configured with the right stuff like extensions etc21:50
phillyjcan someone help me set up an HP printer through my wi-fi router? no idea how to begin21:51
n0ydphillyj, with my HP printer via wifi, I just go to add printers21:51
dawne_pI've got this "no button" acer v5-571 laptop.  Has anyone ever successfully swapped out one of these for a regular trackpad with buttons?21:51
n0ydAnd tell it to search for network printers. Works mint21:51
=== hispeed is now known as secret_ninja
n0yddawne_p, this wouldnt be a good channel to get an answer. try ##hardware21:52
n0ydor is it, #hardware I forget :P21:52
nizordifferentiation and integration maths software pls?21:52
n0ydnizor, gnuplot?21:52
secret_ninjaim getting ready to install something from source, and it lists several dependencies that it says i should check for..21:52
secret_ninjahow do i list installed pkgs?21:53
phillyjn0yd: umm, I don't even know how to find out my printer ip...it asks for that21:53
n0ydphillyj, it doesnt find it automaticaLLY?21:53
n0ydit does for me21:53
bekksphillyj: Print a test page from the printers menu, e.g.21:53
phillyjn0yd: i connected the printer to the usb port on my belkin router (cheap router)21:54
n0ydwhen you hit add printers, there is a little spinning icon, that means its searching for printers on your network21:54
n0ydphillyj, I have one setup the sameway21:54
bekksphillyj: You have to configure a static IP on the printer, first.21:54
n0ydbekks, its wont use an ip if its usb21:54
n0ydthe router acts as the print server21:55
n0ydso you would use the routers ip21:55
n0ydI have one setup that way, and one setup via wifi to the router21:55
dawne_pn0yd, my related question (had to get my kid grape juice first) was whether or not anyone else had trouble with these things.  The pointer moves when I click (to drag something) so that I miss what I was aiming for.21:55
n0yddawne_p, my friend has the same issue with a nvidia card using a composited dock in gnome321:56
n0ydthe pointer is off21:56
djbengan_Stuf that makes me lol part 121:56
djbengan_xorg always breaks21:56
djbengan_it's a fact21:56
n0ydxorg is based on very old tech21:56
djbengan_and you cant fixit witouth reinstall21:57
n0ydnot surprising21:57
bekksdjbengan_: Why does it break?21:57
cjbirkI have a question: I currently have an nVidia card on my media center running ubuntu, if i switch to a radeon/ati card - what do I need to do so that nothing breaks?21:57
n0ydumm, you can fix anything without reinstalling, if you know what you are doing21:57
dawne_pn0yd, it looks ok, but when I touch to click it I see the pointer move.21:57
djbengan_the oh so annoying no screens found errror.21:57
bekksdjbengan_: Then your driver installation for your graphics card went wrong. Fixable without reinstallation.21:57
Jack_DanieL`shey girl's21:57
n0yddawne_p, ya, my friend had that same issue. But he is legaly blind, so I thought maybe it was because he was using the magnifying thing21:57
djbengan_and, the -configure switch is not working21:58
n0ydBut if you have the same issue, no idea21:58
n0ydAnything is fixablew without reinstalling pretty much21:58
n0ydAt most you have to use a bootcd21:58
bekkscjbirk: Uninstall the old driver, switch hw, install the new driver. I'd go with nvidia, personally.21:58
n0ydchroot is a godsend21:58
bekksdjbengan_: Its isnt needed, basically.21:58
djbengan_bekks: i cant fix my drivers bcus that laptop got no internet.21:58
n0ydyou can download the drivers and put them on disk or usb21:59
bekksdjbengan_: Then you have to get it some internet.21:59
phillyjn0yd: do I need a special type of printer that can print through a network or will any work?21:59
cjbirkbekks: really?21:59
n0ydphillyj, Well, using them over USB to the router is probably the issue21:59
cjbirkati is no good on ubuntu?21:59
bekksphillyj: With a printserver (see wether your router provides one), every printer works fine.21:59
n0ydBecause the router has to suppor the printer22:00
n0ydbekks, not true22:00
bekkscjbirk: For me, ATI was a no-go always. Never had problems with nvidia, but heard a lot of issues with ATI.22:00
djbengan_Let me explain a bit: it's a macbook air with a broken logicboard. The usb-hub is fried.22:00
n0ydthe router must still support it. Just like if you plugged it into the computer. The router is running linux afterall22:00
secret_ninjahow do i list installed pkgs?22:01
n0ydbekks, its easier to just get a printer that supports wifi or cat5 and connect it to the router that way22:01
bekkssecret_ninja: dpkg -l22:01
n0ydThat way you dont have to worry about the router actually supporting it22:01
n0ydThat was meant for you phillyj22:01
n0ydthe last two tjhings I said22:01
n0ydsorry bekks22:01
nizormaths softwares pls22:02
n0ydnizor, youve asked a bunch of times, and even PM'd me22:02
bekksnizor: "bc"22:02
djbengan_is the packaged stored on my computer?22:02
n0ydI told you gnuplot for some stuff, and if you need other stuff, to search google22:02
DankenseNhi all, if somebody can help me, i already installed apt-get unrar, just trying to unrar a file and i have a message error : CRC failed !???22:02
n0ydor search software-center22:03
djbengan_Like, if i purge Xorg, and reinstall, can i do that without internetz?22:03
nizorn0yd just wana get plenty to try out tonight..needed for project work22:03
n0ydLinux has TONS of math applications, its one thing linux is popular for22:03
n0ydnizor, google it, seriously22:03
bekksdjbengan_: How can we know? We dont even know which Ubuntu you have, which graphics card you have, which driver you are using, nor which error message in detail you keep getting.22:03
nizordownloading kmplot, maxima and gunplot nw22:03
n0ydnizor, I googled "mathematics applications linux" lots of stuff22:03
nizorok thnks n0yd22:04
n0ydnizor, here is a great list" http://linux.about.com/library/howto/scientific_comput/blsc4.htm22:05
djbengan_Lol. So, Its ubuntu 13.04 with nauveaue-driver(i will never learn how to spell it right), i got no clue on the chip but i know the nvidia-common is dead. Im getting the no screens connected from xorg.22:06
bekksdjbengan_: Since when is nvidia-common dead?22:06
bekksdjbengan_: And which hardware do you have - which graphics card?22:07
djbengan_It's dead on the late 2011 macbook airs22:07
bekksdjbengan_: Which graphics adapter...?22:07
elisa87how can I take rodinia and rodinia_benchmarks out from this list? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5711682/ in mount?22:08
djbengan_bekks: NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics processor with 256MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory322:09
bekksdjbengan_: Then just use nvidia-updates?22:09
djbengan_bekks: Last time i tried i got "cannot configure this device" when using nvida-updates22:10
OliverJAshi'm new. what should i be using for terminal? i'm an advanced terminal user on os x, use panes etc22:10
OliverJAshalso need good support for colours22:10
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zykotick9OliverJAsh: you might want to try urxvt (aka rxvt-unicode), it's minimal, but one of the best terminal emulator going... YMMV22:12
phillyjn0yd: i think you're right; the usb indicator LED on the router doesn't turn on; probably incompatible22:12
djbengan_But, its listed on http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-275.09.07-driver.html22:12
n0ydphillyj, ya I had the same problem, and im actually running a pretty decent router, and custom firmwaew22:13
bekksdjbengan_: MAybe it wasnt, earlier.22:13
n0ydSo I ended up just using the wifi on it22:13
OliverJAshcheers zykotick922:13
n0ydphillyj, network capable printers are much easier to work with, cause you dont rely on the router on anything besides giving the printer an IP22:14
phillyjn0yd: this sucks; so there's not much unless I get a newer printer22:14
n0ydwhich it gives IP's to anything connected to it via wifi or cat5/622:14
djbengan_givin it a try22:14
n0ydphillyj, well, you could plug it in to the computer itself22:14
phillyjn0yd: that's how it was; I wanted to share with my laptops22:15
n0ydDoes your router actually support being a printserver?22:15
phillyjn0yd: well, it is one of the options; can also add a storage drive22:16
n0ydand you are saying their is an specific light for usb on the router?22:17
djbengan_tyvm bekks22:17
phillyjn0yd: but I think it might be easier to setup via their windows software; not sure how to thru ubuntu22:17
phillyjn0yd: yes, the usb drive lit up when i plugged it in22:17
n0ydif you plug it in, and go into the routers config via your web browser, does it show up there?22:18
n0ydyou are sayijng lit up, but, lit up where? On the router, or on the drive?22:18
phillyjn0yd: I don't see anything of that sort; oh, lit on the router22:18
n0ydYou know how to access your routers config right?22:18
phillyjn0yd: not sure what to look for on the router config22:18
n0ydI would look in the printer server section22:19
n0ydwhat router is it?22:19
phillyjyea...no option like that; is weird22:19
phillyjbelkil n30022:19
n0ydWhat router is this?  And when its plugged into the rouiter, does it work on the windows ones?22:19
meLonAny ideas on how to 'throttle' hdds?  I've got a PV on an external HDD, and if I read too quickly it 'crashes'.  Nothing is wrong other than the OS thinks that the HDD is capable of handling more than it can.22:19
phillyjhavent tried window, n0yd22:20
ZzyzxNeed help with adding a USB printer to Ubuntu. It's not detected using System Settings > Hardware > Printers22:20
n0ydIf it ultimately doesnt work via the router, you could always share it out via another computer. Be it windows or Linux. Both are capable22:20
phillyjn0yd: you mean printer > pc > router?22:22
n0ydOf course the computer acting as the print server has to be plugged in to print22:22
n0yderr, turned on22:22
n0ydI just read the manual for your router model, it says you have to use some stupid software on each computer in order for it ro work22:23
n0ydWhich is quite stupid, but I believe it22:23
n0ydBut in the config sectiuon of the router, is there something like USB Print and Storage Manager?  Or a similar section22:23
Neozonzanyone here use proxmox? im trying to implement a ufw firewall on my guest os but it's not working...22:24
n0ydphillyj, in case you dont have the manual, http://www.belkin.com/networking/manual/MAN_F7D7301_8820-00699_ShareMaxN300.pdf22:24
Lightzhi. is apparmor only used for applications or can i also use it to set more detailed read, write and execute rules for regular directories and text files? thanks22:25
phillyjn0yd: no such thing on the config page unless they put it under something I don't understand22:26
phillyjn0yd: waitaminute; i see something in the log22:27
phillyjn0yd: does this mean anything "Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!"22:28
n0ydIt means that is why it isnt working22:28
n0ydOr part of why22:29
n0ydphillyj, it sounds like a really common error though on those routers22:30
n0ydso it might not be why22:30
n0ydbut it appears its a common issue with people trying to print on those routers22:30
n0ydthe router uses samba to share, and it need printcap22:31
n0ydif you knew how to ssh into the router, I could show you how to remove that error22:31
n0ydbut i dont think its a critical error, from what I see22:32
sianhulois there a tool  to manage the internet connection of various devices?ile setting speed caps and the such?22:33
Anxi80Is it better to install java jdk in /etc or /usr/local ?22:33
n0ydsianhulo, thats generally done on the router22:33
n0ydusing QoS22:33
zykotick9Anxi80: i'd say /opt is most unix-like location.   don't install anything in /etc!22:34
Anxi80zykotick9, thanks for the advice but why /opt over /usr/local ?22:35
sianhulon0yd, thanks22:35
zykotick9Anxi80: you can use /usr/local is you want, but i like to leave all of /usr for the system (i'm very conservative with my boxes)22:36
w30Anxi80, I liked /usr/local when I used Slackware but you have to do a lot of env settings when you do /usr/local stuff22:36
Anxi80zykotick9, thanks22:37
Anxi80w30, I am setting up update-alternatives for /usr/bin/java22:37
Anxi80w30, that's about it22:38
w30Anxi80, like set the env=<whatever>22:38
AfteraffektHey all, I am trying to boot a live copy of Ubuntu 12.04 from my USB drive and I get this error over and over with I press F3 during the boot screen "udevd[130] : timeout: killing '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdc' [457]"22:38
DankenseNCRC failed trying to unrar a file ... can someone help me ?22:38
Anxi80w30, thanks22:39
n0ydDankenseN, sounds like a bad download22:39
n0ydIt doesnt just give the error for no reason22:39
n0ydIf you can find the MD5 or SHA sum for the file, check it22:39
w30Anxi80, you should get env errors if something can't find java in /usr/local; if so set it.22:40
w30Anxi80, I think everything not distro installed should be in /usr/local but what do I know22:41
Anxi80w30, that is what i read and is why i'm asking22:44
Anxi80w30, /usr/local seemed like a good place according to reading the output of hier in cli22:44
DankenseNthx n0yd22:46
AfteraffektAny ideas guys?22:46
brainwashAfteraffekt: remove /dev/sdc and try again22:51
Afteraffektbrainwash, remove how?22:52
brainwashunplug the device which is causing the timeout22:52
phillyjn0yd: do you think that having ddwrt on the router would make it easier to add that printer?22:53
Afteraffekti thought i did, but when i did that now it says /dev/sda22:53
brainwashso it was the wrong one22:53
Afteraffektbrainwash, the only other one is the usb drive i am booting from22:53
Afteraffektnow its killing sda122:55
brainwashso only the usb drive with the ubuntu image is attached?22:57
wilee-nileeAfteraffekt, In the first gui the lice session shows is a check for the medium.22:58
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wilee-nileeAfteraffekt, check the iso on the usb with it.22:59
Afteraffektseems Yumi has taken those options from me23:00
Afteraffekti can hit tab and change boot options, thats it23:00
n0ydphillyj, honestly, no.  I use custom firmware, I still couldnt get mine to work.  But if you wanna try, go ahead23:01
n0ydi actually prefer something based on tomatousb23:01
wilee-nilee!md5sum | Afteraffekt23:01
ubottuAfteraffekt: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:01
Afteraffektn0yd, that directed to me/23:02
phillyjn0yd: alright, so it's more of a hardware incompatibilty; guess i'll put this on hold23:02
n0ydAfteraffekt, no23:02
n0ydphillyj, like I said u caalways share it out with windows or linux23:02
Afteraffektwilee-nilee, if this is all you guys can think of then its probably a bad rip (I first pulled the iso off a disk, then put it to disk drive with yumi23:03
n0ydphillyj, looks like only dd-wrt micro ll run on your router. Cause you onyl have 2MB of flash compared to pother routers 32MB or more.23:03
wilee-nileeAfteraffekt, Where would you start with a iso that does not load,?23:03
n0ydI dont think dd-wrt micro even has USB support built in23:03
Afteraffektwilee-nilee, i assume you meant why, and why is because i had no way to test. this laptop im trying to fix has no disk drive23:04
withn352anyone got any experience with setting up printers in linux via bonjour?23:06
phillyjn0yd: hmm, i read otherwise when i was flashing a few months ago; well, wasted my time today23:06
Quix86Is there software like "PHC" that can be used for undervolting a pentium M cpu that is supported on 13.04?23:07
phillyjn0yd: thx for al the help23:07
Quix86I asked this before and was suggested TLP, but this requires PHC to undervolt the processor23:07
daftykinsQuix86: doesn't it support speedstep to scale automatically?23:07
n0ydphillyj, no problem. if dd-wrt micro does support usb out of the box, I doubt it does printing (ie no cups or samba_23:07
Quix86daftykins, yes, but only at the default voltage range23:07
Quix86I want to use voltages below the default range23:08
n0ydBecause its micro, your router doesnt have enough flash memory to run the full dd-wrt versons23:08
n0ydQuix86, phc will work on ubuntu, you just need a PHC capable kernel23:09
n0ydThe stock kernel doesnt support undervoling afaik23:09
Quix86n0yd, I'm looking at the PPA page and it says that the latest supported version of the distro is 12.0423:09
Quix86this ppa includes the kernel patch, if I'm not mistaken23:10
n0ydthe version suported in the ppa doesnt matter23:10
n0ydits just a kernel23:10
n0ydBut youy are right, its an old kernel23:10
Quix86yes 13.04 is on 3.5 or so23:10
Quix86latest is 3.223:10
n0ydright, .04 is on 3.823:11
Quix86is it? I thought mine was on 3.523:11
Quix86oh wait23:11
Quix86I'm thinking of 12.1023:11
n0ydbut a 3.2 kernel shouldnt hurt. But really the best way would to be compile your own kernel with the patches built in23:11
Quix86which I thought is what the PPA would do, or at least it would do it the easy way23:12
n0ydthats installing a pre-built kernel23:12
n0ydcompiling one yourself would get you the latest kernel23:13
Quix86so what kind of trouble do I have to go through to patch this myself23:13
Ari-Yangyou're installing a kernel from a ppa?23:13
Quix86would be if it was up to date23:13
Quix86which it's not23:13
Ari-YangQuix86, I think it might actually better to build it yourself23:13
Quix86which is the conclusion we've come to23:14
Ari-Yangwhat ubuntu version are you on? j/w (just wondering)23:14
Quix86that said I'll have to do a fresh install when my CF adapter comes in anyway and it'd make more sense to install 12.04 on that and do it the easy way but alas, it's not in yet23:14
Ari-YangQuix86, so you want to install kernel 3.9 on 13.04?23:15
n0ydQuix86, compiling the kernel is really easy23:15
n0ydAri-Yang, he doesnt care about the version really23:15
Quix86Ari-Yang, I think it's on 3.8... I'm not sure. And yes, I don't care about the version23:15
n0ydHe just wants a kernel with ther PHC patch23:15
n0ydQuix86, 3.9 wporks fine on 13.0423:15
n0ydBut 3.8 is whats stock23:16
n0ydBut like I said, a 3.2 _should_ work also23:16
Quix86I think I did 3.6 on 12.10 once and it just broke things23:16
Ari-Yangtbh I'm tempted to compile kernel 3.9 on my laptop (this has ubuntu 12.10 installed)23:16
OliverJAshif i'm going to install a shell script or binary and i want it in my $PATH, where would you recommend storing it? there are many bins…23:16
Quix86lets assume 3.823:16
Quix86since that's what's on it23:16
n0ydQuix86, you can use ubuntus config for the kernel so you dont have to configure by hand if you dont know how, then just download the patch and patch it23:16
OliverJAsh~/bin perhaps?23:17
n0ydQuix86, any custom kernel will "break things" if you dont know what you are doing23:17
Quix86I never know what I'm doing23:17
n0ydYou will have to install the linux-firmware and linux-firmware-nonfree packages23:17
Quix863.6 worked for the most part but my hotswap drive wouldn't work23:17
rypervencheQuix86: That's why it's best to use your current .config and then make the changes you need.23:18
n0ydAnd posibly have to install the nvidia or radeon drivers from their site23:18
Quix86I'm on intel master race graphics23:18
n0ydAs you might have to compile the drivers against the custom kernel23:18
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juniourhi ubuntu geeks :)23:18
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Quix86hi 8823:18
n0ydOk, well intel video isnt an issue. Yiou will still want those firmware packages though23:18
n0ydFor things like intel wifi and such23:18
n0ydIt really isnt very hard23:19
juniourhi i have a usb that is procted with windows bitlocker, i have password , but when i inset i won't get any prompt to enter password plz help23:19
n0ydchunkymonkey, please dont IRC as root...23:19
chunkymonkeyim on a chromebook23:19
n0ydyou didnt create another user?23:20
chunkymonkeyactually why im here23:20
n0ydfrom the shell23:20
chunkymonkeyAnyone have experience with chromebooks running ubuntu?23:20
Quix86where is the patch I need exactly? I've found something that just says "kernel 2.6.33 and up"23:21
juniourchunkymonkey chromebook s...ks23:21
n0ydchunkymonkey, are you trying to install ubuntu? there are guides for running it on the chromebvook all over. It even uses the chromebooks kernel23:21
juniourhi i have a usb that is procted with windows bitlocker, i have password , but when i inset i won't get any prompt to enter password plz help23:21
n0ydQuix86, http://www.linux-phc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=223:22
n0ydeverything is on their forums23:22
n0ydhowtos, etc23:22
Quix86that's the same page I was on23:22
n0ydjuniour, im pretty sure bitlocker does not work on linux23:22
n0ydQuix86, the download is right there23:22
Quix86and I asked 'it said 2.6.33 and up'23:22
n0ydIt says attachment, under 0.4.423:22
Quix86that's a bit older than 3.823:22
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n0ydQuix86, right that means you need a 2.6.33 kernel or up23:23
n0ydwhats the problem?23:23
juniourn0dy how can i read my data23:23
n0ydIts just a requiurement, like Windows 98 and up23:23
Quix86I'm from the windows world, compatibility isn't always how it sounds23:23
juniouri think its a big loop hole of linux23:23
Quix8698 and up usually means 'if you are running 7x64 then have fun'23:23
n0ydjuniour, use windows. Or stop using propietary exncryption23:23
Quix86maybe he can run the bitlocker program in wine?23:24
n0ydjuniour, next tijme encrypot your data using a method that isnt propietaru23:24
n0ydIts not Linux's fault that it cant read a closer sourced encryption mechanism made by MS23:24
n0ydMac can't either. Or any other OS23:24
n0ydNext time use truecrypt23:24
rypervencheLUKS <323:24
n0ydIts cross platform23:24
Ari-Yangjuniour, try using WINE or a VM (virtual machine)23:25
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:25
Quix86The guide says I may need a cup of coffee to install linux-phc. I don't have any coffee. :(23:25
Quix86how did that get unblocked23:25
n0ydAri-Yang, wine is not gonna do anything with bitlocker23:25
n0ydThough a VM would work for reading bitlocker23:25
n0ydYou need the full OS, not just a simple program in wine23:26
Quix86yeah a VM is a bit of a chunky way to go about it but it should work23:26
n0ydI would just stop using bitlocker :P23:26
n0ydAnd use truecrypt or luks23:26
n0ydLKUKS is more for whole drive encryption though, and doesnt work on other platforms23:26
jakempwhen I am in a directory, pre-13.04 It would go to that file in the directory. Now it does a more complex search, which is really slow. How do I disable this?23:26
jakempin the graphical file manager23:26
n0ydim not sure what you mean23:27
juniourn0yd truecrypt is not good23:27
n0ydjuniour, lol23:27
n0ydwhys that?23:27
Iceman_Bis there any reason, other than physical hdd failure why filesystem might get set to read-only mode when running?23:28
juniourn0yd it create virtual disk, and any one can delete that and ,all data gone lol23:28
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n0ydjuniour, http://www.truecrypt.org/docs/?s=hidden-volume-protection23:29
n0ydnot very hard to protect23:29
jakemplike, I click files, and a window opens with /home/jakemp displayed. It used to be that if I started typing myCodeDirectory, it would select the directory as soon as it was unique, and I could hit enter. Now it stops and searches my whole home directory or hard drive.23:29
n0ydAnd its a far superior option to bitlocker23:29
n0ydWhich is propietary crap imho23:29
n0ydjakemp, I dont use Unity, so I dont know. But it sounds like one of the "lens" for unity, or whatever they call that23:30
n0ydHopefully someone else will chime in23:30
juniourn0yd heee lol i think it can be deleted using live os or something23:30
jakempIt doesn't open the lense menu. It's entirely in the application23:30
n0ydjuniour, it cant if you just follow the directions23:30
jakempis there a way to open a file when I don't know the name of the application that opens it?23:31
jakemplike a pdf, when I don't know the name of my pdf reader23:31
rypervenchejuniour: Anyone can erase the partition scheme on it and thus delete the data as well.23:31
n0ydjakemp, ok, so if you open nautlius, and in the location bar, you type /home/jakemp, it oesnt go there?23:31
zykotick9jakemp: try "xdg-open foo"23:31
juniourthen wt is the best way to protect data23:32
n0ydyou are saying what you type in the location bar in nautilus, its searching for? rather than just navigating to?23:32
mdhI'm running samba in share mode, how could I set which user samba is using to read and write files on the share?23:32
jakempn0yd, I do, but if I just start typing after set focus to the main document window, it starts what used to be a search, instead of the old autocomplete/select23:32
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rypervenchejuniour: I would personally say LUKS or Truecrypt.23:33
n0ydjuniour, if someone has physicval access the drive, there is always a way delete it.  Encryption just stops people from accessing the data, i doesnt stop from people from deleting it23:33
rypervenchejuniour: You should always have backups.23:33
n0ydYou gotta realize that deleting isnt the same accessing it.  I can delete your encrypted data, but I cant read it23:33
juniourhumm nice answer :)23:34
n0ydjakemp, so again, use truecrypt, and folow the instructions for protecting your hidden volume23:34
juniourthats wt cloud come in handy :)23:34
n0ydi meant juniour23:35
n0ydjuniour, also, if you enable thwe hidden volume protection, it makes it so only you can access the outter volume23:35
n0ydIts all quite clear in the link I pasted23:36
n0ydImportant: You are the only person who can mount your outer volume with the hidden volume protection enabled (since nobody else knows your hidden volume password). When an adversary asks you to mount an outer volume, you of course must not mount it with the hidden volume protection enabled. You must mount it as a normal volume (and then TrueCrypt will not show the volume type "Outer" but "Normal"). The reason is that, during the time when an outer volume is23:36
n0yd mounted with the hidden volume protection enabled, the adversary can find out that a hidden volume exists within the outer volume (he/she will be able to find it out until the volume is dismounted and possibly even some time after the computer has been powered off - see Unencrypted Data in RAM).23:36
candalguem fala portugês aqui ?23:36
n0ydcand, #ubuntu-pt23:37
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betrayd!br | cand23:39
ubottucand: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.23:39
juniourn0dy ram takes some time to fade data, from there it can be retrived :)23:39
meLonHow can I prevent USB drives from sleeping and have it persistent across boots?23:39
n0ydjuniour, apparently you still arent reading that correctly23:39
n0ydbut whatever23:39
juniourn0dy thanks nice explanation for truecrypt23:39
juniouri am going for it23:40
juniourin more deep23:40
n0ydThe fact is, ANYTHING can be deleted pretty much with physical access23:40
n0ydBut using  that protection outlined in that article, if you mount it witthe hidden volume protection disabled, it wont show the hidden volume, or even name the outter volume as "outtr"23:41
uwmeLon, UUIDs23:42
meLonI'm familiar with partitions/disks having UUIDs.  What about them in particular?23:43
meLonThe drive is mounted, but becomes idle23:43
erica_I've installed 12.10 today on my inspiron 15 (1545) laptop, it seems a bit slow, when I check syslog I can see that mtp-probe is continually trying and failing to mount /dev/sdb which I think is a card reader that I do not care about, I cannot disable mtp-probe, can anyone tell me how?23:44
qinmeLon: while [ 1 ]; do touch /media/usbdrive/nosleep; sleep 10; done23:44
Iceman_Bdoes running fsck.ext4 with the -c option save the bad blocks data to the hdd itself?23:45
Iceman_Bif not ,where does it store that info?23:45
brotherBoxHi people. Does anyone know how to get logkeys, the keylogger, running under Ubuntu 13.04? It is for a legit purpose of recording myself entering passwords. My output log is always empty and I couldnt fidn anything about it online23:45
betraydIceman_B type 'man fsck' in a terminal for an explanation of parameters23:46
Iceman_Bbetrayd: yeah I did that already23:46
betraydbut AFAIK, bad blocks, they're gone23:46
meLonThanks, qin They are actually PV's though :\23:46
brotherBoxPlease dont mistake me for a stupid kid or anything, I am struggling with getting an encrypted backup restored. I have it on another machine over ssh and can only enter one password at a time. I must have made a mistake while entering it23:47
Siecjewhy do I have .txt~ files?23:48
brotherBoxSo I apply one of the techiques explained here https://live.gnome.org/DejaDup/Help/Restore/WorstCase to get one of the archives onto my computer and decrypted etc23:48
brotherBoxSiecje, backup23:48
zykotick9Siecje: backup file from vi?23:48
brotherBoxBut when I have entered my password, I dont know what "mistake" I made that got it right. Any help how to record my keystrokes?23:48
SiecjeI use gedit23:48
brotherBoxThat does it too23:48
qinSiecje: backup from gedit23:49
Siecjebut they are tiny?23:49
Ari-YangI think you can prevent the backing up23:49
jpmhwhen I look at "connection information" it tells me my primary, secondary and tertiary DNS is,, - how do I see this info at the command line23:51
jpmhresolv.conf is NOT the answer, it just shows the primary23:51
betraydwell resolv.conf isnt really a command23:52
rypervenchejpmh: But that is the answer. You may be using a different network manager that uses some other file, I don't know what your setup is though.23:52
whizndr-hey everyone...i installed ubuntu along my windows 8 that came preloaded...grub couldnt load Win8 so i ran boot repair then it works...but when i tried to reboot back to ubuntu it see,s like Win8 wiped out grub...any ideas why?23:53
betraydWin8 doesn't know about linux, jack about grub23:53
whizndr-i get that...but i didnt do anything to make it overwrite the bootloader23:54
n0ydwhizndr-, are you using UEFI?23:54
whizndr-n0yd: i think so...it is a brand new sony vaio23:55
n0ydya thats probably the issue23:55
dr_willisso the system booted normally into linux, untill you booted into windows8 then windows 8 aparently automatically removed grub?23:55
n0ydwhen you are booting windows its rewriting the bootloader, because of the secure boot or something23:55
whizndr-yes dr_willis...23:55
n0ydI know uefi does weird stuff when windows is installed to a secure uefi23:56
dr_willismight want to ask in #windows how to disable that23:56
whizndr-n0yd, is there a fix? :/23:56
jpmhrypervenche: the problem with resolv.conf is that it is showing only the first, somehow the nm-applet knows of the seond and third, how does it do it?23:56
n0ydCan you go into the BIOS and set it to legacy mode?23:56
whizndr-secure boot is disabled...23:56
n0ydOk, but was windows installed before the secure boot was disabled?23:56
dr_williscould be some anti-virus app on windows23:56
n0ydIve seen all sorts of quirks with UEFI and the weird things windows will do23:57
n0ydAnd this was one of em23:57
whizndr-dang it lol23:58
n0ydYou are probably gonna have to reinstall windows with the secure boot disabled, also dont install windows by usb23:58
whizndr-what advantage would uefi give me?23:58
n0ydWhen you install windows 8 by usb on UEFI it automatically makes it act weird23:58
n0ydI forget the exact issue, but you should install via dvd23:59
n0ydwhizndr-, not much, obviously the secure bootloader crap.... oh and being "windows 8 certified"23:59
n0ydAll windows 8 certfied pcs come with uefi unfortunately23:59
whizndr-i have to backup my music then lol23:59

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