
OvenWerksHmm, this is less than good.... KDE with the US metas added and low latency Kernel seems to perform better.03:00
OvenWerks(than a ubuntustudio install with xfce)03:01
OvenWerkszequence: remember talking about smooth video on my old graphics card? Videos are fine on KDE and skip in US.03:15
OvenWerkssame kernel, same video, same player03:16
zequenceoh, that old error04:22
zequenceOvenWerks: We need to remove theming entirely from ubuntustudio-default-settings. It's not the place for that08:56
zequenceActually, I'm wondering about a lot of the dependencies for it08:57
zequenceWe need to revive a ubuntustudio theme package08:57
OvenWerkszequence: I am working on menu and icons first.13:13
OvenWerksAll we do in settings is to set the default theme13:14
OvenWerksseparation of packages is becoming more inportant as we work with more than one DE13:54
zequenceOvenWerks: The default theme is not someting that belongs in settings14:21
zequenceAnd, that is not what settings is for14:21
zequenceAt least it didn't use to be, as far as I can recall14:22
zequenceAh, never mind14:24
zequenceMaybe I just remember wrong14:24
zequenceIt's good that there's no conflict between the different flavors, as it seems, since they all have their own sessions14:28
zequenceIt would be nice if we could add our specific stuff to existing DE sessions without conflicting with them14:29
OvenWerkszequence: I think we are agreeing in different words :)19:54
OvenWerksA theme itself should not be in settings. A theme package should not make itself default (I don't think) maybe it could ask the installing user if they would like that.19:55
OvenWerksIf a distro wants a theme to be the default on install, I don't know where else that info would go besides settings19:56
OvenWerkszequence: Dumb question... icons that are to be installed in "hicolor" to make our menus work are not really part of the US icon theme, should they instead be put in the -menu package?21:04
OvenWerkszequence: my thought is that installing the US-menu package should give a working menu with all needed icons, desktop files and directory files21:04
OvenWerksThis also leaves Mish (or whoever) free to change the icon package without breaking anything.21:07

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