
noobestHello, anybody can help me installing ubuntu studio?04:59
westim useing ubuntu studio 13.o4 and swap is not turning on at all. I think that might be affecting playback of mp4 files just under 2gb transfered from my android. Help.08:50
zequencewest: Ubuntu Studio has reduced swappiness, but it's not turned off. Using swap makes the system very slow, which is why it should only need to be used when there's no more space in RAM08:54
westvlc only plays for a second before freezing video but not audio. cpu and mem are maxed out at this point.08:55
zequencememory is maxed out? How much RAM do you have?08:56
west874 mb09:05
zequencewest: That's a bare minimum to use for Ubuntu Studio. Not strange that you are having problems09:07
zequencewest: What kind of video file is it?09:07
zequenceAnd what sort of CPU is it? P4?09:07
westxzine play the video but the audio cuts off after a couple of seconds09:07
westAMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-3409:10
westdose that help?09:11
zequencewest: If I were you, I would try a really basic desktop environment. One of my personal favorites is awesome. Once you learn some shortcuts, it's really useful. And doesn't require much memory09:12
westit's a presario v5000 compaq. i'm pretty sure it's dual core.09:12
zequencewest: in a termina: lscpu09:13
zequence"CPU(s)" will tell you how many cores09:14
zequenceFrom what I can see, it's a single core processor09:16
westcpu(s)       109:16
westyour rights not dual core.09:16
westim looking to install this awesome.09:17
westsounds cool.09:17
cubI'd like to create my own wallpaper for Ubuntu Studio and wonder if the logo is available somewhere official?11:55
zequencecub: We have some of the artwork in a bzr branch. let me find it11:55
zequencecub: To get it, make sure bzr is installed11:56
zequenceThen, do: bzr branch lp:~ubuntustudio-art/ubuntustudio-resources/art11:56
cubexcellent, thanks11:57
zequencethe folder will be called "art"11:57
millerthegorillawhat is mode+i?12:08
millerthegorillahey, I've been having problems with pulseaudio since upgrade from 12.10 to raring (I can't remember if I used upgrade or installed from disc).  I notice that the pulseaudio daemon is being started in init as a systemwide instance and no users have been added to the pulse group or the pulseaccess group which I read can be a security risk.  Can you let me know if this is ok?12:12
millerthegorillahey, I've been having problems with pulseaudio since upgrade from 12.10 to raring (I can't remember if I used upgrade or installed from disc).  I notice that the pulseaudio daemon is being started in init as a systemwide instance and no users have been added to the pulse group or the pulseaccess group which I read can be a security risk.  Can you let me know if this is ok?12:15

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