
Atheisticsinstalling now00:24
[0gb_us]Installing what? Xubuntu?00:26
Atheisticsxubunt...trying to install flashplayer also00:26
sketch_hello all again... so id like the lil bit of compiz wobbaly windows and such can anyone tell me how to get it working?00:40
RakkoHow can I make Xubuntu put my monitor in powersave mode when idle? I seem to be using Xscreensaver (standard with xubuntu?), which is set to blank the monitor only; it does blank it, but it's not in powersave mode.00:49
[0gb_us]I had that same issue. Here's how to fix it:00:52
[0gb_us]In the xscreensaver config window, choose turn on power managing and enable the setting that says to shut off the monitor imediently when in blank-only mode.00:53
[0gb_us]It has the unfortunate side effect of forcing power management to be enabled when you choose a non-black screensaver, but if you stick with just black, it will work.00:54
Rakkooh, I must have missed that01:00
RakkoOut of curiosity, why isn't X just configured to do that?01:06
[0gb_us]It should be. And in GNOME screensaver, it is.01:06
RakkoWell I mean those are dependent on certain screensavers. I would think it would be dependent on something at a lower level.01:07
[0gb_us]I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out how to dim the screen in Xubuntu. It works fine in Ubuntu.01:07
sketch_ok so i followed this guide http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-set-up-compiz-in-xubuntu-1210-or.html and i still have nothing any ideas?01:08
[0gb_us]Sorry, I don't know anything about Compiz.01:08
sketch_anyone else??? lol01:09
sketch_compiz on xubuntu is not working and i cant figure out why i looked around and its the same process and i.ve tried 4 times01:18
[0gb_us]Does it work on other variants? Such as Ubuntu?01:19
sketch_yeah i got it01:21
ntzrmtthihu777hallo. odd issue here. while creating a symlink for ruby (it has stupidly placed .h files, lol) the resultant link is always broken, am I doing something wrong here?01:44
Rakko[0gb_us]: where does Xubuntu allow you to set whether the computer itself goes to sleep?02:02
Rakkomine seems to go to sleep after some amount of time, which is annoying when I'm trying to use it to back up02:02
RakkoI don't remember 10.x doing that02:03
[0gb_us]I think there's a way to set that in power management, but mine is set not to do that.02:03
[0gb_us]Menu > Settings > Settings Manager >  Power Manager02:04
[0gb_us]Rakko, ^02:04
[0gb_us]Yeah, no problem.02:06
Rakkonice. terminal rickroll02:07
[0gb_us]Hmm? What?02:07
Rakkontzrmtthih777's quit message02:07
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xubuntu135folks good morning05:19
xubuntu135i just installed xubuntu 12.0405:20
xubuntu135I can ping any internet address05:20
xubuntu135no loss05:20
xubuntu135but I can't install anything thru apt-get05:20
xubuntu135neither browse the internet05:20
[0gb_us]THat's really odd.05:21
xubuntu135even when i run live05:21
xubuntu135same thing happens05:21
[0gb_us]I don't know how to help with that.05:21
xubuntu135ok thanks05:22
[0gb_us]I have an odd issue where I can't ping an address that I can connect to. It's sort of the opposite problem.05:22
xubuntu135maybe i'll try the latest release05:23
xubuntu135thanks anyway05:23
xubuntu135good luck05:23
xubuntu164i need to ask06:35
ObrienDavejust ask06:35
xubuntu164how to integrate calendar with outlook and webmail as i use postfix as a mail server06:35
ObrienDaveoutlook? isn't that a windows program?06:36
[0gb_us]Yeah, my mother uses that.06:38
ObrienDavei used to, before i found Linux ;)06:39
[0gb_us]I was a Mac user before I found Linux.06:39
[0gb_us]No Outlook there either.06:39
ObrienDaveanother convert :))06:39
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[0gb_us]I've managed to convert my three siblings as well. ☺ I still haven't had any luck with our mother though. ☹06:41
ObrienDavei wouldn't even try to convert mine, my wife is bad enough LMAO06:42
[0gb_us]I only try to convert Windows people. My Mac-using brother was an accident.06:42
ObrienDavebetter late than never :D06:43
[0gb_us]Hmm. I still need to talk to some people from #gnu. Apparently, using commercial software is somehow morally wrong or something. Personally, I like a mix of open source and commercial software myself, so I want to understand what is so bad about that.06:45
ObrienDavenothing wrong with commercial software. it does, however, go against the grain of open source free software06:50
[0gb_us]The problem though is that open source software can't reliably fill some needs.06:51
[0gb_us]Anything that remains consistent can be handled by open source projects.06:52
ObrienDavetrue. but i can do 98% of what i need with open source06:52
[0gb_us]However, some things require constant and steady development.06:52
[0gb_us]I use commercial games and probably commercial drivers. The rest of my stuff is open source.06:53
koegsguys, that is an interesting topic, but could you please move over to #xubuntu-offtopic?06:53
[0gb_us]Hmm? Oh, sorry. I'll be quiet now.06:53
foobar55hi all - someone firm with harddisk -ide 2,5 fujitsu mht2040 - I lost 10MB from 40MB ??09:36
foobar55system freeze when i installed xubuntu 12.04 -  when formating hd may be after 10%09:36
foobar55partition magic from liveCD even freeze at 10% formatingi09:37
foobar55reconfigured the disk with testdisk CHS 16383,16,63 LBA 78.140.16009:37
foobar55but getgpart = dev(/dev/sdb) mss(512) chs(30517/64/32)(LBA) #s(62498816) size(30517mb) Warning: strange partition table magic 0x000009:37
foobar55Partition table holds up to 128 entries First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 62499966dmde09:37
foobar55found FAT32 32MB 0 - 62499999 ( i think primary sectors )  and (i think logical)  63 - 62499999dmde found patition 3,16MB 102887-109005 and 6,29MB 102887-115174 sectors - this are the lost 10MB09:37
foobar55i use the tools - DMDE,  gpart, testdisk to find my mistake09:37
foobar55i dont know a logical workflow to reconf this harddisk or find the failure because i tryed all normal ways09:37
foobar55I know the disk is dead, but its only for my anderstanding09:37
testpil0tHello! I am using xubuntu 12.04. Since a few days, the volume indicator always pops up, once in a while. Without doing any change on the volume level. I did not find any bug description about this (or anything)... Did anyone experience similar problems ?10:21
testpil0t... also xfce always restores my session :/10:31
Sysiyou can select to not restore session in logout popup window, delete saved one with rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions10:34
gatsu1000hey all10:45
RoxastryHello all. I have issues about window customization. I needed change titlebar color. How i can make it? Sorry of my bad English.14:14
koegsRoxastry: i think you have to edit the theme, you cannot simply change the color in settings14:15
RoxastryI need change it programmatically. I create application on Gtkmm library. I can use other library if it need.14:19
RoxastryI'm use c++.14:19
Roxastry*I use C++14:19
GridCubeRoxastry, you want to override gtk configs?14:23
RoxastryGridCube, No. This should only be used in the same application, in which I write.14:25
GridCubeso, you want your program to override global gtk?14:25
ochosiRoxastry: that is impossible with xfwm4 at the moment, as far as i know14:28
ochosiRoxastry: when it is ported to gtk3 (at some point in the distant future) and support for dark themes gets added, you can tell the app to ask for a dark theme14:29
ochosiRoxastry: the only alternative is to make your app undecorated and add window-decorations yourself (check xfce4-notes as reference, it's written in vala though afaik)14:29
RoxastryI can create my theme and use he only my application?14:30
ochosii don't know in detail how xfce4-notes does it, check the source-code ;)14:31
GridCubeRoxastry, read the link i pasted you14:31
Roxastrythanks all :)14:31
Roxastryi will try =)14:31
ochosiRoxastry: just out of curiosity, what app are you writing?14:32
Roxastryi can't say =( it's commerce=(14:33
ochosihow sad14:34
_DomY-DomIn 13.04 what is the valid path to the 16:40 < genec> well, it ONLY needs to be bastardized via CLI when you are doing an unsupported action14:54
_DomY-Domsorry wrong copy paste14:54
_DomY-DomIn 13.04, what is the valid path to the 3.8.0-22-generci kernel headers?14:55
* _DomY-Dom that's better14:55
aienaDoes anyone know if 32 bit povray runs on 64 bit architecture (runnig xubuntu 12.04 precise - 64 bit)14:58
knomeaiena, should be no problem running 32 bit stuff on 64 bit generally14:58
genii-around_DomY-Dom: All the headers get put in /usr/src/linux-headers-<KERNEL-VERSION-HERE>14:59
genii-aroundeg: /usr/src/linux-headers-3.8.0-22-generic/        ...in this case15:01
xubuntu542a chanel for cairo dock exists?15:08
aienaknome: I had to install it with no architecture support for it to work now povray renders with a translucent background but it renders either way and does its job and nothing seems broken so I'm happy15:14
_DomY-Domgenii-around: "The path "/usr/src/linux-headers-3.8.0-22-generic/" is not a valid path to the 3.8.0-22-generic kernel headers" is the output I get from the VMware tools installation, I have Xubuntu 13.04 in a VM (VMWare Fusion).15:19
xubuntu144Hi there, i'm a bit green, wel actually I'm a total green....17:56
xubuntu144anyway I just installed xubuntu 13.04 on my old laptop, everything works just fine but no internet.17:58
xubuntu144when I plug the cable i got a nice windows telling me that I'm connected, but nothing else happens. No firefox, no nothing. If I open terminal and use "ifconfig" i get as follow:18:02
xubuntu144 amarco@marco-Laptop:~$ ifconfig eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:e2:7c:97:61             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:           inet6 addr: fe80::200:e2ff:fe7c:9761/64 Scope:Link           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1           RX packets:931 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0           TX packets:1110 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0           collisio18:02
xubuntu144any idea what could be wrong?18:03
bazhangwhat about sudo dhclient eth018:03
bazhangand then ping www.google.com18:03
xubuntu144marco@marco-Laptop:~$ sudo dhclient eth0 RTNETLINK answers: File exists marco@marco-Laptop:~$ ping -c3 www.google.com ping: unknown host www.google.com18:06
Myrttihow about if you ping
xubuntu144marco@marco-Laptop:~$ ping -c5  PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.  --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 4031ms18:14
xubuntu144marco@marco-Laptop:~$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.  ^C --- ping statistics --- 105 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 103999ms18:14
koegscan you ping the gateway ip?18:15
xubuntu144mmmmmhhhhh ..... gateway ip = ??????18:16
xubuntu144sorry !!!!18:16
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xubuntu144ok, ok, I'm getting there....18:20
koegsxubuntu144: how do you connect to the internet?18:21
xubuntu144marco@marco-Laptop:~$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. ^C --- ping statistics --- 53 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 52334ms18:22
koegsso you have the ip and your default gateway is, this is definitely not working18:22
xubuntu144cable - is working fine, I'm using the same connection now on another computer router18:23
koegsplease put the output of "ifconfig -a" and "ip r s" in a nopaste18:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:23
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xubuntu144thanks 4 the tip. I'm already learning a lot!18:27
koegsso your default gateway is, please try to ping it18:27
koegsso, dhcp works, you can ping your router, but not (which is the google dns server)?18:36
xubuntu144that seems indeed the case. and I dont have a clue what to do about it18:37
xubuntu144thanks anyway.... I'll figure something out..... tomorrow    : )18:48
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jtreminioHi all! Are there any special steps to be taken to install Xubuntu on a MBP 2013 model?20:04
jtreminioer, late 2012 model I guess20:04
Sysiif you boot from CD, no20:09
Sysiyour machine will boot to xubuntu by default, you need to hold alt to get to osx20:10
jtreminioSysi: thanks for that. Any other issues? I want to install the OS via USB20:11
b3rz3rk3rDoes anyone know how to remove dead entries from the XFCE menu that don't show up in the editor?20:14
Sysijtreminio: you need to create stick with some additional steps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick20:15
Sysib3rz3rk3r: look into ~/.local/share/applications20:15
b3rz3rk3rSysi, will do, thanks!20:15
b3rz3rk3rSysi, worked perfectly, cheers! :D20:18
Sysiyou're welcome20:18
Sysijtreminio: in my experience on early '11 MBP, battery life was worse than on virtual machine20:19
xubuntu267i have encrypted my home foldder in xubuntu20:27
xubuntu267and i took some picts to a usb stick and i cant red them to window spc20:28
xubuntu267what can i do?20:28

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