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LLckfanMy modem went out (like the cable company was working on the line) and now the router will not connect to the internet. Is there some way to get it to see the internet again without reinstalling the software? (BTW I am hooked up to the modem right now)02:46
valorieLLckfan: you are connecting to IRC, and not the internet?03:39
valorieI very much doubt that software is at fault; I would try resetting the modem03:39
valorieusually you have to unplug it from the power source for a minute or so03:40
LLckfanBTW I am hooked right to the router03:40
valoriewhen I have such problems I call comcast and get them to test the connection while I'm on the phone with them03:41
LLckfanThe router works03:41
valorieit's always them, never my computer03:41
LLckfanThe modemn works03:42
LLckfanIt is the router03:42
valoriefirst you say that the router won't connect to the internet, then that it works03:42
valoriewhich is it?03:42
LLckfanIt does not connect03:43
LLckfanBut it works03:43
LLckfanThe networking works03:43
LLckfanIt will not connect to the internet03:43
fractalineanyone here has  used mint kde and care to compare?03:59
fractalinejust looking for opinions...03:59
ahoneybunI have never use the KDE version of Mint04:00
AethysiusKubuntu imo is better.04:01
AethysiusKDE with Mint is clunky, in my experience.04:01
fractalinethanks for that Aethysius ahoneybun04:04
LLckfanMy modem went out I saw them come back on (like the cable company was working on the line) and now the router will not connect to the internet. Is there some way to get it to see the internet again without reinstalling the software? (BTW I am hooked up to the modem right now)04:05
fractalinei'm obsessed with finding the 'right'  os04:05
AethysiusI really like Kubuntu.04:06
ahoneybunfractaline: I have moved from Mint, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Arch, Charka, Debian04:07
ahoneybunand I have found my spot in Kubuntu04:07
fractalineme too, but i am having some bugs.   i believe i need to clean install.   looking into a separate /home partition04:08
fractalineahoneybun, that's good to hear,  it really it04:08
AethysiusI have my boot disk on a SSD and my /home on a 2TB disk.04:08
ahoneybunAethysius: damn lol04:08
AethysiusI really didn't like Lubuntu, or Unity.04:08
AethysiusProblem is, my 2TB is split in two from when I had a Windows partition.04:09
ahoneybunAethysius: LXDE is not for me once I used KDE, Unity, GNOME shell04:09
fractalinena, unity is a bit gimmicy04:09
AethysiusI like KDE and Xfce.04:09
ahoneybunAethysius: can't you resize with K Parted?04:09
AethysiusWell, it has data on it.04:09
ahoneybunfractaline: I think it can be great it's just a lot of the features in it are in KDE already04:10
fractalinei'm doing it all on a laptop with 500gig04:10
ahoneybunI wish I could get a new one, I'm currently looking at a new phone serive04:10
fractalinewould 70 gig be enough for /home?04:11
ahoneybunfractaline: depends what you are using it for04:12
ahoneybunjust for browsing the web and text documents and a few videos and pics sure04:12
fractalinejust average home pc stuff...  music movies web04:12
ahoneybunfractaline: should be04:13
ElTimofractaline: I have 45 GB set for my /home and that's been more than enough for me.04:14
fractalinei guess i can always move bulky files (movies) if it gets full04:14
ahoneybunanyway I'm off for the day04:14
fractalinethanks alot guys i really appreciate it04:15
fractalineciao ahoneybun04:15
ahoneybunsee ya04:15
fractalinethe more i get to kknow linux the more i see how much i have to learn... lol04:16
AethysiusI don't know anything about the command line of Linux. Well, I know a small bit, but not nearly enough.04:26
fractalinewe'll get there Aethysius ;)04:29
neumannsince the last major upgrade 13.04 -- on startup, i'm getting random "an application has crashed now or in the past", and /var/crash/ is referencing ksplashqml and akonadi elements as culprits...04:33
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seeleanyone have about 30 minutes for an interview about your kde notifications? it will earn a $5 donation to the kde e.v. for your participation.12:52
ovidiu-florinseele: what about kde notifications?13:00
seeleovidiu-florin: i am doing some user interviews if you are interested. i'll be available in about 40 minutes13:01
seeleovidiu-florin: i will donate $5 to the kde e.v. for your participation13:01
ovidiu-florinseele: I'm interested13:02
seeleovidiu-florin: ok great, i'll ping you in about 40 minutes?13:03
=== nounours is now known as totoro44
totoro44Hello everybody13:19
totoro44I need your help, because i'm trying to rename files, dolphin crashes.13:21
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GH0How am I supposed to disable the KDE Wallet service for a user if one doesn't exist in the Account Details page? http://i.imgur.com/Cdqm4N6.png I don't see anything about disabling the service via cli either.13:33
MySystemhello how can i view the real grafikadapter not the output of "sudo lspci -v -s `lspci | awk '/VGA/{print $1}'`" because i think this is an error13:41
MySystemi thought it is an ati card13:41
GH0Asked in #kde, kwalletmanager needed to be installed. Not sure why it wasn't in the first place.13:42
FritigernMySystem: What is the output that you receive?13:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:47
Fritigernlspci gets the info directly from the hardware. So all i can say is that you do not seem to have an ATi card as you thought you had.13:49
MySystemok thanks fritigern, then its an nvidia nice (better driver support) , thought 9520 is an ati number for the old 95xx series13:51
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GH0What would be the best way to handle and fix this problem: http://i.imgur.com/DVbv5ig.png I saw update-mime-database but that didn't work for me, unless I just pointed it to the wrong directory.14:23
alvinIs there a way to change the background of the 'homerun' plasma widget? I want to change the opacity. The default setting is barely readable because of the translucency14:27
Akishonawhat is: Get Hot New Stuff v2 library for kde platform ?14:33
ranceI am running kubuntu 13.04 and it was running fine till a package upgrade today.  After a requested reboot, when I log in my session appears to have vanished.  No background, no status bars, just black screens.  The keyboard shortcuts I have configured do work, so its not a total loss.  I'm just not sure how to fix.  This happens for all user accounts on the box, not just one.14:58
ovidiu-florincan you go to tty1?14:58
ranceyes I can go to tty115:00
ovidiu-florinreinstall kubuntu-desktop15:01
ovidiu-florinif this does not fix, also install plasma-desktop15:05
ranceovidiu-florin: no dice15:10
ranceAfter a reinstall of both plasma-desktop and kubuntu-desktop, no changes15:11
ovidiu-florinsorry, it was kde-workspace15:13
ovidiu-florindang... I just couldn't remember it15:13
rancewell, dang.  That didn't help either15:17
ovidiu-florinweird, what have you updated?15:17
ranceI used muon to scan for updates, and it said I had 27 or so.  I updated them, and one was a new kernel.  Thats why it asked me to reboot.15:18
ranceI didn't notice anything in the list of package updates that would have raised suspicions15:19
ovidiu-florinnew version of KDE?15:19
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apacheloggerrance: less /var/log/apt/history.log15:20
apacheloggerat the very bottom you should find the most recently installed software15:20
apacheloggerwas anything removed?15:20
apacheloggeralso... if you hit alt-f2 in your "empty" session ... do you get krunner popping up at the top of the screen?15:20
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ranceyes I think it was a new version of KDE, at least I see a lot of libkde*5 packages15:22
ranceeven a lib plasma package got updated15:23
ranceapachelogger:  Yes, keyboard shortcuts work15:23
apacheloggercurious enough15:24
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:24
apacheloggerrance: open konsole then ... killall plasma-desktop; plasma-desktop --nofork15:24
apacheloggerany suspicious output?15:24
apacheloggerlordievader: ahoy15:24
lordievaderHey apachelogger, how are you?15:25
ranceok, thats the issue, plasma-desktop is not starting automatically15:27
rancemanually starting it fixes it15:28
apacheloggerrance: grep -r NoDisplay=true ~/.config/autostart/ /usr/share/autostart/ /etc/xdg/autostart/ |grep plasma-desktop15:29
apacheloggerany output?15:29
apacheloggerlordievader: my machine is being eaten by  ruby scripts ^^15:30
lordievaderIs that a good or a bad thing?15:31
apacheloggerlordievader: bad for me anyway ;)15:32
ranceIts telling me I don't have a ~/.config/autostart/ directory or file15:33
rance.config is there but there is no autostart subdir15:33
apacheloggerrance: file /usr/share/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop15:34
ranceI have that file15:35
apacheloggerthis is very odd15:35
apacheloggerrance: dpkg -S autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop15:36
apacheloggerany other package that contains the file?15:37
apachelogger(other than plasma-desktop)15:37
FritigernI'm updating right now, and i see some spam in the console saying "kbuildsycoca4(11145) KBuildServiceFactory::createEntry: Invalid Service :  "/usr/share/applications/openbox.desktop" " Wondering is that's related. I could paste one of the full messages to pastebin15:37
rancekubuntu-settings-active and kubuntu-settings-netbook both have that file and are both installed.  Not sure why I need both of those15:38
apacheloggerrance: uhm, you do not need kubuntu-settings-active15:40
apacheloggerrance: run kdebugdialog, then select everything and apply15:40
apacheloggerlogout and back in again, then in a konsole again: cp ~/.xsession-errors ~/xsession-errors15:40
FritigernRed flag in my console : kbuildsycoca4(16847)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file  "/usr/share/applications/openbox.desktop"  has Type= "XSession"  instead of "Application" or "Service"15:41
apacheloggerin your home directory is ~/xession-errors, send that to apachelogger@kubuntu.org please15:41
rancewill do15:41
apacheloggerFritigern: dpkg -S /usr/share/applications/openbox.desktop15:41
FritigernNo need to search for that, it is installed15:42
dnivraHello everyone! I'm running Ubuntu 12.04.2 and everytime I go fullscreen in VLC, the screen goes blank in 2 minutes time. I've disabled every option in energy settings and unchecked start automatically in screensaver. I also tried 'xset -dpms' which does disable dpms but then somehow dpms gets enabled. I tried looking around the internet but couldn't find out a solution. Does anyone here have any ideas how to prevent this?15:43
apacheloggerFritigern: what's the output15:43
FritigernThe output is "openbox: /usr/share/applications/openbox.desktop"15:44
apacheloggerFritigern: ubuntu-bug openbox15:44
apacheloggerplease report a bug, that file should not be in there but /usr/share/xsession/15:44
cadonigiciao a tutti15:45
ubottucadonigi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:45
Fritigernapachelogger: I just figured that this may be related to rance's problem15:47
cadonigimsg ubottu !bot15:47
apacheloggercadonigi: what are you doing exactly?15:48
cadonigi /msg ubottu !bot15:48
apacheloggerFritigern: it is not. still a bug though ;)15:48
apacheloggercadonigi: ?15:48
ranceapachelogger: email sent15:48
apacheloggeralso doesn't show what goes wrong -.-15:51
apacheloggerrance: echo $KDEDIRS and please also send /var/log/apt/history.log15:51
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Guest43818was ist hier denn los15:54
ranceapachelogger: second email sent15:54
apacheloggerrance: you are logging into plasma active not plasma desktop ^^15:55
ranceapahelogger:  In my sessions selection during login I only have one choice.  KDE Plasma Desktop  (and the always present "previous choice" selections)15:57
apacheloggerrance: sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-settings-active15:57
apacheloggerthat should fix it15:57
ranceThat did it, thanks for the help16:00
apacheloggerrance: bug 1185503 FWIW16:00
ubottubug 1185503 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "active applies to -desktop sessions" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118550316:00
apacheloggerthanks for the logs16:00
ranceYW, thanks for the help and doing the bug report for me, but since you did it, its already triaged, so that will save some time in the future.16:02
apacheloggeralso already on our todo list for 13.10, pretty grave issue that one is16:03
dnivraSo does anyone have any ideas about the issue I'm facing -screen goes blank every two minutes when watching full screen in VLC; Kubuntu 12.04?16:06
apacheloggerdnivra: does it happen with dragon?16:07
dnivraapachelogger: haven't checked actually. I will check now.16:09
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dnivraapachelogger: just curious - are you asking because it might be a VLC issue? I did disable screensaver and inhibit power management daemon from VLC - can't think of other ways of fixing from within it..16:10
apacheloggerdnivra: well, if it works with dragon it's probably some problem with how vlc inhibits power saving16:14
apacheloggeralso I gotta run, so in case it works with dragon #videolan might be able to help16:14
dnivraapachelogger: I guess there are no issues with dragon player - ran for about 3 mins or so. Guess I'll drop by #videolan. Thanks for your help!16:15
dnivraapachelogger: I dropped by #videolan. Looks like it's something broken with 2.0 series. Guess the devs are aware of it.16:27
dnivrathought I'd let you know too16:27
dnivraAnd apparently it's fixed in 2.1.16:28
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lordievaderHey Guest108819:07
Guest1088hello sir19:08
lordievaderGuest1088: How are you?19:08
BluesKajGuest1088, do you have a support question?19:15
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Dry_LipsHi guys, is there any good alternative to Dolphin?19:34
tekkbuzzDry_Lips: Konqueror19:35
Dry_Lipstekkbuzz: Ok, thanks, but Konqueror is a web browser too, right? Aren't there other lightweight Qt file managers?19:43
tekkbuzzlots of them in the repos.19:44
tekkbuzzbut I prefer Konqueror over any of them.19:44
tekkbuzztry this on the command line:   konqueror --profile filemanagement19:46
soeerunning live CD is it possible to resize partition ?19:46
yofelsoee: regarding wubi, do you need the same system? Otherwise it would be easier to re-install on a seperate partition and copy the data you need over later19:46
yofelor make a backup first19:46
soeeyofel, i do not want to do anything with current system19:47
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yofelthen you can just reinstall it no? Ubiquity can resize the windows partition to make space for kubuntu19:47
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dapo87hi every one19:48
Dry_Lipstekkbuzz: thanks :)19:49
soeeyofel, reinstall ? i want windows + kubuntu stay as they are. using the free space on my lap partition i want to create new empty partition19:50
yofelsoee: I meant reinstalling kubuntu. If you want to do the partitioning yourself, you can select manual partitioning in the installer19:50
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yofelsoee: nevermind, I misunderstood19:51
soeeyofel, i dont want to go installer etc :) just use some app like partition manager from live CD to resize current partition and from free space create new one19:52
yofelsoee: is kubuntu installed on an actually real partition currently?19:52
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soeeyofel, dont think so, atm i see only 2 partitions in partition managwer, the one with systems and backup19:53
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yofelsoee: the windows partition manager?19:54
soeeKDE Partition Manager19:55
yofelcan you please pastebin the 'mount' output?19:56
yofeljust so I can make sure that my wubi assumptions are actually correct19:56
soeeyofel, http://paste.kde.org/753242/19:57
yofelok, as expected. The live disk won't help there as you'll need to increase the size of the file that's bound to /dev/loop019:59
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yofelsoee: actually, the live disk is still needed as it has to be unmounted as lordievader said. But what you need to do is boot the live disk, mount the NTFS partition, increase the size of the sparse file and then you can resize the FS to the new file size20:04
soeeyofel, spare file - the one wubi created ?20:05
yofelsoee: this looks reasonable: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sparse_file#Resizing_the_sparse_file20:05
yofelsoee: yeah, the file that wubi installed kubuntu into20:05
soeeyofel, but do i really need this?20:06
soeeif i want new partition that has nothing to do with this wubi file ?20:06
yofelI forgot what the filename and location are, but fstab or google might tell20:06
yofelsoee: well... I don't know whether wubi can handle real partitions. But what *might* work is:20:07
yofelcreate the partition you want, dd the file contents into the new partition, resize the FS that's now in the partition, fix fstab, install grub and you should be able to dual-boot kubuntu and windows without wubi20:08
BluesKajI'm surprised how well W7 runs in VB, once set up properly with guest additions.20:08
soeeyofel, ok thank you for your help i try to work it out20:09
fractalinegood morning people20:28
Guest56615good afternoon creatures20:31
n72567my x closes after login and i get back to login20:32
BluesKajn72567, can you get to a tty prompt ?, ctl+alt+F1  to F620:35
BluesKajif so then run sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade20:37
BluesKajand which graphics do you have ?20:37
n72567thats not important as i said other new users can ligin to x20:38
BluesKajn72567, where did you say that , I don't see it20:40
n72567sry u r right20:41
n72567i can login with a new user credential but not with my own20:41
BluesKajoh over in ubuntu maybe20:41
BluesKajnot real well versed in users and permissions  ...I'm the only user on this pc20:43
yofeln72567: could you pastebin ~/.xsession-errors from the user that's broken?20:45
n72567just a secl20:45
n72567             ;thank you so mush20:49
n72567i found the error20:49
yofelwhat was it?20:49
n72567it was because of monkeysphere software i had installed20:49
yofelhow would that crash X at login o.O?20:50
n72567it didnt crash x as i said20:50
n72567it just closes it and goes back to logn page20:50
yofelaaah ^^20:50
n72567     i dont know why it does that but it does20:51
n72567  again thank you yofel20:51
n72567bye bye20:51
fractalinehi, i've got the strangest issue with kwin/plasma.    i did kwin --replace to see if i could get some screen edge settings to stick. after, one of two virtual desktops has reverted to ubuntu/gnome (not unity as there is no unity panel).  eg when i'm on desktop one, my widgets are gone, it's showing the wallpaper that i last set on ubuntu, and right clicking on emty desktop gives me ubuntu right click menu (new folder etc.21:50
fractaline.)  i can still access my plasma panels so long as the right click menu is not up. i can use keyboard shortcuts to get back to desktop2 and all is well (kubuntu) ... here is a snapshot of the desktop with ubuntu folders and plasma panel. http://i.imgur.com/nCGzhLn.jpg?1     i'm sure a reboot or even logout would fix it for now but it happened yesterday as well.21:50
fractalineguess it's time for a clean install,  i'd  like to know if i used a backup of /home as it is, could this "bug" be introduced to the new installation?21:54
fractalinei hope that made some sense...   difficult to explain21:57
valoriefractaline: you might take your backup of home and rename the ~/.kde or ~/.kde4 folder before reinstalling22:54
valoriethen if you are missing settings you can copy just those back22:55
valorieone way to check if that will help is to log in with a new user22:55
valoriebut rather than reinstalling, just renaming that folder will probably be the best step22:56
valorieoops, this is #kubuntu, so it is ~/.kde22:56
valoriefirst check with a new user though22:56
fractalinevalorie,  ty...   so are the kwin/plamsa settings in.kde?23:01
fractalinemeaning if i backedup .kde only and copied it back to the new home would that give me those settings?23:02
valorieplease try with a new user, fractaline23:04
valoriethat will tell you for sure whether or not this advice will help23:04
fractalineor you mean that if i rename .kde then it will be regenerated without the "bug"?23:05
fractalinei will23:05
valorieyour messed up settings are presumably in ~/.kde23:05
valorieif they are not, then this won't help23:05
valorieso a test first is necessary23:05
fractalineok so log in as guest and try to reproduce the bug?23:06
fractalinethanks so much for responding!23:07
valoriefractaline: exactly23:11
valoriebecause guest will have a pristine ~/.kde23:11
fractalinegreat.   thanks so much!   brb23:12
fractalinevalorie,  seems like it is in .kde.... i don't have the bug as a guest23:29
fractalinebut it's easily reproduced when i log back in...23:30
fractalinei think it has to do with cairo dock...  i uninstalled with software center but it is still showing up in other places, eg as a login option.23:31
fractalinei'm tempted to remove anything cairo in muon package manager  but i'm not sure if i need some of it...23:33
fractalineyou see i installed kubuntu over ubuntu and removed ubuntu-desktop (which lingered in the login menu until just now)23:35
fractalineso i'm not sure where the issue came from, and whether i should do a clean install to be rid of any "extra" stuff that may not be playing nicely with kubuntu23:36
valorieyeah, my luck has been chancey with installing kubuntu over ubuntu23:40
valoriebut really, just renaming your ~/.kde folder (while logged out) will do the trick then23:41
valorietry that first, and then you can just copy back what you want23:41
valorieif that isn't good enough, you always have the option of a clean install23:41
valorieesp. with a fresh backup of home already done23:42
valoriebackups are *always* good23:42
fractalinebut how do i know which settings are the trouble in .kde?23:42
valorieif you log out and rename ~/.kde23:43
valoriewhen you log back in you'll have a clean one23:43
valoriethen if you are missing some settings you can copy them back in23:43
valorieotherwise, if everything is fine, you're done23:43
valoriethat's why it's good to rename rather than erase23:44
valorieyou always have a fallback23:44
fractalineya, a good practice23:44
fractalinecould cairo have caused this do you think?23:45
valorieno idea; I've never used cairo23:47
fractalinealso will i need to give guest any permissions to rename .kde?23:48
fractalineor just open dolphin in konsole with sudokde?23:49
fractalinevalorie,  would that be the correct command?  sudokde dolphin   ??23:53
valorieno, you need to be logged out of KDE23:53
fractalinefrom where will i rename?23:54
valorieso log out and use control+ alt+ f2, log in as yourself, then cp ~/.kde ~/.kde-old23:55
valoriethen control alt f6 or so to get back to login screen, and login again23:55
fractalinethat's tty right?23:56
valoriewhen I say control alt f6 or so, you can try this out now and see which it is23:56
valoriewithout logging out23:56
valorieyes, tty23:56
valoriewhat works for me is f2 and f6, but it might be a bit different for you23:56
fractalinei'll check now23:57
fractalinef7 for me23:57
valoriecool, so now you know that23:58
fractalineok, brb   thanks so, so much for your help23:58
valoriehave fun!23:58

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