
fowlhi Synaptic keeps freezing01:09
fowlon 13.0401:09
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hpuser4466is there a 64bit iso available for the lenovo thinkpad t60?02:21
hpuser4466I can see an AMD64 image, but no intel x86_64 image02:22
n-iCehi hpuser446602:23
n-iCe32bits you mean?02:23
hpuser4466ps: T60 has intel core2duo02:23
hpuser4466i need 64bit iso02:23
n-iCeAMD64 is what you want.02:23
hpuser4466ok thanks.02:24
n-iCeNo problem, got the .iso link?02:24
hpuser4466Problem with WiFi not working in lubuntu.  Chipset:  Intel 3945ABG08:58
hpuser4466harware switch is ON.   "rfkill list" says nothing is blocked.08:59
hpuser4466Sorry.  Problem solved.  I had to enable WiFi on my router first.09:02
hpuser4466Lubuntu working fine :- )09:02
lesshasteis 1.3GHz + 3 GB ok for lubuntu?12:51
linuxdumbis that a p3, p4 or what12:54
lesshastelinuxdumb, if you use my nick I will see your messages13:00
lesshasteit is an intel penryn if that helps13:01
lesshastepenryn su410013:01
lesshasteto be precise13:01
linuxdumbpentium what though, there are tons of version, p3, p4 etc....13:01
lesshastecan you tell from that?13:02
linuxdumbok, that's some strange linux designation13:02
lesshasteno it's windows :)13:02
lesshastesee the sentence under "Intel Pentium su4100"13:02
lesshasteI don't know what it means by 2 cores to be honest13:03
lesshastehmm. maybe it really does have 2 cores?13:04
linuxdumbok, sorry never heard of this type of pentium, assume it must be newer than p4 in which case you should be fine, especially as it looks like it is dual core13:04
linuxdumbI am running lubuntu right now on old laptop, p4 1.8Ghz, 1Gb ram, runs very well13:06
lesshastelinuxdumb, it's old!13:06
lesshaste2009 I think13:07
lesshastebut I don't know when the p4 was13:07
linuxdumbmine is 200513:07
lesshasteah ok :)13:07
linuxdumbso you will do it easy13:07
linuxdumbthere will be a more common name for your cpu than su410013:08
lesshasteIntel Pentium Dual Core ?13:09
lesshastethe full name seems to be Intel Pentium Dual Core SU410013:10
JuJuBeeI have a computer with sempron 3200+ and 256MB ram  Should I use lubuntu or xubuntu?  Which has less system requirements and will respond better?13:25
linuxdumbwith only that much ram you should go with lubuntu13:34
linuxdumbi am behind the times these days on cpu's13:35
lesshasteJuJuBee, 256 is tough13:35
lesshasteJuJuBee, can you get any more in there?13:35
lesshasteJuJuBee, that's really a small amount for even a vaguely modern setup13:36
linuxdumbyeah you will not be able to do much with that little ram, you will be lucky if you can view 1 webpage before running out of ram13:42
linuxdumbwith just this chat program open and 1 other program that uses 35Mb I can open universe today website in chrome and hit total memory used of exactly 256Mb13:47
JuJuBeeI can probably find more ram13:47
linuxdumb166Mb when i close chrome13:48
JuJuBeei see the lubuntu installer is having a tough time.... from live cd13:48
linuxdumbhdd swap file thrashing?13:49
JuJuBeeNot sure at the moment...13:50
linuxdumbapart from the memory it should run good on the computer, speed wise13:50
JuJuBeeI think I need to find more ram13:51
linuxdumbweb browsing really chews it up13:51
JuJuBeefound 512 pc2100 and 2x256 pc2100  installed it and retrying the installer14:04
JuJuBeeHangs on the screen with enoguh space and connecte to internet etc....  Gonna re-download the installer14:11
JuJuBeewhat is a good gui tool to write iso to usb stick?14:17
holsteinJuJuBee: "good" is a matter of opinion.. but i use unetbootin14:33
JuJuBeeholstein: thanks, I will look into that.15:30
MonkWitDaFunkJujubee, you can always have a cd or dvd installation disk to keep handy. I would burn using the current operating system you are using16:20
RarrikinsAre there any install CDs with only lubuntu-core and very minimal other packages but not lubuntu-desktop?17:19
genii-aroundRarrikins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall#Full_install_or_core_install.3F17:22
RarrikinsOh, thanks :)17:24
genii-aroundYer welcome17:25
phillwho n-iCe :)22:27

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