
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
pittiGood morning03:32
olli_wow pitti that is early04:13
pittihey olli_04:23
Mirvpowerpc build failure chain..05:29
didrocksMirv: yeah, mind looking at it? sil2100 couldn't figure out where the race was05:32
didrocksas the -dev is arch:any, not arch:all05:32
Mirvthere's no sensible packaging explanation at least, the .29 looks correct inside the packages, and because of arch:any they can't be published at a different time. Packages file is correct. possibly a caching problem of some sort at the builder.05:59
didrocksMirv: it happens quite often06:02
didrocksMirv: so I think the issue is in the dep of this -dev which is arch:any06:02
pittibonjour didrocks, hey Mirv06:02
didrocksMirv: would be useful to experiment and have a deeper look there06:03
didrockshey pitti!06:03
* didrocks hopes we can finally put otto in production today :)06:03
pittididrocks: ooh!06:03
Mirvdidrocks: the dep in the -dev package is correct, opening up the .deb and looking at DEBIAN/06:04
Mirvhey pitti06:04
didrocksMirv: I mean the dep of the -dev packages from the build-deps06:05
didrocksMirv: I think it's a second-level third-level things which is blocking06:05
Mirvdidrocks: right..06:07
Mirvwith unity-lens-music the only possible interlocked deps would be between libunity and dee, but not seeing a problem (enough >=, not "=" in deps) and no visible third level daily-build-next build dependencies. still, it must be something like that which causes apt to act up.06:25
Mirvthe failures all happened around the exact same time (1h ago) as the 13.05.29 of libunity got published06:30
didrockshum, interesting06:33
didrocksMirv: did you get any feedback from QA on your credentials?07:17
seb128hey desktopers07:19
didrockshey seb12807:20
seb128lut didrocks07:20
Mirvdidrocks: yes, I've the additional rights now, although I haven't used them yet07:20
didrocksMirv: seeing your stacks, I guess it's time to use them, right? :)07:21
didrocksMirv: seems a UTAH issue as only failing on one config, isn't it?07:21
Mirvdidrocks: yes, exactly, time to try out. I checked it the first thing in the morning but it was actually before this day's run.07:22
didrocksMirv: we can move up the time if needed07:22
didrocksMirv: just please tell me the command you are going to use first :)07:22
didrocksMirv: here, you have 2 ways of "solving" it:07:22
didrocks- either force the publication (we got the tests on one config and it was fine)07:22
didrocks- or retry to launch the tests only07:23
didrockscrossing fingers that UTAH will work07:23
Mirvdidrocks: the time is alright, I should just remember it's not yet there at 7am sharp.07:23
didrocksok :)07:23
Mirvdidrocks: so build now at the 2.2check job? (I'd have chosen to rebuild the top-most job, remembering from somewhere)07:24
didrocksMirv: you should use the command line tool07:25
Mirvdidrocks: I think I still can't publish with the command line tools, as they needed extra credentials, not just access rights added to the jenkins uid?07:25
didrocksMirv: see tha FAQ :)07:25
Mirvah, ok07:25
didrocksit will always run the right job :)07:25
sil2100Can we already use the command line tools now? ;)07:33
didrockssil2100: you should be :)07:33
didrockssil2100: do you have the cred file ready?07:34
didrockshey sil2100 ;)07:34
sil2100I mean,07:34
sil2100didrocks: I don't think so, what do I need to do to get that?07:35
didrockssil2100: you have the credential file example in cupstream2distro07:35
seb128hey sil2100 Mirv mlankhorst07:35
Mirvhey seb12807:35
didrockssil2100: you should copy it to ~/.cu2d.cred and file with name/password (used in jenkins)07:35
didrockshey mlankhorst07:35
sil2100Awesome, will do those steps now07:36
pittibonjour seb128, ça va ?07:50
seb128pitti, salut, très bien, et toi ?07:51
pittiseb128: un peu fatigue, mais je vais bien aussi, merci!07:51
pittij'attends avec impatience le long weekend07:52
Mirvsil2100: my first command worked fine here :)07:52
seb128didrocks, tomorrow is an holiday in Germany07:52
pittiyeah, and I take Friday off (swapped with May 1st from the sprint)07:52
didrocksseb128: and in Francany? :)07:52
seb128didrocks, it's one of those day I pretend to be German, of course... ;-)07:53
didrocksseb128: that's intolerable07:53
didrocksI'm shocked!07:53
seb128didrocks, alright, alright, I'm going to be there ... happy? ;-)07:54
didrocksseb128: ahah, really? :)07:54
didrocksseb128: or just looking at us hard working?07:54
didrockswith some beer at hand :)07:55
seb128didrocks, yes, we have "only 2 extra holidays", that's not one of those :p07:55
* pitti yays and welcomes seb12807:55
didrocks(and sending peanuts through the barrier)07:55
didrocksahah :)07:55
seb128didrocks, I'm going to watch people hit hard in a yellow ball on TV and pretend to be working like every other non rainy day this week :p I can spare some peanuts for you though ... ;-)07:56
* seb128 hugs didrocks07:56
* didrocks hugs seb128 back07:56
seb128do you guys have a preference between "one blueprint by system settings panel" or "one blueprints for all panels"?07:58
seb128didrocks, Laney, larsu: ^07:58
didrocksseb128: I would prefer one for all07:59
seb128that's what the indicator team did for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/indicator-backend07:59
seb128didrocks, one for all and maybe split some of they turn to require extra tracking/being verbose in details?08:00
sil2100Mirv: same here \o/08:00
seb128I was trying to avoid having an endless list of details on one spec08:00
didrocksseb128: agreed08:00
seb128didrocks, thanks for the input ;-)08:01
didrocksyw ;)08:01
didrocksMirv: sil2100: woowww! :)08:01
Laneyyeah, keeping the number down might be easier08:03
pittihey Laney, good morning08:03
seb128Laney, good morning08:04
Mirvsil2100: \o/08:05
seb128Laney, didrocks, larsu, cyphermox, I registered https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-s-system-settings-panels and started to file it out a bit, just for info08:54
Laneyis that different from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-s-touch-system-settings ?08:55
Laneymaybe that's about the container thing08:55
seb128Laney, yes, I don't want to mix too much, the one you listed is for the container and protocol08:55
seb128Laney, the new one is about specific panels08:56
didrocksseb128: thanks08:56
seb128Laney, we might even want to split out some panels at some point if that's just too verbose to list 10+ panels detailled items on one blueprint (I already wish we could do some formatting in the WI, like at least add empty spaces to separates panels)08:57
Laneyyeah, we'll see how verbose it gets when people split out their work items I guess08:57
seb128does anyone know if we have tracking by team for specific milestones on status?09:15
seb128we have09:16
seb128but no09:16
seb128ok, unping :p09:17
seb128didrocks, do you plan to move the remaining items for client-s-desktop-autolanding and client-1303-ubuntu-touch-porting to 13.06? do you want me to do it?09:18
* Laney moves his one to 13.0609:19
didrocksseb128: client-s-desktop-autolanding is cross month, so I'll just redirect the target09:19
seb128didrocks, ok, I changed the 1303-ubuntu-touch target to -13.0609:20
didrocksseb128: client-1303-ubuntu-touch-porting is yours IRIC :)09:20
didrocksyep ;)09:20
Laneybah, jbicha uploaded a borked gtranslator09:21
* Laney wondered why that had managed to migrate09:21
seb128how borked?09:21
Laneynothing another upload can't fix09:21
LaneyI already had it prepared so noticed when mine got rejected09:21
Laneyrelated - the 'sponge' tool is awesome09:23
Laneymerge-changelog ../old/debian/changelog debian/changelog | sponge debian/changelog ♥09:23
seb128didrocks, it seems like https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-2013-05-touch-landing was not showing on the tracker by lack of "series goal: saucy", I added it (just for info and reminder that we need to check that the serie is set)09:27
didrocksseb128: ah, thanks!09:28
didrocksseb128: hum, I wonder if we need to retarget it09:28
didrocksseb128: I won't do that, I'll create a new one rather09:28
didrocksand move what's not done09:28
seb128didrocks, oh, I just did09:28
didrocksbuut first, meeting this evening to ensure it's updated09:28
didrocks(obviously, it's not)09:28
seb128didrocks, I was going to put all the DONE under a -13.05 and list the remaining items under -13.0609:29
seb128wfm as well09:29
didrocksseb128: it's not refreshed, that's why I want to handle it :)09:29
seb128ok, works for me09:29
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)09:29
didrocksyw :)09:29
Laneyis there some known case where dbus-test-runner hangs consuming an entire core under sbuild?09:35
Laneytrying to build libfriends and that's happening09:35
didrocksLaney: is it stuck or still running?09:35
Laneywell there's no output09:35
didrocksso what's happening sometimes is that one of the process didn't exist09:36
Laneythe last message is acritical saying that it can't create /run/user/1000/dconf09:36
didrocks(a dbus-launch most of the time)09:36
LaneyI don't think it ran any tests at all09:36
didrocksand sbuild don't exit until all processes are exited09:36
didrocksand normally, it stucks09:36
didrocksbut your case seems different09:36
didrocksbecause this is when sbuild exit09:36
didrocksso after all package binary creation done09:36
Laneyyeah, the leftover process case - that's not this09:37
Laneylet me push it and someone else can try and see if it's me09:40
didrocksok, no rain, let's try to run :-)09:44
seb128didrocks, good luck!09:45
didrocksseb128: thanks! :)09:45
Laneyok, someone please try lp:~laney/libfriends/gtkspell3-3 and see if the testsuite works or not09:48
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seb128Laney, 1 test passed09:57
seb128builds fine on my saucy install09:57
seb128Laney, well, that's on my normal system, not in sbuild09:59
Laneyah, didn't try that09:59
Laneystill hangs - at this point I start to blame lxc :-)10:01
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xnoxIn Gtk, "text links" (aka looks like clickable URLs) are "blue" instead of "orange" color on the saucy live cd. Is that intended change, or a regression/bug ?10:32
larsuseb128: one blueprint sounds good to me. Thanks!10:42
seb128larsu, good morning, great ;-)10:42
larsuseb128: good morning :)10:42
* larsu yawns10:43
seb128larsu, 6:45 and you are already on the computer, do you try to compete with pitti on whoever wakes up first? ;-)10:44
pitti6:45? pah!10:44
larsuI don't try to compete, I just seem to be waking up earlier this week10:45
pittilarsu: must be that bright sun outside *smirk*10:45
seb128larsu, from pitti's "pah", I think you need to make some extra efforts before he even considers you as competition :p10:45
* seb128 wants spring to come10:45
seb128or summer10:45
pittiat least today I have a good reason, we are leaving early10:46
larsupitti: sadly it's raining here. Well, pouring rather :(10:46
larsuseb128: :D10:46
pittilarsu: yeah, just like Monday, today, tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday10:46
pittiyesterday was marvellous, but that was only a quick imtermezzo10:46
larsuToronto had great weather on Monday10:46
seb128we had 2 nice days10:46
seb128it's like 4 sunny days for may10:46
seb128wth weather!10:46
Laneyyesterday it rained so much before we got up that the clothes drying outside were already saturated10:47
* larsu is just happy the snow is gone10:47
Laneyso i've made the adult decision to just leave them out there for as long as it takes10:47
* Laney wears a potato sack10:47
larsuhaha, awesome10:47
ogra_does it have some pretty printing or stamp on it at least ?10:48
Laneyogra_: this is a picture i just took of myself http://www.nubbytwiglet.com/2011/potato_sack_dress_3.jpg10:49
ogra_oh, you died your hair !10:49
ogra_corresponds nicely with the new shoes10:49
Laneynothing if not fashionable, me10:50
pittile sac va bien avec tu!10:50
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* xnox core dumps glade with ubiquity again.10:53
chrisccoulsonseb128, we had some nice days at the weekend here.10:55
chrisccoulsoni got ruby a trampoline on monday, and spent all afternoon assembling it10:55
chrisccoulsonand it has rained non-stop since ;)10:55
* chrisccoulson is seriously annoyed at that10:55
Laneytell you what, I did again discuss getting a bbq on Monday and that night it started raining10:55
chrisccoulsonyeah, it started raining here just as i was finishing with the trampoline10:56
Laneywe got too complacent10:56
* mlankhorst did 32 km of biking on monday eve10:57
ogra_you are brits, aremt you supposed to like rain ?11:00
ogra_(and be happy you didnt have snow, germany did !)11:00
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Laneystockholm syndrome11:00
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seb128chrisccoulson, get the trampoline in your living room? ;-)11:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, it won't fit ;)11:11
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seb128chrisccoulson, http://m.bbc.co.uk/weather/2655603 seems you might get lucky for the w.e11:13
seb128hum, I wonder why I landed on the mobile site from google11:14
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chrisccoulsonseb128, SUN????? IT LIES!11:16
chrisccoulsoni hope it is dry. ruby really needs to get on that trampoline and burn some energy off11:16
chrisccoulsonespecially with it being half term this week (no pre-school)11:16
seb128chrisccoulson, it's a clever trick to raise your mood so you are productive at work for the end of week11:16
seb128chrisccoulson, I see, you bought the trampoline for you, the goal is to get your daugther tired enough that you get a quiet evening! :p11:18
czajkowskiso much for summer :(11:18
chrisccoulsonhah, yes, that's the plan :)11:18
chrisccoulsonczajkowski, i'm beginning to think that we might not ever see a summer again11:18
* chrisccoulson knows how to make people really depressed11:19
czajkowskiMonday was fab yesterday it rained all day long :( poor chickens looked like large drowned rats11:19
* didrocks really thinks we should declare this weather illegal and be done with it11:22
czajkowskididrocks: I agree11:24
didrockslaw is a answer for everything :)11:24
czajkowskiit's weird growing up, we al thought it was hotter  in the UK than in Ireland, so far this theory doesn't hold true since I moved here!11:24
didrocksor is it "metaclass" the right answer?11:24
didrocksahah :)11:24
asacseb128: on  saucy, gnome-terminal, go to any tab but the first, change size, click on (chromium) browser window that runs in background, gnome-terminal size flips back to what it was before11:43
seb128hum, right11:44
seb128is that new?11:44
asacyeah see this on both computers ... seems to be just related to unfocus11:44
asacnot sure... just upgraded to saucy11:44
asacsurely new compared to raring :)11:44
seb128k, I will try to figure out what upgrade broke it11:45
seb128Laney, ^ could it be vte?11:45
Laneydoubt it but i suppose it's not impossible11:45
Laney'size' meaning window geometry?11:45
Laneydoesn't reproduce for me if so11:46
asacare you in second tab in gnome-terminal? resize the window with mouse ... click outside the terminal window somewhere ... and size flips back here11:46
Laneyoh, maybe i'm on g-t 3.8 though11:46
asacodd if you don't see it :)11:46
LaneyI am :-)11:46
* Laney downgrades11:46
asacso its gt?11:47
Laneyah yes, there it is11:47
Laneyso fixed by upgrading gnome-terminal11:47
asacLaney: hmm. did gnome-terminal not yet change compared to raring?11:47
Laneyno, but vte and gtk did which could have done something11:48
Laneyanyway if you want the new one faster go and ask doko about https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69747511:48
Sweetsha1kseb128: note that I did not try to rebuild LO on armhf with the new toolchain yet, after all LO itself didnt change much. OTOH, compilers might have special needs on e.g. armhf.11:49
ubot2Gnome bug 697475 in general "New tab is not opened in same directory as previous tab" [Normal,Unconfirmed]11:49
LaneyI figure if people keep pinging him then he'll make some time to look at it :P11:49
asaci have no strong feelings about the new one :)11:49
seb128Sweetsha1k, ok11:49
asacthink this bug would be good to understand though11:49
asacmaybe it has other unpleasant effects on more important parts of desktop etc.11:49
LaneyI would say it's more likely to be a gnome-terminal bug11:50
* Laney has a look11:50
asacLaney: what is doko supposed to do there?11:52
asacLaney: so thgat means it was in raring too?11:52
Laneywe don't know how to get vte.sh sourced in non-login shells11:52
asacinteresting that i didnt notice for all that time :)11:52
asacbut is possible11:52
asacLaney: why do you need that?11:53
Laneyseems like it11:53
Laneyasac: it's required for the thing where new tabs stay in the same directory that you're currently in11:53
asacok... how was that done before?11:53
LaneyI suppose it's not a /blocker/ but people do use/like it11:53
Laneydon't know11:53
asacsure i like it :) ... its a blocker11:53
asacmaybe gnome-terminal should revert to previous approach :)11:54
asacwonder if there is really a need to innovate in that area11:54
Laneyit's a bit annoying but I don't know that it's a fight worth having11:55
asac*shrug* ... just dont understand why folks would do changes that requires something that they dont know how to do :)11:55
Laneyit works on fedora™11:56
Laney(because there they source /etc/profile.d/* for non-login shells too)11:56
asacdo we need a new terminal?11:57
asaci think it works pretty good as is11:57
Laneynot if you like backporting patches11:57
asaci think checking why they do that and why we don't would be good11:57
Laneyright, that's the doko question11:57
asacwhat type of patches would we expect?11:57
asacthat we want? beyond such one liner bugs like the commit above11:58
Laneywell, for example the new version ports from the deprecated gconf to gsettings11:58
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mitya57Laney, asac: in 3.8 gnome-terminal was split into gnome-terminal-server and gnome-terminal (client), I think this is the reason11:59
Laneyprobably some parts can't communicate any more12:00
asacwas that done to allow remote/over-the-wire terminal hacking? like screen/bip etc.?12:02
asacor just an architecture uplevel?12:02
mitya57maybe… now all processes you run (including bash) have gnome-terminal-server as a parent, not gnome-terminal12:02
mlankhorstgnome-terminal-server? does it support vt100s?12:02
mitya57this also means that if something gets wrong with gnome-terminal, processes won't be killed12:03
asacand you can reconnect?12:03
asacreally like bip12:03
mitya57I don't see anything like that in the UI12:05
* mitya57 can find only: --disable-factory: Do not register with the activation nameserver, do not re-use an active terminal12:08
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jbichaLaney: the only explanation I found for the vte.sh idea was https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-terminal/commit/?id=cf3cad8712:36
Laneyjbicha: interesting, thanks for the find12:38
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asacUnity QML in archive (Unity Next)12:59
asacthat was forecasted to happen in early jun12:59
asacis that still the forecast?12:59
asacseb128: ?12:59
asacdidrocks: ?13:00
seb128asac, didrocks probably knows better but probably not "early" in any case13:00
asacok, but 13.06 is still the goal it feels13:00
seb128asac, we have https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-s-unity8-on-desktop targetted at 13.0713:01
seb128asac, we will need to land Mir in the archive first13:01
didrocksasac: we need MIR first, and this is getting delayed13:01
didrocksasac: so need to sync up with kgunn first, and that's planned this week13:02
asacdidrocks: is he usually around on this channel>?13:03
didrocksasac: I don't think so, rather #ubuntu-unity13:03
seb128or #ubuntu-mir13:03
didrocksas well :)13:03
seb128he just left to reboot though13:03
seb128he should be back in a minute13:03
asacnot interested in the desktop :)13:03
didrocksheh :)13:04
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didrocksMirv: sil2100: cyphermox: kenvandine: reminder, team meeting today, same time than the usual one :)13:34
kenvandinedidrocks, ok13:34
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sil2100didrocks: I'll be on, although while mobile for a moment ;)14:06
attenteTrevinho, bregma, hey14:32
attentedo you know what's happening with the libunity-dev unity 7.0 mismatch?14:32
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sil2100didrocks: regading the python-evdev packaging - I uploaded some fixes now14:47
sil2100didrocks: but... we'll be actually rebasing on a new version14:47
sil2100didrocks: someone made a review of the package in debian and some upstream fixes were needed, so the developer wants to release a new upstream version with all the fixes14:48
sil2100didrocks: we will then be also changeing the source package name14:48
sil2100didrocks: since now it's evdev, but he'll release it as python-evdev (the tarball)14:48
didrockssil2100: oh, I already uploaded to ubuntu14:49
didrockssil2100: it's in NEW14:49
didrockssil2100: let me reject it14:50
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sil2100didrocks: awesome! He'll be uploading the tarball soon, so I guess the realistical date for it to get uploaded again would be tomorrow ;)14:55
sil2100But I'll prepare everything and poke you to pull the packages then!14:55
didrocksok :)14:57
* Laney holds cyphermox 15:05
Laneyeds transitions are pure pain - I now admire you for doing it before15:05
Laneyhow come evolution-indicator is PS but is also distropatched quite a lot?15:10
Mirvsil2100: sounds nice!15:21
seb128Laney, that's what happens when you can't get review from "upstream" (or when nobody wants to claim ownership)15:26
seb128Laney, I though cyphermox got most of the patches merged last cycle though?15:26
cyphermoxLaney: transition, so you mean everything outside of eds/evo right?15:27
cyphermoxlike, gnome-panel and the like?15:27
Laneyyeah all of that15:27
cyphermoxstay tuned, if we end up updating evo more than once this cycle like usual...15:27
Laneyseb128: apparently not15:27
cyphermoxwhat patches were those?15:28
cyphermoxwe ended up removing more stuff than actually patching though15:28
Laneylike porting to 3.6 and some others15:28
seb128Laney, outdated/wrong vcs?15:28
cyphermoxand I thought I actually sent those to bts :/15:28
Laneyah, https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/evolution-indicator/apply-patches/+merge/13492215:28
cyphermoxevolution-indicator is special15:28
cyphermoxthere's a bunch of stuff in trunk now15:29
cyphermoxactually, everything should be in trunk15:29
Laneydon't think so15:29
kenvandineLaney, fginther is going to update the jenkins jobs for those CI failures15:44
Laneycan I/you upload libfriends in the meantime?15:45
Laneyit's the last thing for the transition (and will make the job go manual anyway due to packaging changes?)15:45
kenvandineLaney, sure15:46
Laneykenvandine: sweet15:46
didrockscyphermox: kenvandine: sil2100: Mirv: hey guys!15:59
didrocksdelayed team meeting now! :-)15:59
sil2100here, although typong a bit slowly16:00
didrocksI hope everything's fine guys!16:00
Mirvsil2100: typoing slowly! :)16:00
didrocksok, let's try to get this done :-)16:00
didrockseveryone updated on https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dHFtUmlPOUtCRk8zR2dtaEpIbUVhMmc&pli=1#gid=0 ?16:01
sil2100yes, more or less o/16:01
MirvI decided to mark the saucy/raring 5.0.2 megaitem as done, no need to expand it forever16:01
cyphermoxtbh, nothing I can update atm; I've been only on ofono stuff16:01
didrockshehe, let's try to do more with less then! :)16:01
didrocksyeah, Mirv, nice work on Qt 5.0.216:01
didrocksI'll archive it :)16:02
didrocksso saucy is Qt-ready once we'll get the touch components in16:02
Mirvyes, it's already Qt ready, it's just not Ubuntu Touch ready.16:02
didrockssweet! \o/16:03
cyphermoxbut as soon as that's done, I'll finish making misc build on saucy rather than raring, that's long overdue16:03
didrocksspeaking about touch, so sil2100, mind updating us on it?16:03
Mirvsome snapshot modules could use an update, and Qt Creator, but mainly it just works already16:03
didrockscyphermox: there is an item on the bottom on that, we'll get to it ;)16:03
cyphermoxyup, that's what I meant ;)16:03
didrockshey kenvandine, nice to have you back ;)16:04
kenvandinenice to be back :)16:04
didrocks(back with your back :p)16:05
didrockssil2100: ?16:05
sil2100yes? ;)16:05
didrocks18:03:17      didrocks | speaking about touch, so sil2100, mind updating us on it?16:05
sil2100stupid irssi16:05
didrocksit being the touch components status :)16:05
sil2100ok, so, all was going good until the recent regression16:06
sil2100once this gets out of the way, we should be good again16:06
sil2100ill be pushing this till night today16:07
didrockssil2100: good luck!16:07
didrockslet's hope everything's will be on rails soon :)16:07
didrockssil2100: python-evdev, I should UNDO it, right?16:08
sil2100ill rerun the stack then, they said reverting works, but hope theyll fix it in a better way16:08
didrocksok :)16:08
didrocksMirv: note that sil2100 will probably rerun your stack then ^16:08
sil2100ill update the sheet once we have thanew packaging16:09
Mirvoh no, my stack!16:09
didrocksok, let's skip over next items: I guess no progress on the unity hang in tests (and we didn't have it for a long time, crossing fingers), webcreds, kenvandine is waiting on otto16:09
didrocksMirv: heh :p16:09
didrocksMirv: unity SRU!16:09
didrockswhat's up?16:09
didrocksdid you poke strongly enough? :)16:09
Mirvdidrocks: haven't gotten a reply, so not strong enough, didn't poke anyone personally16:09
didrocksMirv: I guess strike 2 is that :)16:10
Mirvfrom the last discussion it was about clear that they have the tools/scripts, and know what should be done16:10
didrocksthe update is stuck for almost a month now16:10
sil2100i guess the unity issue either resolvd itself or it does not cause super problems due to the screenlocking disabled globally16:10
didrocksMirv: targets can be found at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/+members#active16:10
MirvI believe from their point of view there is no need to poke, so I'm not sure which kind of poke would be both considerate and firm at the same time16:10
didrockssil2100: yep16:10
didrocksMirv: maybe try RAOF? he's a nice guy and can review16:11
seb128infinity said he's fine to be pinged about pending ones16:11
didrocksa pity we have done a SRU with a good fix for some netbook and nobody can get it16:11
didrocksMirv: mind checking between infinity, RAOF, dave as well?16:12
Mirvok, pinging phase 2: /msg:s16:12
Mirvwill do16:12
didrockssil2100: 100scopes! updating everybody on it?16:12
sil2100ok, so the mir bug is created for the scopes (will chexk the status once im back), the same for needs packaging16:14
sil2100the latter was unneede, but i filled in anyway by mistake16:14
sil2100all is merged and building for raring, but...16:14
didrocks(suspens ;))16:15
sil2100we still have yoo many ap failures, above the threahold16:15
didrocksany progress on that?16:15
sil2100there seems to be an ap bug thats being wrked on by veebers16:16
sil2100so i guess hell update it latee today only, as it needs some fixes16:16
didrocksok, just keep tracking it and look for results :)16:16
sil2100will be updating the sheet ;)16:17
didrockskenvandine: anything to add on the new stack? :)16:17
didrocks(system-settings one)16:17
didrockswill please seb128 :)16:17
kenvandinenothing yet16:17
kenvandineit's building :)16:18
kenvandinea couple examples now16:18
didrocksso manual publishing? You don't want it in -next?16:18
kenvandinenot useful for anything more than plugin development so far16:18
kenvandinedo we want to push saucy packages to -next?16:18
didrockswe surely can16:19
didrocksuntil it's ready16:19
didrocksto get to distro proper16:19
kenvandineok, i'll do that16:19
didrocksok, updating the spreadsheet then?16:19
didrocks(maybe UNDO it and add that to not add an extra line)16:19
didrocksok, the 2 next items is me. I focused on otto and we are in a hangout as we speak with jibel to deploy it :)16:20
didrocksit's going well16:20
didrockswe have nice features, but will tease you guys next week16:20
didrocksconsequently, and due to the other issues like jenkins, I didn't get any chance to do the change for ignoring powerpc16:20
seb128kenvandine, would be good to get that landed in distro soon ;-)16:20
didrocks(this is a trivial change, but I would prefer to cover with tests)16:21
kenvandineseb128, indeed16:21
didrocksok, next is sil2100 back, unity-gtk-module, all done?16:21
sil2100yes ;)16:22
didrocksok, I'll move it to archive16:22
seb128it's in the archive, but mterry is being picky16:22
seb128with the MIR16:22
didrocksargh :p16:22
didrockssil2100: tracking that ^?16:22
didrockswith seb128's help maybe :)16:22
seb128wanting test at build over autopilot tests apparently :/16:22
didrockshum, not possible16:23
didrocksand for daily release, we don't really need that16:23
mterryseb128, that doesn't sound like me.  :)  we talking unity-gtk-module?16:23
seb128mterry, yeah, maybe I didn't understand your review comment16:23
seb128mterry, hey btw ;-)16:23
mterryseb128, hi!  :)16:23
mterryseb128, well, so it has autopilot tests, which is great!16:24
mterryseb128, but jenkins CI doesn't seem to run them?  Nor are they enabled as dep8 tests16:24
sil2100i will be lookin g into that16:24
didrocksseb128: sil2100: mterry: mind doing that after the meeting and clarifying?16:24
didrocksto not block everyone on it :)16:24
mterryoh sorry16:25
didrocks(we are almost over)16:25
didrocksmterry: no no,no worry, just stays around for the next 5 minutes :)16:25
didrocksMirv: anything to add on your Qt work? (we don't want to push the 5.1 beta too early :p)16:25
Mirvdidrocks: not much. some Qt love for precise/quantal, more details in my Qt release management doc. Qt 5.1 beta is purely for PPA, since some would need that to start get ridding of our qtwebkit DPR patch16:26
didrocksMirv: do not hesitate if you need reviews/sponsoring16:26
didrocksMirv: yeah, that would be nice!16:26
Mirvdidrocks: sure, when I do something uploadable for saucy I'll contact16:27
didrocksok, finally, I have 2 victims to find for the 2 new tasks for next week ;)16:27
didrocksthanks Mirv16:27
didrocks1. "daily release of libpam-freerdp"16:27
didrocksI added comments about how to contact and what to do16:27
didrockskenvandine: I was thinking about you for this new stack, should ask not a lot of work :)16:27
didrocksare you ok with this?16:28
didrockswhile kenvandine is away, let's switch to task 2. "switch misc task to saucy"16:28
kenvandinewhich new stack?16:28
didrockskenvandine: see the comment "thin client stack"16:29
didrockswith just one component for now16:29
didrocksneeds to check the packaging, inlining, and sync up on the autopilot job we need to check16:29
didrocksare you fine with it?16:29
kenvandinei guess :)16:30
didrocksthanks! :)16:30
didrocksand so, finally task 2: "switch misc task to saucy"16:30
didrockscyphermox: I think landing to saucy is just few parameters to change, and go over the ppa16:30
didrocks(remove the dest parameter so that it's distro)16:31
didrocksdo you think you can do it today and redeploy?16:31
didrockssergio wants phablet-tools in saucy ASAP16:31
cyphermoxshould be able to yes16:31
didrocks(and we are fine with the android-audiosystem bits)16:31
cyphermoxwill do in two steps, one for saucy first, and if it builds okay to distro16:31
didrocksI check the build-deps, nothing we don't have :)16:31
didrocksthanks cyphermox :)16:31
didrocksok, I added a task for me as well to talk about unity 816:31
didrocksand have some planning around MIR and unity 8 landing16:32
didrocksfinally, just one last thing16:32
didrocksI will archive it for may and move to another blueprint for June16:32
didrocksMirv: sil2100 cyphermox kenvandine: mind updating it today (or early tomorrow morning for Mirv ;)) so that I can archive it? ^16:32
sil2100ok, in max 2 hours ;)16:33
didrocksthanks everyone! good job, we are close to get touch done :-)16:33
didrocksand think about keeping your stack green, will be easier soon thanks to otto16:34
sil2100ok, thanks!16:34
didrocks(will probably move one stack after another seamlessly ;))16:34
didrockshave a good week! :-)16:34
kenvandinedidrocks, when can we have otto?16:34
seb128mterry, so, the issue is that autopilot tests are not plugged into the CI?16:35
cyphermoxdidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/cupstream2distro-config/saucy-misc/+merge/16629916:35
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
didrockskenvandine: probably wiring a real one tomorrow :)16:36
didrockskenvandine: then, we'll enable that slowly16:36
didrocksso seb128, mterry, sil2100: the stage is yours :)16:36
didrockscyphermox: approved, poke me for stage 2 :)16:37
mterryseb128, yeah.  (Or also that it doesn't have dep8 tests).   I'd just like the autopilot tests to be run sometime16:55
mterryseb128, CI is preferable I guess, plus more in line with autolanding best practices16:56
seb128mterry, hum, I assumed that autopilots tests were run like for unity16:56
seb128didrocks, sil2100: what needs to happen for that to be the case?16:56
didrocksthey are run apparently:16:58
didrocksunity-gtk-module-autopilot is installed16:58
didrocksand I see that autopilot should run unity-gtk-module16:58
mterrydidrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity-gtk-module/substvars/+merge/16612016:58
mterrydidrocks, I don't see them being run there16:58
didrocksmterry: it's not on per merge, but per daily release16:59
mterrydidrocks, ah, but they can be per-merge right?  I'm pretty sure I've seen that16:59
didrocksmterry: something to ask to mmrazik16:59
didrocksnot us17:00
mterrydidrocks, but as long as they are being run per daily release, that's fine17:00
didrocksyeah :)17:00
mterryseb128, OK.  I got confused by CI config.  They are enabled per-daily, but not per-merge17:00
mterryseb128, I'll comment in bug17:00
didrocksthanks :)17:00
seb128mterry, didrocks: thanks17:01
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|dance
* didrocks waves good evening17:28
* Laney mops his brow - afaik just empathy left for eds 3.8 now17:40
Laneya good job for tomorrow morning17:40
asacseb128: didrocks leaving early?18:07
asacthought he was one of the old school folks :)18:07
seb128asac, yeah, times change ... but I'm glad to see that the hard workers are still around, ogra_ told me that you will be working tomorrow (not like those other lazy germans)18:52
ogra_well, his state has no public holiday tomorrow ...18:53
ogra_he just picked the wrong place to liive :P18:53
seb128ogra_, isn't he living close from pitti? (who has an holiday tomorrow)?19:03
ogra_nah, pitti lives in the south ... asac north19:08
ogra_i'm somewhere between them19:08
czajkowskiiin the middle of no where :p19:09
ogra_yeah, pretty much19:09
ogra_ugliest town in germany ...19:09
asacseb128: i am on :)19:19
asac1st jun officially even19:19
asacso more fun on this and other channels at all times19:20
seb128asac, sorry to disappoint but don't count on too many people to be there for you on the 1st, we still work hard here but we stopped IRC during weekends ;-)19:20
seb128asac, you should get a nice welcome back on monday though ;-)19:21
asacnice :)19:21
asacand yes, i understand taht weekends are good for showering and eating.19:22
mterryrobert_ancell, does LightDM use the C locale with PAM, or will it actually get translated prompts back from it?19:58
robert_ancellmterry, in trunk it uses the correct locale, in older versions the C locale19:59
robert_ancellactually the default locale19:59
mterryrobert_ancell, hrm.  Doesn't each user have a locale that we could use for that?19:59
mterrya session locale19:59
robert_ancellhmm, now not 100% sure about the last statement there19:59
robert_ancellyes, that's what's fixed in trunk, though it probably doesn't work for PAM sessions where the username isn't known in advance.20:00
robert_ancellI'm not really 100% sure about any of these statements - needs some testing / regression testing :)20:00
GunnarHjmterry: Hi Michael, may I ask for a small favour?20:05
mterryGunnarHj, sure20:05
GunnarHjmterry: Just updated my saucy partition, and now the boot fails. It ends up with this on the screen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~gunnarhj/saucy-boot-failure.txt20:07
GunnarHjmterry: Do you know of any simple step to fix it?20:07
mterryGunnarHj, looks like your system got interrupted in the middle of an apt-get upgrade20:08
mterrySpecifically, the udev package is not finished updating20:08
GunnarHjmterry: Ok.20:09
mterryGunnarHj, in your busybox prompt..20:09
mterryGunnarHj, do you have access to the system in read/write mode?20:09
mterryGunnarHj, can you do: sudo dpkg --configure -a20:09
mterryer, I guess you don't need the sudo20:10
mterryGunnarHj, this problem is probably better dealt with in #ubuntu if you want to hop in there with me.20:10
GunnarHjmterry: Don't know - need to switch partition to check...20:10
GunnarHjmterry: Sure, I'll go to #ubuntu20:10
Laneystgraber: Can I bother you for a rescore on https://launchpad.net/~laney/+archive/evolution-3.8/+build/4624368 and https://launchpad.net/~laney/+archive/evolution-3.8/+build/4624369 please?20:23
Laneythe PPA got caught up in the gnome-desktop3 transition so anything which  depends on evolution in there is FTBFSing20:24
Laneywhich is pretty annoying when the build queues are as they are20:24
stgraberLaney: done20:25
davidcallesil2100, MIR comments fixed, thanks for the heads up about the bug :)20:59
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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