
darkxstjbicha, although maybe they are two different crashes ;(00:17
=== a1l3erto is now known as Guest16452
meeti installed the gnome 3.8 on ubuntu gnome 13.04 but I am not getting all the options. Like there is no settings for privacy or notification,etc. What could  be wrong?12:49
mgedminmeet, only a subset of gnome 3.8 is in ubuntu 13.04; more of it is in the gnome3 PPA, and the remaining bits are in the staging PPA12:50
mgedmin(but the bits in staging PPA have problems, so beware)12:51
meetmgedmin: I added the gnome3 ppa infact and did dist-upgrade. Anyway, when will the whole thing be available then?12:54
mgedminI don't know12:55
mgedminI wouldn't hold my breath12:55
a1l3ertohello everyone14:33
a1l3ertoi have a question14:33
a1l3ertoi just installed ubuntu-gnome, and dual-boot with kubuntu14:34
a1l3ertothe problem is, when the kernel is updated on ubuntu-gnome, the grub entries update and no problem, but if the kernel of the other system installed (kubuntu) updates, then the new kernel's entry will not appear...14:35
a1l3ertoIf I update the grub from kubuntu, the grub menu wont update itself, but if i update it from the ubuntu-gnome system, then everything works...14:38
a1l3ertoand the same happens on my other computer where i have debian and trisquel. Grub will only update properly if i update it from the last system i installed (debian)...14:39
a1l3ertooh do you mgedmin?14:40
mgedminI don't dualboot between two linuxes14:40
mgedminbut if I did, I'd get them to use separate bootloaders14:40
mgedminone of them installed into the linux partition rather than the MBR14:40
mgedminand each configured with a boot menu option to chain-load the other grub14:41
a1l3ertooh ok,14:41
a1l3ertodo you mean it is not a good idea to have two linux systems or just that you only have one installed?14:43
mgedminI don't see the point of having two14:43
mgedmin(or, rather, I use virtual machines for the purpose of playing with different distros)14:44
a1l3ertojust wanted to try them... yep, now i realize that.... im quite an enthusiastic newbie14:44
a1l3ertoand didnt think before doing it...:)14:45
a1l3ertoso, what can i do to fix this mess..? any easy idea?14:46
a1l3ertoor not so easy?14:46
a1l3ertois it possible to 'uninstall' one of them?14:47
IdleOnedepends, how did you install kubuntu?14:48
a1l3ertoi installed it the first one, on the whole hardisk14:50
IdleOneok, and ubuntu-gnome is on a separate disk?14:50
a1l3ertoand home on a different partition14:50
a1l3ertono, on a separate partition14:50
IdleOnethey share /home?14:50
a1l3ertoubuntu-gnome has its home on same partition14:51
IdleOneso, you only have 1 hard disk?14:51
a1l3ertoi thought it wouldnt be a good idea to share /home, is it?14:52
a1l3ertoonly 114:52
IdleOnealright, first thing is backups. make sure you have backups of your data (stuff you do not want to lose)14:53
IdleOneyou have kubuntu on the first partition and gnome on the second?14:54
a1l3ertowell, home on the second, gnome on the third14:54
IdleOneThis will make it a little more dangerous. You can format the kubuntu partition, then you could move the gnome partition over to the first partition...I would personally make my backups, reinstall ubuntu gnome on the first partiton (don't format the partition with your /home)14:56
IdleOneafter all that is done and you know it is working, then format the third partition with the old gnome install.14:57
IdleOneothers might have better attack plans.14:58
a1l3ertothat looks good, the only problem is I would like to keep kubuntu. This is a new laptop which, i dont know why, works better with ubuntu 12.1014:59
IdleOneyou could try os-prober when booted to kubuntu. sudo apt-get install os-prober && sudo os-prober15:00
a1l3ertoit runs faster and it recognises the screen brightness control... while 13.04 doesnt, dont know why by the way...15:00
IdleOneos-prober will look for other install OS'es and update grub15:00
a1l3ertook, thanks a lot15:02
IdleOneos-prober is pretty awesome if you ask me. I have two hard drives one with ubuntu and the second hard drive has windows 7. the ubuntu hard drive is first and os-prober was the only thing that helped me to see and add windows to grub15:02
a1l3ertonice, i will try it and tell you back15:03
IdleOnegood luck :)15:04
a1l3ertoby the way, is trying to restore the grub a bit dangerous?15:04
a1l3ertoi mean re-install it15:04
IdleOneit can be if you do it wrong, you could end up with a non booting system15:04
IdleOneDid I just make a giant mistake by doing a do-release-upgrade -d ?15:07
lirexHello,  lightdm in Ubuntu has the opportunity to start a guest session. How can you build this in GDM?16:44
=== matanya_ is now known as matanya
bennypr0fanehello, I'm assuming that U-Gnome makes fixes and updates to Gnome 3.6, yes? If so, does that increase the likelihood of 3.6 ever coming to the 12.04 repos?21:08
darkxstbennypr0fane, its simply not possible to get 3.6 into 12.0421:58
ikus060Hello, I was about to install ubuntu-gnome and I'm wondering whats is the procedure to create a bootable usb-stick22:52
ikus060is it the same as debian, i.e. cp file.ico /dev/sdb22:52
FrozenFireHrmm, that's annoying. When I click to unmount a network resource in Nautilus, in the left panel, it unmounts it, but then tries to navigate there.23:27
FrozenFireHad to right click the unmount symbol to trigger it, but not trigger the navigation23:28

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