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* slangasek waves15:00
meetingologyMeeting started Wed May 29 15:01:56 2013 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:01
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round15:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber jodh ev bdmurray slangasek cjwatson xnox stokachu)15:02
slangasekjodh barry slangasek ev stgraber stokachu cjwatson bdmurray doko xnox15:02
* slangasek starts the stopwatch15:02
jodh* misc:15:03
jodh  - Bank Holiday Monday and half day Tuesday.15:03
jodh  - Fix for Upstart logger bug reported by stgraber now committed.15:03
jodh  - Registered for DebConf13 and arranged travel.15:03
jodh  - Reworked15:03
jodh    lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/saucy/sysvinit/log-processes-and-open-files-on-shutdown.15:03
jodh  - Reworked lp:~jamesodhunt/upstart/serialise-remaining-objects.15:03
jodh  - Reworking lp:~jamesodhunt/upstart/allow-multiple-cmdline-confdirs15:03
jodh    based on feedback from stgraber to allow some actual init15:03
jodh    command-line tests to be written.15:03
jodh* foundations-1305-upstart-app-launching15:03
jodh  - Raised MP for lp:~jamesodhunt/upstart/libupstart15:03
jodh  - Merged lp:~mdeslaur/upstart/apparmor-support.15:03
jodh 15:03
barryshort week due to usa holiday monday15:03
barrymerges, updates, patch piloting: codespeak-lib, pytest, pyflakes3, zope.interfaces, natilus-python15:03
barrybugs: lp: #1173704, lp: #1069019 (reviewed), lp: #1170017 (continuing)15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1173704 in python-imaging (Ubuntu Raring) "PILcompat needs to add PngImagePlugin" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117370415:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1069019 in python-apt (Ubuntu Saucy) "[software-properties-gtk] can not delete, enable or modify any software source with non-ASCII characters in the comment" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106901915:04
barryimage based upgrades: catchup w/lifeless & stgraber.  gpg regime discussion15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1170017 in nautilus-python "nautilus-python fails to load on 64-bit systems: g_module_open libpython failed: No such file or directory" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117001715:04
barrytodo: continue implementation of new gpg regime15:04
slangasek * short week due to Memorial Day in the US15:04
slangasek * slow week, still recovering from plane plague15:04
slangasek * reviews finished15:04
slangasek * new skype uploaded to partner15:04
slangasek * DebConf travel plans all sorted out15:04
slangasek * LPC travel plans to be finalized this week15:04
slangasek * fixed sysvinit regression (invoke-rc.d) cascading from a fix to debhelper to make sure we actually call invoke-rc.d for packages that ship an upstart job but not an initscript; this unfortunately broke builds for a day15:04
ev- Worked with Katherine and Neil to get the NDA for https://errors.ubuntu.com15:05
ev  written and published:15:05
ev  https://forms.canonical.com/reports/15:05
ev- Drafted an announcement of the NDA to ubuntu-devel@.u.c. Waiting on some peer15:05
ev  review from Matthew.15:05
ev- Created a package that purposefully fails in its postinst, creating an apport15:05
ev  package installation failure report. Modified apport-test-crashes to install15:05
ev  this in a fakechroot and include the apport report in its output. I just need15:05
ev  to add this to the integration test now.15:05
ev- Simplified the design of our Tarmac machinery. It was taking too long to15:05
ev  cover all the corner cases in tearing down the world with each deployment15:05
ev  attempt. Instead, we start with a deployed set of charms and the Tarmac15:05
ev  instance uses the upgrade-charm functionality (that we created for use in15:05
ev  stagingstack) to deploy the code from the MP.15:05
ev- Finished the above and deployed it. It works \o/:15:05
ev  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~daisy-pluckers/daisy/trunk/revision/34915:05
ev- Investigating the creation of a "What's unusual about this error?" section to15:06
ev  the problem page:15:06
ev  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker#A.2BIBw-What.2BIBk-s_unusual_about_this_error.2BIB0-15:06
ev  Started work on surfacing common dependencies between the instances as a15:06
ev  first pass. This will help us identify cases where the bug exists in the15:06
ev  library, not the binary its surfacing in. Discussions with Matthew on what15:06
ev  defines the "rate for matching machines" and whether this is better than a15:06
ev  simple percentage of the total instances.15:06
ev- The webops team has been sprinting in the weeks since UDS as training for the15:06
ev  move to squads. This has meant that all non-critical tickets are on hold.15:06
ev- We're also stuck by the Cassandra cluster not having enough free disk space15:06
ev  for compaction. Tickets that create new data, such as back-population jobs,15:06
ev  are on hold until this is resolved:15:06
ev  https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=6143215:06
ev- Due to the way I constructed our oops.canonical.com support, we're blocked on15:06
ev  further deployments of lp:errors until the RT lands:15:06
ev  https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=6139315:06
ev- I attended a talk last night by Russel Winder on how Go and D stack up15:06
ev  against Python:15:06
ev  http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/nosql/are-go-and-d-threats-to-python/mh-741815:06
ev  I don't think it's worth the language wars that would follow a trip report,15:06
ev  nor was there a lot of meat in there for the canonical-tech crowd, but I was15:06
ev  surprised to see that Go's error handling is enforced by policy, not code.15:06
ev  Unlike exception-based languages, you end up with the whole thing blowing up15:06
ev  some distance from where the error actually occurred. Julian does a better15:06
ev  job of explaining it:15:06
ev  http://bigjools.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/error-handling-in-go/15:06
ev  That said, it seems like an interesting enough language for server workloads,15:06
ev  assuming it gets a some mature batteries.15:06
ev- I'm 6 today:15:06
ev  https://pastebin.canonical.com/91771/15:06
stgraberBlueprint-related work:15:07
stgraber - Image based updates (BLUEPRINT: foundations-1305-image-based-updates)15:07
stgraber  - Waiting on review of the GPG implementation plan, need to get the keys generated and signed after that.15:07
stgraber  - Waiting for IS to setup the image based update server.15:07
stgraber  - Fixed a couple of bugs in the image diffing tool, adding a proper test suite now.15:07
stgraber  - Discussion with lifeless and barry.15:07
stgraberOther work:15:07
stgraber - release/cdimage15:07
stgraber   - Wrote a new rebuild-requests tool to query any pending rebuild from the ISO tracker.15:07
stgraber   - Started integrating this with the actual build process so we can cron that thing.15:07
stgraber   - Smaller code change to the tracker to automatically mark a rebuild request as done when a new version is pushed (manually or through the API).15:08
stgraber - LXC15:08
stgraber  - Pushed C implementation of get_ips in LXC API, dropped the python implementation and update the bindings15:08
stgraber  - Fixed LXC in saucy to install properly on a device with network bridges available in the kernel (touch devices).15:08
stgraber  - Answered some #ubuntu-phone question for the container flip, things appear to be going well15:08
stgraber  - Answered some questions from the QA/desktop team on using LXC for their desktop tests15:08
stgraber  - Drafted the implementation of container autostart upstream (to replace the Ubuntu-specific implementation)15:08
stgraber  - Updated the build/testing server to build on saucy and add armhf builds to the mix15:08
stgraber  - Various discussions and code reviews for major upstream changes needed for LXC 1.015:08
stgraber - Merged gnupg2, installation-report, openvpn, ifenslave-2.6 and nfs-utils (waiting on testing from slangasek for that last one)15:08
stgraber - SRUed isc-dhcp to precise and lucid to allow both to be used as containers on saucy (required backporting the UDP checksum offloading patch)15:08
stgraber 15:08
stgraber - Finish self-rebuilds feature implementation on nusakan15:08
stgraber - Implement some of the remaining bits for the image based update server tools15:08
slangasekstgraber: ack, will test nfs-utils today15:08
stgraber - Process some pending merges (ifupdown and resolvconf)15:08
stgraberslangasek: thanks15:08
slangasektesting these things would be easier if someone could explain to me why my kernel is holding 1.5GB of memory for disk caches that it will never free15:09
slangasekwell.  a *lot* of things would be easier if that were the case15:09
slangasekev: "tickets that create new data" - does that block anything for phased updates? bdmurray?15:10
bdmurrayslangasek: yes15:10
slangasekblast - ok.15:10
bdmurrayalthough it may not be critical as it is the count of systems that have experienced a crash15:10
slangasekwell, ticket #61432 already has "priority 20000", that's probably good enough :P15:11
bdmurrayand actually its backfilling data so not important for packages entering -updates15:11
evbdmurray: you might have some luck if you raise your ticket with the vanguard, as he was correcting my statement that we're blocked by the sprint :)15:11
slangasekoh, and stokachu is out this morning, and cjwatson is off today15:12
slangasekso, bdmurray:15:12
bdmurraysubmitted RT regarding backfill of bucketsystems15:12
bdmurrayfurther work on phased-updater code15:12
bdmurraysubmitted merge proposal regarding sru-review15:12
bdmurrayreview of slangasek's change to sru-review15:12
bdmurrayreview of pending SRUs for errors bucket information15:12
bdmurraywrote blog post regarding SRU verification15:12
bdmurrayrelease of recently verified SRUs (possibly due to blog posting)15:12
bdmurrayfixed apport-symptoms bug regarding ubuntu-release-upgrader (LP: #1173913)15:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1173913 in apport-symptoms (Ubuntu Raring) "bugreporting for ubuntu-release-upgrader is struggling on naming issue" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117391315:12
bdmurrayinvestigation into bug 118003415:12
ubottubug 1180034 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "backend_helper.py wants update-manager" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118003415:12
bdmurraytrying to fix / test bug 106901915:12
ubottubug 1069019 in python-apt (Ubuntu Saucy) "[software-properties-gtk] can not delete, enable or modify any software source with non-ASCII characters in the comment" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106901915:12
bdmurrayreview of DuplicateSignatures for saucy apport-package bug reports15:12
bdmurraymerged apport bug fix for bug 1184121 regarding duplicate signature for package install failures15:12
ubottubug 1184121 in apport (Ubuntu) "package kio-audiocd (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/services/audiocd.desktop', which is also in package audiocd-kio 4:4.10.2-0ubuntu1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118412115:12
bdmurraymodified bugbot to deal with corrupt pyc files15:12
bdmurrayfixed bugbot issue with apport crashdb on cranberry15:13
bdmurray␗ done15:13
slangasekstgraber: image-based update server> I did update the ticket with deadline+priority, but based on what ev's said I guess this ticket is not going to move for a few weeks.  Is that holding anything up for you?15:14
slangasekstgraber: and thanks for getting the ifupdown merge; I meant to ask you if that was safe for me to do or if you wanted it held off15:14
barrybdmurray, doko think it's time to sru lp: #1058884 ?15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058884 in python3.3 (Ubuntu Raring) "Race condition in py_compile corrupts pyc files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105888415:14
dokobarry, I think it doesn't do any harm15:15
dokoanother question if it will help ...15:15
slangasekfrom the profile of that bug report, I suspect it will15:15
slangasekso, +1 from me for SRUing15:16
bdmurraybarry: sounds good to me15:16
slangasekare there any python SRUs currently stuck in the queue?  Hmm, I would check this but pending-sru report is broken at the moment - doh15:16
barryyep, good, i'll get that started.  doko did i see that you got the same patch into debian?15:16
bdmurrayI believe there are / were15:16
dokoyes, there are still some 2.7 ones15:16
dokoor 3.2?15:16
stgraberslangasek: ifupdown is always a pain to merge but I know where the problems tend to be so figure it'd be a lot faster for me to do it15:17
stgraberslangasek: so we need the server and the GPG keys online and ready by end of June if we want to respect our deadlines15:17
stgraberslangasek: it's not preventing developement of the other bits as we're using phablet.stgraber.org currently which has a valid SSL certificate and can be used with barry's code15:17
slangasekstgraber: ok.  I'll make sure to revisit this with IS in the sync call next week, then.15:17
slangasekdoko: your turn15:18
barrystgraber: did you fill out the /gpg tree?15:18
doko- android cross toolchain (wanted to upload today, let's see if this works out)15:18
doko- preparing and testing gcc 4.8.1 release, looking at http://bugs.debian.org/710220, starte15:18
dokod an archive search for saucy15:18
doko- binutils trunk update in the ubuntu-toolchain-r/test ppa, waiting on feedback from the ke15:18
dokornel team15:18
doko- python3.3 update, consolidating maintainer scripts15:18
ubottuDebian bug 710220 in libstdc++6 "libstdc++6: 4.8.0-8 upgrade breaks system_clock" [Important,Open]15:18
stgraberbarry: was actually hoping to hear back from you on the changes I did on the wiki. If everything looks good to you, I'll go ahead and do the changes to phablet.stgraber.org15:19
xnox* boost1.53 is finished (less than 17 ftbfs packages left to be15:19
xnox  resolved in Debian, libreoffice update is being prepared by bjorn)15:19
xnox* merged updated fuse, fuse-utils package renamed to fuse (and15:19
xnox  transition reverse-deps to the new name)15:19
xnox* pushed some of ubuntu's d-i delta back to debian, and merged back to15:19
xnox  ubuntu.15:19
xnox* merged and uploaded ubuntu1 plugin for ubiquity, but disabled by15:19
xnox  default. Can be activated with --sso flag. Prepared instructions for15:19
xnox  design team review of the changes.15:19
xnox* Reviewed changes to ubuntu-geonames service from Liam Young, he is15:19
xnox  working on charming geonames to work on prod-stack (from IS sprint)15:19
xnox* Still have ~40 TIL merges left as per MoM, which I hope to resolve15:19
xnox  (ideally by syncing ;-))15:19
xnox* In-progress adding logind support to ubiquity, I correctly receive15:19
xnox  seat&session, yet ubiquity doesn't start-up under logind yet.15:19
barrystgraber: ack.  i'll get back to you on that later today15:19
xnox* Booked travel for DebConf1315:19
stgraberbarry: IIRc changes are mostly format of the keyrings, blacklist keyring, format change of channels.json and some changes on what's using detached signatures vs in-line signatures15:19
slangasekxnox: "doesn't start up under logind" - hmm, what does that mean?15:21
xnoxslangasek: still investigating, ubiquity-dm terminates and doesn't give much useful output. will crank up dbus logging to see what is preventing ubiquity from opening a logind session.15:23
slangasekxnox: ok15:24
slangasekany other questions over the above?15:24
xnoxslangasek: now that we have upstart-usersessions, I wonder if ubiquity should simply be a user-job which simply starts up before unity & blocks it.15:24
slangasekxnox: mmm, no idea - maybe stgraber has some thoughts on that15:25
stgraberxnox: we don't have upstart usersesssion for !ubuntu15:25
xnox(if that is possible, it's more of a wondering). Also since there is no pam session initiated, there is also no XDG_RUNTIME and etc. variables.15:26
xnox(XDG_RUNTIME_DIR that is)15:26
stgraberif we had, we indeed could ship a "start on starting xsession-init and dbus" job which would start ubiquity15:26
slangasekyou could theoretically split the binary package for user-session activation vs. system activation15:27
slangasekthough that could make for some unpleasant bit rot on the system activation case15:27
stgraberindeed. I'm not sure what's the benefit though if we end up having to maintain the two (sure, the flavours would be responsible for ubiquity-dm, but in the end we'll still be the ones reviewing those and fixing quite a few of the bugs I expect)15:28
slangasekright, except perhaps in encouraging the flavors to move to upstart user sessions sooner?15:29
slangasekbut anyway - probably a conversation for another time and place15:29
slangasek[TOPIC] Bugs15:29
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs
slangasekbdmurray: any bugs you've not gotten answers on already?15:29
bdmurrayoh, bug 1094218 received an interesting comment15:30
stgraberI can probably quickly look into what would be needed to get kde, lxde and xfce to use user sessions. I don't think it's much more than a single upstart job that starts the right *-session binary15:30
ubottubug 1094218 in lsb (Ubuntu) "lsb_release crashed with IOError in getstatusoutput(): [Errno 10] No child processes (called by teamviewerd)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109421815:30
barrybdmurray: i still have a browser tab open on that one.  i haven't looked closely, but a cursory look was a bit mysterious15:31
bdmurraybarry: a look at the last comment?15:32
slangasekit's a bit speculative15:32
slangasek"there may be a SIGCHLD handling bug in python" - sure, there may15:32
slangasekbut the pipe code has been there a while, how has nobody hit this before?15:33
slangasekbarry, doko: anyway, it might be worth one of you having a look at os.popen() vs. http://bugs.python.org/issue912715:33
barryyeah, if sys.stderr is closed or otherwise unavailable, that would probably cause the crash.15:33
slangaseksys.stderr being closed seems quite plausible here15:34
slangasekand I guess reproducing that requires actually closing stderr, not just redirecting to /dev/null :)15:35
slangasek(not sure of a good way to test that from shell)15:35
slangasekbarry: will you follow up?15:35
barryslangasek: yeppers15:37
slangasekgreat, thanks15:37
slangasekbdmurray: anything else?15:37
slangasek... assuming not :)15:38
bdmurrayslangasek: nope15:38
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekbdmurray: ok, thanks :)15:39
slangasekanything else new and exciting?15:39
stgraberdid I ever mention how much I hate ubuntu-release-upgrader? It's now my 5th try at building a source package. I "think" I've got all the needed packages installed on my system now...15:40
slangasekstgraber: are you using bzr bd?15:40
barrystgraber: i feel your pain15:40
slangasekhmm, this package is missing the bzr-builddeb integration hook!15:40
slangasekdid someone forget to add that when splitting from update-manager?15:41
stgraberit just annoys me that this package has more dependencies to build a source package than it has to actually build the binaries :)15:41
stgraberslangasek: it has the hook, pre-build.sh is being called by bzr bd15:41
slangasekstgraber: the pre-build.sh should prompt you for all the build-deps in one go, AFAICS15:41
slangasekand if it's not doing that, update the dpkg-checkbuilddeps line :)15:41
bdmurrayI think infinity had mentioned one was missing at the sprint15:41
stgraberslangasek: it does for what's needed by the testsuite, then the source package fails to build 5min later because you also need all the build-deps apparently15:42
bdmurrayor he fixed one15:42
slangaseklooks like he did, yes15:42
slangasekstgraber: oh; I was assuming you'd done 'sudo mk-build-deps -i -r' or equivalent before calling bzr bd, too :)15:43
slangasekstgraber: thanks for fixing invoke-rc.d :)15:43
stgraberslangasek: most if not all packages I maintain don't depend on half the world just to build a source package ;)15:43
stgraberanyway, I apparently just got a source package, let's see if I can build that thing and test it somehow15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed May 29 15:44:27 2013 UTC.15:44
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-05-29-15.01.moin.txt15:44
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-05-29-15.01.html15:44
slangasekthanks, all!15:44
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