
=== dannf` is now known as dannf
ScottKIs pending-sru known to be broken?  It's rather empty ATM>05:25
infinityScottK: Fun.  I'll clear the cache and see if it fixes itself.05:53
NCommanderinfinity, cjwatson, ping, can one of you reset or remove the expiration on my membership in ~ubuntu-release08:30
* NCommander isn't even sure why he's set to expire08:32
ogra_NCommander, thats a default on LP for moderated teams08:37
ogra_user expiration is pre-set to 1 year iirc08:38
* ogra_ cries 10:01
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* xnox ponders if "* ogra_ cries" correlates with britney migrating new fuse to saucy-release.10:45
ogra_xnox, heh, nope, it just correlates with my incompetence :)10:45
ogra_(forgot to make sure the chroot on the builder has  /etc/resolv.conf before trying to install a package during build)10:46
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ScottKinfinity: That didn't do it.11:39
ogra_ARGH !12:16
* ogra_ stamps his foot12:16
ogra_Ign http://ftpmaster.internal main Release12:17
ogra_Err http://ftpmaster.internal main/universe armhf Packages12:17
ogra_  404  Not Found12:17
ogra_Ign http://ftpmaster.internal main/universe Translation-en12:17
ogra_W: Failed to fetch http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/dists/main/universe/binary-armhf/Packages  404  Not Found12:17
ogra_godamnit ... !12:18
* gema brings ogra_ a coffee to set the mood right again!12:28
ogra_heh, its fine ... its just that i have to wait for 2h for such a minor typo12:29
ogra_(and another 2h to check it is fixed)12:29
gemahence the coffee :D12:31
ogra_i wish the livefs builders would just pull livecd-rootfs dircetly from proposed12:32
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zul can an archive admin promote d2t1o (#1183825) and python-pbr (#1183826) please we have a couple of packages that are dep-waited because of them13:20
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bdmurraywhat has happened to the pending sru report?14:38
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NCommanderogra_, then why am I and skaet the only two with an expiration date?16:01
ogra_no idea16:02
ogra_i'm not in that team16:02
stgraberpending-sru appears to be broken. The cronjob was running twice on lillypilly.16:21
stgraberI'm disabling the cron entry and running it by hand see if it's just taking a longer time than usual (> 30min) or if there's actually something wrong with it16:22
ogra_does britney have a hiccup ?16:57
ogra_livecd-rrotfs sits idling in proposed since over 1h now16:58
infinityogra_: Which hiccup would that be?16:58
ogra_i usually get a migration mail after about 30-45min16:58
infinityIt's more likely that lillypilly's just overloaded or something.16:58
ogra_ah well16:59
infinityload average: 56.58, 46.09, 57.7317:00
infinityNever a good sign.17:00
ogra_oh sigh17:00
* ogra_ might need one more livecd-rootfs upload today before being done ... would be nice if that actually could happen today :)17:01
infinitydoko: Are you using lillypilly as a lintian lab? :P17:01
ogra_on the whole archive ?17:01
dokoinfinity, doing an archive search17:11
infinityThat's more or less what I meant, yes. :/17:11
dokobut the load without my processes goes up to 50 as well17:12
infinityExcept that it was 80 a few minutes ago.17:12
dokoso what?17:13
dokoI did open a ticket in the past, and it was closed17:13
slangasekis there an iorenice?17:19
slangasekdoko: "so what" --> monopolizing the machine's IO means lots of other things are failing to work because of timeouts17:20
infinityI think it's called "not unpacking multiple packages in parallel".17:20
dokoslangasek, I'm just using the for-archive tools from the security team17:20
slangasekdoko: well, these tools are clearly doing a number on lillypilly.  I don't know if the security team has somewhere else that they run them?17:21
dokoslangasek, and no, even without this task the machine is overloaded17:21
infinityYes, we know it's overloaded even without it, adding to the problem doesn't help.17:21
dokowell, I would like to know which packages are broken in the archive17:22
dokoslangasek, for-archive already does:17:23
doko# Try to stay out of the way of the rest of the system17:23
dokoionice -c 2 -n 7 -p $$17:23
slangasekhmm :/17:24
slangasekdoko: I'm not saying that running the scan isn't worthwhile, I'm saying it's a problem to do this on lillypilly17:24
slangasekis that the only machine we have a mirror on?17:24
dokoafaik, yes17:25
ogra_ha !17:29
ogra_seems at least britney got some cycles17:29
ogra_my package finally moved out pf proposed after 2h now17:29
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=== NCommander is now known as Guest18942
=== Guest18942 is now known as NCommander
* ogra_ curses19:31
ogra_so why is the groouper kernel behaving completely different from manta, maguro and mako19:32
ogra_    for subarch in $touchsubarches; do19:33
ogra_        kpkg="$(Chroot chroot apt-cache depends linux-image-$subarch|grep Depends|sed -e 's/  Depends: //')"19:33
ogra_        kver=${kpkg#linux-image-}19:33
ogra_        Chroot chroot "apt-get -y install $kpkg19:33
ogra_why would:19:33
ogra_Chroot chroot "env FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP=1 update-initramfs -k $kver -c -v"19:34
ogra_fail ?19:34
ogra_it works fine for the other kernels19:34
ogra_but all i get is ...19:35
ogra_update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.1.10-2-grouper19:35
ogra_df: Warning: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory19:35
ogra_Setting up linux-firmware (1.109) ...19:35
ogra_Invalid argument for option -k19:35
* ogra_ doesnt get it ... the versioning scheme is the same for all of them19:38
bdmurray'Rejected by Brian Murray: A regression potential statement was not provided in the bug being fixed by this upload.'19:39
infinitybdmurray: Oh, and I just committed to ubuntu-archive-tools to force rejection comments from the queue tool.  I'll email people about this shortly.20:09
NCommanderinfinity, ping, can you reset (or better yet) remove the expiration from me on ~ubuntu-release?20:14
jamespage^^ any sru team members that keystone upload fixes a time based FTBFS that happened between upload and accept.20:46
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infinityjamespage: That's disconcerting.20:57
jamespageinfinity, test certificates expired between my original upload and it actually building20:58
jamespageI'm always amazed at how often this actually happens20:58
jamespage2nd time in a year (different projects - the other was tomcat7)20:58
infinityjamespage: So, is that an ongoing concern?  These test certs surely shouldn't have expiries, or it's a pain for future security updates, etc.20:58
infinityjamespage: Given that they're snakeoil anyway, can you either get upstream to generate them with insane future expiry dates (like, 2099), or generate them at build-time?20:59
jamespageinfinity, they now all expire in 202321:00
jamespageif anyone is still using folsom by then they are insane21:01
infinityjamespage: Ahh, indeed some of these say 2112 even.  That works.21:01
infinityjamespage: 2023 isn't actually that far off, in software bitrot terms, but it's certainly past any of our LTS commitments, so good enough for me.21:02
infinitybdmurray: So, on the one hand, I want to try out your new SRU tool.  On the other hand, I'm afraid I'll hate it and bombard you with feature requests/changes and/or spend hours fixing it myself. :P21:24
bdmurrayinfinity: great, now I'm afraid of you trying it out ;-)21:31
infinitybdmurray: *grin*21:32
infinitybdmurray: The intro mail scared me a bit.  It doesn't force me to open all bugs in web browsers before I start, does it?21:32
bdmurrayinfinity: it does open the bugs in a web browser - it looks like that was suggested by someone " - the ability to open all the bugs (by default)"21:35
infinitybdmurray: That (by default) may have been misread.21:36
infinitybdmurray: I'd read it as "Open (all) bugs in browser? [y/n/A]", and y could perhaps give me a list and ask which one(s).21:36
* bdmurray feels bombarded21:37
infinitybdmurray: Gets increasingly irritating if I'm processing an SRU that's been uploaded for 3 series' and I have to "review" the bugs three times, though the first pass was good enough.21:37
bdmurrayhey, but you don't have to check the box anymore and click accept!21:38
bdmurrayplus you can reject with a message!21:38
stgrabers/can/have to/21:38
bdmurraySeriously though, I understand the bugs idea better now21:41
* ogra_` curses22:30
ogra_`i really dont get that error ... damnit22:31
infinityogra_`: Which?22:31
ogra_`infinity, cadejo.buildd/~buildd/LiveCD/saucy/ubuntu-touch/latest/22:31
ogra_`have a look at the end22:31
ogra_`i have a loop that installs the four kernels (and removes them)  and calls update=initramfs and abootimg in each loop to create bootimg's22:32
infinityIs that you calling update-initramfs, or the linux-firmware postinst?22:32
ogra_`the first two loops run fine22:32
ogra_`the third (grouper) fails with "invalid option to -k" from update-initramfs22:33
ogra_`thats the code22:34
infinityOh, that looks obvious to me, but let me confirm my suspicion.22:35
ogra_`obviously $kver works fine for maguro and mako22:35
ogra_`the version schema is identical22:35
ogra_`just different numbers and chars but always the same setup22:36
infinityWhat's the fourth?  I get confused with the fish..22:37
ogra_`touchsubarches="maguro manta grouper mako"22:37
infinityAnd I'd probably make that awk, just cause I hate the grep|sed pipe.22:38
ogra_`i cant imagine what the 10 would make different22:38
ogra_`no no, that part works fine22:39
infinityfor subarch in maguro manta grouper mako; do apt-cache depends linux-image-$subarch| awk '/Depends: linux-image/ {print $2}'; done22:39
ogra_`that part doesnt22:39
infinityHuh?  It's not the 10 that's different, it's the linux-firmware.  You didn't read the paste. :P22:39
ogra_`or rather Chroot chroot "env FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP=1 update-initramfs -k ${kver} -c -v"22:40
infinityThe first is your code, the second mine.  Notice the two fewer lines in the results.22:40
ogra_`uh oh !22:40
infinityShall I just commit my fix to livecd-rootfs for you? :)22:40
ogra_`yeah, please22:40
infinityogra_`: Have any other fixes you want, or shall I tag and upload?22:42
ogra_`no, i actually thourgh i was done already, no mre fixes22:42
ogra_`i just hope my assumption that all this doesnt land inside the tarball is correct :)22:43
ogra_`but if not, thats something for tomorrow22:43
infinityOh, wait.  Escaping hell might make that awk print fail in live-build's Chroot function.22:43
infinityAhh, looks like I've used that construct before and it didn't break. :P22:45
ogra_`i stole a lot from aabove code :)22:45
infinityogra_`: Uploaded.22:47
* ogra_` hugs infinity 22:47

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