
hallyn_ahs3: awesome, thanks00:05
jdstrandadam_g: fyi, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/2012.2.3-0ubuntu2.200:49
adam_gjdstrand, great, thank you00:57
jdstrandsure thing00:57
monokromeHey. Does anyone know how I can tell UFW to always allow anything that comes from localhost?01:46
sarnoldmonokrome: try 'ufw allow from to'01:47
monokromeufw allow
monokromeallow the entire 127.0.0 network?01:48
monokromeTechnically those are all localhost, so that'd be best01:48
RoyK127.0.0.0/8 perhaps01:49
RoyKrarely a need to deny anything from localhost01:50
monokromeI'm not even sure if ufw blocks localhost01:51
RoyKmonokrome: try iptables -vnL01:51
RoyKit shouldn't01:51
monokromeRoyK: Everything is on
monokromeSo, unless localhost doesn't hit iptables then it does01:52
RoyKI don't think localhost goes through iptables01:52
monokromeThanks :)01:53
RoyKthe input chain is usually bound to a nic01:53
RoyKand lo isn't really one01:53
RoyKthat is, ufw has an accept for all -i lo and -o lo01:58
RoyKmy bad01:58
monokromeI was pretty sure that lo was a virtual interface01:58
monokromeso it looked like a devikce01:58
monokromeIE, `ip addr` shows it01:59
RoyKit's virtual, but somewhat real02:01
monokromeThere isn't a piece of hardware on your computer that it's using to make the connection is what I'ms aying02:02
monokromeThere's a virtual device in /dev/ that acts like it's a piece of hardware02:03
monokromebut probably just funnels things through unix sockets or something similar02:03
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RoyKmonokrome: network devices aren't in /dev02:17
RoyKfor som odd reason02:18
tohuwWhen implementing an OpenLDAP server in an existing server infrastructure, is the general expectation that you will migrate existing local users to LDAP inetorgperson entries?04:03
tohuwIf I am configuring OpenLDAP on my already established server, ought I consider migrating local accounts to LDAP accounts? If so, what is the migration process?05:22
adam_gDaviey, there's a new nova in queue for quantal-proposed (nova 2012.2.4-0ubuntu3) which is another rebase to include a new security update (which is a fix for a regression introduced in the last security update we rebased on)05:46
* sarnold grabs a whiteboard to diagram that sentence..05:47
adam_gDaviey, that should trump whats in quantal-proposed for nova currently (ubuntu2). also, verification done on bug #117962605:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1179626 in quantum "Meta bug for tracking Openstack 2013.1.1 Stable Update" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117962605:47
tohuwIf I am implementing an OpenLDAP server into an existing single-server infrastructure, ought I consider migrating local user accounts to LDAP? There are only ~5 or so I care about, but I am uncertain how to cleanly migrate these, as each of these users have home directories and own files outside of their home, have certain server rights, etc.05:49
tohuw(by "certain server rights" I really mean they are members of local groups conferring privileges such as access to sudo or ability to ssh in)05:49
sarnoldtohuw: find can help you find files owned by some userid, -exec chown to change the owner..05:53
sarnoldtohuw: (a) the inconsistency would annoy me :)  (b) I've heard it is sometimes useful to have local users in case the server goes down..05:54
tohuwsarnold: So, just remove the old user, create the new user in LDAP, and chown as needed? That feels too simple...05:54
sarnoldtohuw: you could probably keep the old user around until after chowned..05:54
tohuwYeah, I'd definitely keep a local user in case slapd went banannas.05:54
tohuwsarnold: even if they have the same name?05:55
sarnoldtohuw: heh, I spent a very confused few hours to find out that an ldap "sarnold" had a different userid than a local account "sarnold", and nfs didn't care about names...05:55
tohuwsarnold: really? I was aware the uids would be different (I just finished reading about that), but the system lets you dupe usernames? That seems somewhat insane05:57
tohuwDo new ldap accounts get a home directory and follow other useradd procedures when they are created?05:57
sarnoldtohuw: well, it was a decade back. perhaps things have improved. :)05:58
tohuwsarnold: fair enough! :P I guess I could try it on my dev server... what's the worst that could happen? (famous last words)06:01
sarnoldtohuw: hehe06:01
* tohuw has parted: all local accounts purged. Executing rm -rf /...06:02
tohuwSomewhat related: http://qntm.org/suicide06:05
tohuwOkay, more tinkering with LDAP tomorrow. Bed time06:05
tohuwthanks for the input, sarnold.06:05
sarnoldgoood night, good luck tohuw :) sorry I didn't have concrete answers..06:06
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Davieyhallyn_: smsoer, jamespage and myself are re-reviewing them all today08:27
jamespageDaviey, morning08:30
jamespageDaviey, post lunch review?08:31
Davieymornin' jamespage08:32
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jamespagezul, I think we may need to upgrade ovs to 1.10.011:50
jamespagebackporting fixes for the 3.9 kernel to 1.9.0 is proving awkward (lots of code changes in the newer version)11:50
jamespagegiving it a test now.11:50
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zuljamespage:  ack12:00
zuljamespage:  im having problems with this can you have a look please
jamespagezul, you can't backport twice12:02
jamespagezul, as the checksum changed and reprepro rejects the inclusion12:02
zuljamespage:  yeah the problem is i already blew away the deb12:03
jamespagesame is happening in the PPA on upload12:03
jamespagezul, how?12:03
zulrm'ed it12:03
jamespagezul, please 'man reprepro' in future12:07
zuljamespage:  yeah sorry about this12:07
jamespageyou have removed the deb but not the entries from the packages lists12:07
jamespagezul, ok fixed12:15
zuljamespage:  cool thanks12:15
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hXmi have a binary program which uses a library that is in a different path12:47
hXmbut when i use ldd i see the missing library but not the current path12:47
hXmhow to see the path?12:48
GH0How am I supposed to disable the KDE Wallet service for a user if one doesn't exist in the Account Details page? http://i.imgur.com/Cdqm4N6.png I don't see anything about disabling the service via cli either.13:27
* ogra_ wonders how that is server related13:30
ogra_GH0, try asking in a kubuntu channel instead13:30
amkeihello, is here the right place to solve specific problems? in my case a crashed system/boot problem?13:31
GH0ogra_, I am on ubuntu-server and installed a slim-down copy of kde,  but unfortunately that installed along with it. Which is why I thought to ask in here. I can ask there though.13:33
amkeiafter a fsck-repair-operation where some blocks and nodes changed wasnt my system able to boot.13:33
ogra_GH0, i think your chances to get support for a GUI app are better over there, yes :)13:33
amkeibefore the grub-screen I got a short message "error: invalid environment block", then comes the grub-screen.13:33
amkeiif I choose my default entry the boot process hangs up, if i choose recovery-mode the console says "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!"13:34
amkeihm, seems to be the wrong place...sry, I'll ask in #ubuntu13:35
zuljamespage:  do you have some time to review heat/heatclient changes later this week?13:35
jamespagezul, either today or next week13:36
zuljamespage:  next week it is then (i havent started it yet)13:36
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jamespagezul, OK - I have a ovs 1.10.0 upload prepped and tested OK; I've pinged upstream for some verification that this is the best way forwards14:17
jamespagezul, fwiw 1.10 drops support for the brcompat module - I think its a good thing todo this now rather than right on the LTS release next cycle14:18
* jamespage goes for coffee14:18
zuljamespage:  cool14:18
jamespagerbasak, hey - remind me again where your patch for mongodb 2.4.x is again14:46
* jamespage <- brain fell out last week again14:46
RoyKhm... in my zfs days, I learned a typical 7200rpm disk can deliver something like 120iops, but when I monitor my raid disks with iostat, I see far higher tps numbers than that14:46
jamespageRoyK, read caching maybe?14:46
RoyKor NCQ...14:47
RoyKnot much read caching on rebuilding a raid, last I checked14:47
_ruben120iops is max fully random .. linear max is much higher14:49
_rubenless seeking, less latency, more stuff done in same amount of time14:49
zuljamespage:  did your brain get slippery when it fell out?14:50
al-maisanhello there! Is there a way to see actual cloudinit errors; all I get to see now is: http://paste.openstack.org/show/37866/ and that does not help :(14:50
hXmsomeone using bitcoin?16:29
BlackBoxCoderhi :)16:34
BlackBoxCoderI have a little question: I use apache2 and created a subdomain via virtual hosts. after this i put some content to the subdomain. after this I uploaded a .htacces file. now i cant access die subdomain anymore. have i to configure the apache service?16:37
BlackBoxCoderdie = the16:37
sarnoldBlackBoxCoder: did you reload the apache configuration?16:48
BlackBoxCoderohhh i dont think so16:49
BlackBoxCoderone second please16:49
RoyKapache config shouldn't matter for an .htaccess file (two s-es). but you could check the apache error log16:52
sarnoldRoyK: .. but if the config with the new subdomain was never loaded, it'll never even bother lookin for the .htmlaccess ...16:53
sarnolderr. yes.16:53
sarnoldme tip gud.16:53
hXmhi, in my server using dpkg --get-selections i see some x11proto-* packages, do i really need them? or how can i see if some daemon is using those dependences?16:55
BlackBoxCoderthanks for your help, i will have a look :) *thumbs up*16:57
sarnoldhXm: you can just apt-get purge those packages, it will complain if something else requires them16:57
hXmim scared, i wont break anything16:58
hXmi'll take a coke for this16:59
sarnoldhXm: .. of course, you might have installed something that requires them outside of the packaging system..16:59
sarnoldhXm: (for example, I don't have any *x11*proto* packages installed on my laptop.)16:59
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hXmyes, i understand what you mean17:00
hXmi just unnistalled some packages and now i am not sure if thats related or not17:00
hXmi will just try17:00
adam_gzul, http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/folsom/2012.2.4_rebase/nova_2012.2.4-0ubuntu3~cloud0/17:37
zuladam_g:  +117:38
adam_gzul, http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/cloud-archive/havana_versions.html17:48
adam_gzul, the CA pockets will remain empty till the ca havana pockets show up at http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-proposed/ and precise-updates17:48
zuladam_g:  cool thanks17:49
adam_gzul, wait a minute, that report is wrong17:49
adam_gzul, wait, nevermind. its right, kinda. havan-staging is just mostly a snapshot of the grizzly staging PPA, so it looks wonky atm17:51
zulheh ok17:51
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zuladam_g/yolanda/jamespage/Daviey: always happy to share the pain https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/heat/heat-refresh-ubuntu-style/+merge/16633717:59
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zuladam_g:  python-keystoneclient 0.2.4 just got released can you have a look please? https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-keystoneclient/0.2.4/+merge/16634318:10
hXmi have disabled ipv6 in sysctl.conf and ran sysctl -p, but there are still some tcp6 sockets alive18:10
hXmi did restart networking too18:11
sarnoldhXm: if you kill all the tasks with those sockets open, probably you can get to 0 open ipv6 sockets again, and stay that way18:14
zuladam_g:  ping https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-keystoneclient/0.2.4/+merge/16634318:51
adam_gzul,  gettin there18:51
adam_gDaviey, if you're still around, what was the motivation behind dropping the markdown dependency to begin with. re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cheetah/+bug/118363419:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1183634 in cheetah "cheetah pkg does not depend on markdown, but egg requires.txt does" [High,Triaged]19:05
Davieyadam_g: I think it was just that during that cycle we were overwhelmed by MIR's, and at that time we didn't need MD support19:06
Davieyadam_g: but now, removing the delta with Debian seems smarter.. i think.19:08
adam_gDaviey, okay, i guess we can work around it in the meantime with an openstack patch19:09
blenderman_are ubuntu sharing options secure?19:09
adam_g(while MIRs are in-flight)19:09
blenderman_like on ubuntu desktop19:09
Davieyadam_g: yeah, interim patches sound smart TBH19:09
DavieyBeing able to get H-1 out is more pressing IMO19:09
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