
triforzun problema con la vcomunicacion de dispositivo00:25
triforzes un milneston droid 300:25
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Mirvsergiusens: you need to understand how it conflicts with qtchooser and -dev packages, but last time I tried it out it worked fine as long as one checked that correct packages were left installed like qmlscene and qmlrunner. ie after reboot everything continued to work04:04
Mirvit could be easier to apt-get remove qtchoosee ; apt-get install qmlrunner qmlscene04:07
Mirvsergiusens: I can see a problem on my saucy device image though, investigating04:30
Mirvsergiusens: interestingly the symlink seems correct and broken at the same time.. maybe something has changed and the "/*/" isn't expanded anymore, so trying out with dpkg-architecture usage when building the package, which will make it a full path on each architecture04:40
Mirvsergiusens: alright, proposing a fix. it would be nice to know what broke the previous approach, since I remember building and installing qmlrunner less than 3 weeks ago on a device and the symlink wasn't broken.04:53
LLckfanMy modem went out I saw them come back on (like the cable company was working on the line) and now the router will not connect to the internet. Is there some way to get it to see the internet again without reinstalling the software? (BTW I am hooked up to the modem right now)05:47
dholbachgood morning06:42
LLckfanMy modem went out I saw them come back on (like the cable company was working on the line) and now the router will not connect to the internet. Is there some way to get it to see the internet again without reinstalling the software? (BTW I am hooked up to the modem right now)06:45
MinsteHi. How can I open manually installed apps on the device? The app lens just show me 6 icons, and no option for scrolling or searching installed items. I`m sure the apps are installed, cause the app Akari shows (probably because the apps are sorted after alphabet)07:59
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Master92does anyone know how useable the app store on ubuntu touch is right now?09:01
ogra_there is an app store ?09:01
* ogra_ doesnt think there is yet :)09:02
Master92or if there is already an app store ;)09:02
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ogra_as i understand the plan is to support installations directly from the dash09:02
ogra_(i might be wrong though, didnt follow that topic so closely)09:03
Master92i think you're right09:03
Master92you can just type what you like to have in the search on the top09:03
Master92i'm wondering when ubuntu touch is ready to use.09:04
ogra_next week it should be in a roughly usable state09:05
Master92okay nice! I'll try it out then09:05
ogra_(that means 3g, calls, sending/recieving SMS and importing contacts should work)09:06
ogra_though beware if you have 100s of contacts, i think there is no way to actually manage them yet (you might have to scroll a lot if you want to call someone starting with Z)09:07
Master92hm yeah same as in android...09:08
ogra_you can seatch them in android09:08
mardyseb128: hi! In ubuntu-system-settings/trunk there is now the stub for an "About..." plugin09:08
seb128mardy, \o/09:09
seb128mardy, hey, I just opened https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-s-system-settings-panels to track the work for the panels09:09
Master92@ogra thanks, using android since yesterday :D09:09
ogra_heh, k09:09
seb128mardy, I made a different spec because I don't want to add too much on the same blueprint, we might even split some panels further in their own blueprint for the complex ones09:09
mardyseb128: yep, I saw your name for the "About" plugin and thought of letting you know :-)09:09
mardyseb128: makes sense09:09
seb128mardy, great, I'm about to write an email about that spec and about having a meeting09:10
seb128mardy, since you have working code, and ted is back, it seems like a good time for a followup meeting, also to start preparing the work for june09:10
mardyseb128: yep09:10
deiudoes anyone know if there will be an update manager ready for the end of the month?09:11
deiusay I install the "stable" version that is supposed to be available soon, will it update current apps by default?09:12
deiuor do I have to flash a new version once in a while?09:12
ogra_deiu, the latter, but the flashing will leave your data alone now09:14
deiuI see09:14
bzoltan1ping ogra_09:45
ogra_bzoltan1, hey09:46
bzoltan1ogra_: I need your brain ...09:47
bzoltan1not in formaldehyde09:47
didrocksogra_: runnnnnn!09:47
ogra_heh, sure, its all yours09:47
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ogra_ask away09:47
bzoltan1ogra_: I checked the phablet menifest file, ~700 packages... only 4 does not have x86 installable ...09:48
bzoltan1ogra_:  libandroid-audiosystem-asound2 libdrm-omap1 libwaudio1 powerd09:48
bzoltan1powerd and libandroid-audiosystem-asound2 I do not care09:48
ogra_libdrm-omap1 you shouldnt either09:49
bzoltan1ogra_:  libdrm-omap1 actually builds for x86 target09:49
ogra_which is nonsense09:49
bzoltan1I know, but it does :)09:49
ogra_you will never find that HW combo09:49
bzoltan1ogra_: so the point is that I think we should be able to create x86 image ...09:50
ogra_yes, we should09:50
bzoltan1ogra_: for virtualbox09:50
ogra_and its next on my list once i'm done with the container flip work09:50
bzoltan1ogra_: and that would make a nice "emulator"09:50
ogra_there wont be an android layer09:50
bzoltan1ogra_: that is not a problem :) or is it09:50
ogra_i doubt you will have much fun regarding HW related bits09:51
bzoltan1ogra_: so here is the question... what is the trick?09:51
ogra_(which includes surfaceflinger i guess)09:51
bzoltan1Me as the sdk and ui toolkit dude  I am interested about the shell09:51
ogra_we dont have any display server for x86 atm09:51
ogra_so the images would either have to introduce X or we need to wait for Mir09:52
bzoltan1I am happy with X for now09:52
dlnais there a "news" of ubuntu phone price and date ?09:53
ogra_its free :)09:53
bzoltan1^ Nice one09:53
ogra_and dates are: october for the first phone release, april for a converged one09:53
dlnaoh thanks for the info... looking forward to it.09:53
ogra_bzoltan1, i'll be busy with the container flip until end of the week, lets see how hard it is to have x86 next week09:54
bzoltan1ogra_: Super, thanks for that.09:54
ogra_i assume a lot of issues though ... dont put your hopes to high09:55
ogra_all our userspace work in the plumbing layer is arm centric so x86 bugs are not taken into account yet09:55
bzoltan1ogra_:  the motivation is that Tizen and Sailfish both fake their emulation with an x86 virtual machine. Sailfish with virtualbox and Tizen with qemu09:55
ogra_(sound wont work ...  device specific bits will be broken etc)09:56
bzoltan1ogra_: I do not need stable and fast performing x86 for start... just a virtualbox launching the qml-shell and taking ssh connection09:56
ogra_to have that working properly we still need an x86 android layer09:56
bzoltan1ogra_: what depends on android?09:57
ogra_after the container flip it should be possible to get you *something* without android .... if thats much helpful is something we will only see then though09:57
ogra_everything that talks to HW in any way depends on android09:58
ogra_sound, media playback, the phone stack etc09:58
bzoltan1ogra_: these are the things I do not need for the start09:59
bzoltan1ogra_: All I need is a display server (any) and the qml shell09:59
bzoltan1ogra_: and networking of course09:59
ogra_right, it might even not be that bad, who knows, but you should expect the worst09:59
bzoltan1ogra_: If the worst is to have a virtualbox+Shell then I am buying it :)10:00
ogra_well, if all your apps crash because the platform-api doesnt get along that is pretty but wont help you much :)10:01
bzoltan1ogra_:  you underestimate the power of eye-candy bullshit my friend :D10:02
ogra_usable eye candy is surely better than crashing eye candy :)10:03
bzoltan1ogra_: it is called compromise :)10:03
bzoltan1having an x86 virtual phablet at least would give us a starting point10:04
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bzoltan1ogra_: other issue... after/during flashing with #140 the flasher lost my device ... how to troubleshoot? Does not boot, does not have anything on sdcard ...10:09
ogra_you can boot into recovery and check with adb10:09
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tmoenicke_salem: pong10:34
bzoltan1ogra_: I am in with adb ... what should I look for?10:36
ogra_there are log files in the recovery partition iirc10:37
ogra_last_install or so10:37
ogra_in any case if you got adb you are also able to do a manual install to get back to normal10:37
ogra_(see the install wikipage, it has a "manual" section)10:38
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bzoltan1ogra_: hmm... I am reading/doing the manual steps... it instructs me to push two different files with the _same_ name to the _same_ place and boot to recovery mode in between.10:52
bzoltan1and who does the installation?10:52
bzoltan1needless to say that nothing happened10:52
bzoltan1autodeploy.zip not found10:52
bzoltan1E:can't mount /sdcard/10:53
ogra_if autodeploy.zip exists under /sdcard when booting into recovery it will automatically deploy it10:53
ogra_and remove it in the end10:53
bzoltan1ogra_: that makes sense... but I think it can not mount the /sdcard10:53
ogra_what device is that10:53
ogra_maguro ?10:53
ogra_bzoltan1, try /data/media/ as target path instead10:54
ogra_iirc android just links /sdcard to it on the maguro10:55
ogra_(since there isnt even an SD card slot)10:55
bzoltan1I adb shell'ed and I see the autodeploy.zip after I pushed10:55
ogra_so now reboot into recovery10:55
ogra_and it should show you a progress bar10:56
bzoltan1I just did... how to confirm that it did install the autodeploy.zip?10:56
bzoltan1no progress bar10:56
ogra_works here10:56
ogra_is your /data full by chance ?10:57
bzoltan1let me see10:57
ogra_adb shell df10:58
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ogra_bzoltan1, that is with the ubuntu recovery mode ?11:10
ogra_(do you have a violet background ?)11:10
bzoltan1ogra_: Yes, I have violent background. How did you know? but I served the sentences and now I am a decent citizen. :D11:12
bzoltan1ogra_ I have formated the /data and now it shows up in the df11:13
ogra_ah, good11:14
ogra_so try again11:14
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bzoltan1ogra_: Yes, that helped... now I got a nice QML Shell :)11:24
bzoltan1thanks for your help11:24
diwicbzoltan1, btw, I think ogra_ was referring to the background color of the phone's screen, not your personal background :-)11:25
bzoltan1diwic: :D really?11:25
ogra_heh, yeah11:25
diwicbzoltan1, violet != violent11:26
bzoltan1diwic: I know :) I was kidding and I am a radical pacifist :D11:28
diwicoh well, irony and IRC :-)11:31
ogra_bzoltan1, violently radical indeed ...11:32
didrocksbfiller: sergiusens: oSoMoN: FYI, the app stack has a lot of autopilot failures: I asked sil2100 to look at why11:45
didrocks(that's why it's not in next, just daily-build-next)11:45
oSoMoNdidrocks: looking at it11:47
didrocksoSoMoN: you know that the videos are attached as well, right?11:48
oSoMoNdidrocks: yes, thanks11:48
oSoMoNdidrocks: I think I know what it is, there seems to be a regression in the UITK, the panel doesn’t hide when tapping outside of it anymore, I’m trying to get someone from the SDK team to confirm11:49
didrocksoSoMoN: ok, thanks!11:49
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mhall119kalikiana: fginther: can we move the u1db-qt packages to the https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ppa PPA?11:57
mhall119it is setup to use actual ARM hardware for armhf builds11:57
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kalikianamhall119, fginther seems good to me, in a way might even be a more appropriate place (though I don't think we have much logic in the ppa's in general)12:02
mhall119kalikiana: yeah, it makes more sense to put common platform stuff in there than in the Core Apps ppa12:05
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asacrsalveti: "Android bits small enough to get packaged" ... did we achieve that?12:21
asacthat was a goal for this month i found :)12:21
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ogra_asac, theoretically12:25
asacogra_: what was done on the stripping side?12:27
asacdid we do anything tangible? like committing a reduced manifest?12:27
ogra_see http://phablet.ubuntu.com/export/12:27
asaca new URL :)12:27
ogra_thats the tarball from the git repos12:27
asac2.1G -> 600M12:27
asacwe consider that small enough>?12:27
ogra_but packaging it gets close to impracticall12:28
asacpackaging will be june goal from what i see :)12:28
asacso not so important right now :)12:28
ogra_the license data alone is several megabytes12:28
asacbut delivering early june would be good12:28
ogra_wpackaging depends on the bionic toolchain to be in the archive12:28
asacwell. you can still do it ... just upload a fake cross toolchain package :)12:29
asacwith the linaro binaries ... put that in ppa12:29
asacto get the rest done ... doko will come along12:29
asac4.3M licenses12:29
asacthats good... means there is lots of good stuff :)12:30
asacfor me that means there is big value in this chunk12:30
ogra_note that this doesnt take the "unknown" files into account at all12:30
ogra_they are a lot more than the licensed ones12:30
asacsure, but if they come from android they usually have license on top12:30
asacand should be fine12:30
ogra_this is just the output of licensecheck run on the whole repo and then split by license12:31
ogra_we wont package the big chunk i guess12:31
ogra_but cut it into smaller pieces from the beginning12:31
ogra_thats all stuff for next month though12:32
asacso if we deliver thge apckage into the archive12:32
asacwill we also have to adjust build infrastructure still?12:32
ogra_we will have to do something with the package :)12:33
asacguess thats an easy change?12:33
ogra_though the change will likely look like:12:33
asacwho will do that? foundations?12:33
ogra_apt-get install android-system-image-$subarch && cp /usr/share/android-system-image-$subarch livecd-rootfs-$dist-system-$subarch.img12:34
ogra_that should be all thats needed in the end12:34
ogra_asac, me i guess12:34
asacnot colin?12:34
ogra_i'm the only one working on the image build stuff for touch atm12:35
ogra_colin reviews though12:35
ogra_asac, and sergiusens rsalveti  are members of the cdimage team now ... on purpose12:35
asacbig hackfest on the image production side12:36
ogra_as soon as we completely move away from jenkins we three will have to handle touch builds12:36
ogra_until then we kind of did split the work into they maintaining jenkins and me preparing cdimage12:36
sergiusensogra_: ack... same resp, different server :-)12:36
ogra_well, completely different software :)12:36
sergiusensogra_: where were those docs again?12:37
ogra_sergiusens, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/CDImageSetup12:38
ogra_but you also need a machine account12:38
ogra_i think that hasnt happened yet (colin asked me to remind him and i forgot)12:38
ogra_(he is off today i'll try to remember it tomorrow)12:39
asacogra_: on the core side, did we manage to get everything in the archive?12:40
asacin saucy?12:40
sergiusensogra_: well, I'll read the cdimage branch and the other two to get a handle of it12:40
asacogra_: from PPAs12:40
asacwhat is missing?12:40
asacwhat was done?12:40
ogra_i think didrocks is pretty much done with the UI parts12:40
ogra_but there is still plumbing stuff in the phablet team PPA12:41
asacfor desktop or also for phablet UI?12:41
asacdidrocks: ?12:41
ogra_we need the container flip completeted for some of this (so we know if the hacks are still needed)12:41
didrocksphablet UI12:41
ogra_asac, for the touch ui indeed12:41
didrocksbasically, apart from the shell, we have all touch components we are upstream for daily releasing12:41
didrocksin the ppa12:41
didrocks(in raring)12:41
sergiusensasac: ogra_ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-ubuntu-touch-porting12:41
ogra_ask in #ubuntu=desktop about desktop :P12:42
asacdidrocks: do you also build everything on saucy in parallel ?12:42
didrockssome prereq are missing, that the foundation phone team committed to upload to saucy12:42
asacdidrocks: what are those?12:42
didrocksasac: no, daily release is just associate a branch with one release12:42
didrocksone sec…12:42
didrockslibhybris, telepathy-logger-qt5, telepathy-ofono, telepathy-qt512:42
ogra_sergiusens, oh ... what did you do wrt plymouth ?12:42
didrocksand that's it :)12:42
sergiusensom26er:  wasn't in that vUDS, but all I did was remove the custom package we had12:43
sergiusensogra_: ^^12:43
sergiusensom26er: disregard ;-)12:43
asacaquarius: where do we stand wrt "working prototype of image upgrades ... server"12:43
ogra_ah, but the .overrdie files are still in place i guess12:43
ogra_asac, i think thats stgraber-land12:44
ogra_abnd berry12:44
asache is lazily sleeping :)12:44
asacor not in ubuntu-touch12:44
ogra_i think aquarius doesnt do the actual implementation (might be wrong though)12:44
asacstgraber is not on12:44
asacogra_: i hope he knows about whats going on though12:44
asaci hoped :)12:44
asaclets see12:44
asacif he is not involved at all he might not know :)12:44
ogra_probably a long weekend, its a public holiday tomorrow in many parts of the world12:45
aquariusasac, erm... image upgrades?12:45
aquariusasac, as in "upgrade the whole OS"?12:45
ogra_aquarius, image based upgrades12:45
ogra_or a diff ...12:45
asacaquarius: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/presentation/d/1pA9ImGAXoku-nw7FUJ_QpwIf-C68idjGtdfdP-1VupE/edit#slide=id.p12:45
ogra_that json server thing12:45
asacchgeck out timeline ... may goals12:45
aquariusogra_, asac, I'm not involved with the image-based upgrades stuff12:46
ogra_i think the final implementation also waits for the flipped containers12:46
asacaquarius: that feels odd :)12:46
asacthought you guys are our server folks now12:46
sergiusensogra_: yes, still have overrides12:46
asaclaunchpad replacement team12:46
asacwas the idea12:46
ogra_sergiusens, right, we need a proper solution for that12:46
asacaquarius: ok thanks. guess its all in foundations land then as ogra pointed out12:46
ogra_sergiusens, we should talk to slangasek, he is pretty good with plymouth12:46
aquariusasac, we (onlnie services) aren't involved with that. packages, yes. the OS, no.12:47
asacaquarius: ok will surely ping you on packages :)12:47
sergiusensogra_: well we had a vUDS session and plymouth was mentioned, might need to revisit it12:47
aquariusasac, sure -- tbh, you could talk straight to beuno on that, which will be quicker, but if you want to involve me too, OK :)12:47
ogra_sergiusens, i dont think we went into plymouth in detail, it was more about suppressing fsck12:48
sergiusensSaviq: mind updating https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/phablet.release-178/+merge/165995 to include the other bits that landed after?12:48
ogra_(which is already there .... )12:49
ogra_(teh workaround i mean)12:49
Saviqsergiusens, already did?12:49
sergiusensogra_: tbh, I never branched plymouth, but wouldn't mind taking a look12:49
asacaquarius: i am sure you work on other stuff relevant to the phone?12:49
aquariusasac, ya12:50
Saviqsergiusens, /me checks12:50
asacanything that goes on the images or needs something to land on the images?12:50
ogra_sergiusens, well, i guess we either need to keep the overrides or teach plymouth to not start anything graphically at all12:50
ogra_the latter would indeed be cleaner12:50
Saviqsergiusens, yeah, everything's merged12:51
sergiusensSaviq: forgot to refresh. Still, there are some updates in there anew from 2 hours ago12:51
asacaquarius: anyway, if i dont bump into something lets chat about that friday12:51
Saviqsergiusens, hrm12:51
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Saviqsergiusens, bzr fail, updating12:52
sergiusensSaviq: yeah, hard to look a reverse dep12:53
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Saviqsergiusens, updated, but we might have an issue with the new Launcher again (filtering input from the apps), checking12:56
fginthermhall119, kalikiana, Yes. I can target the u1db-qt builds for the ubuntu-sdk-team ppa. I'll also setup a job to copy the packages to the Core Apps Daily ppa (unless you think that's not a good idea)12:56
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mhall119fginther: core apps PPA already depends on the ubuntu-sdk-team PPA, so I don't think we'd need them copied12:58
fginthermhall119, ok. thanks12:58
asacwho would own "Unity QML in archive (Unity Next)12:58
asac" ?12:59
ogra_desktop team ?12:59
ogra_given it will actually become our desktop12:59
sergiusensasac: ogra_ that's Saviq ... but once the deps are resolved it should just be part of the daily release process13:01
sergiusensasac: well Saviq on the technical side at least13:01
sil2100nerochiaro: ping!13:04
mhall119Ubuntu Touch Clinic is open, Dr's popey and mhall119 are taking questions13:04
mhall119if you have any questions about Ubuntu Touch, the SDK, apps or app development, just go ahead and ask them13:05
sil2100nerochiaro: are you around?13:05
sil2100nerochiaro: we saw some new autopilot issues in the notes-app13:06
ogra_mhall119, if popey is the Dr.  are you the nurse ?13:06
popeyHello Nurse!13:07
mhall119ogra_: the Dr's was plural13:07
mhall119I do have great legs though13:07
ogra_shaved ?13:07
* popey closes the curtain13:08
mhall119ogra_: whatever you like sweety13:08
nerochiarosil2100: i'm here13:08
nerochiarosil2100: what's the issue ?13:08
Saviqsergiusens, k, I can't reproduce mzanetti's issue, when you check the shell release out, keep a close eye on the fact that you can't interact with the app through the launcher13:08
sil2100nerochiaro: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ps-generic-autopilot-release-testing/524/testReport/13:09
sil2100nerochiaro: it seems there are more than one issue, maybe something in SDK changed?13:09
sil2100nerochiaro: could you take a look?13:09
nerochiarosil2100: when did it start ? after the merge that happened yesterday ?13:10
nerochiarotmoenicke: when you say it works you only mean the keyboard doesn't bounce back, right ?13:11
tmoenickenerochiaro: yes13:11
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sergiusensSaviq: k, I'm guessing by interact you mean, launch and refocus13:13
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Saviqsergiusens, no, the fact that you can press the dialer numbers *through* the Launcher13:14
Saviq(you shouldn't)13:14
sil2100nerochiaro: not sure, could be - there also seems to be a regression in UITK13:14
nerochiarotmoenicke: that's only half the problem (which was caused by setFocus(true) instead of setFocus(false)). The other half is that when you call setFocus(false) the inner TextInput loses focus but the SDK TextArea that wraps it does not lose it. So i can't give it back focus by saying TextArea.focus = true because it's already true (even though the cursor it's gone as the inner TextArea is unfocused now)13:14
sil2100nerochiaro: not sure if that's related?13:15
sil2100nerochiaro: bug #118539713:15
ubot5bug 1185397 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[regression] The panel doesn’t hide when tapping outside it" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118539713:15
nerochiarosil2100: yeah we should probably wait until that regression is fixed. panel is the base class for toolbars i think, so if they don't hide we have a problem for sure13:18
nerochiarozsombi: still busy ?13:22
johbaI'm using sudo with logged in with phablet through ssh server, but get permission denied errors, why is that?13:24
johbawhen executing apt-get13:25
popeyjohba: can you pastebin the whole section where the error occurs?13:26
mhall119johba: using 'phablet' as the password when it asks you for one?13:28
johbapopey: http://pastebin.com/331L52cU13:28
johbamhall119: doesn't ask13:28
ogra_sudo apt-get update13:28
popeyits because you had && apt-get13:28
ogra_upgrade i mean13:28
popeysudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:29
ogra_(you need a sudo for the second command too13:29
popeyi.e. the second apt-get didn't have sudo, as ogra_ says ☻13:29
johbaahh -.- sry13:29
popeynp ☻13:29
mhall119easy solutions like that are the best :)13:29
davmor2popey, mhall119:  Crespo hates me.  I managed to I think remove the java apps from the cm_crespo image under device/samsung/crespo  and I got it to the building the kernel phase but it says there were 2 errors but I don't see where they are is there a way to find out?13:30
johbaright, thx guys :D13:30
mhall119davmor2: you're porting the touch image?13:32
* mhall119 doesn't know what crespo is13:32
ogra_a device13:32
davmor2mhall119: yeap, samsung galaxy nexus s13:32
popeyI've not tried porting to a new device yet.13:33
mhall119neither have I13:33
popeyI'd be looking for most recently written logs in the build directory though13:33
* ogra_ did a port to a galaxy S2 ... 13:34
mhall119ogra_: can you answer davmor2's question?13:34
ogra_davmor2, try to redirect the output of brunch to a file13:34
davmor2mhall119: also there is a missing line in the guide in the automatically get the image, it doesn't tell you to do . build/envsetup.sh before the first breakfast [device_name]13:34
ogra_so you dont lose the scrollback13:34
ogra_sergiusens, ^^^13:35
davmor2ogra_: ah nice plan I'll try that tonight13:35
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mhall119"build/envsetup.sh before the  first breakfast13:36
mhall119now that's a morning routine right there13:36
sergiusensmhall119: well you can brunch too13:37
sergiusensogra_: I just have an infinite scrollback13:37
* ogra_ bets thats not on your chromebook 13:37
ogra_i do too, on my desktop13:37
ogra_where i have 16G RAM13:38
popeysergiusens: is phablet-flash now supposed to clean up /sdcard of zip files? because flashing recently has failed with out of space. I have had to shell in and rm /sdcard/*.zip13:42
davmor2ogra_, sergiusens: i have that here too but all I could see were warnings is it likely to start a line ERROR::: or something that I can search for?13:42
sergiusenspopey: when you bootstrap these days it does a wipe13:44
popeybut not when you flash?13:46
popeyI want to keep my data, but ditch the old zip files.13:46
davmor2popey: phablet-flash -b deletes all data phablet-flash -l keeps data13:46
sergiusensdavmor2: it's standard make and gcc, look for Error 1 or Error 213:47
popeydavmor2: I know, I dont want to "delete all data"13:47
davmor2sergiusens: ah thanks13:47
popeyI want the flash process to work without me having to shell in and manually remove files13:47
ogra_how boring13:47
popeyi want to run "phablet-flash" which should keep my data, and flash the device with zero user interaction13:47
sergiusenspopey: well, how do you determine what is important and save worthy when you don't have enough space?13:48
ogra_well, we should be able to distinguish our zips from other stuff i guess13:49
gemaquestion: how do I make all the installed apps appear on my touch image, so that i don't have to search for them?13:49
ogra_by patiently waiting until the shell grows that feature ?13:50
popeysergiusens: well, if it's called /sdcard/raring*.zip I can be pretty confident I dont want to keep it13:50
mhall119gema: popey has a hack for that13:50
gemaogra_: I was told by popey he was going to blog about it, but not sure if he has13:50
popeyi haven't blogged for a while13:50
gemapopey: do you have a script somewhere that I can just run?13:51
sergiusenssalem_: bfiller I fixed the ppa deps for qt-folks and got a whole set of errors13:51
popeygema: https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/+junk/phablet-flash-wrapper13:51
popeythose are what i use13:51
gemapopey: excellent, thanks!13:51
sergiusenspopey: that's you, what about people that build their zips from time to time13:51
salem_sergiusens, thank you. I am fixing those errors right now.13:51
popeybut the backup/restore is now done by phablet-flash so may not be necessary13:51
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popeysergiusens: can phablet-flash not remove the file before the final reboot? I mean, it _knows_ the name of them, it just "adb pushed" them onto the device a few minutes previously?13:52
popeywell, after the final reboot I guess13:53
ogra_sergiusens, we could give it a unique name in adb push13:53
ogra_ubuntu-official1.zip .... ubuntu-official2.zip ....13:54
sergiusensogra_: popey well I do that for the autodeploy.zip13:54
ogra_rm -rf /sdcard/ubuntu-official?.zip13:54
sergiusensogra_: popey I just abandoned work on the recovery image since I was told that we were going to have a new update system soon13:54
ogra_well, i doubt it will differ massively13:55
ogra_but you neven know indeed13:55
sergiusenspopey: let me see what can be done...  I can't add any special logic to the zip that would break other recovery images13:56
popeyTip: Don't plug a device (Nexus 7) running Ubuntu Touch into a Windows 7 machine. It goes mad13:56
ogra_windows ?13:57
ogra_or the device13:57
popeykeeps seeing the device appear and disappear13:57
ogra_the container flip will fix that13:57
popeyso I get the USB bongs repeatedly13:57
pmcgowan_the flip cures all13:57
ogra_we run adbd in the ubuntu rootfs then and dont even enable mtp13:58
mhall119so for some reason, some boots on my Nexus 7 I get a white-screen only for apps, and the keyboard doeesn't come up for searching the dash14:09
mhall119any idea what's going on, or what I can look at to determine that?14:09
mhall119if I swipe from the right edge, just a bit, it will show the app's content, but then turn it all black after a couple seconds and the app's process terminates14:10
popeymhall119: i have seen that too now and then14:11
mhall119popey: only on the nexus 7, or on your nexus 4 too?14:13
popeynot seen on 414:13
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johbais there a way to make the terminal fullscreen on nexus 10?14:14
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popeythe n7 seems very slow compared to the n414:15
* popey makes a video14:15
mhall119johba: you need to change the X-Ubuntu-StageHint to MainStage in /usr/share/ubuntu-terminal-app/ubuntu-terminal-app.desktop14:15
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johbathanks, i'll research more. only scanned the faq so far14:16
sergiusensfginther: didrocks: can phablet-tools daily release into saucy instead of raring?14:22
didrockssergiusens: it will mean that android-audiosystem will daily release into saucy as well and not on raring, is that fine?14:24
didrocks(they are part of the same stack)14:24
fginthersergiusens, it should be ok from upstream merger perspective14:25
salem_sergiusens, hey, isnt jenkins setting the release to raring when pushing it into to the phablet-team ppa?14:25
sergiusensdidrocks: same stack? That's fine... android-audiosystem hasn't been touched for in a while14:25
sergiusenssalem_: no... it's crystal clear what you intend puses14:25
didrockssergiusens: I need to check the reverse depends of android-audiosystem after this hangout14:25
didrockssergiusens: sounds fine, will do the change14:26
salem_sergiusens, ok, just changed it to raring. thanks14:27
sergiusensdidrocks: thanks14:28
didrocksyw :)14:28
user82local transport here offers no api..so best chance is the offline data available14:29
user82too bad14:29
popeysuggestions on where this bug should go? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuE9R81ex-Q  - slowness on nexus 7 ?14:34
popeyprobably just the clock app timing logic14:35
sergiusensdidrocks: can you trigger a daily release for phablet-tools or the stack after?14:36
didrockssergiusens: it will surely not being NEWed today in saucy14:38
popeymhall119: is the stopwatch slow for you too?14:38
ogra_uh, dont break my dependencies in saucy today14:38
mhall119popey: let me check14:39
paulharthi all14:40
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paulhartlooks like i'm having some trouble with my nexus 414:40
paulhartits flashed with ubuntu mobile and i have it hooked via usb but ubuntu desktop cannot access it14:42
ogra_via adb ?14:42
mhall119popey: it appears so, yes14:42
paulhartyeah, for instance:14:42
paulhartubuntu@ubuntu:~$ adb reboot-bootloader error: insufficient permissions for device14:42
mhall119on my nexus 7, it gets about 45 seconds off in a minute14:42
ogra_paulhart, what ubuntu release are you using on the desktop ?14:43
ogra_looks like your adb package is outdated14:43
popeyogra_: i had this today too, i had to use sudo adb start-server14:45
ogra_adb kill-server && sudo adb start-server14:45
popeymhall119: ok, will file a bug14:45
ogra_that shouldnt happen if you use the adb package from the PPA14:45
popeyah yay, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/117655514:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 1176555 in Ubuntu Clock App "[Clock app] Time runs slower as expected" [Critical,Triaged]14:46
ogra_except i guess sergiusens didnt update it after my few uploads that added adbd the last days14:46
popeyogra_: what version of adb?14:46
popey4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu3~raring is what I have14:46
ogra_that should be fine then14:46
ogra_as long as oyu have a ~raring in it it comes from the PPA and ships the needed udev rules14:47
popeycool, thanks14:47
ogra_so it should work14:47
paulhartyeah... still not working14:47
sergiusensogra_: nope... not to the ppa if I wasn't notified ;-)14:47
paulhartubuntu@ubuntu:~$ adb kill-server && sudo adb start-server * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully *14:47
ogra_sergiusens, well, i realized it is raring14:48
ogra_indeed i only uploaded saucy14:48
paulhartbut its not apearing as mounted next to the drives14:48
ogra_it never will14:48
ogra_adb has nothing to do with mounting14:48
paulhartoh i see14:48
sergiusensogra_: well, there's no hurry to get adbd into raring14:48
ogra_sergiusens, not at all14:48
paulhartis it possible to mount it?14:48
ogra_ignore the above ... my fault ... PPA wont be affected14:49
ogra_paulhart, use adb push/pull14:49
ogra_we cant use mtp, it is patented14:49
ogra_and have no other mounting solution yet14:49
paulhartrihgt, oddly enough, if i remember correctly, push didn't work when i got ubunto on the phone... so i used the gui... ill try it now though14:50
salem_sergiusens, hey, can you approve that qt-folks MR? looks like ci is done.15:00
sergiusenssalem_: let me test it, what is this for? I thought we were going to be using upstream qtfolks from now on15:01
salem_sergiusens, to fix a problem related to favorites. https://bugs.launchpad.net/phone-app/+bug/118503615:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1185036 in phone-app "Favourite won't register" [High,In progress]15:02
sergiusenssalem_: are you pushing that upstream too?15:03
sergiusenssalem_: I'll test and happrove15:04
salem_sergiusens, ok thanks. I will send upstream.15:04
salem_sergiusens, looks like upstream isn't changed since 2011.15:05
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rsalvetiasac: we're still waiting the nexus 7 kernel to be fixed by our kernel guys, then we can reduce the image a bit more15:13
rsalvetiand once we have a toolchain, we can remove the pre-built toolchain, which will make it smaller as well15:13
ogra_and the toolchain :)15:13
rsalvetibut we did make a huge progress, it's now ~600mb15:13
* ogra_ bets for 200M in the end15:13
rsalvetiasac: and the reduced manifest is something we have for quite a while already ;-)15:13
drizztbsdhi, does the phone/sms work?15:18
ogra_on the supported devices it does15:18
ogra_on the ports it depends on the porter15:18
drizztbsdcool, I will test it this evening :P15:19
ogra_mind you, only for SIMs without PIN15:19
ogra_so unlock it first15:19
drizztbsd[App] WhatsApp for Ubuntu Phone (alpha) (wow lol)15:21
mhall119trying to open files from the file manager on Ubuntu Touch, I get:15:21
mhall119Opening file /home/phablet/test.txt15:21
mhall119static bool QDesktopServices::openUrl(const QUrl&): The platform plugin does not support services.15:21
mhall119rsalveti: sergiusens: ^^ any idea how to get around that?15:22
sergiusensmhall119: not a Qt person myself, might get a quicker answer from mzanetti or Kaleo15:22
mzanettihmm...  seems like this really would need support from the platform plugin... what it does is to determine the default app for that uri scheme and then pass the url on to it...15:24
mzanettiif its always a website you could launch the browser yourself with - for example - the QtProcess plugin from yesterday15:24
mhall119mzanetti: not from QML I can't15:24
mzanettioh right... its C++ Qt :D15:25
mhall119and having the platform "do the right thing" for a URI is better15:25
sergiusensmhall119: mzanetti ported an exec plugin15:25
mzanettimhall119: well, as a quick hack, for now use QProcess and call the browser yourself15:25
mhall119so for the file manager, we really want to say "Hey platform, open this file in the best app you've got"15:25
mzanettimhall119: yes... but that really needs to be implemented in the platform plugin15:26
mhall119mzanetti: ubuntu-filemanager-app is pure-QML, so using C++ wouldn't be a quick hack15:26
mzanettimhall119: then use the QtProcess plugin15:26
mhall119mzanetti: is implementing the platform plugin on our roadmap?15:26
mzanettimhall119: https://gitorious.org/~mzanetti/qml-process-element/qml-process-element-qt515:26
mzanettimhall119: I don't know... I'm kinda on the other side of the stack... but I'm sure its on the roadmap for ricmm or the like15:27
mhall119mzanetti: can you provide an installable package for that?15:30
sergiusensmhall119: I'm going to be packaging it tonight15:30
mzanettithanks sergio15:30
sergiusensor later in the evening15:30
mhall119sergiusens: ok, we can upload it to the Core Apps PPA so they can use it until a proper platform plugin exists15:30
mzanettisergiusens: might want to include the example code somewhere: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5713726/15:31
sergiusensmzanetti: thanks15:32
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mzanettihey! there's a ubuntu logo in my bootloader now :)15:37
* mzanetti likes15:37
mhall119dang, I just phablet-flashed yesterday15:40
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loologra_: Hey, I'm looking at your recent android-tools changes to add adbd16:13
ogra_yeah, they will need some love16:13
loolI wanted to include them in Debian, but these can't be included as is16:13
ogra_xnox was eager to work on that iirc16:14
loolI had some ideas to reduce the delta16:14
loologra_: first of all, why do we want a copy of the sources instead of patching the core/adb stuff?16:14
ogra_time :)16:14
ogra_i could have done that but wouldnt have gotten the container flip ready by friday16:14
xnoxis there phablet-flash support to flash saucy image on to grouper?16:14
ogra_you need to use the manual methot16:15
ogra_abnd done use any image newer than 27th16:15
loologra_: I'm not asking why the time wasn't spent doing it  :-)  I'm asking whether you know of a technical reason that a copy of the sources was needed16:15
ogra_i will break them soon16:15
loollike maybe this or that part of the patch breaks adb16:16
loolI didn't see immediately what would break it, hence my question16:16
ogra_lool, well, and my answer was that i didnt have the time to do it proper :) there is no tech reason16:16
ogra_it needs a bunch of ifdefs16:16
loologra_: why?16:16
loolanyway, ok16:16
loologra_: so I guess same reason for qemu_pipe; it's not really needed but it was the quickest way to do it?16:17
ogra_because it gets built differently from the same sources and the changes arent merged in16:17
ogra_if you mean qemu-arm-static16:17
loologra_: what I'm saying is: let's just patch core/adb/adb.c and use that to build and adbd, just like upstream, in a single pass16:17
lool*to build adb and adbd16:17
ogra_they dont do it in a single pass16:18
ogra_thats the point :)16:18
ogra_they do two runs and then cp adb adbd16:18
ogra_in the second one16:18
ogra_its the same code with different options16:18
ogra_thus ifdefs16:18
ogra_and we need to kill off some of the android specifics (getopts)16:19
ogra_since our adbd doesnt have access to that when it starts16:19
loolI was thinking we could override get_property with some wrapper around getenv16:20
loolit's problematic that right now only nexus 4 is supported too16:20
ogra_you could probably do it ... what we did in the current code was to comment out (or add fake data) to that stuff for now16:20
ogra_it isnt :)16:20
loolwell, nexus 4 is hardcoded in the source16:20
ogra_that code is nonsense ... just a placeholder16:20
ogra_the actual setting happens in the upstart job16:21
ogra_through sysfs16:21
ogra_it runs fine on all HW i have here16:21
ogra_incluyding a galaxy S216:21
loolthe upstart jobs is another hardcoded place16:21
loolbut with USB device ids instead of props16:21
ogra_well, we need to set up the android gadget somewhere for adbd16:22
ogra_seemed like the obvious place16:22
ogra_and the IDs are the right ones16:22
loolthe thing is, this is meant to be an "adbd" package16:23
ogra_(they are the value for "only running adbd" ... thats completely device unspecific)16:23
ogra_and it is16:24
loolbut it hardcodes running adbd with a recovery rom id, nexus 4 props and will attempt to start even if you don't have android_usb16:24
ogra_it doesnt use the props at all16:24
ogra_and it needs that ID so that adb on the client side recognizes it as "adbd only, no mtp or other stuff"16:24
loologra_: I think these props are sent over the wire16:25
ogra_they are16:25
mhall119mzanetti: no ubuntu logo for my bootsplash :(16:25
ogra_thats what i said above16:25
ogra_adb on the client side needs them16:25
loologra_: you said it doesn't use the props at all16:25
ogra_it uses the props from sysfs16:25
loologra_: it also uses the hardcoded props in the source16:25
ogra_the hardcoded ones are moot16:25
looloccam, Nexus 4, mako16:26
ogra_hmm, it doesnt here16:26
ogra_lool, anyway, if you can come up with something generic that doesnt confuse half the desktop (endless loop attempts for mtp and such) feel free16:27
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ogra_the current setup works  ...16:27
ogra_[793040.499310] usb 1-1: Product: Galaxy Nexus16:28
ogra_[793040.499358] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Samsung16:28
ogra_[793040.499405] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 0149CBF01100601216:28
ogra_thats what i get here16:28
mzanettimhall119: it came after I flashed with -b16:29
ogra_(with flipped container, mind you ... that behaves completely different from natively running android)16:29
mhall119mzanetti: I flashed with -b too16:29
mhall119on my nexus 716:29
mhall119though my /home/phablet/ was left intact16:29
mzanettimhall119: galaxy nexus here... and no... here it wiped everything16:30
kgunnmhall119: i also have a n716:49
kgunnand i kinda gave up on -b16:49
kgunni just do the recovery mode adb push of the zips to autodeploy16:50
kgunnworks like a champ16:50
sergiusensmhall119: kgunn -b didn't work with that version of phablet-tools?16:51
sergiusenskgunn: without -b you get the same result16:51
mhall119sergiusens: yeah, -b didn't erase my /home/phablet/ directory16:52
sergiusensmhall119: what version of phablet-tools?16:53
mhall119sergiusens: 0.13daily13.05.10ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu116:53
sergiusensmhall119: need version 14+16:53
mhall119I see 0.14-0ubuntu1~raring is available now though, I'll update16:53
kgunnsergiusens: right...sorry to confuse16:54
* ogra_ is with kgunn ... i prefer the adb way 16:55
sergiusensogra_: phablet-flash initially was 2 wgets and 2 adb pushes... I take it you don't flash daily ;-)16:58
ogra_heh, not even monthly :)16:58
sergiusensogra_: that's why you prefer adb plain and simple ;-)16:59
sergiusensI would too...16:59
ogra_but i think even doing it daily i would use adb16:59
ogra_its just one command more16:59
mhall119sergiusens: uh oh17:04
mhall119sergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5713969/17:05
mhall119adb can no longer see my N7 :(17:06
kgunnmhall119: try adb kill-server17:06
kgunnthen adb devices17:06
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/blog/sdkapps/coreapps$ adb devices -l17:07
mhall119* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *17:07
mhall119* daemon started successfully *17:07
mhall119List of devices attached17:07
mhall119and no devices17:07
ogra_you actually want:17:07
ogra_adb kill-server && sudo adb start-server17:07
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/blog/sdkapps/coreapps$ adb kill-server && sudo adb start-server17:08
mhall119* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *17:08
mhall119again, no devices17:08
mhall119* daemon started successfully *17:08
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/blog/sdkapps/coreapps$ adb devices -l17:08
mhall119List of devices attached17:08
ogra_re-plug ?17:08
kgunnmhall119: manual reboot, hold power+lower volume button....get to recovery17:08
mhall119the N7 is at the Android unlocked bootloader screen17:08
ogra_that doesnt run adbd :)17:08
ogra_you are in fastboot mode17:08
ogra_select recovery and press power17:09
mhall119saw it do something17:09
mhall119android with a spinning buckyball or whatever17:09
mhall119then it turned itself off17:09
ogra_you mean after selecting recovery ?17:10
mhall119mzanetti: you tempted me with the new hotness, and now look what I've gotten myself into17:10
mhall119ogra_: yeah17:10
ogra_weird, it should have dumped you into recovery mode17:11
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
mhall119ogra_: ah, now I have the Ubuntu logo'd recovery mode17:11
mhall119didn't give me that last time17:11
mhall119now what?17:11
ogra_ah, good17:11
ogra_well, you have adb again17:12
mzanettimhall119: haha... the same happened to me... but because something bad happened to my device already before I didn't think this would be related. sorry17:12
ogra_phablet-flash should work as expected17:12
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/blog/sdkapps/coreapps$ phablet-flash -b17:12
mhall119Device detected as /sbin/sh: getprop: not found17:12
mhall119Unsupported device, autodetect fails device17:12
mhall119trying again with -d grouper17:13
ogra_try without -b17:13
sergiusensmhall119: kgunn there's a new adb in the ppa or in saucy that doesn't have perm problems17:13
ogra_thoough he was in fastboot mode17:14
ogra_whats a permission issue17:14
sergiusensogra_: mhall119 probably had an autodeploy.zip17:15
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
ogra_sergiusens, does that reboot into fastboot/bootloader ?17:15
mhall119sergiusens: it says "autodeploy.zip not found" at the bottom of the ubuntu recover mode screen17:16
ogra_well, if it unpacked it it is gone17:16
ogra_autodeploy gets deleted after it got installed17:16
mhall119so how do I get it back17:16
ogra_might have been a dangling one from a failed flash attempt17:16
ogra_-d grouper didnt work ?17:17
mhall119running phablet-flash -b -d grouper, reboots it back to the android unlock screen17:17
mhall119and phablet-flash is stuck with < waiting for device >17:17
ogra_do not use -b17:17
ogra_that re-bootstraps is ... which needs the fastboot mode17:17
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/blog/sdkapps/coreapps$ phablet-flash -d grouper17:18
mhall119Device detected as grouper17:18
mhall119Cannot find /data mountpoint17:18
mhall119from the ubuntu recovery mode17:18
* mhall119 has fubar'd this good this time17:18
sergiusensogra_: mhall119 what's your fastboot package version?17:18
ogra_yeah, i was about to ask17:19
sergiusenswaiting for device on fastboot means wrong package most likely17:19
ogra_though still he uses the ubuntu recovery ... that should find /data17:19
sergiusensogra_: not if somehow it got wiped17:19
ogra_ah, indeed17:19
ogra_broken filesystem or so17:19
mhall119how do I un-break it?17:21
ogra_format /data17:23
ogra_from the recovery menu17:23
ogra_then you should have a proper data partition again you can use17:23
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mhall119I like all the No, No, No, No No, Yes, No options :)17:24
mhall119still no luck17:24
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/blog/sdkapps/coreapps$ phablet-flash -d grouper17:24
mhall119Device detected as grouper17:24
mhall119Cannot find /data mountpoint17:24
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/blog/sdkapps/coreapps$ phablet-flash17:24
mhall119Device detected as /sbin/sh: getprop: not found17:24
mhall119Unsupported device, autodetect fails device17:24
ogra_you are to fast :17:25
ogra_you should have mounted data after formatting and before running phablet-flash17:25
mhall119I don't have an option to mount /data, only to unmount /data17:26
mhall119I can mount /sdcard or /system17:26
ogra_oh, that means it is mounted17:26
mhall119selecting unmount /data didn't change the option17:26
mhall119should I format /data and /data/media?17:27
mhall119I did just /data last time17:27
mhall119or is there some brute-force "Scrap everything and start over" option?17:27
ogra_well, /sdcard is likely a link to /data/media17:28
ogra_(it is on many devices that i know at least)17:28
mhall119should I mound /sdcard?17:29
ogra_if its a link there is nothing to mount17:30
* mhall119 has an option to mount it anyway17:30
ogra_i personally would just use the manual installl methid now17:30
mhall119what's that?17:30
ogra_download the zips (or fish them out of the chache) ...17:31
mhall119raring-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip ?17:31
ogra_adb push /path/to/armel.zip /sdcard/autodeploy.zip && adb reboot recovery17:31
ogra_then do the same with the armhf one17:31
mhall119where would I find the armel zip?17:32
mhall119it's not in ~/Downloads/phablet-flash/140/17:32
ogra_not sure where phablet-flash stores them ... ~/.local/ i think17:32
mhall119I have armel .img files17:32
mhall119ah, I have them for 13817:33
mhall119downloading it now17:33
ogra_i guess it doesnt download it if you run -b17:33
mhall119maybe that's what messed this all up17:33
ogra_since bootstrapping uses the img files17:33
* mhall119 runs adb push17:34
mhall119push the armhf one to /sdcard/autodeploy.zip too?17:35
ogra_after the adb reboot recovery17:35
ogra_it needs to flash them in succession17:35
ogra_after the reboot you should see a progress bar17:36
ogra_if thats gone you can push the armhf one and do the same dance17:36
kgunnor as mhall119 put it...the bucky ball17:36
mhall119ok, I pushed the armel, got the progress bar, then it shutdown (gave me the battery indicator)17:37
mhall119manually got it back into recovery mode, and am pushing the armhf now17:37
mhall119no progress indicator for adb push huh?17:38
ogra_patience :)17:38
mhall119my patience, like my coffee, has run out17:39
mhall119I just want my precious Ubuntu Touch tablet back17:39
ogra_well, not every dogfood comes with cream :)17:40
mhall119it's rebooting now17:40
mhall119got the google bucky-ball thing17:41
* mhall119 croses his fingers17:41
mhall119it's back!17:43
mhall119ogra_: thank you!17:43
mhall119next time I see you, I'm gonna kiss you17:44
mhall119right on the lips17:44
mhall119or buy you a beer, your preference17:44
jcastroubuntu-touch, quite literal!17:44
ogra_i'll decide that then :)17:44
mhall119ok, I'm taking a break for lunch before I break anything else17:45
kgunnjcastro: good one17:49
=== jhodapp|lunch is now known as jhodapp
doanacsforshee: i've got a question i think might be power related: if i run something like "sleep 10m" from an upstart task, and then disconnect USB charging, the sleep seems to run forever18:01
doanacis there a way to truly wait X minutes when the system is idling w/o power?18:01
sforsheedoanac, if the system is suspended and you want it to wake from suspend what you need is an rtc alarm18:06
doanacsforshee: okay. i suspected. thanks18:06
sforsheedoanac, np. Though what we'll probably need is a central service which manages rtc alarms for various clients18:07
sforsheeand do nice things like batching together events with flexible timing requirements18:08
mhall119kenvandine: ping18:08
doanacsforshee: yep, that would be nice18:08
mhall119doanac: FYI, the ability to schedule wakeups for an app is being spec'ed18:08
doanacmhall119: thanks. is there a BP I should subscribe to for that?18:09
mhall119doanac: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1305-background-task-service18:10
mhall119there was also an associated UDS discussion: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21763/client-1305-background-task-service/18:11
sergiusensrsalveti: I can test everything but the mako bits from your MR18:23
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WilberforceDoes anyone know how to start the touch screen calibration thing on android?18:29
sergiusensrsalveti: approved, but not happroved18:31
rtgrsalveti, grouper issues appear to be toolchain.18:32
ogra_rtg, thats funny given it never got in our way on the desktop image18:34
rtgogra_, dunno. the same config works with gcc-4.618:35
ogra_(though that was admittedly raring and the 4.7 toolchain)18:35
WilberforceDo any of you lovely people know why my touch screen is not responding?18:36
ogra_in ubuntu touch ?18:36
ogra_did you try swiping from the sides ?18:36
WilberforceNo android, I tried to install touchbut it failed18:36
ogra_ah, no idea18:36
Wilberforceis it possible to install touch on an archos arnova 7f g3 ?18:37
DarkEraWilberforce, i don't think it's supported: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices18:41
WilberforceThanks DarkEra, unfortunately my device is not supported :(18:45
salem_bfiller, hey, can you re-approve this MR? It failed to merge yesterday: https://code.launchpad.net/~tiagosh/phone-app/phone-app-1181362/+merge/16613319:01
bfillersalem_: looking19:01
bfillersalem_: done19:03
salem_bfiller, thanks19:03
bfillersalem_: here is the bug report for the search field in header thing we talked about: https://bugs.launchpad.net/phone-app/+bug/118516819:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1185168 in phone-app "Need faster scrolling or other means to handle long lists of contacts" [High,New]19:09
bfillersalem_: I assigned to you if you have time to look at19:09
salem_bfiller, ok, I am working on it right now.19:10
bfillersalem_: thank you19:11
=== hallino1___ is now known as hallino1
rsalvetisergiusens: right, we might need ChickenCutlass's help then19:40
rsalvetirtg: oh, annoying19:40
rsalvetirtg: so it works all good with gcc 4.6?19:40
sergiusensrsalveti: did a code review as well, some comments might be nice :-)19:41
sergiusensrsalveti: but I'm not blocking on it19:41
rtgrsalveti, seems to, though there still seem to be some config issues. still investigating.19:41
rsalvetisergiusens: yeah, imagined that, but I made a better patch to be included in upstream (with some more comments)19:41
rsalvetirtg: right, cool, let us know when you get it to work, so we can disable our kernel build for grouper, and start depending on the one from the archive19:43
rtgrsalveti, will do19:43
rsalvetisergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/touch-preview-images/ubuntu-build-phablet-adding-missing-groups/+merge/16595619:44
rsalvetithat's important to be able to use gps as phablet19:44
rsalvetitogether with http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/patches/0001-init.rc-allow-anyone-to-read-proc-cmdline.patch19:45
sergiusensrsalveti: yeah, I'm going to build that soon19:46
sergiusensrsalveti: have your email open ;-)19:46
sergiusensrsalveti: was waiting for hybris first ;-)19:47
kenvandinemhall119, pong19:47
loologra_: I've got adbd building from core/adb with some changes; I'm trying to figure out where the files you've uploaded came from; e.g. our android_filesystem_config.h differ19:47
loolmine has a snippet with linux/capability.h vs. android_filesystem_capability.h which yours doesn't have and I have to workaroudn it to fix my build; your versions has other deltas as if it was taken from another branch19:48
rsalvetisergiusens: cool, thanks :-)19:48
rsalvetigot so many tabs with mrs here it's not even fun hehe19:48
sergiusensrsalveti: yeah, I'm falling behind19:51
sergiusensrsalveti: it gets stressfull when you become the bottle neck :-)19:52
ChickenCutlassrsalveti, what's up19:54
rsalvetisergiusens: know the feeling19:55
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
mhall119kenvandine: hey, any chance of getting that Online Accounds docs index page this week?20:14
kenvandinei'll try to do it tomorrow20:15
mhall119thanks kenvandine20:15
rtgrsalveti, uploaded linux-grouper_3.1.10-3.4. I'll work on homogenizing distro configs tomorrow.20:19
rsalvetirtg: awesome, is it all working as before with this kernel?20:19
rtgrsalveti, as near as I can tell. apps do the right thing20:20
rsalvetirtg: awesome, once built will enable it by default20:20
rsalvetithanks so much20:20
rtgrsalveti, cool, I'm outta here.20:20
MinsteI've installed coreapps on my device, but I can't start them couse I don't get an icon for them in app lens. I've manage to open them from terminal on my computer, but is it a way to get them visible in the app-lens?20:42
SaviqMinste, if they're installed on the device, they're there in Installed apps, you might need to search (tap search at the top panel) for them, though20:52
RobbyFlooks like some great progress is being made20:52
loologra_`: ok; I've pushed all my changes to the android-tools debian git repos; it builds adbd and I can launch it as root on my desktop, but it's otherwise untested; I'd love to work with you for the last remaining pieces tomorrow20:53
MinsteSaviq: Thanks :) I didn´t know I had to search for them.20:54
loologra_`: I avoided the header changes and the property_get changes, but I don't have the fake values sent over the wire; the rest should just work identically20:54
SaviqMinste, yeah, there's some missing functionality there to be able to expand the category and see everything20:54
loologra_`: BTW I've noticed there's a permission issue on the git repo on alioth; I'll file a ticket to get these fixed20:55
ogra_`lool, ok, as long as it doesnt stop working i'm fine20:56
MinsteSaviq: okay. Can't wait to use it as my primary phone. So I'm just playing around to see if it's stable and good enough for my use ;)20:56
loologra_`: well if you could test it that would be good20:57
loologra_`: I can't test it until next week20:57
ogra_`do yu have a package ?20:58
SaviqMinste, there's a bunch of people that do it already :) obviously there's a lot missing, but it's getting to be good enough for a (not-so-smart)phone now20:58
loologra_`: not for arm20:59
ogra_`lool, or just put the binary on people.u.c20:59
loologra_`: I can hand you a .dsc though20:59
ogra_`with tarball ? :)21:00
loolof course  :-)21:00
ogra_`good, thats fine21:00
ogra_`i wont test right now, but tomorrow21:00
MinsteSaviq: I know, but the lack of 3g are my biggest issue right now. cause I can't live with a phone without it.21:00
ogra_`will let you know how it works21:01
loologra_`: http://people.canonical.com/~lool/android-tools_4.2.2+git20130529-1/21:01
loologra_`: sure; no hurry21:01
ogra_`thanks for the work !21:01
loologra_`: the upstart job is not there; that's the main thing I think is missing21:01
ogra_`yeah, i have one here, no prob21:01
loologra_`: np; I wanted to get the debian delta down and I remember you had asked me to review a patch some weeks ago21:01
loologra_`: I think it was related21:01
ogra_`i actually wanted to do the cleanup work before but somehow the container flip is consuming more time than i planned21:02
WebVisitor-3helo, how to figure out if i have a multitouch support for more thant two fingers?21:21
=== _salem is now known as salem_
salem_bfiller, ping22:26
bfillersalem_: ong22:28
salem_bfiller, hey, created a new MR to fix the favorite thing. https://code.launchpad.net/~tiagosh/phone-app/phone-app-1185036/+merge/16640022:28
bfillersalem_: cool, let me try22:29
salem_bfiller, ok. I will be offline for 15 minutes. brb22:29
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
bfiller_salem: looks good, just fix the changelog series to raring so it gets released22:33
loologra_`: I've fixed the powerpc build failure too (http://paste.ubuntu.com/5714965/)22:45
ogra_`wow, cool !22:45
ogra_`thanks !22:46
ogra_`so all the ppc phones will work too !22:46
* ogra_` grins22:46
loologra_`: well, it might affect any arch really, and I wasn't confortable switching to hardcoded list of arches22:46
loolespecially for debian22:46
ogra_`yeah, understood22:46
loolactually, it only affects BE arches22:46
ogra_`i read up a lot about the error, but didnt invest the time to actually fix it in the end22:47
=== FUF_ is now known as FUF
=== _salem is now known as salem_
salem_bfiller, ok, done.23:18
bfillersalem_: still not quite working23:25
salem_bfiller, really?23:25
bfillersalem_: it's weird, trying to narrow down23:25
bfillersalem_: it works when you create a new contact with name and mark as favorite but if you have existing contacts with name only and you favorite it doesn't get saved23:26
bfillersalem_: let me try more23:26
salem_bfiller, do you have the  new libqtfolks ?23:26
bfillersalem_: yes got from MR23:27
bfillersalem_: let me make sure, is it working for you?23:27
salem_bfiller, ok, I tried this same use case, and it worked locally. let me try again23:27
salem_bfiller, I can mark as favorite a contact with name only, either from the contact view or the contact editing view.23:29
bfillersalem_: make sure you quit the app each time and restart it that it's still favorite23:30
salem_bfiller, yes, the change is persistent23:30
bfillersalem_: just re-install libqtfolks again to make sure, trying23:30
salem_bfiller, I am testing on my desktop. I will try on the phone to make sure.23:31
bfillersalem_: I see what the problem is23:36
bfillersalem_: it works fine for contacts that are in the default address book, but not for contacts in other address books23:37
bfillersalem_: I logged into facebook with uoa-create script and that populated my address book with facebook friends23:37
bfillersalem_: doesn't work on those contacts but does work on ones I create by hand in the app23:38
salem_bfiller, ah, I see. do facebook contacts support favorite mark?23:39
bfillersalem_: not sure, maybe that's the issue23:39
salem_bfiller, probably.23:40
bfillersalem_: lets not worry about it for now23:40
bfillersalem_: I'll approve the MR23:40
salem_bfiller, ok. cool.23:40
bfillersalem_: done23:41
salem_bfiller, I think the real question is: do we support editing on facebook contacts at all?23:41
salem_bfiller, thanks23:42
bfillersalem_: right, and I don't think we want to automatically import all facebook and twitter contacts into the address book by default as we're doing now23:42
bfillersalem_: I was very confused when I saw them there23:42
bfillerdidn't know how they got there23:42
salem_bfiller, yep, true, an idea would be to remove the edit option for some kinds of address book. like twitter and facebook.23:43
bfillersalem_: could work. have you had a chance to look at search field header thing yet?23:43
bfillersalem_: if not, friday is fine23:43
salem_bfiller, yes, unfortunately changing the header didn't work, but I managed to make the search field visible all the time at the top.23:45
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
bfillersalem_: how does it feel?23:46
salem_bfiller, well, it was easier to find contacts. I think it is way better than what we have now. I had the code almost done for testing, but I installed a phone-app package by mistake and my changes were overwritten. I am trying to implement that again.23:48
bfillersalem_: shit!23:49
salem_shame on me, I will never ever develop direct on usr/share/phone-app23:49

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