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elfylderan: perhaps it would be better to discuss this autopilot thing in here 20:08
elfyso what did knome say briefly? 20:08
elfyI saw something about python, which is a snake20:09
lderanalso part of a name of a famous comedy group20:09
elfyoh hang on - forgot I've got scrollback 20:10
lderanhe said something along the lines of writing the test scripts in python to use with autopilot for testing out the xubuntu specific applications20:10
elfyright 20:10
elfyso at the moment - we've nothing in autopilot yet, so if you can get your head around writing some that would be great - the plan is two fold at present, so depending on part 1, part 2 might not even be needed20:14
elfypart 1 is working out whether this is actually going to be of any use to us at all - Noskcaj had done a bit of looking into that I believe, but nothing as yet 20:14
elfyprt2 is getting things to autopilot with - ie the python bits20:15
lderanso far i have got it set up and moving my cursor in an infinite square20:15
knomelderan, set up in xubuntu? i suppose that answers part 1...20:16
elfyoh I have managed to get autopilot to run evince and do the autopilot vios thing 20:16
elfywhat would be great would be some sort of 'record' tool - start autopilot record and then do a bunch of tasks 20:17
lderanthink that is possible20:17
elfyunless they've already got one of course ... 20:18
lderanshall look for it20:18
elfy#ubuntu-autopilot is the cahnnel I suspect 20:18
elfyI've not had time since the weekend to do much looking to be honest20:19
lderanfair enough20:20
elfyknome: I'm not usre that answers part 1 - it shows that we can 'use' it but the real question is whether it's of practical use 20:20
lderanshall see if they have the answers20:20
elfyespecially given the bug Unit193 linked me too a day or two ago 20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1169593 in Autopilot "Some applications are not introspectable" [Undecided,New]20:22
elfy"I would recommend closing this as won't fix as apart from patching the source of the applications themselves there is nothing the autopilot team can do to enable these applications to work with autopilot."20:22
elfyI'm going to be able to spend a bit more time on it over the next couple of days so I can look at the overview perhaps20:24
elfyI can spend an hour getting a list of default apps together and see which autopilot works with and which it doesn't20:25
lderanthat'll be useful 20:26
elfyI'd say if the +'s outnumber the -'s then we should look further - but if there aren't many +'s then we need to make a decision then as to whether to go any further20:26
lderani'll look into writing some basic tests in the mean time then, even if we decide to not go with it the exposure to more python will be good.20:28
elfyhang on a second20:29
elfygnumeric seems to run from autopilot ok 20:33
elfyfirst one I've found that does 20:33
elfyI'll work out a list tomorrow 20:36
elfydid I see a link to an Xubuntu roadmap autopilot page ? 20:36
Unit193Bah, abiword in saucy is still the bad version.20:39
elfylderan: do you have it then :p20:40
lderanshall find it20:41
elfyoh - thought you had it to hand - sorry :)20:41
lderanits in my history so near enough20:41
elfyk - cheers - I'll sort the apps and a/pilot out and put it on that page then20:42
lderanhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Saucy/EnablingXubuntuDevelopers a list of the xubuntu packages as well20:42
elfylderan: probably not all of those would need it :)20:43
lderanaye :P20:43
elfyI'll work with the default apps we have in menu to start with I think :)20:44
elfylderan: so returning to the 'plan' if we get part 1 as a positive - then we need to work on getting the tests ready so we can start to use it in time for 14.04 20:45
lderanokay sounds like a plan20:46
elfyI believe that is what knome is looking for20:46
elfythe manual testcases are quite easy - and it seems that someone from the forum is also picking up on those 20:47
elfysee - I do listen :)20:47
knomei never had any doubts about that ;)20:48
elfylderan: <balloons> elfy, no recording actions I'm afraid20:50
lderanah okay20:54
knomeelfy, well that doesn't mean non-technical people can't help; they can write up listings what needs to be done20:54
elfyyea 20:55
elfythat'll be me then :)20:56
knomeelfy, that's one direction - i'd rather see generally less involved people get their hands dirty with these relatively low-hanging fruit21:04
elfyok - well it's only likely to take me an hour tomorrow to sort a list out tbh21:05
knomethat yeah, but i was referring to the actual tests too21:07
elfyoic - not going to be much I could do with those I doubt at present - I understand what you mean by listing now 21:07
elfyopen app - do this - do that - do the other21:08
knomeand i don't think we're even close to that point yet21:08
knomebut eventually, eventually...21:08
elfywhat we need now is to get a list of which ones it will work with - basic data to work forward from 21:09
lderanaye that we do21:10
elfyknome: at least he's trying to talk about xfce  :)21:17
elfyright - that's enough for me - goodnight all 21:32
lderangood night elfy :)21:32
elfyI'll do that list tomorrow and hope to get it on wiki - if not it'll be a text thing of some sort.21:32
lderanawesome :D21:33
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