
gary_posterhey hatch, why don't you share your doc with bcsaller so he knows where you are going00:47
hatchoh sure thing00:48
hatchthe documentation for angular sure is horrible00:49
gary_posterthat's not good hatch :-(00:49
hatchno definitely not00:50
hatchthere is ample documentation/blogs on how to write an application starting from a typical index.html00:50
hatchbut almost none on doing what we are doing00:50
gary_posterI see :-/00:59
gary_posterI hope that is not a bad sign00:59
rick_h_hatch: I'd love a copy too please :)01:03
hatchthink you deserve it?01:09
rick_h_hatch: hey, I've got to have some bonus points from the api change landing today :P01:10
hatchpm'd the link01:11
fwereadebac, quick question -- do you use the results of AddServiceUnits and similar calls, or do you just let the watchers give you the info you need?07:52
fwereadefrankban, gary_poster: can you offer a suggestion re my question to bac above?09:16
frankbanfwereade: morning, could you repeat the question?09:17
fwereadefrankban,  quick question -- do you use the results of AddServiceUnits and similar calls, or do you just let the watchers give you the info you need?09:17
frankbanfwereade: we use the results, yes09:18
fwereadefrankban, interesting -- how do you reconcile them with changes from the watcher?09:18
fwereadefrankban, it's just 2 parallel paths, I guess, so the immediate feedback lands immediately and you probably get an already-handled change out of the watcher soon?09:19
frankbanfwereade: we handle possible errors, we give feedback to users before the delta stream arrives. when the watcher notifies the real changes, we update our internal db09:20
fwereadefrankban, ok, I think I asked badly09:20
fwereadefrankban, ServiceAddUnits returns a list of units09:20
fwereadefrankban, what do yu use those units for?09:20
frankbanfwereade: looking09:20
frankbanfwereade: in case of errors, we notify the user, in case of correct response, we add the units to the db. The unit names are keys in our db, so, when the delta arrives we can do updates or inserts as required09:24
frankbanfwereade: the db meaning the model layer used internally by the JavaScript app09:25
fwereadefrankban, ok, so at least in the single-user case it's just a way of getting slightly-quicker inserts, so the subsequent insert event is effectively dropped?09:26
frankbanfwereade: the info from the watcher are used to update the db with all the required information. e.g. AddServiceUnit response -> just add unit names in the db with state "pending". delta -> update those records with all the info included in the stream09:29
fwereadefrankban, ahhh! sorry, it's just the new names09:33
* fwereade sees, andfeels a bit silly09:33
frankbanfwereade: no problem10:15
jcsackettjujugui: is there a way to see what revision uistage is running?12:38
gary_posterjcsackett, yes.  getting url12:38
gary_posterjcsackett, http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/juju-ui/version.js12:38
hazmatnot sure there's a cronjob in place there.12:38
hazmatincidentally the 8080 is finally redundant12:38
gary_posterthere is not, pretty sure12:38
gary_posteroh cool12:38
jcsackettgary_poster: awesome, thanks.12:39
* hazmat puts a cron in place12:39
jcsacketthazmat: yup, removing 8080 works.12:39
hazmatgary_poster,  do you think it should be more than bzr up && make prod ... ie clean, up, make ? 12:41
gary_posterhazmat, make clean has not bitten us much.  conflicts on config changes have bitten us much more12:43
gary_posterhazmat, so, for cheap improvement, bzr up && make prod is sufficient.  if you are going for gold, you could make a fresh branch while the other one continues to serve, run make prod, drop in a replacement config file, and move the dir over. :-)  I appreciate the simple one.12:45
hazmatgary_poster, simple one done12:47
gary_posterperfect thanks hazmat12:47
gary_posterjcsackett, ^^ we're on 699 now12:49
jcsackettgary_poster: thanks.12:49
benjiIs it "make clean" that has bitten us or "make clean-all"?  I ask because I hate "make clean"; it should instead be as clean as "-all".12:49
gary_posterbenji, neither12:49
gary_posteron uistage12:50
gary_posterthe only thing that has bitten us in my memory (and I'm one of the two that have to do the surgery) is the config conflict12:50
benjidarn, I'll have to look for another reason to hate it12:50
hazmatat the moment the config delta is 2 lines for credentials in app/config-prod.js12:50
benjiinstead of "clean" and "clean-all" we should have had "clean" and "clean-some" :)12:51
bac"scrub" and "just move the dirt around"12:52
hazmaton first load the gui seems to be making two identical queries to jujucharms, and there's a few  nav images that look like they could be sprited.12:55
rick_h_hazmat: yes, the query is done on load and makes an OPTION and follow up request. Those will go away when the browser is pulled from the feature flag12:56
hazmatrick_h_, ic.. and the backend doesn't distguish from options atm, so it does the query/result twice. cool re feature flag, is it still doing the options with the backend responding approriately? 12:58
rick_h_hazmat: no, the new api splits OPTIONS from the second request correctly12:58
rick_h_hazmat: you can see it with a /:flags:/browser_enabled/ on the url12:58
rick_h_hazmat: we didn't go back and update the old view code since we're trying to replace it. 12:58
hazmatsounds good13:00
hazmatalthough looking at it with the features flag enabled.. there's some suboptimal image loading.. every charm icon is treated as distinct even when its not, causing redundant image loading.13:01
rick_h_hazmat: 'treated as distinct'?13:02
hazmatrick_h_, openstack icons for example are the same but downloaded different.. i'm trying to remember some of the things i did for www.wdl.org.. ie. image heavy site.13:03
hazmatthere was some image strip tile cutting, but its not particularly helpful here.13:03
rick_h_hazmat: well, we don't know that. We just load the icon that the charm provides and have no insight as to the actual pixels13:04
hazmatmostly about lazy image loading13:04
rick_h_hazmat: basically we load them, but they're the last in the request and most are hidden by the collapsed categories so it appears a lot faster than it is13:04
hazmatright now we load images for the entire result set, instead of what's visible..13:04
rick_h_hazmat: right, but you don't see them load, and then the browser will cache them since they're unique urls13:04
rick_h_hazmat: the waterfall makes it look a lot worse than the real use experience. 13:05
hazmatrick_h_, there's still quite a few optimizations though... ie.. http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/sidebar/search/~sidnei/precise/moztrap-0/:flags:/browser_enabled/ 13:07
sinzuiorangesquad, any looking at staging? Know why mongodb/0's agent is down?13:08
hazmatwill load moztrap json 4 times.. and still loads icons for the default result set, instead of the actual13:08
hazmatrick_h_, looks nice though13:08
rick_h_hazmat: definitely. We're not completely done. We just landed caching of switching simple view changes (fullscreen to sidebar and back) and removing the icon svg from the api data passed yesterday13:09
rick_h_hazmat: so now that the icons are loaded as normal <img src=> we can start looking at optimizing that more with better headers on the back end, etc13:09
abentleysinzui: I hadn't seen.13:10
rick_h_hazmat: feel free to file a bug and we can look into some more tweaks going forward. Right now trying to finish features we require like the fallback to category icons, related charms13:10
sinzuilooks like mongodb/0 fell over 7 hours ago according to the app.log13:10
abentleysinzui: I wonder what happens if we reboot it?13:11
* sinzui pays mongodb/0 a visit13:11
sinzuiabentley, might help. The db appears to be up locally. I can query it and get sensible numbers13:13
sinzuiI wonder if I can just restart the agent13:14
abentleysinzui: My problem is I don't know what program is actually the agent.13:15
sinzuime neither.13:15
sinzuimy hope for service juju-agent restart was dashed13:16
abentleysinzui: From charmworld/3, looks like python -m juju.agents.machine13:16
abentleysinzui: and juju.agents.unit13:17
sinzuiabentley: juju.errors.NoConnection: No zookeeper connection configured.13:18
sinzuijuju-admin will let me initialize a zookeeper hierarchy, but I think would be BAD13:19
abentleysinzui: The full commandlines are:  https://pastebin.canonical.com/91851/13:19
abentleysinzui: But if we can't find the init file, I think a reboot is better.13:19
sinzuiI see it13:20
sinzuiSame error about zookeeper connection13:21
sinzuiabentley, restart?13:21
abentleysinzui: go for it.13:21
sinzuiabentley, I see "started" now13:25
sinzuioh, now I see charmworld has an es relation error.13:26
bachi gary_poster, i was looking at the 'make custom ppas' card.  can we do a pre-imp?13:47
gary_posterbac, sure13:48
bacgary_poster: cool, in 5?13:48
gary_posterbac, cool.  guichat is open, I think.13:48
rndmis there a way to "deploy-to" from the gui?13:56
bacgary_poster: you there?13:57
rndmmaybe i don't get what's going on but it seems like there's a 1-1 correspondence between services and machines13:57
rndmthat might be my lack of understanding, however13:57
gary_posterrndm, no.  we won't support jitsu deploy-to ever, at least in my plans (except that we show it just fine).  we will support containerization in juju core this cycle, which is the expected long-term approach to the use case.14:00
rndmok, thanks14:01
rndmlack of deploy-to isn't the problem for us, it's the 1-1 correspondence. when does this cycle end?14:01
abentleysinzui: It looks like promulgated is not a provided attribute in http://staging.jujucharms.com/~charmers/precise/rails/json14:06
abentleysinzui: basically, it's not set in the db.14:06
sinzuiabentley, yeah. I don't see it in the db for juju-gui14:08
gary_posterrndm, 1-1 correspondence can be addressed now with jitsu deploy-to (in pyJuju) or --force-machine (in juju core).  juju gui displays this fine, we just don't support deploying with it yet.14:10
sinzuiI think the short_url for juju-gui is wrong. I see a ~ where I expects a simple path.14:10
gary_posterrndm, that's the path for what you want now.  containerization will come sometime in the next 5 months, and the hope is that it will come within the next two months AIUI.14:11
rndmthanks. i was asking when because i prefer containerization but deploy-to is okay for now14:13
sinzuiabentley, the exception log hasn't had an entry since I brought up mongo and es. The applog shows the 5 missing data branches and the 1 FileExists errors that we see every ingest. Thus i think injest is doing its job, but explicit "promulgate" just doesn't work14:14
abentleysinzui: It seems like it could be aborting early.14:15
rick_h_jcsackett: so looks like I can't use the icons from huw's branch. So moving them and spriting them will have to live in your branch only. 14:31
MakyoTests pass!  Further proof that I don't understand embedding as well as I should!14:47
frankbanMakyo: cool! tests passed for me too, maybe for the same reason?14:49
Makyofrankban, Not sure.  This was embedded structs causing weird behavior that I still really don't understand.14:50
jcsackettrick_h_: moving them sure; spriting them is pretty out of scope for what i'm doing. what blocks you from moving forward on that?14:52
benjirick_h_: I'm trying to add a subapp, but I apparently haven't found all the places that I have to update in order to do so, here is my diff, thus-far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5716969/14:52
rick_h_jcsackett: they're not the right images I need. I've got the images I need in the assets dir of docs14:53
rick_h_benji: looking14:53
jcsackettrick_h_: ah, so you'll sprite with those, and i'll just move the svgs in mine.14:54
rick_h_jcsackett: rgr14:54
benji(this is one of the things that frustrates me when working on our app, it is not clear to me what I have to do to add a new module, and looking at existing modules never seems to give me enough information to crib)14:54
rick_h_jcsackett: but the objection of adding 6 new requests for those images still stands in huw's branch so they need to get turned into png and sprited. 14:54
* benji will be right back.14:54
rick_h_benji: subapps are init'd in the Y.App initializer14:55
jcsackettrick_h_: then i think my branch is blocked? b/c there's no point in me spriting and then you spriting. sounds like my work is dependent on yours.14:55
benjirick_h_: I don't follow.14:55
rick_h_benji: sorry, guessing the first part of that diff is in the intializer 14:55
rick_h_benji: guichat?14:56
rick_h_benji: I mean that looks right. can you push the branch up to make it easier to debug. Wondering if there's a diff issue cauing it not to load?15:00
benjirick_h_: pushed to lp:~benji/juju-gui/websocket-logging15:04
benjirick_h_: after you take a look we can go to guichat if needed15:04
rick_h_benji: rgr15:05
* benji thinks rick_h_ is drowning.15:06
benjior perhaps would like to buy a vowel15:06
rick_h_benji: so this 'works' here. It loads, runs init. logs to console that it started15:07
rick_h_benji: what is not working as expected?15:08
benjiit's not doing that :)15:08
rick_h_benji: now I did flip the sandbox because I didn't have rapi running atm15:08
rick_h_benji: I guess let me go back adn flip that back and run rapi15:08
benjiI wonder if there is some build cruft keeping the new thing from being found.  I'll make clean-all and see if it helps.15:08
rick_h_benji: sounds good15:09
benjiare you running "make devel"?15:09
rick_h_benji: yes15:09
rick_h_benji: same success with the sandbox off and rapi running15:10
* gary_poster wonders if a subapp is necessary, benji--you might be able to work with something simpler. <shrug-for-now> ;-)15:20
benjigary_poster: maybe.  It looked like an easy way to draw well-defined lines around the functionality; if I ever get it to work I'll let you know15:33
gary_poster:-) k15:33
benjirick_h_: it was a cache problem15:37
benjiWe *really* need to straighten out our cache story.  These sorts of things are inexcusable.15:37
rick_h_benji: +115:43
rick_h_benji: I think I end up running a make clean-all at least once a day just to make sure15:44
gary_posterjujugui call in 8.  please update kanban15:52
gary_posterbenji, if you mean browser cache, we don't have a cache any more.  appcache is gone.  if you mean filesystem copies and Make issues, dunno, but that's not a cache per se.  I have not encountered, but if others have then please identify the issue and escalate it.15:54
benjigary_poster: I mean whatever caused my problem ;)  I suspect it was browser cache (though I realize the app cache is gone)15:55
gary_poster:-) ok.  we don't send cache headers benji, as you know, so if there's anything wrong, on the bright side it's because we are being too simple.  or because the browsers are broken. :-P15:56
rick_h_benji: heads up we did some tweaks to get things watched so http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui/juju-gui/trunk/view/head:/config.js might be of interest if you get some other files going15:57
gary_posterbcsaller starting without you16:01
bacjcsackett: yeah, the hangouts app isn't so stable16:04
jcsackettbac: nope. 16:04
jcsackett~bac: if only i had another option.16:04
* jcsackett probably should buy a webcam for his computer16:05
abentleysinzui: someone forgot to set charm_import_limit to -1.  That's why it stops in the middle.16:28
lucagary_poster: Hi gary, are you free for a catch up with ale and i?16:43
sinzuiabentley, easily fixed. That someone must be me. I recreated the app server a few weeks ago16:44
gary_posterluca, hey.  was about to lunch.  really quick, maybe? :-)16:45
lucagary_poster: sure16:45
gary_posterluca trying guichat...16:46
gary_posterhangouts is bugier than it used to be :-/16:46
lucagary_poster: already in :)16:46
sinzuiabentley, did you fix the import limit? I see it as -1. Also, I have gzipped the current logs so that we get fresh logs at the start of the next ingest16:50
abentleysinzui: I adjusted the limit, then ran a manual ingest.17:03
abentleysinzui: I am perplexed that this does not seem to have fixed it.17:04
abentleysinzui: oh, setting the limit didn't actually rewrite production.ini …17:06
sinzuiabentley, I just looked in the db an {"name": "juju-gui", "owner": "juju-gui"} does not have the promulgated attr yet. Make sense since the config is wrong.17:08
abentleysinzui: Yes, it's alphabetically lower than ~charmers/precise/cinder, which I presume is charm 11017:09
abentleysinzui: Are you running debug-hooks by any chance?17:10
abentleysinzui: I don't know why the config change didn't take, then.17:10
sinzuiyeah, I was just off to read the log17:11
abentleysinzui: I just ran debug-hooks and changed the config, and the hook isn't firing.17:12
sinzuithe log shown two twisted exceptions originating from txzookeeper17:13
sinzuiabentley, these are the errors from a time I think you called set: https://pastebin.canonical.com/91875/17:15
abentleysinzui: Cascading failure maybe?17:16
abentleysinzui: Should we try rebooting this one too?17:17
sinzuiabentley, I'll do it. I cannot think of anything else to do. I'd like to trample zookeeper, but I cannot think of what can do that to full emotional satisfaction17:18
abentleysinzui: Tie a steak around its neck and let the zoo's tigers out of their cages?17:19
sinzuiHow did I just type those numbers? I don't even recognise them17:21
abentleysinzui: Yay!  Now I can 2fa as you!17:21
sinzuiyou can, oh, the bloody cat17:22
rick_h_he still needs your password :P17:22
sinzuicharmworld is back.17:24
sinzuiabentley, I see charm_import_limit = 1000 in production.ini now17:26
abentleysinzui: Me too.  I'll set it back to -117:27
sinzuiI am still polling the juju-gui charm and hoping for a change17:27
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
abentleysinzui: manually ingesting now.17:30
abentleysinzui: Up to 126 charms now.  juju-gui will probably be 127.17:35
sinzuiabentley, I think there about 134 promulgated charms for precise17:36
sinzuisurely we have a ways to go17:37
abentleysinzui: juju-gui is now listed, but the entry is 501.17:37
sinzuiwell that bad news here is the branch owned by juju-gui now states promulgated == False17:38
abentleysinzui: I don't see that.  At http://staging.jujucharms.com/charms/precise/juju-gui/json it has promulgated: true17:38
sinzuihuh? Do I have to deal with "eventually consistent" with a single db?17:39
sinzuiabentley, doh, I thought the branch was still owned by juju-gui17:40
abentleysinzui: The problem is it doesn't have a short_url.17:42
sinzuiabentley, it does in the db: /charms/precise/juju-gui17:44
abentleysinzui: You sure?  The representation at http://staging.jujucharms.com/charms/precise/juju-gui/json and the exception we get trying to load the page both indicate it's not there.17:47
sinzuiI see that, but yes I am sure the db knows the charm is promulgated and has the expected short_url17:48
abentleysinzui: I find this very confusing, since the /json is a very lightly-edited version of the mongo representation.17:54
sinzuiyes. I think frustrating it the better word.17:55
sinzuiI have just reconfirmed ~juju-gui-charmers/charms/precise/juju-gui/trunk is promulgated and has a short url.17:56
* sinzui ponders restarting the app17:56
sinzuiabentley, did the force ingest complete?17:57
abentleysinzui: Yes.17:57
sinzuiI will restart the app just to convince myself that we really do not have caching in the app17:58
sinzuiokay done, and json still shown the app cannot see the short url17:59
abentleysinzui: Oh, i get it locally, too.18:01
sinzuiabentley, /api1/charms/interesting knows the charm is promulgated18:01
abentleysinzui: The problem is not the promulgation, it's the short_url.  It's been showing promulgated since it started 501ing.18:02
sinzuiabentley, what do you mean started 501ing. I think this charm has never 200ed18:03
hatch-mobilehello all18:03
abentleysinzui: It was 404ing before, IIRC.18:03
* sinzui nods18:04
abentleysinzui: I read the error a little closer, and I think it's due to a missing short_url in another juju-gui charm.18:05
sinzuiabentley, benji's?18:05
sinzuihe has a charm with a tab in the metadata.yaml I think18:05
abentleysinzui: Could be.18:06
benjiI hope not.  I'm not a big fan to tabs.18:06
sinzuiabentley, said charm is on my list of branches to not die on for the branch I want to work on after this arduous QA18:06
abentleysinzui: Yes, it is all benji's fault.18:07
sinzuibenji, no need to panic: ~benji/charms/precise/juju-gui/trunk is one of several charms that are broken, and pages/api calls that include them break18:08
hatch-mobilebcsaller did you have a chance to read through that document?18:08
abentleysinzui: So I got out my torch and pitchfork for nothing?18:08
sinzuibenji, charmworld needs to normalise the data.18:09
sinzuiI think I want to join an angry mob right now. I bet it would be cathartic.18:10
abentleysinzui: I have a fix.  Now I need a unit test.18:13
sinzuiwhat? how? where?18:14
sinzuia hack to _charm_view?18:14
sinzuioh, other short_url18:15
abentleysinzui: Yes, a change to charm view so it doesn't try to list invalid charms as alternatives.  https://pastebin.canonical.com/91882/18:16
sinzuibenji's charm is breaking the promulgated charm18:16
sinzuiabentley, I cannot see how that excludes a charm without a short URL.18:19
sinzuicomment 4 in https://bugs.launchpad.net/charmworld/+bug/1180055 shows an example of my hack to deal with missing short_urls: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charmworld/+bug/118005518:19
_mup_Bug #1180055: KeyError: 'short_url' <oops> <charmworld:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1180055>18:19
_mup_Bug #1180055: KeyError: 'short_url' <oops> <charmworld:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1180055>18:19
abentleysinzui: This excludes charms that were not processed successfully, because valid_charms_only defaults True, and only charms that weren't processed successfully will lack short_url AIUI.18:20
sinzuiabentley, I see...valid_charms_only=True18:22
sinzuiabentley, I think we should ponder a change in my plan for bug 1180055. If ingest uses the model charm which guarantees required attributes, view call sites don't need to be so defensive18:27
_mup_Bug #1180055: KeyError: 'short_url' <oops> <charmworld:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1180055>18:27
abentleysinzui: We should still avoid showing charms that aren't present in the charm store, which is another thing valid_charms_only gives us.18:28
sinzuiabentley, I think there are two cases. I agree we should not claim this bad charm is an alternate for the one being listed.18:29
abentleysinzui: We could remove those.  I would be fine with that.18:29
sinzuibut If benji wanted to see his charm, m.jc.com could tell him it is evil and must be put down18:30
sinzuiabentley, your fix does not address this case http://staging.jujucharms.com/~benji/precise/juju-gui where the offending charm is primary content. If we don't want to ever show it, then instead of me creating a model, I think we want the api and charm views to know how to say 40418:32
abentleysinzui: I think we should show it in that case.  For all we know, it's a working charm that just has a bad category or something.18:33
abentleysinzui: Ideally, we put a warning at the top, and show the page still.18:33
sinzuiokay. Do you think I should proceed with yesterday's plan?18:33
abentleysinzui: I think so.18:34
sinzuiexcellent. I have purpose18:34
* sinzui wishes his Merida doll would arrive.18:35
abentleysinzui: Once we have a class to represent charms, we should switch all the code over to use it.  Once we do that, the internal representation of the charm becomes less important.18:36
sinzuiyeah, that is my dream.18:36
abentleysinzui: Then we probably start generating short_url on the fly, since it's redundant with (promulgated, series, owner, name)18:39
* sinzui nods18:39
sinzuiabentley, I can confirm that you dropped the charm-errors collection. I am moving the card18:46
abentleysinzui: Thanks!18:46
sinzuiabentley, I am going to pause before moving Abel's cards to acceptance. I want to review misadventure with fresh eye.18:52
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
abentleysinzui: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/charmworld/valid-others/+merge/166578?  Technically, this is a fix for 1180055.  I did not mean to steal your bug.  Sorry.19:11
sinzuiabentley, yeah, it fixes 50% or more the occurrences.19:12
benjiumm, the "=" (shouldn't that have been "+") and "-" key bindings are a bit agressive, you now can't type either of those characters anywhere in the environment view (search box, service config, etc.), instead you get zooming all the time19:12
abentleysinzui: Oh, it's not a complete fix?  I'll add another card rather than stealing yours, then.19:12
sinzuiabentley, your change fixes the viewing of every juju-gui charm except for http://staging.jujucharms.com/~benji/precise/juju-gui because we do want to see it and short_url is called in another place in the template19:15
abentleysinzui: Cool.19:15
abentleysinzui: juju-gui is now displayed properly at http://staging.jujucharms.com/charms/precise/juju-gui19:25
sinzuiyep. Thank you19:26
* benji files a bug for the above-mentioned keybinding behavior19:29
abentleysinzui: I have determined that download time is a large, often dominant component of retrieval time for manage.jujucharms.com/api1/charms/interesting.  I will look at implementing API2 with a more efficient format.19:45
sinzuiabentley, understood.20:05
bacgary_poster: if you have a sec, i'm trying to ssh to uistage and still cannot.  could you check my key?20:12
bachazmat: ^^20:17
hazmatbac, user:root dir:/opt/uistage20:22
* hazmat double checks 20:22
hazmatbac, looks good20:22
bachazmat: did you use ssh-import-id?20:23
hazmatbac, root@uistage.jujucharms.com doesn't work for you?20:23
bachazmat: when i attempt ssh it presents all of my keys but rejects them20:23
hazmatbac, ic bac@brazos, bac@ubuntu.com and a few others20:23
hazmatin authorized keys, works for gary and me.. yes re ssh-import-id20:24
bachazmat: yes, root@ works.  i was trying ubuntu@20:24
bachazmat: was that a change?20:24
hazmatbac, yes previously was ubuntu@ (cloud-image) now root@ 20:24
hazmatbac, /opt/uistage has the checkouts / cron etc20:25
bachazmat: ok.  thanks.20:25

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