
fractalinevalorie,  didn't work,  it said login incorrect...   :/00:06
valorieremember you have to login as yourself00:06
valoriebut now, it's time for my dinner, sorry00:06
fractalineno worries,   one must eat00:07
fractalinei get what i did wrong00:08
jmrbcuhi every one00:21
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Scunizihopefully someone will be awake :).. Dolphin has just started freezing on me. If I start it from cli the 1st output line is "dolphin(5478) kxmlgui::actionlist::plug: Index 19 is not within range (0-11"  then "QPixmap::scaled" Pixmap is a null pixmap. This is right after opening it.  How do I fix it?01:12
fractalinevalorie, didn't work from tty,  ( i realized after that it was simply because i didn't do mkdir ~/.kde-old first)  but i did the cheeky thing and just renamed it from dolphin then quickly logged out,  which worked.   the fresh .kde is without the said glitch.02:03
fractalinebut i'm still feeling the need to do a clean install as there are other "artifacts" from ubuntu... e.g. nautilus is seen running in system activity but is not present in app list...02:06
fractalineand i cant seem to get rid of the cairo(gnome) login option from login screen.   it's all just a bit messy in there.  :/02:08
fractalinemy current question is that if i install clean and use a backup of /home (eg copy it to it's own partition)  will i be importing the issues along with it??02:11
* fractaline has a head that's spinning02:11
ahoneybunfractaline: there are certain config files that could be in the /home directory02:12
ahoneybunthat could bring a issue over02:13
fractalinethat was mt concern02:13
ahoneybunI usually only copy directories (music, pictures, docs) and so forth02:14
ahoneybunjust don't copy over hidden directory and files02:14
fractalineand just reinstall all the needed apps and reconfigure?02:15
fractalinei don't have that many to worry about currently so....  no real stress02:15
fractalineahoneybun, did you happen to see the issue i was talking with valorie about?02:17
ahoneybunno I have not looked at the logs02:18
fractalineno worries02:18
fractalinei'm being haunted by the ghost of ubuntu's past02:19
ahoneybuncairo issues?02:19
fractalinei think so02:19
fractalinehave you used cairo?02:19
fractalinei have a feeling my intel integrated graphics card is not liking it...  and compiz02:21
fractalinei do like eye candy but kwin/plasma has plenty02:22
ahoneybunyes it has a lot of what compiz can have02:24
ahoneybunor has I mean02:24
fractalineseems to use a lot les ram as well02:24
fractalinei've been impressed with how light kde is for how feature rich it is02:26
ahoneybunfractaline: kwin seems to have a lot more work being put into it then compiz02:28
ahoneybunIMO Ubuntu is silly for using compiz at all, but they have to as Unity is a plugin to compiz02:28
fractalinei see,  that makes sense.    i'll be glad to be rid of it02:29
ahoneybunI don't see it having very good performance, but I have not officially tested it02:33
fractalinei used it on mint and ubuntu, both of which i find rather boring without but the systems of both became very buggy  hence my joy in finding kde,  stability and customization02:35
ahoneybunyea KDE has customization for sure, Mint's work is top notch, kinda wish they we leading Ubuntu02:36
ahoneybunnot sticking to the old desktop method though02:37
fractalinewas it you that said mint kde was choppy?02:37
ahoneybunno I have not used Mint KDE to say anything good or bad02:40
ahoneybunI just perfer Kubuntu's pure KDE design02:40
fractalineit was Aethysius ....02:41
AethysiusI didn't care for Mint's play with KDE.02:42
AethysiusKubuntu just integrates KDE and Ubuntu so well.02:42
AethysiusOh, I feel kind of stupid for asking this, but how do you get to change the wallpaper in Kubuntu?02:43
fractalinedefault desktop settings02:43
AethysiusI thought that meant that it would set everything back to default, my mistake.02:44
fractalineso, i have an extended partion in which there is a 62gig, a 95gig, both ext4 and 4gig swap.  does it seem reasonable to use the 60gig for /home and 95gog for /   ??02:45
fractalinei should probably shrink my windows partition as it does not really deserve 290 gig....02:47
ahoneybun60GB for / and 95Gb for /home is what I would do, you really only need 25 for the / for the bare minimal02:48
fractalinei was just being cautious in the beginning,  but now i'd certainly rather not boot it at all02:48
ahoneybunAethysius: I don't like to have GTK apps on a Qt system unless they are the best for the job02:48
ahoneybunGIMP, Inkscape02:48
fractalineboot windows that is02:48
ahoneybunfractaline: you want to remove windows? or just make it smaller?02:49
fractalinejust smaller for now02:49
ahoneybunoh not sure how that will work02:50
ahoneybunI know you can do it02:50
fractaline+1 about the gtk apps02:50
fractalineit's how i did it originally,  just shrunk it02:51
fractalinewhat would be the risk?02:53
ahoneybunfractaline: I'm not sure, I just deleted windows by reformating my HDD with just Kubuntu02:59
fractalinegood man   ;)03:04
ahoneybunlol yep03:05
AethysiusI kinda want to do a fresh install of Kubuntu, but I don't want all my settings to die.03:15
AethysiusAlso, I'm too lazy.03:16
tsimpsonAethysius: that's why it's recommended to have a separate /home03:16
AethysiusI do.03:17
tsimpsonthen your personal settings are safe, stored under /home/<you>03:17
AethysiusOh, I see.03:18
AethysiusThanks for that info.03:18
AethysiusI feel rather foolish.03:18
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AethysiusThere we go.05:53
fractalineAethysius,  where?06:19
fractaline<Aethysius> There we go.06:21
AethysiusFreshly installed Kubuntu.06:21
AethysiusYeah, except Muon's being a bitch.06:21
fractalinefeel better?06:21
* Aethysius shrugs06:22
fractalinehmm,  how so?06:22
AethysiusIt's more streamlined now.06:22
AethysiusIt's hanging, Muon that is.06:22
AethysiusJust not DLing.06:22
fractalinesoftware center?06:23
fractalineor package manager?06:23
fractalineor update manager?   lol06:24
AethysiusSoftware Center.06:25
AethysiusI'm trying the package manager now.06:26
valorieI prefer that one06:26
valorieI don't like "app stores"06:26
valoriemost people seem to prefer that way though06:26
AethysiusI like Synaptic better, actually.06:27
valorieI used to06:27
valoriebut I use cli/Muon package mgr now06:27
valoriesynaptic is ugly06:27
fractalineit is06:27
fractalinehi valorie06:27
fractalinesoftware center is ok for browsing...06:28
AethysiusIt says Waiting for transactions to finish, but I don't see any conflicts....to the monitor I go!06:29
AethysiusAh, there we go.06:30
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n8wis there any way how to automatically remove old notifications from the notification widget?07:11
n8wkde 4.10.207:11
zoiehi, what happens when i start a program from krunner? i have a program which doesn't work when i start it from a konsole, but which works when i start it from krunner :( i don't understand why08:00
alvinI guess the relevant .desktop file contains some options that you're not giving on the command line09:17
spotzhi, why aren't radio available on spotify on kubuntu 13.04?09:21
hateballspotz: nothing to do with kubuntu. but it's a bug in spotify09:32
hateballspotz: this thread suggests a workaround, hadnt seen that before http://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Desktop-Linux-Mac-and/Linux-0-9-0-133-Artist-Radio-broken/td-p/39772609:33
hateballspotz: And I just verified the workaround works for me at least, being on swedish locale originally09:35
spotzhateball: thanks a lot, works for me as well09:36
spotzthe wine version was annoying because didn't know how to block ads09:37
hateballheh, I pay to block ads. seems to work ;p09:39
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spotzhateball: i use spotify-admute.sh, it doesn't block them but just mute, good enough for now :)09:51
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:05
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Guest23910Am I right that this isn't normal (Missing KDE button) ? http://imgur.com/xwjx7DA11:01
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DudalusWell....Kubuntu installation with dualscreen is a bit weird12:03
bandibpHello, I am unable to get to the login screen on kubuntu 13.04 after an update today. Kernel was also updated, but after the kubuntu splash i get a blank screen. I got to CLI where i tried fixing packages, dependencies etc. with no success. apt-get install -f runs depmod but is unable to set up 4 packages (all of them linux-image-3.8.0-22-generic etc) What can I do? All help appreciated. Sry if I am doing this help request wrong.13:29
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AethysiusI have an issue with getting a printer to work.14:15
AethysiusCould anyone help me?14:15
fractalinehey man what's up?14:17
fractalineare you on 64bit?14:18
fractalineAethysius, ?14:18
AethysiusI have a brother DCP-7030, which doesn't have automatically installed drivers, and I've installed the drivers for it, but it doesn't print; the print queue automatically clears.14:18
AethysiusWithout printing.14:18
fractalinesorry not my area...14:19
* fractaline wonders what his area is.14:20
AethysiusI am on 64 bit.14:20
fractalinei've heard that is one of the drawbacks14:20
fractalineof 64 bti that is14:20
AethysiusHave a quadcore 3.2 GHz AMD Phenom, with 16 GB of RAM.14:21
AethysiusOh, yeah.14:21
fractalineprinter drivers...14:21
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AethysiusHad to do it in Konsole.14:32
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
Alex_ZionI guys , since few weeks , I have a strange behavior in Kubuntu. Any time I open a link from some KDE apps, it downloads the page and show me the Temp file on my browser15:35
Alex_ZionHow can I fix it , is really an horrible things , and I didn't find any reasons or settings to it ..., someone can help me please ...15:36
=== ed is now known as ed9876434567654
BluesKajAlex_Zion, a link from some KDE apps ?15:42
ed9876434567654somebody help me, music playback on my kubuntu install is not so great compared same machine running win7, tried several flac files and they sound really poor on linux, they even sound better on my android tablet? any ideas why and how to fix this?15:43
Alex_Zionyeah , if I open a link from here (quassel) for example , or even from akregator ......15:43
BluesKajed9876434567654, bad audio qulity , please describe15:45
Alex_ZionBluesKaj:  I'm using chromium as a default browser , can be thisone the problem ?15:45
BluesKajAlex_Zion, never heard of that , try firefox as default and see what happens with it15:47
ed9876434567654not sure how, its like depth maybe, basicly everythin on linux sound like 128kbps mp3, really low quality, low bass15:47
ed9876434567654BluesKaj, not sure how, its like depth maybe, basicly everythin on linux sound like 128kbps mp3, really low quality, low bass15:47
BluesKajed9876434567654, what about the volume ctrls in alsamixer , are they turned up to at least 85%15:48
Alex_Zionyeah BluesKaj I will , but anyway it always open files from file:///var/tmp/kdecache-*****/krun/.........................15:48
ed9876434567654BluesKaj yes, they are15:50
BluesKajand kmix?15:50
Alex_ZionBluesKaj:  the krun on my path is not a Krunner foder ? , or it is ?15:51
BluesKajAlex_Zion, for some reason the link is calling a tmp file , temporary ...why?  I have no idea15:54
Alex_ZionBluesKaj: it seems to work with Firefox as a default browser ..., so the problem is once again chromium ....., and I really hate firefox in kde , is horrible and doesn't work really well ....15:54
Alex_Zionand rekonq is not ready yet ....15:55
Alex_Zionso I have no choise at moment ..... :(15:55
BluesKajAlex_Zion, I find the opposite FF works well in KDE as long as your gtk settings are setup in system settings > application appearance15:56
Alex_Zionwell , I cannot use Firefox in this way , so probably is much better copy and paste the link I need to open......15:56
Alex_ZionBluesKaj: in Firefox very often I cannot open menus and the only chance to keep using it is to restart it ...., so you can just Image how unconfortable it is .....15:57
BluesKajchromium doesn't integrate as well , IME ...unreadable tab fonts on large monitors15:57
Alex_ZionIn my case Chromium has ..., well had ..., the best integration , much bettere than firefox that for me is really unusable .. BluesKaj15:58
BluesKajAlex_Zion, then FF must be corrupted15:59
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BluesKajed9876434567654, do you have a pci soundcard , separate from the onboard chip ?16:00
Alex_ZionI don't know , but I leave Firefox since a lot , because in my opinion is getting worst any release..., saying worst I mean that is going to be something different than a browser ....., and I want just a browser ...16:00
Alex_ZionI was hoping on Chromium , but since months it seems is getting worst .....16:01
Alex_Zionare months there is a problem with flash still there , and now this problem .....16:02
ed9876434567654BluesKaj I have an integrated intel card  HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH16:03
Alex_Zionanyway , maybe one they even KDE will have a real and complete browser to use .....; I really hope so becauso is something really missing on KDE, and please don't say nothing about rekonq ..., is not ready yet ....16:04
BluesKajed9876434567654, which player are you using to play flac files on linux , amarok ?16:04
ed9876434567654BluesKaj I have tried amarok, also audacious, even vlc, it all sound the same16:06
BluesKajsounds like pulseaudio might be to blame , try removing pulseaudio and playing with just pure alsa , you'll probly lose your webaudio playback , but it's worth the test to track this problem down16:11
ed9876434567654BluesKaj I have done that and not sure it sound somewhat louder and better though still not as good as the tablet playback, maybe I try playing with the equaliser or smth16:20
ranceI'm having issues using the "host" command from a bash script in kubuntu.  It appears that the outout of host is different depending on if its running in an interactive shell or a script.16:37
bbeckrance: What do you mean exactly.  If I run "host www.google.com" from command line or put it into a bash script I get the same output.16:48
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rancebbeck:  I am working on an rbl monitoring script and it is using 'host' to query the rbls for a specfic ip.  Run from the interactive shell I get one response, and from the script I get a different one.  EX from the command line host returns "Host X not found..." or reports a local ip like
rancethe shell script reports all hosts found and returns the ip being checked, not the 127.0.0.x which is correct16:52
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skreech__rance: What level of the shell script is it running from?17:51
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ranceits called from the main part of the script with a syntax like RESULT=$(syscall)17:52
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skreech__rance: the $() is what is making it fail17:57
skreech__it's going into a subshell with limited access to the resources17:57
ranceok, I thought that was the standard way to capture the output of the command18:00
skreech__rance: yes but it does have some subtle changes. it's the same as logging in as daemon it has no environment around it. and your HOST is part of the environment18:18
skreech__rance: You can jump into #bash and ask them they are very harsh in there but very helpful18:18
rancethanks for the warning18:19
lordievaderGood evening.18:21
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cpxrcjoin #xkcd-signal19:46
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MySystemhello i have a problem with my kubuntu 13.04 and vlc after 20min or so i get screen locked by multimediapc and if i move the cursor the password&lock dialog dissappiers and video is on top21:12
ahoneybunMySystem: so your computer locks up after 20 mins using vlc21:19
MySystemwhile vlc is playing21:20
MySystemor if nothing is runnning (then i could understand it)21:20
MySystemi searched all the options from kde but havent found it switched off all energie options21:25
fractaline MySystem  did you look in vlc?21:26
MySystema short look yes but cant imagine where21:29
MySystemthought this problem is well known21:38
BluesKajMySystem, check the screensaver timing in screen locker setings in system settings >display and monitor21:42
MySystem ahhhh blueskaj my hero21:43
fractalinei can't seem to get login screen theme settings to stick21:45
MySystemits a bit hidden there under monitor only tooltip from monitor shows screen lock21:45
fractalinealso, where are default/installed wallpapaers?    as in path21:47
BluesKajMySystem, let's hope it works :)21:55
BluesKajanyway ...dinner ...later folks21:55
MySystemthink so in a few minutes the feeled time is reached21:56
MySystembut option looks right21:56
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rosco_yI'd like to install a Wiki Server, can anyone recommend one for me?22:31
ahoneybunrosco_y: I hear mediawiki is execellent22:34
rosco_yahoneybun: ty, I'm playing with mediawiki right now:  I like it quite a bit, but I'm checking to see if there are other, (possibly even better) alternatives, since I simply just installed the first thing I found.....22:36
rosco_yI suppose the fact that mediawiki was the first thing I found say something as well.....22:36
ahoneybunrosco_y: just saying I hear a lot of good stuff and I see it has a lot of good tools22:36
rosco_yahoneybun: yes.  I'm finding a couple of things about it to be not very intuitivei--which I suppose shouldn't really be a problem since this is a single-user environment....I just want to use a wiki as a mind-mapping tool22:38
rosco_yfor project and time management, and the like22:38
ahoneybunrosco_y: I don't know to much other then that22:39
rosco_yahoneybun: ty--I probably will stick with mediawiki--nothing else is really popping up as "obviously better".....22:40
ahoneybunkStar_: hello22:55
kStar_is there a way to list groups i can joined?22:56
DarthFrogkStar_:  You could use the /list command.   But you'll be inundated!22:58
DarthFrogkStar_:  If you're using Konversation, press F5.22:59
nborgrorsomeone here know how change bootscreen of kubuntu 13 ?23:04
fractalinenborgror, which one?   i have changed the grub background and the splashscreen but i can't seem to get the login screen to change23:07
genii-aroundI believe currently there are issues also with Kubuntu and plymouth23:07
genii-aroundeg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/+bug/117253423:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1171099 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Saucy) "duplicate for #1172534 kubuntu - plymouth not shown" [High,Triaged]23:09
nborgrorfractaline: the grub background and bootsplash23:10
nborgrorhow change the grub background ?23:11
nborgrorand also the bootsplash ?23:12
fractalinethe easy way for grub is to put a suitable image in  /boot/grub   then in terminal    update grub23:14
fractalinesystem settings - workspace appearance for splashscreen23:15
fractalinebut yeah... i've yet to find a way to get lightdm settings to stick23:16
genii-aroundAnd for changing the plymouth splash screen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Plymouth#Splash_Theme23:17
nborgrorok, I try23:17
nborgrorfractaline: I must create directory /boot/grub ?23:18
fractalineno, it's there23:19
nborgrorI put a image in what folder in /boot/grub/ ?23:21
genii-aroundIt sort of sucks there are so many splash screens before the desktop comes up... grub->plymouth->lightdm->kubuntu-splash23:21
genii-aroundnborgror: To do that, you should either run dolphin with kdesudo dolphin, or else if in Konsole to do: sudo cp filename /boot/grub      (if you are in the same directory the file is in while in Konsole)23:23
genii-aroundThen you need to run: sudo update-grub23:23
fractalinegenii-around, what is the difference between plymouth and lightdm?     oh,  plymouth is the kubuntu logo durring boot?23:26
genii-aroundfractaline: Yes, with those dots going by23:27
fractalineso any advice on getting lightdm settings to work?23:28
fractalineit's currently the ugliest part of bootup for me.   won't use my custom images just reverts to a white background23:30
nborgrorgenii-around: there is a simple way to change plymouth ?23:31
genii-aroundnborgror: I gave you the official link just a little while ago :)23:33
genii-aroundSo the short answer is, I guess: No, there is not a simple way23:35
nborgrorok thanks anyway23:38
nborgrorfractaline: update grub don't work : no command 'update'23:44
genii-aroundnborgror: There's a hyphen. eg, EXACTLY:  sudo update-grub23:45

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