
=== ehw is now known as ehw|afk
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BicyusHello everyone!11:28
Bicyusguys wich package is responsible for DHCP in PPA maas-maintainers/stable?12:04
Bicyuscan't make it to work on 12.0412:05
roaksoaxBicyus: maas-dhcp12:30
roaksoaxinstall that and maas-dns12:30
Bicyusroaksoax: Thanks. they are installed but cant see wich procces is responsible for DHCP,12:36
Bicyusnothing on  "ps aux|grep dhcp" after "service maas-dhcp restart"12:37
roaksoaxBicyus: did you configure dchp/dns on the webui?12:49
BicyuswebUI? seem there is nothing about dhco/dns!13:21
Bicyusdouble checking...13:21
roaksoaxBicyus: Go to the settings and there you will see the cluster controller, edit the cluster controller and config the DNS/DHCP stuff for an interfae of it13:58
Bicyusthanks roaksoax!13:59
Bicyusi'm reinstalling from 0 again ;-)13:59
=== kentb-out is now known as kentb
smoserroaksoax, is there a way to move a node from 'available' to commissioning?16:39
smoseroh. wow, it looks like rvba is near there16:40
smoserrvba, can you confirm that ? that your branch there plans on letting me move nodes into commissioning (or any valid state transition even!) from the api ?16:41
rvbasmoser: that branch implements bulk actions in the UI.  But all the logic is in a form that will be reüsed by the API to let you do the same thing using the API.  I'll do that as a follow-up branch.16:43
smoserso that is "in plan" ?16:43
smoseris there a blueprint task or something  for that ? or a bug ?16:43
smoseri can open a bug if you'd like16:44
rvbaThere is a blueprint.16:44
roaksoaxsmoser: yes it is if you play with the db16:44
rvbasmoser: I thought it was mentioned on the blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cdo-dev/+spec/s-cloud-maas-scale-ui … but it's not there :)16:47
rvbasmoser: if everything goes according to plan, I'll do the API stuff tomorrow.16:47
smoserrvba, hoorah16:48
rvbasmoser: would you mind filing a bug still?  I have the impression that the method you need is a bit different from what I'm planning to add.16:56
* rvba is off.16:57
smoserrvba, bug 118589717:02
ubot5bug 1185897 in MAAS "expose ability to re-commission node in api and cli" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118589717:02
Bicyusbye guys! ;-) have a nice day!17:27
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out

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