
mfischrobert_ancell: I ran info an issue merging manpages, bzr claims the branches have diverged02:41
robert_ancellmfisch, merging which manpages?02:41
mfischrobert_ancell: the manpages package02:41
robert_ancelloh, that package is fun02:42
mfischbzr gave up halfway through the mege02:43
mfischI did spend some time cleaning up the bug list, resolved a bunch, incompleted a bunch more02:43
mfischI'm going to take debian and try to merge our stuff on top of it instead02:44
mfischrobert_ancell: I'm going to propose that we drop the Ubuntu modifications, I'll email you and see what you think03:01
mfischit would make everyone's life easier not to hold these changes and they're mostly incorporated upstream03:01
didrockscyphermox: hey, you didn't update your WI. Had to do it for you :/06:00
didrocksjibel: salut (quand tu seras là). No more magners :/06:41
jibeldidrocks, Hello, I noticed that :/06:46
jibeldidrocks, riding my kids to school, back in 10min06:47
didrocksjibel: ttyl :)06:48
didrocksmagners still pong though)06:48
didrockshey mlankhorst06:51
mlankhorstoh excusez-moi, bonjour!06:51
jibeldidrocks, similar problem than last Monday07:04
mlankhorstdidrocks: at what point will unity land in saucy?07:05
jibeldidrocks, there is no good option right now, if we keep it in this state there is a chance the machine will completely hang in the next few hours, if I restart it there is 99% chance to completely lose connectivity to the lab.07:07
jibeldidrocks, I'll go for option 1 and wait for someone with a hammer in Lex around 10:00UTC07:07
highvoltageAAAA/win 2107:10
didrocksmlankhorst: at the same time than touch will be able to land in saucy07:17
didrocksmlankhorst: which is now blocked on the phone fundation team07:17
didrocksjibel: yeah07:17
didrocksjibel: seems like it's our better chance07:18
seb128hey Laney, hey desktopers07:56
seb128Laney, how are you?07:56
mlankhorstmorning laney07:57
Laneyseb128: good thanks07:57
Laneyg'day mlankhorst07:57
seb128I'm good as well07:57
seb128Laney, since Sweetshark got libreoffice to build I was thinking of uploading the new poppler, mitya57 prepared the transition in a ppa so it should be an easy one to get through ... any objection?07:58
Laneyseb128: no, not that I can think of08:01
Laneytkamppeter__: ^?08:01
=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
tkamppeterLaney, seb128, go ahead with the Poppler update, nothing bad of it is known to me, and it solves the filled-form-saving bug.08:12
mitya57The PPA was only to ensure that everything builds, please don't copy from there but reupload08:18
Laneymitya57: were patches required?08:19
seb128mitya57, you can't copy from a virtual ppa (missing archs) and I was not planning to do that08:19
Laneyyou can copy source only08:19
Laneyone reason I've been using 'archive' version numbers in the evo-3.8 PPA08:19
Laneybut yeah, you should intend to do that beforehand08:20
mitya57Okular and inkscape need some unrelated to poppler fixes08:20
mitya57(branches linked to the bug)08:20
LaneyI want to do empathy 3.8 first and then can start helping out on that if needed08:21
seb128Laney, it should be fine, I will start on it and let you know if I need help this afternoon08:22
mitya57Note that I haven't tested libreoffice with new poppler yet08:24
mitya57seb128: looks like Riddell uploaded fixed okular, so only inkscape needs not rebuild-only upload09:54
mitya57Riddell: btw, it ftbfs on armhf, looks like one more line should be removed from libokularcore2abi1.symbols09:55
Riddellmitya57: ok thanks, I'm going to review all my kde merges today10:14
seb128Riddell, will you fix/reupload okular then? (just asking since we will need it to build to complete the poppler transition)10:15
Riddellseb128: yeah I'll get onto it shortly10:16
seb128Riddell, thanks10:16
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seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how much do you hate ppc today? ;-)10:20
chrisccoulsonhey seb12810:20
chrisccoulsonhow come?10:20
chrisccoulsoni hate it as much as ever ;)10:20
seb128chrisccoulson, I saw that firefox is stucked in saucy-proposed because it failed to build on ppc10:21
chrisccoulsonit's going to be stuck there forever then ;)10:21
chrisccoulsonit sucks that we block migration because of ppc10:22
seb128right, I argued about that in the past10:22
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chrisccoulsoni wonder whether to just turn off the powerpc build entirely10:24
seb128I guess that wouldn't be the end of the world10:26
seb128the efforts spent to fix it don't seem worth the benefit10:26
xnoxLaney: based on errors, saucy's currently top crasher is libproxy, where pxgsettings core dumps when run (without or any args, even e.g. --help)11:14
xnoxhave you tried poking it yet?11:14
seb128xnox, yes, the code is stupid and the patch trivial11:15
LaneyI was hoping for upstream to reply11:15
seb128Laney, let's just drop that loop, it's cleaning on exit which is not required...11:15
seb128Laney, do you want me to upload that?11:16
Laneysure or I will later after my epic battle with empathy results in my victory11:16
xnoxseb128, Laney: cool.11:17
* xnox goes back to testing updated lvm211:17
LaneyI've been submitting that crash every time I get it btw so I may be responsible for a lot of the instances11:17
seb128it's weird, I never saw it here11:22
Laneynobody else complained to me about it which is why I didn't fix it urgently11:23
Laneyfiguring it's config dependent11:23
seb128well I get the segfault if I run that command11:23
seb128I suspect you have proxy somewhat enabled that's why you see it11:23
Laneyshouldn't do11:25
seb128Laney, xnox: fix uploaded11:25
seb128Laney, gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.system.proxy11:26
seb128can you pastebin that?11:26
Laneyseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5716409/11:27
Laneythe localhost:8080 socks proxy is probably something I did11:27
seb128Laney, seems similar to my config, maybe I'm just not using a program using proxy through gio here ;-)11:28
seb128Laney, anyway I verified the fix works with the pxgsettings command line11:28
Laneyoh well11:28
seb128Laney, I'm using pidgin and not empathy, which might be it :p11:28
Laneydoes it make sense to keep having all the account-plugins-* packages now that you don't need a .so for each of them?11:31
seb128what do you need?11:32
seb128I'm not familiar with how uoa works11:32
seb128what changed?11:32
seb128maybe better to ask ken when he will be online11:32
Laneyyou just need one plugin afaict11:33
Laneyrather than having /usr/lib/libaccount-plugin-1.0/providers/*.so for each service11:33
LaneyI suppose to not have them all listed by default11:35
seb128Laney, is that a change in 3.8..?11:37
seb128on my saucy system, account-plugin-jabber: /usr/lib/libaccount-plugin-1.0/providers/libjabber.so for example11:38
Laneyit was done by m ardy11:38
* Laney tries a build without them but with the same package structure11:39
seb128Laney, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/691418 I see11:40
ubot2Gnome bug 691418 in UOA "Use a shared plugin for all empathy providers" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:40
seb128Laney, does it still have the .service files?11:43
seb128e.g /usr/share/accounts/services/jabber-im.service11:43
seb128Laney, one thing to avoid would be to have all the "small/non usual providers" cluttering the accounts list, atm we only have the one installed listed in the control center11:44
seb128we probably want to avoid having 15 items in that list including stuff nobody use11:44
Laneyseb128: yes, .service and .provider are still there11:46
LaneyI'll keep the split for now11:46
asacseb128: who owns "Networking & Telephony story" on your side?11:49
asaccypher or stgraber?11:49
seb128asac, cyphermox11:50
xclaesseWhen upgrading the kernel, I get that error: cp: cannot stat '/module-files.d/libpango1.0-0.modules': No such file or directory11:51
xclaessecould be broken because of gnome3 ppa11:51
xclaesseanyone knows a workaround for that?11:51
xclaesseit happens when doing update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.8.0-22-generic11:51
seb128xclaesse, is that saucy ?11:54
xclaesseseb128, raring11:54
xclaessewith some ppa like https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa and https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome311:55
seb128xclaesse, dpkg -l | grep pango?11:56
xclaesseseb128, http://pastebin.com/MhSx4rHL11:57
seb128you got bitten by ricotz's ppa, check with him11:58
seb128he tends to have packages pretty much on the "edge" side11:58
seb128I would avoid that ppa if I was you11:58
xclaesseyeah, I probably shouldn't have added those ppa :(12:00
seb128xclaesse, try to ppa-purge it12:01
xclaesseall I wanted is EDS 3.8 for the UOA integration12:01
seb128or at least re-install pango from raring12:01
ricotzxclaesse, if you have gnome3-stating ppa enabled you can wait for the plymouth update12:11
ricotzseb128, hi :), thanks for pinging me, but you could try to avoid scaring people away12:17
seb128ricotz, hey, did I scare people away?12:18
ricotzseb128, not sure, he doesnt answer ;)12:18
seb128ricotz, but that error seems to suggest you took the debian packaging change from pango which impact on initramfs and plymouth and pushed to a stable serie, that's probably something most users don't want to opt in for12:18
ricotzseb128, yes, i am fine with that in the staging ppa12:20
seb128ricotz, I wouldn't want to opt in for a ppa which impact on my initramfs, userspace is fine, boot stuff a bit less ... but just my opinion12:21
ricotzseb128, ok12:21
sil2100didrocks: if anything, I pushed an updated python-evdev to the packaging branch of mine, you can take a look when you have a moment ;)12:22
sil2100Now I disappear, so see you later guys!12:22
mitya57cyphermox: can you please review (the fixed version of) https://code.launchpad.net/~abelloni/ubuntu-themes/3.8_fixes/+merge/161439 ?12:41
seb128mitya57, you forgot packages in your poppler rdepends list, e.g xpdf is not in there and doesn't build with a simple rebuild :/13:11
mitya57seb128: oh it depends on libpoppler-private-dev which I didn't check13:13
seb128mitya57, shrug13:13
mitya57let me look at the build log13:13
seb128mitya57, rdepends libpoppler18 is what I did13:13
mitya57seb128: was it a local build? can you please paste the log somewhere?13:14
seb128-c -o build/GlobalParams.o build/GlobalParams.cc13:15
seb128build/GlobalParams.cc: In constructor ‘GlobalParams::GlobalParams(char*)’:13:15
seb128build/GlobalParams.cc:656:37: error: ‘getHomeDir’ was not declared in this scope13:15
seb128   baseDir = appendToPath(getHomeDir(), ".xpdf");13:15
mitya57getHomeDir() was removed in http://cgit.freedesktop.org/poppler/poppler/commit/?id=44bf99a7b813:23
seb128mitya57, can you work on a build fix?13:24
mitya57seb128: sure13:24
seb128mitya57, thanks13:24
mitya57tsdgeos: is it safe to replace getHomeDir() with just getenv("HOME") in Ubuntu? (^)13:49
tsdgeosmitya57: what do you need it for?13:50
mitya57tsdgeos: xpdf uses it (see seb128's message above_13:51
tsdgeoswell, don't break xpdf then :D13:51
tsdgeosxpdf != popplre13:51
tsdgeosif i was xpdf author i'd complain to people packaging something they call xpdf but is not, but obviously i'm not the xpdf author :D13:52
cyphermoxmitya57: looking...14:06
seb128mitya57, hum, gdcm fails to build as well, though I'm not sure if that's due to poppler (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/gdcm/2.2.3-1ubuntu1)14:06
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Laneymitya57: reverse-depends -b src:poppler for future reference14:06
Laneymaybe without -b too to pick up indirect bds14:06
attenteseb128, do you know how to properly update the .po files in g-c-c?14:07
seb128attente, you mean?14:07
seb128attente, the po are not in g-c-c, we export translation from launchpad ... or do you mean the template?14:07
mitya57seb128: this looks like gcc 4.814:08
mitya57let me fix xpdf first, and then I'll maybe look14:08
attenteseb128, to add new msgid's to the po files extracted from the source code of the changes to the panel i've made14:09
seb128attente, in a nutshell:14:09
seb128- use _() around your strings14:09
seb128- lists the source in po/POTFILES.in14:09
seb128- you can generate a template to check if your strings are listed with "cd po: intltool-update --pot"14:10
seb128that gives you a .pot in po/ which lists all the strings marked for translation14:10
seb128- that template is generated at build time, imported in launchpad14:10
seb128- translators do their work14:11
seb128- we export the translations in language packs14:11
seb128 14:11
attente_() is only for c code, right? what does one do if the string is in a GtkBuilder ui file for example?14:11
seb128attente, so basically just do the first 3 steps, if your string is listed you are all set, the buildd magic will do the work for you14:11
seb128attente, translation=yes14:11
attenteseb128, awesome, thanks :)14:12
seb128attente, translatable="yes" rather14:12
seb128attente, see e.g /usr/share/gnome-control-center/ui/gnome-region-panel.ui14:12
seb128    <property name="title" translatable="yes">Region and Language</property>14:12
seb128same for labels, etc14:12
attenteheh, glade already puts those in automatically it seems14:13
Laneyspeaking of translations, is it normal to have LP push back to trunk or a separate branch when setting a project up for translating?14:13
seb128Laney, it depends how the project is set up14:13
seb128some want direct commit14:13
seb128some prefer to manually merge the translation before doing a release14:13
cyphermoxmitya57: approved.14:13
LaneyI set it up for ubuntu-release-upgrader but going to another branch14:14
Laneyseems like it would be easier to have it just go to trunk14:14
seb128yeah, lightdm seems to do that14:14
seb128maybe ask dpm, he probably knows better the details14:14
seb128dpm, hey ;-)14:15
Laneythe magic three letters14:15
dpmhello desktop folks :)14:15
mitya57cyphermox: thanks!14:16
dpmLaney, seb128, I always recommend setting the exports branch to trunk. This makes it much easier, as then the full process is automated and no one has to go and manually merge the translations branch to trunk, which in my experience tends to be forgotten14:16
Laneydpm: that's what I just noticed14:17
Laneywill do that, assuming I can find the option again14:17
dpmLaney, yeah the UI is a bit difficult to navigate, it also often takes me a while to find it. The thing to remember is that translation exports are set for a given series14:18
Laneyyep, got it14:18
dpmLaney, also, if translations are done in LP, the best setting for imports is "Templates only"14:18
dpmunless you want to do a one-off import of existing PO files that were done outside of LP14:19
dpmthen you'd choose "Template and translations"14:19
* dpm has a todo to document translations setup best practices14:20
LaneyI had it on templates and translation files14:20
mitya57seb128: I think the less ugly solution will be to have a cut down version of getHomeDir() inside GlobalParams.cc14:45
mitya57seb128: I'm on a sid machine now, so can't test locally, so pushed to ppa14:46
mitya57and to lp:~mitya57/ubuntu/saucy/xpdf/fix-for-poppler-0.2214:46
seb128mitya57, copy works for me14:46
seb128mitya57, ok, I can try it here14:46
seb128mitya57, fails to build14:58
seb128build/XPDFViewer.cc: In member function ‘void XPDFViewer::initOpenDialog()’:14:58
seb128build/XPDFViewer.cc:2978:52: error: ‘makePathAbsolute’ was not declared in this scope14:58
seb128        core->getDoc()->getFileName()->getCString()));14:58
mitya57I will now try to force including of xpdf's gfile.h instead of poppler's one, maybe that'll be easier15:05
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tsdgeosseb128: mitya57: yes basically we removed lots of stuff from the gfile and stuff that was unused15:13
seb128I'm out for some exercice, back in ~1h15:20
mitya57tsdgeos: anything except makePathAbsolute and getHomeDir?15:31
tsdgeosmitya57: not sure what you mean15:31
mitya57tsdgeos: these are two functions you definitely removed, and both were used by Xpdf15:33
mitya57*by Ubuntu's Xpdf15:33
tsdgeosxpdf should not be using poppler15:34
mitya57tsdgeos: I think this is the only way to have it maintained, as upstream seems dead15:34
tsdgeosmitya57: it's not dead, just veeeeeeeeeeery slow on releases15:34
tsdgeosmitya57: anyway, if you are patching xpdf to use poppler, you may as well patch xpdf and add the functions poppler removed15:35
mitya57tsdgeos: those functions are there, but debian/rules prepends "pkg-config --cflags poppler" to build args, so it tries to use Poppler's headers15:36
* Laney watches kenvandine's epic fight with PS Jenkins bot15:48
kenvandineit says xvfb-run failed to start15:49
kenvandinethat can't be because of laney's branch :)15:49
Laneyyou'd hope so :P15:50
mitya57seb128: back?16:03
mitya57bad /me. 43min != 1h16:07
kenvandineLaney, i'm at a loss... tests run fine in pbuilder but not in jenkins anymore... grrrr16:15
kenvandineLaney i guess i need to summon the jenkins masters :)16:15
LaneyI assume it's going to affect more than just this project though16:16
kenvandineyeah... :/16:17
kenvandineit's worked fine for months...16:18
kenvandinefginther, do you have any ideas why suddenly running tests that use xvfb-run in jenkins fails?16:19
kenvandinexvfb-run: error: Xvfb failed to start16:19
kenvandineis the error16:19
kenvandinefginther, it's autolanding for the friends stack that started to fail, which we did just change the ci_defaults from raring to saucy16:21
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
fgintherkenvandine, hmmm, perhaps there's something broken in saucy?16:25
fgintherkenvandine, we can try a few tests with raring and comparing the results16:26
kenvandineworks in pbuilder16:26
kenvandinefor saucy16:26
kenvandinei have no idea what to try next...16:26
seb128mitya57, back16:29
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mitya57seb128: do you think we can do what tsdgeos says?16:30
mitya57(drop all poppler-related patches and build without poppler)16:30
mhr3kenvandine, do you run xvfb-run with -a?16:31
mitya57otherwise I'll give you another patch that copies makePathAbsolute to XPDFViewer.cc16:31
seb128mitya57, what did he suggest?16:31
kenvandinemhr3, nope16:31
mitya57<tsdgeos> well, don't break xpdf then :D16:32
mitya57<tsdgeos> if i was xpdf author i'd complain to people packaging something they call xpdf but is not, but obviously i'm not the xpdf author :D16:32
mhr3kenvandine, you should :)16:32
seb128mitya57, I would prefer to use copy those functions of that works16:32
kenvandinemhr3, good point :)16:32
fgintherkenvandine, I'll look into it, maybe there is something wrong on the host16:32
kenvandinebut it has always worked16:32
seb128mitya57, or check with the security team, the reason we made xpdf use poppler was easier security maintenance since xpdf doesn't keep on top of their issues16:32
seb128mitya57, but for what I'm concerned we could stop maintaining xpdf or drop it from the archive16:33
seb128it was important 10 years ago but we got some better viewers since16:33
fgintherkenvandine, we could be running into port resource issues. I'll take a look after lunch16:34
kenvandinefginther, thx16:34
kenvandinei'll give it a try with -a too16:34
seb128Sweetshark, grararr, libreoffice failed to build with16:38
seb128"Checking correctness of source dependencies...16:38
seb128After installing, the following source dependencies are still unsatisfied:16:38
seb128libhsqldb-java(inst 2.2.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1 >= conflicted 1.8.1~)"16:38
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mitya57seb128: branch updated, please try to build this16:43
mitya57(but +1 to dropping xpdf completely)16:43
mitya57seb128: will look at gdcm tomorrow16:44
seb128mitya57, thanks, no hurry we will be blocked on libreoffice for a while it seems16:44
seb128cf what I just copied16:44
seb128well "while"16:44
seb128need Sweetshark to be back (today is an holiday for him) and then we will need at least a day for the builds16:45
Laneydoes it really Build-Conflict on a version which is implied by the Build-Depends?16:45
seb128mitya57, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5717337/16:45
LaneyI don't understand how that ever built if so16:45
Laneymust be misreading16:45
seb128Laney, that's the diff of that upload: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/141103518/libreoffice_1%3A4.0.2-0ubuntu1_1%3A4.0.2-0ubuntu2.diff.gz16:46
Laneyah, no, 1.8.1 vs
Laneyso as soon as that package was upgraded LO was broken16:46
Laneystill ...16:46
seb128it built in a ppa16:46
seb128I don't get it16:46
Laneysee https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hsqldb16:47
mitya57seb128: so let's wait until tomorrow when I'll be at my saucy machine16:47
seb128mitya57, ok16:47
seb128Laney, shrug, I guess the ppa doesn't use proposed :/16:47
seb128nor do I16:47
Laneyapparently not, it's not the default16:47
seb128so we didn't see that before upload16:48
mitya57I wanted to check if xpdf is popular in Ubuntu and noticed that popcon.ubuntu.com is still not working :/16:48
Laney"For safety, add a build-conflicts against libhsqldb-java (>> 1.8.1~)"16:48
Laneythat's quite some safety16:48
seb128it's protecting you to have a chance to have libreoffice to ever build16:49
Laneysaving buildd time :P16:49
seb128Laney, http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commitdiff;h=bf27df32a74473a045605a8e7b02b5586a6ebcd816:54
seb128it seems like that's a buggy conflicts and should just be dropped16:54
seb128I think I will drop the16:55
seb128ifneq (,$(filter hsqldb, $(SYSTEM_STUFF)))16:55
seb128        perl -pi -e "s/(Build-Conflicts: .*)/\1,libhsqldb-java (>= $(HSQLDB_TOONEWVER)~),/" debian/control16:56
jbichaseb128: howdy16:56
seb128jbicha, hey16:56
jbichaseb128: is there anything else I should do to coordinate handling bug 1185869 ?16:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1185869 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Update gnome-shell to 3.8" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118586916:57
Laneydoes it work with the new eds?16:58
Laneyseb128: Digging slightly it seems that the modified build-dep is because _rene_ uploaded a forked source package of the old version of hsqldb16:59
jbichaLaney: yes as we've had gnome-shell 3.8 in the staging ppa with e-d-s 3.8 for a while16:59
Laneyso it keeps using the old series16:59
mitya57jbicha: are you going to update gsettings-desktop-schemas also?16:59
Sweetsharkseb128: heh, java guys doing updates in proposed, creating pain? welcome to my world.16:59
Laneywe might want to upload that thing too16:59
Laneythat's hsqldb1.8.0 source package17:00
jbichamitya57: yes, there's two schemas that were dropped that we're patching back in since we're still using them17:00
Laneywhere does the transition come from?17:01
Laneyit might be safer to wait until after eds to avoid entangling things17:02
seb128jbicha, nothing special, can gsettings-desktop-schemas be uploaded first or does it break things?17:02
mitya57jbicha: this will break metacity, please commit the patch from gnome #697801 then (at least upstream, and I'll then cherry-pick it)17:02
ubot2Gnome bug 697801 in general "Alt+Tab doesn't work in Metacity with gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.8" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69780117:02
seb128Sweetshark, what do you recommend doing? just dropping the lines I pointed17:03
mitya57(ther first one, second is not too necessary)17:03
seb128Laney, you seem to have a better grasp that me in that libreoffice issue ... what do you recommend doing17:03
jbichaDebian has the schemas break gnome-shell << 3.7.90 because of http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=70161917:03
ubot2Debian bug 701619 in gsettings-desktop-schemas "gsettings-desktop-schemas: Updating gnome-themes-standard to 3.7.90 broke switching windows in gnome-shell 3.6" [Normal,Fixed]17:03
LaneyI think we have to take that hsqldb1.8.0 package17:03
seb128(sorry just back from exercice and catching up with backlog)17:03
mitya57jbicha: I know, as I'm the reporter :)17:03
jbichabut I can drop that change as we know that gnome-shell is broken anyway if we want to just update the schemas separately17:03
Sweetsharkseb128: mom, checking git blame for those lines.17:04
seb128Laney, will that fix the conflict? how so?17:04
Laneyit will not, but if you look at the LO commit he updated the BD too to use a package from it17:04
LaneyI assume because the new series doesn't work17:04
seb128jbicha, no, that's ok, I just like to have things landing in chunks when possible rather than all together17:04
seb128easier for testing and debugging17:04
Sweetsharkseb128: do you know why that hsqldb stuff is stuck so long in proposed?17:04
Laneylet me go and ask jamespage if he'll do the update17:05
Sweetsharkseb128: because there might be extra fun in for us, if building lo against it doesnt run against the 1.8 in saucy (non-proposed) ...17:05
Laneyit's a transition17:05
seb128Sweetshark, if I read http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt  correctly, because libreoffice needs to transition to use the new one :p17:06
seb128skipped: hsqldb (538 <- 132)17:06
seb128    got: 91+0: i-9117:06
seb128    * i386: jodconverter, libjodconverter-java, libreoffice, libreoffice-base, libreoffice-report-builder, libreoffice-report-builder-bin, libreoffice-subsequentcheckbase17:06
jbichamitya57: I can sponsor metacity for you17:06
Laneypinged jamespage in #ubuntu-devel17:07
mitya57There's some chance I get MOTU permissions on Monday, so that won't be needed17:08
Laneycould probably manage to do it myself tomorrow though if necessary17:08
mitya57ah, no, it's in main, probably because compiz uses libmetacity17:08
mitya57jbicha: so, "sponsor" it upstream please :)17:09
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mitya57jbicha: thanks (though you decided to commit the second one also for some reason)17:14
jbichamitya57: does it need to be reverted?17:14
mitya57jbicha: no, but it's pointless for me17:15
Sweetsharkseb128: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commitdiff;h=6cc45869;hp=c7d7b35581a0d730a20684b02a28e5605ff99eea <- seemed to have been a better-be-safe-than-sorry commit, waaay back then.17:15
mitya57anyway Florian requested it, so let's keep it17:15
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seb128Sweetshark, Laney, what's the issue if we just drop that conflicts?17:16
jbichaLaney: ok I'll do the transition after the e-d-s one is finished17:16
Laneyseb128: I think the issue is that it doesn't work against hsqldb 217:17
Laneyotherwise _rene_ wouldn't have bothered to fork the package17:17
Laneythat's just a guess though17:17
Sweetsharkseb128: upstream LibreOffice configure checks hard on hsqlsb >= and < 1.8.1 even with the upcoming LibreOffice 4.1.x.17:19
LaneyIt's OK, I'm preparing the upload17:19
Laneyso we'll just be able to take the renamed build-dep17:20
Sweetsharkseb128: How can such an update land in -proposed, and I havent even heard about that? That completely breaks LibreOffice Base -- hard, I assume.17:20
seb128Sweetshark, that's why it didn't go out of proposed :p17:21
seb128Sweetshark, I guess jamespages didn't notice it would break libreoffice17:21
seb128it's not obvious from outside17:21
Laneyit's a good idea to make your archive PPAs and distro chroots build against -proposed to notice this kind of thing early17:22
Sweetsharkseb128: Long term, there are these options: a/ kill that update with fire (I like this option) b/ patch out the tests in LO configure and hope it works a little bit (I hate this option) c/ use the internal copy of hsqldb in libreoffice (meh, break all tries to use system integration, or people using the system hsqldb to open LO Base files)17:24
seb128Sweetshark, well, it seems like debian/rene reuploaded the old version of hsqlsb as a separate source (what Laney is doing for us)17:25
seb128but I'm not sure if that's any better than using the libreoffice copy...17:25
SweetsharkLaney: I usually do so that on the last build before upload, I wont do it for every build as that would kill build time when you depend on 1/3 of main ....17:26
xnoxSweetshark: i did point out updated hsqlsb in saucy-proposed to you a few times.... ever since I was poking it after holiday =)17:26
xnoxbut it was hard to notice with all the other things breaking libreoffice build in saucy already.17:27
Sweetsharkseb128: so, to resolve this emergency, using the internal copy is surely the quickest way. We still should seriously discuss if that hsqldb thing should go in saucy for real though ...17:30
* didrocks waves good evening17:31
LaneyIt's fine, I've got the package upload ready so it's just a matter of updating LO to use the new package name (that git patch)17:31
seb128Laney, want to do that?17:32
Laneyyes, just waiting for cjwatson to reply to me17:32
seb128Laney, great, thanks17:32
Laneyhe was debugging why the autosyncer didn't get it17:32
seb128it can wait tomorrow17:32
seb128though if we upload today we might win half a day of build time17:32
seb128Sweetshark, btw I hate libreoffice, I had to make 6GB of free space to run debuild -S and it maxed out io on my ssd for over 5 minutes to pack the source17:35
Sweetsharkxnox: If I manually check every of the 1000 LibreOffice deps on every update of them, we would never see a release, so without a big fat "this will break stuff" (read: at least an email) warning, it flies under the radar.17:36
Sweetsharkseb128: heh, 6GB? why dont you pack in RAM? its faster and with 32GB you will barely notice ... ;P17:37
xnoxSweetshark: sure. but at least with hsqlsb case, libreoffice had tight build-conflicts which are easy to check for statically =) (without actually building libreoffice)17:38
seb128Sweetshark, I'm 28GB short of that bar :p17:38
Sweetsharkxnox: that yields quite a lot false positives though, as the update to a new LO major (4.0->4.1) solves a lot of those (and makes _me_ need some updates in dependencies). Fixing Deps for 4.0, when we aim for 4.1 is thus a lot of wasted ressources. Yeah, I know 'rolling releases' yaddayadda ;) -- LibreOffice sure isnt rolling wrt its dependencies ...17:42
seb128some days it seems like libreoffice is more complicated that the rest of the desktop united :p17:43
czajkowskiseb128: +117:43
czajkowskisome days...:)17:43
mhr3seb128, we still support powerpc?18:11
asacthis facebook online accounts feature ... is that officially buggy?18:36
asacit seems to annoy me more than it does :)18:36
asacit seems to open browser for authentication regularly without being asked18:37
asacand then if i log in, i get a SECURITY WARNING PAGE18:37
asacSECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone.18:37
asaclooks buggy, but sounds like success. but in fact it didnt really succeed :)18:37
kenvandineasac, yeah... facebook is doing something evil18:38
asaconline accuonts still offline and opens browser again in a couple of minutes :)18:38
kenvandineredirects to a non-ssl page during login18:38
kenvandineis the bug18:38
asacis that the only way to do this auth18:39
asacmaybe we use one of a few variants18:39
kenvandinethe only way we could work around it is to allow non-ssl18:39
asacand the one we use is something they disregard18:39
kenvandinewhich is not cool...18:39
asacok... so its the official way to do it according to their api docs?18:39
asacis that  risk for all applications that auth?18:39
kenvandinethey've fixed it before18:39
kenvandineand it regressed18:40
asacwhy doesnt this go out to vendor sec etc. as a big deadl?18:40
asacfeels like it might mean that now all facebook apps18:40
asacfrom 3rd party might reveal secrets that might allow folks to continue the session18:40
asacin clear text18:40
asacjdstrand: ^^18:40
asacjdstrand: is there a real risk?18:40
kenvandinejdstrand, this is why you wanted to enforce ssl :)18:40
asacif so, why hasn't this getting thorough news coverage :)18:41
kenvandinelast time it happened they fixed it in just a couple days18:41
kenvandinenot so responsive this time18:41
sarnoldperhaps no on accesses facebook through apis?18:41
asaci am sure thats not the case18:41
kenvandineyeah, lots of people do18:41
asacthat api is prominently documented18:41
sarnoldasac: and if you're going to raise a stink, full-disclosure is probably the better ranting ground :)18:42
asacand its the most important web service in the world18:42
asacthere must be loads of users :)18:42
sarnoldso it's not just us? :)18:42
kenvandinesarnold, nope... can't be18:42
asacthats whaty i found interesting to hear18:42
kenvandinebut we enforce ssl18:42
asacthat there is a real sniffing risk18:42
kenvandineso it fails18:42
asacand lots of people use it ... still its not getting a big hype :)18:42
asacso i hoped we use a weird way of doing things18:42
kenvandinei think most people just don't notice the http redirect18:43
kenvandineit then gets another redirect to https18:43
kenvandinebut there is one insecure redirect in the middle18:43
asacand that redirect really has private info?18:44
kenvandineduring the security review this was raised as a concern and they made sure we fail on non-ssl connections18:44
asacguess so :)18:44
asaci dont think we should just make our users believe18:44
asacthat its a bug in our system18:44
asacif we break stuff like that we might want to replace it with a dialog telling people that facebook was turned off because its inseure :)|18:44
asacanyway... off ... thanks for explaining, will probably get reminded to talk more soon anyway :)18:45
kenvandinegood idea18:45
seb128mhr3, hey, powerpc: yes18:46
jdstrandI thought that https was supposed to be officially supported by them? I seem to remember them blogging about it or something18:46
kenvandinejdstrand, it is18:48
kenvandinethey broke something in their login process18:48
seb128jdstrand, it's a bug, they fixed it already once but it's back18:48
kenvandineit happened a few months ago too18:48
jdstrandthat sucks18:48
kenvandineand they fixed it18:48
kenvandineand now regressed18:48
jdstrandthat is a big bug number :)18:48
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fgintherkenvandine, xvfb issue appears to be resolved for now. The problem was that the build of another package failed, but the xvfb process was left hung (and therefore held on to port 99)19:11
kenvandinethanks fginther!19:12
fgintherkenvandine, no problem. it is likely to happen again someday, test should use -a when possible19:12
kenvandinefginther, i added that19:13
kenvandinebut that branch failed too...19:14
kenvandineCI did rather19:14
kenvandinedifferent error19:14
kenvandineaborted after satisfy depends19:14
rostamHi the pthread library in Ubuntu 12.04 is located at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux  for 64 bit and /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu for 32 bit.   I am creating multi-threaded application, how could I write a generic linker command so it link to appropriate library? thx19:38
sarnoldrostam: wouldn't that be gcc ... -lpthread  ?19:39
rostamsarnold: yes but the -L<path to library directory>  is my question?19:40
sarnoldrostam: ah. I've never needed that, so never looked. heh.19:41
sarnoldsorry :)19:41
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