
bennypr0fanedarkxst why is it not possible?00:15
darkxstrequires many updated libraries00:15
bennypr0faneand those can't be updated in 12.04?00:17
darkxstbennypr0fane, nope, no chance00:47
FrozenFireAnyone know why GEdit would be lacking a preferences dialogue?16:44
FrozenFireInitially I thought it was just moved into other aspects of the UI, like the status bar, but there's stuff that was in there that's not present elsewhere16:45
FrozenFireLike the plugins configuration16:45
jbichaFrozenFire: in the top bar of your screen, click gedit16:54
FrozenFireAh. There it is16:54
FrozenFireThat was confusing as hell. :P16:54
* FrozenFire mutters something about OS X16:55
=== camelinahat_ is now known as camelinahat
camelinahatHrmm... weird I see to have a rogue x-chat going somewhere.17:43
camelinahatThere we go :S17:44
lucasartI'm using Ubuntu GNOME 13.04, and it cannot resume from suspend. Is this a known bug?23:14

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