
knightwisehey TheOpenSourcerer !06:55
knightwisehey MooDoo07:11
shrikPlusnet has kicked Sky butt so far..07:57
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Loomis Day! :-D08:15
dwatkinsI'm very happy with IDNet, who I switched to after Sky bought BeThere, my previous ISP.08:22
popeyodd. http://store.steampowered.com/browse/linux/  showed 191 games 2 days ago, now it shows 212 games!08:27
BigRedSI really need to get a graphics card modern enough to have support in a kernel from this decade...08:30
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:30
daftykinsmorning all o/08:34
dwatkinsallo allo08:35
bigcalmGoodness, there is life08:35
daftykinsall over the place too!08:35
daftykinsBigRedS: how old a card are you running? :)08:35
BigRedSActually, it's not *that* old08:39
BigRedSI've no idea what it is any more, but it was reasonably good in ~201008:39
daftykinslspci? :)08:39
BigRedSit's at home08:39
BigRedSI never use it except for Wintendo :)08:39
daftykinsi'm waiting on my friends new desktop build that i get to put together today08:40
daftykinsit should arrive today08:40
daftykinspretty top-end spec, it is08:40
redtape|renegademorning daftykins . hows the isle ?08:41
daftykinsredtape|renegade: hallo o/08:41
daftykinsa little wet lately but otherwise not bad thanks :) how's yours?08:42
redtape|renegadelong time , no 'see you jimmy' .. :)08:42
daftykinsyeah i lurk around a lot08:43
daftykinsaww they just called me to say they'll be delivered lunchtime08:43
redtape|renegadei get a new hdd today :)08:44
redtape|renegadeonly cost £11 .. off ebay :)08:45
daftykinsO_O what for?08:45
popey\o/ http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00BQ5KHJW/ arrived yesterday..08:46
popeyshould mean my phone doesn't die on the boat trip next week08:46
mungbeanwhat's the best method for removing reallly sticky glue off shiny aluminium?08:46
mungbeangonna try the hairbryer method on the sticker first08:46
popeymungbean: goo gone08:46
redtape|renegadedaftykins: 160GB HDD ... Ooooooh, I hope it was used in and credit card call center .. and they forgot to wipe it or summit :D08:47
dwatkinsmungbean: warm water, failing that, something white spirit based as popey says08:47
dwatkinsI have a bottle imaginitively entitled "sticker remover" which I got from "Ali's Cave", a shop in Edinburgh that has pretty much everything08:48
BigRedSmungbean: WD-40 and a scouring pad08:49
popeyif you like scratched aluminimum?08:49
mungbeanlooking for the free approach08:50
mungbeanmight try hairdryer first, wd40 second,08:51
popeythe free approach is come to my house and use some of my goo gone08:51
BigRedSAh, I guess it's probably not so good on polished ali. It's what I use routinely to get duct/duck tape off bits of bikes08:51
mungbeanMake DIY Goo Gone or Goof Off at home using just two ingredients: coconut oil and baking soda.08:51
daftykinsmungbean: try some nail polish remover08:52
mungbeandaftykins: ah yes, that was the other idea08:53
redtape|renegadeWhat about apple sauce and BBQ firestater ?08:53
mungbeanits a largeish area and a very sticky sticker08:53
daftykinsgiven proximity to femmes that should be free :D08:53
daftykinsredtape|renegade: wow you really buy some ghetto hardware - 160GB wouldn't hold my music collection these days08:53
popeyi can never find the nail polish remover in our house08:53
popeynot that I personally need it that often08:53
* daftykins has a big bottle of isopropyl alcohol for processor/heatsink cleaning08:54
daftykinspopey: after every night out i expect? ;)08:54
redtape|renegadedaftykins: It's just for a academic programming computer .. not downloading much on that one .. perhaps some Pdf's, that's it ..08:55
BigRedSI discovered that our bastion server only has a 20G HDD the other day08:56
* redtape|renegade hits everyone .. with a woman's weekly ::: ASK the girls !!08:56
mungbean4) will try olive oil + baking soda08:58
redtape|renegade5) cinnamon and the spit of a cornishman :)08:59
* redtape|renegade believes his sillyness needs to be curtailed :(09:00
redtape|renegadeOT | Off the to the Manx Laundry Unit today .. Dadsie asked for afew 16½ inch white shirts. Silly me bought ten of them .. off ebay.co.uk And they all arrived yesterday (a week later) | PS .. No yokes about 'laundry money' etc here Plz. **cough.09:12
BigRedSI have no idea what you're talking about09:12
redtape|renegadeAbout the laundrette ?09:13
daftykinsdid he want them earlier than the whole week i take it?09:15
redtape|renegadeNo . I'm just surprised that the bloke at the post office bought them all at once .. it's his birthday next week anyhow.09:16
shrikshirts off ebay?09:16
redtape|renegademostly calvin klein09:17
daftykinsi'm beginning to think your feedback score has hundreds of results on ebay redtape|renegade ;)09:17
daftykinsas in you're a frequent customer09:17
redtape|renegade(keep in mind only 1 in 5 bothers leaving feedback :) )09:17
shrikwonder why i haven't ever thought of looking at apparel on ebay -- I guess in my mind it's still second-hand stuff09:18
popeyyeah, I've never considered buying clothes off ebay09:19
redtape|renegade.. just needs a clean .. I like it because it's 'tried and tested' and you can   always return the clobber..09:19
redtape|renegade.. and you can read the reviews ...09:20
daftykinsshrik: that's the thought that comes to me yeah09:20
daftykinsthe trouble with user review based sites, is you get peoples opinions09:21
BigRedSyeah, everything's subjective rather than objective09:21
BigRedSthough I've more than once bought a product because the slew of negativer reviews were people complaining the product was exactly what I was looking for09:21
daftykinse.g. when it comes to technology, if you went by reviews on Amazon you'd probably never get anything, because every Tom, Dick and Harry of course replies with their luck. some just aren't capable of properly making use of some gear they buy09:21
daftykinsBigRedS: hahaha09:22
popeyyeah, i bought my printer on amazon where all the reviews were negative09:23
popeybut all the reviews were focussed on the windows printer driver, not the printer itself09:23
daftykinssuch people install windows drivers from the CD anyway :(09:23
popeyi plugged the printer in to my ubuntu laptop and it was ready to print before I'd sat down and put the ink in it09:23
daftykinswith the autorun installers no less!09:23
daftykinsgood ol' cups09:24
BigRedSHaha, I remember turning up somewhere with an emergency replacement lexmark printer, spending about an hour trying to find/build the drivers before realising that it'd been working since about when I'd plugged it in09:25
* redtape|renegade always beieved in the 'eopinions' website way of doing it .. get paid for writing reviews by amazon incentive programs .. If Ubuntu could only harness that .. we'd all let Ubuntu 'PAY-US' a cheque for reviewing products etc .. wonderfull idea .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epinions .. Can't wait till my distro . jumps on it.09:25
BigRedSI'd heard so much bad about lexmark that I'd not even thought to see if it'd Just Worked09:25
redtape|renegadeIt works because you search using google or a product .. usually with 'review' in the title , then the e-opinions webpage comes up .. you see the amazon link... buy it (hopefully) .. then the reviewer get a small cheque .. I think.09:27
redtape|renegadeoh .. and each reviewer has a stats page with comments to see if they are genuine ..09:28
redtape|renegadegenius idea.09:29
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:29
brobostigonmorning redtape|renegade09:30
redtape|renegade guess my question is :: WHY CANT Ubuntu pay us to-do reviews ?09:31
brobostigonmore like canonical, ubuntu cant pay you anything.09:31
redtape|renegadetroo.. but my vquestion ?09:32
daftykinsi'd imagine they're burning enough money already09:32
redtape|renegadeyeah, but it will become profitable after 200 milion people buy the phone !09:33
brobostigonas sabdfl has said before, canonical burns more money than it makes.09:33
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
BigRedSwhy would canonical buy reviews from people?09:34
BigRedSI'd not trust those any more than freely given ones, perhaps less. There'd always be the assumption that the reviewer has decided to be nice in teh hope of getting more money for more reviews09:34
BigRedSand, besides, most people can't write a good review of an OS09:34
redtape|renegadeBigRedS: dID YOU LOOK AT THE WEBSITE i GAVE ?  soz for caps.09:35
BigRedSepinions? I'm familiar with teh idea, I just distrust the reviews it produces09:35
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
redtape|renegadeWell, If you dont trust people in the community .. what hope is there ?09:36
daftykinsessentially, reviews come from people, people can't be trusted09:36
redtape|renegadeThey are just 'guides'..09:36
daftykinsredtape|renegade: you get negative reviews because the colour of something isn't the shade someone thought it was from the pictures - though ;)09:36
redtape|renegadeMaybe that's why canmonical has no money ?09:36
BigRedSI distrust reviews that are being written because people are paying for them slightly more than I distrust reviews that are written because the writer has a strongly held opinion09:37
BigRedSAt least in the latter the author is writing simply because they feel that whatever it is they have to say needs to be said09:37
BigRedSBut I am a massive cynical hippy09:37
redtape|renegadeunderstandable then.09:37
daftykinsugh my crunchy nut cornflakes have gone soft :(09:38
* daftykins reviews them poorly, with the caveat the box is 2 months old09:38
redtape|renegadedaftykins: Oooh .. that's terrible .. have you told the police ?09:38
BigRedSdaftykins: amateur09:38
daftykinsredtape|renegade: they're next on my list09:38
daftykinsBigRedS: how does that work :( am i an amateur cereal eater?09:39
* redtape|renegade write a 'review of the police' on his to-do list ..09:39
BigRedSdaftykins: yeah, I'm afraid that soggy cereal is a pretty strong hallmark of that09:39
BigRedSthat and an absence of sponsor logos on your spon09:39
redtape|renegadebetter that an serial amateur eater :D :D09:39
daftykinsBigRedS: :(09:40
popeyCanonical has no money?09:40
* popey checks his pay-slip09:41
BigRedSYeah, canonical definitely seems to have money09:41
ali1234redtape|renegade: the real answer is because canonical has no products that they sell for money09:43
ali1234except mugs, t-shirts, and pens09:43
popeythat's not true09:43
ali1234oh and landscape09:44
ali1234and ubuntu one subscriptions09:44
redtape|renegadepopey I wonder why they dont update the USB Key to 13.04 etc .. to give ppl the optin of getting updates if offline ? http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=104309:44
bigcalmAnd support services09:44
ali1234none of these things are actually products09:44
AlanBelland 7 digital music09:44
redtape|renegadehi AlanBell !09:45
ali1234it is difficult to review a subscription service because it can turn to crap the day after you reviewed it09:45
ali1234thus it is difficult to trust reviews09:45
redtape|renegadeali1234: I dont think you trust anyone, anyway !09:46
* redtape|renegade kinda agrees with you, too.09:46
ali1234so basically if you want to write a review of an ubuntu product basically you are stuck with the pens and hats09:47
Myrttiredtape|renegade: because they have a big box of them from 12.10 and haven't sold them all?09:47
redtape|renegadeali1234: The idea was to encompass any Ubuntu/ amazon search results .. off the shoppping scope. but i think that time has passed.09:48
Laneynah, it was a decision to stop doing them and focus on LTS for things like that09:48
ali1234so i've got a question09:50
ali1234how do i buy support for one computer without landscape?09:50
ali1234on the shop it just tells me to go to askubuntu09:50
ali1234which is useless09:51
czajkowskiLaney: indeed09:51
czajkowskithe fact they are sold out says it all09:51
czajkowskiaquarius: ping a ling long09:53
aquariusczajkowski, pong09:53
czajkowskiaquarius: disregard :)09:53
czajkowskiyou replied09:54
daftykinsi always love the optimism of people09:54
daftykinsthis guy on the main channel09:55
daftykins"i want to run this program that the manufacturer says supports redhat only"09:55
daftykinsthus proceeds to try and run it under ubuntu09:55
daftykinsgood times09:55
ali1234what is wrong with that?09:56
daftykinsdid i say there was?09:56
TheOpenSourcererDiscourse is rather coolio isn't it?09:58
NET||abuseso cool, new virgin media setup at home, proper speed compared to my sky dsl09:59
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: yeah ☻09:59
daftykinsNET||abuse: cable? hope you enjoy their flaky network downtime :D09:59
popeybetter than forums10:00
NET||abuse61.9Mb/s down, would love better up but 2.9Mb/s up isn't bad,, 350KB/s aparently10:00
daftykinsi'm sensing a rather righteous attitude from some regulars this morning ¬_¬10:00
NET||abusedaftykins: well, day 3 and no issues, i have a heartbeat running frmo my home machine, piping snmp data to my vps to see if there's issues.10:00
davmor2Morning all10:01
NET||abuseshould be fun. but i got tivo and a second room box with the deal for free.. and i've no tv :(10:01
NET||abusewondering about tv anywhere on linux.. flash 11.4 needed aparently.10:01
NET||abuseubuntu 12.10 uses flash 11.2 even though latest is 11.7, and chrome's pepper pot flash is 11.7 but virgin say the custom flash has issues and probably doesn't work with the drm stuff10:02
daftykinsNET||abuse: ja, i had VM cable back in Uni time down in Portsmouth. some nights i'd be forced to go to bed at a certain time 'cause the cable 'modem' would just be desync'd for a few hours after midnight - it was rare, couple of times a quarter maybe10:03
NET||abusewell, i'm gonna try and log it with my vps's monitoring when it does happen, even when i'm not there, pushlish SLA vs actual % uptime for laughs10:04
davmor2daftykins: the only time VM is down for me is when there are hardware issues there end.10:04
NET||abusebut it's the fiber network i'm on, wondering if it'll be much better10:04
daftykinsdavmor2: yeah - that's kinda what i'm getting at :)10:04
diploMorning all10:05
shrikwait, people don't like soggy cereal..?10:05
NET||abusebut anyhow,, anyone know a good deal on a tv? I'm looking at the smasun 32" eu32f5000 going for 299 in curry's10:05
daftykinsi eat cereal dry10:06
daftykinsmines just a bit old so it's gone soft :(10:06
daftykinsthey're just 'nut cornflakes' now - not crunchy :(10:06
davmor2once or twice a year seems to be the norm for a few days of flakeyness while it is fixed.  IE fault occurs temp fix in place order hardware day or two after it goes dead again for a couple of hours or so while they replace the hardware smooth running again10:06
shrikdaftykins: Yeah, that's the only situation I'd like the cereal to be crunchy, but with milk it's gotta be soggy10:06
daftykinsi never eat cereal with milk10:07
daftykinsto me it's weird :D10:07
shrikdaftykins: doesn't it make you thirsty?10:07
davmor2NET||abuse: Asda do a polaroid 40 inch for about £50 less that we haven't had a fault with10:08
NET||abusedavmor2: having a gander..10:09
davmor2NET||abuse: http://direct.asda.com/TVs/4041,default,sc.html10:09
shrikis anyone else having trouble with Firefox being unusually crashy on 13.04?10:09
* BigRedS isn't10:09
shrikI'm on the Aurora channel10:09
shrik(if that matters..)10:09
davmor2NET||abuse: Looks like it has gone back up so it is a similar price but they have a tosh 32in with dvd at 26010:09
* popey stopped using firefox about 6 months ago10:10
NET||abuseYeh, reviews on that tosh says blurry image motion10:10
BigRedSIs aurora the firefox RC?10:10
davmor2shrik: you should try it in 13.10 nearly every page load crashes it10:11
BigRedSI used to run that, but then I became a luddite10:11
* popey hugs chromium10:11
ali1234yeah i've had that problem too10:11
popeylooking forward to that being the default10:11
ali1234not with 13.0410:11
shrikBigRedS: it's one channel above the nightlies - a little more stable, and a little less bleeding edge10:11
BigRedSI tried Chromium, couldn't work out how to make its version of NoScript work10:11
ali1234it happened when firefox upgraded in 12.10 as well10:11
ali1234it crashes a few times a day10:12
BigRedSAnd, also, I quite like a web browser produced by someone with no interests in a closed web. There's that hippy in me again...10:12
ali1234chromium is rubbish. it does not have useful ad block or script blocking10:12
ali1234it has plugins for it but they do not work10:12
shrikdavmor2: I had a bit of rough time moving up to 13.04, so I'll stick to it a while before shaking things up again..10:12
ali1234they are not kept up to date10:12
ali1234so they miss most things10:12
popeyi havent seen an advert for months10:12
BigRedSI don't use an adblocker. I do use flashblock, though10:13
ali1234it also does not support rss feds10:13
popeyghostery is quite neat too10:13
shrikpopey: does it work for blocking ads in Youtube videos..? I only keep Chrome around for testing..10:13
BigRedSis there a ghostery in chromium?10:13
popeyand yes shrik10:13
BigRedSahh, I was wondering which of the two you were saying it was quite neat in :)10:14
BigRedSah, I guess that's what I should've looked at instead of noscript10:14
popeywell i dont use firefox so all my comments relate to chromium10:14
shrik(..and vice versa)10:14
BigRedSOh yeah, that should've been obvious :)10:14
NET||abusehmm, going to study reviews of the asda telly's vs what's on curry's,,, anywhere else worth looking for good prices on not really out of date tv's?10:15
popeyricher sounds?10:15
NET||abuseohh, will check there :) cheers10:16
NET||abusemungbean: for telly's the same tv in curry's for 299 was 499 on amazon10:16
NET||abuseahh, depends on the search you do.. found it now on amazon for 294 :)10:17
daftykinsi picked up a Samsung 55" LED 6800 series for £900 delivered off Amazon a bit ago10:17
daftykinsit's amazing10:17
BigRedSmungbean: Mushroom! Mushroom!10:17
mungbeanmy telly still has a crt10:17
NET||abuse55",, jeebus,, you running a cinema? :P that's a big ass telly.10:17
NET||abusemungbean: i had a telly 3 years ago, it was a crt.. haven't had another tv since10:18
daftykinsespecially given Audio Return Channel (ARC) support with my Onkyo AV receiver - so it sends the sound over the single HDMI feed to the amp to play there :D10:18
daftykinsNET||abuse: pretty much home cinema yeah ^_^ hehe, nah i moved into my new place with a 2006 model 40" Sony, it was tiiiiiny in this place so i upgraded10:18
NET||abuseyeh, i'll investigate sounds setups further down the road, but definately will do something.10:18
mungbeanhaving a crt works out cheaper , cos i don't end up buying gadgets with hdmi or having upscaling issues10:18
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
NET||abusedaftykins: mmm, nice to be able to spalsh out like that :010:18
daftykinsmungbean: but you have to keep going to the opticians to have them tell you - "no, it really is that blurry sir"10:19
davmor2NET||abuse: Tesco do some good deals too10:19
daftykinsNET||abuse: i did struggle to commit to the purchase, but once i gave in and it got here i was very pleased i did :)10:19
mgdmIt's amazing the difference between a decent analogue TV signal displayed on a nice CRT and the garbage you get over Freeview10:20
daftykinsgave the old one to my parents, it only had one HDMI it was so old school10:20
mungbeani don't find my crt blurry10:20
NET||abusedaftykins: luls10:20
popeyi sometimes wish i still had my Sony FD-1 CRT10:20
mgdmFreeview HD gets you back to roughly where analogue left off10:20
daftykinswell, we only know the quality we're used to really10:20
shrikBigRedS: have you heard the Brian May version?10:20
NET||abusehmm, richer sounds maching amazon for price now on that tv..10:21
mungbeanwhat's worse is watching non HD content on a 1080p telly10:21
NET||abusewhy can't i just win a tv somehow :)10:21
daftykinsplaying SD eps on my HTPC out onto my TV actually look impressively good10:21
mungbeani'm a bit anti "Richard Sounds" cos of one of their jerky staff being jerky10:21
daftykinswe have a particularly shocking cinema over here, so i'd definitely much prefer to watch things at home than there :D10:22
mungbeani like calling it Richard Sounds in conversation, and people saying, did you just say Richard? "no of course not"10:22
mungbeanthen doing it again10:22
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
BigRedSshrik: no...10:23
* BigRedS googles10:23
daftykinsmungbean: sounds like a hoot10:23
shrikBigRedS: he collab'ed with the creator of badger badger to produce a version protesting the badger cull10:24
BigRedSah, I did hear about that actually10:24
daftykinsWeebl's stuff!10:26
BigRedSHandy pie cannon!10:26
daftykinseveryone knows 1.5 is better than 110:29
daftykinsaaaaah running out of storage space10:45
daftykins5TB isn't enough10:45
BigRedSyes it is. you have too much stuff10:54
daftykinsit's just the state of HD video10:54
daftykinson a clients system we're using about 9TB just from his ~950+ DVD collection all ripped onto storage, to provide for discless HTPCs10:55
diploWhat do you rip to daftykins ?11:07
diploI run a si,ilar system, upto about 4TB myself11:07
daftykinswhich source type?11:07
diploRip the DVD's to what format ?11:07
daftykinson the clients collection we hired a kid out of our local College of FE, just got him to 1:1 dump down to ISO11:08
daftykinsi've been debating going through them and chopping out just the film though11:08
diploOh, so just stored the ISO, I've done that a few times but mainly I rip to mkv/mp411:08
daftykinsmaybe even just dumping them into a single file .VOB would still play nicely in XBMC and escape the wasted data11:08
daftykinsyeah i did play a bit with H.264 transcoding11:09
daftykinsbut i wasn't very pleased with the result11:09
diploI've done that before, but my disk space was dropping quickly so went the route of transcoding11:09
daftykinsthis guy is happy to just get more storage11:10
daftykinsmore than the 12TB he already has :D11:10
daftykinsat least he was until 4 of the WD2002FYPS disks died in the same week11:10
daftykinsthat was the worst luck i have ever seen11:10
diplohah, I'm waiting for mine to do that as well, as I can't afford to replace anything atm :(11:11
diploReally need to sort a ups etc11:11
daftykinsyou don't have one on your storage? D:11:11
daftykins~£140 for an APC 900VA11:12
diploNope, cash constraints :/11:12
daftykinsah :(11:12
diploSingle dad, left house with a huge mortage.. I save a few months to buy stuff for me and lots of other things have been breaking :(11:12
diploReally ought to find some more private work to get some *treat* money11:13
daftykinswhat sort of work do you do?11:13
* christel hugs diplo 11:14
diploIT, web dev/sysadmin for a company in nottingham, but i'm based near bath11:14
diploHiya christel11:14
christelhullu you :)11:14
* diplo gives christel a big squeeze, nice to have you back around here11:14
christelthank you dear! how are you keeping? :)11:14
daftykinsdiplo: ah reet11:16
diploNot to bad thank you, been ill for the last 6 months waiting for the NHS to find a fix but gotten fairly used to it now11:18
diploYourself ?11:18
christelauchies, that is a bit rubbish -- any closer to a resolution, medically?11:18
diploGetting closer, been to see a Neurologist this morning, been asking to go since Feb11:18
diploThey think it's something called Horners Syndrome11:19
christelthat's some eye thing right?11:19
diploBasically severe headaches all the time, and lost a lot of strength in my left arm11:19
diploBloomin eck! someone heard of it!!!11:19
diploEven the consultants hadn't :D11:19
diployeah, pupils are dilated differently is the first notice, can cause lot's of different conditions and can be caused by lots of different things11:20
christelthat has to be hard, particularly with the little ones to look after11:20
diploOne thing they've cleared is that it's not cancer/tumour related which is a good start11:20
diploYeah, can be vv hard at times :)11:21
christelgood! lets hope they figure it all out so that they can find the best treatment for you!11:22
diployeah I'm crossing my fingers, was hoping it would be resolved in a few weeks, not 6+ months :)11:22
* Myrtti jumps into the Wikipedia timesink vortex with Horners Syndrome11:27
shaunopro tip: take a ball of yarn with you, or you may never find your way back out.  and don't click the 'random page' link, it's laced with cocaine.11:28
Myrttiyeah I noticed the cocaine lacing11:29
Myrttirelatedly I poked http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apraclonidine only gently11:29
diploI've taken more drugs than I care for, probably had that.. lost track :D11:34
knightwise 11:39
BigRedSAw. I quite enjoyed pointing out that Ubuntu *still* hasn't even fixed its first bug.11:50
shaunoit should probably be closed anyway.  apple are winning now, not msft ;)11:52
AlanBellyou can buy a chromebook too11:52
daftykinsooh yeah, kit is here for my friends new PC12:09
shaunotoys :D12:12
daftykinsyep i get the fun of a completely new build without having to pay, ideal world \o/12:12
daftykinsbut first, it's lunch time :>12:17
daftykinshey diddledan12:21
daftykinsooh and my bike shop just text me to say my bike's ready to pick up12:22
mungbeanmy scooter arrived yesterday :D12:28
mungbeanbut it rained today :(12:28
dogmatic69any idea how to stop thunderbird showing messages in the gmail folder12:29
mungbeanstupid summer12:29
dogmatic69I have it configured with a gmail account so emails go all over, inbox, inportant, gmail inbox12:29
dogmatic69eg: new mail shows up by the green dots, just want to ignore / remove the crossed out section http://i.imgur.com/sEhPS6i.png12:32
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]12:36
shauno.my have claimed it?12:37
diddledanthat's ironic considering it was being discussed in here just now - or was the discussion in response to that?12:42
BigRedSYeah, I mentioned it when I saw it'd been closed12:42
BigRedSnot that .my had their own12:42
BigRedSOh, wait, there's loads of people/groups it's assigned to12:43
diddledanyup. everyone and their dog has it on their list these days12:44
knightwisehey guys12:45
knightwiseanyone using owncloud here ?12:45
knightwiseI have setup an external folder for storing some files (on the same local machine)12:46
knightwiseBut when I want to use the music application , it does not scan that external folder :(12:46
knightwiseit only scans whats in /var/www/owncloud/data ... etc...12:46
knightwiseanyone know how to configure it to scan /home/gpodder ?12:48
mungbeanowncloud client -> add folder12:49
shaunoI think that's going to involve symlink botches.  otherwise if you just get it to scan that folder, it won't be able to play them because apache's not serving that path12:49
knightwiseshauno: i think you are right.12:49
knightwisewould it be better to drop a simlink in my /var/www/owncloud/... folder ?12:50
mungbeanon the server?12:50
mungbeanah, you are trying to stream it12:51
knightwiseYES ! :)12:51
mungbeani just use it for backups12:51
knightwiseyou see , gpodder downloads the files on the server12:51
shaunowell, adding it with the client is how it's designed to work.  gpodder is your local copy, and then the client syncs it to the server12:52
knightwiseand thanx to owncloud I can play my podcasts / music on any device-browser12:52
shaunoto avoid that duplication with them being on the same machine, is going to be hacky12:52
knightwiseyou lost me there , wait i'll try to reexplain12:52
knightwisegpodder downloads podcasts to /home/gpodder (chmod 777)12:52
knightwiseI have pointed owncloud towards that folder as an "external folder" for my user on owncloud12:53
knightwisein the files directory , everything shows up fine12:53
* TheOpenSourcerer shudders whenever he sees "777"12:53
knightwisebut in the music section , the directory does not get scanned :(12:53
knightwiseTheOpenSourcerer: its an internal system could also do 75512:53
mungbeanbug #1 should be "invalid" rather than "released?"12:53
lubotu3`bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112:54
TheOpenSourcerer"gpodder downloads podcasts to ... "12:54
knightwisegpodder downloads my podcasts to /home/gpodder12:54
TheOpenSourcererThen gives everything executable rights?12:54
BigRedSTheOpenSourcerer: don't get into supporting commodity hosting :)12:54
knightwiseno , i opened up the rights.12:54
TheOpenSourcererlol BigRedS12:55
knightwisei just wanted to point out that owncloud has rwx access to that folder , so its not a permissions issue12:55
BigRedSknightwise: does owncloud have rights to the parent dir? /home?12:55
knightwiseWat !12:55
knightwisehold your horses :) It seems to have fixed itsself12:56
knightwisethe folder is being scanned :)12:56
knightwiseits working ! :)12:56
diddledanI don't believe in issues "fixing themselves"12:56
knightwiseno , it just took a little while for the folder to be scanned12:57
BigRedSTheOpenSourcerer: to be fair, the execute bit on a directory permits people to enter it, so it's frequently needed by things that read12:57
TheOpenSourcererYes. BigRedS I am familiar with octal permissions ;-)12:57
BigRedSOh, you've done this before? :)12:58
TheOpenSourcererThis was a very interesting exercise I did some years ago: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2008/04/a-shared-drop-box-using-samba/12:59
TheOpenSourcererStill working today.12:59
BigRedSahh, sticky bits!13:00
daftykinsaaah the smell of new hardware13:00
diddledanI love the smell of ink on new manuals13:01
* TheOpenSourcerer loves the smell of curry.13:01
BigRedSthat is a bit cunning. I'll remember that one13:01
diddledanyeah, that too13:01
* xnox thinks i utterly screwed up my laptop.13:17
diddledanin the fun way?13:18
diploTheOpenSourcerer: Do you make a lot of currys as well, I know you like your chillies etc.. if so where do you get recipes from that you can recommend ? I've stupidly offered to do a curry night :)13:18
xnoxit was doing dist-upgrade to saucy, and it was plugged into it's power supply brick, well..... the power brick on the other hand was not plugged into the wall.13:18
xnoxI think initramfs got regenerated in the mean time without cryptsetup and thus i can't boot now =)13:18
TheOpenSourcererdiplo: I do do lots of cooking. I have ~400 cook books.13:19
TheOpenSourcererhttp://ratemyspicerack.com/opensourcerer/ ;-)13:19
diddledandid you know there's a world record of the number of chillis a person can mush into their eyeballs?13:20
TheOpenSourcererI also use the internet a lot. This chap has some cracking recipes: http://www.greatcurryrecipes.net/13:20
TheOpenSourcererdiddledan: yes.13:20
xnoxkernel panics, OOPSES and all that jazz =)13:20
TheOpenSourcererAnd she did it with Nagas too.13:20
diploI like to cook as well, never got in to currys though although I've always wanted to try, came up in convo and the nominated me to do a 'curry night'13:21
diddledanxnox: methinks it's an ex laptop13:21
diplothanks for the link, will take a looksy tonight!13:21
diddledannagios as in the thingy to monitor uptime :-p13:21
diddledanit's got sharp edges so it's harder to mush into your eyeballs13:22
mungbeanchilli peppers make me bed/toilet ridden for 2 days anyway13:22
TheOpenSourcererdiddledan: https://plus.google.com/104060033182234025482/about/p/pub13:22
mungbeanlike jabbing needles in my belly13:22
TheOpenSourcererThat picture is of one of this year's C.Pubescens about to flower.13:23
diddledanhmm, I just get a blank page :-(13:23
TheOpenSourcererChillies are kind of "my thing"13:23
diddledanwith the google + header13:23
popeysame here13:24
popeyit redirects a load then fails13:24
TheOpenSourcererOhh - how about this then: https://plus.google.com/104060033182234025482/about13:24
diployeah, thought it was because I wasn't logged in13:24
mungbeandidn't you get the memo? flickr is back13:24
diddledanthat loads13:25
diddledanmungbean: serialz?13:25
diploGoing to have to go shopping TheOpenSourcerer, some good looking recipes on there!13:25
TheOpenSourcererlol - the first link was what google me to view my profile as someone else.13:25
mungbeandiddledan: what's that about cereal? coco pops pls13:26
diddledanlol.. it's a response that shauno got in an email at his workplace - I forget the ins-n-outs but it's funny13:27
bigcalmWhat do people think a sensible time window should be for an API command? To allow for a command from a server not to be correct (or at least not the same as the receiving server)?13:28
diploFrom start of call to complete you mean ?13:30
dwatkinssession timeout from login to expiry?13:30
bigcalmdiplo: not so much. Consider a command that was issued yesterday, didn't get to the end server. The same command and timestamp were resent to the server, the command should be rejected because the timestamp is too far in the past13:32
bigcalmSame for the future, in case the server is in the past with respect to the client13:32
bigcalmWe can assume the timestamp will always be seconds since the epoc and be gmtbased - this removed the problem of timezones13:33
diploDepends I guess on what the time frame of the API call is, ie what data it's getting for it to complete but I'd go with double the time it takes to run ?13:34
ballStick it in a config file in case someone has to change it.13:36
ballThat's just a thought, anyway.13:36
ball...or make it a compile-time option.13:37
mungbeanargh this weather13:48
mungbeanheavy rain again13:48
mungbeanthe weeds will be laughing at me13:48
DJonesmungbean: The father of my neighbour is next door doing his garden while the neighbour is away, he's actually using a chainsaw13:51
mungbeanall the flower beds are now grass and weeds13:52
mungbeanmy neighbours are glaring at me13:52
ballmungbean: Where are you?13:53
DJonesI'll have to cut my grass in the next day or so, weather looks dry & fairly sunny for the next week13:53
ballIt's a beautiful sunny day here but we've had plenty of rain, so I've not needed to water the garden.13:54
diploJust started pouring down here13:54
diploWas quite sunny this morning13:55
diddledanwall-to-wall white cloud here13:55
diploball: from memory aren't you state side ? Been a long time13:56
mungbeani only have 30 mins every 2 weeks to cut my lawn and weeding13:57
mungbeanball: N London13:57
balldiplo: Yes, I live in Illinois.13:58
ballmungbean: It takes me longer than 30 minutes just to mow the lawn.13:58
ballIt's not huge but it's also not as flat as I would like.13:59
mungbeani have a london lawn13:59
ball...and my mower is deafening.13:59
ballMy mother is from London, originally.13:59
ballDad was from Wiltshire.13:59
diploWiltshire \o/14:01
popeymy new lawn mower arrived the other day, garden is like a jungle14:01
diploMy lawn takes me 2 hours ish14:01
popeynot been able to mow yet because it's too wet14:01
* xnox did mine during bank holiday monday =)14:05
diploNeed petrol one, borrow dads and it's done in maybe 30-45 mins14:05
diploMy dad came over and did mine last week \o/14:05
xnoxdiplo: win!14:05
ballpopey: Did you go with petrol or electric?14:05
ball...or pushy-whirly one?14:05
diploDefo, although he does a rubbish job it's better than me not doing it :D14:05
popeyi already have petrol one which I will get rid of14:05
ballpopey: Nice.14:05
popeywanted something lighter and easier to use14:05
ballMy next one will be electric (so that I can hear the podcast better while I'm mowing the lawn)14:06
ball...but this petrol mower may outlive me.14:06
ballIt was my wife's grandfather's mower.14:06
* TheOpenSourcerer has a ride on mower14:06
ballIs the Flymo still a thing?14:06
TheOpenSourcererVery much Petrol powered.14:06
ballTheOpenSourcerer: That might be fatal for me.  Mowing the lawn is my primary form of exercise ;-)14:06
popeythis battery powered jobbie is night and light, so wifey can do the lawn ㋛14:06
christeli managed to mow a tiny bit of my lawn yesterday then it started raining and i gave up!14:06
dwatkinsIf I had a lawn, I'd get a robot to mow it, or a sheep.14:06
balldwatkins: If I thought I could get away with having a sheep in town, that would be a tempting idea.14:07
ballI used to know a couple with a few lambs in a pen that they used to move around.  It'd mow and fertilize the lawn at the same time!14:07
mgdma friend of mine has a croft, which had got all kinds of rocks and such in it14:08
mgdmso he got some pigs, and fenced off a bit of the croft - they then turned the ground over, fertilized it, and moved all the rocks out14:09
mgdmhe can now use that bit of the garden and also have pork chops14:09
* ball ponders whether or not to go and visit a customer.14:10
mungbeanmy flymo blew up when the grass got too long14:10
mungbeanmy neighbour asked me to cut it14:10
mungbeani said my wife is pregnant14:11
popeyyour neighbour asked you to?14:12
dwatkinsdoes that make it more or less likely you'll cut their grass?14:12
* ball is confused14:12
mungbeanthe neighbour said we would get rats cos of my 4 week old grass14:13
BigRedSOh, I assumed his neighbor asked him to cut his own grass14:13
mungbeanmy dog was refusing to poo on it14:13
mungbeancos it tickled her bum14:13
SuperEngineerfrom the "things not to see at logon files": "my dog was refusing to poo on it cos it tickled her bum"14:19
mgdmyeah. That'd be more 'logoff'14:19
SuperEngineerI assume https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1/comments/1834 is old news by now; but I found it a revealing insight into some recent "rationales"14:23
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]14:23
brobostigonwhat the command again, to make something in /var/www writable by apache ?14:25
xnoxSuperEngineer: i found out about 10 minutes ago. It's a remarkable event.14:25
ballbrobostigon: Does apache own the file?14:25
brobostigonball: chown -r www-data: /folder ?14:26
ballbrobostigon: I didn't say that ;-)14:27
brobostigonball: no, i am suggesting an option.14:27
SuperEngineerxnox: feels kind of premature... it was my main enjoyment in usning Ubuntu [to defeat the "Windowsers"].  Could have sent me a "prepare yourself" first!  ;)14:28
ballbrobostigon: WHo owns the file?14:29
SuperEngineerGuess I'll have to just put up with the apps and usefulness instead ;)14:29
xnoxSuperEngineer: with 5% laptops shipped pre-installed with Ubuntu worldwide in 2011 & increasing. With Microsoft being Canonical's client and actively writting software for ubuntu and the linux kernel. With PC manufacturers advertising and selling ubuntu machines as "gaming machines". With Steam on Linux........14:29
ballbrobostigon: ...and is that user in the same group as Apache?14:29
xnoxSuperEngineer: i was not prepared for any of it to happen.14:29
brobostigonball: chowning it, solved the issue.14:30
BigRedSxnox: when MS submitted that code to the kernel for Linux on Hyper-V support, I remember all the "Linus has won" stuff, surely you saw that?14:30
ballbrobostigon: Well that's one approach.14:30
ball(albeit a brute force one ;-)14:31
SuperEngineerooo let's allstart a gripe mail chain the list - he should have warnewd us!!!  lol14:31
SuperEngineer*on the list14:31
brobostigonball: certainly, i have only changed temporerily, what needs opening, and will then close it again.14:31
daftykinsthis 4GB nvidia GTX 680 is huge :D14:31
diddledandaftykins: three slots wide?14:32
diddledanor the usual two?14:32
daftykinsmore the foot long aspect14:32
diddledanis that a silent cooler?14:32
diddledanor are there fans underneath?14:33
diddledanI don't like that they stuck plastic wrapping all over it - bound to miss some when it goes into the system14:34
daftykinstwo fans14:34
daftykinsyou'd never get passive on a GTX 68014:34
daftykinshellz no14:34
daftykinsthese gainward setups are really quiet though14:35
daftykinsat least the one on my 560 Ti is14:35
diddledanI wonder if anybody has Quad-SLI'd 4 titans yet :-p14:36
diddledanare there any pre-packaged systems akin to freeipa.org for ubuntu servers?14:47
daftykinsaww yeah she's up first time14:50
daftykinswas there ever any doubt? no, no14:51
BigRedSdiddledan: is that an SSO-in-a-box?14:53
diddledanBigRedS: yeah, seems to be14:53
diddledanprobably overkill for what I was thinking of using it for14:54
diddledanbut still useful14:54
diploThat looks good diddledan14:57
diploYou tried it ?14:57
diddledandiplo: not yet14:57
diddledanit's annoying that it requires a redhatish distro14:58
diploDownside I guess is the Fedora which I guess is why you were asking, from what I remember when reading up though is you can get Directory Server to work on other OS's at a push14:58
diploCould be wrong though14:58
diploMight give it a go anyhoo14:58
diddledanyeah, that's only the client14:59
diddledanfrom what I can tell14:59
diplowell it's adding directory server and sssd packaged so i'd say the whole thing ?15:00
diplo* Make Ubuntu Server capable of acting as FreeIPA Server.15:00
diddledanon precise (that's 12.04, right?):15:00
diddledanBinary packages15:00
diddledanfreeipa-client (amd64) (armel) (armhf) (i386) (powerpc)15:00
diddledanpython-freeipa (amd64) (armel) (armhf) (i386) (powerpc)15:00
diddledanthat's from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/freeipa15:01
diploIt's to package, wonder if they didn't get that far yet :)15:01
BigRedSI guess that it wants full-on SELinux support, so it'll use something that does it by default15:01
=== joshmyers is now known as bubu
shaunoI really wish redhat would actually put their name on the page when they launch these things, it'd make the whole process a lot more transparent15:22
diddledansome things they put the "redhat emerging technologies" logo on, but it's still not quite the same as saying "we're behind this"15:24
diplooh it's Redhat behind it then ?15:24
diddledanseems so, yeah15:24
shaunoI assume so.  they're using redhat.com's mailman instead of fedoraproject.org's, and redhat inc own the domain name15:24
LaneyI could go for some free IPA15:25
dwatkinsI get big warnings on my server/netbook that its Ubuntu release is no longer supported. I guess I should consider upgrading it or replacing it with a Raspberry Pi.15:25
shaunobut they didn't go so far as to actually mention red hat at all on the about page15:25
TheOpenSourcererdid someone say beer?15:25
dwatkinsIt's running 11.0415:25
* TheOpenSourcerer *loves* IPA15:25
Laneyyeah I quite like it15:26
Laneyin CA just now it's *everywhere*15:26
diplodwatkins: my home server is still on natty ( was the 04 ? )15:26
Laneys/it's/it was/15:26
diploneed more disks before upgrade though15:26
TheOpenSourcererDecent stuff?15:26
daftykinsIPA's aftertaste is nasty to me15:26
daftykinsi go for dark ales instead15:26
Laneylike the pub over the road had about 8 "IPAs" on and 4 other beers15:26
dwatkinsdiplo: yeah, Natty15:26
TheOpenSourcererIPA's aftertaste is what makes it so yummy15:26
Laneyi wouldn't have called them all IPA but some were drinkable15:26
Laneygoing to the pub tonight - will be on this I think15:27
TheOpenSourcererGreensands IPA (Surrey Hills Brewery) is gorgeous.15:27
Laneyyum yum yum15:27
shaunoI tend to avoid IPA because far too many of them turn into a fight to see how hoppy they can make it before it ceases to be liquid15:27
Laneyshauno: that's what tasters are for!15:28
TheOpenSourcererDarwin's Origin is also rather awesome: http://www.salopianbrewery.co.uk/beers.php15:30
bashrcHere's a question: see that there calendar when you click on the date.  Is there an API to shove events into it?15:33
AlanBellbashrc: it is evolution15:34
mgdmIt used to be that there was evolution-data-server running in the background, and it has an API15:34
mgdmnot sure if that is still the case15:35
bashrcDoes evolution have a calendar API?15:35
AlanBellthere is an evolution data service running15:35
shaunopython-evolution should expose evolution-data-server I think15:35
bashrcok I'll have a look at that15:35
mgdmit might also answer to DBus? </wild speculation>15:35
shaunoeverything answers to dbus, I just have no idea what dbus actually is :(15:36
AlanBellbonus points if you can get it to point to a google calendar15:36
bashrcI was wondering whether I could integrate taskwarrior more into the Unity desktop15:36
mgdmshauno: it's a messaging system used internally by various things15:36
mgdmshauno: Spotify, for example, has a DBus API you can use to ask what is currenty playing, make it pause, etc15:37
mgdmit's used for loads of other stuff though, like hotplugging hardware IIRC15:37
diddledandbus is weird15:37
diddledanit's used for all sorts of stuff that doesn't make any sense for a message passing system to be doing15:38
diddledanand why do we even need another way of passing messages?15:38
mgdmI use it to do this: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/p206x206/255175_10150223834702297_5500005_n.jpg15:39
mgdm(hence knowing about the DBus API in Spotify)15:39
bashrcI notice that there is a python-dbus package15:42
=== bubu is now known as mpercy
bashrcThat might only apply to Gnome shell though15:55
mgdmI believe that ought to work regardless of G-S vs. Unity15:57
mgdmcertainly worth a bash15:57
bashrcThe sample code at least doesn't crash, which is a good sign16:00
diplobashrc: I use dbus in a backup script to detect usb drives and mount them etc16:02
diploPython based16:02
SuperEngineerTheOpenSourcerer: ever tried Exmoor Ale or Exmoor Gold?16:02
diploVery good tbh, pity it doesn't work so well on centos5 and at all on 416:02
mgdmCentOS 4? There's a blast from the past16:03
daftykinsugh, running this Intel Management Engine firmware updater16:03
MartijnVdSYou shouldn't touch stuff in archaeological digs16:03
TheOpenSourcererSuperEngineer: we have Exmoor Gold on all the time in my local. It's not bad, but a tad too sweet for me. We also have Moondance on as a standard beer which is my tipple of choice at the local.16:03
daftykinsit's not done after minutes already X|16:04
TheOpenSourcererSuperEngineer: http://www.triplefff.com/beers.html16:04
diplomgdm: We probably still have a dozen customers running it16:04
diploWe also have some SCO 5? boxes as well16:04
diploCustomers won't pay to fix, and I've not talked my bosses into us updating as a gesture :)16:05
AlanBellgosh, from when SCO was a business16:05
TheOpenSourcererMy local has 8 real ales on normally. ~4 are regular and ~4 vary. Summer Lightning is another regular and very good too, but quite strong ~5%16:05
diploheh, I reckon we have 4 customers on SCO, and one in our server room!16:05
diploBack on to LDAP for me tomorrow :/16:07
diploAnd at some point, going to tinker with puppet tomorrow as well16:07
SuperEngineerTheOpenSourcerer: "it's not bad"! What!  I invented it - it was my invention whilst at Golden Hill Brewery!16:08
SuperEngineerTheOpenSourcerer: & the first beer to use or append "Gold"16:08
SuperEngineerapplause welcome16:08
* AlanBell claps16:09
TheOpenSourcererWell that's a very cool claim to fame!16:09
* popey claps16:09
SuperEngineerthankyou folks16:09
TheOpenSourcererI still prefer Moondance though ;-)16:09
TheOpenSourcerer**MOAR HOPS**16:09
SuperEngineerTheOpenSourcerer: each to their own and none the worse for it - open source - open beer choice ;)16:10
* TheOpenSourcerer was due to be out making merry in Farnham this evening.16:10
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: liking your hops? I'm guessing you'd enjoy Hopping Mad16:10
TheOpenSourcererBut we have postponed our activities so I will be popping into my local for a swift few fairly shortly.16:10
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: Can't say I recall trying it but I probably have.16:11
diddledan"free as in beer" discuss16:11
* diddledan fetches popcorn16:12
Laneyi hate it16:12
TheOpenSourcererI'm a big IPA fan. UK breweries make some fantastic IPAs around the 4.5% mark. Golden colour, not too sweet and loads of hops.16:12
Laneyeverything should cost at least 100 quid16:12
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: contact my brothers :) I'm sure they can find a way to get their "Dutch Pale Ale" to you :)16:12
diddledanbut. beer isn't usually free of cost, therefore using the term "free as in beer" to mean you don't pay anything is just wrong16:12
TheOpenSourcererAll this talk of beer is not helping me write my project spec...16:12
MartijnVdSdiddledan: you're supplying? :)16:12
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: http://www.vandestreek-bier.nl/16:13
daftykinsdiddledan: i'd hope talking about that topic is akin to preaching to the choir in here ;)16:13
bashrcI'm not much of a beer drinker16:13
bashrcI try not to drink and code16:13
MartijnVdSbashrc: but that makes it so much more fun!16:14
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: BROEDERS sounds alright. Ask them to send me a case FoC ;-)16:14
diddledanit seems to be prevelant amongst forums to use the term free as in beer to mean gratis, and I just don't understand how somebody can get that end of the stick16:14
bashrcI use the term "free as in beards"16:14
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: They'll be in the UK for some kind of beer festival in july or august, you can email them and ask if they can save one for you :)16:15
diddledanwomen might object to that.. unless they really can muster a beard of their own16:15
bashrcmaybe so16:15
daftykinsthey will in old age16:15
mgdmNot really. Most women are beard-free.16:15
MartijnVdSdiddledan: "Any opposite sex escort taken to an event in an effort to give a homosexaul person the apperance of being out on a date with a person of the opposite sex."16:15
MartijnVdSdiddledan: == beard16:15
TheOpenSourcererThanks MartijnVdS I will. I'll explain you told me to ask them for some free beer and said it would be fine ;-)16:16
AlanBellurban dictionary has a lot to answer for16:18
bashrcIn the past I did think of maybe making some beer brewing system using an Arduino, but then I thought that I'd only end up with an excess of beer.  It might make me more popular though :-)16:18
diddledanpopular is good, provided it's popular with the right kind of people16:19
MartijnVdSಠ_ಠ @ TheOpenSourcerer16:19
bashrcMy rate of beer consumption is not very fast.  I think I still have some bottles left over from months ago.16:19
diddledanI had 4 bottles of beer for xmas. I've drunk 116:19
* TheOpenSourcerer is not sure that an excess of beer is even possible.16:19
daftykinsbashrc: definitely best to be savoured than to be used to escape reality i'd say \o/16:20
diddledanI don't drink much. until my brother drags me out on the razzle and then I get completely plastered16:20
daftykinsjust about finished setting up this new PC16:22
daftykinsitching to see how it performs16:22
bashrcIs it a desktop?16:23
bashrcMy desktops are pretty ancient by computer standards, although I have a new laptop16:24
daftykinsi7 3660K, 16GB DDR3 2133MHz, nvidia GTX 680 4GB, Samsung 256GB 840 Pro SSD, 2TB storage HDD16:24
daftykinsputting it together for a friend :)16:25
daftykinsbut i get to play with it in the meantime 8)16:25
bashrcnice.  I think I may have the mobile version of that graphics card in the laptop.  Couldn't get it to work in 13.04 though16:25
daftykins680M? mmm perhaps they didn't have new enough drivers at the time16:26
bashrcYes I think that's it16:26
diddledan680M must be a beast for a loplop?16:26
daftykinsobviously it won't be quite like the desktop version :D16:26
daftykinsjust the same number is all16:26
bashrcActually I think it's 630M16:27
diddledanclose 3 and 8 are very similar numbers when you screw your eyes up :-D16:27
bashrcIt doesn't help that it doesn't say what the graphics card is within the manual16:28
daftykinsare you at it now?16:28
SuperEngineerTheOpenSourcerer: re " an excess of beer": Watneys! Excessive use of the word "beer" on their behalf!16:30
TheOpenSourcererOh how ye mock. I grew up on Wantey's Party Sevens16:31
SuperEngineerTheOpenSourcerer: teenage party drink - great when severley shaken before opening!  :D16:32
SuperEngineer[I even played that game myself]16:33
TheOpenSourcererWe used to do that at Reading Rock festival  - shower the crowd in warm Watney's...16:33
SuperEngineerbest fun was when people boo'd at The Sensational Alex harvey Band - they got watney'd16:34
TheOpenSourcererWhen I was a young lad of course early 1980s16:35
* SuperEngineer fonly remembers Reading festival16:35
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diploRight suppose better go home, catch you all later16:43
TheOpenSourcereryep - time to head home via the pub for me too.16:48
daftykinsinstalling some benchmarks and eventually some games to test this PC at last16:53
daftykinsonly getting 2MB/sec on Steam :(16:53
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GentileBenhttp://linux.slashdot.org/story/13/05/30/1520213/ubuntu-closes-longstanding-bug-1 lol17:36
GentileBen"Mark Shuttleworth of Ubuntu fame has closed the primal bug on Launchpad, standing since 2004 and titled 'Microsoft has a majority market share,' due to the 'changing realities' of tablets, smartphones, and wearable computing."17:36
MartijnVdSit's not even been 10 years!17:36
GentileBen9 years to close a bug on a FOSS project is pretty damn quick.17:36
bashrcI don't think bug #1 is really fixed.  Walk into any store you like and look around.17:36
lubotu3`bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117:37
popeyand you'll see non-windows machines17:37
popeylike android tablets and phones17:37
GentileBen"Microsoft has a majority market share in the new desktop PC marketplace. This is a bug which Ubuntu and other projects are meant to fix." rofl, the self-righteousness of this man astounds me.17:37
bashrcNot if you want to buy a laptop17:37
GentileBenIf Ubuntu had 90% marketshare, would he purposefully give up share?17:37
GentileBenI'd guess not.17:37
bashrcFor instance I recently got a laptop.  Did it come with GNU/Linux preinstalled?17:38
GentileBenpopey, Chromebooks have been a disaster.17:38
MartijnVdSI like my chromebook17:38
GentileBenbashrc: no, it came with GNU/Hurd.17:38
popeythey have?17:38
MartijnVdSit lets me browse the web!17:38
GentileBenpopey, yes. The sales figures have been terrible.17:38
bashrcChance would be a fine thing17:38
bashrcIt came with Windows 817:38
GentileBenFree the Hurd!!17:38
MartijnVdSGentileBen: ...17:38
GentileBenIf we're going to go all-out FOSS Nazi, let's at least stand behind the daddy of the Free Software movement, RMS.17:39
SuperEngineerconfused - why is it from the Malaysia Loco - assume they posted it... but why ? Where they the first users?17:39
czajkowskiNo  scott just edited the bug17:39
popeyno SuperEngineer17:39
GentileBenI'd sooner trust a toejam-eating hobo than a South African ivory poacher.17:39
popeywind your neck in a touch GentileBen17:39
bashrcEven if you include Android, is it possible to buy any system which doesn't have proprietary software preinstalled - as per bug #117:39
lubotu3`bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117:39
GentileBenUm, Android has plenty of proprietary bits as deployed in the real world.17:40
GentileBenIs the Play store app FOSS? Is the Gmail app FOSS? No.17:40
GentileBenThe platform is open-source in the sense that Google release the source several months after general availability...17:40
bashrcSo I don't think we can really declare #1 to be fixed17:40
GentileBenBut it's not managed as an open-source project.17:40
GentileBenIt's closed-source until Google decide to release the code to partners, and then several months later to the community.17:41
GentileBenWhich is a pretty good model - it's been wildly successful.17:41
bashrcIf you want to get code into Andoid and you're not a Google employee, good luck with that17:41
GentileBenAndroid is high-quality, stable, and feature-rich.17:41
GentileBenAnd it has an excellent app ecosystem...you click download, they install, and are ready to use.17:42
bashrcI love Android.  But it's not a non-proprietary system, as per bug #117:42
lubotu3`bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117:42
GentileBenbashrc, I'd say bug #0 should be the fact that there are people in the world who think closed-source is inherently inferior.17:43
lubotu3`Error: Launchpad bug 0 could not be found17:43
GentileBenWe've seen time and time again how open-source projects crash and burn due to terrible project management, internal politics and lack of direction.17:43
bashrcAnd no closed-source projects did that?17:43
GentileBenOOo was a perfect example of that, though LO has picked up the torch.17:43
GentileBenbashrc, the closed-source ones go out of business. The open-source ones have names like ReactOS.17:44
bashrcI worked in proprietary software development for a *long* time.  There is no shortage of internal politics and terrible project management.17:44
GentileBenbashrc, yes, but if you keep producing a poor product in the commercial world, your company eventually tanks.17:45
GentileBenI still think the best model is open source but with a commercial backer.17:45
bashrcExhibit A: Microsoft Windows17:45
bashrc(a consistently poor product)17:45
GentileBenThat's just trolling.17:45
diddledanI'm actually quite enjoying running on windows 817:46
bashrcWindows ME anybody?17:46
MartijnVdSWindows YOU too!17:46
GentileBenAre you forgetting the days not so long ago, when Linux couldn't even render a desktop environment on a third of PCs, due to lack of functional graphics drivers?17:46
GentileBenIt was literally CLI or nothing, and the zealots asked, "Who needs a DE? CLI all the way!!"17:46
bashrcI remember the days.  Linux has come a long way.17:47
GentileBenThe fact is that since Microsoft unified their code under the NT kernel, Windows has been a consistently good product.17:47
GentileBenThe only dud from XP onwards was Vista.17:47
bashrcI think that's debatable17:48
GentileBenXP, 2003 (and its workstation variant XP x64), Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 7, 8 have all been solid or better.17:48
bashrcBut the basic point is that a poor product doesn't nessessarily mean market relegation.  Much depends upon marketing.17:48
GentileBenWell, let's be objective.17:48
GentileBenIs there an office suite which even comes close to matching the functionality of MS Office?17:49
GentileBenI'm not talking about Word and PowerPoint - I mean Outlook, Excel, Access, Visio, Project, InfoPath, OneNote.17:49
GentileBenThere isn't anything on the market which comes close to Visio which doesn't cost 10x as much.17:50
GentileBenThere's the irony - MS software is the cheap alternative in many cases.17:51
dwatkinsDidn't Microsoft buy Video?17:51
dwatkinsVisio, even17:51
GentileBenThey bought most of their good products.17:51
GentileBenEven Access and Excel, IIRC...17:52
dwatkinsI imagine that makes a lot of sense to solidify their position.17:52
GentileBenAll of System Center is based on software they bought 5-10 years ago.17:52
GentileBenWhat MS are good at doing is buying an obscure product and making it better.17:52
diddledanthey also bought some duds, like foxpro17:52
dwatkinsI'm interested to see where they will go next, I can't see there's a lot of room for improvement in their OS.17:53
GentileBenEg. System Center 2012 is amazing for the price - the equivalent stack from Symantec or IBM is literally 10-15x the cost.17:53
GentileBendwatkins, asking how Microsoft can improve Windows 8 is like asking how you can bowl better than a perfect game.17:53
diddledanI've never had the chance to try system center17:54
GentileBenYou stray into some philosophical shit I can't even begin to claim to understand.17:54
dwatkinsindeed, although the start menu could do with some tweaking, imho17:54
bashrcYou're claiming that Windows 8 is the perfect OS?17:54
GentileBenWell, Metro has been a disaster for desktop productivity.17:54
GentileBenNot as much of a disaster as Unity, but still awful.17:54
dwatkinsanyway, my point is, within the realms of Windows, the latest version is pretty good for what it is, without a complete redesign I can't see MS justifying people buying new versions after this.17:55
GentileBen(Unity is hands down the worst UX regression of the last 10 years, of any major software project).17:55
bashrcMicrosoft seem to justify new versions every 2-5 years17:55
dwatkinse.g. you can't easily run an application remotely as far as I know in Windows, it's easy in UNIX environments, because X11 was written to expect that.17:55
GentileBendwatkins, isn't Ubuntu moving away from X11, lol?17:55
diddledanuntil nothing runs on X11 anymore because we have mir and wayland backends17:56
dwatkinsGentileBen: no idea, I'm still on 11.04 ;)17:56
GentileBenDespite precisely that argument from engineers?17:56
bashrcUbuntu is moving to Mir from X1117:56
diddledanvnc on unity just fails abismally17:56
dwatkinsdiddledan: I have another machine that runs 13.04, x11vnc seems fine... or do you mean the client?17:57
diddledanno, I mean using the default applications, rather than scouring the repo to find the obscure x11vnc17:57
dwatkinswhere might one find out about mir and get an idea of how it works and so on?17:58
dwatkinsdiddledan: scouring? I just apt-get install it on most systems I use :)17:58
dwatkinspopey: I mean the documentation :)17:58
diddledanthat got destroyed after she burned up on re-entry17:58
dwatkinsI suspect one reason Windows didn't advance as fast as it might have was that it had to be backwards compatible a lot.17:59
bashrcyes.  So for example the file system remains unchanged for approximately 15 years18:00
dwatkinsthat's a legacy I can't see changing much18:00
dwatkinsthe same is true for Linux in general, is it not?18:01
diddledanwindows hasn't "modernised" as fast as an open source platform because Microsoft has deals with Governments to not deprecate their tried-and-tested IE718:01
bashrcIt has issues which cause the famous windows slow down18:01
diddledanhell, even vmware insists on IE7 for it's web interface18:01
diddledantry running vmware's web console thingy on IE10 in win8 and you're in for complete failure18:02
bashrcWhen did anyone last defragment a hard drive on Linux?18:02
popeyi never have18:02
popeyalthough I do scrub my btrfs machine18:02
dwatkinsDo you still need to defrag partitions on Windows?18:02
popeyand rebalance now and then18:02
bashrcAs far as I'm aware NTFS is still NTFS, so yes.18:04
daftykinsjust never on an SSD obviously18:08
daftykinsin fact Win7 and presumably 8 are bright enough to disable it on SSDs18:08
bashrcOne thing I notice about Windows 8 on the new laptop is that I didn't get a choice of browsers18:10
daftykinsnot even 7 has the browser choice thing18:11
diddledanmicrosoft got in trouble for win7 not doing the browser ballot. windows 8 does give you a choice, it's just very subtle about it18:12
bashrcMaybe there was some well hidden checkbox that I missed18:13
SuperEngineerhmm... http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/05/mark-shuttleworth-gives-up-dream-of-ubuntu-toppling-windows/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+arstechnica%2Findex+%28Ars+Technica+-+All+content%2918:14
diddledanwell that's one take I guess18:14
SuperEngineerthat's a different take on a subject - don't they just love to be negative sometimes118:15
diddledanI think the opposing view, and the one that Mark was trying to convey, is that ubuntu already toppled windows in combination with the opensource community (with a hat-tip to android for it's teency role)18:15
daftykinsexcept he conveniently chose to compare mobile and desktop18:16
daftykinswhich was a crock of s*** i'm afraid18:16
bashrcIn the mobile market Microsoft has never really had dominance18:18
diddledanchanging the subject completely, who fails to love these two pictures: http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2013/05/30/seductive-harley-quinn-cosplay-by-kitty-young-pics/ ?18:18
daftykinspossibly SFW depending on your boss18:19
diddledanI wasn't going to show the boss18:20
daftykinswhy not :(18:20
daftykinssharing is caring18:20
DaraelI fail to love them.  My reaction's something of a "meh".  Not... quite... sure... why, but...18:20
bashrcAlso see http://unixporn.com/18:22
diddledanaparently the cosplay community have been taking up arms. they're fed up of us men treating them as sex objects because their costumes are sexy18:22
bashrcThere was a recent FSF podcast about sexism in FOSS18:23
diddledano_O most of those pictures are of physical things and not X11 desktops. I feel dirty now18:24
bashrcNo idea why18:25
daftykinspretty boring site18:31
SuperEngineerinteresting... in terminal, if IO press <shift>+either left or right, I get "C" or "D". If if I press <Ctrl C> it types it on screen instead of copying.  Where do I look for resolution, key-bindings? [or google!] :D18:52
diddledanC and D come from the left and right arrow keys, and not because you also pressed shift. ctrl+c correctly sends the ^C character because you likely want to kill the currently running app with a sigterm. to copy and paster in a gui terminal application the usual keybindings are ctrl+shift+c18:54
SuperEngineere.g. shift ctrl-c to copy "boo" & then on pasting to next line "boo^C"18:55
SuperEngineer...makes no sense18:55
diddledanno, you've done something wrong if you got that18:55
SuperEngineerdiddledan: agreed - but what... how's your telepathy?18:56
diddledanhighlight some text and press shift+ctrl+c will copy it - if there's a ^C character in the highlighted block then it will get copied also18:56
* SuperEngineer tries again18:57
diddledanif I'm ever in doubt I use the middle-mouse-button clipboard18:58
diddledani.e. highlight text to copy. press middle mouse button to paste it18:58
diddledanno other steps in between18:58
SuperEngineer...if I'm ever in doubt i restart terminal till it fixes itself... fixed.... but still curious18:59
diddledanyey for the restart till it works mentality invented by Windows 3!19:00
diddledanseriously. rarely should a restart be required - except in emacs because that's just evil19:01
SuperEngineerexcept with a linux sys the app in question will do - not the whole darn system!19:01
diddledanI've never worked out how to drive emacs19:01
diddledanvi is easy in comparison for simple stuff19:01
SuperEngineer...& what's so wrong with closing & opening the ternal?19:01
diddledanextra mouse milage?19:02
diddledando mice need a 5000mile service?19:02
daftykinsit's giving in! :D19:02
* SuperEngineer hands diddledan a virtual new mouse19:03
daftykinsget an optical then you only need to clean the desk surface and the feet occasionally :>19:03
SuperEngineerdaftykins: it is *not* giving in - it's my life & time is more important!19:03
daftykinsi don't really believe that, i'm just messing19:04
* popey hugs his new no-mouse policy19:05
popeytouchpoint integrated into keyboard and no mouse ftw19:06
SuperEngineerp.s. daftykins you do not need to clean your feet to use your mouse - it has no opion re your personal hygene ;)19:06
daftykinsthe Lenovo style trackpoint spots in the middle?19:06
bashrcQuestion: does the calendar under the date link to any other programs?19:07
popeyi have an external trackpoint lenovo keyboard on laptop and desktop19:08
daftykinswhat a very curious approach19:10
SuperEngineerpopey: i *do not* have an external trackpoint lenovo keyboard on laptop and desktop - maybe you should send me yours so I can "test" them for you?19:11
popeysaves desk space19:12
popeyand i prefer trackpoint to mouse or trackpad19:12
popeyand means it's consistent layout from laptop to desktop19:12
popeybecause the external keyboard is identical in layout to the internal keyboard19:12
daftykinssorta ^?19:13
popeyexactly that but uk layout19:13
directhexgod i hate those things19:19
directhexthey're such dreadful keyboards19:19
directhexthe office loves them though. weirdos19:19
* popey shrugs19:19
daftykinseach to their own19:20
daftykinsa client has rollerball things on his19:20
daftykinsi can't stand them19:20
daftykinsso damned slow to do things19:20
popeyyeah, i hate those rollerball things19:21
popeyfriend of mine has an upright one19:21
popeyvery odd19:21
daftykinshave to keep moving your fingers back again and again to pan over big screens19:21
daftykinsthat guy has a 30" too with a secondary to the side19:21
daftykinsfeels like doing a finger marathon ;)19:21
daftykinsright time to cook something19:21
daftykinsjust downloaded this free voucher game 'Metro Last Light' on this friends PC build19:22
daftykinsbut i've got no sound hooked up to it so it's a bit quiet :D19:22
mungbeangot to tell you about a magic trick i just performed19:49
mungbeanyou know we were talking about goo off earlier popey ?19:49
mungbeani had the world most evil sticker residue19:49
popeygoo gone, yeah19:49
mungbeani mixed olive oil + baking powder19:50
mungbeanput a teaspoon of it on a paper towel19:50
mungbeanand it just disappeared19:50
mungbeanno effort of elbow grease19:50
mungbeanhow did i get this far in life without knowing this?19:50
mungbeanit struggled where the sticker was still on , but soaking would have removed the sticker (i scraped with fingernail instead)19:51
MartijnVdSmungbean: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coleman_fuel19:54
MartijnVdSmungbean: that works :)19:54
mungbeani'm sure it does :)19:56
mungbeanbut i didn't have that in my cupboard19:56
mungbeanunsure whether to consider selling my star wars figures and ships20:03
mungbeani have rare figures, boxed vehicles, the lot20:04
MartijnVdSdo you need the £?20:04
popeyevery so often i ponder selling my JAMMA boards20:06
* MartijnVdS will soon have a PCI DVB-S2 card for sale20:07
MartijnVdS(with full Linux/Ubuntu support out of the box)20:07
mungbeani dopn't need the £ right now20:08
mungbeanwonder if demand may drop sometime thogh20:08
MartijnVdS<- switching to a PCI-E card20:08
MartijnVdSmungbean: they're making new films20:08
MartijnVdSmungbean: more fans will be made20:08
mungbeanthats me20:09
MartijnVdSbut if (current_value > what you paid for it), you won't lose money (you might not make as much as you could have, but that's the risk)20:10
mungbeani held on to stuff in the past that rose and fell20:10
mungbeanunsure where my transformers went20:11
* bigcalm prods mgdm20:11
mungbeannever saw them after my parents moved20:11
MartijnVdSFor everyone who wants some relaxing music for tonight: http://open.spotify.com/album/0VmzNuJ964FTXeM6EhTZVm20:26
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matt_symes/scripts/moc stop21:13
matt_symesmoc stop21:13
mgdmbigcalm: hmmm?21:35
bigcalmmgdm: ah, you're awake :)21:36
mgdmbigcalm: was at LUG21:36
bigcalmmgdm: was a question about parsing various data types, but I think I've done all I need to21:36
bigcalmmgdm: fair enough :)21:36
mgdmah :)21:37
bigcalmThis is slightly annoying. MySQL is storing datetimes as BST while time() always returns UTC21:44
bigcalmMakes comparing things go wrong21:44
daftykinsooh btw21:45
diddledanpull out UNIXTIMESTAMP(mysql_column_name)21:45
daftykinsthat other island i was at on Monday, pints o' beer cost £2.30 over there - 'tis £3.50 usually here :(21:45
diddledanthen compare to date()21:45
bigcalmActually, it might be Doctrine that is being a bugger21:46
diddledanmeh, or whatever the php unixy format time function is21:46
mgdmI think? Might be '@'21:46
mgdmI've been doing PHP for 10+ years and I have to look it up every time21:47
diddledanI should know this. I do PHP dev for a living21:47
daftykinsnn everyone21:48
bigcalmMy API has a Timestamp field which is epoc seconds and always in UTC (well should be). Storing in the database, I thought it would be good to have it as a proper DateTime column. Thinking it might be easier just to store the integer (or string)21:48
dwatkinsassuming a large enough number can be used, epoch time should be fine for any date, no?21:49
diddledanmysql datetime columns are unix timestamps that mysql knows are unix timestamps and can therefore manipulate in date functions21:49
dwatkinsIf you're using 32-bit code, you might find the app stops running in 2038, but by then it'll be someone else's problem.21:50
bigcalmdwatkins: it's 64bit on 64bit servers21:50
dwatkinsbigcalm: you should be fine until we're a type-3 civilisation, then :)21:51
dwatkins"may also be able to tap into the energy released from the supermassive black holes which are believed to exist at the center of most galaxies"21:51
dwatkinssee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale#Type.C2.A0III_civilization_methods21:52
bigcalmA what?21:52
bigcalmDo I be cheeky and store the timestamp as a string rather than an integer? :D21:53
dwatkinsUsing 64-bit numbers for epoch time will be fine for 293 billion years.21:53
bigcalmSaves messing about in the database and PHP doesn't really care21:53
* bigcalm grumbles and uses a bigint instead21:55
bigcalmThen again, there will still be conversion going on: http://docs.doctrine-project.org/en/2.0.x/reference/basic-mapping.html#doctrine-mapping-types21:55
diddledaneven type I civilisation is going to be way beyond my lifetime methinks21:58
bigcalmYay, unit testing goes green :D22:05
lazarus_im trying to determine if its worth changing my router and i dont want to waste money to find out22:09
dwatkinslazarus_: is there a problem with it?22:12
lazarus_no just lookin into it to see if i'd gain anything isp told me i should be getting 5mbps i rarely hit 1mbps22:14
lazarus_i get 600-780kbps22:15
dwatkinslazarus_: I'd start by testing with several sites, of course22:15
dwatkinsBT reccomend using their own awfully written java-based test site22:15

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