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MajorWedgieHi guys quick question then I'll bother you no more.01:55
MajorWedgieIs Unity free, as in could competing distros use it as their desktop?01:55
MajorWedgieIt's OK I think I sorted it. Thank-you.02:02
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Mirvwas there any work/branch yet on bug #1181717 ? (not seeing, just checking) reportedly hurts working on saucy.04:20
ubot5bug 1181717 in Unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref()" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118171704:20
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nic-doffaySaviq, getting some new output which I'm not sure the cause of on ./run09:39
nic-doffayfile:///usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Button.qml:95: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString09:39
nic-doffayAre you aware of what might be causing this?09:39
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veeberssil2100, didrocks: ping?11:29
didrocksveebers: pong11:30
veebersdidrocks: Hi, looks like I introduced a couple of 'small' errors in my recent Autopilot update :-\11:30
veebersdidrocks: if I put up a MP could you eyeball it and Ok it please?11:31
didrocksveebers: argh, you need regressions tests it seems :)11:31
didrocksveebers: thomi would review it?11:31
veebersdidrocks: it appears the tests that I ran weren't exhastive enough11:31
veebersdidrocks: normally, but that  would have to wait until our morning as I'm sure he's AFK for the night11:31
didrocksveebers: yeah, better to wait, but first thing tomorrow first11:31
didrocksfor him and you please :)11:32
didrocksveebers: so that it's picked by daily release11:32
veebersdidrocks: sure thing. Again, sorry :-P11:33
didrocksno worry, but please have regression tests! :)11:33
sil2100veebers: pong!11:33
sil2100veebers: sorry, I'm theoretically on holiday today ;)11:33
veeberssil2100: oh sorry to bother, I was going to bug you to Ok a MP but didrocks thought that it should wait for thomi :-)11:34
sil2100veebers: just poke me with a review if you have one, or send me an e-mail and I'll take a look11:34
veeberssil2100: coolio11:34
sil2100veebers: it would be generally good if thomi would also review it, as he is the one with much more experience, but no problem for me to take a look ;) Thanks!11:35
didrocksTrevinho: hey, not the issue I meant the other day, but related on "the marker doesn't do the right thing": http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/marquer_in_air.png11:45
Trevinhodidrocks: mh.. are you using daily?11:46
didrocksTrevinho: no, the version in saucy, which isn't the latest one11:47
didrocksI saw it in raring too11:47
Trevinhodidrocks: I've made a change just after the raring release that should fix it, but i don't know if it made into saucy yet11:47
didrocksTrevinho: ah ok, probably not11:48
seb128we didn't have any landing in saucy yet :/11:48
Trevinhoseb128: not sure, I didn't check.. but we neither have a sru for raring..11:48
didrocksyeah, thanks to the interleaving of autopilot 1.311:48
seb128Trevinho, the SRU is in the queue, infinity said he would review it tomorrow11:49
seb128Trevinho, btw did the libreoffice menu background issue got fixed in the stable serie?11:49
Trevinhoseb128: 7.0 autolander is not merging...11:50
seb128why not?11:51
Trevinhostill same error:11:51
Trevinho /tmp/buildd/unity-7.0.0daily13.05.08~13.04bzr3322pkg0raring16/UnityCore/MusicPreview.cpp:70:66: error: 'unity_protocol_music_preview_play_uri' was not declared in this scope11:51
Trevinhofor all the 7.0 branches, and it's not caused by unity..11:51
TrevinhoI think that libunity in 7.0 is messed11:51
Trevinhobut I don't know exactly against what is building11:52
seb128they merged the new scope work without branching11:52
Trevinhoit uses libunity-dev_6.90.2daily13.05.01.1ubuntu.unity.nextbzr224pkg0raring3_amd64.deb11:52
Trevinhoyes, that's the problem I guess11:53
seb128didrocks, ^ who is in charge of that? sil2100?11:53
didrocksseb128: yep, sil210011:53
seb128sil2100, ^11:53
* Trevinho really would have preferred better communication when the 100 scopes landed...11:54
didrocksTrevinho: thosrt and pstolowski didn't tell you?11:54
didrockscome on guys :/11:54
TrevinhoI wasn't aware like most of us11:55
didrocksTrevinho: I thought bregma and thorst as some communication meeting?11:56
didrocksif not, seems that it's something they should set up11:56
sil2100Ok, my fault as well, could have noticed that there's no 'raring' branch for libunity ;/11:57
Trevinhosil2100: sorry, we were discussiong about this also few days ago, but probably we didn't made our voice to get you...11:57
sil2100Trevinho: I think we need to prepare a 7.0 branch now actually11:58
didrockssil2100: hum, so the stack configuration was done, but not that?11:58
sil2100didrocks: actually, I see there's libunity/raring12:02
sil2100So it should be ok12:02
didrocksI wonder if it's not just the local upstream repo for the upstream merger which is screwed12:02
didrocksmmrazik: you do separate the repos depending on stack, right?12:02
didrocksor just depending on releases?12:02
sil2100Probably, since it's all ok in the config12:02
didrocksI guess everything is melt in the local package repo for upstream merger12:03
didrocksTrevinho: you should track with them, I just the ppas, they are good, so it's not at our level ^12:03
Trevinhodidrocks: so are the local 7.0 branches messed?12:04
didrocksTrevinho: not the branch, nor the ppa, but I guess the upstream merger melt the local repo for merging things12:04
didrockswhich is in the PS QA's team hand12:05
didrocksseb128: FYI ^12:05
veeberssil2100: I have this (but if you could hang off OK-ing it for the moment please: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/autopilot/fix_cleanup_errors_1185790/+merge/16649412:05
seb128didrocks, k, thanks12:05
sil2100Does anyone know how to disable line-wrapping in thunderbird?12:05
sil2100Since even with mail.wrap_long_lines it's still wrapping lines ;/12:06
mmrazikdidrocks: the local repos?12:08
mmrazikthey are per stack12:08
mhr3sil2100, i heard that there was some armhf-releated hanging of libunity, could you point me somewhere with a log?12:18
didrocksmmrazik: are you sure? seems they have a 7.0 branch and tels that it's taking the 100 scopes branches12:19
didrockswell, I'll let you check with them :)12:19
mmrazikdidrocks: otp. will have a look in a sec12:21
veebersdidrocks: looks like I missed sil2100, I'll leave a note for thomi, he should be on in ~8 hours or so12:25
veebers(re: the MP)12:25
didrocksveebers: ok, perfect, thanks!12:25
veebersdidrocks: nw, now i'm off to bed o/12:28
didrocksveebers: have a good night :)12:28
mmrazikTrevinho, didrocks: do you have a link to jenkins job failing?12:29
* didrocks let that for Trevinho, you don't need me :)12:29
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tedgpstolowski, So I'm a bit confused.  I thought you guys had a fix for the autopilot failures.13:10
pstolowskitedg: we identified some failures to be AP bug, but we don't have any conclusion for hud failures13:11
tedgpstolowski, Hmm, okay.  Can you file bugs so that we can track them?13:11
pstolowskitedg: i'm in the sprint on IOM and too busy atm to do that.. can you or somebody from your team take a look if these are real HUD failures or some a test/AP problem, and take care of bugs?13:15
tedgpstolowski, Well, I don't have a team :-)  Triaging phone "emergencies" right now, but I can put it in the queue.13:16
tedgcyphermox, It seems that we didn't get a daily release of HUD last night.  Do you know where I can check to see what happened?  https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/hud/trunk.13.1013:22
Mirvandyrock: anyone looking at bug #1181717 yet? I understood it's hurting the ability to do work (when using unity) in saucy13:28
ubot5bug 1181717 in Unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref()" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118171713:28
tsdgeosgreyback: mzanetti: standuping?13:34
tsdgeosdidrocks: nic-doffay: ↑↑13:34
MirvTrevinho: or is that actually bamf bug, not unity, and should be retriaged? ^13:34
kgunntsdgeos: i'm on a vendor call atm13:35
Cimidednick, ^13:36
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andyrockMirv, should not be unity's fault13:37
andyrockmaybe bamf or glib13:37
andyrockand I can't reproduce building bamf from sources13:38
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Mirvandyrock: infinity suspected that the glib upgrade triggered bugs, but that it's a legimate double-free bug that just surfaced with the glib update13:48
Mirvthat reportedly was found in ubiquity at least with the glib upgrade13:48
andyrockMirv, in that case it's bamf13:49
andyrockTrevinho, ^^^13:49
cyphermoxtedg: my guess is it failed tests...13:58
cyphermoxI can't seem to reach jenkins for now13:58
cyphermoxas soon as I can get to the interface I'll be able to tell you more13:58
tedgcyphermox, That's impossible, my tests are impervious to failure.  ;-)14:01
tedgCool, ping me if you find anything.14:01
cyphermoxhey, your tests were doing great after we fixed autopilot ;)14:03
pstolowskitedg: sorry for slow response... it would be great if you could just spend a few minutes looking into AP fail logs for hud tests and add comments to the spreadsheet14:03
cyphermoxbrb, need to restart to test something14:03
Trevinhommrazik: sorry I was out for lunch, one is at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-7.0-raring-amd64-autolanding/16/console14:04
TrevinhoMirv: about that crash, I've been looking a little, but as andyrock said it's a little tricky as it doesn't fail when building from src.... (nor there are warnings)14:04
mmrazikTrevinho: mhm.. it seems to be misconfigured14:06
mmrazikfginther: can you please have a look on the local_archive settings for unity in head and raring?14:06
andyrockMirv, Trevinho yeah I don't get it building from src14:06
mmrazikfginther: AFAIKT they should not be using the same local repo but for some reason they are configured to do so14:07
mmrazikfginther: so the 100scopes stuff affects landing of unity 7.0 (raring)14:07
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fginthermmrazik, looking14:14
mmrazikthanks fginther14:15
tedgCan anyone else get to the internal Jenkins?14:32
didrockstedg: no, see the engineering list14:32
tedgHmm, okay.14:33
Cimibregma, hey stephen, would it be possible to have someone assigned on this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/118171714:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1181717 in Unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref()" [Critical,Triaged]14:42
bregmaCimi, several people are already looking at it, it'll get assigned after the discussion is over14:43
Cimibregma, good to hear people are looking at it!14:44
tedgpstolowski, Turned them into bugs here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hud/+bugs?field.tag=autopilot15:05
pstolowskitedg: awesome, thanks. whom can I pester to work on them? ;)15:11
tedgpstolowski, Let me try to figure out who should own them next :-)15:16
tedgpstolowski, Not sure who to assign Unity 7 ones to.  bregma likes bugs.  :-)15:16
bregmano no no15:17
didrockskenvandine: mind launching webcreds? it couldn't build15:28
cyphermoxtedg: poke15:28
didrockskenvandine: mangers is back15:28
tedgdidrocks, How do we know what version of HUD these tests last passed with?  I mean, is Unity the only thing changing here or are we talking about a new HUD version as well?15:28
cyphermoxtedg: hud didn't publish because indicators didn't publish15:29
didrockskeyou maybe want to look at friends :)15:29
tedgcyphermox, Mmm, oh, wait, you're not my wife!15:29
cyphermoxis there anything hud needs from the indicators, or the other way around?15:29
cyphermoxI mean, can I independently publish hud safely?15:29
didrockskenvandine: ^15:29
tedgcyphermox, ?15:29
tedgcyphermox, Yeah, it just pulls from them.15:29
kenvandineyay... jenkins is up :)15:31
cyphermoxI was just making real sure ;)15:31
tedgcyphermox, Just FYI, we'll be able to unravel the HUD and indicators more next month.  Once we get to using manifest files for them, HUD will just read those.15:38
tedgThere should be no hard dependencies at that point.15:38
kenvandinedidrocks, mind doing a review?15:41
didrockskenvandine: should be ppa: daily-build-next15:42
* kenvandine fixes15:42
didrockskenvandine: let's try to keep daily-build-next -> next and daily-build -> distro to not blurry the lines :)15:42
didrocks(even if that would work)15:42
kenvandinedidrocks, pushed15:43
didrockskenvandine: approved, feel free to deploy :)15:44
kenvandinedidrocks, so there has been a manual upload for g-c-c-s to saucy, with a backport from trunk.  would it be better for me to fix the changelog in trunk or just force manual publication and forget about the missing changelog entry?15:52
kenvandinefeels weird to lose a changelog entry, but then again it was already fixed in trunk :)15:53
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tedgcharles_, I didn't realize I had an action item here, can I give it to you?  :-)  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-ubuntu-touch-porting16:10
tedgcharles_, I think it makes sense when you're blowing up the power indicator anyway.16:10
tsdgeosguys there's a problem with run_on_device16:17
tsdgeossomething is installing ninja16:17
tsdgeosand i can't use run_on_device anymore since cmake complains i'm asking for a different generator than the old time16:17
tsdgeosor maybe i had crap in there and that's the problem16:17
tsdgeosnow that we keep /home between flashes16:18
tedgbregma, So this one seems like Unity updating the search string it's giving to HUD (thus it's updating the results) but not updating the visible string.16:29
tedgbregma, So I'm thinking that's a Unity bug.16:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1185858 in Unity HUD "HUD adding non-visible characters to search string" [Undecided,New]16:29
tedgI don't think we should be checking for visibility of characters in the backend.16:29
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didrockskenvandine: you have to backport it16:50
didrockskenvandine: the changelog commit16:50
didrockskenvandine: it's a security and forcing won't be do anything :)16:50
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om26eraha, regression... scrolling over the sound icon while the dash is open, closes it.21:27
om26erbschaefer, ^21:27
om26erthat's in 13.0421:27
bschaeferom26er, you mean to change the volume?21:28
* bschaefer hecks21:28
* bschaefer checks*21:28
bschaeferom26er, well yeah, clicking on it closes it as well21:28
om26erbschaefer, yes,21:28
om26erbschaefer, scrolling should not close the dash, that was not happening in 12.1021:29
bschaeferom26er, could you make a bug and assign me :)21:29
bschaeferom26er, the problem was I had to do some funky things to the dash cause of the window buttons and launcher icons size changing...21:29
om26erbschaefer, bug 118602621:33
ubot5bug 1186026 in unity (Ubuntu) "Scrolling over the sound icon closes the dash" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118602621:33
bschaeferom26er, thanks, cause what i do is if the mouse is over the indicators at all, and we get an event we close the dash21:33
* bschaefer didn't think about scrolling...21:34
bschaeferom26er, thanks for pointing that out!21:34
om26erbschaefer, np :)21:34
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