
deckardhello. I am having trouble remove the cloud icon for ubuntu one. Can someone help?02:27
deckardI have already removed ubuntu one things from software center and rebooted, it still show up02:28
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JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Loomis Day! :-D08:15
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caribouI got a very peculiar issue with U1 sync : one directory and its content doesn't get synced on my laptop but it does everywhere else...13:33
caribouI even built a Raring Desktop VM, rsynced the content of my Ubuntu One directory & enabled U1 in the VM; the direcory did synchronize correctly13:33
caribouin last hope, I apt-get purged the u1 packages on my laptop; rebuilt my U1 directory from a tarfile & reinstalled; still same behavior13:35
caribousomething in the U1 control files must have gone bad13:36
dobeycaribou: a directory under ~/Ubuntu One/ or a directory under ~/ which is synced separately?14:20
cariboudobey: a directory under ~/Ubuntu One14:21
cariboudobey: all other directories in there (i.e. ~/Ubuntu One) do sync correctly14:21
dobeycaribou: and the files are failing to download? or are they on the laptop and not uploading?14:23
cariboudobey: only on my laptop, the ~/Ubuntu One subdir and its content do not download (they're on the server)14:24
cariboudobey: on all other devices (including a freshly created desktop VM) they do download correctly when U1 is setup with the same account14:24
dobeycaribou: are there any errors about those files in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log* or other info in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log* about them specifically? (like constant TRY_AGAIN perhaps)14:26
cariboudobey: I didn't see any but let me check again14:26
cariboudobey: nothing in syncdaemon.log; the exception log is empty14:29
dobeycaribou: they do get rotated, so check the older ones too14:29
cariboudobey: aside from .cache/ubuntuone & .local/share/ubuntuone, are there any other place where config files are kept ?14:31
cariboudobey: since it works on a fresh VM, I could uninstall u1; wipe out the config files & reinstall14:31
cariboudobey: I thought of a Raring issue since I upgraded last week, but it works on a fresh Raring VM14:32
dobeyin ~/.config/ubuntuone; but there's really nothing in the config that would cause that unless you explicitly added it to the ignore list14:32
dobeyso i don't know what would specifically be the cause14:33
dobeyyou could shut down syncdaemon (u1sdtool -q), then rm -rf ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon, and then start syncdaemon again with u1sdtool -c14:34
cariboudobey: ok, I'll try that14:34
dobeythen it will re-hash all the local files, compare to the server, and download what's missing locally, or upload what's missing remotely14:34
cariboudobey: bulls'eyes !14:42
cariboudobey: cleaning up the hash did the trick; thanks a lot14:42
cariboudobey: this subdir did have something special : it totally disapeared from the server & all my devices last week14:44
cariboudobey: and I don't remember deleting it. Luckily, my desktop dual-boots both Win7 & Precise so I was able to mount the Win7 partition and recover the lost files14:44
cariboudobey: so maybe there was a discrepancy b/w my laptop's hashes and the newly recovered files14:45
cariboudobey: I'll check on the Win7 side of things when I get a chance14:46
cariboudobey: but thanks for your help; this is what I was looking for14:47
dobeyyour welcome14:56
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