
james-ubchey guys, is it possible to reduce the delay value for "disable touchpad while typing" in xubuntu? I'm not running on a synaptics touchpad01:17
lklkjlMint rulez03:18
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:24
jazzybhi guys, anyone alive?05:59
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=== Guest97771 is now known as ponbiki
Eradicator68Can someone get me out of a mess. I changed some network interfaces and now I can't get the machione to boot11:36
Eradicator68sticks at waiting for network connections11:36
doebiwhy are there two bluetooth icons in xubuntu 13.04?13:48
cfhowlettdoebi, ... I've only one.13:49
doebii have two13:51
genii-aroundPerhaps you have two devices13:51
cfhowlettdoebi, agree with genii ...13:52
cfhowlettdoebi, screenshots so we can see13:57
doebicfhowlett: http://files.doebi.at/2blue.png14:08
c2tarunI installed Xubuntu 12.04.1 (I didn't had 12.04.2 at that time). Do I need to upgrade to 12.04.2 or just updating system will be fine?14:11
cfhowlettc2tarun, just update.14:12
genii-aroundc2tarun: Updating will bring it to the next version ( dist-upgrade )14:12
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.14:13
genii-aroundPici: Well, it won't go 12.04-12.10 for sure :)14:13
Picigenii-around: right, just pointing it out. Your message confused me.14:14
xubuntu525anyone uses drop and share plug in of cairo dock?knows how i can see the real progress of a upload?14:14
xubuntu525or cancel it as uploading?14:14
genii-arounddoebi: Fellow posting at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1987642 seems to have same issue, apparently caused by install of "blueman"14:16
doebigenii-around: i saw this post. but removing blueman removes the "correct" icon rather than the buggy one14:18
xubuntu525hello! is there a them to make pidgin like it was msn essentials because got shut down by MS?14:21
xubuntu525ops wrong chanel14:22
genii-arounddoebi: Did you have another desktop before you installed xubuntu?14:24
genii-aroundAh, looks like bug 1177595 actually14:25
ubottubug 1177595 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "xubuntu 13.04 installs 2 bluetooth applications " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117759514:25
c2tarungenii-around, my current kernel version is 3.2.04 I guess latest is 3.10 is it worth upgrading to latest one?14:30
c2tarungenii-around, I face overheating problem only when playing video on youtube using chrome14:31
bekksc2tarun: Thats has to be done manually then.14:31
genii-around!info linux-image-generic14:31
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 2 kB, installed size 33 kB14:31
genii-aroundc2tarun: So you're on some previous version like 12.04 or such?14:32
c2tarungenii-around, 12.04.114:32
doebigenii-around: is there a fix for bug 1177595?14:32
ubottubug 1177595 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "xubuntu 13.04 installs 2 bluetooth applications " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117759514:32
genii-arounddoebi: From the bug report page: "I was able to remove that additional bluetooth icon was by disabling or deselecting (Bluetooth Manager applet) from the Application Autostart, (Blueman Bluetooth Manager - should be left selected)"14:33
genii-aroundc2tarun: Probably safer to just use the latest packaged kernel from the repos for it.14:34
c2tarungenii-around, okay, but I did dist-upgrade but its still not to 3.8 do I have to enable backports? or some other repo?14:35
genii-around!info linux-image-generic precise14:35
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB14:35
genii-aroundc2tarun: is the latest packaged kernel for your 12.04. If you want anything later then you have to either up your Xubuntu version or if you're feeling brave, see the !mainline factoid14:36
c2tarungenii-around, hmm... I think I'll not be hero, installing XP due to IPhone sync already gave me nightmares :(14:37
c2taruncan anyone please answer my this question? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214902614:37
holsteinc2tarun: i would try it in chromium and as another user.. whats the issue exactly?14:38
holsteinc2tarun: keep in mind, its really up to the maintainers of chrome to "fix" things for you.. i say that as a chrome user as well14:39
holsteinone of the first things i did was stop using bookmarks so heavily, since the management was a bit uncomfortable for me14:40
c2tarunholstein, the issue is that if you click on a bookmark folder , there is kind of a lock, now if you move to any other bookmark folder, it should open automatically, but I have to click to open second folder14:40
c2tarunholstein, to understand the problem, open thunar, click to open File menu and then move your pointer to Edit, your edit menu will open automatically14:41
holsteinc2tarun: i dont think thats a "should" scenario... i think thats something that you might prefer.. you should ask the chrome developers to implement that feature14:41
xubuntu525anyone using drop and share of cairo dock?14:42
c2tarunholstein, actually in office I use chrome on Win 7 this feature is there. As far as I remember, this feature was in chrome as well, don't know why it happened.14:42
holsteinc2tarun: have you tried in chromium? and as another user?14:44
c2tarunholstein, I don't have chromium, let me try as another user.14:44
holsteinc2tarun: chromium can be installed from the default repos.. im suggesting it as a troubleshooting step, not an alternative browser14:44
c2tarunholstein, I think diff user also didn't help, let me try installing chromium14:46
c2tarunwoww... chromium will take 118 MBs after install, thats pretty big for a browser I guess14:47
holsteinc2tarun: dont install it then14:47
c2tarunholstein, its installing :)14:47
holsteinc2tarun: the bookmarks open automatically for me in chrome.. on hovering14:47
c2tarunI was just sharing my views14:47
holsteinc2tarun: Version 26.0.1410.63 is the version of chrome i am using.. when i click "about" in the menu.. also, in that same menu area is "report an issue".. thats really where you would need to report issues specific to chrome.. i am on ubuntu 12.0414:50
holsteinc2tarun: chrome://feedback/?session_id=1&tab_index=3&description=&categoryTag=14:51
c2tarunholstein, thanks for confirming :)14:51
holsteinc2tarun: confirming?14:52
c2tarunholstein, did I misunderstand what you said.14:53
c2tarunI thought that you meant that this is an issue14:53
holsteinc2tarun: not for me.. for me, i hover, and the bookmark folders expand14:53
c2tarunholstein, in chrome as well?14:54
holsteinc2tarun: i have *only* tested this in chrome14:54
c2tarunhmm... okay14:54
holsteinc2tarun: i use chrome regularly.. it is my main browser.. it is *not* in the default repos, as you know14:54
c2tarunholstein, one more thing, do you feel any heating issue when streaming videos on chrome?14:55
holsteinc2tarun: for me, computers get hotter when utilizing extra components.. on *all* OS's14:57
holsteinc2tarun: when any machine i have starts utilizing the graphics chip, or CPU harder, it gets warmer, and either gets hotter or louder, due to the fans14:57
holsteinif its specific to chrome, it could be one of several things.. keep in mind, chrome has its own flash.. so, it could be the newer version of flash.. could be the itegration of the browser into the OS14:58
holsteinhttp://www.youtube.com/html5 is something to try.. to use html5 instead of flash, as a troubleshooting step14:59
c2tarunholstein, I just tested in chromium and I am facing same problemin chromium as well.14:59
c2tarunholstein, any ideas how to fix it?14:59
holsteinc2tarun: well, what im proposing is, nothing is broken.. what would i do? just click in the menu item to expand it.. what did i personally do? i dont use chome to manage bookmarks15:01
holsteinc2tarun: you can troubleshoot as a different user... you *can* start a bug report about chromium and chrome... i would try and get someone else to confirm the "problem"15:01
holsteinwhen i test, it opens right up... are you on the same version as i am?15:02
c2tarunholstein, ok, I'll report a problem in chrome first then after few days in chromium if it persists15:02
c2tarunholstein, nope my chrome version is something like 27.something15:02
holsteinc2tarun: share here your *exact* version..15:02
holsteinc2tarun: and in the bug report.. specifics are important15:03
c2tarunholstein, Chrome Version 27.0.1453.9315:03
c2tarunchromium Version 25.0.1364.160 Ubuntu 12.04 (25.0.1364.160-0ubuntu0.12.04.1)15:03
holsteinc2tarun: if you can wait, i will upgrade to your version and test chrome15:05
c2tarunholstein, yeah sure15:05
holsteinc2tarun: Version 27.0.1453.93 on ubuntu 12.04 32bit.. i go to my bookmarks toolbar, i hover on folders and they open on hover, automatically (at least after a little lag)15:15
c2tarunlet me try the lag thing15:15
holsteinnot 3 seconds.. its just not immediate either15:15
c2tarunnope not opening, even I have to click two times, first time to close the menu, second time to open new folders menu :(15:16
holsteinbut, if you have a lot of bookmarks, i could see it taking longer..15:16
holsteinc2tarun: what would i do? backup the bookmarks, and move them out of the way.. or test as a different user on a simpler setup.. create a simple test case15:16
holsteinactually, what i would personally do is just click on the folder and not worry about it...15:17
c2tarunholstein, yeah I think I'll click again :)15:17
c2tarungod know, this may solve my bookmarks addiction.15:17
AymanBHey guys17:23
AymanBNeed a little help please17:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:23
xubuntu816Good evening!17:24
xubuntu816I want help for setting my grafic card....17:30
xubuntu816how can I riposition my screen?17:33
xubuntu816In XUBUNTU there isn't xividtune17:34
genii-aroundxubuntu816: Not by default. but if you want it, install the x11-xserver-utils package.17:36
xubuntu816Ok. I'm new user linux. How can i install that?17:38
ObrienDavexubuntu816, how new? have you used the terminal before?17:54
genii-aroundThe desktop agnostic way from the terminal is like: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install x11-server-utils17:58
xubuntu414Moin Leute! Ich ersetze Gerade kubuntu 12.10 auf xubuntu 13.04 und n un bleibt er beim Punkt "Restoring previosly installed packages" seit ner halben stunde hängen. Zumindestens geht nichts sichtbar voran. Wie kann ich denn übrprüfen ob er noch was tut (das aufgeklappte Terminal sacht ?May 30 17:31:05 xubuntu ubiquity: WARNING:root:can't add im-switch (pkg im-switch not marked upgrade))18:18
xubuntu414Ersetyen mithilfe des Images18:18
xubuntu414als DVD im laufwerk, versteht sich <(18:18
Unit193!de | xubuntu41418:18
ubottuxubuntu414: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:18
xubuntu414 oh sorry!18:19
kuzorraHi there & Guten Abend !18:28
kuzorraCan anybody help me with an old ATI laptop GPU?18:29
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto18:30
holsteini wouldnt be worried about running a vesa driver, if its old18:30
kuzorraMobility X700 is not really supported, resume from standby won't work18:30
holsteinoccasionally, i just dont standby old hardware.. i just disable it18:30
kuzorra@Holstein: you mean no ATI ?! ;-)18:31
holsteinmaybe trying older versions of ubuntu/linux18:31
holsteinkuzorra: not sure what you are asking, but i mean, no standby.. if its problematic.. or using the vesa driver with that hardware18:31
kuzorraI just upgraded my old laptop to 12.04 LTS, because 11.04 didn't work either18:31
kuzorrawould vesa work with that card and support standby?18:32
holsteinkuzorra: i dont have that hardware in front of me, but its worth a try, assuming standby is a must..18:32
kuzorraDisabling standby would be an option, but not a solution to my problem18:32
holsteinkuzorra: sure.. just keep in mind its a hardware specific problem that is going to require troubleshooting and likely compromise on your part18:33
kuzorrasometimes I want to suspend to RAM - for example when leaving a train - and continue there shortly after that18:33
holsteinsure.. and that might not be an option for you with the current software that is available kuzorra18:34
holsteincould be the older drivers are not compatible with the newer kernels..18:34
kuzorraokay, at the moment I simply don't use standby, but it would be nice to use a standard feature like that18:34
holsteinwhat would i do? make a custom xorg.conf specifying the vesa driver.. try other live CD's and see if anything sleeps and wakes "as-is" out of the box18:34
kuzorrayou're right, old drivers don't work18:34
kuzorraWill do, but at the moment I'm stuck with a slow connection, so trying different distros is no option18:36
holsteinkuzorra: consider using whatever operating system the hardware ships with and supports18:36
kuzorraI got several images at home, but here I just have the 12.04 alternate with me18:36
kuzorraHahaha, that would be Windows XP18:36
holsteinthese days, hardware is so reasonably prices, i would just pick up an intel netbook that will meet all your needs out of the box18:36
holsteinkuzorra: XP will sleep and wake up18:37
kuzorraI got one, too, but not with me.......18:37
kuzorra......and I like the screen of my old notebook18:37
holsteinif that is a deal breaking feature for that hardware.. otherwise, there is nothing ubuntu/xubunt is doing to prevent you or ati from providing support for that hardware.. but its likely just too old to have a community for it18:37
kuzorraXp works fine, but I switched to Win7 (slow!) and I hardly use it, because I don't need to18:38
kuzorrayou're right, no community for it, just old threads in several forums18:40
kuzorraI hoped to find someone with a nice solution for it18:40
kuzorra.....but I didn't try VESA yet18:40
holsteinkuzorra: keep in mind, the ones responsible for supplying a "solution" never did supply one for linux for your hardare.. and dont supply any solutions for any modern OS.. that the vendor of the hardware18:41
holsteinkuzorra: the opensource community would need a reason to maintain it. otherwise, it can slip out of support18:41
kuzorraI perfectly understand that, it just cameto my mind that IRC might help (because google couldn't)18:43
kuzorraI don't have a Xorg.conf, should I create one and make VESA the default driver, or what would be the right way to do this18:45
holsteinkuzorra: what do i do? i usually et a knoppix live CD.. if get the graphics set up the way i want.. then i copy that over and use it with ubuntu, changing what needs to be changed18:46
holsteinyou can search around, or create one from scratch, or whatever works best for you18:47
kuzorrahmmm, will check that out18:49
holsteinkuzorra: i would just do it real quick.. it shouldnt take long (like 4 or 5 minutes) to come up with an xorg.conf and put it in place and test... as long as you know how to remove it using a live CD, you wont break anything permenantly18:50
holsteinalso, you can try nomodeset from the live CD, and test sleep18:50
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:50
kuzorrathanks, I'll read it.....18:53
kuzorra.....I stumbled across "nomodeset", but I read that for others it did not work18:53
kuzorraThe video boots fine and works well (considering its age), but resume sucks18:54
holsteinkuzorra: sure.. but just grab the live CD and boot with it.. then you'll know for certain if it works for you.. on your sepcific hardware case. unless you read someone using the *exact* hardware, and ubuntu/linux version, you really cant say without trying first hand.. and it takes as long as it takes to boot a live CD to confirm18:55
holsteinkuzorra: try going to tty after resume fails..18:55
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution18:56
kuzorrathanks, I know virtual consoles18:58
kuzorraholstein, what do you mean wit !nomodeset and !tty18:59
Picikuzorra: They're triggers for our channel bot, ubottu, see the information that it has posted.19:00
holsteinkuzorra: i mean, get the cd you installed ubuntu with.. use it live booting iwth the nomodeset option.. i used !nomodeset to pull up the links on how to do that19:00
kuzorraI understand ubottu's link regarding nomodeset in a way that I can try this boot parameter on my kernel, too19:00
holsteinkuzorra: !tty explains to you how to go to , and get back from tty.. if you get the machine to fail to resume, you can try TTY19:00
Picikuzorra: oops, sorry. Some people don't understand what a bot is, I'm used to dealing with them.19:01
kuzorracool sh*t, I didn't know that19:01
holsteinkuzorra: i would just boot the live cd and test. then, you can use the nomodeset option without changing your current setup.. but, do what you need19:01
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:01
kuzorrathis link says 'just try it once by editing your boot parameters without a permanent change19:02
kuzorrathis bot is awesome, does this work in all channels or just some?19:03
WulongSo. Will I be able to fit 840MB xubuntu to an regular CD?19:03
PiciUbuntu's channels.19:03
holsteinkuzorra: sure.. follow that, or the live CD.. or whatever method you prefer19:03
PiciOr via pm./19:03
holsteinWulong: 840 is larger than all my CDr's..19:03
holstein!mini | Wulong19:03
ubottuWulong: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:03
WulongWell, I need the graphical to verify that its working :/19:04
WulongI should burn to a DVD then.19:04
kuzorraokay, I'm off for a reboot, thanks a lot!19:04
holsteinWulong: a DVD will work.. or USB.. or *any* smaller ubuntu iso and convert to xubuntu19:04
kuzorrausb is fast and works on most modern PCs19:06
WulongNot on Apple19:06
holsteinWulong: i use plop to boot USB on machines that dont boot USB19:06
WulongI tried to update to 12.10 once, but graphical failed so I sticked to 12.04, but its time to try 13.0419:06
WulongSo I can burn plop to CD, boot it, insert USB and load its content (OS) ?19:12
peyamI still have problem with my sound. while camming on skype I cant here anything from youtube and vlc and when I turn these on skype will crash. any suggestion?19:12
Sysiapple computers boot straight from usb too, you just need special setup19:25
WulongDon't have OS X, but it appear that its detected now.19:30
Sysipeyam: you could ask on #ubuntu19:31
peyamI use xubuntu19:32
Sysiubuntu uses same sound system19:32
peyamwell do you need anything?19:33
Sysinope, couldn't even find anything remotely current with google19:34
holsteinWulong: i would read the plop page i linked.. i use it like this.. i boot the cd i burned, and i boot the usb sticks i make with unetbootin (for example)19:36
Wulongholstein: already got it bootin and reading from USB. Just have to figure out boot options. I think nomodeset will do it.19:36
Wulongpeyam: verify that skype is using pulseaudio19:37
holsteinpeyam: i would try pavucontrol ..see if that helps you route19:37
peyamWulong: it uses systemdefault. I tried to reinstall puleaudio but still no ppulseautio in skype sound devide option19:38
peyampavucontroll isn't it the same as pulseaudio19:38
holsteini would try teh current skyp from the site..19:38
peyamit is19:39
holsteinpeyam: pavucontrol controls pulseaudio.. think of it as a mixer for it, specifically19:39
holsteinpeyam: i would try installing, and checking the routing there with it19:39
peyamholstein: what exatclcy do you want me to do ?19:40
peyam1) install pavucontrol 2) reinstall skype?19:40
holsteinpeyam: i have made the sugestion to be sure you have the current version of skype from the site.. also, you might wnt to just remove it from the equation and test..19:41
holsteinpeyam: i would use pavucontrol to test and configure the routing for the applictations in pulse audio19:41
peyamso first uninstall skype19:42
peyamand then pavucontrol19:42
holsteinpeyam: so.. 1). instal the current version of skype from the site (if you dont have it).. 2. if needed, install pavucontrol (since it is a mixer for pulse audio with more options)19:42
holsteinpeyam: we have no control over skype, so personally, i wouldnt break a bunch of the system assuming the issue is with pulse.. assming everything else about the audio is in order19:43
peyamit worked but since I install the new kernel it happens19:44
holsteinpeyam: i would just boot the older kernel then19:44
peyamI didnt have any problem with 12.10 untill
peyamholstein: I dont wana get in trubble. I do lot os matlab programming.. I dont know if it will effect it19:45
holsteinpeyam: im not suggesting you change *anything* about your system.. you literally boot the last kernel that works for you19:45
holsteinupgrade as normal, and check in each update, and see if support for your hardare/software is back in place for you.. file a bug and keep watch on the progress19:46
peyamholstein: will it effect other things?19:46
holsteinpeyam: sure.. it will make your system work properly19:46
holsteinpeyam: what else will it do? i have *no* idea, but you are a reboot away from being right back where you are now19:47
holsteindont remove the current kernel.. or break anything.. just boot the older kernel19:47
peyamokej.. very good. I will do the installation of pavucontrol19:47
peyamand skype19:47
peyamholstein: When I search for pavucontrol i get the pulseaudio19:49
bazhang!info pavucontrol19:52
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (raring), package size 140 kB, installed size 953 kB19:52
bazhangpeyam, ^19:52
peyamwhy do I get pulseaudio then19:52
peyamI installed skype from the software-center this time19:53
peyamand now the sound options are right19:53
peyamIm gonna try it now19:53
peyamit works19:57
WulongAnd so does 13.04 on MBP 5,3. How neat.20:01
phunyguyhello, fresh install of Xubuntu 13.04, and I seem to have lost my battery icon.  The xfce4-power-manager process is running, but I cannot connect to it via xfce4-power-manager-settings, unless I kill the xfce4-power-manager process and restart it from command line with the --no-daemon option20:30
phunyguyif I run it as a daemon from command line, the error is reproduced20:30
phunyguy...also I have two bluetooth icones... one smaller and white, the other larger and black.20:31
Sysiif the error is more than 3 lines, please use paste.ubuntu.com, if shorter, please post it here20:32
phunyguyI cannot produce an actual error.20:33
ObrienDavephunyguy, open settings, power manager. make sure 'system tray icon' is set to 'always show icon'20:33
phunyguyObrienDave: I cannot open the power manager settings, as stated in my first line.  :)20:34
Sysiphunyguy: have you installed updates?20:34
phunyguyIf I run it from command line, I get no error on screen, process is running, but no icon, and no connection to the daemon via settings applet.  If I run with --no-daemon, it functions as advertised.20:34
phunyguySysi:  yes.20:34
ObrienDavephunyguy, have you tried from the settings menu?20:35
phunyguyHave I tried what, exactly, from the settings menu?20:35
Sysicould you put ~/.xsession-errors to pastebin?20:35
phunyguySysi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5717980/20:37
ObrienDavesettings menu, power manager20:38
phunyguyObrienDave: for the third time, I get an error that it cannot connect to xfce4-power-manager.20:38
Sysithis may sound dull, but have you rebooted?20:39
phunyguySysi: yes, unfortunately...  :(20:39
phunyguyI wish it was that easy.20:39
phunyguyit works great as a non-daemon...20:39
Sysixfce4-power-manager seems to have --debug option, try that20:40
ObrienDavego to sessions and startup. under application autostart, see if power manager is checked20:41
SysiObrienDave: he can't even start it manually20:42
ObrienDave*shrugs and walks away*20:42
Sysihe's dead jim :p20:43
phunyguysorry had to step away for a second20:43
phunyguy:-/ with --debug, that seems to --non-daemon it as well20:44
phunyguy...so it works.20:44
phunyguythus no error :(20:44
SysiI have a problem with virtualbox, 13.04 guest doesn't set any driver to ac97 device it sees even if I have installed guest additions20:50
Sysiso I have no sound20:51
phunyguyso the plot thickens20:54
phunyguyI unchecked the autorun box in startup apps20:54
phunyguyran it manually after a reboot.....  it works.20:55
Sysirm -rf ~/.cache/sessions and set it back to autostart20:56
* phunyguy crosses fingers20:57
Sysiwhoo, switching from linux-virtual to linux-image-generic fixed the sound20:58
phunyguybut I have a guess as to what that did... removed a saved session...?20:58
Sysiyeah, possibly corrupted one20:58
phunyguyoh looky here... a battery icon!20:58
phunyguythank you sir20:58
phunyguy...or ma'am?20:59
Sysiyou're welcome (sir)20:59
phunyguywell then, you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.21:02
xubuntu440hello, I have a proglem21:05
xubuntu440images and videos are in green et violet21:05
Sysiall of them or just some on the web?21:07
xubuntu440what happens and what are solutions ?21:07
Sysiall in web or local videos too?21:09
xubuntu4402 sec, all in web but locals...21:09
Sysiwell anyway, right click on some video, go to settings and disable hardware acceleration21:10
xubuntu440ok, thanks21:10
xubuntu440done, it is always in green lines21:12
xubuntu440hello, I have videos and images in green lines21:18
knome!patience | xubuntu44021:19
ubottuxubuntu440: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/21:19
xubuntu025hello, I have .swf videos in green and violet21:40
Unit193Person that left too soon: Kind of squished too?21:46
knomeweird that he had the same ip as the previous guest.21:47
Unit193Same question.21:48
JohannKrausscan anyone tell me why I can't run wine after installing libreoffice?22:07
phunyguySysi: so I lost my battery icon again.... and again, a rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions + restart fixed it.23:23
phunyguyI wonder how many times this is going to happen23:23
xubuntu268I'm trying to install Xubuntu on a laptop with a bum CD drive. I tried to download it to a USB drive, but I got a torrent file that I can't open or do anything with. What's the secret to using torrent?23:33
c2tarunHi friends, I don't have a sound applet or controller in tray icon, how to get that?23:33
xubuntu739errr...Get out of my way.  I have actual questions.  xubuntu268.  Are portable apps a possibility.  There is a portable app called unetbootin that can help you.  format the usb fat 32 (default in windows) c2tarun: is pulse audio installed?  Can you hear the boot sound?  Have you check in panels?23:36
c2tarunxubuntu739, I checked in panels, and sound was coming till last boot. When I opened this morning I am getting no sound, let me check about pulse audio23:37
xubuntu739checked the syslog?23:38
xubuntu739likely something is failing?  Do you have a backup user to just log into to check defaults?23:38
genii-aroundxubuntu268: Whatever OS you used to download the torrent file must have some torrent client that was written for it, like BitTorrent or something. This is what you want to use the torrent file with.23:39
xubuntu739xubuntu268:  Try these: http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/utorrent_portable, http://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/unetbootin-portable.  utorrent is terrrible, but it will get you the file and then you can use something better.23:40
genii-aroundxubuntu268: This is assuming of course that you're running Windows. If you're running another linux you can install something like transmission or bittorrent, if MacOS  then the Mac version of utorrent.23:44
c2tarunI looked through application finder and I found this http://imagebin.org/259607  The part I circled was muted. I unmuted it. This is the problem I am facing with kind of all distros. Default setting after reboot is muted sound. Earlier in ubuntu it was in tray icon so I simply unmute it as I reboot once a day. But here in xubuntu I am not able to get sound controller in tray icons.23:45
nixnineHey guys I have two problems: 1. I cannot mount any disks, partitions.  2. I am trying to restart thunderbird but it says it is already running.  I checked sys monitor process but it's not listed23:50
nixninetried killall but said the process not found.  Again, when i try to restart it says its running23:51
xubuntu739c2: Have you tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198720923:51
xubuntu739ignore the stupid part.  Tons of people do this crap.23:51
xubuntu739nixnine: check sudo ps aux | grep th23:52
xubuntu739nixnine:  have you checked ls -la /dev/disk/by-  whatever.  Are the partitions there?23:52
xubuntu739by whatever I mean by-label, by-uuid, ect23:53
nixnineI keep getting read only file system error23:53
nixnineI have my hd partitioned.  it will read the partition i'm not using but no usb, no dvd/cd23:54
xubuntu739ah.  Try gparted on the usb.  It scans everything.  Make sure you don't f things up, but I am sure you know how dangerous gparted is.  As far as dvd/cd, I can't help you sorry.23:55
nixninewhen i ls ... by-id it lists everything23:57
nixnineall partitions, usb, dvd23:58
nixninehere is an example listing: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 May 28 18:26 ata-TOSHIBA_MK2555GSX_99GITEBJT -> ../../sda23:59
nixninedoes that mean anything to anyone?23:59
xubuntu739It means that you have a hard drive23:59

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