
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
thumperwallyworld_: finally got the logging branch passing all the tests.01:38
thumperlast failures with the uniter tests where it is watching log messages and using a regex to match01:40
thumperto make sure hooks run01:40
thumperhad me cringing on the inside01:40
wallyworld_ah yes, i ran into that too01:41
wallyworld_very hard to figure out the test failures01:41
thumperhttps://code.launchpad.net/~thumper/juju-core/use-loggo/+merge/166611 is the work in progress, i'm just going to go through the diff and clean up anything that needs tweaking01:41
thumperwallyworld_: I see it is "land it friday" for your branches01:42
wallyworld_yeah, 2 more to go if i can get the issues sorted01:42
wallyworld_thumper: a quick read of the code - looks nice, what i would expect to see for logging. now, if only we had logger.Trace(....) and devs could juju set-env tracelevel to turn it on/off etc :-)01:46
thumperwallyworld_: we do have logger.Trace01:46
thumperand we should do a set-env01:47
wallyworld_ah ok, sorry. didn;t see it in my quick look01:47
thumperwallyworld_: it is in launchpad.net/loggo01:47
* wallyworld_ nods01:47
thumperwallyworld_: we have loggo.ConfigureLogging01:47
thumperlogger := loggo.GetLogger("juju.uniter.foo")01:48
wallyworld_travel levels would be nice :-)01:48
wallyworld_not travel01:48
* thumper nods01:48
thumperwe have them01:48
thumperby default not set though01:48
thumperand --debug01:48
thumperonly sets juju to DEBUG01:49
thumperyou'd need to use the configure logging to get trace01:49
thumperjuju --log-config juju=TRACE magic01:49
wallyworld_that's fine. i think trace is a set-env thing anyway01:49
wallyworld_thumper: hangout?01:54
* wallyworld_ starts one01:55
bigjoolsthumper: it's good to see you used loggo :)02:05
thumperbigjools: yeah, after both you and jam suggested it, i changed it02:19
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: - | Bugs: 8 Critical, 71 High - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/
fwereadehey guys, guess what I did? dropped laura at school without her lunch :/07:23
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fwereadeok, I can no longer kid myself I'm not sick, I'm going to sleep and hope it gives me strength enough to collect laura this pm (cath's worse :/)08:49
fwereadeI'll probably drop by every so often 'cos I'm obsessive like that, but don;t count on it08:49
TheMuefwereade: ok. so get well soon and recharge yourself.08:54
dimiternfwereade: get well soon, both of you09:03
dimiternfwereade: ping11:38
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dimiternjam: (if you're actually here) Thanks for the review!13:11
dimiternjam: very good suggestions, I'll update the proposal13:12
TheMuedimitern: will also take a look as i now need to have to take a step back from the provisioner stuff13:15
dimiternTheMue: cheers, I'll be updating it shortly with jam's suggestions13:15
TheMuedimitern: ok13:17
teknicomarcoceppi_: hi, is this enough to propagate the DISPLAY env var in juju-test? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5719876/13:29
* TheMue grumps13:44
ahasenackhow can I get a help from the juju tools? Like relation-get --help?13:44
TheMueWhashing machine and daughters bike defect.13:44
ahasenacksince they are not part of the juju package13:44
ahasenackand there is no manpage13:44
dimiternahasenack: you can look in the code perhaps: worker/uniter/jujuc/relation-set.go13:47
TheMuedimitern, ahasenack: just wanted to give the same advice ;)13:47
dimiternTheMue: :)13:48
ahasenackdimitern: that tip doesn't work for relation-list14:01
ahasenackworker/uniter/jujuc/relation-list.go doesn't help much14:02
ahasenackit's the same14:02
dimiternahasenack: oh?14:02
ahasenackthere is no simple text template to copy from14:02
ahasenackhave to look at flags and stuff14:02
dimiternmramm: kanban?14:02
dimiternahasenack: --smart and -r are supported14:03
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* TheMue has to leave, will step in later again14:38
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