
ahoneybunvalorie: ping me when you get back on00:17
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [982889] X trying to start before plymouth has finished using the drm driver @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/982889 (by Tomas Vanderka)00:19
ahoneybunJontheEchidna: ping00:34
JontheEchidnaahoneybun: pong00:34
ahoneybunvalorie and I were talking about a steam bug in Kubuntu, do you see it in the log?00:34
JontheEchidnayup, found it00:36
JontheEchidnaYeah, Steam is offered as a free commerical app via their software store00:36
JontheEchidnaI'm working on support for their API for Muon 2.100:36
ahoneybunok great, we were wondering why usc was needed to install00:37
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valorieahoneybun: ping02:13
ahoneybunvalorie: got you02:13
valorieso I was trying to make a list of the links, I guess you did that the right way02:14
ahoneybunoh I beat you to it? I also included your changes as well02:15
valoriebut aren't we also going to have development, multimedia, office, etc.02:15
valorienot sure we need sections; just links02:15
valoriethe verbiage really adds nothing02:15
valoriesuch as: 02:16
valorieFor information about Internet applications see here.02:16
valoriethat seems silly to me02:16
valorieinstead, just a list of the subpages02:16
ahoneybunoh well change it02:16
ahoneybunas long as it look great :)02:17
valorieperhaps with a nice screenie of the kickoff Applications menu02:17
valorieI'm not sure my menus are like first run though02:17
ahoneybunthats my goal02:17
valoriedoes everyone have all the sections?02:17
valorieok, I'll get back to work on that if you are done for now02:18
ahoneybunI'll get the screenshot02:18
valorieand I suggest we use the same order as the menu02:25
valoriewhere did you put that image?02:31
valorieI just saved my work on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/Software02:32
valorieI was thinking it would be cool to have it on the right side of the page, if that's possible02:32
ahoneybunit's possible02:35
valoriehmmm, that's not first-run thought02:40
valoriewith wine in there!'02:40
ahoneybunoh yea I know02:40
valorielooks good though02:40
valoriewe can use that as a placeholder for now02:40
valoriemight be nice to do a little page on the stuff at the bottom -- lost and found, etc. and explain what they are02:42
valorieanyway, this is enough to go on for starters02:42
ahoneybunso we are keeping development?02:44
valoriesure, why not?02:47
valoriewe need devels, we <3 devels02:48
valorieif people aren't interested, they won't click02:48
ahoneybuncan I assign a page to you?02:50
valorienot sure we need to assign anything02:56
valoriebut i'm planning on working on this tonight02:56
ahoneybunwith trello I can02:57
valorienot sure I can deal with that responsibility!!!!!!!!!!!02:58
valorieassign if you like02:58
ahoneybunok cool lol02:58
ahoneybunanyway off for the night03:00
valoriesleep well03:01
ahoneybunthanks will be on saturday03:01
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valorieis there a way to get a list of 1. what we install by default and 2. offer on the DVD?05:26
valoriefor the docs05:26
Tm_Tvalorie: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/13.04/release/kubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64.manifest05:28
Tm_T...I assume that's what is installed on the DVD (and thus the default install?)05:28
valorieI think the difference is kubuntu desktop vs KDE-full05:30
valoriewhich is everything on the dvd05:30
valoriewoah, that is very complete05:30
shadeslayervalorie: yeah manifest is what you want05:34
valorieI'll add the link to that to the trello card so I don't lose it05:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: Riddell should we SRU fixes to oxygen-gtk ? see bug 96373605:47
ubottubug 963736 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "thunderbird and firefox freeze at random : must be killed and restarted" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96373605:47
ScottKshadeslayer: Based on the severity of the bug, I'd say yes.05:55
shadeslayerk, will have a look today05:56
shadeslayerScottK: can we just sru  the 1.3.3 release from saucy? the diff doesn't look very invasive 06:02
ScottKshadeslayer: Sure.06:04
debfxshadeslayer: does the new version fix that?06:40
debfxI have the same problem but thunderbird only freezes every couple of days so it's a bit difficult to verify06:40
shadeslayerdebfx: yes, it was commited to the 1.3 branch06:40
shadeslayerit = the diff06:40
ubottuKDE bug 318891 in gtk2-engine "gcin hime can not run with latest oxygen-gtk" [Grave,Resolved: fixed]06:41
shadeslayerRiddell will smack me if I break his emacs06:42
shadeslayerand I won't get Dr Who episodes06:42
soeegood morning06:43
debfxso the fix has been committed after the 1.3.3 release06:45
debfxah now I remember06:45
debfxI've sponsored a Debian upload for this ^^06:45
debfxso 1.3.3-2 needs merging06:46
shadeslayerdebfx: wanna do that for Saucy and SRU for raring?06:48
shadeslayeror do you want me to do it?06:48
debfxshadeslayer: I have to leave for $work now so feel free to do that06:51
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Riddellshadeslayer: those oxygen-gtk bugs do seen like worth a SRU if there's patches08:03
shadeslayerthere are08:03
Riddellshadeslayer: will you take care of it?08:08
shadeslayerI already uploaded the patches to saucy08:08
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Riddell"Fathi Boudra (fboudra) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu08:31
RiddellMembers (kubuntu-members) team until 2014-06-06."08:31
Riddellyay fabo still loves us!08:31
faboindeed :) but busy as ever08:32
yofelshadeslayer, Quintasan: I got a mail from someone working on plasma-active on mer it seems asking what the state in kubuntu is, I forwarded it to you guys and -devel as I'm clueless.09:05
yofelhm, no, just a user09:06
shadeslayer^^ :)09:06
Riddelldunno where plasma active 4 is, not convinced it exists09:08
shadeslayerRiddell: my guess is that he's talking about master :P09:09
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shadeslayerRiddell: saucy fixed, should I just upload to raring-proposed now?09:27
shadeslayerand then the review happens in the queue09:27
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah, and subscribe ~ubuntu-sru and ensure test case is on bug and anything else an SRU needs09:48
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shadeslayerRiddell: uploaded gtk2-engines-oxygen10:07
shadeslayerworking on oxygen-gtk310:07
BluesKajhowdy all10:53
ScottKJontheEchidna: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/muon/2.0.1-0ubuntu0.1/+build/462984811:03
ScottKPlease be fixing.11:03
* shadeslayer is now member of the error tracker team11:09
shadeslayerthat was fast11:09
Riddellshadeslayer: cor, what gossip can you find?11:09
shadeslayerI can see stacktraces11:10
shadeslayerthere are 2 more commits that I can see from the commit log that might be beneficial to oxygen-gtk311:20
Quintasanshadeslayer: We need to make a 11:20
QuintasanPA sprint11:20
Quintasannot sure when11:20
shadeslayerwhenever you have time11:28
RiddellPA sprint?11:28
shadeslayerQuintasan: make a doodle11:29
shadeslayerpackaging PA sprint  :P11:29
QuintasanI shall11:29
shadeslayerI am not sure what to reply to that email, and I'm too drowsy after drinking that cough syrup11:29
shadeslayerhurray powercut11:39
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DarkwingWhy do I always wait till last minute to write an essay?12:38
Riddellneed some testers to try out wifi connection13:02
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader for information.13:02
Riddellif you delete your wireless profile from network manager13:03
Riddellthen connect again13:03
Riddelldoes it show a notification "failed" but also a tick for connection?13:03
BluesKajRiddell, sorry I can't help , daughter still hasn't sent my laptop back :(13:04
Riddelltariq: hi, I don't think I've got an e-mail from you, have I missed it?13:04
DarkwingRiddell: Saucy?13:10
JontheEchidnaScottK: looks like a toolchain issue13:11
RiddellDarkwing: now darling, not in public13:12
JontheEchidnaScottK: all the errors are in /usr/include/c++/4.7/type_traits13:12
soeeRiddell, but should i disable cable connection first ?13:13
DarkwingRiddell: I knew there was a reason I loved you :P13:13
Riddellsoee: yes if you're using it13:17
tariqRiddell: hi you haven't got an email from me - not sent it yet! Will make some time over the weekend to get something to you!13:17
soeeRiddell, got my message?13:24
Riddellsoee: nope13:29
soeeRiddell, soee> i have removed my profiles, unpluged cable, activate wirless, add new profile and im connected without any problems (13.04)13:29
Riddellsoee: lovely thanks, didn't think it was a common issue or we'd be getting lots of reports13:30
lordievaderGood afternoon13:35
lordievaderahoneybun: Ping13:36
JontheEchidnaScottK: everything's fine after a rebuild request13:37
* yofel now has error tracker access too13:49
yofelthat was fast indeed considering it's friday13:50
Riddellyofel: find any good gossip?13:58
yofelwell, the stats are interesting considering that I can now finally see what actually happened. It obviously doesn't have many of our packages though, except kde-config-touchpad -.-'14:00
Riddellwe'd have to turn on apport presumably for it to be much use14:03
Riddellwhy kde-config-touchpad ?14:03
yofelRiddell: comes right after ubiquity in crash frequency: https://errors.ubuntu.com/?user=kubuntu-bugs&period=year14:05
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Riddell!testers | saucy upstart job needs testing14:20
ubottusaucy upstart job needs testing: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader for information.14:20
Riddellsee #ubuntu-devel14:20
jessievHanda: Have a chance to look at my DB yet?14:54
Peace-anybody know how to launch an animatio with a parameter?14:55
Peace-with qml14:55
Riddellcor, 4.10.416:50
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, debfx, JontheEchidna, Quintasan, Riddell, ScottK, yofel, smartboyhw, murthy16:50
Quintasanfreaking tests18:01
Quintasanshadeslayer: If I manage to pass everything this upcoming week we're doing a sprint during the next weekend18:01
* Quintasan goes crazy18:02
Quintasanwish me luck18:02
QuintasanRiddell: ping18:13
Dark_lightIs there a concrete chance that kubuntu could be killed by mir ? 19:09
Dark_lightI don't know I was just reading this 19:43
BluesKajkubuntu isn't going to use mir , wayland is in the works for kubuntu , and canonical no longer supports kubuntu development , Blue Systems has taken on kubuntu support19:43
Dark_lightyes that I know but will blue systems be able to provide an up to date graphic stack ? and what about package compatibility ? 19:45
Dark_lightBluesKaj: ^19:52
BluesKajI supposed the devs had better get to work on both graphics and audio , and if the hardware drivers aren't designed for the new mir or wayland display server , then we're all in trouble 19:52
BluesKajbut there' are some influential ppl with level heads who will come up with the right solution and meanwhile we'll struggle along with X But.I'm optimistic19:55
BluesKaja long as it isn't the same ppl who pushed pulseaudio on us 19:55
yofelDark_light: it's still a bit early to say anything concrete on graphics stack maintenance. Most other ubuntu flavours will be in the same situation so we'll see where the load can be shared.19:58
yofel It's mostly ubuntu patching of the stack that's worrying, but there we'll have to see what the future will bring.19:58
Dark_lightin a way it could have a positive turn, the ubuntu graphics stack isn't exactly one of the best from what I read 20:03
yofelit isn't, at least not for us. The problem is that we would still have to share mesa, or find a way to maintain 2 copies of it20:05
Dark_lightwell I'm not an expert but I assume they will just apply patches when building the package, wouldn't it be as simple as just stripping it of the patches and rebuilding it ? 20:07
yofel+ some re-packaging so the packages can be distinguished from each other20:08
Dark_lightok, thanks! 20:12
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ScottKJontheEchidna: Thanks.22:50
ScottKRiddell: Did you see the security issue I mailed to kubuntu-devel?22:51

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