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smoserhey all...02:20
smoseri wonder if anyone can help me.02:20
smoseri've been asked by the author of the maildir patches (http://patches.freeiz.com/alpine/info/maildir.html) that are applied to my '+maildir' builds of alpine to take these builds down.02:22
smoseri deleted everything from my ppa02:22
StevenKsmoser: Everything should die, but it will take time02:23
smoserbut he has found https://launchpad.net/~smoser/+archive/ppa/+build/4600057 . which still has links to binaries.02:23
smoseri did this last saturday02:23
smosererr.. maybe last friday.02:23
smoserStevenK, you're sure they'll eventually be deleted?02:24
StevenKsmoser: We can't reach in and delete the build records, but yes, I would expect the binaries to die and then be deleted off the librarian automatically.02:28
smoserand a week doesn't seem out of expected norm?02:32
smoser(not trying to be accusing, legitimately asking if that is expected).02:39
smoserI have to head to bed.  Thanks, StevenK02:41
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wgrantsmoser: ~2 weeks is the normal expiry time03:35
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dpmwgrant, StevenK, what's the procedure to enable arm building to a PPA, is it a matter of pinging you guys? And if so, would it be possible to enable it for this PPA? -> https://launchpad.net/~qreator-hackers/+archive/qreator-experimental08:03
czajkowskidpm: see the topic :)08:03
czajkowskidpm: is it a canonical only ppa or will it have community folks using the ppa also ?08:04
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dpmthanks czajkowski. It's not a Canonical-only PPA, it's for a project anyone in the community will be able to use08:04
czajkowskiah ok then it's ARMf and I can do that now for you08:06
czajkowskidpm: done08:06
dpmczajkowski, oh, wow, thanks! I was just in the middle of writing the request :)08:07
czajkowskisaving emails is the new saving paper for my inbox :)08:07
czajkowskibut you'll know for future requests08:07
dpmindeed, thank you :)08:11
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czajkowskimpt: are you alive10:18
czajkowskiI've not seen any bugs in a while now!10:19
evczajkowski: he's on holiday :)10:35
czajkowskiahhh that explains it!10:36
czajkowskiev: with a passport :o10:36
evhe got it back? I hadn't heard that yet.10:36
czajkowskiI wondered :)10:37
evah, I don't think so :-/10:37
evhe's somewhere in the depths of the UK10:37
czajkowskisee I notice when he's not around you can tell him my bugs folder was lonley!10:37
evyou don't follow https://twitter.com/mptbugs ?10:38
czajkowskiOMG NO!10:38
evthings I make when I'm very bored10:38
czajkowskioh it's like a new toy!10:39
czajkowskilifeless: I liked the video soo much I've watched it twice already!10:39
shadeslayerwhoops, wrong channel11:37
shadeslayerbut, is it possible to cancel a recipe build?11:37
shadeslayerhttps://code.launchpad.net/~blue-shell/+archive/folderview/+recipebuild/471895 needs cancelling11:38
czajkowskishadeslayer: yes11:44
shadeslayercould you cancel that please? :)11:44
czajkowskishadeslayer: sure you want it done ?11:44
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shadeslayeryes, I uploaded it manually11:44
shadeslayerand the i386 build will start in 4 hours11:44
czajkowskidone ok11:45
shadeslayerthx czajkowski11:45
shadeslayerhttps://jira.mongodb.org/browse/PYTHON-532 < heh'd at that, hopefully, LP doesn't use mongodb anywhere ;)11:46
sorenshadeslayer: lol11:56
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jbichanasl is having persistent problems unpacking its chroot https://launchpadlibrarian.net/141166976/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.libreoffice_1%3A4.0.2-0ubuntu3_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz12:42
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bdmurrayI wonder if so many people accidently assign bugs to themselves by just double clicking on the "pencil" icon by the assign name.  It seems like "assign me" is right in the same spot on the screen.15:02
dobeybdmurray: i think the UI is just confusing enough that they end up clicking on "Unassigned" (or the pencil) and just end up assigning themselves15:28
bdmurraymaybe there should be some type of confirmation then15:29
dobeybdmurray: there's also like 0 space between the name and the edit icon, so if you're wanting to click on the name, and just happen to have the cursor in the exact wrong spot on the right edge of the name, you get the edit dialog instead15:29
dobeyi'd prefer better permissions support, so that we could just make it so arbitrary persons can't assign bugs, or change status; but i doubt anything related to this issue will get fixed for a very long time, as it's not critical15:31
dobeyand lp is in maint mode, so only criticals are being fixed right now.15:31
dobey(unless someone submits a branch to implement something of course, then maybe that could go in)15:32
czajkowskiif a patch were submitted say for the pencil issue I'm sure it could get reviewed15:33
dobeyi really wouldn't want to just fix it with another dialog to confirm it, though. making the process harder to use for real devleopers is always a pain :)15:34
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lifelessczajkowski: lol :)20:39
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md_5can someone grab the email for my account: https://launchpad.net/~md-523:26
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maxbmd_5: grab?23:31
md_5got it23:31
md_5my launchpad email != my openid email23:31
md_5how to fix23:31
maxbChange your openid emails at https://login.launchpad.net23:32
maxbOr change your Launchpad emails23:32
maxbEither way23:32
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