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BluesKajhowdy all10:53
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JohnThePreacherRepent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!17:51
JohnThePreacher!ops | Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!17:51
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IdleOneI installed kubuntu-desktop and I am getting some erors http://paste.ubuntu.com/5721087/ any suggestions?20:57
bjsniderIdleOne, ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/bb7d4a9f-83de-4966-9828-d60644cd750f21:04
bjsniderhave you been changing hdds recently?21:04
IdleOneI haven't21:05
IdleOnels: cannot access /dev/disk/by-uuid/bb7d4a9f-83de-4966-9828-d60644cd750f: No such file or directory21:05
bjsniderok, what is in that directory?21:06
bjsniderand what's in fstab?21:06
IdleOneI am not sure21:06
bjsniderand what's in grub.conf?21:06
IdleOnehmm that UUID is my ubuntu install21:07
bjsniderhave you plugged in an external drive recently21:07
bjsniderhow do you know it's sda1?21:08
IdleOnefrom sudo blkid21:08
IdleOne/dev/sda1: UUID="bb7d4a9f-83de-4966-9828-d60644cd750f21:08
bjsniderwhat's the soft link to sda1 in /dev/disk/by-uuid21:08
IdleOnehow do I check that?21:09
bjsniderjust ls -l the directory21:09
IdleOnelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 May 29 10:45 b25e72e1-a245-42e7-a52d-9ffb57db14eb -> ../../dm-021:10
bjsnideri might create the appropriate link for this session21:11
IdleOnefstab ^21:11
bjsniderln -s /dev/sda1 /dev/disk/by-uuid/bb7d4a9f-83de-4966-9828-d60644cd750f21:14
bjsniderapt-get -f install21:14
IdleOnecompleted without errors :)21:15
IdleOneso, what was the problem?21:15
bjsnideryou're also missing the link to /home21:15
IdleOnehome is on sda521:16
bjsniderhome is UUID=2532435a-134e-426b-a95d-5035db1f44b321:16
bjsniderit says right there21:16
bjsnider"failed to get canonical path of /dev/disk/by-uuid/bb7d4a9f-83de-4966-9828-d60644cd750f"21:16
bjsniderwell, of course it failed because for some reason you don't have the links in there21:17
bjsnideryour uuids should be soft links in there to the drives21:17
bjsnideri have 5 links in there myself21:17
bjsniderwhat happened to the links is the question21:17
IdleOneso I need to ln -s /dev/sda5 /dev/disk/by-uuid/2532435a-134e-426b-a95d-5035db1f44b3   ?21:18
IdleOnenot sure what happened to them21:18
IdleOneanything else I need to do?21:18
IdleOneI'm always worried21:19
bjsniderobviously this is an indication of some problem on your system, the nature and cause of which is not clear at the moment21:19
IdleOnenot sure if relevant but I installed ubuntu Gnome 13.04, did a do-release-upgrade -d to 13.1021:20
IdleOnethen I decided to install kubuntu-desktop21:20
IdleOneand got those errors.21:20
bjsnideryou used the gnome 3 ppa?21:20
IdleOneno I downloaded the ubuntu gnome 13.04 iso21:20
bjsnideroh, that's not gnome21:21
bjsniderunity you mean21:21
bjsniderbasically the ubuntu-gnome-desktop type thing?21:21
bjsniderwell, that's gnome 3.6, which i'm running here, and it didn't wipe out those links21:22
IdleOneI am guessing I should be prepared to not be able to boot and do a clean install.21:22
IdleOneWell, no time like the present to give it a shot.21:23
IdleOnebjsnider: thanks for the help and if I am not back in a few minutes. Tell them my last words were...21:24
IdleOnewell I am back21:29
IdleOnethat is a good sign, I think.21:29
IdleOneexcept I don't have any close/max/min buttons21:30
bazhang!info gnome-tweak-tool21:32
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.1-1 (raring), package size 84 kB, installed size 754 kB21:32
bazhangaugh raring21:32
IdleOneI'm in kubuntu now21:33
bazhangheh whoops sorry21:34
IdleOneno problem :)21:34
IdleOneI think I need to start clean21:35
IdleOnekwin wont run21:36
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quibbleHey. My mouse is double clicking when I single click. How do i fix this?23:47

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