
infinityhoukouonchi-work: It's the linux-image postinst that's meant to twiddle them.00:38
houkouonchi-workinfinity: well if you check my pastebin it doesn't appear to be doing it or do you have to do something special when making the linux-image .deb to get it to do that?00:38
infinityhoukouonchi-work: Well, the distro packages are clearly working, since your links point to -31- and -30- for current and old.00:38
infinityhoukouonchi-work: So, I'd assume your postinst is different from ours.00:39
infinityhoukouonchi-work: At which point, I can't say how yours is different, cause I haven't seen it.00:39
infinitydiff -u /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-{3.5.0-31-highbank.postinst,3.9.0-ceph-b5b09be3-highbank} should be enlightening.00:40
infinityhoukouonchi-work: If you're producing yours with make-kpkg, rather than using our kernel packaging, it will probably be quite different.00:40
houkouonchi-workwell when you build a debian with make 'deb-pkg' do you need to specify something special to get it to do the the symlinks?00:41
infinitySee above, we don't use make-kpkg, we build our kernels as proper Debian source packages (from the 'linux' source package), so the method is quite different.00:41
houkouonchi-workbig differences ok so its part of the postinstall script of the .deb hmm00:43
infinityYou want a unified diff (-u), if you want that to be readable...00:43
houkouonchi-workreally the post install of the one i built is pretty much nothing00:43
infinityOh, but true, the make-kpkg one is mostly empty these days, it would seem.00:44
houkouonchi-workyeah its pretty much non-existent00:44
infinitySo, it would seem there might need to be a hook script to do the symlink twiddling in the new world order.00:44
houkouonchi-workhttp://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=HVBtbRWg <-- inline one not that its saying much00:45
infinity(Or, use the Ubuntu packaging for your kernels instead, if your goal is just to add some patches to the highbank kernel...)00:45
houkouonchi-workwell its more like build kernels using newer ceph-client stuff00:45
houkouonchi-worknot really just a matter of patches00:45
houkouonchi-workDo you think stealing the post install script off the ubuntu one is likely to work with a different one. It looks pretty generic so a quick look over it by me looks like it would probably work?00:48
infinityThough seems like overkill if all you want is the symlink twiddling.00:49
houkouonchi-worki guess my $version is being specified in the file though... Yeah I guess I am just trying to figure out the best way to automate this00:49
houkouonchi-workthese kernel packages are all automated and the installation/testing is automated too the problem is if that symlink isnt correct when the machine is rebooted u-boot isnt loading the kernel00:50
houkouonchi-workeven though it says its flashing with it during the installation of the package...00:50
houkouonchi-workmight be easier if we just create the symlink in our code-base that does the testing after it does the install rather than doing it with the post install of the .deb I just wasnt sure what handled that stuff. Not super familiar with the .deb packaging system00:51
infinityWell, there is no "flashing" to do with flash-kernel on highbank, that's a bit of a lie.00:51
houkouonchi-workThanks for the help00:51
houkouonchi-workinfinity: then it makes sense why it didnt boot the kernel =)00:51
houkouonchi-workcant wait for these newer arm hardware. Even with like 10+ nodes and distcc it takes a long time to build stuff on them heh00:53
infinitySo, Debian's kernel postinsts are also still the massive long Perl postinst.00:53
infinityI wonder why make-kpkg's is so anaemic.00:53
infinityWaaait, so is the one in make-kpkg.00:54
infinityhoukouonchi-work: How are you building these kernel packages?00:55
infinityhoukouonchi-work: Are you using "make-kpkg" from the "kernel-package" package?00:55
infinityhoukouonchi-work: Cause that should provide you with something with the complex/useful postinst.00:55
houkouonchi-workinfinity: its kernels from git doing make debb-pkg01:27
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tharvey_homewhere did ubuntu core for 11.10 go?  I see lots of references to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/11.10 yet it doesn't exist (removed as 11.10 is no longer supported?)07:22
infinitytharvey_home: 11.10 is EOL and gone, yeah.  Use 12.04.07:23
tharvey_homeso is core just another rootfs like server, desktop, cloud are?  is core the only one that supports arm?07:24
infinitycore is just a minimal rootfs with pretty much nothing installed but essential packages and apt.07:25
infinityWe also have full installer images for some platforms (like omap4/Panda), but not many.07:25
tharvey_homewould you call 'server' and 'desktop' a rootfs too then?07:25
infinityAnd netboot installer images for things like highbank and armadaxp.07:25
infinityserver and desktop are installers, not rootfses.07:25
tharvey_homewhere are the installer images and how would I go about creating one for a different board?07:27
infinityhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/ for netboot images, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ for some installer images.  Creating one for a specific board isn't trivial, and not something I'd try to explain at 1:30am.07:28
infinityThis is all very much a hacker's game right now, still.  It's not easy to give simple "this is how you do it" instructions for booting a board we don't support.07:29
infinityBut that's slowly changing with generic multiplatform kernels.07:30
tharvey_homewell, I know how to 'boot' my board with say the core rootfs, I'm just not clear what the 'installer image' does for me - perhaps make it easier for someone to repeat my process less manually?07:31
infinitytharvey_home: Possibly that, yeah.  But it's certainly not a necessity for people to have shiny installers, if you can give people simple instructions on booting and jamming a kernel/config into ubuntu-core.07:32
tharvey_homelooking at some of the installer images - I see they are just the bins needed like the bootloader, and kernel, boot scripts and then the .img* files are ie usd images you would dd to the usd?07:34
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infinitytharvey_home: The .img files are DDable to SD, yeah.07:35
infinitytharvey_home: And for some platforms (androidish platforms, like ac100 or nexus devices), we provide a bootimg to stuff in the boot partition.07:36
tharvey_homeso the images presume a specific sized uSD for example?07:36
infinitytharvey_home: The old preinstalled images we used in 12.04 actually just auto-resize to fill the card on first boot.07:36
infinitytharvey_home: The images we did for 12.10 and later use the same installer as x86 desktop images and expect to install FROM the card to an external storage device (like a USB hard drive).07:37
tharvey_homeah... neat.  Is there someplace I can see the installer script that does the auto-resize for the 12-04 images and the script that does the installing for 12.10?07:39
infinityThe "script" that does the installing for 12.10 is ubiquity.  It's the full desktop installer.07:40
infinityThe auto-resizing magic in 12.04 is in the jasper-initramfs package.07:40
tharvey_homeand what is used to 'build' the img file (what dictates the packages and actually installed them to a rootfs)?07:42
infinitytharvey_home: That's a combination of live-build/livecd-rootfs, and the finishing touches are cdimage.  That's the part(s) of the process that I hinted at being pretty complex and not something for a 1:30am conversation. :)07:43
tharvey_homeinfinity, no worries - thanks for the explanation07:44
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LetoThe2ndfor the record_ he/she is banned in #pandaboard now09:04
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bryktI have installed ubuntu for ARM on a beaglebone black. Should it be possible to login to the BBB via ssh  when it has booted. I am able to ping the BBB, but when I try the ssh into it i get: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host14:43
maxinuxyes you should be able to14:43
maxinuxcan the bbb ssh into itself?14:44
bryktI tried using "ubuntu" and "root" as users but still no luck.14:45
bryktHow do you mean ssh into itself?14:45
maxinuxssh from it to it :)14:45
bryktI dont have any acces to temrinal. My mointor does not work with the mini-HDMI output.14:46
ogra_well, did you set up the network and did you install ssh ?14:47
hrwogra_: I just had to ask the same ;D14:47
ogra_we dont offer any official images for the beagles anymore, best is to talk to the person who created that image14:47
maxinuxare you using the armhf image brykt?14:48
bryktI flashed the eMMC by booting up from the mini SD-card....14:48
bryktI dont know how to set it up.14:48
maxinuxso you got the image from armhf.com?14:48
bryktI used the image from this page:14:48
ogra_well, find the person who created it14:48
maxinuxive not used that image14:49
maxinuxi use www.armhf.com/index.php/boards/beaglebone-black/ loaded on an SD card14:49
maxinuxthough it can be loaded onto the mmc if you want14:50
bryktok, great. I will try that one...14:50
maxinuxnote that it does not support fbdev out of th ebox14:51
maxinuxoh no screen14:51
maxinuxyou dont care14:51
maxinuxthat image will bring up eth0 automatically via dhcp on first boot  and has ssh going .. and supports all the wifi cards ive thrown at it... but i also reloaded a new kernel on it shortly thereafter... 3.8 > 3.214:52
maxinuxthough i suppose i could give you my  kernel and modules if you need it14:52
bryktah, ok. Will keep that in mind if I ever want to connect a screen.14:53
hrwmaxinux: iirc beaglebone black had 3.8 kernel out of the box14:53
maxinuxhrw:  angstrom comes with, but ubuntu does not14:53
hrwmaxinux: person which created image to blame then14:54
maxinuxim not complaining14:54
maxinuxi simply cross recompiled my kernel14:54
maxinuxi jokingly recompiled on the bbb also14:54
maxinuxa few -6 hours later it was starting on modules14:54
bryktYou loaded Angstrom  3.2 from 3.8?14:56
maxinux? no14:56
maxinuxubuntu arm image from armhf.com ships with kernel 3.214:56
maxinuxi compiled 3.8.13 and loaded it on my bbb14:56
bryktah. ok... I'll get back to you if I cannot get the stuff I need the BBB for to work. Maybe 3.8.13 will solve it...14:58
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T3CHKOMMIEhello everyone.22:46
T3CHKOMMIEI was wondering if I could get some pointers on imaging an SDcard with Ubuntu Server Arm...22:46
T3CHKOMMIEI have a BeagleBone Black, and I have tried the documentation several times, but still cant get it to post.22:47
T3CHKOMMIEdoes anyone know of a good method to getting the image on an SD card?22:47
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