
deneliusI am attempting to move a folder from downloads to ~/opt with the following: sudo cp folder -r ~/opt it appears to be going somewhere but not to /opt am I missing something obvious?03:24
=== Guest24657 is now known as Phryq
Phryqwhen I open language support it asks me to install some things, I click 'yes' and I get this05:56
PhryqCould not install the full language support05:56
PhryqTransaction failed: Package dependencies cannot be resolved05:56
Phryq The following packages have unmet dependencies:05:56
=== y_ is now known as Phryq
=== mpmc_ is now known as mpmc
JezUbuntu does not seem to shut down or restart on my system (Acer TravelMate 5520).  No splash screen or anything, just goes to the boot screen and then sits there ticking away forever.22:12
JezThe halt splash used to appear, then seemed to hang for ages.22:13
JezTo my knowledge, it shut down from there once, while I'd wandered off for a quarter hour.22:13
JezBut after the first week it stopped, now all I get is the boot screen and no shut down.22:15
JezCan anyone offer any advice?22:15
holsteinJez: try an older kernel, if it happened after an upgrade22:56
holsteintry as a different user.. try opening a terminal and using "sudo shutdown -h now" and see what the output is22:56
holsteintry that from tty..22:56
ubot93To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution22:56
holsteindetermine if its some element broken or missing that is not allowing the machine to start or restart, or if its something kernel level that is not suporting the hardware22:57
holsteintry from a live CD22:57
JezThank you very much holstein and ubot93.22:58
holsteinJez: ubot93 is a bot.. but you are welcom22:58

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