
BobJonkman1OK, meeting minutes are up:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013/2013-05-3001:01
BobJonkman1I've been fooling around with the Meetings folder hierarchy, grouping each year's Agendas (and Minutes) into a folder by year.01:02
BobJonkman1I've also put an "include" for the current meeting on the Meetings page, to make it easier and more consistent to find01:03
BobJonkman1And just to be redundant, I've also created a "redirect" for the next meeting at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/Next01:03
* genii-around makes more coffee and thinks about leaving work01:04
BobJonkman1It's a little more work for the person doing the meeting agendas, but should make it easier for everyone looking for meeting agendas.01:04
BobJonkman1And anyway, the person doing meeting agendas is /me01:04
BobJonkman1genii-around: Coffee sounds like an excellent idea, but dinner sounds even more excellent.01:05
BobJonkman1So I'm going AFK for a while01:05
genii-aroundYes, food. I should probably eat some.01:05
=== genii-around is now known as genii
azend|irssijlamothe: I think you mean "Hi Ubuntu CA!"15:33
jlamotheYes.  That'll do.16:13
=== azend_ is now known as azend

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