
pleia2yeah yeah, slow news is slow ;)00:55
pleia2but we got something up, go us00:56
pleia2(go me)00:56
mhall119go pleia203:15
* nigelb waves to mhall119 03:15
mhall119morning nigelb03:24
* mhall119 heads off to bed03:24
nigelbg'nite mhall11903:25
philipballewthis channel is pretty dead now04:44
philipballewall the "normal" americans have gone to bed, and the people from other places are just starting work and stuff.04:45
IdleOnelol "normal"04:51
nigelbphilipballew: hey you forgot canadians :P04:57
* philipballew went to Vancouver once.04:58
philipballewnigelb, and Mexicans.04:58
nigelband central and south americans.04:58
dholbachgood morning06:38
pleia2happy friday, dholbach!06:59
dholbachhey pleia2 :-)07:03
* dholbach hugs pleia207:03
dholbachthanks again for all your help!07:03
* pleia2 hugs dholbach 07:03
pleia2thank you for updating so much of it, I like the new navigation07:03
pleia2should get some sleep, have a good one07:05
dholbachsleep tight :)07:06
dholbachhola dpm07:55
dpmhey dholbach, good morning07:55
elfypopey: is PM still broken for you on discourse?07:56
elfyhello dholbach07:56
dholbachhi elfy07:56
elfydholbach: you might be able to help me here - trying to test something on discourse07:57
dholbachelfy, how can I help?07:57
elfydo you have more than ubuntu openid to login with to it ?07:58
elfyok - you'll probably not be able to help then - we need to make sure that if we ban someone they get banned and can't just get in some other way07:59
elfythanks though07:59
dholbachah ok07:59
dholbachmarcoceppi_ might know something about this08:00
dholbachjcastro seems to be offline08:00
elfyyea - I wanted to PM people but that's a bit elfied at the moment08:01
elfyno rush :)08:01
marcoceppi_elfy: if you ban someone on ubuntu forums, couldn't they just create a new account?09:48
marcoceppi_elfy: pms are also broken, waiting for a fix from upstream. Going forward I'm only going to be updating the discourse app every week or so during a set maintenance window. I'll post about it on the site itself09:49
popeythey can ban by ip marcoceppi_09:49
marcoceppi_popey: but that doesn't stop proxies, tor is still a very easy to obtains free proxy service :)09:50
marcoceppi_if someone wanted to they could really become a nusance09:50
popeyyeah, they get that, which is one reason why they like having humans doing the moderation/admin09:50
dholbachso for the new community page I'm looking for nice pictures for almost all pages which can be used in a 984x300 pixels format09:51
marcoceppi_elfy: to your point, if you ban a person on discourse, there's nothing stopping them from using another openid provider. An ip ban would be needed to prevent them from signing up. I'll open a feature request with upstream09:51
dholbachI'd appreciate help here :-)09:52
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
elfymarcoceppi_: thanks for responses - yep if we ban of forum they can start a new account - PMing you with further, thanks for pushing that upstream12:08
jcastromhall119: hey14:36
jcastrois there a time for the dogfood stuff or do I just flash normally?14:36
jcastroor will there be like a snapshot release or something today?14:37
mhall119jcastro: just flash normally14:38
mhall119the dogfooding was a soft target, not something that's going to see a special release14:38
* jcastro nods14:40
jcastromhall119: ugh lost that milestone link14:40
jcastrois there a bug for data over mobile?14:41
jcastroI think I'll just sub to that.14:41
mhall119jcastro: you should be asking in #ubuntu-touch14:41
jcastroI like to just bother you though14:42
jcastronoted though14:42
dholbachhttp://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/05/31/community-on-ubuntu-com/ :-D15:54
elfyto see that done - also nice to see the grey bar at top of ubuntu.com16:00
dholbachit'd be great if you all could let the world know about it too16:14
elfyI'll post it on the forum at some point today dholbach16:16
elfyas far as the world goes - I don't have access :)16:16
pleia2dholbach: ^516:37
pleia2dholbach: want to email community-announce ?16:51
dholbachin a call and have to rush off afterwards16:51
dholbachif anyone else wants to do it, that'd be great16:51
pleia2ok, I'll take care of it16:51
dholbachthank YOU! :)16:51
dholbachall right my friends - weekend time!16:57
dholbachhave a good one!16:57
pleia2have a good one :)16:57
mhall119jcastro: https://plus.google.com/109919666334513536939/posts/6qRvuFNwj2a17:35
jcastroI heart you17:37
popeyhaha, aquarius ^^17:39
aquariusI aim to please17:39
popeyI had a hatred of HTML5 apps which require connection when I was in spain17:39
popeybecause I had near-zero connectivity17:40
popeyso I welcome locally installed applications17:40
popeyi had to stand on a balcony with my phone held 3 feet higher to get a wifi signal17:40
popeyor, not.17:40
jcastroI am useless without a connection17:50
jcastrodoesn't matter if the app is native or web17:50
pleia2popey: I just call it "a day off" :)17:50
jcastroit's like17:51
jcastropeople who are like "chromebooks suck, you need the internet to use them!"17:51
jcastrobut to me a computer is worthless without the internet17:51
pleia2yeah, even when I'm doing "offline work" it turns out I don't actually know anything and have to google for something every 3 minutes ;)17:53
popeypleia2: are you allowed to decide that? don't you have to ask your _husband_!? ㋛17:53
pleia2popey: hahaha17:53
popeycan't believe you got that comment17:53
pleia2it happened a few years back with a UDS shirt too17:53
pleia2"awesome, is your boyfriend an ubuntu developer?!"17:53
pleia2but it is annoying that in a major tech city that the assumption would still be so skewed17:54
jcastroyou should kick them in the neck17:54
pleia2they weren't old either, just some dudebro17:55
jcastrothere really is a reddit for everything17:56
elfynot at all sure how I managed to see Monty Python in that link :(17:57
elfybut I did17:57
pleia2elfy: we know all you english people just sit around all day while watching monty python while wearing funny hats, so we understandable that you'd see it everywhere17:58
jcastrohey look popey17:58
popeyjust the bro's hangin'17:59
jcastropopey: I kid I kid17:59
jcastrohere, I'll even it out.17:59
popeyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7yCCcVJE54  if we ever do UDS again, we must do this sport18:00
jcastrohmm, ricardo just g+'ed that tomorrow image should have my 3g data18:00
jcastroman that looks painful18:01
mhall119 /w aquarius18:05
mhall119https://plus.google.com/109919666334513536939/posts/EDJxstuEzMf I gave it an Ubuntu SDK theme18:05
jcastromhall119: all we need for you to do now is finish all of aquarius's half finished projects18:08
aquariusless of that :)18:08
mhall119jcastro: half-finished?  you're in a generous mood :)18:09
jcastroI didn't want to offend him18:10
jcastrotoo much18:10
=== cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt
jonomhall119, around"23:15
bkerensawoah jono is alive23:27
bkerensajcastro: does the new juju-core have the working local provider?23:28
jonobkerensa, I am indeed :-)23:30
bkerensajono: I sent you a e-mail but I know your box is full :) ping me when things are back to the normal level of craziness :)23:30
jonothanks bkerensa :-)23:30
jcastrobkerensa: not till next month, sorry23:51
bkerensajcastro: kk23:51
jcastrowhen it does I'll be posting all over the world23:51

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