
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
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jibelgood morning06:50
didrockssalut jibel, ça va?06:52
jibelSalut didrocks ! ça va bien et toi ?06:52
didrocksça va bien :)06:52
Mirvdidrocks: infinity just noted that now the raring SRU packages, old ones, are really cleaned by some auto garbage collector :(07:01
Mirvso built files no longer there07:02
didrocksMirv: urgh because they waited for too long?07:02
didrocksMirv: can you publish a recent raring build (if tests pass) then, and he can have a look *now*?07:02
Mirvdidrocks / infinity: slightly newer ones are still there. I did my last check of the bugs and such around the 13.05.16 snapshots, so those versions of the same packages should be good at least07:04
Mirvbut I guess we can't request a sync for past package versions?07:04
didrocksMirv: no, you need for the latest, the run didn't have tests passing?07:04
Mirvdidrocks: which run? the latest? all tests seem to have passed, indicators is just in manual publishing mode07:07
Mirvdidrocks: how do you feel about copying selected packages into SRU PPA instead the sync method?07:07
Mirvcopying the 05.16 packages would still be possible07:08
MirvI'm a bit middle of Qt update for precise/quantal, so I'm not sure if I've time to do the bug overwhaul for the latest .30 packages today07:10
didrocksMirv: TBH, the SRU starts to be more important thatn the Qt update on older release07:11
didrocksMirv: so if I were you, I would shift the priority on that today07:11
Mirvdidrocks: yeah, well, I already did half of it and I need to ensure everything went alright..07:11
Mirvbut that's less work anyhow than continuing07:12
didrocksMirv: so I guess better to force the publish if the bug numbers are good in each package07:12
didrocksthen, let's hope the SRU team will have time to review it :)07:12
Mirvdidrocks: so you'd like to have the .30 releases checked, so you can do the copy request to queue?07:12
Mirvdidrocks: instead of copying the .30 releases to a special SRU PPA and doing the requests from there?07:12
didrocksMirv: can force the publication if you ensure me the bugs listed are fine07:12
didrocksMirv: yeah, better than a copy between ppas07:13
Mirvok, I'll let you know when I've had the latest bugs checked etc07:13
didrocksthanks :)07:13
didrocksMirv: thinking of it, what about creating a tool later on for SRU that can check for SRU compliance grepping all new entries in the changelog?07:13
Mirvsounds useful07:17
seb128hey desktopers, happy friday!07:36
sil2100didrocks: morning! :)08:02
sil2100didrocks: did you remove the previous evdev version from the new queue? Since I see it still in NEW for saucy08:03
seb128Laney, sil2100: hey, happy friday08:05
sil2100Laney, seb128: heya! Happy Friday indeed08:06
Laneyyeah, the sun came out!08:07
=== psivaa_afk is now known as psivaa
sil2100didrocks: and daaamn, when unity's check job was FINALLY green for head, unity just had to fail on the build step, because of unity-lens-music having a build problem... What luck08:09
sil2100didrocks: should I force a publish?08:09
didrockssil2100: is unity-lens-music built now?08:09
sil2100didrocks: it's building08:10
didrocksyou need to wait for it to be built08:10
didrockswhat's the number of tests failing?08:10
sil2100didrocks: 11 and 1308:10
didrocksok, back to normal so :)08:10
didrocksso yeah, once built, please do a manual publishing08:10
didrockssil2100: then, on Monday, let's move it to saucy?08:10
didrockswhich would mean, move autopilot 1.3 to saucy08:10
didrocksso better to check with the touch guys08:10
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
didrocksseb128: do you have time to review phablet-tools and android-audiosystems in new?08:13
seb128didrocks, sure08:13
didrocksthanks :)08:13
Laneyoh, we didn't get an LO upload last night?08:13
seb128Laney, no, I'm lost on what needs to be changed in there and nobody else was left around08:14
Laneyoh right08:14
Laneytaking this: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commitdiff;h=bf27df32a74473a045605a8e7b02b5586a6ebcd808:14
seb128Sweetshark, hey, around?08:15
didrockstseliot: hey, how are you?08:53
tseliotdidrocks: hi, I'm fine, thanks, you?08:53
didrockstseliot: I'm good thanks.08:54
didrocksI think I'll prefer rejecting nvidia-prime08:54
didrockstseliot: have a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/5719278/08:54
tseliotdidrocks: I can make those corrections, test and reupload today08:55
didrockstseliot: great, thanks!08:55
didrockstseliot: keep me posted, I'm reject the other one for now, ok?08:55
tseliotdidrocks: thanks for your suggestions :)08:56
tseliotdidrocks: what's the problem with .in files?09:09
didrockstseliot: just that you have the generated one in the package and the .in next to them09:09
didrockstseliot: it's just a suggestion to have the .in only, as none are needed to build the source package09:09
didrocksand during the build, the .in -> in09:10
didrocksopsss .in -> file09:10
didrocksdebian/rules clean would remove those generated file09:10
didrocks(that avoids someone editing the file without the .in)09:10
didrockswe had a lot of those examples in the desktop team :)09:10
tseliotdidrocks: ah, I misread what you wrote. So anything but the .install file should remain there?09:11
didrockstseliot: hum, do we need the postinst as well? I think just keep the .in and remove the file you generate in debian/rules09:13
tseliotdidrocks: sure, I'll remove them all09:14
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seb128didrocks, hum, phablet-tools minor nitpick09:16
seb128License: GPL-309:16
seb128See the applicable version of the GNU Lesser General Public09:16
seb128 License for more details.09:16
seb128 09:16
seb128didrocks, seems like somebody took the snippet of the LGPL and dropped the L but forgot to drop the Lesser in the text09:16
seb128didrocks, same bug in some of the sources09:16
didrocksseb128: mind telling that to upstream?09:16
seb128didrocks, who is upstream?09:17
seb128accepting anyway, it's just a typo09:17
didrocksI didn't check the packags FYI09:17
didrocksyeah ;)09:17
tseliotdidrocks: are there any examples of packages using /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults ?09:23
didrockstseliot: I think ubuntustudio-desktop should use it (or ubuntustudio-default-settings)09:25
didrockstseliot: I think you'll need a lightdm patch though09:25
tseliotdidrocks: a lightdm patch?09:26
didrockstseliot: yeah, to set the value you need (if not supported already)09:30
didrockstseliot: should be few lines09:30
tseliotdidrocks: the main problem is that I will have to backport this to Precise too (well, not today)09:31
didrockstseliot: maybe check with robert_ancell? How do you add the stenza if lightdm.conf is there (as you don't add it as of today)09:34
tseliotdidrocks: right now I'm simply using a custom file that I ship09:35
tseliotdidrocks: I can try to pick the one from the system and add that section09:35
didrockstseliot: right, but if the file is already installed (main case), you don't add anything to lightdm.conf?09:35
didrockstseliot: yeah, seems better09:35
tseliotdidrocks: ok, I'll work on that then09:36
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=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
Sweetsharkseb128: around now.09:57
seb128Sweetshark, hey09:57
seb128Sweetshark, can you get a libreoffice upload ready for the issue we discussed yesterday? Laney got the new (old) package in saucy09:58
* Sweetshark got two vaccination shots yesterday, kicked me harder than expected.09:59
Sweetsharkseb128: so just adjusting the breaks right?09:59
seb128Laney, ^09:59
Laneyno no09:59
Laneydrop the Build-Conflicts and adjust the Build-Depends10:00
seb128Sweetshark, http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commitdiff;h=bf27df32a74473a045605a8e7b02b5586a6ebcd810:00
seb128do the equivalent10:00
Laneycan you cherry-pick that ... ^ ?10:00
SweetsharkLaney: yes, no problem.10:00
Sweetsharkseb128: will a upload to chinstrap do for you to pick up there?10:01
seb128Sweetshark, yes please10:01
=== damjanko is now known as Lucan7
=== Lucan7 is now known as damjanko
tseliotdidrocks: how about this? It seems to work well here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5719555/10:59
Mirvdidrocks: 13.05.31~13.04, sources good for publishing: bamf compiz libindicator nux unity unity-lens-applications unity-lens-videos11:02
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Sweetsharkseb128, Laney: I see hsqldb1.8.0 in saucy, but doesnt it need to be MIRed?11:09
seb128Sweetshark, no, it's code that was already in main11:09
Laneyit should have been NEWed to main11:09
Laneywasn't, but can be promoted as seb says11:09
Sweetsharkhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hsqldb1.8.0 <- says universe11:09
seb128that's ok, we tend to promote things when they show on component mismatch11:09
seb128e.g when something start using them11:10
Sweetsharkseb128: ok, so not blocking on that then.11:10
tseliotseb128: how does one apply for archive admin privileges?11:10
seb128no need to block indeed, thanks for checking ;-)11:10
seb128tseliot, email ubuntu-archive@l.u.c or ask on #ubuntu-release11:11
LaneyI think all of evo/eds/empathy is now uploaded11:11
seb128Laney, \o/11:11
tseliotseb128: ok, thanks11:12
* Laney wonders why logind needs an entire core11:13
ogra_thats a lennartrule11:14
Laneyit's doing his bitcoin mining11:14
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
Sweetsharkseb128: libreoffice_4.0.2-0ubuntu3_source.changes is on chinstrap, but hasnt finished building locally11:36
seb128Sweetshark, well, you only changed the depends/conflicts stuff, no reason the build would change from the previous one right?11:37
Sweetsharkseb128: I just vividly remember Linus from his talk on git at google in moments like this "developer makes a small commit that ... cant ... possibly ... break ... anything" ;)11:39
seb128Sweetshark, well, Linus might screw up but you don't, right? ;-)11:39
didrocksMirv: ok, mind publishing them? You have the credentials ;)11:48
didrockstseliot: that looks good to me :) I wonder about the cat however. It won't be marked as a conffile?11:50
didrockstseliot: so, it will never be purged and not sure what happens if lightdm retry to restore it?11:50
tseliotdidrocks: it will be purged with lightdm11:51
tseliotdidrocks: and when nvidia-prime is removed, only that specific line that we added is removed11:51
Sweetsharkseb128: I try to keep my screw-ups private -- sometimes I fail at that. I wouldnt want to be private screw-up free at all -- its the best way to learn. ;)11:52
Sweetsharkseb128: but yeah, the pbuilder is way past build-deps and ./configure, so the risks of this blowing up still are rather small.11:53
seb128Sweetshark, shrug, your upload was targetted to raring ... can you redo it for saucy?11:53
* tseliot > lunch11:53
Sweetsharkseb128: arrgh.11:54
* Sweetshark shakes angry fist at dch.11:54
seb128Sweetshark, bonus point if you -S only rather including all the orig tarballs in the upload11:55
Sweetsharkseb128: wait, both is correct here. Maybe the scp to chinstrap went wrong?11:56
* Sweetshark checks11:56
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seb128Sweetshark, both what?11:56
didrockstseliot: but if there was no lightdm.conf11:58
didrocksthen, nvidia-prime installs it11:58
didrockswe purge nvidia-prime11:58
didrocksonly the line is removed, not the installed lightdm.conf that nvidia-prime "owned"? (as there was none)11:58
Sweetsharkseb128: hmm, *confused* ... my scp copies them _somewhere_, but the files in my home on chinstrap look different.12:00
Mirvdidrocks: ok, will check the command line via /msg with you12:03
Sweetsharkseb128: /home/bjoern/libreoffice_4.0.2-0ubuntu3* on chinstrap now look good to me.12:03
tseliotdidrocks: shall I remove the case in which the lightdm.conf is created when it's not found then?12:04
seb128Sweetshark, looks good indeed, thanks12:06
didrockstseliot: I think it makes sense to not activate it, lightdm surely doesn't run in that case12:07
didrockstseliot: then, please upload, I'll rereview quickly :)12:07
tseliotdidrocks: I have just uploaded the package.  If you want to have a look at the diff with the latest change: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5719713/12:17
didrockstseliot: ah, excellent, thanks!12:17
didrockslooks good :)12:17
tseliotdidrocks: thanks a lot for your help. I really appreciate it :)12:18
didrockstseliot: thanks for changing that and fixing that up quickly :)12:19
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
didrockstseliot: oh, I still have the files in the source package12:53
didrockstseliot: I think debian/rules clean should remove them12:53
didrockslet me ensure I cleaned my /tmp12:53
tseliotdidrocks: yes, they shouldn't really be in the tarball12:53
didrockstseliot: looks gorgious, a quick build and I'll hack :)12:54
tseliotgood :)12:54
didrockstseliot: NEWed :)12:55
didrocksseb128: any chance for android-audiosystem if you get a minute? :)12:55
tseliotdidrocks: excellent, thanks. Can we move it to main when we have the binary or shall I file a MIR? (not urgent)12:56
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didrockstseliot: I think a MIR will be better, I tried to not review for MIR a package I review for NEW12:57
tseliotdidrocks: ok, good. Thanks again12:57
didrocksyw ;)12:58
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
seb128didrocks, I started looked at it earlier but it's not a trivial source ... you could review it btw, you are not the one who uploaded ;-)13:11
seb128started looking*13:12
didrocksseb128: I cleaned up the package and still on deploying otto13:13
didrocksso don't really feel independant enough for that one13:13
seb128k, I will finish it13:13
seb128I stopped because I was unsure what to do with the pulseaudio config files that are in there and under the LGPL2+ but not listed in copyright13:13
didrocksseb128: IIRC, rsalveti is upstream for it with ricmm13:14
seb128didrocks, are they doing the packaging/debian copyright as well?13:18
didrocksseb128: they did, but we can help fixing it13:19
mterrydidrocks, seb128: hello, happy Friday!  So for this 100scopes MIR, I noted that the launchpad and sshsearch scopes are python2 (for understandable reasons).  Does the desktop team still want them bad enough to add to the python2 base?13:19
didrockslaunchpad is forced by the launchpadapi13:20
seb128mterry, hey, happy friday13:20
didrocksnot sure for sshsearch!13:20
didrockshappy friday mterry :)13:20
mterrydidrocks, that's by python-paramiko13:20
seb128didrocks, I think that's what he meant by "for understandable reasons"13:20
seb128but good question13:21
seb128I would prefer avoid adding new python2 package to the default desktop at this point13:21
didrocksmaybe we should bring barry to that discussion? ^13:21
didrockshum, no barry around :)13:21
seb128didrocks, to who/where do I do review comments about android-audiosystem then?13:27
didrocksseb128: I would say #ubuntu-touch and ping them13:28
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Laneydid we decide to keep apport bug reporting turned off?13:43
seb128no, we didn't discuss it13:44
seb128but pitti is off until monday so today is not a good day to discuss it I guess13:44
seb128Laney, do you have an opinion on the topic?13:44
Laneywell, I just enabled it on my systems because I feel like the bug reports give better tracking13:45
Laneylike I can come back and see the trace much easier13:45
seb128Sweetshark, Laney: libreoffice build fails on13:45
seb128"checking which hsqldb to use... external13:45
seb128checking for /usr/share/java/hsqldb.jar... no13:45
seb128configure: error: hsqldb.jar not found."13:45
Laneyoh dear13:45
Laneyyeah there's some other commits for that13:46
jbichaLaney: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-contacts/3.8.0-1ubuntu1/+build/463024913:47
Laneyjbicha: depwait?13:47
Laneyho hum13:47
seb128Laney, cheese is not in main13:47
Laneyyeah, just missed it when merging13:48
Laneywhy did it build in the PPA? I turned on the option to follow the archive components to catch things like this :|13:49
seb128go figure :/13:51
seb128Sweetshark, ^ any idea?13:51
* Laney is going to test-build a cherry-pick of that thing13:52
seb128I would look a bit more into it if libreoffice was not taking like half an hour to download, 15 minutes to unpack, 10 hours to build, etc13:52
seb128Laney, thanks13:52
Laneyrunning lintian on LO might have been an error13:58
Laneycould be some time13:58
seb128running anything on LO seems like an error after 15 minutes :p13:59
desrthai guies13:59
seb128desrt, howdy14:00
desrtseb128: teach me something new!14:00
desrtit's learn-something-friday!14:00
Laneylibreoffice build-depends on firefox!14:01
ogra_is that new ?14:01
Laneydunno, this is all new to me14:01
* ogra_ thought that was the case for ages 14:01
Laneyit's only 337M of deps to download, though it would be worse14:01
ogra_but probably it is new for desrt14:01
desrtlearn-something-new-and-useful friday? :)14:02
* Laney wasn't trying to teach :P14:02
czajkowskiseb128: doesnt running LO *always* result in an error :)14:02
Sweetsharkseb128: hang on, Im in a call14:03
seb128desrt, on the amusing fact we are just closing the coldest month of may in 30 years with 30% less sun that the normal over the month for France14:03
* seb128 wants summer14:04
czajkowskiseb128: at least you have summmer and sunshine!14:04
czajkowskilets not rub it in to those who've yet to have nice weather :914:04
seb128czajkowski, I hope we still do!14:04
desrtseb128: it's going to be 30° here today14:04
seb128desrt, can't win?14:04
czajkowskidesrt: where are you ?14:04
* seb128 wants 25°C14:04
larsuseb128: me too!14:04
czajkowski25-28 is rather nice14:04
Laneywe've got 21 here14:04
czajkowskiLaney: up north!14:05
desrtczajkowski: toronto14:05
Laneyate lunch outside and everything14:05
czajkowskidesrt: oh nice, but you also get way too much so,  I did at one point consider moving there14:05
czajkowskiLaney: coming down to london any time soon ?14:06
Laneyhopefully not :P14:06
desrtczajkowski: i've been concluding lately that toronto is the best city on earth.  i'd advise anyone to move here :)14:06
Laneyseb128: alright, LO at least passed configure ...14:07
seb128Laney, good enough, upload!14:07
Laneythe build actually seems to parallelise14:08
Laneyit'll almost certainly run out of space14:08
attenteis anyone else missing their datetime indicator?14:09
seb128attente, do you have indicator-datetime-service running?14:10
seb128attente, if not, do you get any error if you try to run it by hand (it's in /usr/lib/$arch/indicator-datetime-service)14:11
attentehuh.. that was really weird, it wasn't installed14:11
attenteworking now14:11
seb128look into /var/log/dpkg.log14:12
Laneydon't tell me you're running with proposed enabled!14:12
seb128you might get infos on when it got uninstalled14:12
seb128he's probably and got hit by the e-d-s transition I guess14:12
seb128larsu, btw your gtk patch is in saucy so you can start depending on it, tweak your build-depends/depends to >= 3.8.2-0ubuntu214:13
larsuseb128: awesome, thanks!14:14
* larsu goes ahead and tweaks14:14
seb128yw, sorry it took so long, it has been a busy week14:14
larsuha, no worries :)14:14
* Sweetshark stomps on the ground and sulkily retreats into a corner as there is no love here for the libreoffice package ...14:16
Laneyfor some reason I'd disabled building in ram which is why it ran out of space14:17
Laneyhopefully should work now14:17
Laneyunless it needs more than 16G14:17
seb128Laney, "build" like source build or binary build?14:20
Sweetsharkseb128: I cant quite make out from the backlog if you solved the LibreOffice issue. FWIW it is still happily building in my pbuilder14:20
seb128Sweetshark, there would be love for it if the thing was building :p14:20
seb128Laney, good luck, I had to made over 6GB of free space for a debuild -S14:20
seb128Laney, btw could you review my commits to d-conf in the debian svn? I could use a second look on it just to make that the change is already/makes sense14:21
Sweetsharkseb128: my pbuilder is not having -proposed here though, maybe thats the difference?14:22
Laneyyes, it is14:22
seb128Sweetshark, likely yes14:22
Sweetsharkok, aborting that build then and try with -proposed ...14:23
Sweetsharkseb128: just to rub it in:14:24
Sweetshark13:37 < seb128> Sweetshark, well, you only changed the depends/conflicts stuff, no reason the build would change from the previous one right?14:24
Sweetshark13:38 < Sweetshark> seb128: I just vividly remember Linus from his talk on git at google in moments like this "developer makes a small commit that ... cant ... possibly ... break ... anything" ;)14:24
seb128Sweetshark, alright, noted, you had a point there :p14:25
seb128Laney, btw did you see my d-conf ping?14:30
Sweetsharkseb128, Laney: Ok, my log now says "Get:14 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com saucy-proposed/main amd64 Packages [55.1 kB]Get:14 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com saucy-proposed/main amd64 Packages [55.1 kB]" but still happily walks past the ./configure.14:30
Laneyseb128: yeah, sorry, will look in a minute14:33
Laneyputting even more bits of my system into ram14:33
seb128Laney, no hurry14:33
sil2100mterry: hi! How's the discussion regarding the python2 scopes?14:35
LaneySweetshark: you got the new hsqldb?14:35
SweetsharkLaney: yes, but I think I dont break because I have _both_ hsqldbs14:36
SweetsharkLaney: which leads me to assume that maybe renes fix is wrong14:37
Laneywatching a graph of all cores is quite nice while doing a LO build14:37
LaneyI don't know how you would have got both - what's in Build-Depends?14:37
mterrysil2100, I believe last I heard seb128 was not excited about adding python2 packages, but we wanted to run it by barry14:37
seb128Laney, are you going to wait for the build to finish to upload?14:37
mterrysil2100, who isn't online right now14:37
Laneyseb128: don't know - I'm kind of scared about uploading a failing package14:38
sil2100mterry: ok! Thanks14:38
seb128mterry, sil2100: right, it's the same as for tests, if we are lazy and let stuff in nobody will fix them later, if somebody really wants those scope in the default install they should port them and port the other packages needed to make that happen...14:38
SweetsharkLaney: now Im breaking too with the libsqldb-java removed.14:38
seb128Laney, well, it's already broken...14:38
seb128Laney, both Sweetshark and me did that already, join us :p14:39
mterryseb128, I'm surprised launchpadlib is still python214:39
Laneyit's going to be building way past all our EODs already14:39
seb128Laney, right, but maybe it will be built for monday ;-)14:39
LaneySweetshark: how long do you think an in-RAM build will take for me on an i7-3770k with -j8? :-)14:39
seb128well, if you feel like letting your box heat until tonight and upload tomorrow I will not complain14:40
seb128Laney, how much disk space does a build of LO take?14:40
Laney4.5G currently14:40
SweetsharkLaney: hard to guess. my Jenkins on my notebook took 3h (with ccache on a i7-2720QM with 16GB RAM running on a SSD)14:42
SweetsharkLaney: have an hour of that is dpkg singlethreadedly xz-compressing libreoffice-dbg ;)14:43
Laneyurgh yeah, that stuff14:43
seb128well, if you hit that it's that the compile part worked14:44
Sweetsharkon my 32-core 32GB RAM machine with ccache, I get the buildtime down to 3 minutes for an upstream build (which is faster of course, because its not a release build)14:44
Laneyanyway I'll leave it going for a while14:44
Laneylet me look at d-conf14:44
seb128Laney, thanks14:45
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Laneyseb128: The idea seems sound to me14:53
Laneydo you envisage dconf-tools staying around?14:53
seb128Laney, until the next debian release/lts at least for upgrade purposes14:53
seb128Laney, pochu acked the split on #debian-gnome the other day as well btw, I just wanted a second look from somebody on the actual diff14:54
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
LaneySection → oldlibs (to let apt autoremove it)14:54
LaneyArchitecture → all14:54
Laneys/transitionnal/transitional/ and short description → "transitional dummy package"14:55
Laneyand perhaps add "It can safely be removed"14:55
Laneyand it has two rdeps in Debian: gdm3 and gnome-core14:55
rsalvetiseb128: audio-subsystem would need a bit of love to be in a good shape, but feel free to ping me with an mr if you have time to review it14:57
seb128rsalveti, I did review and wrote my comments on #ubuntu-touch14:58
seb128Laney, thanks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5720098/ ?14:58
seb128Laney, great, thanks for the review14:58
LaneyI think dconf-editor's long description could stand to be expanded a touch but that's a nitpick14:58
seb128Laney, if you have any suggestion feel free to edit, you have commit access ;-)14:59
rsalvetiseb128: cool, sorry, checking the backlog14:59
Laneyoh, sorry, the new packages need Breaks too14:59
seb128Laney, I commited my fixes14:59
seb128Laney, why?15:00
seb128it's not a rename15:00
seb128it's a split :p15:00
Laneyso you have to upgrade the old package and get the new empty one15:01
seb128well if you don't that's ok15:01
seb128you just get files overwritten15:01
seb128well, I've no strong opinion either way, adding the Breaks15:02
seb128Laney, right, it's theorically better, though in practice those cases almost never happen in the real world ... added them anyway, thanks ;-)15:04
LaneyI'm a slight policy wonk :P15:04
seb128you are a DD, most of them are :p15:05
seb128Laney, btw if you want to sponsor/upload that to debian feel free, otherwise I will just let it UNRELEASED in the svn (one day Debian will allow source uploads and not force me to have an uptodate debian environment to build/upload fixes)15:05
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SweetsharkLaney: what is that build that you are doing right now? did you patch ./configure.ac in LO?15:13
LaneySweetshark: no, it's passing --with-hsqldb-jar which is already in there15:14
Laneyhttp://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commitdiff;h=fec801a1525c478491d64e4508c7f85f1957b50a;hp=d6bb384bb864f566e343a83f1fccbcb2cf89584b this15:15
Laneyseb128: will do15:16
seb128Laney, thanks15:16
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SweetsharkLaney: ah, ok. FWIW patching configure seems to work here, but --with-hsqldb-jar is indeed cleaner.15:18
Laneyyeah, using the right levers15:18
seb128didrocks, can you binNEW d-conf for me (I just split the -tools in -cli and -editor, Laney already reviewed the diff, it should be fine)15:21
LaneyI'm guessing unity can go to dconf-cli15:23
seb128Laney, want to ack https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/unity/update-dconf-depends/+merge/166826 ? ;-)15:24
Laneyhave no power to do that unfortunately15:24
seb128Laney, I prefer to have dconf-cli to be binNEWed first anyway15:24
seb128that's why I was pinging didrocks15:24
didrocksseb128: sure15:25
seb128didrocks, thanks15:25
didrocksLaney: trusting you!15:25
seb128didrocks, to main please15:25
LaneyI didn't try a build(!)15:25
seb128didrocks, and armhf is just publishing15:25
Laneyso check the packages aren't empty etc (whatever you usually do for binNEW)15:25
seb128done publishing15:25
seb128attente, what's the story with u-g-m and the old appmenu-gtk/gtk patches, does it conflict with any of those?15:27
seb128attente, like should we make sure appmenu-gtk get uninstalled on upgrade?15:27
attenteseb128, yeah, u-g-m doesn't work if the patches are present15:31
attenteif appmenu-gtk is installed with u-g-m, who wins depends on the presence of the patches, but probably better to uninstall appmenu-gtk anyways15:33
attentemaybe it's better to leave both installed when transitioning from patched to unpatched gtk15:34
seb128attente, ok, thanks15:36
attentealthough i guess sil2100 already added the Conflicts between the two15:37
LaneyI thought I saw an Xsession.d snippet to turn appmenu-gtk off from u-g-m15:39
seb128attente, well, we didn't drop the gtk patches yet, and we need to update indicator-appmenu to stop recommending appmenu-gtk but recommends u-g-m instead15:39
sil2100attente, seb128: yes, I made those two conflict currently15:40
sil2100So that we can test it easily on daily-release15:40
seb128sil2100: any plan to change the indicator-appmenu recommends?15:41
didrockssil2100: Mirv: cyphermox: kenvandine: we are removing ati from utah checks to install a saucy machine with it15:47
didrocksfor otto15:47
sil2100seb128: ok, let's do that, since the switch anyway is happening, somehow this task slipped my mind15:47
sil2100seb128: thanks for reminding!15:47
LaneySweetshark: DAMN! ENOSPC!15:50
seb128Laney, told ya, LO is a bitch15:56
Laneyit is15:56
LaneyI've given it 32G now ...15:56
Laneyno more left in the tank15:56
jbichaLaney: when you're done with LO, you should give webkit a try ;)15:56
LaneyI've built webkit loads of times :P15:56
Laneyhaven't seen LO break the linker yet, so each is special in its own way15:57
waltersLaney, are you using -Wl,--no-keep-memory ?15:58
Laneywalters: I think the flag we used in the end was --reduce-memory-overheads16:01
walterswebkitgtk's SetupCompilerFlags.m4 has:16:01
waltersdnl Optimize for ld memory use: http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2012-March/020111.html16:01
waltersLDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--no-keep-memory"16:01
waltersand that works fine for all my builds16:01
Laneyupstream since fixed it - the problems were a while ago16:01
Laneythey split the offending library16:01
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kenvandinedidrocks, cool16:07
didrocksand we have a saucy machine ready as well \o/16:54
Laneyjbicha: ty for evolution-mapi16:55
* didrocks waves good evening and good week-end!16:55
seb128attente, so, I've u-g-m installed, UBUNTU_MENUPROXY unset, but menus show locally with gtk apps (I've rebuilt gtk without the proxy patch but that makes no difference) ... is that a known issue? (I tried inkscape xchat-gnome and poedit)17:01
jbichaLaney: the excuses page wasn't a whole lot of help for that one17:01
Laneyupdate_output.txt had it17:02
Laneyit shows gnome-core-devel too which I'm fixing17:02
Laneyjbicha: I don't really know what the semantics of these metapackages are though17:04
Laneyshould I bump evo/eds to 3.8 or just remove the dropped -dev packge?17:04
jbichaLaney: I think dropping is enough, I believe Debian uses the minimum version numbers to force upgrades but we shouldn't need that on Ubuntu17:05
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Laneyapt claims it's installable here17:14
Laneygood enough for me. SHIP IT.17:14
Laneyhappy weekend!17:23
LaneyI'll come back in a bit to check on / upload LO17:23
seb128Laney, happy w.e to you too!17:31
seb128ok, time to call it a week for me too17:38
seb128see you on monday17:38
ricotzhmm seb is gone :\17:42
ricotzLaney, hi, the breaks in d-conf are a bit wrong17:42
Laneyricotz: please fix18:17
Laneyricotz: what's the problem?18:20
Laneyor are you talking about the Ubuntu version? because I only looked at the one I uploaded to Debian and that was right IIRC18:21
Laneyanyway, bbl18:21
ricotzLaney, ah sorry, i mean the ubuntu version http://launchpadlibrarian.net/141181976/d-conf_0.16.0-0ubuntu1_0.16.0-0ubuntu2.diff.gz which uses the debian breaks/replaces18:23
jbicharicotz: I'm uploading the fix18:34
dobeygreat quote. horrible quit message19:03
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jdstrandcyphermox: hi! is evolution-indicator supposed to work in 12.04? someone mentioned it doesn't and I tried to get it to, but it doesn't. it neither display the message count for the inbox nor does it turn the envelope green (or some other color)20:09
jdstrandcyphermox: googling indicated that others have the same issue20:09
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cyphermoxjdstrand: it should have, but I'm not sue22:38
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