
darkxstjbicha, g-c-c with packagekit integration for installing language packs in on my logind ppa now if you want to test it ;)02:45
lirexHallo, kann mir bitte jemand erklären ,wie man die Gastsitzung (lightdm) in Ubuntu-Gnome (gdm) einbauen kann?05:54
lirexHello, can someone please tell me how to install the guest session (lightdm) in Ubuntu Gnome (gdm)?05:55
darkxstlirex, that is not supported in gdm06:11
lirexBut I know you can install it possibly?06:12
darkxstlirex, best you could do would be to make a guest account with no password or something, there is no way to get a guest session like what exists in lightdm07:07
lirexbut this would not erase ALL data when the guest logs off. Especially this is important because it should be a public PC. You could just install lightdm instead of GDM in order to have this feature or lack there more07:16
darkxstsure you can install lightdm07:17
ricotzdarkxst, hi :)08:42
ricotzdarkxst, what is the deal with ubuntu_fix_pc_plugindir.patch in network-manager?08:44
darkxstricotz, it was to fix vpn plugins, however turned out it was incomplete09:11
ricotzdarkxst, i will drop it then while copying the saucy package09:12
ricotzthis isnt even upstream09:12
darkxstricotz, make sure you test vpn plugins in g-c-c 3.609:33
ricotzdarkxst, why g-c-c 3.6?09:34
darkxstbecause that is in saucy still09:35
darkxstor are you copying saucy package to ppa?09:35
ricotzdarkxst, i am copying the saucy nm package to the raring staging ppa09:36
ricotzso there is no need to test 3.6 things09:36
darkxstright, so vpn plugins will break again without that patch09:36
ricotzif g-c-c 3.6 is broken in saucy then this is another thing09:36
ricotzdarkxst, that is why i asked you as i understood this patch didnt work anyway09:37
ricotzdarkxst, is the vpn plugin installed in the wrong place?09:38
darkxstricotz, yeh, its somewhat inconsistent, fallout from these patches https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/98578809:40
ubot5`Launchpad bug 985788 in network-manager-vpnc (Ubuntu Precise) "Can’t connect to VPN from GNOME Shell" [Low,Triaged]09:40
darkxstexternal plugins all install to /usr/lib/NetworkManager,but09:40
darkxstthe .pc file points to /usr/lib/x86*/NetworkManager09:41
darkxst(for plugin location)09:41
ricotzah ok, a multiarch mix up09:42
ricotzdarkxst, did you make cyphermox aware of that?09:44
ricotzsince this is needed in saucy too then09:44
darkxstno I havent09:44
ricotzdarkxst, backporting the corresponding 0.9.8 versions of "network-manager-openvpn, network-manager-openconnect, network-manager-vpnc, network-manager-pptp" is useful anyway too09:52
darkxstthat won't help too much, unless the patches for 985788 have been dropped10:00
ricotzdarkxst, did you confirm that this problem appears again in saucy?10:00
darkxstit will with g-c-c 3.8, havent checked 3.610:00
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ricotzdarkxst, i've restored it10:13
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jbicharicotz: mozjs17 is still waiting in the new queue and I'll be uploading gnome-shell 3.8 to saucy later today17:44
ricotzjbicha, oh, nice, please make sure to use the debian package layout for mutter17:45
jbichaI'm not sure that it's worth trying to keep the GNOME3 PPAs having a newer version of gjs and gnome-shell just for mozjs1717:45
ricotze.g. libmutter0b17:45
jbichayes I'm doing that17:45
ricotzhow do mean newer versions?17:46
jbichaI think you'll want to have a newer version of gjs than 1.36.1-1 in your PPA then for mozjs1717:46
jbichagnome-shell 3.8 and gjs in saucy can't depend on mozjs17 yet17:46
ricotzah ok17:47
jbichasome people are trying to run Saucy + the GNOME3 PPAs for Raring but it will break if anyone uploads a newer version to saucy anyway17:47
ricotzmy ppa is already at 1.37 and i will keep an eye on things breaking17:48
jbichaoh never mind, I didn't see gjs when I looked there earlier17:48
ricotzjbicha, thanks for the heads up17:48
ricotzand the raring gjs package in gnome3 should overrule it too17:49
ricotzgjs - 1.36.1+js17-0ubuntu1~raring017:49
ricotzjbicha, btw cogl can be synced17:50
jbicharicotz: unfortunately not by me as cogl isn't in the desktop set these days17:50
ricotzbut it might create trouble for arm if somethings links against the gles2 library17:50
ricotzdarkxst, do you know if there is going to be a mozjs 17.0.6 release?17:52
ricotzdarkxst, i checked and there are some changes, not sure if they are relevant though17:52
jbichahmm I guess I'll need to upload a newer gnome-shell version than saucy after all17:52
ricotzjbicha, this might be something which should go into raring https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3/+sourcepub/3234428/+listing-archive-extra17:54
jbicharicotz: you're welcome to try for an SRU17:57
asdf__so how's this work..is there a forum or somthn for troubleshooting question?23:33
tommie-lieyou can probably get some support from the general forums at ubuntuforums.org23:36
tommie-lieother than that: ask and see if someone answers, idle around in IRC, don't expect someone with the right answer within the next few minutes23:37
asdf__i just install ubuntu gnome, after migrate to debian since unity is official in ubuntu. first impresion is, why the icons in "show application" are freakishly big?23:50
asdf__is it by design or will it be fix? or is it because i use small monitor?23:51
tommie-liewhat do you mean by freakishly big? I would estimate them to be roughly 64x64 pixels, this is normal23:53

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