
racarrI have to go through the process now of extracting all these different little changes now00:00
racarrand figuring what fixes what and what goes in what branch00:00
racarrand it' brutal because I know im going to lock up my whole system 10 times in the process00:00
RAOFWell, that was an odd door-knock.00:20
RAOF“Are there any Catholics in the house?”00:20
robert_ancellRAOF, did then then break out some turntables and have some sort of Catholic rave?00:23
RAOFWika wika waaaaaow!00:23
RAOFrobert_ancell: There's currently no infrastructure for lightdm to determine what type of session to run based on the result of a canary binary, is there?00:26
RAOFBecause it would be pretty easy to write a canary binary for ‘can unity-system-compositor possibly work’00:26
thomiok, dumb question: It seems the demo_server will render all surfaces at 0,0 right? Is it the responsibility of the shell to determine where things get rendered ?00:27
RAOFthomi: Yes.00:31
RAOFWell, it's the responsibility of the shell to do all the window managementy bits, of which ‘where should this window be’ is obviously one.00:31
thomiI see. So what will the demo server do when multiple surfaces are rendered? I assume the last one to render will be the one shown?00:32
thomii.e.- it'll overwrite, not do any kind of alpha blending?00:32
RAOFMy last understanding of the status was that exactly one surface would be non-hidden, so... :)00:34
racarrYes at the moment00:49
thomithat doesn't seem very friendly :)01:10
robert_ancellRAOF, no01:35
RAOFrobert_ancell: Is it something you think would be reasonable to have?01:39
robert_ancellRAOF, it doesn't really fit with the design, so I'm thinking it will be easiest to just make the "unity" seat type revert to VT switching if it wants to (it's not a lot of code, just need to copy the logic from src/seat-xlocal.c to src/seat-unity.c)01:40
robert_ancellAnd long term we can drop the fallback from seat-unity.c probably01:41
robert_ancellRAOF, do you know what sort of code we need to make the decision? If it's not too complex we can put it into seat-unity.c directly01:41
RAOFrobert_ancell: We need to iterate over the drm devices that udev iterates for us, then call drmModeIsSupported() on each. It's not a lot of code.01:42
robert_ancellRAOF, also, I was wondering if we should just put the check into the system compositor, and the unity seat falls back to VT switching if the system compositor doesn't exist or starts (e.g. due to not having supported drivers)01:43
RAOFThat sounds reasonable.01:50
robert_ancellRAOF, I'm making it support the VT fallback case now01:53
secret_ninjacool, there are ppl. here.. awesome.. preparing to install mir now.01:55
RAOFI'll check that unity-system-compositor does the right thing.01:55
secret_ninjadoes it work on nividia fx 5200?01:55
RAOFShould do, as long as you're using nouveau.01:56
secret_ninjaso, i gotta switch back to noveau.01:57
secret_ninjathat's not a prob., just lose my s-video output.. :(01:57
secret_ninjaim quite interested in getting involved in development of mir..01:58
robert_ancellsecret_ninja, awesome! :)02:00
mycoguycosecret ninja is hung up. im him. so, i gotta downgrade to nouveau..02:02
mycoguycoquiet in here02:04
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RAOFYeah, you need nouveau. We don't¹ run on the proprietary drivers.02:05
RAOF¹: But are working to make that happen.02:06
thomiRAOF: is there a higher level API to render to a surface than what's done in the unaccelerated demo? I mean, without using gl ;)02:06
secret_ninjaok. i just lose svideo out..02:06
RAOFthomi: GL *is* the higher-level rendering API :)02:06
secret_ninjaim interested in development.02:06
secret_ninjathis project sounds very interesting.02:06
thomiRAOF: yeah... I guess I should just use that02:06
RAOFthomi: Although you could probably also use Cairo and render using that.02:06
secret_ninjawill it compile with llvm?02:07
secret_ninjawas *vaguely* intersted in playing with llvm also.02:07
secret_ninjapretty quiet in here02:12
RAOFsecret_ninja: It will complie with clang, but might not run.02:14
RAOFsecret_ninja: If you wanted a good project to start with, ferreting out why the unittests fail when built with clang would be nice :)02:14
secret_ninjaaight. might be byting off more than i should all at once, but why not..02:16
RAOFFixing unit tests does at least give a very obvious means of checking progress ;)02:17
secret_ninjai haven't yet played with llvm yet. much more fam. with gcc, but wanting to play with llvm..02:19
secret_ninjadont have high expectations.. :)02:19
RAOFYou should have. clang produces error messages about an order of magnitude better than g++02:20
secret_ninjareally? heh, i liked g++ errors..02:22
secret_ninjamore /etc/X11/Xsession.options02:29
secret_ninjawrong window02:29
robert_ancellRAOF, https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/lightdm/unity-vt-fallback/+merge/16663102:42
racarrBack for a while!03:43
RAOFYou midnight owl, you!03:49
racarrthomi: So not moving the cursor I can't reproduce any problems with trunk04:07
thomiracarr: ok, let me re-pull and re-build04:08
racarrthomi: That may be a complete lie04:09
racarrit may just be very intermittent04:09
racarryeah ok ive still got a crash04:09
thomiracarr: it happens pretty frequently here... as in, within 10 seconds04:09
racarrnow I can start applying fixes04:09
thomiyou're using mir-stress ?04:10
racarratm I am eating indian food but at a later point I will be using mir-stress again04:11
thomioh man, I'm jealous04:11
thomialthough... it is "Fish and Chip Friday", so that's something to look forward to I guess04:11
racarrI was obsessed with fish and chips when we lived in england when I was young04:13
racarrobsessed XD04:13
thomiNew Zealand fish and chips are a little different04:14
thomithere's none of that malt vinegar shenanigans, for a start04:14
racarrI'm only in it for the batter.04:15
racarrthe thing that still worries me about all this is I understand04:18
racarrthe deadlock that shows up after I "Fix" the crash04:18
racarrbut I can't find any possible set of circumstances where the race for this crash to happen04:18
racarrwould happen04:18
secret_ninjawoohoo.. compiling llvm and clang04:18
secret_ninjad/l'ing mir.04:18
racarrsecret_ninja: Don't party too hard04:19
secret_ninjablarg, gonna sleep through the compile and d/l.04:19
secret_ninjaiim only getting 15k/sec on the d/l and it is 700 megs04:20
secret_ninja14 hrs left.04:20
secret_ninjareminds me when i pirated digital unix for an alpha i had at home back in the 90's.04:21
secret_ninjai was on isdn04:21
secret_ninjatook all wknd04:21
secret_ninjaquick llvm question...should i do an optimize or profiled build?04:45
RAOFsecret_ninja: Doesn't really matter.04:51
secret_ninjawasn sure if profiling did anything arch specific04:53
secret_ninjai just did optimized. damn, i specified arch x86_64 ( ive got amd 64 bit). won't be able to compile to other archs.. damn, i gotta start thinking more.04:54
secret_ninjaor, will i?  guess ill find out.04:55
RAOFI'm not quite sure why you'd want to build for other archs at this point.04:58
RAOFYou *can*, with a chroot or a cross-compiler or similar.04:59
RAOFBut that's not really interesting unless you want to deploy on a phone or somesuch04:59
secret_ninjaok, that's what i was thinking when i installed, that i would just be compiling for this arch.. but, if i get into coding again, im gonna wanna check my code compiles for all archs.05:05
secret_ninjaeven though i can't test resulting binary code05:05
secret_ninjastill compiling, still d/l'ing mir.. gonna be all night on the c/l.. dunno how long compile will take.05:05
RAOFOn a reasonable system Mir shouldn't take more than 10 minutes or so to build.05:14
RAOFGenerally speaking you don't need to care about having your code compile on different architectures. That's the compiler's job :)05:17
secret_ninjalame shit.. didn't rename clang-3.2.src to clang and it didn't compile it by default..06:10
secret_ninjamir at 25%.. woot, woot.06:14
RAOFAny particular reason why you didn't just install clang from the repositories?06:29
RAOFMaybe you're not running Ubuntu?06:29
secret_ninjai like to compile from source07:27
secret_ninjaLinux citadel 3.8.0-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 16 15:17:14 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:27
secret_ninjaleftover habit from openBSD days.07:29
secret_ninjabeen running linux since 94.07:31
secret_ninjaand, i gotta say, 13.04 is the best one ive seen yet.07:32
secret_ninjathis way, i know that the llvm and the clang are the correlating versions.07:33
secret_ninjano /lib probs, etc07:34
secret_ninjahe's gonna need a temp ban.07:34
secret_ninjait's still compiling..07:35
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secret_ninjamorphis is away..07:36
secret_ninjano ops in here?07:36
secret_ninjamir is 33%07:37
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* RAOF wonders who has ops here07:50
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xrcgood day09:45
xrcI was playing around with mir - got it from the ppa:mir-team/staging09:45
xrcit didn't install the unity-system-compozitor untill a couple of ours ago09:46
xrcthen I forced it to get the latest mir-server that has been kept back09:46
xrcand now after a reboot I am stuck at the ubuntu loading screen09:47
xrcno login window09:47
xrcI've logged in and used 'startx'09:47
xrcand all seems to be fine09:47
xrcbut I need it to work after the restart09:48
xrcI haven't changed the lightdm.cfg to start mir09:48
xrcso I'm a bit confused09:48
xrccan anyone help me ?09:48
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xrcI'll be on a couple of hours09:58
xrcin case anyone here can help me09:58
xrcthanks in advance!09:58
alan_g xrc I don't know what's happened on your system - FWIW mine runs fine without lightdm.cfg changes. But "forced it to get the latest mir-server" sounds like something I don't do. Could you expand on that?10:00
xrcalan_g, well, I was following this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-system-compositor/+bug/117772210:00
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1177722 in Unity System Compositor "mir ppa : unity-system-compositor should be built against latest mir libraries" [High,Fix released]10:00
xrcalan_g, so today when I did a sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade, all the packages seemed to install just fine10:01
xrcalan_g, I even got the unity-system-compositor installed10:01
xrcalan_g, then I noticed some packages that were not updated10:02
xrcalan_g, and they were libmirserver0 and mir-demos10:02
xrcalan_g, gimme a sec, I'll dig up the commands I used from history10:03
xrcalan_g, so basically I first did an update, then and upgrade10:05
xrcalan_g, it installed the new lightdm and unity-system-compositor and all that were not installed because of the bug above10:05
alan_gxrc: that ought to work - you didn't override anything then?10:05
xrcalan_g, but it showed that libmirserver0 and mir-demos were held back10:06
xrcalan_g, so I forced them via 'sudo apt-get install libmirserver0 mir-demos'10:06
* alan_g checks - he's not updated for a few days, so probably isn't running what's in the ppa today10:06
xrcalan_g, I guess the problem is that when I did force to install the new version - it killed lightdm (uninstall)10:08
xrcalan_g, and now lightdm can't be installed cause it tries to get the one from the mir server ppa, and that one won't install because of the broken dependencies issue10:09
alan_gxrc: sounds possible. It is a development stack, and does break sometimes10:10
=== ubot5` is now known as ubot5
xrcalan_g, how can I get the default lightdm from official ubuntu repositories to install?10:10
alan_gxrc: Personally, I tend to reinstall to get to a known state. But it ought to be possible to force uninstalls and reinstalls with e.g. deselect (but when that doesn't work straight away it costs more time than a reinstall).10:13
alan_gothers here might have other ideas10:14
xrcalan_g, ok, I got lightdm reinstalled from the official ubuntu repositories10:15
xrcalan_g, now it's being held back from upgrade, because of the bug I mentioned before. This was the state of my machine for a few days )10:15
xrcalan_g, as a side note - where can I register this nickname so when I'll log in into IRC on #ubuntu-mir it will represent only me?10:16
alan_gxrc: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml10:17
xrcalan_g, thanks a lot!10:18
alan_gxrc: yw10:18
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kgunnalan_g: alf__ do we actually have blur algorithms in mir ?13:42
alan_gkgunn: I'm not aware of any. (yet)13:42
kgunnalan_g: go it...that's how i understood it "we may add"13:43
* alan_g goes it13:44
kgunnalan_g: :)) just saw it...14:00
kgunnmeant "got it"14:00
alan_gkgunn: I guessed. Who wants a blur algorithm?14:03
* alan_g wants the inverse - the "enhance" algorithm used on TV14:04
kgunnalan_g: oh your team mates on the unity ui....talking about how qt's blur is expensive14:05
kgunnand chatting as if they can just "try mir's" when it lands14:05
alan_gI guess that will be after they MP it. ;)14:06
alf__kgunn: what do they want to blur?14:08
kgunnalf__: well, its more that design wants to blur ;)14:11
kgunnalf__: at least 1 use case is the lock screen blur of the app behind it14:12
kgunnwhich may very well be changing/updating visually14:12
kgunni think we'll prob end up doing semi-live blur (but not live as that's pretty expensive)14:13
alf__kgunn: sorry, had to reboot and missed your answer, could you repeat please?14:15
kgunnalf__: well, its more that design wants to blur ;)14:15
kgunnalf__: at least 1 use case is the lock screen blur of the app behind it14:15
kgunnwhich may very well be changing/updating visually14:16
kgunni think we'll prob end up doing semi-live blur (but not live as that's pretty expensive)14:16
kgunnwe could call on nic-doffay for the algo work14:17
alf__kgunn: The shader/algo work is the least of our problems for blur :) It's how and where (in terms of the mir-unity stack) we integrate it that needs discussion. But let's leave that for when the time actually comes.14:21
kgunnalf__: sure14:30
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kdub_alan_g, ping14:37
alan_gkdub_: pong14:38
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katiekgunn, alf__ ,  there are other use cases for the blur: the hud, search results on the dash and media player.... just fyi ;)14:56
katieswap use cases to uses14:57
kgunnkatie: ack14:58
kdub_hey all, mp'd the swapper switcher, got partially through the new ipc capability, but got distracted by wanting to clean up some things15:02
secret_ninjag'morning al15:05
secret_ninjaim *almost* done d/l'ing mir, during the d/l, i got several gateway timeouts. how can i just get the files that didn't d/l?15:06
secret_ninjaanybody here?15:07
kgunnsecret_ninja: ?...you mean prebuilt bins?15:08
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kdub_its sort of funny how msh::Surface is a proxy class for ms::Surface, and has its own logic too15:12
secret_ninjakgunn: im pretty sure source...15:13
secret_ninjai can paste the line i used to get it, but i can't figure out what it is...15:13
secret_ninjamk-build-deps --install --tool "apt-get -y" --build-dep debian/control15:13
alan_gkdub_: I've questioning that for months. ;)15:14
secret_ninjaunless itis the bzr command.. not sure, guess ill have to wait for the d/l to finish.. was like 1.2 gigs.15:15
kgunnsecret_ninja: so you're downloading on the phone...yep....just suffer15:17
kgunnsecret_ninja: its just the build dependencies to build mir15:17
kdub_alan_g, i'm tempted to clean up a bit...15:18
secret_ninjahow can you tell im d/l'ing on the phone?15:18
kdub_i'll stop cleaning when the diff gets to be >1000 though :)15:18
alan_gkdub_: I've had related discussions with racarr recently, not sure if he's started something. Worth checking.15:19
racarrnothing yet :)15:20
kdub_ah, ok. the first thing i'll probably hit is that ms::Surface has public member functions that aren't behind an interface15:21
secret_ninjakgunn: question was, will i have to reget the whole source tree, or can i somehow just get the files that failed?15:23
alan_gkdub_: also, ms::Surface has attributes for things that I think the shell should associate with the surface.15:24
secret_ninjaGet:152 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring/main texlive-font-utils all 2012.20120611-2 [1,681 kB]15:24
kgunnsecret_ninja: not sure how smart the tools are, i honestly don't know of any arg to ask for partial....but i would assume its smart15:25
secret_ninjaErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring/main ttf-marvosym all 0.1+dfsg-215:25
secret_ninja  504  Gateway Time-out [IP: 80]15:25
secret_ninjacrossing fingers.. ;015:25
kdub_alan_g, right, i kinda detect that some shell state has been creeping in15:25
alan_gkdub_: yeah, it is pretty unclear why it is there in that form - I'll be happy to see it cleaned up15:29
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kgunnsecret_ninja: gonna have to run in a minute15:33
kgunnbut where are you trying to build ?15:33
kgunnnatively (on the phone)15:33
kgunnor on your pc15:33
kgunnsecret_ninja: please keep the conversation in public as it might help others15:34
secret_ninjaalright. well, im not d/l'ing to my phone, im d/l'ing to my pc, using phone as gateway.15:35
kgunnsecret_ninja: what do you intend to do ? where do you want to compile ?15:36
secret_ninjamostly seeing texlive right now, saw ruby earlier (in the download). it's a 1.2 G d/ll. prolly just going to restart the d/l after it is done and hope the tools are smart enough to just get the parts that failed..15:36
secret_ninjaim going to compile on my pc..15:36
kgunnsecret_ninja: ah...i get you now....so last one, emulated or cross compile ?15:37
kgunngotta run15:38
secret_ninjaam i in the correct place? going to run it on my pc as X replacement15:38
secret_ninjanothing to do with phone..15:38
secret_ninjaaight, have nice day. :)15:39
racarrI gess you are downloading the build depedencies? I don't know any magic to speed it up :)15:39
secret_ninjanot worried bout the time. worried bout several files that failed to d/l due to gateway timeout..15:40
secret_ninjad/l over 14 hours old. just woke up and saw several errors re: gateway timeout and d/l failures..15:40
secret_ninjaonly 94% done, but getting there15:41
racarr1 line: https://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/mir/fix-default-surface-lock/+merge/16683115:42
racarrp.s. if you are scared of deadlock mir_demo_server & sleep 45 && killall -9 mir_demo_server && chvt 7 is a great way to run mir15:45
secret_ninjaracarr: kgunn asked if i was going to build it natively, or on the pc, but im going to build it natively on the pc.. this is also supposed to run on pc's, right??? not just phones..15:46
racarrYep :)15:46
racarrI think he thought you were building for the phone15:46
racarrso he was asking if you were cross compiling from PC or building15:47
racarron phone15:47
secret_ninja Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?15:47
racarrbut its all good on desktop too :)15:47
secret_ninjamy d/l just quit on me with the above error..now i don't know what to do.. it was 94% and im *not* starting all over... anybody know where i put the --fix-missing option?15:48
racarrI don't think it will help15:49
racarrapt-get wont start all over15:49
racarrrun apt-get update :)15:49
racarrapt-get won't start all over ("probably")15:49
racarrbut it goes to apt-get I don't know how mk-build-deps calls that15:50
secret_ninjaphew, smart tools rock.15:52
secret_ninjaman, i was getting *so* pissy. glad it only has to get 90M this time..15:53
racarrhaha...I am just updating a test and one of the random test strings15:57
racarris the song I am listening to now...15:57
racarraround and around...*facepalm*15:57
alf__secret_ninja: Keep in mind that you won't get anything really usable in terms of a desktop environment right now16:06
racarrAnother small diff https://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/mir/improve-input-channels/+merge/16684116:19
kdub_racarr, good lead-in on the description :)16:26
racarrthanks for quick review..16:34
racarrtrying to split out the ...4! things I found yesterday XD16:35
alan_gkdub_: which egl implementation are we using in the android stack? I think I need to look at the code to figure out what's happening.16:36
kdub_alan_g, i sort of want to answer 'egl 1.4', but don't know if thats what was being asked :)16:37
alan_gkdub_: Probably the result of my thinking being unclear.16:38
alan_gkdub_: for some reason, not obvious in mir code eglSwapBuffers() behaves differently with a CB mode server than a default one. But I'm not sure which repo to grab code from to look at.16:40
kdub_well, to look at the egl code, its closed :(16:41
alan_g /o\16:42
racarrhttps://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/mir/fix-surface-stack-input-locking/+merge/166852 another smallish one16:42
racarrMaybe instead of the lock dance (there is another part of it coming up in the registrar)16:43
kdub_alan_g, the interface the egl driver uses is in 3rd_party/android-deps/system/window.h16:43
racarrwe should use r/w locks16:43
kdub_i just wrote one!16:43
racarra r/w lock?16:44
kdub_racarr, yeah, in ~kdub/mir/swapper-swapper16:44
kdub_its a writer biased one16:44
alan_gkdub_: found that. OK, maybe tomorrow will bring inspiration.16:45
racarrmm interesting16:45
racarrwhat kind of bias do we want in the surface stack...I can almost convince myself either way16:45
racarrsounds more likely a reader bias right16:45
racarrwho cares if we are updating a bunch if we never get to render16:46
* alan_g remembers it is friday (and he's going to a dance)16:46
racarrThough something I learned from all the profiling on toyds16:46
racarris that I have a 100% incorrect track record on guessing the effects of biased r/w locks :p16:47
racarralan_g: Cheers :) enjoy16:47
kdub_alan_g, maybe i'll write a mail about how to deal with the blob or something16:47
kdub_there are a few inroads to investigate16:47
alan_gr/w locks are tricky things16:47
racarrin toyds I had like16:47
racarr10 different ideas for how I was convinced they were going to eliminate16:48
kdub_probably why i didn't find a rw lock in the c++11 <mutex> :)16:48
racarrall my contention and speed thing way up16:48
racarrand they all failed XD16:48
racarrkdub_: I think it is coming in C++1416:48
racarrpthread has one16:48
racarrwhich I wonder if we should use over mutex/condition variable16:48
racarrI guess it's unbiased.16:49
racarrwhich is weird16:49
alan_gkdub_: the absence of a rw lock in C++11 was deliberate16:49
kdub_yeah, smarter to let people think hard about it for a while!16:49
kdub_racarr, i had thought about that...but i said 'early optimization', and used the mutex/cv16:50
racarrkdub_: Good choice I think :)17:01
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alf__kdub_: racarr: I have pushed lp:~afrantzis/mir/client-lttng-wip in case you want to use it for any client/server measurements today. Have a great weekend!17:14
racarralf__: Thanks! very cool cant wait to start getting full system input measurements17:15
racarrenjoy your weekend too :)17:16
alf__racarr: kdub_: don't forget to use: LD_PRELOAD=libmirclientlttng.so MIR_CLIENT_RPC_REPORT=lttng for the client17:16
racarrthis locking bit between the input and surface stack17:32
racarris this huge like17:32
racarrhidden coupling17:32
racarrthat can be commented or clarified17:32
racarrbut I wish there were a clear way to express it in the API17:32
racarrI'm sure there is17:32
racarrI wish I could come up with it immediately17:32
kdub_racarr, i'm thinking in the same arena right now too17:37
racarrkdub_: Any ideas?17:38
racarrthe one I am running in to, is for example this surface stack lock. Where the surface stack can't call out to the input registrar17:38
racarrwhile it's holding its own lock17:38
racarrbecause the input registrar, calls a function on the input dispatcher, which is locked by a lock that is shared with some InputDipatcher code run from another thread17:39
racarrthat can block on the surface tack17:39
racarrBut how can that be express in the API...17:39
kdub_racarr, i'm currently driving out some coupling with some tests on the ms::Surface17:39
kdub_which my hope is that it will chase out those sync issues17:39
racarrsometimes you can pass around a mutex to say you must have to hold a lock17:39
racarrbut what's...the antipattern17:40
racarryou could pass17:43
racarrthe mutex17:43
racarrand then the consumer has to be able to try_lock/unlock it17:43
racarrbut that's17:43
racarrkind of absurd17:43
racarrlast one17:50
racarrrunning the stress tests and thrashing the mouse around seems to work indefinitely17:50
secret_ninjacan i switch between X and mir with a reboot?17:50
racarrwith all these17:50
racarrsecret_ninja: You can without a reboot :) I'm not sure exactly what you are asking/expecting though17:52
racarryou can't run a full user session on mir yet (excluding XMir of course). Or at least not one that you could replace your desktop with17:53
racarrso normally we run mir on a vt and x on a vt and you can switch back and forth and everyone is happy :)17:53
secret_ninjaim *just* wanting to see what it looks like and how it runs. what apps it can use. and maybe help with development.. i dont know the status of the project, but want to play with it.17:53
secret_ninjaso, inside of Xwin, open an xterm and run mir.. ?17:54
racarrI understand :D17:54
racarrno from a virtual terminal, but you will want to run some clients too...17:54
racarrwe can test one of the demo clients just to see if it's working17:55
racarrSo, right now for VT switching to work you need to run it as root17:55
secret_ninjaive worked in the industry for like 20 years as unix admin, was involved with original ide (intergrated drive electronics) hard drives at arcada software and seagate.17:55
racarrso in your mir build directory should have /bin/17:55
secret_ninjainvolved with linux since 94.17:56
racarrfrom a VT as root run bin/mir_demo_server17:56
racarrsecret_ninja: Ehe great. I bet you have had lots of X headaches over the years ;)17:56
racarrthen from another VT you can run say /bin/mir_eglplasma17:56
racarr(also as root, since Mir is root)17:56
racarrand switch back to the Mir VT17:56
racarryou should see some...flowing ubuntu colored plasma XD17:56
racarrI'm just about to run to the coffee shop though so be back in 5.17:57
secret_ninjayea, multiple monitors, vid cards, serial terms (oh, the days of amber screens).17:57
secret_ninjai gotta run to store also, ill bbl17:57
secret_ninjagonna need lots of help, but also naturally good at puters. simple questions first. in build dir, run "cmake .." and it wants to use gcc. i would like to use clang18:01
secret_ninjado i rename gcc and ln clang to gcc?18:02
racarrIt's possibly fixed in clang trunk18:02
racarrbut with clang from the packages there is a bug with their shared_ptr implementation18:02
racarrthat prevents mir from running18:03
racarrsecret_ninja: ^18:03
racarrSometimes we build with clang for the diagnostics, etc, you can ue18:03
racarrcmake .. CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang18:03
racarrcmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang18:03
racarrI heard you building clang and llvm earlier and thought of warning you but I thought maybe you were just building it for mesa XD18:04
racarrif you built clang from trunk, you should try running mir and then report back but quite possibly expect it to crash18:04
racarra first step would be trying the tests with clang18:04
racarryou can run ctest18:04
racarrand if it fails, inspect individually /bin/unit-tests /bin/integration-tests /bin/acceptance-tests18:04
secret_ninjaaight, wasnt sure if i could set a variable for it or something.. :)  i have clang from repository in /usr/bin/clang and have src for clang, but after i did the make for llvm, i couldn't find clang, that's when i did apt-get for it.18:06
racarryeah wont work sorry :(18:09
secret_ninjayea, just found that..18:10
secret_ninjabut, i have src for clang.. any use? i can fallback to gcc though18:10
secret_ninjaprolly easier18:10
secret_ninjaare ya'll at the point of fixing simple errors during compilation(i.e. missing field initiatializers errors?) non-critical, compilation continuuing, but should be fixable relatively easy..18:15
racarrsecret_ninja: It builds in clang18:18
racarrsecret_ninja: And mir itself builds under clang without warnings (mostly gmock, etc) as part of our continuou integration18:18
racarrbut won't run :(18:18
secret_ninjagave up on clang, went to gcc. it's 45%. but, saw several errors and comparing signed and unsigned integers in some of the routines18:19
kgunnsecret_ninja: if you are willing...show up on monday about 3pm US CST18:19
kgunnwe are doing some stress testing18:20
kgunn....and we are going to continue that18:20
kgunnwe've fixed what we've found so far...but i am sure we'll find more stuff18:20
racarrkgunn: Actually I think there is still a heisenbug ;) basically the surface/input relationship was getting in to an invalid state due to some weird bits about the input channel18:24
racarrand the weird bits about the input channel were nice to fix anyway18:24
racarrfor other (not exhibiting yet) reasons18:24
racarrbut then18:24
racarrthis invalid state, could only be triggered by an18:24
racarrset of calls18:24
racarri.e. something going wrong in frontend18:25
racarrso it seems that is likely still happening it just doesn't crash anymore and we have to find another way to make it surface18:25
racarrI dunno. I'm thinking about it :)18:25
racarrerr. to make it surface like a submarine, not surface like a window18:25
kgunnracarr: good one....submarine :)18:29
racarrkgunn: Submarine is the new minimized18:31
racarrjust like surface is the new window and mode is the new state18:32
racarrlast decade: "This window is in the minimized state"18:32
racarrthis decade: "This surface is in submarine mode"18:32
racarrkdub_: Is swapper-swapper ready for review?18:40
racarrIs it going to hurt my head the description makes it sound like it might hurt my head18:40
kdub_yes to both! :)18:41
racarrkdub_: Also we should try and grow the architecture in a way that eventually ends up also with a SwitcherSwapper because that's hilarious18:41
racarri.e. we swap between various swapper switchers based on battery mode/plugged in18:42
racarrill start now and go for lunch soon then review in detail after lunch :)18:42
kgunnkdub_: on swapper swapper....does the client need to worry about blanking the buffs ?18:55
kgunne.g. if he has data in them that he doesn't want to be unsecure18:55
kdub_kgunn, if the client is the one requesting the switch, he's the one who produced the data anyways18:56
kdub_and we're not doing composition bypass swapping just yet18:56
kdub_so the buffers that are transferred to the new swapper are still the same old ones the client produced18:57
racarrDoes anyone need me to be around for the next hour and a half or so?18:58
racarrRephrased: Does anyone mind if I take a super long lunch XD18:58
kgunnkdub_: got it.....its lunatic fringe anyway....it'd only be a couple of buffers18:58
kgunndang you racarr18:58
racarrExcellent I'm going to go eat on top of a hill and stare at the water :D18:59
kgunnracarr: so did greyback provide any feedback on depthify stack ? (did he actually try to use)21:03
racarrkgunn: Not yet afaik21:04
racarrthe thing is the shell never directly calls SurafceController::create_surface , instead it just creates a QWindow and the magic happens21:05
racarrso need to go down and make changes to qtubuntu really but21:05
racarrnot the best timing :)21:05
kgunnracarr: thanks...but i guess you were expecting him to make the qtubuntu changes21:27
racarrkgunn: No21:38
racarrI just mean there is no point in me doing it now and then doing it a second time after21:38
racarrthe platform API changes21:38
racarrwell not much point21:38
racarrI thought he might try hacking something together if he had time XD but...where does the time go?21:39
kgunnracarr: if i only knew22:18
racarrkgunn: You are an excellent weekly reporter22:36
kgunnracarr: i excel at data aggregation22:37
kgunnsadly not much more :)22:37

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