
excalibrhyperair: besides glade, is there a more decent gtk gui builder? or there's only glade?10:04
hyperairexcalibr: i think there might be something in anjuta10:05
hyperairwhat's wrong with glade?10:06
excalibri dont know. last time i used it, it feels sluggish even when doing simple stuff10:09
excalibrwhat's anjuta?10:10
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hyperairit's an iDE10:32
kstansomebody here?12:13
sweemenghi kstan 12:14
kstansweemeng: hi how are u12:14
sweemengthe usual12:14
kstansweemeng: long time no see12:14
sweemengyeah man12:15
kstansomething excited at KL recently?12:15
sweemengtoo much12:18
sweemengso now want to chill12:19
sweemengfrom election fiasco12:19
sweemengto all the event I help running12:19
excalibrhttp://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2013-05/26/google-blimps ('Google blimps will carry wireless signal across Africa (Wired UK)')12:50
excalibr"The company is intending to finance, build and help operate networks from sub-Saharan Africa to Southeast Asia, with the aim of connecting around a billion people to the web.12:50
sweemengyeah good luck12:52
kstansweemeng: what is election fiasco?13:29
sweemengcensorship and what not13:30
kstanwhat related to u?13:31
sweemengi help a bit lol13:40

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