
pleia2akgraner: thoughts on posting Mark's closing #1 statement to fridge?00:41
pleia2I'm thinking small intro, then blockquote his close message00:42
pleia2gosh, we have some cleaning to do https://bugs.launchpad.net/fridge/+bugs01:30
Unit193for bug in https://bugs.launchpad.net/fridge/+bugs;do close $bug ;done01:53
dholbachgood morning06:38
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
PaulW2Upleia2: akgraner what's the policy on multiple links to the same story? I'm specifically referring the many links that can be found to Mark's decision to close bug #116:32
pleia2PaulW2U: I will clean them up before we do the call for summary writers, usually we just toss a bunch in during the week so we can keep track of them and then pick the best16:33
pleia2this is part of the reason we ask summary writers to hold off until we tell them to start writing, otherwise they write summaries for articles we delete16:33
PaulW2Umake sense, thanks16:34
pleia2for something major like this we may include a couple links to good articles just below the fridge post under "general community news"16:35
pleia2I'll take a look after work :)16:35
akgranerthanks pleia218:43

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