
=== morphis|away is now known as morphis
Zhenechcould someout please ban him?08:03
Saviqmzanetti, tsdgeos (I'm not really here), I fwd'ed you an email from bfiller about the people lens08:22
tsdgeosyeah he was complaining yesterday08:22
mzanettihehe, about?08:22
Saviqif one of you (or greyback, when he comes online)08:22
tsdgeosthere seems to be something randomly broken about the hud too08:22
tsdgeosworks and then it doesn't08:22
tsdgeosand then i flash08:22
Saviqcan take a look at our options08:22
tsdgeosand it doesn't and then it does08:22
mzanettitsdgeos: ah right... I noticed the HUD breakage too yesterday08:22
tsdgeosand i can't pinpoint why or what makes it work or not work08:23
Saviqmzanetti, tsdgeos, one more option to add to bfiller's list is to just limit the amount of contacts displayed in the people lens08:23
Saviqand require to search for more08:23
mzanettiSaviq: ok... we'll check it out. go back to bed ;)08:24
mzanettior wherever you came from :P08:24
Saviqmzanetti, tsdgeos, ping me if needed, I'll try and check in once in a while08:24
mzanettiSaviq: have a nice weekend btw08:24
mzanettitsdgeos: not sure how much you are involved there (I guess not at all) but hud-service goes wild here all the time.08:26
mzanettitsdgeos: who would be the right one contact on that one?08:27
Saviqmzanetti, thanks08:27
mzanettipff... hundreds of contacts... who needs that anyways :P I use like 4 of the 30 I have in my address book :D08:29
mzanettianyone got a dummy database I could use for testing?08:32
tsdgeosi have billions of contacts since the Z10 imports all my facebook, twitter and linkedin contacts onto the phone08:32
tsdgeosuse 3 of the favorites :D08:32
mzanettiyeah... my jabber contact list is actually much longer than the phone address book (I just realized now)08:33
tsdgeosmzanetti: i'd go with Saviq's suggestion and limit the number of contacts to show to what we have now08:34
mzanettitsdgeos: you know the LVWPH by now... couldn't we add a hack that it actually does not show in full height and only when scrolling down to lets say 80% of the visible height actually expand it at the bottom while shrinking at the top?08:35
mzanettitsdgeos: the issue definitely memory usage because of our LVWPH08:35
tsdgeosdon't touch the LVWPH08:35
tsdgeosnot even with a long stick08:36
Saviqcan we ban morphis?08:36
tsdgeosit will stick to you and you won't know how to unstick it :D08:36
tsdgeosSaviq: if you know anyone with ops08:36
Saviqtsdgeos, mzanetti yeah, that would mean we'd maintain the most functionality08:36
Saviqyou'd still be able to access all of your contacts (via search)08:36
tsdgeosand should be "easy"08:36
Saviqtsdgeos, one liner08:36
Saviqor so08:37
tsdgeoswe just need a LimitProxyFilter somewhere08:37
Saviqtsdgeos, it's there already08:37
Saviqtsdgeos, but disabled08:37
tsdgeoslol :D08:37
mzanettiactually... can't we just enable that collapsing button?08:37
mzanettiI guess thats what you meant saviq08:37
Saviqmzanetti, not really, uncollapsing => all contacts, die!08:37
Saviqmzanetti, uncollapsing doesn't (yet) move the responsibility to the inner FilterGrid08:38
Saviqmzanetti, it just unfilters in place08:38
Saviqmzanetti, tsdgeos "filter: true; collapsedRowCount: 50 / columns" or similar in PeopleFilterGrid should do08:40
mzanettinic-doffay: did you solve the bug from yesterday?08:43
nic-doffaymzanetti, yeah pete did.08:43
mzanettinic-doffay: what was it?08:44
mzanettinic-doffay: like I assumed?08:44
nic-doffaySome stuff had to be moved to the signals.08:44
nic-doffaymzanetti, ^08:44
nic-doffaymzanetti, I've committed a bit more code for the gradient.08:44
nic-doffayMind taking a look later today and giving any additional comments?08:44
mzanettinic-doffay: sure08:44
nic-doffayI think that's the last feature the infographics are going to need.08:45
mzanettilet me just fix the people lens (unless tsdgeos is already on it)08:45
tsdgeosmzanetti: all yours08:47
mzanettitsdgeos: ack08:47
mhr3sil2100, didrocks, any idea what's wrong with the utah and powerpc builds?08:59
mhr32013-05-31 05:15:26,624 ERROR powerpc: Build powerpc build of unity-lens-music 6.9.0daily13.05.31ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1 in ubuntu raring RELEASE (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build-next/+build/4629566) failed because of Failed to build08:59
mhr3and clicking that gives a successful build08:59
didrocksmhr3: I think sil2100 relaunched it08:59
didrocksmhr3: seems a package build issue08:59
didrockslike architecture mismatch09:00
mhr3didrocks, why are those failing in the first place though?09:00
mhr3it's not the first time09:00
didrocksmhr3: yeah, I know, I ask Mirv to investigate, there should be a arch: any/all somewhere09:00
didrocksbut not in the first generation, in a deeper one09:00
didrocksliek a dep of a dep09:00
mhr3didrocks, k, good to know it's being dealt with, can someone relaunch the utah ap checking?09:01
didrocksmhr3: I think sil2100 forced the publication, let's wait for him09:01
mhr3didrocks, btw what does cu2d stand for? :)09:04
didrocksmhr3: Canonical Upstream To Distro ;)09:06
mhr3aaah :)09:12
Mirvmhr3: well I didn't find the cause or arch:any/all, but still it's the most probable explanation why the failures happen at the time of an libunity update09:13
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Mirvso still needs investigation09:16
greybackmzanetti: hey there. Thoughts on the people lens bug? It's definitely not a simple fix09:22
smspillazMirv: sil2100: do either of you know if there's a script around somewhere to spawn autopilot in a lightdm --test-mode xeyphr session ?09:22
smspillazI just stumbled upon that --test-mode thing, thought it could almost be extended to run the AP tests too09:22
sil2100smspillaz: hi, hm, sadly I never used --test-mode before, so no idea here - maybe thomi tried that in the past?09:26
smspillazsil2100: try it ;-)09:26
smspillazsil2100: you can launch a guest session of ubuntu with xephyr + llvmpipe09:27
mzanettigreyback: I'm on it... we'll just limit it to 50 people for now09:28
smspillazsil2100: maybe I'll look into that tonight ... could be helpful for running AP tests without having to go through the install / reset settings rigamoroll09:28
greybackmzanetti: ok09:30
mzanettigreyback: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity/phablet-max-50-people/+merge/16672909:32
greybackmzanetti: on it09:33
greybackmzanetti: would you have time for https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity/refactor-wm-and-test/+merge/166524 ?09:38
mzanettigreyback: wow... long one. yeah. can do it09:39
greybackmzanetti: unfortunately yeah, it's a bit long. But it's mostly just moving code around, and then 2 big tests.09:40
mzanettinic-doffay: looks fine09:42
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mzanettithe gradient-thing that is09:42
greybackmzanetti: I also have this bugfix, which I need to get in today: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity/fix-shell-focus-on-app-close/+merge/16654509:43
mzanettigreyback: yay. nice one09:44
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mzanettigreyback: testing the fix-shell-focus:09:50
mzanettigreyback: the actual fix works fine, but:09:50
mzanettigreyback: when you have an app open and launch a second one, it will switch to the first one and only afterwards switch to the second one09:50
mzanettigreyback: I know that has been there before, but I have the impression it got a bit worse with your branch09:51
mzanettinot sure if its related at all tho. still quite ugly. do you think that could be fixable too?09:51
Mirvsmspillaz: nope, sadly doesn't ring a bell. but thomi indeed could know.09:52
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greybackmzanetti: I'll have a look09:57
mzanettigreyback: I commented on the MP too09:58
greybackmzanetti: thanks09:58
smspillazMirv: actually, looks not-so-workable to me09:58
smspillazMirv: it doesn't look like there's a straightforward way to get the services to launch with the correct environment variables09:58
smspillazthey launch in the parent x session and not the xephyr one09:58
smspillazthat's a shame though, unity works perfectly fine inside of xephyr otherwise09:58
smspillazthough you *can* hack around it by relaunching the panel service inside of the xephyr session ...10:01
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mzanettigreyback: done with the review11:05
greybackmzanetti: thank you. I'm slow, need to reflash the phone11:05
tsdgeoswho knows about dee stuff here?11:07
tsdgeosseems the hud problem i am having is a dee regression/behaviour change11:07
seb128tsdgeos, mhr311:08
tsdgeosmhr3: hello11:08
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mhr3tsdgeos, hey11:08
tsdgeosmhr3: so i am debugging a regression in the hud11:08
tsdgeosand have found that the model we are using for the results sometimes tells me it has 0 columns, even if synchronized says true11:09
tsdgeosand then latr if i say "come on it can't be you have 0 columns" and ask how many columns it has11:09
tsdgeoscorrectly tells me it has 811:09
tsdgeosis there a new signal for number of columns changed or something we should be listening to?11:10
=== mzanetti is now known as mzanetti|lunch
mhr3tsdgeos, first things first, i suppose hud is the owner of the model and you're the client11:11
Saviqpaulliu, mzanetti is already on the people lens bug11:11
mhr3tsdgeos, is hud up by the time you try to synchronize the model?11:11
paulliuSaviq: ok.11:11
paulliuSaviq: Why I cannot access that bug report?11:11
mhr3tsdgeos, cause if it isn't you become the owner and you're expected to define the schema11:12
Saviqpaulliu, not sure, it should be public, let me see11:12
mhr3tsdgeos, and when you do become the owner the model is considered synchronized11:12
Saviqpaulliu, public now11:12
tsdgeosmhr3: it is, since it's telling me which model to use (i.e. i do a give me the results model name call first)11:12
mhr3tsdgeos, could you make sure with dee_shared_model_is_leader?11:13
tsdgeosmhr3: sure, let me try11:13
mhr3the value of that when you see 0 columns is the interesting data point11:14
tsdgeosok, building the package11:16
tsdgeoswill take 5-10 mins11:16
paulliuSaviq: yeah. I can see it now. So my permission is a bit weird I think.11:19
Saviqpaulliu, it was private and owned by a team you weren't part of it seems11:19
paulliuSaviq: ok11:19
tsdgeosmhr3: it seems i'm the leader11:22
tsdgeosDeeListModel(0x1fc9298) DeeListModelPrivate::createRoles numColumns 011:22
tsdgeosDeeListModel(0x1fc9298) DeeListModelPrivate::createRoles isLeader 111:22
tsdgeosthat's bad, right?11:23
tsdgeosor isn't?11:23
mhr3well, yes and no11:23
tsdgeosok :D11:23
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mhr3it's doesn't break everything, the hud will become non-leader of the model, but it can still write to it and you will get everything11:24
mhr3the only problem really is that you don't get the schema right away11:25
tsdgeosso why am i the leader?11:25
mhr3so the simple fix is to set the schema yourself when you become a leader11:25
tsdgeosdoes it mean i'm connecting earlier than the hud to the name the hud just gave me?11:25
mhr3afterall you must know what schema you expect11:25
tsdgeosmhr3: actaully i kind of don't11:26
tsdgeossince this is an intermediate layer11:26
tsdgeoshud-client -> dee-qt -> dee11:26
tsdgeosi mean i could add api in dee-qt so the users gave him the number of columns, but that defeats the point of having a get_columns call :D11:26
mhr3they changed the way names are owned in glib that made this happen in R+11:27
tsdgeosmhr3: is there any way the model can tell me the schema has changed?11:28
mhr3hmm, let me check if something is emitted11:28
mhr3tsdgeos, ok, so if you become the leader the schema will be set only once you receive a change from the other peer (that did set the schema)11:34
tsdgeosany way for me to not become the leader? other than waiting some time?11:35
mhr3tsdgeos, easiest would be for hud to not reply with the model name until it actually acquires it11:38
tsdgeosmakes sense11:39
tsdgeosmhr3: is this thing new? i mean this worked forever, were we just lucky?11:39
mhr3tsdgeos, or use private (non-dbus) connection, that one should be synchronous still :)11:40
mhr3tsdgeos, as i said, glib slightly changed the way names are owned (it's more async now than it used to be)11:40
tsdgeoshe he11:40
tsdgeosi see11:40
tsdgeosted: wakeup!11:41
Saviqpopey, « perl -p -i -e 's/false/true/' » yikes!11:45
tsdgeosmhr3: this is what the hud does http://paste.ubuntu.com/5719648/ doesn't that guarantee it will be the leader?11:46
tsdgeosit does *before* returning query->results_name via dbus to me11:47
popeySaviq: I know, awesome isn't it ☻11:47
popeythere's only one occurance and it doesn't have /g ☻11:47
popey(for now)11:47
mhr3tsdgeos, nope, it's the same thing, you can't tell unless the model gets synchronized11:48
tsdgeosmhr3: so what's the easy way to guarantee it'll be the leader? busy loop on dee_shared_model_is_leader ?11:49
mhr3tsdgeos, there's a prop that says "i *really* want to be the leader, if someone else is, steal the leadership from them"11:50
tsdgeosbut that won't help me either11:51
mhr3tsdgeos, but then you'd see that you become a leader, and then loose the leadership a tiny while later11:51
tsdgeosdee-qt is basically built around the assumption that when a model is synchronized the schema is set11:51
tsdgeosand that's failing here because somehow the client is the leader11:51
mhr3well, that assumption is wrong :)11:51
tsdgeosis there no prop to say (i don't want to be the leader, wait until the leader is there) :D11:52
tsdgeoswell, it seemed to work well until now :D11:52
mhr3unfortunately no, but yes maybe we should add that11:52
tsdgeosnot that i'm the dee-qt original coder anyway11:52
tsdgeosi mean i can workaround the problem easily11:52
tsdgeosrechecking for the number of columns "often"11:52
tsdgeosbut that's not cool :D11:53
popeySaviq: fixed ㋛ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~popey/+junk/phablet-flash-wrapper/view/head:/add_apps.sh11:53
mhr3i do agree that dee-qt should be definitely able to tell when a model is "ready"11:53
mhr3or any dee client really11:53
tsdgeosyep, that's my main problem at the moment11:54
tsdgeosmhr3: previously you said " if you become the leader the schema will be set only once you receive a change from the other peer", that's actually fine for me (at this moment) if i get some signal that tells me the schema changed11:55
tsdgeosdoes such signal exist?11:55
mhr3by change i meant row-added/removed/changed11:55
paulliuHi. Does anyone know where is the source code of ChewieUI? I need to dig into that part.11:55
tsdgeospaulliu: try asking renato_ in #ubuntu-touch11:56
paulliutsdgeos: ok.11:56
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mhr3tsdgeos, we could also try to flush the dbus connection after own_name call, that should theoretically fix it too11:57
tsdgeosmhr3: ok, so i guess i could re-check the column number on the first row-added11:57
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mhr3but all of these fixes are adding blocking io, and that no good11:57
mhr3tsdgeos, the "clean" fix is really for hud to return the name only after the model is synchronized11:58
tsdgeosmhr3: agreed, but that also adds blocking io on the hud, no?11:58
tsdgeosor should the hud wait for "notify::synchronized" and then return the name?11:59
tsdgeosthat makes sense11:59
tsdgeosmhr3: ↑↑↑11:59
mhr3not necessarily, it can wait for the synchronized signal asynchronously11:59
mhr3right ^^11:59
tsdgeosok, let's wait for texas then12:00
mhr3hmm, was just checking gio changes and there's nothing in name owning itself, so it's either a more complex message scheduling change in gio or something even deeper (in dbus-daemon itself?)12:01
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dandradergreyback, FIY: just proposed my changes to Stage.qml -> https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity/phablet_edgeDragInStage/+merge/16677712:50
greybackdandrader: thanks :)12:50
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mzanettidandrader: ping13:15
dandradermzanetti, pong13:16
mzanettidandrader: hey, I'm updating the launcher tests but the DDA doesn't seem to do anything. I guess I need to enable that mousetouch thingie for it to work, right?13:16
dandradermzanetti, you have to send touch events, not mouse events13:16
mzanettidandrader: can I enable that mouse->touch conversion for qmlscene somehow?13:17
dandradermzanetti, no13:17
mzanettidandrader: hmm... so the all tests involving a DDA won't work in qmlscene any more then13:17
dandradermzanetti, to manual test on the desktop we might need to do our own qmlscene equivalent :(13:17
mzanettiok, I see13:17
dandraderwhat I was doing as a quick hack was replacing Shell.qml in main.cpp with the qml I wanted to try out manually with touch events on the desktop13:18
mzanettioh... thats useful13:18
mzanettican you hint me how to do touch events in tests?13:18
dandradermzanetti, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity/phablet_edgeDragInStage/revision/71513:19
dandradermzanetti,  check tests/qmltests/Components/tst_Stage.qml  and tests/utils/modules/Unity/Test/UnityTestCase.qml  there13:19
dandradermzanetti, and also the existing tst_Launcher test13:19
dandradermzanetti, btw, were you able to work around that "Flickable on top of DDA" issue?13:20
mzanettidandrader: yes... I disable the DDA as soon as the launcher is revealed13:20
mzanettidandrader: and have a second MouseArea for hiding the launcher again13:20
mzanettidandrader: so the DDA is only used to start revealing and then sits there being disabled13:21
mzanettidandrader: ah... and I found a bug.13:21
mzanettidandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity/phablet-folding-launcher/+merge/16600013:22
mzanettidandrader: Its fixed in there... you might want to check it to see if the fix is ok13:22
dandradermzanetti, well, the definition of the "dragging" property is "Whether a drag gesture is taking place (regardless of whether it's a correct single-finger directional drag or not)"13:25
mzanettidandrader: bug dragging == (Undecided || Recognized)13:26
dandradermzanetti, which maps to "as long as DDA is holding some touch points"13:26
mzanettidandrader: => Rejected == !dragging13:26
mzanettidandrader: so current state in trunk is not consistent... if you're not happy with my fix you need to change dragging()13:27
dandradermzanetti, I think that "Rejected == !dragging" would be true if DDA got rid of his touch points once reaching Rejected state, which currently doesn't happen13:27
mzanettidandrader: if you change dragging() I would need a new property that does what dragging currently does including a signal13:27
dandraderah, yeah the dragging() method. I recall I had the very same discussion with Saviq and he wanted it to be like you suggest13:29
dandradermzanetti, majority wins. So please also update the documentation of the dragging property13:29
mzanettidandrader: well, I could probably replace the usage of dragging with checks on status... but currently dragging does exactly what I need... when dragging == true, I need to show the launcher, when dragging == false I need to hide again13:29
dandradermzanetti, it might make sense to update DDA's tests to check for the emission of draggingChanged when rejected is reached....13:31
mzanettidandrader: ok13:32
greybackSaviq: dude, you're on holiday, go away13:33
Saviqgreyback, I am away13:33
mzanettinic-doffay: standup?13:33
Saviq← see13:33
greybackSaviq: for someone away, you're remarkably responsive13:33
nic-doffaymzanetti, one sec13:34
nic-doffayneed to grab my mic and all13:34
paulliutsdgeos: https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity/i18n/+merge/16676513:50
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* tsdgeos clicks13:50
tsdgeosmzanetti: i may have to do a HUD change, ping me before you do the release13:57
greybackmzanetti: updated https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity/fix-shell-focus-on-app-close/+merge/16654513:58
greybackmzanetti: expect about 30 minutes for a fix for the flicker13:58
mzanettidandrader|afk: do you think using the DDA has also impacts on the speed you can reveal the launcher?14:02
mzanettidandrader|afk: pmcgowan reports he's not able to reveal the launcher any more most of the times14:03
mzanettiI think he's used to drag it out with a gesture from bottom-left towards top-right which is not in the allowed angle any more14:04
kgunnmzanetti: i kind of noticed the same difficulty yesterday...wonder if its the swipe velocity value he's got in DDA14:04
kgunnfelt more speed related to me as i'm an index finger user14:04
mzanettiwell, now that you say it... Before I really thought I would not be able to keep the straigt direction with my thumb... but yes, it mostly happens when revealing very fast14:05
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mzanettinah... seems the direction...14:06
mzanettimaybe we need to widen the angle a little14:07
dandradermzanetti, no, it should have no impact on the speed you can reveal the launcher14:08
larsudednick: I see you started working on loading indicator files - do you want a shared library for that or are you fine parsing it yourself? (it's not that big of a format...)14:08
dednicklarsu: is it ini format?14:09
dednicklarsu: it's ok, i've just used qsettings which supports it.14:09
larsuwe added some things since oakland, a description is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~larsu/libindicator/new-indicator-file-format/revision/491/README14:09
dednicklarsu: thanks. i'll account those changes into what i have.14:11
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greybackmzanetti: could you please try out http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5720050/ and check it fixes the launch flicker bug?14:42
mzanettigreyback: sure... give me one minute please14:43
mzanettidandrader: hmm... I wanted to update the tests for the dragging property14:43
greybackmy internet has become very slow, pushing a branch taking ages14:43
mzanettidandrader: what I did is to add a Q_COMPARE to the if where the gesture becomes rejected14:44
mzanettidandrader: but I intentionally left the Q_COMPARE at the end of the function to 2, but thing is, it becomes 314:44
dandradergreyback, are you using this bash trick? -> alias bzrpushs='bzr push --stacked-on bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/unity/phablet/'14:45
mzanettidandrader: which means, we emit draggingChanged even when its not changing14:45
mzanettidandrader: +1 for shorter aliases: alias pu='bzr push --stacked-on bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/unity/phablet/'14:45
mzanettidandrader: do you think that is an issue? should I introduce a m_dragging var and keep track of that to only correctly emit changed signals?14:46
greybackdandrader: yep, but seems my speed gone down to 40Kbps14:46
dandradermzanetti, that after your change, right?14:48
mzanettidandrader: yes... my change introduces that...14:49
dandradermzanetti, Undecided -> Rejected (draggingChanged(false)), then Rejected -> WaitingForTouch (draggingChanged(false) once again)14:49
mzanettidandrader: exactly14:49
dandradermzanetti, we don't need to introduce an m_dragging variable as it duplicates information and therefore it's liable to get outdated and therefore conflict with other variables14:50
mzanettidandrader: ah... right... we can see if oldstate is !rejected before emitting14:50
dandradermzanetti, better make setStatus() have a bit more context information, so that it knowns also the previous state before emitting the draggingChanged() signal14:51
dandradermzanetti, that way it can differentiate between Rejected -> WaitingForTouch and Recognized -> WaitingForTouch14:51
dandradermzanetti, in which case it will only send the draggingChanged() event for the latter14:52
dandradermzanetti, damn, just read that you had already suggested the same thing. wrote all that for nothing :)14:52
mzanettihehe... at least you got me to think it through once more14:53
mzanettiseems save now ;)14:53
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mzanettidandrader: Recognized -> Undecided is not possible, right? you can only go from WaitingForTouch to Undecided14:56
dandradermzanetti, yes14:56
mzanettidandrader: ok. tests pass again and docs. https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity/phablet-folding-launcher/+merge/16600014:59
dandradermzanetti, Saviq: here's the bug report https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-3149115:06
mzanettidandrader: cheers15:06
tedgtsdgeos, A fix that you can try.  https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/hud/dee-sync/+merge/16681915:07
tedgGoing to put it on my phone now.15:07
dandradermzanetti, do you want me to review the whole thing?15:08
mzanettidandrader: if you want15:08
Saviqdandrader, yup, confirmed, thanks15:09
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dandradermzanetti, well, it's been a while since I last reviewed anything of relevant size.15:10
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dandradermzanetti, so I'm fine on reviewing this15:10
mzanettidandrader: ok. cool.15:11
dandradermzanetti, now that you're familiar with DDA, would you mind reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity/phablet_edgeDragInStage/+merge/166777   :)15:12
mzanettidandrader: sure15:12
tsdgeostedg: ok, me me check too15:13
mzanettitedg: is it a known issue that hud-service goes wild every once in a while?15:15
mzanettihappens sinse a week or so15:15
tedgmzanetti, Wild?15:15
mzanettitedg: means, on my PC ~20% CPU usage, on the Galaxy Nexus ~80% CPU usage15:16
mzanettiunfortunately I couldn't figure yet when exactly it happens15:16
mzanettibut every once in a while my fans turn on and I check top and its the hud-service15:17
tedgmzanetti, Hmm, no, not aware of anything there.15:17
mzanettisame for the phone... every once in a while it starts getting warm and draining batteries15:17
tedgHmm, do you use it a lot?  If nothing else it should shutdown after 10 minutes of non-use.15:17
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mzanettitedg: I don't use it at all15:18
mzanettitedg: I have the feeling it happens when the shell goes away or so15:18
mzanettiin case it happens again here. is there anything I can do to get more information?15:18
tedgHmm, not sure what could be happening15:19
tedgI guess give it a SEGV and generate an apport report?15:19
mzanettitedg: ok... I'll keep an eye on it15:19
mzanettigreyback: hmm... seems not to fix the issue15:20
mzanettigreyback: do I need to apply the patch in combination of another branch of yours or is trunk fine?15:21
greybackmzanetti: on trunk15:21
mzanettigreyback: well... it seems better again...15:22
mzanettigreyback: still can reproduce it with launching first the phone app and then the gallery15:22
greybackmzanetti: let me try that15:23
mzanetti(might be related to app startup time as the gallery is the slowest one)15:23
greybackmzanetti: huh, I found phone was slowest. The delay could need tweaking.15:23
greybackmzanetti: fine on my nexus. I'll admit it's a hacky solution, but right now there's no way for shell to know if an application has drawn its first frame.15:28
mzanettigreyback: right... I had the same issue with the blur thing15:28
mzanettigreyback: anyways... most of the times your hack seems to work15:29
greybackmzanetti: I've put it in a MR https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity/phablet-fix-flicker-on-launch/+merge/16682915:30
tsdgeostedg: i can comment indicator-appmenu in debian/control to build on the phone, right?15:30
mzanettigreyback: is that a function inside a function?15:31
greybackmzanetti: yep15:31
* mzanetti needs to looka t some C++ code to come down15:31
gatoxhi.... is the build of phablet working in S?? Because when trying to run the ./build -s ... some of the ppas with the dependencies couldn't be found for S15:32
tedgtsdgeos, Yup15:32
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tedgtsdgeos, I drop the metacity one as well.15:32
tedgWe should probably just remove that test.15:32
tedgtsdgeos, FYI, that branch works for me.15:32
* tedg is cropping photos like a madman15:32
tsdgeostedg: cool15:33
tsdgeostedg: do you have someone to review it?15:33
tsdgeosin the unity-backend team ?15:33
tsdgeosi'm still dpkg-buildpking15:34
tedgtsdgeos, Uhm, no one in particular.  If you would that'd probably be reasonable to me.15:34
tedgNot sure that we have a "hud backend team" anymore.15:34
tsdgeosbut you have a "all things backend team" :D15:35
tsdgeossure, i can test it first and then have a look at the code15:35
tsdgeosshould not be that hard (TM)15:35
tsdgeostedg: actually i only need to install libhud-client2_13.10.1daily13.05.23ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1_armhf.deb, no?15:36
tedgtsdgeos, Yeah, that's all you *need* but I usually do "dpkg -i *.deb" to not think about it :-)15:36
tsdgeosis the automerger broken?15:38
tsdgeosor just sloooow15:38
tsdgeostedg: didn't work, i still got to be the leader of it :-/15:41
tsdgeosDeeListModel(0x186e850) DeeListModelPrivate::createRoles synchronized true15:41
tsdgeosDeeListModel(0x186e850) DeeListModelPrivate::createRoles numColumns 015:41
tsdgeosDeeListModel(0x186e850) DeeListModelPrivate::createRoles isLeader 115:41
* tsdgeos dpkg -i *.deb just in case15:41
tedgtsdgeos, And did you reboot?15:41
tedgHmm, not sure why it works for me then...15:41
tsdgeoswell because it did already work15:42
tedgHmm, it never worked for me before.15:43
* tedg reboots again15:43
tsdgeosoh it did work here sometimes15:43
tsdgeosmaybe you just made it harder to repro15:43
tsdgeosyeah same thing :/15:44
tsdgeoswhich makes no sense :D15:44
tsdgeosmhr3: any input on ted's code? https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/hud/dee-sync/+merge/16681915:46
tedgtsdgeos, So it seems the values above say that it is synchronized, which is what we were checking for.15:48
tedgtsdgeos, Perhaps we need to wait for a column?15:49
tsdgeostedg: what mhr3 commented is that you should be the leader15:49
tsdgeosi.e. dee_shared_model_is_leader should be true for you15:49
tsdgeosthing is i think he said that on synchronized you'd be that15:50
tedgPerhaps in the service side we need to wait until we get the name.15:51
tedgI think that the leader thing is a race to own the name.15:51
tedgIt would make sense that the service would win.15:51
tedgBut, perhaps we're getting cases where it doesn't.15:51
tsdgeostbh i don't know, it's a bit of a pain that this changed out of the blue :-/15:52
tedgI don't think anything *changed* other than it's probably a fix or optimization or something like that.15:53
tedgFix with side effects.15:53
tsdgeosi think i know why this doesn't help15:54
tsdgeosyou are doing it in the client side :D15:55
tsdgeoswhat mhr3 suggested was doing in the server side15:55
tsdgeosor not15:55
tsdgeosdon't know15:55
* tsdgeos confused15:55
tedgI think we perhaps need both.15:56
tsdgeosdamn wailing cousin on next door :D15:56
tedgBasically ensure that the service is the leader and that we know that on the other side.15:56
mzanettisomeone please review this but NOT top approve yet (some changes are still pending merge) https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/release-1.79/+merge/16684015:56
mzanettigreyback:  maybe? ^15:56
tsdgeostedg: think you can try that?15:57
mhr3tsdgeos, tedg, right, it should be on the server side - wait for the model to synchronize before passing it's name over the bus15:57
mhr3that will fix things15:57
greybackmzanetti: I'll take15:57
tedgtsdgeos, Yup, trying.15:57
tedgmhr3, Makes sense.15:57
mhr3tedg, no need to do it on client side if server ensures that15:57
tedgHating dbus names right now.15:57
tedgmhr3, I think it's better to do client side in general as there's less updating that way, perhaps not worth writing the code... but since I already wrote it :-)15:58
mhr3tedg, it looks a bit scary, so i'd go with smaller amount of code in this case (for the client)15:59
greybackmzanetti: approved (not top level)15:59
mhr3tedg, i have an idea - lets implement dbus mutex library ;P16:00
tedgmhr3, Heh, I'm so happy to be getting rid of some of our dbus activation stuff already.  I don't need more.16:00
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MCR_Hi @all :)19:22
MCR_andyrock, hi - do you have a minute ?19:24
MCR_A volunteer to set up a PPA with Compiz 0.9.10-dev and Unity/nux/libunity for Raring would be needed...19:26
MCR_Since we had an ABI break, there is no way to run latest Compiz with latest Unity on Raring without self-compilation...19:27
MCR_Seems like *nothing* here builds correctly: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/+recipes19:28
MCR_Please see bug #1185778 for details...19:29
ubot5bug 1185778 in Unity "Latest Compiz ABI not compatible with Unity anymore: unity : Depends: compiz-core-abiversion-20130125" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118577819:29
MCR_bregma ?19:30
MCR_Trevinho, ^^19:31
eeanso I have an app that uses org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher for the statusbar20:46
eeanbut it still isn't showing up in the indicator20:46
eeanis there logic somewhere on what is 'allowed' in the indicator?20:47

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