
thafreakOk, so I have a freenas box exporting a zfs managed chunk of disk space to a VM host running lxc containers12:19
thafreaklxc likes btrfs for making instant clones of containers using it's COW features12:19
thafreakI'm wondering if it would suck having btrfs on an iscis volume which is just a a virtual volume on a zfs share...12:21
dzhoI haven't gotten my head around lxc quite yet13:00
paultagtry lxc-docker13:00
dzhoxen has sorted of ruined me, in terms of expectations of how things work.13:00
paultagdocker is nice.13:00
paultagreal nice.13:00
dzhopaultag: I'll bear that in mind.13:00
* dzho tends to be very leery of automation13:01
dzhomaybe in lxc's case I should automate up some stuff just to get it running so I can have some experience on which to base my expectations.13:01
dzhobut usually I get a litle anxious the more moving parts there are.13:02
dzhoversion skew and all that, you know.13:02
jrgiffordpaultag: i haven't tried docker13:51
jrgiffordi <3 the idea, just haven't gotten the chance to try it.13:52
paultagjrgifford: it's brokay13:52
jrgifford(and I <3 lxc)13:52
paultagsaw it when they announced it at PyCon13:52
paultagbeen helping them get it ready for Debian13:52
paultagbut it's got some … interesting … decisions13:52
jrgiffordyou know what, they don't support fedora, which is my only 64 bit os install. guess it will be a few more weeks. :(13:52
paultagyou can comment out the arch check13:53
paultagit works fine on 32 bit13:53
jrgiffordoh, ok. i thought they were actually picky.13:53
paultagthey just didn't want to deal with arches13:53
jrgiffordgood to know.13:53
paultagI did it on my VPS, workedish13:53
paultagish because I didn't fix my kernel13:53
jrgiffordah, ok13:55
thafreakdoes docker have support for long running/permanent containers?14:30
thafreaklike auto start on host reboot kind of stuff?14:31
paultagI believe so, yes14:31
paultagit saves them in a shim directory14:31
thafreaki haven't gotten too far into actually using lxc for anything yet14:31
jrgiffordlxc is great.14:31
thafreaki just built a new low power vm host and moved some older kvm's over to it14:31
thafreaki've used lxc-create a few times and played around, but that's about it...14:32
thafreakhaven't deployed a server for actual use yet14:32
jrgiffordi'm going to need to figure out how to replicate ubuntu's lxc conf on fedora or straight debian, because i need it for a presentation in less than a week.14:32
jrgiffordyay live demos of stuff!14:32
thafreakthe install fest in cleveland?14:32
jrgiffordno, but i do need to finish setting up the PXE server for that.14:33
jrgiffordthat'll be my tuesday morning task. :P14:33
jrgiffordno sense in actually *preparing* for it14:33
jrgiffordare you coming?14:33
thafreakprobably not...cleveland is a bit of a haul from where I work...14:33
jrgiffordfair enough.14:34
thafreakunless I work from home...14:34
jrgiffordthink of it this way, we can get a picture for skellat, because he needs to have a picture for our renewal next year.14:34
thafreakbut things are hectic at home now...lots of projects, not sure the wife would approve14:34
jrgiffordheh, fair enough.14:35
skellatjrgifford: We don't need no stinkin' pictures14:35
thafreakwhat day/time is it though?14:35
skellatjrgifford: There isn't an approval/reapproval process anymore14:35
jrgiffordskellat: oh? :(14:35
jrgiffordthafreak: tuesday, at ~6pm14:36
jrgiffordi'll be there all day though, and then i'll be ready to help people if they feel the need to come early.14:36
skellatjrgifford: Yeah.  There will be "verified" LoCo teams.  I'm still waiting on the official LoCo Council announcement as to what those hoops entail but they're supposed to be far, far less.14:36
jrgiffordskellat: nice14:36
jrgifforddetails - http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-LUG/events/117050322/14:37
skellatNamely that we exist, there has been some e-mail/IRC/whatever activity, there is some sort of leadership, and some sort of territorial boundaries14:37
skellatIn-person meetings would be nice but LoCo Council isn't even counting on that right now14:37
jrgiffordi see.14:37
skellatEspecially since we're now one of the loudest LoCo since I seem to talk about us a lot on planet.u.c and at vUDS14:38
jrgiffordheh. i need to start blarghing again.14:38
skellatRelatively speaking, of course14:38
jrgiffordi lost motivation after i stopped paying for hosting.14:38
jrgiffordwhen i was paying for the ability to blog, i blogged more.14:38
jrgiffordthen i went to this free thing, which works fine, and i don't blog as much on planet.u.c14:39
skellatJust make a commitment to blog once a week with a feedback loop built in for accountability14:39
skellatOF COURSE, pictures added by people on their own initiative to the LoCo's wiki pages are **not** discouraged by any means mind you14:41
* skellat wanders back to reading the economics news at Zerohedge.com and the "help wanted" ads14:43

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