[01:06] hey guys, i was trying to update some packages and got an error about aptdaemon. And now I have the problem of not being able to mount any disks. How do I resolve this problem. I am using ubuntustudio 12.10. [01:08] nixnine: this is the development channel (not support) for xubuntu, you might want to try out #ubuntustudio (or #xubuntu) with a paste.ubuntu.com link to your error [01:08] sorry, thought I might get better results here. === genii-around is now known as genii [02:30] knome: ok, all tax emails sent (I sent one to you too :)) [02:30] * pleia2 seeks sushi === micahg_ is now known as micahg === ubott2 is now known as ubottu === jackson is now known as Guest3397 === davmor2_ is now known as davmor2 [15:26] knome: ping [15:46] knome, mr_pouit: I'm adding upstart user job support to xfce4-session. That's just an extra file dumped into /usr/share/upstart/sessions which allows for users to run the xfce/xubuntu session under upstart. [15:47] at this stage it won't be the default, you'll have to explicitly add xfce and xubuntu to /etc/upstart-xsessions for it to take effect, but it'd be great if we could make that the default at some point in the saucy cycle [15:56] knome, mr_pouit: change tested, test built and uploaded. Next step is to coordinate testing of the new feature to ensure that it doesn't regress anything obvious, before we can consider making this the default. [18:24] stgraber: What do we gain from this? I haven't quite understood that. [18:25] skellat: the most important gain is that you won't have to maintain ubiquity-dm or any other software that we move to using upstart user sessions in Ubuntu [18:26] skellat: but more generally, you gain the ability of having autostarted software on steroid where you can ship upstart jobs for software running in the user session while depending on system events or hardware events [18:26] skellat: for example you could add a file in ~/.init/xterm.conf containing: [18:26] start on :sys:usb-device-added [18:26] exec xterm [18:27] which is a bit of a stupid example, that'll spawn an xterm the first time you plug something in a usb port [18:27] you can also use any other upstart features for those jobs, including instances, auto-respawn, complex dependencies, ... [18:28] for the ubuntu desktop, our plan is to move quite a few of the current desktop daemon/services that are always running to upstart jobs that only trigger when actually needed (as we'll very soon gain the ability to start/stop jobs based on gsettings values) [18:28] an obvious example is something like a bluetooth applet which you only want to start if: 1) the user has enabled bluetooth in the session 2) the system bluez service is running 3) you have bluetooth hardware [18:29] something like: start on gsettings-key PATH=/org.bluez/bluetooth-applet/enabled VALUE=true and :sys:bluetooth started and bluetooth-device-added [18:30] would be an approximation of a startup condition that we could have for such applets [18:31] another nice side effect of upstart user sessions, but I may be the only one who cares about that is that the whole session is kind of contained below the upstart process. So if you do a "ps faux" for example, you'll see that the whole session tree now looks clean and makes sense. Killing upstart will kill everything so that usually leads to cleaner logouts. [18:44] Okay [18:45] I'll need to keep this in mind as a documentation writer. Thank you stgraber. [18:48] skellat: I expect the Ubuntu and Kubuntu doc writers will also want to add something for that feature, so chances are you can pretty much re-use the same text across desktop environments as it's a generic feature and only the name of the main job varies between environments [19:50] stgraber, thanks for the information; i'll have to dig deeped to that when i've been able to beat this flu :) [19:53] knome: sure. I'm probably going to nag all the flavour leads in a couple of weeks to see if you're all ready to make this the default, so you've got time. Good luck fighting that flu ;) [19:54] stgraber, ta. though as you know, i'm technically limited, so better ping mr_pouit/micahg if you need to ask and get an answer ;) [19:54] and thanks, i'll be fighting it like a pro - just got some rum for medication [20:00] knome: well, I think we mostly need testing more than any technical work on that. I only used xubuntu for around 2min to test my change, so what we probably want at this stage are people using this for their main session for a few days and reporting any regression they spot. [20:00] forestpiskie, ^ [20:00] knome: it's now been the default in Ubuntu saucy for over a month, so I'm pretty sure we caught most if not all issues already, but better safe than sorry (having a broken desktop session is always a bit annoying) [20:00] definitely! [20:44] stgraber: is that set up in the xfce DE? Or will UbuntuStudio need to add thsi somewhere? [20:45] OvenWerks: what do you get if you do "echo $DESKTOP_SESSION" on UbuntuStudio? [20:46] Let me run upstaris... this machine has kubuntu [20:47] we get ubuntustudio [20:48] doh, was hoping for "xfce". Right, then I'll need to take a look at studio once I'm done with lubuntu [20:48] should be in ubuntustudio-default-settings [20:49] Well, our session stuff [23:36] Do the screenshots in the Xubuntu flyer have to be from a generic / default install? [23:38] my own opinion is "yes" unless we decided to add a section about how it's easy to customize, maybe one screenshot where someone did crazy/cool things :) [23:38] but I want other feedback on this, peanut gallery [23:38] * pleia2 nudges Unit193 [23:39] That's..me. In general I'd think about the same, you may want to clearify that you can do good custom setups, don't have to use the defaults. [23:43] Hopefully that makes sense? I'm not good at marketing. :P [23:43] Sounds good to me. Not planning on adding too much graphical content anyway. [23:44] it's true that I am only marketing lead because I set up twitter ;) [23:44] how many pages is it supposed to be? [23:44] amerigena: initial run just one page [23:44] the kind of thing we can just hand out at conferences to people who are curious [23:44] OK. Well, it's around one-and-a-quarter now. [23:45] I'll get rid of some stuff. [23:45] yay! easier to remove than add :) [23:45] Actually, it's around two-and-a-quarter. [23:45] So I guess all of you can make the cuts. [23:46] so we're thinking of eventually doing a double-sided thing (perhaps a folding type thing) [23:48] Sounds good. Format it in Scribus, make it a true leaflet. [23:51] yeah :) [23:51] in the US we can print them relatively cheaply with vistaprint.com [23:52] Vistaprint allows 3rd party formatting? [23:52] I don't really know that much about it, but would really like to learn. [23:53] Did -website people end up deciding not to have a "gallery" on the website?