[02:17] hello [02:19] if you do revert -r -3, how does bzr know you're on an old revision to avoid backing up the file when reverting to the latest rev? [02:41] won't [02:41] what are you trying to do? === Logan_ is now known as Guest19720 === Guest19720 is now known as Logan_ === Logan_ is now known as Guest52577 === liam_ is now known as Guest26501 [17:02] So, I think I might be doing something wrong because stuff seems harder than it should be [17:03] I have a project that I'm working on, and try to make a branch for each new feature. This sometimes means that I end up having a branch of a branch, etc. (Which could probably be shown as a tree) [17:06] The problem I have is that every (sub) branch has it's own folder in one main folder regardless of what it is a branch of, and I'm having a hard time knowing what came from what. This has caused problems when I finish a feature, and merge it into what I think is it's parent, and then merge that fix into the parent of that. Somewhere along the line I mess up because I don't know how the branches are related [17:07] This causes problems where I later then try to merge two branches and they have conflicts because I've applied the same finished feature to then since the were branched from each other [17:08] I've tried reading the documentation on the various repository formats, but I'm getting confused, and I'm not totally sure what questions to ask [17:09] I guess I'm wondering if there is some way to organize the branch hierarchically, but still be able to switch between working on various branches? [17:10] If it helps, I'm the only one working on this at the time, so major reorganizations are not out of the question [17:15] Or maybe there's a way to have the branches be a tree of folders, and then have a totally separate folder that is a workspace that you can copy the current version of any of the branches to to work on? I'm mostly guessing here [17:23] Ok, think I may have found part of it http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/beta/en/user-guide/shared_repository_layouts.html#nested-style-project-branch-sub-branch [19:17] Is doing a checkout and then an unbind the same as branching? [19:20] Azendale: yes [19:21] jelmer: Ok, thanks [19:36] So, from reading the docs, I think I realize that I've just been using branches and not a repository. If I create a new repository, is there a way to import a branch to it? [19:43] Azendale: just clone it into a local inside of the repository [19:47] jelmer: As I understand it, that would be the branch command (docs say clone is an alias?) I'll try it, thanks :) [19:47] Azendale: yes [19:55] jelmer: Thanks for the help, I think I see how to fit the pieces together now. (Set up a no trees repository, make branches in hierarchies inside that, then make a separate working tree location to work with that is a checkout of the branch I want to work on) [19:58] Azendale: that should work [19:59] it's a lot more complicated than how most people use bzr though, including myself [20:00] how do most people who do feature branches keep track of what is a parent of what? [20:01] each branch has a pull_location that is generally set to its parent [20:06] I see. I think I was messing that up by rsyncing between two computers so the locations were becoming invalid. I think I'll avoid doing that in the future though === vorpalbunny is now known as thumper