
highvoltagestgraber: does edubuntu-webcontact still work? I haven't seen a mail from it in a while.15:43
stgraberhighvoltage: I haven't done anything to break it but we indeed haven't seen anything from webcontact or deployment in a while, so maybe there's something messed up with SMTP on humboldt15:49
stgraberhighvoltage: adding to my todo to investigate15:50
highvoltagestgraber: ok great15:53
stgraberhighvoltage: e-mails have been fixed20:06
stgraberhighvoltage: we had a few problems, one was a few thousand spam entries on humboldt and then my zimbra having issues with distribution lists (e-mails getting stuck in a queue). I fixed zimbra and wiped all the spam entries, so we should be back to normal.20:06
highvoltagestgraber: ah great!20:34
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