
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as LordOfTime|EC2
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soy_el_pulpohi, any idean when openfire 3.8.2 will be available in the repos? thanks02:17
sarnoldsoy_el_pulpo: it might be a while, I don't see it in debian (packages.debian.org/openfire) and that's the easiest way to get it into ubuntu..02:18
soy_el_pulposarnold: hi, thanks. I really like the fact that is part of repos, it make keeping things updated a lot easier02:20
soy_el_pulpohave you noticed my nick is in parenthesis? do you know why?02:21
sarthorI have installed cups on ubuntu-server, printer is shared on some windows 7 machine, Printer name/model is SureMark 4610, after telling to my service via browser, "smb://" for adding printer, press continue ..in the make list-->IBM--SureMark 4610 is not listed, What I have to do in here now?02:59
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BroUnicornI need some ssh help06:33
BroUnicornCan anyone help me with my ubuntu server?06:40
soy_el_pulpohi BroUnicorn06:40
BroUnicornI keep getting a "connection refused" when trying to ssh into my server06:41
BroUnicornI can ssh into it locally06:41
BroUnicornbut I can't from outside the local network06:41
soy_el_pulpolocally you mean from you internal lan?06:42
soy_el_pulpoand from the outside, from a machine not in the same network?06:43
soy_el_pulpoBroUnicorn: hello?06:44
BroUnicornThat is correct06:44
BroUnicornexcept I'm attempting to connect from the outside as if I'm not inside of the network06:44
soy_el_pulpoyou are discussing this same topic on the #ubuntu channel06:44
soy_el_pulpohow are you trying to ssh into your server form the outside?06:45
BroUnicornIt's on a computer inside the network06:46
BroUnicornbut I'm trying to connect through the router's public ip06:46
BroUnicornso that I can simulate connecting from a computer not in the network06:46
soy_el_pulpowhich ip you are using to connect internally?06:47
BroUnicornwhich is my server's ip06:47
soy_el_pulpoand form the outside? ?06:47
soy_el_pulpohave you opened a port on your internet router?06:48
BroUnicornI have attempted to06:48
soy_el_pulpothat will allow request to port 23 to go to the correct server?06:48
soy_el_pulpoit seems that it is not setup properly06:49
BroUnicornI have it set to 2206:49
BroUnicornI also have DMR on06:49
BroUnicorncould it be in my /etc/network/interfaces file?06:49
soy_el_pulpo22, my bad06:50
BroUnicornit being the "error"06:50
soy_el_pulpossh is port 2206:51
soy_el_pulpoif your network works it should be fine.06:51
BroUnicornmy internal network does06:51
BroUnicornbut I changed my port at one point06:51
BroUnicornand decided to change it back06:51
soy_el_pulpoi tried to ssh and it gave me a time out06:51
BroUnicornI tried to assign a static ip06:51
soy_el_pulpoport of?06:51
BroUnicornI changed the sshd_config file back to port 2206:52
soy_el_pulpowhere it was?06:52
soy_el_pulpoyou changed from what to what?06:53
soy_el_pulpoyour /etc/ssh/sshd_config06:53
BroUnicornI changed port 22 to another number originally06:54
soy_el_pulpoif you can ssh from another machine from your network it should be fine06:54
BroUnicornthen I changed it back06:54
BroUnicornbut then06:54
BroUnicornin the /etc/network/interfaces file I changed stuff06:55
BroUnicornto try and add a static ip address06:55
BroUnicornand I don't know if I did it correctly06:55
soy_el_pulpodid you kept a copy of the original file?06:55
BroUnicornno I did not06:56
BroUnicornI'm going to paste bin the file06:57
BroUnicornexcept for gateway and name server are
soy_el_pulpo2.4 is your router?06:58
soy_el_pulposo you have already changed those 2 on your current file?06:58
soy_el_pulpoon the serve06:58
BroUnicornyes, except it's now 2.106:58
soy_el_pulpohave you restarted the network after those changes?06:59
BroUnicornyes I did06:59
BroUnicornIs that the incorrect way to do it?06:59
BroUnicornOr are you unsure06:59
soy_el_pulpocan you ping your router?06:59
soy_el_pulpounsure of what?07:00
soy_el_pulporight after restarting the network, did you restart the sshd server?07:00
BroUnicornwhether that file is correct or not07:00
BroUnicornI don't know how to restart the sshd server07:00
soy_el_pulpoif it has the las changes you said it is fine07:00
soy_el_pulpo"/etc/init.d/ssh restart"07:01
three18tianyway to blink the led on a drive?07:01
three18tie.g. I want to blink /dev/sdd because it needs to be replaced.07:01
three18tino raid.07:01
soy_el_pulpofor the network: "/etc/init.d/networking restart"07:02
soy_el_pulpocan we solve the ssh first07:03
BroUnicornYes please07:04
BroUnicornI restarted the network and the ssh07:04
BroUnicornssh before the network though07:04
soy_el_pulponetwork should be first, so the ssh now07:05
soy_el_pulpodo the ssh07:05
soy_el_pulpoand then ssh from anothe machine on your network07:05
soy_el_pulpoyour server is connected directly to your internet router?07:07
BroUnicornIt is directly connected07:09
soy_el_pulpodid you try from another machine? ssh to your server07:10
soy_el_pulpoafter all we did07:10
soy_el_pulpowith this we will rule out server configuration07:10
BroUnicornNot yet07:10
soy_el_pulpoplease try07:10
BroUnicornI have not yet07:10
BroUnicornone second07:10
soy_el_pulpoalso on the server do: netstat -atn|grep "22 "07:11
soy_el_pulpowhile ssh'ing form the other machine07:11
BroUnicornconnection refused07:11
BroUnicornor should I just ssh using the 192.168.2.XX IP address07:12
BroUnicornI tried using my external IP07:12
soy_el_pulpotry using the internal one07:12
soy_el_pulpothen we will move to your router07:12
BroUnicornI can ssh in locally07:13
BroUnicornI could before though07:13
BroUnicornI just cannot externally07:13
soy_el_pulpodo: netstat -atn|grep "22 "07:13
soy_el_pulpopaste the results please07:14
soy_el_pulpoalso do: iptables -L07:15
soy_el_pulpoand paste the results07:15
soy_el_pulpo(I am almost sure it is your internet router but I need to clear al this first)07:16
BroUnicornokay here's netstat07:17
BroUnicornand here's the iptable07:18
soy_el_pulpoyou see there your active internal connection, keep that command for the future07:18
soy_el_pulpogood, so no fw on your server and ssh is listening to all07:19
soy_el_pulpo0.0.0.0:22 means that07:19
soy_el_pulpolets move to the router07:19
soy_el_pulpobrand and model please?07:19
soy_el_pulpoI check form here and port 22 is not open07:20
BroUnicornone second07:20
BroUnicornF9K1103 v1 (01C)07:21
soy_el_pulpoi am checking the manual...07:24
BroUnicornThank you!07:24
soy_el_pulpomanual has nothing about port forwarding...07:24
BroUnicornCheck Virtual Servers07:25
BroUnicornunder Firewall07:25
soy_el_pulpohow you did it? check this guide: http://www.justanswer.com/mac-computers/6hj82-set-port-forwarding-belkin-f9k1103-osx-lion-serve.html07:26
soy_el_pulpocheck the ip of your server07:27
soy_el_pulpoand the ports07:27
BroUnicornthe local ip of my server?07:28
soy_el_pulpogoto step 407:29
soy_el_pulpoon the table07:29
soy_el_pulpois there something already?07:29
soy_el_pulpoor it is empty?07:29
soy_el_pulpoDescription=Server ssh07:30
BroUnicornThere's something that I put there07:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:31
soy_el_pulpouse imagebin to show me a screenshot07:31
soy_el_pulpogot it07:36
soy_el_pulpoinbound is wrong...07:36
soy_el_pulporemove it..07:37
soy_el_pulpoand put "kronos ssh" on the description07:37
soy_el_pulpowill help in the future07:37
BroUnicornOkay I removed it07:37
BroUnicornwon't let me07:37
BroUnicornGave me an error07:37
soy_el_pulpook.. it says somethins that needs to be in between 1 and 6xxxxx?07:38
BroUnicornNo 1.The number in port entry box should be between 1 - 65535.07:38
BroUnicornit does07:38
soy_el_pulpoput those numbers: 1-6xxxx07:39
soy_el_pulpoi do not remember the last number...07:39
BroUnicornwait, put what?07:40
soy_el_pulpoinbound: "1-65000"07:40
soy_el_pulpothat means all incoming..07:40
BroUnicornOkay I applied it07:42
soy_el_pulpoit did not ask to restart the router?07:43
BroUnicornConnection refused again though07:44
soy_el_pulpothat is correct..07:46
soy_el_pulpobad but correct..07:46
soy_el_pulpohold on07:48
soy_el_pulpocan you send me the full screen capture of that page?07:49
BroUnicornOf the router page?07:49
soy_el_pulpoyes please07:50
soy_el_pulpocan you click on more info?07:54
BroUnicornIt brought up a very large page07:55
soy_el_pulpoexternal link?07:55
soy_el_pulpoor from your router?07:55
BroUnicornFrom my router07:57
soy_el_pulpommm does it say anything about incoming ports?07:57
soy_el_pulpocheck your external ip: http://www.whatismyip.com/07:57
soy_el_pulpoif the ip still correct, my worst feeling is that your provider is blocking the access07:59
soy_el_pulpoalso, may check if the firmware is upto date...08:00
soy_el_pulpoif not patch it and try again08:00
soy_el_pulpobut so far everything is right08:00
BroUnicornokay well thanks anywayts08:00
soy_el_pulpowhat the page syas?08:00
soy_el_pulpoyour ip still correct?08:01
soy_el_pulpois it?08:03
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RoyKuh... umounting this xfs filesystem and running a check, xfs_check tells me it's still mounted?!?10:23
ndeeI'm using htop to monitor my db-server. The server has 32GB RAM and is a dedicated db-server. 19.7G is used by mysql and that's about the main usage. http://screencast.com/t/1P6vu5wnom3 <-- that's a screenshot of the complete htop tree. What I don't understand is, why does the server still swap 189MB?10:24
RoyKlinux starts swapping out garbage early10:24
RoyKbetter use the RAM for something useful than keeping stuff not in use in memory10:25
RoyKyou can tune this with the vm.swappiness sysctl setting10:25
RoyKdefault is 60 (0-100). setting it to 1 or something will make linux only start swapping out when it really have to, but the default setting is probably good10:26
ndeeRoyK, I just saw that most of it is mysql which uses the swap but that's not something I should worry about then?10:26
RoyKndee: I don't think you can see what's using the swap10:28
RoyKiirc linux will normally swap out pages that hasn't been referenced much10:28
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
sarthorHI, CUPs intalled, but I am unable to add Epson LX-300 Dotmatrix printer to my ubuntu-server machine, Printer is shared on some Win7 Machine, and I can access via other ubuntu-Desktop machine, working fine.  Help please.11:15
sarthor "Session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE" where can I write login/password for the shared printer using cups?11:20
RoyKsarthor: dot matrix printer?!? like the ones we used in the eightees? ;)11:31
RoyKsarthor: anyway - sounds to me like a cups or samba issue - not sure11:32
sarthorRoyK: Yes. Why in Eightees.. its In now a days for multiple copies.11:33
sarthorthis is the righ way for inter the url for the smb printer..   smb://[username:password@][workgroup/]server[:port]/printer11:34
RoyKlooks right11:40
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maxagazhow do I have more and more "/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start" in my pa aux listing with the time ?13:35
maxagazwhen I have too much it seems my websites get slower, and at some point I need to restart apache13:36
Hans11Want to export a ssl certificate to another server but it is not valid13:53
rotten777I'm having an issue creating a local repo... I've run the apt-mirror command and it downloaded the 95gb+ to the local drive, but it seems like parts of the mirror are missing when running `apt-get update`14:07
rotten777any help?14:07
rotten777I'm not sure if my entry in sources.list is bad or that the apt-mirror command needs some more parameters added14:07
Hans11Somebody experience with certificates and Nginx, need to convert it from another server14:08
=== arrrghhhAWAY is now known as arrrghhh
WouterNLDHi guys, I´m looking for an OS that can server as a home media NAS. It should be able to handle ZFS fylesystem, samba shares and should work with popular plugins such as Sickbeard/Transmission/Couchpotato. Am i in the right place?15:33
* ball wonders what plug-ins are.15:34
WouterNLDAh, it´s the dumbed down way of saying software :)15:34
ballWouterNLD: I'm about to build something along those lines myself.15:35
ballTried to buy a case for it yesterday but the local computer shop was out of stock.15:35
WouterNLDHeres the deal, I used to be on OpenMediaVault NAS software, wich was based on linux and was fine. I used to have 2 disks and that was all good. Mirror raid > no problemo.15:35
WouterNLDI have a HP Microserver N40L with 8gb ram15:35
WouterNLDIt does however not come with a hardware raid controller, so i´m stuck to software raid15:36
ballPeople seem to like the N40L.15:36
WouterNLDYea it´s a neat little thing, and i got it really cheaply15:36
ballWouterNLD: Not having hardware RAID isn't much of a limitation.15:36
ball...I know some people actually prefer it.15:36
WouterNLDi´ve upgraded the box to 4 disks. While mdadm is fine for 2 disks, it´s too processor intensive for a little 1.4 dual core AMD NEO processor15:36
WouterNLDAnd with the lack of battery pack of the box, Raid-5 is suicide15:37
WouterNLDSo i decided to go with ZFS15:37
ballShouldn't be processor intensive if you're doing RAID 1+015:37
WouterNLDTrue however I think ZFS is secure enough and gives me more space15:38
WouterNLDWell, seeing as OMV doesn´t support zfs, i went to FreeNAS15:38
WouterNLDand to be honest,15:38
WouterNLDFreeBSD is a pain in the ass15:38
WouterNLD*mind the language*15:39
WouterNLDIt´s nice as a basic nas with zfs, but as a media server is is simply horrific15:39
WouterNLDSo i thought, why not ubuntu server. I like ubuntu, i like linux much better then freebsd, it´s easier, zfs is availble, i´m sure i can install some of the media software fairly easily because it´s around for the desktop version aswell15:40
arrrghhhzfs is available on Linux?15:40
ballWouterNLD: Ah, I have no idea about Ubuntu Server.  I was planning to use OpenIndiana.15:40
arrrghhhnot sure I'd want to use ZFS in that state... just me.15:41
WouterNLDYes i read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS, i don´t really see the downside?15:41
arrrghhhWouterNLD, it's not availalbe in Linux.  You have to use it as a FUSE module15:42
arrrghhhI guess you can add a kernel module... still would concern me that a file system is not natively supported.15:42
WouterNLDThere is a native kernel module..?15:43
arrrghhhdid you read that page?  lol15:43
WouterNLDWhat is the downside of a fuse module?15:43
arrrghhhit's not part of the OS15:43
WouterNLDarrrghhh, yes i did, lol -.-15:43
arrrghhhI used to access NTFS thru the FUSE module, was turrible.15:43
WouterNLDoo i remember using that15:43
WouterNLDyea that ain15:43
WouterNLD´t good15:43
arrrghhhgranted NTFS is also turrible15:44
ballIs mdadm the Linux software RAID thing?  I imagine that could do RAID 1+0 without too much CPU overhead.15:44
arrrghhhyes mdadm is the linux software raid doohickey15:44
tohuwHow can I output a description/visualization of my entire OpenLDAP tree, recursively?15:44
tohuw(Specifically, all DNs and objectClasses)15:44
arrrghhhWouterNLD, I would just be cautious about using ZFS.  It's a great concept, but until it's "part of" Linux, I wouldn't trust it with my critical data.15:45
arrrghhhtohuw, I know the CTO of OpenLDAP, but no clue how to use it xD  sorry15:45
ballOr you could run it on an OS that it /is/ part of.  ...just saying.15:45
arrrghhhtrying to think if there's a better channel for that...15:45
soy_el_pulpolike REISER, he went crazy and now is in jail15:45
soy_el_pulporeal jail, not CHROOT one15:46
arrrghhhReiserFS is promising15:46
arrrghhhBrtfs or whatever15:46
arrrghhhbut yea the dev went nuts and murdered his wife15:46
WouterNLDMaybe what i´ll do is.. I have a 4 disk zfs pool and a 1 disk backup pool. I´ll run the 4 disks in zfs for linux and back it up to a 1 disk seperate disk (non raid)15:46
tohuwReiserFS != Brtfs15:46
soy_el_pulpohe will kill his FS anytime!!!15:46
soy_el_pulpowith our files too15:46
soy_el_pulpohi all btw15:47
arrrghhhtohuw, oh I thought brtfs came out of reiser?15:47
arrrghhhBtrfs also has "a number of the same design ideas that reiser3/4 had".15:47
tohuwNo, not really. Chris Mason is the principal on btrfs, and while some inspiration from ReiserFS was taken, it bears little real resemblance. ReiserFS is effectively dead and not recommended.15:49
arrrghhhI realize this... lol15:49
arrrghhhI just thought some crap from btrfs was borne out of ideas used in ReiserFS... that's all.15:49
WouterNLDthanks for the input guys, off to a bbq :)15:51
arrrghhhwow.  so this is kinda OT, but related to what we were talking about... Reiser's wife was a mail-order bride bwhahaha15:52
arrrghhhI did not know it was a Russian mail-order bride...15:52
RoyKanyone that knows a decent SATA HBA that actually works? I have this old LSI 1068 controller, but my mobo won't detect it in the 16x pci-e bus. I just need something that works - no need for hw raid17:02
qman__RoyK, I have two of these in my file server: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681611811217:33
qman__the brackets are backwards though17:33
RoyKany idea if those will work in a standard desktop mobo's 16x slot?17:33
qman__wait, actually that one has the right bracket17:33
qman__I got mine from a different site with the wrong bracket17:34
qman__I'm using them in a gigabyte AMD desktop board17:34
qman__hold on, I'll find the exact one I bought17:34
qman__I got it from there because it's cheaper, but it's the same chipset17:36
qman__it just has a non-ATX bracket on it, had to do a little hacking17:36
RoyKqman__: http://www.ebay.com/itm/LSI-SAS-9211-8i-6Gbps-8-Ports-SAS-SATA-8-Port-PCI-e-RAID-Controller-Card-/190848825358?pt=US_Server_Disk_Controllers_RAID_Cards&hash=item2c6f79f80e ?17:39
RoyKqman__: any idea why this 1068 won't get detected by my mobo? perhaps some mobos have specially crafted 16x slots for display cards only?17:46
qman__I haven't run into that, but some of them have configuration on which slots to provide the lanes17:47
qman__many boards will have 2 or more x16 slot and be in a 16/4 or 8/8 configuration, and it may be manually configurable or autodetected17:47
RoyKthis one only has one 16x slot17:48
RoyKcard isn't even detected by bios17:48
RoyKseen posts about this issue other places on the net17:48
qman__maybe the card is 2.0 or 3.0 and not back compatible, the board is an older version?17:49
qman__the main difference between the versions is bandwidth17:49
RoyKmobo is pci-ex 1.0, I think, so is the hba17:50
qman__does the board have all the lanes?17:51
RoyKiirc the 1068 is 8 lanes17:52
RoyKI've used those rather a bit on some opensolaris servers17:53
qman__I haven't seen any boards that will go less than 8 on the only x16 slot17:53
RoyKbut then, on mobos with 8-lane slots17:53
RoyKthe 16x slot works with a 2-lane card, though17:54
nicekiwi_hey, somethings happend to my VPS. I cant acces it anymore. And I have no idea why not.18:12
swhi. how can I restore all the /etc/pam.d/common-* config files to their defaults?18:12
arrrghhhnicekiwi_, contact your provider?18:12
nicekiwi_Ubuntu 12.04 64bit, apache is runing wihtout issues, but I cant ping it or SSH into it anymore18:12
swnicekiwi_: your best option is probably contacting your host, rather than wasting hours trying to figure out what's going on18:12
arrrghhhthat's why you pay for it, right?  :P18:13
nicekiwi_unless its something I did?18:13
swor, can someone paste them?18:13
arrrghhhsw, I don't think I've changed mine...18:14
swarrrghhh: oh, could you maybe pastebin?18:14
arrrghhhnicekiwi_, we don't know what you've done :D18:14
arrrghhhsw, I will 1 sec18:14
sw-auth, -account, -password?18:14
swnicekiwi_: what did you last do before things broke?18:15
arrrghhhsw, http://pastebin.com/FJg9MAEH18:16
nicekiwi_sw: disabled ufw and added a entry to my hosts file.18:16
arrrghhhsw, http://pastebin.com/qBuaxH2E18:17
arrrghhhsw, last one http://pastebin.com/AswW7BCU18:17
jacksonkaI am Running Ubuntu 12.04 on HPM110g6 on static ip address assigned by provider.  I would like to install Jabber2 starttls on port 5222 with MYSQL database.  Has anyone done something like this before?  Steps I have completed. 1) sudo apt-get install jabberd2 2)  ?18:20
Beltechshello how long will S12.04 be supported?18:21
arrrghhhBeltechs, for a full matrix see here18:21
swarrrghhh: thanks! think you had some samba parts in there, I removed them and it seems to be working now *wipes forehead*18:22
arrrghhhserver edition of 12.04 is April 201718:22
arrrghhhsw, np ;)18:22
Beltechsso about 4 years left...18:24
=== arrrghhh is now known as arrrghhhAWAY
Beltechswhat a nightmare I just getting the hang of this and its time to switch up again.18:25
jacksonkaI would like to see the Jabber2 info updated for the common deployment Jabberd2, MYSQL, require STARTLS,  jabber.mydomain.com ,port 5222 without register enable.  This setup should be in the guide for the SMB or SME market.18:30
andoljacksonka: Out of curiosity, what basis do you have for that being the common dployment?18:33
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jacksonkaWell, I think that a script to deploy this that would ask the questions and you provide the answers would make deployment straight forward.  Standard  deployment scenarios such as the one I just mentioned helps small business deploy world class solutions cost effectively.   Ubuntu did a great job with mail ie postfix-dovecot for example.18:36
jacksonkaThe postfix-dovecot package is the gold standard although manual installation is also possible.18:37
jacksonkaThis is was Ubuntu is all about.  sudo apt-get install bang!18:38
andoljacksonka: I don't doubt the benefit of such a thing, was mostly curious about the specifics, for example why a MySQL backend would be more common/better than say a sqlite, especially for the smaller setups you seem to be refering to.18:39
jacksonkaExcept crypto laws limit deployment efforts from providers18:39
jacksonkaHere is the reason.  When an SMB runs Accounting, Sales, Inventory, CRM, etc on Mysql then having other services on the same db reduces learning curve and makes SQL reporting thru MYSQL beautiful.18:41
jacksonkaIts all about solution topology.18:41
jacksonkaSo, SugarCRM, MYSQL, Postfix MYSQL, Jabberd2 Mysql, Drupal or news MYSQL etc.18:42
jacksonkaWhen generating reports the sql programmer can access the MYSQL databases all collectively and generate a report on a resource such as an employee.  If I want a performance report on an employee I can create a query report to access ALL databases for that employees activities for the day.18:44
jacksonkaBy the way it doesn't have to be MYSQL but could be Oracle or sqlite or other db but most programs work well with MYSQL.18:47
jacksonkaIf you want to do statistics, sales forecasting, or similar analysis this is quite valuable.18:48
jacksonkaThey did a great job with mail I just thought in other services as well the guide could be improved.  Just a humble suggestion.18:49
andoljacksonka: Again, not arguing the main point, was mostly curious about that detail.18:51
andolGuess the main problem is finding that Someone motivated enough to do the actual legwork.18:52
jacksonkaOk detail.  MySQL has loadable storage engines, SSL on port 3306, high scalability, large records and table capability.18:54
jacksonkaMySQL is already the defacto standard of the open source DB industry.  Would it not be sensible to take full advantage of this by providing MySQL and of course starttls in almost all the apps in the server guide.18:57
RoyKjacksonka: no, it's not. mysql is a lousy dbms compared to postgresql18:58
jacksonkaI agree PostgreSql is more flamboyant but few company's standardize on it.  Facebook uses MYSQL MEMCACHE.18:59
RoyKI don't care what facebook uses19:00
jacksonkaAlternatively, if the guide provided both MYSQL and POSTGRES scripts or options over starttls or ssl then presto.19:00
jacksonkaFor example, the guide provides lan and berkeley db install instructions yet today workers work at home and telecomute.  Oh, mobile is also very important.19:02
jacksonkaIf you deploy ssl or secure tunneling then public infrastructure can be used and workers would be free to engage clients and associates and more ergonomic, flexible and productive was.  This conserves office space.  Another plus!19:04
jacksonkaThis open computing idea synergizes well with Ubuntu Server, Desktop, Tablet, large screen tv and obviously Ubuntu phone.19:06
jacksonkaI love the Ubuntu concept and would like to see it grow.19:07
jacksonkaAnyway I will be attempting to manually install Jabberd2, MYSQL, STARTTLS port 5222 with no registry enabled.  Pre-registry by admin would be required in the DB.19:10
jacksonkaI fill you guys in on my success or failure.19:10
=== arrrghhhAWAY is now known as arrrghhh
=== hallyn_ is now known as hallyn
=== Jever| is now known as Jevermeister
arrrghhhhey all.  I'm trying to get my server, which is running OpenVPN as a client, to split traffic...21:01
arrrghhhas I can ssh just fine when the OpenVPN client is not running... but when the tunnel is up, I can't ssh from other remote locations21:01
cppCzarI need help with my server.21:18
cppCzarI cannot ssh to it through my router's external ip address, meaning that I cannot connect to it without a local connection21:18
habr100A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.21:19
RoyKcppCzar: if you can connect to it over the LAN, it's a problem with the router config21:21
jacksonkaOnly way is go to server with monitor and use password auth21:21
cppCzaruse password auth?21:22
cppCzarand okay RoyK21:22
jacksonkaBut, then you can enable ssh for both cert and pam etc for options21:22
cppCzarRoyK: Do I need to have a static ip address? and jacksonka what are vert and pam?21:22
jacksonkaI use Elliptic Curve DSA encryption for ssh authentication.21:23
jacksonkaElliptic Curve DSA 521 is military grade encryption approved by the United States government for top secret classification e docs.21:24
jacksonkaCert is certificate authentication so you don't have to use a password to log in.21:24
jacksonkaUbuntu currently recommends ECDSA certificate authentication for Ubuntu Servers.21:25
jacksonkaUse Openssh and google to find sesson on ECDSA52121:25
cppCzarOkay! Could you help me to set that up (once I get it connectable worldwide)?21:26
jacksonkaYes you just need the script which you can get of the net.21:26
jacksonkaIt is very fast21:26
cppCzarSounds great. But I'm still having trouble figuring this problem out21:26
jacksonkaI don't remember the exact procedure but it is easy to find on the net.21:27
jacksonkaYou must go to the server with a monitor and cable and log in through localhost21:27
cppCzarI can ssh in locally21:28
jacksonkaYou must be physically at the server.21:28
cppCzarbut I'm also physically at the server21:28
cppCzarI'm logged onto the server21:28
jacksonkaOk I will find session for you on net.  One minute21:28
jacksonkaFirst,  sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config21:29
jacksonkaThis is the daemon configuration file.21:30
jacksonkaBe careful.21:30
jacksonkaHere you can use alt ports21:30
jacksonkaInstead of port 22 you can use port 222221:30
jacksonkaor any other to improve security.21:30
cppCzarI have it at 2221:31
jacksonkaSo if you want standard port leave it at 2221:31
cppCzarI had changed it to something else last night21:31
jacksonkaBut everyone knows it is 2221:32
cppCzarbut I changed it back because I couldn't ssh into the server over internet outside of local21:32
cppCzarthen I'll change it again21:32
jacksonkaOK sudo apt-get install nmap21:32
cppCzaron my server?21:33
jacksonkavery important21:33
jacksonkaor on your pc client laptop or server21:33
cppCzarCool, that's the port searcher correct?21:33
jacksonkaIt will tell you whether the port is listening.21:33
cppCzarI'm getting errors21:34
jacksonkaafter install then nmap mydomain.com21:34
jacksonkawhat is the error21:34
cppCzara bunch of lines saying "Failed to fetch http://"...21:34
cppCzarwith different websites21:35
jacksonkabecause you are not on the internet21:35
cppCzarbut I managed to install openssh21:35
jacksonkayou need to reboot dsl or cable modem or other ip access21:35
cppCzarhow do I reboot dsl?21:35
cppCzarand should I just turn off my modem and router and turn them back on?21:36
cppCzarOr do I need to reboot something in command line?21:36
jacksonkathen wait21:36
jacksonkaand pray21:36
jacksonkashut down everything gracefully if you can.21:36
cppCzar_I'm back now21:39
cppCzar_I restarted it21:40
cppCzar_I have an important question though21:40
cppCzar_I have a wireless card on my server21:40
jacksonkaping a public domain21:40
cppCzar_and in the installation I have no idea if it installed using the wireless or the lan21:40
cppCzar_it being the server21:40
jacksonkaNever use wireless on a server21:41
cppCzar_so I want to change that21:41
cppCzar_and disable it from command line21:41
jacksonkaNO DOUBT21:41
cppCzar_Can you help me do that?21:42
jacksonkaFIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS SB TO hardwire your box to your router21:42
cppCzar_I have it locally connected21:42
jacksonkaDo you have a ether cable going from your server to your router21:43
cppCzar_I had it locally connected when I installed it, but I also had the wireless card inserted and on21:43
jacksonkaturn of the wireless card21:43
jacksonkayou do not need it21:43
cppCzar_Okay, but how?21:43
cppCzar_Do I just need to completely take it out of the computer?21:44
jacksonkaI s your machine an actual server or just a desktop?21:44
jacksonkaThat is the problem.  Servers don't come with wireless garbo21:44
uvirtbotcppCzar_: Error: ".^" is not a valid command.21:44
jacksonkaOk, but you can still improvise server services21:45
cppCzar_Okay, so do I need to completely remove it from the desktop, or is there a way to disable wireless from CLI?21:45
jacksonkaCompletely remove the wireless card from the server.21:45
jacksonkaUnless your internet service is wireless.21:46
jacksonkaYour service sb from dsl or cable modem with a static ip address for server class operations.21:46
cppCzar_What is sb?21:46
jacksonkashould be21:46
cppCzar_Okay, how can I make sure it has a static ip address?21:47
cppCzar_I will begin removing the wireless card21:47
jacksonkaIt should cost more from your provider and they should have given you a fixed ip if you requested one.21:47
jacksonkaMine is $10 a month.21:47
cppCzar_Ah, I haven't requested one21:48
jacksonkaNo free lunches.  This is real world class internet services bud.21:48
jacksonkaIf your are on dynamic stop right here and get a fixed ip.  I will help you with everything else.  Where are you from ccpCzar21:49
cppCzar_United states21:49
cppCzar_How do I get a fixed ip?21:50
cppCzar_I assume I have to contact my isp21:50
cppCzar_Do I just call and ask? haha21:50
jacksonkaYou want IPV4 with four octets something like
cppCzar_And they won't give the server a static IP, but they'll give the router a static ip right?21:51
cppCzar_well when I look at my Network setting under TCP/IP21:51
jacksonkaNo they usually give you two one for the router and one for the server21:51
cppCzar_I have an IPV4 address21:51
cppCzar_on my laptop, not the server21:52
cppCzar_What do you mean?21:52
jacksonkano you want to configure the server for the fixed ip not the laptop21:52
jacksonkasudo vim /etc/network/interfaces21:52
cppCzar_I know, but I don't know how since it's only command line21:52
cppCzar_I'm not sure if it's right though21:53
jacksonkaThe router provides DHCP Dynamic Host Controller Program services for ip leases.21:53
cppCzar_because it's like,
cppCzar_Okay, so what does that mean?21:54
jacksonkaWhat is your public fixed ip address given from your ip provider?21:54
jacksonkaNot 192.168......21:54
jacksonkaFixed public ip21:55
cppCzar_I'm not sure21:55
cppCzar_how do I find out21:55
jacksonkaCall your ip service provided to ensure they gave you one or ask them to.21:55
cppCzar_Oh this is the 10$ a month thing?21:55
jacksonkabottom line21:56
cppCzar_So just because we have internet doesn't mean we have a public fixed ip address21:56
cppCzar_Alright. Do I just ask for a public fixed ip address?21:56
jacksonkaMake sure it is ip421:57
cppCzar_well I guess I'll come back when I do that21:57
cppCzar_thank you21:57
tohuwCan someone assist me in understanding why apparently none of the entries in this LDIF load? http://pastebin.ca/2387803 contains the LDIF. The ldapadd syntax and error messages are at http://pastebin.ca/2387804. This is a freshly installed slapd from the provided package for Ubuntu 12.04.21:59
enragedI failed to enter my LVM decryption phrase in time and I was presented with an initramfs tool called BusyBox. Could anyone help me with, A, shutting down the computer from this terminal, and B, reinitiating the LVM decryption process without restarting my machine?22:08
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
arrrghhhhey all.  I'm trying to get my server, which is running OpenVPN as a client, to split traffic...22:33
arrrghhhas I can ssh just fine when the OpenVPN client is not running... but when the tunnel is up, I can't ssh from other remote locations22:33
VSpikeIs open vpn adding a default route via the tunnel?22:48
arrrghhhVSpike, yes.  It appears to add a route for it, and put a metric of 100 on my "normal" default route22:49
arrrghhhthis is fine, I would prefer it to tunnel by default... but there's a few services like ssh and ddclient perhaps that I would like to place "outside" of this tunnel22:49
qman__arrrghhh, do you mean incoming connections only?22:55
arrrghhhqman__, well for example... if I force dyndns.org to point to my actual IP instead of the tunnel IP22:56
arrrghhhI can 'see' the SSH connections coming in... but it never establishes a connection.22:56
arrrghhhif I tear down tun0, all is well.22:56
qman__so what's happening is, the connection comes in directly, but your default route is over the tunnel and it sends the return traffic out that way22:56
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
qman__if you tweak routing settings the same way you would for dual wan, it will fix that problem22:57
arrrghhhcorrect.  can you help me with this, or perhaps show me a guide to do this?22:58
arrrghhhI would think a separate routing table would do this, and I would mark the packets with iptables?22:58
qman__that's obviously the way to do it live, you'd have to add it with the appropriate additions in /etc/network/interfaces to get it on boot22:59
arrrghhhhm ok23:00
arrrghhhqman__, can I do this with a dynamic tun0 address?23:00
arrrghhheth0 is static, but tun0 gets a new address everytime the tunnel is started23:00
qman__you could, might have to do some tricks putting it in if-up.d for that interface or something23:00
arrrghhhwell the vpn is started with a init.d script23:01
qman__then you could just add it to the end of that23:02
qman__you can do something like this to get your IP in the script23:02
qman__ip a s tun0 | grep inet\  | awk {'print $2'}23:02
arrrghhhqman__, does this guide work for Ubuntu Server?23:14
arrrghhhMaybe I'm not understanding how to enter these routes (entirely possible, I am a routing n00b)23:14
qman__it's generally applicable to the linux kernel23:14
arrrghhhqman__, the first route add command is failing...23:16
arrrghhhsudo ip route add dev eth0 src table T123:16
qman__that's because you're not giving it a network address23:17
qman__if you're in a class C, it should be
arrrghhhgiving what a network address?23:17
arrrghhhright, I needed the mask23:17
arrrghhhhm.  I still get "Error: argument "T1" is wrong: "table" value is invalid"23:18
arrrghhhderp, remove the T23:18
qman__so basically what you're doing is telling linux to return traffic from whence it came, instead of just using the default route23:19
qman__and then configuring your default route to be over your actual preferred interface23:19
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
enragedI failed to enter my LVM decryption phrase in time and I was presented with an initramfs tool called BusyBox. Could anyone help me with, A, shutting down the computer from this terminal, and B, reinitiating the LVM decryption process without restarting my machine?23:26
qman__ctrl+alt+del should reboot it23:27
qman__if you've been dropped to busybox, I don't think you can go back and continue23:28
qman__I honestly don't know why they put it in there, I have yet to find any use for it at all23:28
enragedAbility to manually choose which drivers get loaded23:29
enragedAtleast, that's my understanding of it23:29
enragedBut yeah, thanks for that cad, I'll give it a go next time.23:29
enragedOn the reinitiating the decryption, well, it seems to start in initramfs so there must be a way23:30
arrrghhhqman__, sorry not sure what messages went thru.  do I only need to setup ths return path on the non-tunnel interface?  and does this ensure all other traffic is still tunneled..?23:30
qman__arrrghhh, it needs to be set up for each interface which has a gateway23:32
qman__so, how I'd try it23:32
qman__add the part that creates a table for the interface to the main interface's config23:33
qman__and have it select that as the default route from the beginning23:33
qman__then, in the VPN config, have it set up the second table on tun0 and then select that one as the default instead23:33
arrrghhhhm.  I wonder if I need more complicated policy rules...23:34
arrrghhhI want to make sure the tunnel is the default for everything else, except ssh23:35
arrrghhhI already removed ddclient and put it on the router23:35
arrrghhhoh well, I'll have to come back to this.  thx for the help!23:38
=== arrrghhh is now known as arrrghhhAWAY
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
enragedOk, is there a way to use a PAM module when you use keys to login via ssh instead of a password?23:55

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